#I hope everyone's 2022 won't totally suck <3 hope I don't curse it...
fudgetunblr · 3 years
This is my "I love my mutuals" post of 2021
This year started out as one of the worst years of my life, and I am ending it in a much better place. That is due in part to my incredible mutuals <3 I could probably write some individual thank you notes to every single person for making my year better, but I'll spare you all that sappines. Posts like these are stressful, because I know I'll miss tagging someone, but I hope I won't, and if I do I'm really, really sorry. Anyways, I love ya'll and I really appreciate your presence on my dash :)
@binarystarkillers @himbomcconnell @jovalencia @jorgecrespo @hidden-joy @dreashappyworld @lit-beyond-measure @alexiaugustin @yourtokentrophywife @eriiees @sundaymorningisgone @kieumy @thefabulousfab-3 @manatheren @ancientgreekvampire @yellenabelovas @norangensaft @lilacpotter @gaydickensianpickpockets @mein-tag-ist-deine-daemmerung @70slesbian @judeswarpaint @forwardiscalling @donttouchtheneednoggle
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