#I honestly don't care if you guys think I'm stupid or bratty
yeppeun-riaa · 6 months
What do you think their type of girl is: ran, rindou, sanzu and kakucho
MDNI 18+
Not proofread. Idk why rans own is the shortest because hes my fav😫, I got carried away with the rest😭,hope you enjoy tho, thank you for the ask💕!
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Ran is into brats! women that are stubborn, women that have an attitude that will be the death of them, women that are way to dramatic and clingy, overall just downright bratty, he'd love to put them in their place when they decide to bitch out on him, he's sadistic and loves to watch them cry while he punishes them.
'You really thought you'd get away after pulling that shit? Then fucking think again, whore, you should be glad I'm putting that dirty mouth of yours to good use' he'd say through gritted teeth while using your mouth th get himself off.
ALSO. He likes when she plays hard to get, he always up for a challenge. I think he'd also be into very studious girs, like student council, top of all her classes type shit because it boosts his ego, and melts his heart, knowing that someone so uptight would crumble within mere seconds under his touch.
He honestly just loves women, he really isn't that picky when it comes to his type but he would fall 10× harder for a girl if she was clingy and really into pda. You might disagree but I think rindou is a moderate fan of pda😭 he just loves all the attention he'd get.... The fact that his girlfriend would always want to hold hands or want him to have his anywhere on her body, a girl that just needs him would ignite a fire in him, he may not show it but he enjoys being wanted...
Your mouth hung agape and you saw stars as rindou thrusted into you at an inhumane pace, all while bending you almost painfully over the sink. "Fuck—rin!" You cried as his hand came down on your ass, you looked like a mess as you locked gaze with yourself in the mirror, tears streaming down your face, makeup all ruined while rindou pounded into you from behind. "You just can't keep your hands to yourself huh?" He says punctuating each word with a slap to your behind. "Don't fucking cry, you wanted this and now you'll take everything I give you and thank me after" yeah... when you came back to the others it was pretty obvious what went down.
He likes himself a bimbo, a woman that's that kind, caring, innocent and downright stupid, a girl that's book smart, but stupid in anything else. The type dumb of girl that walks around in tight clothes and thinks the men staring at her being friendly, of course he gets annoyed when she fails to realize that someone is flirting with her, or when she ask the most dumb question and won't stop fucking talking, but it's okaayyy, he loves to shut her up and teach her a lesson!!
"W-wait haru! too much" you'd yelp from your spot on the bed, trying to break free from your restraints to tug him away from your aching pussy. He smirks and runs his tongue up your slit, sticking one more finger into your tight littel hole and sucking harshly on your clit, "you're a fucking whore, if i didn't know any better I'd think you did that on purpose because you wanted a punishment" he spat harshly at you, you lost count of how many times you came, all you were sure of was that he needed to stop because it was all too much. "Baby I'm sorry! I di-didn't know he was flirting", he scoffs slapping your cunt making tears form on your waterline, "how could you not know? He was all up in your fucking face, talking about he could be better to you than me, are you dumb, or just dumb." It was a statement, not a question and you mourned seeing him sit up to undo his pants, it was gonna be a long fucking night.
Kakucho is another one that just loves women♡ he's smitten for women that are confident, it drives him crazy (in a good way) when a girl is passionate and radiates good energy. That popular girl that everyone knows and loves, the girl that every guy wants, the girl that everyone would throw hands for if she ever cried. He wants that type of girl so he can be there for her, and see the side of her no one else gets to. Even the sad side that she never shows, he'll take great pride that he was able to break down her walls and be the only one too see her In that different night. He want to be the one that makes the false happiness, that no one else could detect, real.
"Shh, it's okay" he'd whisper sweet nothings I to your ear at night while he made love to you. Some nights rough, others slow and sensual, it all depended on how you felt, and right now you were sad, all you wanted was the him to love on you, melt all the sadness away. And that's exactly what he would do.
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: Colby is readers fake date to a wedding
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, friends to lovers, alcohol consumption, reader has a bridezilla for a sister, fake dating, hair pulling, fingering, cute pet names, unprotected slightly drunken sex, filthy
Word count: 5.6k | not edited
Not a request
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"You'll be at the rehearsal dinner on Friday night, right?" Your mother asks, causing your, bride to be, sister's head to perk up.
"Yes, mom. I'll be there." You close your laptop, leaning back against the couch, "What time again?"
"How do you-"
Your mom cuts your sister off, "It's at six, but try to be there no later than five thirty."
"Do you have a date?" Your sister asks turning towards you, "Because I want it to be an even number, you know." You take a slow, almost silent breath.
You didn't want to lie, but you also didn't want to sit and be ridiculed by your bridezilla sister, so you did what you had to.
You lied.
"Yes, Clara. I have a frickin date, now would you just-"
"You do?" Your mother and sister both say at the same time, both slightly shocked.
"Yeah." You stand up, tucking your laptop between your arm and side, "I haven't said anything because it's new and I don't want you guys scaring him off."
"We won't." Clara says getting up, "Who is it?"
"You'll know when we come to the rehearsal dinner." You look at her, and she smirks, "Is this guy even real? You've been know for making up fake boyfriends before."
"I was seven, Clara. Would you let that go!?" You walk away from her, "Please.." you stop, turning around, "Just please.. don't ruin this for me."
"Why would I ruin it for you? It's my day. If anything shouldn't ruin anything it's you for me." Her words instantly piss you off, "Alright. I'm going to leave now before I-"
"We'll see you Friday, honey." Your mom cuts in, walking over. She lowers her voice as you make it to the front door, "You know how she is, y/n. You grew up with her for heavens sake."
You roll your eyes, "Yeah I was kind of hoping she'd grow out of her bratty personality but I guess we all don't get what we wish for."
Your mom kisses your head, "I know. But you'll understand one day." She smiles slightly, "I'm excited to meet this mystery man."
Yeah, me too, you think, "I'm sure he'll be excited to meet you guys." You smile, "Alright, I'll see you Friday. Love you."
"Love you. Drive careful." Your mom says before watching you walk down to your car. You get in, turning the car on and your mind instantly starts to race.
Who is going to be your secret mystery man?
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The next day, after an hour of scouring Tinder for someone who could potentially want to platonically join you for a wedding, there's a knock on your door.
You toss your phone down as you stand up, walking over to open your door.
In your mind, you thought it was probably just your sister coming over with another rule or more questions, but to your surprise, it's Colby.
"Oh my god." You gasp, practically jumping into his arms, "When did you get back?!" He walks into your apartment, arms still around your waist, "This morning."
"How was your trip?" You put your hands on his shoulders, leaning back to look up at him, "I didn't think you'd be back for another week or so."
He turns to shut your door, "Yeah, so did we. Our plans got cut short and honestly Sam and I both agreed that we didn't want to get arrested again so we skipped out on the abandoned school."
You laugh, shaking your head, "I wouldn't have liked that phone call, but I mean, at the same time it might have gotten me out of going to my sister's stupid wedding."
Colby raises his brows, "Oh yeah." He frowns slightly, "That is this weekend isn't it."
You lean on the counter, nodding your head slowly, "Yep, and I am absolutely dreading it."
"Why? Isn't everything pretty much done?" He leans against the counter across from you and you laugh, "Everything on their end, yes. My end, not so much."
"What do you mean?" Colby asks and you can feel your face heating up from embarrassment, "Well.. um." Colby laughs slightly, "Come on, y/n. Tell me."
"Clara wants all the guests to bring a plus one." You start out and Colby nods, "okay?" You sigh, "And me.. being the loner that I am, don't have one and to make a long story short-"
"You told them you did when you really didn't just go get them off your back?" Colby finishes your sentence and you look at him kind of shocked, "Y-yeah. That."
He chuckles slightly and shakes his head before looking at you, "Do I know you? Or do I know you?"
"You know me." You smile, "So I've been on Tinder scouring the options for someone who would remotely se-"
"No." Colby cuts you off again, "You don't need to use that. You can't trust anyone on there." He shakes his head, "I'm back early. I'll go with you."
"What?" You laugh slightly, "Really?"
He nods, "Well yeah, you can trust me and you need a date, and I'm available, so." He smiles up at you, "What do you say? Can I be your date to this wedding?"
You smile, tilting your head, "I would love for you to be my date to this wedding."
Colby stays for a little bit longer, you fill him in on the dress code, what the menu is, and everything else involving Clara's strict rules.
"Are you okay with staying in a hotel Friday into Saturday, possibly Saturday into Sunday? Depending on how the night goes and how drunk I get to avoid my snobby family."
He laughs, "You had me at open bar, so I figured we'd be staying somewhere."
"Glad you picked up on that already." You laugh, letting out a sigh, "I have to go pick up my dress. Clara insists that guests wear Navy blue or black and her bridesmaids are in a pale, dusty pink color." You roll your eyes and Colby tilts his head, "I don't know, I think navy blue will look good on you."
You shrug, "We'll see."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It honestly wasn't weird that you and Colby were going to a wedding together. You and him have been good friends for so long, and honestly, it feels right.
You can trust him. He won't push anything on you that you don't want. He knows enough about your family because he's who you constantly bitch to.
He's your best friend, as you are his.
It was totally platonic.
Or so you both thought.
Colby was going to be there any minute and you can feel your heart gradually thumping harder the closer the time got to his arrival.
"Shit." You huff, looking at your back in the mirror at the bow that is lopsided and definitely not up to par for tonight's event.
There's a knock on the door and you hurry out, heels clicking against the hardwood floor until you stop at the door, "Hey."
"Wow." Colby nods as he walks in, "I was right."
"Right about what?" You say as you turn to face him from closing the door. He motions to your dress, "Navy blue looks good on you."
You smile, "Thank you. Can you tie this for me?" You turn around and Colby steps towards you, "Let me guess, it has to be perfect?"
You laugh, "Yes sir, it does."
You feel the strings pull against your skin, "Alright. Let me know how I did." You nod and walk back into your room, turning to look at the bow in the mirror, "Better than I could have done."
You grab your suitcase, containing your other dress for the actual wedding and comfy clothes for after, "Alright." You sigh looking up at him, "Let's do this."
"You have an hour and a half to collect yourself, y/n." He chuckles as he takes your bag, "I think everything will be fine."
You raise your brows, making sure you have everything before you walk out, "that's not enough, Colby. You know that. There's a reason you've never met them."
"Do you think they'll like me?" He presses the elevator button before looking at you. You smirk slightly, "You're a successful YouTuber with awards, I don't think you have any worry."
He nods, laughing as you both step onto the elevator, "If that's all it'll take."
"Trust me, once I tell them who you are, they're going to try and steal you every chance they get." You look over at him, "My mom will want to know all about the ghostly other side."
"I'll be happy to inform them." He smiles and you shake your head, "You don't have to. I know you do that stuff on the daily, so it's totally okay for you to say no."
He chuckles, "Well just take it one step at a time."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The car ride consisted of you and Colby giving your do's and don't's, and to be honest.. There isn't much either of you listed in the don't category.
Colby pulls into the parking spot outside of the restaurant, "You got this." He looks over at you, "If it gets, too bad, but focus on me. I got you."
You smile, "Thank you for doing this."
"You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad you didn't have to come with a random asshole." He laughs, "You ready?"
You look forward, taking a deep breath as you see your mom and dad walk in, "I don't have a choice.. so.." you look back over at him, "Let's go."
He gets out, walking over to your door and opening it up, "You'll be fine." He closes your door, turning to wrap his arm around your waist, "I promise."
You smile, wrapping your arm around his waist, "I owe you, big time for this."
"I'm sure we can come up with something." He smiles as he opens the door, allowing you to walk in first, "Where do we go?"
You nod towards the side, "I think there in a priva-"
"Hello, are you here for the y/l/n-Marris rehearsal dinner?" The host asks and you nod, "Yes, we are." He nods, "Follow me this way."
He leads you to the side and your hand searches for Colby's, squeezing nervously as you grow closer to facing your family, "Right in here."
The host motions in and you nod. Colby gives him a quick 'thank you' before walking in.
"There she is!" Your mom says standing up, walking over to be the first one to greet you, "How was the drive?"
You hug her, "It was good. Mom." You motion to Colby, "This is Colby. Colby, this is my mom, Heather."
"It's so nice to finally meet you." Your mom says laying a hand on his shoulder. Clara walks up, "So he isn't a made up boyfriend like before. I honestly can say that I'm surprised, y/n."
Clara smirks at you before reaching her hand out to take Colby's, "I'm Clara. The bride to be. Thank you so much for coming."
Colby glances at you and you raise your brows. He looks back to her, "Yes, congratulations. I'm Colby."
She squints, "Wait. Is your last name Brock?"
"Clara." You sigh, "Let's not make it-"
"No, babe. It's okay." Colby winks, "Yes, my last name is brock." Clara's mouth drops, "No frickin way, mom." She looks to Heather and points to Colby, "This is Colby, from Sam and Colby. The ones that Cash watch on YouTube."
"The ghost hunters?" Your mom raises her brows, "Oh he's going to have a cow."
You laugh, moving to Colby's side, "He just got back from two week trip over seas, can we please just treat him like a regular person please."
"Fine, for now. But I have a few questions." Your mom laughs as she points to Colby and you whisper, "Told ya."
He chuckles and nods, "Yes. Find me later. I'll be happy to talk to you." You smile, staring at Clara, "Come on, honey. Let's go find our seats."
Colby walks with you to the table, and holds your chair as you sit down. You look over at him as he sits down, giving him a smile, "So far so good."
He smiles and nods, "Agreed."
You look up, "Hi dad." You smile, "This is Colby."
Colby stands up, reaching to shake his hand, "Hello, Mr. Y/l/n. How are you?" Your dad raises the glass in his hand, "Good now that I got one of these. Would you like one?"
Colby shakes his head, "No sir, I'm fine. Thank you."
Your dad nods, "So I hear your this Colby Brock? What's all the fuss about?"
Colby chuckles, "Oh. That." He nods, "I do a YouTube channel with my best friend from back home and we do paranormal investigations."
"Is that right?" Your dad tilts his head, "Do you make a living off of it?"
You stand up, "Dad."
"It's okay." Colby looks at you, "Um yeah. We're pretty successful with it. We have over eleven million followers on YouTube alone and we've won a teen choice award."
"Well I'll be damned." Your dad chuckles, "That's more than asshat McGee over there can say."
You laugh slightly, "Dad, be nice."
Your dad chuckles, "Sorry. I just.." he leans in to Colby, "I cannot stand Daniel. He's all looks, no brain. But you.." he lays a hand on Colby's shoulder, "I like you. You got your head on straight and you've amazed me in less than five minutes. I hope you stick around."
You can feel your cheeks warming up, "Okay dad. I think they're getting ready to start." Your dad smiles, "I'll be back don't you worry."
Colby nods, "I'll be here, sir." Your dad nods and turns to walk over to your mom before you and Colby sit back down, "Well." You lean in, "You got the approval from both of my parents in a matter of minutes, so that's a good thing."
"We got this in the bag, baby." Colby laughs and you smile, gaze still lurking on him after he looks away.
The clinking of forks on glass snap you out of your stare and you look away from Colby, picking up your slim Champagne glass.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"I can't believe how well that worked out." You say as you walk into the hotel room. Colby follows behind you, closing the door, "I told you everything would be okay."
"You know, my dad probably wasn't kidding when he said he liked you more than my sisters fiancé." You sit on the bed, slipping off your heels.
"Really? I guess he never really did elaborate on that." Colby chuckles as he loosens his tie, "Is he an asshole or something?"
You shrug, "I mean, yes and no. He is great to my sister, but at the same time, just the way he is and shit. He owns a company so his head swells, I guess."
"Mm. Yeah I've met people like that." Colby sits next to you, "Do you want the shower first?" You let out a sigh, "Yeah, I guess I can go first." You stand up, "Can you untie me."
Colby smirks as he reaches up, pulling the skinny string to loses your dress, "There ya be."
"Thank you." You smile at him before you walk towards the bathroom.
After your shower, you throw on one of the robes they have hanging on the wall and walk out, "All yours, Colbs."
He gets up. Unbuttoning his shirt as he walks towards the bathroom. You sit down on the bed, pulling your suitcase over. You rummage through, pulling out a pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt.
Once you heard the water run, you stand up to shrugging off the top of your robe. You slip your shirt on before slipping on your shorts. You lay the robe down, sitting back down on the bed and switching the tv on.
A little while later, Colby walks out, "They really went all out with the hotel choice, didn't they?" He runs the towel over his hair and you look over at him, "Oh yeah. Everything has to be perfect for little Miss Priss."
Colby laughs, sitting down on the bed, "Why is she like that?"
"She's the baby of the family. Always got what she wanted growing up. She wasn't pushed to be perfect. She was born perfect." You laugh slightly, "I love her to death, but she is so annoying at times."
"I only have a brother, so I don't know what it's like to have sisters, so. I can't really offer any advice on that."
You scoff, "Lucky you."
"Alright. So enough yapping about that. Let's talk about tomorrow." Colby moves up next to you, laying on his side to face you, "I know we talked in the car a bit, but that was mainly for tonight."
"Tomorrow is going to be filled with a bunch of rich bitch snobs. So we have to be on our a game, they'll pick up apart if they get even the slightest whiff of us pretending to be together." You look at him, "It's going to be a lot, on us."
He shrugs, "I have no issue going all out."
You smile, shaking your head, "Neither do I."
"Well that was easy." He chuckles moving up to get under the covers, "I'm glad we're on that level to where nothing really can bother us."
You lay back, facing him, "I know. I honestly feel bad that I didn't think of you first."
"No one knew we'd be back a week early, so don't beat yourself up over that." He reaches over, brushing hair in your face.
You and Colby have had rumors started that you were dating, more than once, but you guys always shot them down because it's was just strictly platonic between the two or you.
Key word, was.
"Yeah, kinda wish you guys got arrested so I didn't have to go to this. I could be on a beach somewhere, but instead-"
"You're stuck here with me. I know. It's awful." Colby smirks and you roll your eyes, "Oh yeah. The worst." You laugh, "Alright. We better get some sleep because if I show up with bags under my eyes tomorrow, it won't be good."
He nods, "Alright." He pauses, looking down at the blanket for a few seconds before rolling over to switch off the light, "Goodnight."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You feel a hand gently shaking you and hear a quiet, "Y/n. Hey."
"Hmm." You go to roll over but Colby's hand stops you, "We never set an alarm." Your eyes go wide, "Fuck." You sit up, looking directly at him, "What time is it?"
"Almost nine thirty."
You kick the blankets off, "Shit. We have to be at the place by ten." You pull your dress from your suitcase, you forgot to get it out and hang it up so it's slightly wrinkled.
You start to laugh as you toss your dress on the bed, "I totally forgot to set an alarm." Colby laughs, "Yeah, that was the last thing on my mind."
You nod mumbles a quiet, "Yeah, I know what you mean."
"Alright, so if you want you can have the bathroom, I'll get dressed out here." Colby pulls his suit off the hanger and you grab your makeup bag, "Okay. We got this."
Colby can tell your frantic about this, he knew you didn't want to get yelled at. He walks over, placing his hands on your cheeks, "Breath, y/n. Don't rush. Just take your time, we'll figure something out."
You nod, "Okay." You take a deep breath, "I'm going to go do my makeup, my hair will just have to get brushed."
"You'll look beautiful either way." He smiles and turns you towards the bathroom, "Now go. Get ready."
About ten minutes later, you walk out, "Okay. Dress." You point to the spaghetti strap midi dress on the bed. Colby nods as you pick it up, "I'll just-"
"You don't have to leave the room, Colby. It's fine." You slip your shirt off over your head and Colby tilts his head slightly before his eyes meet yours, "Nice - I-i mean, yeah. Okay."
You laugh as you slip the dress over your head, pulling down your pajama shorts as the dress falls over your thighs.
You kick your shorts away from your feet and sigh as you smooth out the dress, "Do I look okay?"
"More than okay." He nods, "How do I look?" He poses and you laugh, "You look.." you swallow the words you really want to say, "Very handsome, Colbs."
He smiles, "Thanks." He checks his phone, "Alright, we have ten minutes to be there." He snaps his fingers, "Shoes."
"Fuck. Yes." You grab your heels, hopping towards the door as you slip them on, "Okay. Let's go."
You quickly make your way down the hall to the elevator, cursing it quietly as it feels like it's taking forever, "Oh my god."
Colby chuckles quietly, "I know."
The door dings and opens and you get on, pushing the lobby button repeatedly until the door closes. Colby wraps his arm around your waist, "Deep breathes, babe. You'll be fine."
You nod, what he called you not registering, "Well make it. It'll be fine."
As soon as the doors open, you're quickly making your way out to the car and getting in. Colby starts to drive as you bring up the address for the venue.
"Okay, next street you're going to turn right. Arrival time is nine fifty eight so we're just going to barely make it." You look over at him and back down at your phone.
Colby nods, "They can deal. It's not like we're showing up after the ceremony."
You laugh, "If she would have just made me a bridesmaid this wouldn't have happened."
"Yeah why aren't you?" Colby glances over at you and you sigh, "I'm not as rich as her friends so.”
"That's not a good reason." Colby shakes his head and you nod, "I know. But it's whatever, she just won't be one of mine, if I ever get married."
Colby smirks, "You will."
"How do you know?" You look over at him, wanting him to keep going. He shrugs, "I just know." He winks at you, smiling as he comes to a stop, "Do I turn here?"
You look down, "Um, no. Not this one but the next, turn left and it's straight ahead."
He nods, "Who ever you end up with will be one lucky son of a bitch."
You smile, your cheeks turning a darker pink, "I don't know about all that."
Colby sighs, "I know I'm one lucky son of a bitch, even if I'm just your fake date." He glances over at you and you smile, "Yeah, me too."
He smiles and lifts his finger off the wheel, "We made it."
"Oh good." You let out a sigh of relief, unbuckling as he comes to a stop. You pull out your lipstick from your purse, applying it to your lips as Colby walks around to open your door.
He waits until you're done, taking your hand as you climb out, "Let's go have some fun."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Throughout the ceremony, Colby's hand would be one of two places.
Holding your hand, or resting on your thigh.
You felt giddy and happy.
You haven't ever felt these kind of feelings for Colby before, so you were also really excited that you were this close to him.
You rested your head on his shoulder as you watched the ending of the ceremony. You caught yourself a few times, daydreaming about what your wedding would be like, and you always imagined it to be Colby.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Everyone starts to stand up and cheer, clapping for the newlyweds. You got up with Colby, clapping and wiping away your tears from your eyes as quick as you can before they strolled down your keys.
"Are you okay?" Colby asks quietly. You nod, "Just because I think my sister's a bitch doesn't mean I'm not happy for her." You laugh slightly and Colby wraps his arm around you, pulling you into him as you sniffle.
You wait to be dismissed before making your way up to the where they have all the tables.
"We are table number nine." You hold up the name card that has Colby's name above yours, "These are so cute."
Colby nods, "They really are."
"Y/n. Colby."
You turn around to see your mom and dad, "Hey, guys." You hug your mom, "Did you make it through without crying?"
She laughs, "Are you kidding me?"
You nod, "Yeah me either."
Your mom looks to Colby, "Don't you look handsome." She leans in, hugging him before your dad shakes his hand, "Good to see you again, son."
Colby smiles, "Great to see you guys. You both look great."
"He's so sweet. I like him a lot." Your mom nudges you and you nod, "Trust me. I do, too." You smile as you look over at Colby and he stares at you, nothing but love in his eyes.
"We're going to go find our seats before they do the entrances." Your mom smiles, "I'll find you later." You nod, "Yes. Please."
Your dad smiles at you and Colby before walking after your mom.
"So. You like me a lot, huh?" Colby teases as he nudges you with his elbow. You roll your eyes, smiling as you nod while looking at the floor, "Can we not talk about this now?"
He laughs, taking your hand in his, "Fine by me." He leads you to the table, sitting down with you. You guys make small talk, mainly about the venue and how the ceremony was beautiful.
"Y/n. Hey." Your older sister, Teresa, comes up. You look up at her, "Hey, T." You look at the boy next to her, "Hey Cash."
"Hi aunt y/n." He smiles and points to Colby, his voice going quiet, "Is that Colby?"
Colby smiles as he looks between you and him, "You must be Cash."
Cash's eyes go wide and he tugs on Teresa's hand, "Mom. He knows my name." She laughs, "Honey, he's saying your aunt, of course he knows your name."
Colby moves his chair out, pulling the other one out, "Do you want to sit down? I have a friend who would like to say hi to you."
He's going to call Sam.
Cash looks at Teresa and she nods. He runs around sitting down in the chair next to Colby, "I watch your show all the time."
Colby chuckles, "Isn't it scary for you?"
Cash shakes his head, "No, well. Sometimes I have to cover my eyes but you guys make me laugh, too."
You look at Teresa and smile as you look back at Colby. He pulls his phone out, "Let me see if I can get-" he pauses as the phone rings and Sam answers on the other end, "Ayo. Whats up, Colby?"
Colby smiles as he sees cash lean over, "I have someone here who would like to say hi." He turns the phone towards Cash and he has a huge smile on his face, "Hi Sam. I'm Cash. Y/n is my auntie."
You laugh slightly as you listen to Sam, "What's up, Cash? Is Colby being nice to you?"
"Dude." Colby says with a laugh, "Of course I am, right buddy?" Cash nods and laughs, "He's so cool."
"Cooler than me right?" Sam asks and Cash looks between everyone and hides his face. Sam laughs, "You can say yes. I definitely think he's cooler than me."
Cash unhides his face, giggling as he nods.
"Alright." Colby cheers, "Fist bump." He holds his fist out and Cash knocks his small fist against Colby's as he continues to giggle.
"Alright, honey. We can come back later. We have to go find our seats, aunt Clara is coming in soon." Teresa says and cash sighs, "Okay, mom."
"Good to meet you, Cash. Thanks for watching our videos." Sam says and Cash nods, waving as he climbs down from the chair.
"Thank you, Colby." Teresa smiles and Colby nods, "No problem at all. We can get some pictures together after everything settles again."
She nods and takes the boys hand, "Say thank you." Cash smiles and gives a small, "Thank you" before walking away with Teresa.
"Have fun you two." Sam laughs and you lean over, flicking him off. He does it back and Colby laughs, "Alright. I think they're coming in. I'll talk to you later."
"Later losers." Sam says with laugh before he hands up. You shake your head, "He so funny." Colby laughs, nodding as he sets his phone down, "He sure is."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You walk back from the open bar, two drinks in hand, "another one for you." You set a drink in front of Colby and he leans in, "Thank you, baby."
You smile, biting your lip as your eyes move from his lips to his eyes, "You're welcome, baby."
He smirks, pulling his lip between his teeth. He rests his arm on the back of your chair as he leans in closer, "You know.. I kinda don't want to be here anymore."
"Is it that bad?" You giggle slightly and Colby shrugs, "I mean, everything is fine. Prefect even." His hand brushes against your arm, "I don't want to be here anymore because I think we need to talk about what we put off earlier."
He tilts his head as he waits for what he's saying to click in your inebriated mind, "Oh." You raise your brows, "I see."
He drinks the last of the liquid in his glass and stands up, holding his hand out. You copy what he did and lay your hand in his, following him out of the venue.
"We can't drive." You giggle as you jog up to get close to him. You stop at his car and your back is pressed against it, "Who said anything about driving anywhere?"
You smirk, moving slightly so he can open the back door. You sit down, moving backwards as he climbs in after you. He closes the door behind him and you lay your hands on his cheeks, "You and me?"
He nods, "You and me."
His lips meet yours and it's like fireworks go off all around you.
You moan against his lips and he slides a hand up your leg, pushing your dress up. His fingers slip into the thin layer of your panties before dragging them up and down your slit.
"I thought.. we could just be friends.." Colby whispers against your lips before he leans back, "But we can't."
"You're right." You lean forward, kissing him as his fingers slip inside of you. You moan, working to undo his suit jacket before sliding your hands down to undo his belt.
His fingers curl inside of you, and he groans lowly as you palm him through his pants, "Fuck."
He slips his fingers out, moving to push his pants down and you try your best to get your panties off.
He lifts up, pulling them over your one foot before moving to hover his body over yours. He pins his arm under your knee before the tip of his cock rubs against your soaked cunt.
You let out a whimper, grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull him closer to you. You gasp, eyes rolling back as his cock slides into you.
Your leg tightens around his arm, "F-fuck."
"You feel so fucking good." Colby groans lowly before crashing his lips into yours. His hand slides up, sliding around to tangle his fingers into your hair, "So fucking good."
You moan as he tilts your head back, kissing down your neck. Your hand slides around, gently pulling his hair as his thrusts grow harder.
His hand loosens the grip on your hair, "Fuck, you're going to make me cum."
"O-okay." You nod and he kisses you, "with me, cum with me."
You slide your hand down, applying pressure to your clit as he focuses on his thrusts, "So fucking beautiful." His voice is low, "Can't believe you're mine for real."
You both laugh slightly, which turns to moans as you feel closer than you did a second ago. You add more pressure, whimpering as you throw your head back.
Colby’s hand slides to the back of your head, moving it forward to rest against his forehead, “I fucking love you.”
You whimper, “I love you. I love you.”
The knot in your stomach snaps and you let out a long and slightly loud moan, clenching around him as you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
Both of you take a second, getting your breaths back to normal.
“You think anyone saw?” You ask with a slight laugh.
Colby shakes his head, “I have tinted windows, not a sound proof car, so the real question is, did anyone hear?”
Your mouth drops slightly as he laughs and you roll your eyes, “Well, I mean. You’re not wrong.” He smirks, reaching down to grab something to clean up with.
You sit up after wiping off, fixing your panties before pulling down your dress, “So now what?” You look up at Colby and he smiles, “First, I get to do this.”
He grabs your chin, leaning in to kiss you. You smile within the kiss and nod, “I could keep doing that.”
“Second.” He leans back, “We go eat some more food so one of us is sober enough to drive back to the hotel because we definitely aren’t done yet.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Sorry I’ve been MIA, I hope this wasn’t too shitty.
Let me know how you liked it! Love you all 🖤 thanks for reading!
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated!
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SFW AND NSFW head canons for luppi pls,we need more of him😔😔
We need more of him, indeed!
When you began introducing him to human things, two immediately caught his eye: makeup and skincare.
This guy would go crazy for makeup, especially purple glitter eyeshadow.
Don't even try to argue—why? Because sparkling like that makes him ✨stand out✨ on the battlefield.
The more attention he attracts, the more people witness his incredible abilities, acknowledging him as a force to be reckoned with.
On the flip side, skincare would be his relaxation haven.
He'd doze off while you pamper his skin with various products. Yes, you'd have to be the one who does it. He won't waste time putting creams on his face.
Obviously, you'd be the lucky one taking care of Luppi-sama 🙄
It's a privilege to thrive in his presence!
In truth, he just wants to spend time with you, but saying that out loud makes Luppi feel like he might spontaneously combust.
He takes you to see his fights like it's a football game 😩
Luppi thrives on the energy when he witnesses you shouting to cheer him on!
He starts showing off with a hint of cockiness. However, in the heat of the action, Luppi comes dangerously close to accidentally injuring you as a piece of his opponent hurtles in your direction.
And he sees this and immediately a bolt of unsettledness hits him.
Girl, he's like 😨
Rescues you in a heartbeat and then waits, allowing the sentiment to sink in.
Omg, he would care if you died!!!!
haha no, of course not! haha... no, right? Right???
This incident is the beginning of his spiral down the acknowledgment he has grown stupid, unwanted feelings for you.
Once he accepts it, horror strikes.
He claps a hand over his mouth and tiny droplets of sweat bead on his forehead. Honestly, he looks so dreadful you have to ask if he's alright.
Now, he would be a bratty bottom™
But once you've dominated him well, he'll squirm and be all cute for you~♡
Totally has a mummy kink idk he looks like he likes that shit 😩🙏
This mtf is LOUD when he comes
He thinks he's so hot, he'd like mirror sex to look at himself 😭
Once he knows aftercare there's no way you'll end a session without giving him some cuddles
He'll act entitled about it tho. Like "Fine you can do that lovey-dovey thing you like to do. I'm ready." like it's such a drag for him
And when you're like, oh no I won't do it if you don't want to, as you motion to leave.
He'll cling to you 💀💀
Luppi's face is red as he says, "Is not that I don't want to, I- it doesn't bother me, so do it if you want."
Stop mocking him he's trying!
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discipleofice · 5 years
For anyone wondering why I’m arguing on tumblr.com with a white 24 y/o femslash blog about Percy Jackson
He broke free of his factual argument to demean my character by not so subtly insulting me for following an emotionally charged way of thinking and writing that I found more than mildly insulting. 
Also, he came off as a w/w fetishist, which as a woman who identifies as a member of the LBGTQA+ community, I found absolutely hypocritical of him to say while he defended a person who denounced Rick Riordan for supposedly following a similar line of thought. 
I elected to capitalize my words and scream and curse as a way to express my frustration. Unfortunately, a pathos argument founded in a genuine desire to stop a harmful post from gaining more traction will always lose to someone without any emotions. Cool “logic”, even logic without merit, does look better in hindsight I suppose. 
I am unable to take a person who admits to agreeing with the main points of my original message to the other user and young members of a mainly YA fandom, yet chose to argue about racial matters -after I expressed several times that I would not discuss them as a white person- and continue to switch the topic around to something I never said to begin with, as an equal in any conversation on this website after that. 
Certainly not someone who continuously talks about their moral superiority over my own by making grand assumptions about my character while simultaneously attempting to discredit me for making assumptions that someone who shared a post about a joke... posted because it made them laugh,
Edit:  I am however, going to apologize for crossing the line and choosing to be disrespectful instead of offering a real truce or ignoring his replies when we both began attacking each other’s character when I could have spoken from a place of concern instead of anger from the very beginning. 
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
"The Sheriff"
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Warnings - Mentions of Guns, crime, mentions of bleeding
Note: Part 1 of the wild west series. Was it a mistake starting this? Maybe. No going back now though 🥰
/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
Not much went on in the town after dark.
Shops were closed, people were in their homes. The occasional whinny of a horse or crumple of a wanted poster the only noticeable sounds. The bar was open, of course, though only one or two people were ever left. The only person you could be certain was up at this time is the sheriff.
"What are you doing here."
His hand was already on the pistol at his side. Even from under your hat, you could see the glint of the badge on his vest. His voice, as always, wasn't outwardly threatening. Gravelly, smooth on the tongue. You knew there was malice behind his tone, though only because you'd heard it so many times.
Truly, even as enemies, you knew each other better than anybody else.
"Can I not pay you a visit, Sheriff?" You sounded almost like you were taunting him. Lifting your head, you pushed your hat back and smiled at him through bared teeth. Daichi did not look amused.
Any other law man would arrest you on the spot. The wanted posters all around town told the story for him. Robbery, unlawful gunfights, property damage, arson. You'd done a lot.
Except, of course, actually hurt anyone.
He ran his free hand through his cropped brown hair best he could, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He knew he should arrest you. Lock you up and let the judge do the talking. Still, in any case, he couldn't bring himself to.
"I'll ask again. Why are you here?" He lowered his hand from his pistol slowly, instead opting to lean against the door frame. He knew jail cells wouldn't hold you. Maybe he should just play your game. If bars couldn't keep you in check, maybe he could.
You hummed, sliding out of the padded seat to approach him. You could practically feel his body tense, with how still the air was. "I'm here," you lifted your hand to his chest, "Because," you trailed your finger up his chest, "I wanted to see you." A cocky smile made its way onto your lips as your finger rested underneath his chin.
His expression didn't change.
At his lack of response, you frowned. You let your hand fall from his chin and you turned your back on him. "Honestly," you shrugged, "I don't know why I'm here." You reached up to remove your hat, shaking your head a bit.
"You know why," Daichi pushed off of the wall, "Or you wouldn't have come."
Blowing out a breath, you turned back to face him. "Stress, maybe. Who knows."
Daichi raised his brow. "Stress? (L/n) (y/n), notorious outlaw, stressed?"
You glared at him and nodded yes, pulling yourself up to sit on the worn mahogany desk. You didn't meet his eyes.
When it became apparent that you weren't going to say anything else, Daichi sighed again. "And you came to me." He stated it as a fact, though you could tell it was a question. Again, you'd heard him so many times. Every single incident where he showed up to 'arrest' you, every little interaction. He's an open book to you now. And, no doubt, you are to him as well.
"Of course I did!" You barked out a dry laugh. "Who else would I go to?" While you said it in arguably the most condescending, bratty tone of voice Daichi thinks he's ever heard, it's easy to see that you did think about it. You thought and thought, eventually coming to the conclusion that out of everyone in this town, he was the least likely to turn you in. Ironic, considering his standing in this place.
This time he hummed.
You turned your eyes to the ground, a look in them that Daichi doesn't think he's ever seen before. It was...remorseful. Sad might be a tad bit simple for it. You looked tired. If he didn't know any better, he'd say you were about to cry. Your hand twitched as he approached.
His hands, calloused and strong, rested on either side of you. "I find it surreal," he started, "How you, the criminal, can only come to me."
Your eyes finally met his. You considered the words for a moment, sentence backed up in your throat. "I don't have anyone else," you eventually said. It didn't sound like you though. That boisterous confidence, the attitude, none of it was in sight. Only a soft, wavering sentence.
Daichi didn't say anything for a moment.
Maybe you did only have him. And, on the contrary, maybe he only had you. You brought your hand to his cheek, cupping it softly. "Please?" You whispered. You weren't even sure what you were asking for. Maybe you just wanted to spend time near him, maybe you wanted to have a conversation that wasn't just sheriff and outlaw. Right now though, you just really wanted to kiss him.
He leaned into your hand, only slightly. Just enough so you knew he was okay. "Stupid, stupid boy," he sighed.
You brushed off the comment. After all, you knew he didn't mean anything by it. You were used to just grabbing roses anyways, no care for the thorns. "Please," you asked again, voice more firm than it was before. He only grunted in response, leaning in ever so slightly.
"Thank you," you whispered, just before gently placing your lips right on top of his. For a guy like him, his lips were surprisingly soft. Warm. You melted into it instantly, Daichi faring no better. After a second you let your eyes fall closed, the hand on his cheek drawing him closer to you. The sheer passion in such a soft kiss was enough to throw him off. It felt like it fit, though. And who was he to deny what felt right?
You knew it was stupid and reckless. Daichi knew it too. Even as you both drew shaky breaths in between kisses, even as the heat slowly rose into the both of your cheeks, you knew it.
Daichi never did learn just why you were stressed. Even still, he got a slew of new things to think about, to worry about.
Grabbing roses without caution was never a good idea anyways. You were always bound to get pricked.
Do not repost, translate, or copy my work on to other platforms.
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Choked In Confusion
Tw: Self Harm Mention, Heavy Angst, Self Loathing. Hurt/Comfort
This was the first-ever sander sides fanfic I ever wrote.
Roman was a mess, he had bruises all over his arm from hitting himself and red eyes showing that he'd been crying for a while. The creative side sat on his desk, he knew he had to take off his mask and write his feelings down. Patton had broken his heart he didn't know what the moral side wanted from him anymore. Logan always hid his feelings too. So he decided to pull off his mask in a more creative way. A monologue, he knew that would suit him a least he thought it would.
Roman conjured his feather pen and began writing his emotions. He wrote like he was running out of time. All the emotions came, he knew the others would scold him for feeling that way but he didn't care anymore there was no point in being what people wanted him to be. Anger, Regret, Sadness, Confusion and Insecure.  A knock broke him from reality, he knew it was Patton, probably wanting to scold him for laughing at Janus's name. He still kept his mask off as he knew it was time to give Patton and the others the wake-up call they needed. The King was everything they loved but then they split him and tried to create a creativity without flaws.
"Hey Kiddo, it's me, Patton can I come in?"
"Fine but not for long?!"
"Kiddo we-"
"I'm fine I have ways of getting my emotions, I honestly can't your first instinct is to come crawling back to me when you and I ignored every word Logan had to say."
"What doe-"
"He obviously feels unwanted and not listened to. Especially since he made his facts optionally. I mean I stood there and let you skip him. Me I'm probably the one out of all of us who drove him to hide and lie about his feelings."
"That's not we-"
"Right, you totally do, ever since the others started to desire being listened to you shut me and Logan out."
"That's not tru-"
"It is Thomas has the right to listen to all of us and not shun us. Go see Logan, please. Janus can apologize-"
"Roman you shouldn't have made fun of his name."
"I know! I'm an idiot I hate myself and screw up, when I make a mistake it's spat in my face but when you guys act rude nobody calls you out on your behaviour."
"Roman, kiddo aren't you over-"
"Overreacting! Patton, I have the write to express how I really feel and not have it brushed off, same for Logan."
"Alright, I'll go see Logan. I'll leave these cookies for you here but please understand we do love-"
Roman felt bad for rudely slamming the door in Patton's face but he didn't deserve comfort he just wanted to scream till he couldn't speak and then put on his crumbling mask as if everything was ok again. He thought by sending Patton to Logan he'd be doing something right for once. Roman nibbled one of the cookies and got back to writing his monologue.
After a few more minutes of writing down his feelings, Roman cleared his throat. This certainly was going to be a heartbreaking performance, deep down however he just wished someone would watch him and acknowledge his mental health struggles.
Lost I feel lost, from the day I was born I have felt nothing but lost. I feel like a statue that has to be perfect otherwise they're just filthy and an old rusting relic never meant to be touched. I am strangled by vines of expectations. Apparently, I was created to be flawless but im more than just a figment, im- actually I don't think I really know who I am anymore at all. 
My voice feels like a cold weapon wanting to lash out when everything feels too much and when everything gets other whelming. I fire away but I can't stop myself, I am a flame of passion desperate to not die out. Life feels like thunder I want to strike and harm someone to cope but it's wrong. Justice, I get karma but the others never get it whenever they insult people and act mean.
I'm fighting the urge to cut my throat and slice it till I can no longer speak. I feel so vulnerable myself so of course, I'm stupid enough to mock someone else in a vulnerable moment. A name defines who are you and what you stand for. I feel like I should be nameless. I hate myself so illogically I project my feelings out to someone else via name-calling. Me, I try to get better but I only seem to get worse. If I could turn back time I would stay silent and bluntly accept the truth that the world isn't black and white. My only wish is to take all those cruel worse and project them onto myself.
Sadness and Betrayal!
I feel helpless like I should have never ever been creative. Am I really that pathetic that the storybook ended sadly? Am I a hero! No, I'm nobody's hero everyone I've ever cared about have been pushed away by stupid egotistical self. My darling brother isn't evil he's better than me! He deserves my seat at the table. Janus is correct I'm a piece of trash that can be replaced it's not like there's two creativity's after all. Nobody has ever been on my side.
When was the last time I had an idea that was actually helpful? Even Thomas's fans think I'm useless and annoying. Back in the courtroom, I was scolded by Virgil and Patton for siding with the bad guy, the snake. I wanted to understand De-Janus especially since the others pointed out that I never treated Virgil with kindness. But no I'm wrong for giving Janus a chance, have I ever been right? Patton always gets what he wants and giving up that call back felt like I was having my petals picked off.  Then he decides to do a one-eighty and tells me I'm wrong for being the selfless Prince. Also, im supposed to trust the snake after being told he manipulated me and used me to get what I wanted. I was wrong to label the others dark. The truth im the bad guy, not the one who's being used as a puppet. Grey, I've never liked the colour but it appears I must get use to it.
I am the fanciful side, the ego, the passion, the good creativity. They we're wrong I'm a mirror cracked. I never ever should have been crowned the Prince. I'm not royalty I'm an earthquake bringing destruction everywhere I go. 
Janus was right I should have been crowned the Duke! I'm rude, bratty and pathetic. My fist reels, desperate to punch every single mirror I come across. I am broken! Who am I?
I'm an idiot choking on the confusion I feel.
A loud applause made Roman flinch, his brother was sitting on his bed, full of tears. He never expected his brother to be here especially since Remus had been told he's just like his twin. Warm arms wrap around him pulling him into a tight hug. Roman did not expect this he really thought his brother hated him.
"Oh, Ro-Ro, fate time hasn't treated you kindly. Part of me wishes I didn't knock you out."
"You did right you gave Logan his time to shine."
"Ro, Janus was wrong and even if have to skin all of his scales off to make sure he apologizes to you. I'll do whatever it takes."
"Thanks, bro but that won't help, I honestly feel bad for you, now you're stuck with Orange and we know he isn't a nice side to hang out with."
"I don't care at least I'm not stuck with a bunch of losers who ignore every single time you try to say you need help. Janus is a jerk, heck they're all selfish jerks."
"Remus I know I was wrong for labelling you guys the dark sides and us the light sides. We're all flawed but it's just too hard to accept."
"You know what you need?"
"I think you need a job where you're allowed to be yourself and not strangely by people's expectations.
Ever since they've wanted us to be black and white but we're not."
"Wait bro are you proposing that I take your place?!"
"Yes I'm proposing I take your job and you take mine. Join me I'm not gonna let them bruise my self-esteem and confidence as they have done yours. Join me, let's work together and show these sides that we will no longer be controlled by their words. So are you with me or are you gonna sit here and stay silent. All I know is that you shouldn't go speechless."
"Nice Disney reference and I accept Its about time I crumble my mask! Thank you, bro I'm glad someone loves me."
"You've always been my hero."
The twins held hands and a bright flash accrued. It was about time the brothers worked together and stick together. Nobody was ever gonna separate them again.
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Tagged: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @romanangstismyfuel @sandersidesfics @sandersidesfanders @romanvirgil @roman-sanders-appreciation-blog @romanocheesy @princemesscharming @lowkey-logan @misconceivedcapricorn @pwinceyroman @royalprinceroman
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hatsukeii · 4 years
male matchup for haikyuu (karasuno) please? i'm a 5'2 female with long golden brown hair and light brown eyes. curvy figure. baby faced and long eyelashes. i'm quick witted and clever. i have a very sweet disposition, but when i'm irritated or upset, my bite is extremely sharp. typically patient and slow to anger. i'm a bit too realistic, and i don't sugarcoat anything. i need someone who can take my sass and give it back to me, someone who isn't too sensitive.(1/2)
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Ahh okay this is gonna be fun.
Your matchup is:
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🌙Tsukishima “Like Jurassic Park or die” Kei🌙
Damn I’m writing all these matchups and lowkey envying everyone because I’M NO ONE’S IDEAL TYPE LMAO (Maybe it’s because I’m such a disappointment to everyone)
Back to the matchup!
Tsukishima. This prick. This is literally how your first conversation went:
“Seriously? Another dumbass I have to deal with? Don’t I have enough of that already?”
“Maybe that’s why your hair’s losing colour.”
“You little bitch.”
“Thank you.” Never in a million years did he expect you to take his insult, turn it around, and bite him right back in the ass. Since then, he’s been relentlessly teasing you, just to try and get you irritated. That never works. All you do is sass him back with an equal amount of salt. Thank god he doesn’t take them to heart and neither do you. With time, sassing each other became the way you two flirted, and the others would just watch amusedly as you try to climb onto him while he tries to pry you off. Don’t think he didn’t ask you out in a salty way either. He even confessed in a salty way. Like how do you manage to be salty while confessing? What the hell?
You being into dark humour is honestly a huge blessing for him. Tsukishima is a pretty no bullshit dude, so he doesn’t really care for dumb puns and stuff like that. Dirty jokes and dark humour though? A HUGE turn on. Like you would crack an unexpectedly dark joke, and the entire volleyball team would just be confused, while Tsukishima laughs his ass off. He would then proceed to call everyone out for being dense and stupid for not understanding it. He has cards against humanity at home, as well as an account on azala just so he can play it with you. Every single time you guys play together he manages to get the darkest, dirtiest jokes off. “What never fails to liven up the party? An AR-15 rifle.” “Kei sweetie what the actual hell.” “Admit it, that was funny.”
When you’re straight spitting facts he won’t hesitate to cheer you on. He loves the fact that you don’t try to sugarcoat anything and just tell the blatant truth as it is. That means that you’re as honest with your thoughts and opinions as you can get. You don’t think twice about pointing out someone’s errors, no matter who they are. You once found a grammatical and pronunciation mistake in your English teacher’s example sentence, so you pointed it out politely. She got mega pissed at you. Like straight up yelling at you for being disrespectful, rude, and bratty. You continued to tell her off and explain your reasonings for telling her about it. She then forced you out of the classroom and continued to teach the class. Tsukishima, now very annoyed, grabbed his textbooks and pointed out every single mistake you explained to her, just a tiny bit sugarcoated so he wouldn’t get in trouble alongside with you. The teacher was clearly embarrassed, and let you back in almost right after. You were confused as to her sudden change in attitude, before you saw Tsukishima’s signature shit eating smirk. “Hell yes Kei.” “Back at you, you didn’t take any of her  whiny bullshit.”
I feel like Tsukishima is the type of person to just mind his own business when you’re over, but still consider it as spending time with each other. Something about your presence just makes him feel more at ease than usual. It’s like when you have someone over for a sleepover, and you two are on your phones minding your own business, compared to just going on your phone by yourself. It just hits different lmao.
Tsukishima in general is a pretty chill dude. He doesn’t mind going to astronomy museums with you once in a while so you could wind down and relax for a bit. What he does mind, is when you want to go storm chasing. He deems it as “way too dangerous and risky,” but eventually gave in to your convincing and went with you once. Now he won’t stop wishing for the next lightning storm or the next tornado. He more so enjoys watching you storm chase rather than doing it himself. He dislikes getting soaked and messy, water being splattered onto his face like some weird dinosaur roaring next to him. However, he loves seeing you so excited over seeing mere lightning strikes, or hearing thunderclaps, or even seeing riptides. Nothing warms him up more than your idiotic smile whenever you get a nice photo of a storm.
“I don’t even know why I put up with you.”
“Wow, you bitch. I love you.”
“Yeah, you tell them. You go and tell them.”
Other possible matchups:
Oikawa “Ushiwaka you tell me I should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa one more time I will kashoot you” Tooru
Atsumu “You pigs better not disturb my serve” Miya
Konoha “Bokuto your boyfriend asked us to help cheer you up” Akinori
Semi “Shirabu may be better than me but I’m still a bit salty about it” Eita
I hope you liked your match<33
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restlesstheoryqfab · 4 years
text | LivQuinn
Liv: I was just looking back in my camera roll and found a picture of us in the dungeon :sweat smile emoji: :sweat smile emoji:
Quinn: oh God
Liv: We looked so rough LOL
Quinn: I'm sure we did
Liv: How are you?
Liv: Did I see somewhere your tour ended?
Liv: You going back to California?
Quinn: m'fine
Quinn: That it did.
Quinn: Nah. Headed back to Boston.
Liv: Oh! So I’ll get to see you then??
Liv: When will you be around?
Liv: It’s been ages
Quinn: Yup
Quinn: Got plans Monday, presumably I'll be required to make an appearance at Fran's on Tuesday, but I could probably do sometime on Tuesday?
Quinn: That it has.
Liv: That’s so far
Quinn: It's Tuesday or you wait even more.
Liv: Ugh the worst
Liv: why can’t you be around nowwwwwww
Quinn: Because I'm not
Liv: I’ll wait
Liv: Since I have to
Quinn: believe me, I'd prefer to be around
Liv: Are you close enough for me to drive to you?
Liv: The pictures were so hot!
Quinn: I'm busy.
Liv: Oh, okay. No worries
Quinn: Post tour shit is a bitch
Liv: I mean, I imagine so. So much physical and emotional work. When I was on tour it felt like we never went to bed.
Quinn: I love being on tour. I hate coming off it.
Liv: Sounds like you ate too many edibles
Quinn: I wish.
Liv: Do you want some?
Quinn: God no. Fran would kill me.
Liv: So? Edibles are basically good for you
Liv: Plus they just help you sleep
Quinn: You convince miss high and mighty of that.
Liv: Maybe she just cares about you?
Liv: Well, if you decide you want some lemme know.
Quinn: She does, but she's also anti-everything fun
Liv: Fun is relative. Different for everyone.
Liv: sounds like you need fun, grumpy
Quinn: But weed is nearly always fun, and Frannie turns up her nose at it.
Quinn: I need a fucking break is what I need.
Liv: plus how do you know Frannie hasn’t made edibles before? She definitely has.
Liv: You’re literally on break
Quinn: Is my withdrawal brain reading shit wrong or did you just say that Frannie, Francine Grace Fabray MADE edibles?!
Liv: She did! On Sunday.
Quinn: The fuck?
Liv: It’s why I have them
Quinn: You made edibles with my sister?
Quinn: god this feels like a hallucination
Liv: I did!
Liv: They’re so yummy too
Quinn: What fucking world did I faze into that my sister is making edibles?
Liv: Why does it matter?
Liv: It just means she doesn’t care if you let me bring you some
Quinn: She'll still fuckin kill me
Liv: I just wanna chill with you Fabray
Quinn: I'm probably the last fucker in Boston you really wanna hang out with.
Liv: Hey now, don’t put words in my mouth :frowning emoji:
Quinn: I'm not good company right now.
Liv: That’s okay. I can just drop cookies off?
Quinn: No. It'd be a bad idea. I don't know what adding that onto everything else would do. Would like to at least give Fran the chance to kill me.
Liv: Okay. I’ll bring some Tuesday then. How’s that?
Quinn: Sounds great. And tell whichever of the women in that house you're talking to that I know what I'm doing.
Liv: You sure about that?
Quinn: Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo.
Liv: Well they love you
Quinn: Doesn't always feel like like it. Fucking snitch.
Liv: Rather be a snitch then lose you
Quinn: I was talking about Bea. Though you're not much better.
Liv: What did she do?
Quinn: Tattled to Frannie
Liv: she is the baby
Quinn: And I told her I was fine.
Liv: Yeah, I mean drugs usually don’t equate to fine. But it’s fine.
Liv: What do you have going on Monday?
Quinn: I'm detoxing. It's fine.
Quinn: high school reunion of the horny variety, apparently
Liv: But why stop if you wanna do them so bad?
Liv: Ooooooh
Liv: Gross
Quinn: Frannie. And I only trust one guy to supply me, though after this my trust is wavering.
Quinn: Pretty little brat that I'm inclined to believe is as good with her mouth as she says.
Liv: So you stopped enough to trick her?
Liv: Hopefully she’s not lying
Quinn: If she thought I wasn't using she didn't worry.
Quinn: Pretty little song bird who also doesn't know how to shut up. So if that woman doesn't know how to put that mouth of hers to good use, well, she knows what I'll do to her.
Liv: Looks like you’re spots been blown up unfortunately
Liv: What now?
Liv: Hopefully she shuts up enough to use her mouth
Quinn: Fuck if I know.
Quinn: She likes being put in her place, I'm sure I can that mouth to do what I want it to.
Liv: Cool
Liv: sounds funnnn
Quinn: I should ask if she's gotten rid of her reindeer sweater...
Liv: LOL u joking?
Quinn: This girl wore short fucking skirts, knee high socks, and sweaters so fucking often. And no matter how much teasing and bullying occurred she wouldn't change. Even her so-called friends tried to get her to toss the fucking reindeer sweater and she just wouldn't.
Liv: Well, stubborn can be fun. I think.
Liv: My brother always wears funny bow ties. People don’t appreciate them but he does it anyways.
Quinn: Bowties I can appreciate. Unflattering sweaters with reindeer I cannot
Liv: They were unflattering even with the knee socks?
Quinn: From ankle to waist she was perfect. Great legs, an amazing ass. And then BOOM reindeer
Liv: LOL you’ll have to let me know what she wears cause I’m big curious
Quinn: Hopefully not much. But yeah, I'll let you know
Liv: She shows up naked. Could you imagine :laughing cat emoji:
Quinn: If she wasn't meeting in public first I am not entirely sure I'd complain.
Liv: Why public if you know each other?
Quinn: Because it's been 11 years since high school and I'm not stupid enough to give someone I barely know my address?
Liv: Did she know your address back then? :winking emoji:
Quinn: No. My father would have had a conniption if I even entertained the idea of being acquainted with her.
Liv: Ohhhhhh
Liv: Romeo and Juliet vibes :laughing cat emoji: :laughing cat emoji: laughing cat emoji:
Quinn: I wanted nothing to do with her back then. Except when I could get her angry enough to storm off so I could watch her go.
Liv: So you kinda wanted something to do with her
Quinn: I wanted less to do with her than she wanted to do with me.
Liv: Omg was she in love with you
Quinn: She wanted me to fuck her in the locker room. Apparently on multiple occasions.
Liv: Jesus
Liv: that’s hot
Quinn: Spanking included
Liv: Well then
Quinn: Mmhmm
Liv: Well hopefully she’s just horny for you and not obsessed with you
Quinn: I've had worse people obsessed with me
Liv: Fair enough.
Liv: So what are you going to make her do?
Quinn: Haven't decided yet.
Liv: No fair
Quinn: I mean, she's given me so many ideas. Definitely like the idea of spanking her, getting her on her knees, not letting her up until I'm satisfied."
Liv: you could kill her between your legs and she probably wouldn’t care
Quinn: Probably
Liv: That’s a sacrifice I’d probably take too
Quinn: Is that so?
Liv: For sure
Quinn: Interesting.
Quinn: So, you and Frannie?
Liv: We’re friends because of Arin! Love that woman
Quinn: Okay, but like how are you two JUST NOW connecting? I mean, you and the queen of darkness have known each other for a while, right?
Liv: It just sort of happened, idk
Liv: the same way you spent your summers with my Blaine
Quinn: Excuse me what?
Liv: Blaine Anderson | Liv Anderson
Quinn: Bruh.
Liv: Tell me about it. I could have gotten into so many pants way sooner.
Quinn: So like, why weren't you?
Liv: You know, dads suck!
Quinn: Mood
Liv: I punched him in the face and he shipped me off to boarding school :sunglasses emoji:
Quinn: Damn, I wish
Quinn: I just write songs about mine
Liv: Mine doesn’t exist to me anymore so no songs need to be written
Liv: At least they are good!!!
Quinn: I'm sure I don't exist to him but that doesn't make the trauma and shit nonexistent
Liv: Neither does the drugs
Quinn: The drugs have very little to do with THAT bastard
Liv: Okay. My apologies.
Liv: They still don’t help trauma
Quinn: They stop the memories way more than you'd think
Liv: Doesn’t make it the way
Quinn: Yeah, well they work.
Liv: I know
Quinn: and that's the part that matters.
Quinn: so like how did you get her to make edibles?
Liv: I asked her
Quinn: What the ever loving fuck have I missed the last 9 months?
Liv: I don’t know LOL
Quinn: Neither do I.
Liv: The world just got smaller mostly.
Liv: and everyone is horny and kinky
Liv: Or both
Quinn: Both, definitely both.
Liv: Specially them Fabray girls
Quinn: Not all of us.
Liv: All of you dude
Quinn: Last a checked my not-so-closeted older sister is still in fact a sex free bitch. And as much as even I know kink isn't always sexual, Frannie might have an interested, but that definitely doesn't result in actually being willing.
Liv: An interest is enough for me to label you all kinky. That’s all.
Quinn: Okay then
Liv: And you are horny I’m sure
Quinn: nah, withdrawal sucks that shit right outta ya. Hoping I don't have to cancel Monday, honestly
Liv: omg that’d break her heart probably
Quinn: Probably
Liv: such power
Quinn: Mmhmm
Liv: if you cancel on her let’s hang out
Quinn: If I cancel on her it will be because I still feel like death
Liv: and I can’t take care of you?
Quinn: Why would you want to?
Liv: Friends take care of friends
Liv: I messaged you because I was hoping you’d let me come over to help you. It just also meant I could let Frannie know you are okay
Quinn: I'm fine, Liv, really. Just some extra shit I wasn't expecting to deal with.
Liv: You guys are so fucking frustrating holy shit
Liv: Okay. I get it. But I want to help. And I’m here for you. That’s all. You can believe it and I hope you would but I won’t force you.
Quinn: I know I am. Bea, if you know her is too. But what's frustrating about Frannie? Like, from a you perspective?
Quinn: I just don't need the help right now, okay? Go be a brat to someone who can handle it
Liv: She doesn’t take a single compliment.
Liv: I’m not being a brat I’m trying to be a friend
Quinn: Is there a reason you're trying that hard to compliment my sister?
Quinn: You're being a bratty friend.
Liv: It’s easy to?
Quinn: ... You like her don't you
Liv: We’re friends. Obviously I like her.
Quinn: Bitch, you know what I mean
Liv: I haven’t thought about it like that tbh
Liv: Maybe I do
Liv: That’s fun
Quinn: Does she know? Does she like you back? I need details bitch
Liv: You think she knows when I didn’t know?
Quinn: I don't know. Maybe? Like does she like you?
Liv: I mean she likes hanging out with me and made edibles with me
Quinn: Mmhm. And?
Liv: What do you mean and? We just chill a lot
Liv: And laugh a lot lol
Quinn: Okay. That's something. But also you're terrible at this. I'm gonna have to ask Arin. Arin knows these things.
Liv: Arin knows everything
Liv: I also don’t know anything right now outside the fact that I’m seconds from exploding
Quinn: Except how to fall in love with someone who WON'T cheat on her.
Quinn: Getting relief, I hope?
Liv: low blow
Liv: Maybe she can date Bea. Bea doesn’t know anyone but us.
Liv: Yes sooooon
Quinn: But the truth.
Quinn: Don't know how I feel about that. Though, pretty sure she had a crush on Arin when we were younger.
Quinn: oooh
Liv: I mean who didn’t have a crush on Arin? LOL
Liv: oooooh
Quinn: Frannie. And presumably Blaine.
Quinn: Who???
Liv: Wonder if Sugar did. She’s worse than anyone I know when it comes to realizing feelings LOL
Liv: Arin
Quinn: Sugar had it BAD. Like, literally got her ass beat multiple times with a book cos she refused to leave Arin alone. Now she just pretends to hate her for it.
Quinn: enjoy the queen of darkness, you both probbaly need it though like... does Frannie know?
Liv: Yeah, I think she knows. I mean I don’t know how she wouldn’t know.
Quinn: uh huh. and do you know if she reacted to this?
Liv: What do you mean?
Liv: I don’t know.
Liv: she said she didn’t need Arin
Quinn: I mean how did she react. Was it normal. Was it short. Did it take longer or faster than it should have.
Liv: She gets short a lot. I didn’t really note it as different
Liv: This is so much
Quinn: Well, when you have a chance, compare what everytime she's gotten short with you has in common and met me know
Liv: Quinn, I really like sex and she doesn’t
Liv: I don’t think we could ever work
Liv: it’s not that serious
Quinn: Look, I can't say why she's repulsed lord knows that's her story to tell, but she's on that site for a reason. A reason that I pray means what I think it does. Don't count her out because of her history.
Liv: I’m not counting her out. I just think you’ve got it all wrong.
Quinn: I don't think I do. But Arin will know more and I will get my answer. Just think over why she gets short with you.
Liv: Stubborn :sweat emoji:
Quinn: Fabray genetics. Running away, being attractive, a desire to be right.
Liv: can you like wait to bug arin until I’m done with her?
Quinn: You mean til she's done with you, but yeah, I'm gonna go pass out
Liv: goodnight Quinn :winking emoji:
Quinn: enjoy the queen of darkness
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kaz3313 · 5 years
Meeting with the Opposition
Chapter Two; Chapter One is below (previous link wasn't working) Chapter 3 is in the makings
@artthingymabob is who inspired me!
@dystopianinterstellar @azirafuck (also ask if youd like to be on the tag list!)
I honestly thought this would be a one off thing but oopsie daisy I got inspiration big time! Hope everyone enjoys 😊 Reblogs super appreciated
  Azriphale doesn't mean to be late yet here he is running through a crowded sidewalk people giving him nasty sideways glances. He isn't technically late but he isn't early; everyone in Heaven is slightly early as the term "fashionably late" was made by a demon and no angel wants to be associated with one of those. Well besides two; one of which is dubbed a traitor and the other is desperately weaving through crowds and could be considered a hypocrite if anyone is to find out why.
  The reason he is running late is because of Heaven; an angel gone off the deep end. They created quite a ruckus- shouting threats at everyone, causing damage to walls, and pulling up several plants from a garden. It was a fit not tolerated in Heaven and so it ended with them being locked in a room until further notice. He being the one to find an unoccupied room as well as having to catch them. Aziraphale is almost positive they'd have to put them through a trial (and he'd have to organize it) but when is still in the unforeseeable future. Even if he does calm down in that time period they is no possible way of getting out of a punishment.
   The angel arrives just on time but his face falls at the sight of the demon, Crowely, has already nabbed a table. An odd feeling, that isn't embarrassing, arises in him at the thought of the demon sitting at the table, awaiting his arrival. An odd tingly half familiar feeling he shoves down while approaching the demon in wait.
   "I would usually apologize for being late but l, since you are a demon and I don't dare say sorry to your kind, I won't," Azriphale states sitting down not daring to make eye contact with the other.
   "You aren't late, really you're perfectly on time. But our kind don't take well to apologies anyhow; anyone who tries we throw into the hell hound pit and bet on how long they will last," Crowely says and Azriphale looks up; the most horrific look plastered on his face. "I'm joking! I'm joking! Thought a being from Heaven could take a joke!" He lets out a hearty chuckle and Azriphale gives a forced smile in return.
  Crowely is only half-way being truthful in this, as he is with most things, as demons tend to throw each other in hell hound cages all the time. The difference being from what he said is that apologies don't cause such a reaction; it really is just a sporadic action done whenever something mildly inconvenient but thoroughly irritating happens. He doesn't explain the logistics though as he can clearly see the angel is troubled.
   Why he cares is a completely different story that Crowley will rather not want to think about. If he did try to explain though the conversation that followed would contain lots of half truths, hissing, stuttering, made up words (which if you mention that they are made up he will snarkily reply with "well all languages are made up) and end with someone getting stabbed in a major artery. So it's best to leave him be with his unusual consideration.
  "I suppose we should get right on to business since the jokes have ceased?" 'And proven to be unfunny' but Azriphale only adds that on in silence. He doesn't want to push any buttons he doesn't have to today.
  "Thinking 'bout ordering drinks first; Hell has been a bitch like usual and I've needed something to take my mind off it. So drinks first, work talk after," 
  "Drinks don't sound half bad," He momentarily massages his temples before picking up the drink menu "With no war I'm assuming Hell's been rowdy?"
  "Rowdy is a group of bratty teens whose equally bratty parents are going out for a month. Hell is a barnyard that has no food,drink, or cages and several exotic animals. Everyone is ravenous. Demons are thirsting for bloodshed so much we've had to bust several groups trying to form secret strikes to Heaven that would not only fail miserably but be embarrassing to see play out. One guy thought he could do a solo mission- and I have little respect for your army but I'm also not stupid and would send a single low ranking demon against God's army," Crowley rants and if not for the waitress' arrival he would've gone on a tangent. He orders the drinks flatly and expects Azriphale to follow suit immediately.
  The angel however is smiling at him which led to a flick of rage ignite. What had he to smile about? That hell was hellish and chaotic? He should know that just because everything is a shit-show they were not to be reckoned with. 
  "Same wine as his, dear," Azriphale addresses to the waitress and she smiles politely before heading back to the kitchen. "I find it amusing; the angels above are getting antsy themselves. Today actually one of them was found flinging a sword around wildly yelling about how they would deliver "divine justice" to anyone in their path. Of course angels aren't as cruel as demons but...the war not happening has thrown everyone off course. Even the most mild mannered".
  That's why he was smiling- a light weight lifts off Crowley's shoulders. "This is exactly why the two traitors need to be dealt with soon- I feel it would bring ease to everyone. Including, the eventual, second Armageddon," The waitress returns a smile of ignorance on her face. She didn't understand how weeks ago she should've perished nor does she know what these "fine" gentlemen are discussing. All she knows is what wine and food they order and all she hopes is that they give her a significant tip.
  "No doubt; those trouble makers will be given proper justice," Azriphale says picking up his glass of Chardonnay.
  "And no mercy," Crowely adds on, raising his own glass "Toast for the second Armageddon that-is-hopefully-soon-to-come, Angel?"
   "To a successful second apocalypse!" The two clink glasses both wearing uncharacteristic smiles and having found a new sense of determination.
  "Ssso you're ssaying?" Crowely slurs out, its blurred whether alcohol or his snake side were responsible for his long s'. Many drinks are shared between the two and many more were to come. Business is attempting to be addressed but as neither has the gull, or maybe the relaxation is a tad addictive, to sober up halfway thought up plans were being discovered.
   "I say that- well I think anyway. Why not just, we'll just watch the two! Eventually they'll bl-blab out something of importance! How they- how they gone- they gone to go be naive,"
 "Native, you ssstupid Angel,"
   "Oh, same difference! It doesn't matter exact terminology. All that matters is...well is the- the plan," Azriphale waves his hands around before returning to his empty glass. Instead of flagging down the waitress, they had the poor girl running back and forth like mad, he flicks his fingers and both glasses fill up. Crowley opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it and sips the wine. "Whether its the Great Plan or Ineffable Plan or might as well be Plan B, I really don't care. We just need a plan,"
   "We have our plan," Crowley says with a slight huff.
   "Our plan?" The words our, referring to him and Crowely feel so foreign, scandalous even, but fit on his tongue like a well tailored outfit.
  "Yeah- Watch Gabriel and Beelzebub until they fuck up again. Y'know feel too safe let some information slip. Maybe we'll learn a weakness or two-whatever. And once we know all the right sstuff we crush them!" Crowley slams his fist on the table to reiterate his point.
  "Our plan," Azriphale still echoes quietly as if it is a secret to keep. Which in a way it is; if the other Archangels knew what he's up too, even under the sake of serving retribution, he could get in big trouble. Consorting with Demons led to well... he looks up at Crowley whom he's had two meetings with so far and more to come...apparently it led to professionals getting involved to track you down to find your weaknesses.
  Sure maybe the other Angels wouldn't understand and take what he's doing a completely wrong way but he is doing what is good! Surely if he wasn't God would punish him, right?
  "I'd say let's get dessssert before we head out our separate ways, eh?" Crowely says bringing the fretting Angel out of his worries (or at least creating a temporary distraction from them).
  "Dessert sounds lovely. I heard the creme brulee is to die for,".
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