#I hc fuyumi's quirk as frost
The result of theorizing what quirk Hawks/Fuyumi kid might have: Snow Wings. On a hot dry day the kids wings look like adorable miniature wings of their dad, and can barely keep themselves in the air. But in the winter the snow abs frost gathers into their red feathers, long feather like icicles widen the wing span, and they can munipulate snow and ice around them with nearly a twitch of a feather. Theyre also I mine to cold and snow can be shed from wings at will Bonus: wings look like thier moms hair in the winter 💕
Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, I love this ship so much!! 
I definitely like the idea of merging their quirks this way (the specifics of Fuyumi’s quirk haven’t been revealed yet, but we do know it’s ice based). 
How does ice and snow gather on the wings?
Does this mean that if it doesn’t snow, then they’ll remain like they are in summertime?
Are they made of feathers or ice?
How does the manipulation of ice and snow work? Does it actually anything to do with the feathers?
If there’s no snow gathered on the wings, can they still manipulate nearby snow?
Can they independently control the feathers like Hawks can?
Another way you could work this is that the wings are made of ice and snow all year long, but in the summertime it’s too hot for them so they’re constantly melting and regenerating which makes them smaller and fragile (and means they’re constantly dripping water everywhere, haha), and then in winter they’re able to stay frozen and strong. They could even be made of red ice (which makes the melting part during summer so much creepier).
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Hc for todoroki shoto with the shy Russian (she's a hero) ❤️❤️ (if you dont mind i want the same hc but for dabi (she's a hero) in another post so you can write a lot of informations thanks ^^)
C/n: how adorable! I’ll do Dabi’s one soon. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
HCs on Shoto Todoroki with a Shy, Russian S/o.
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When Shoto saw you, his heart stopped.
His eyes wodened and Momo had to snap him out of his trance.
“H-Hello. I’m Y/n L/n. I look forward to spending our journey together of becoming heros together.” You now and everyone smiles at you.
“Todoroki? You good?” Momo asks and he nods. “Y-Yeah.”
You sat in between Kaminari and Kirishima and you easily become friends with them.
That same day, training began and since you were new, you had to show your quirk.
You stood in front, ready for the attack and Shoto watched you.
“Alright, L/n. Get ready. Here they come.” Aizawa says and you looked up. The villains came into view and you sprung up, high into the air.
“Belaya Roza!” You shout and white frosted with sharp thorns surround the villains and trapped them to the ground, the thorns locking into the fake skin.
You knees their back and immobilized them.
Everyone was in awe of you and Shoto was stunned. You neatened your hair as Kaminari and Kirishima talked your ear off as well as everyone else.
Midoriya bombarded you with questions and as you answered he wrote everything in his notebook mumbling.
Your eyes caught Shoto’s and he blushed. When he waved at you, you waved back and looked down so your blush would be hidden by your hair.
As time went by, Shoto started talking to you. He loved your accent and he loved listening to you.
But the thing he loved most about you was your eyes.
The bright purple made him get lost in them and he had to snap out of it before you got freaked out by his staring.
You grew very close with the half and half hero and you would leave roses on his desk in the morning.
He took you around the city, introducing you to new foods and buying you clothes.
You had to stop him from buying a whole store one time.
Finally, after pep talks from Midoriya and Iida, Shoto asked you out which you happily said yes.
Since you grew up in Russia, you were accustomed to cold. So when he would hold your hand, you always held his right hand. He reminded you of home.
Your quiet demeanor was slowly broken as well as Shoto’s.
Shoto also likes studying with you. Whatever questions you had, Shoto had the answer to them.
You invited him to your house one day for dinner where he was met with delicious food.
Your mom made Pirozhki, Shchi and Ukha. Shoto enjoyed the Ukha most because he likes seafood.
He introduced you to Fuyumi and Natsuo but not his father.
You taught him some Russian and he picked up on it surprisingly well.
During school, he would even talk to you on Russian and it stunned everybody around you.
“Whoa! Todoroki, you speak Russian?!” Mina asks, excitedly. Todoroki nods and looks at you. “I didn’t tell you before but I really adore your eyes, baby.” He says in perfect Russian and your whole face turns red. So red you had to hide your face in your hands.
“What did you say?! You made her turn into a tomato!” Kaminari laughs but stops when Bakugo glares at him.
People would think Shoto isn’t one to flirt or to use pet names, but they clearly don’t understand all the flirtatious things he says in Russian.
“Imagine Shoto speaking Russian oh my~”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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Take a Flying Leap
Despite being used to rising early, Fuyumi was not what anyone could refer to as a morning person. She was no more than a zombie, trudging down the hall Saturday morning with glasses askew, hair unbrushed, and swaddled in a too big sweatshirt and yoga pants long enough to keep tripping her.
She walked past the sitting room on her way to the kitchen and stopped. Taking a few steps back, Fuyumi stared silently, rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn’t trapped in a nightmare.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, exasperated. Grinning from his spot on the couch, Hawks set down her favorite coaster, his autographed picture spotted with multiple coffee stains, and stood.
“I’m here for our date.” For a moment, Fuyumi blinked her bleary eyes and stared blankly with no idea what he was talking about. Slowly memories of a certain class earlier in the week floated through her mind, including a specific conversation she had with him. She blanched.
“You were serious about that?”
“Go get dressed,” he told her. “I only have one day to win your heart.” For several moments, Fuyumi didn’t move, honestly contemplating whether or not she would go through with it. Ultimately, she turned around and lumbered back to her room, all the while muttering that she had agreed to a single date, not to have her entire day snatched away by a giant pigeon.
Fighting back a yawn, Fuyumi tried to figure out what to wear.  She didn’t want to get too dressy and give the wrong impression, but she wasn’t rude enough to dress like a slob. Regretful or not, she had said yes when she didn’t have to.
In the end, Fuyumi went with a flowy, knee-length gray skirt and a light pink cardigan. She even put on a little eyeliner before pulling her hair into a high ponytail. If she didn’t put in some effort, she decided, then Hawks might say this date didn’t count and demand another one.
Returning to the living room, she found him poking around at the very few family photos and books she kept around. Her sleep addled brain hadn’t cared enough to notice before, but this was the first time she’d ever seen him out of his hero costume. It was almost surreal seeing the winged hero in plain jeans and a black button up with the sleeves rolled to his elbows.
He quickly herded her outside once he saw her, leading her down the block and refusing to tell her where they were going. This early in the morning, Fuyumi had no inclination to speak, fighting a yawn instead, leaving Hawks to ramble on about his week had gone.
She politely listened to his recent heroics until they walked up to the cafe he had met her at earlier in the week. It was smart of him to pick a place he already knew she frequented. Determined to put his best foot forward, Hawks went so far as the pull out her chair for her. Fuyumi wanted to laugh, but his earnest expression made her smile and humor his chivalry.
Okay, so maybe the gentlemanly gesture made her blush the tiniest bit. He sat across from her, and once she got her espresso and turned into an actual human being, she was a little more receptive to his attempts at conversation.
Thankfully, Hawks was quick to realize that Fuyumi had no interest in his hero work, a refreshing change if one that left him bumbling. Instead they talked about coffee and pastries. A rather homely topic, but one that seemed to please Fuyumi and put her in a pleasant mood, a blessing considering he hadn’t known what she was like on early mornings.
“Are you usually up so early?” she asked when they stood to leave the cafe. Hawks fluttered his wings.
“The early bird gets the worm,” he joked, slipping his hands into his pockets. He felt a pit in his stomach when he heard her snort, but it quickly disappeared when he saw her fighting a smile.
“You’re such an idiot,” she said, but there was no heat behind her words. They both started chuckling until she asked, “Well it seems you have me for the day, so where to?”
Hawks grinned and just kept walking. He led her to a building she quickly recognized as the natural science museum. There was a special exhibit only in town for a couple weeks, and the gleam in Fuyumi’s eyes when he showed her the tickets made the following hours worth it. Not that he didn’t enjoy museums, but Hawks could walk through an exhibit giving everything a brief look and be in-and-out in half an hour and feel satisfied.
Unsurprisingly, Fuyumi was the sort to walk slowly, reading every word on every display, leaving him to wander about behind her trying not to succumb to boredom. Spending too much time inside had always made him feel fidgety and claustrophobic, and the silence between them wasn’t helping.
It wasn’t until halfway through that she asked him his opinion on a particular display, and from then on the two actively engaged, Hawks made jokes that she actually laughed at as well as impressed her with surprisingly thoughtful observations. By the time they left the museum, Fuyumi couldn’t stop talking about the exhibit, and Hawks had never seen her so expressive before.
He happily listened to her on the way to a nearby park where they got a simple lunch from a food truck and enjoyed the scenery. Even if it made her think he was showing off, Hawks stretched out his wings now that he wasn’t stuck inside. Casting a cautious look at his date, his eyes widened when he saw hers were trailing along the rows of feathers.
Suddenly their eyes met, and Fuyumi quickly looked away. It may have been wishful thinking, but Hawks thought he saw a blush bloom in her cheeks. Their conversation slowly turned from the exhibit to her students, as she was now considering taking them on a field trip to the museum.
Once their food was eaten and they had enjoyed the park for a while, Hawks whisked her to the next phase of the date – bowling. After renting their shoes and getting an alleyway near the end, so that the hero would be better hidden from the public, Fuyumi signed in their names. Hawks frowned when he saw “Pigeon Boy” underneath “Fuyumi” and rolled his eyes at her choked back laughter.
When she got ready for her first throw, Hawks curled a wing along her back, noting her barely noticeable shiver.
“You know, I’ve got a pretty great technique, if you’d like me to show you,” he offered, smirking as he purposefully trailed his feathers softly down her skin.
Fuyumi humphed and rolled her shoulder before rolling the bowling ball. It clashed against the pins as she got a perfect strike. She turned and gave him her own smirk. “Or I could show you mine.”
Accepting her challenge, he picked out a ball and rolled his own first strike, raising a cocky eyebrow at her narrowed eyes. Their first game went in Hawks favor, however Fuyumi smacked his shoulder and laughed, arguing that she saw his feathers throwing her rolls off course.
Naturally he denied such blasphemous accusations.
By the time they left, Fuyumi dominating the next game, it was nearing dinnertime. Hawks pulled out his phone and sent off a quick text. They walked around aimlessly until his phone vibrated.
“I’ve got a surprise ready. Close your eyes.” As a rule, Fuyumi didn’t enjoy surprises, but Hawk’s excited smile wore her down and she nodded and closed her eyes. A small gasp escaped her when he lifted her into his arms. Her chest tightened in fear as she guessed his next move, but before she could stop him, they left the ground all together.
Fuyumi threw her arms around him and buried her face against his neck. Her whimper was lost to the wind rushing past them. She was shaking when she felt his feet finally touch ground, but when she opened her eyes and saw nothing but the skyline, she tightened her grip on his shirt, fingers clawing the material.
“What do you think?” asked Hawks. Whatever it was, he sounded very proud, so Fuyumi forced herself to look, keeping her gaze locked to the rooftop at her feet and slowly moving it until she saw the picnic blanket kept down by the weight of a basket and several candles.
A breeze swept by, and she shoved her face back into Hawks’ chest. Her quirk reacted to her fear, and frost began creeping along her shoulders.
“Are you okay?” Fuyumi shrunk in on herself, not wanting to admit her problem, but Hawks could feel her shaking and saw the thin layering of ice on her cardigan. “You’re afraid of heights, aren’t you?” Briefly hesitating, she nodded. His arms wrapped around her. Warm breath tickled her ear when he said, “Fuck. I’m so sorry, Fuyumi.”
“Tell me about the picnic. When did you do this?” she mumbled, silently begging him to switch topics. She swore she could feel the building sway beneath them.
“I got my favorite intern to do it,” he answered then laughed. “You’d love Tokoyami. We’re two halves of a whole bird.” He felt her giggle and breathed a sigh of relief. Hawks warned Fuyumi that he was going to move them over, waiting for a nod before slowly walking them over to the blanket, and he kept distracting her by rambling about how awesomely weird Tokoyami was.
Hawks held her closer when she yelped as he was lowering them down. Once they were sitting, Fuyumi pressed herself up to his side, biting her lip and fighting back embarrassed tears. She felt something move around her and flinched.
“Fuyumi. Open your eyes,” he whispered, but she frantically shook her head. “Trust me.” She audibly gulped but slowly cracked open her eyes and first realized it was darker than before, gasping when she realized why.
Large feathered wings surrounded the both of them, blocking out the sight of the skyline so that she couldn’t see how high up they were. Her fingers slowly untangled from Hawks’ shirt. Keeping his wings up made maneuvering a little difficult, so Hawks used a few feathers to move the basket closer.
With her view shrouded, Fuyumi calmed down enough to pull out the food. They ate and chatted, and she had to admit that it was nice. Embraced by his warmth, the frost on her skin slowly started to melt. When it was time to get down, Hawks placed her arms around his shoulders before lifting her into his arms. She still shut her eyes and pressed her face against his throat, but he flew so smoothly that if not for the wind, she might not have believed they were even moving.
Normally, Hawks would’ve flown her straight home, but figured the sooner they landed the better. Fuyumi finally fully relaxed when her feet touched the ground but did her best not to react too strongly. She threaded her arm with his for the walk home. Afraid she’d change her mind, Hawks refused to comment. 
“So what?” Her brow furrowed in confusion.
“Have I earned a second date?” His tone was light, but he was obviously worried about the answer. Fuyumi hummed thoughtfully.
“Well you did try to kill me,” she teased, though she felt the tiniest bit guilty when he winced. Before he could try to apologize again, she added, “So I guess you’ll have to make it up to me next time.”
His wings flared out involuntarily while his face flushed, but before he could say anything, they arrived at her front door.
“By the way, I need a new picture.”
“Want something to keep you company during lonely nights?” he cooed slyly.
“Nah,” she said, holding back a matching smirk. “I need a new coaster.” At his mock petulant expression, Fuyumi grinned and shot him a wink before going inside.
Wings fluttering, Hawks was walking on air, literally since flying home was the fastest way. He’d make sure the next autograph was laminated.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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