#I haven't written them in so looong I miss them
rivalsforlife · 9 months
both edgeworth and phoenix are tricky characters to write imo. edgeworth because it is far too easy to get into writing him too stuffy, and it's hard to deal with his Problems when he despises attention and does not want anyone to deal with them. phoenix because he wants to be written like an everyman but he is the guy who considers "become a lawyer to see your friend you haven't seen since you were nine" as a normal thought pattern. something is deeply wrong with both of them but not always in the way you expect and it's hard to get around
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vee-beeee · 11 months
Crappy Mornings
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Okay soooo
I had so much fun writing the other fic that I wanted to do it again LOL
So the premise is you're late and have had the WORST morning, and Nines and Conner are worried. Also you knit.
again SORRY if this has been done before
Let the games begin
Warning: Fluff with a CAPITOL F, misunderstandings kinda, shorter than the last one, slice of life I think, very sweet or cringe take that as you will
You were running late
This seemed to be a theme in your life.
You were supposed to be at the station at 7 am, and it was currently 7:55 am. This wouldn't have been to much of a big deal, if your work partner was anyone else.
Unfortunately, your work partner was your adoring and sometimes overbearing boyfriend Nines.
And your other boyfriend was an overly-anxious, very caring Conner.
So today, you accidently upset 2 punctual androids.
But you had a good reasons to be late!
First, your alarm went off 10 minutes late for absolutely no reason.
Second, your hot water heater was acting up again so you had to take the coldest shower of your life.
And third, probably the worst, you totally accidently dropped your phone in your sink...That was filled with water after you had washed dishes the previous night and forgot to un-plug the sink to drain it. So this meant you had no way to contact Conner or Nines to let them know you were running late.
To top it off, your knitting supplies was totally eluding you. It just disappeared. And you may have looked for it for 8 minutes. But eventually you found it, now you were even more behind.
You hadn't even left home yet.
Walking out of your apartment, you almost got tripped up by a group of bikers. 5 looong minutes of standing in the middle of the sidewalk like an idiot while hearing a bunch of "excuse mes" and "coming throughs".
Then, the good people at your favorite coffee place had also misread your order. It honestly wouldn't have been a big deal but they insisted they fix it for you. Another 6 minutes.
(And you maybe stopped to pet a huge fluffy husky and that may have taken longer than it should've.)
Finally, FINALLY you made it to the station. But you were terrified to face the wrath of anger, from your anxious androids.
Lo and behold, loitering around your desk, immediately spotting you when you entered the office, was 2 very annoyed androids. Well, one was pissed and one had worry written all over his features. Which is worse in your opinion.
"Where have you been" Nines sharply asks, giving you a hard stare while taking in your form, most likely scanning you. His LED a steady yellow with flashes of red, conveying his worry without him realizing. Or he was just REALLY mad.
"You haven't been answering your phone, and we have been worried for your well being" was Conner's response to you being late, his LED also yellow and red. He was giving you the puppy dog eyes that ate at your soul. You held your hands up, guilt written all over you as you rushed to explain your horrible no good morning.
"Guys I'm so sorry, my alarm didn't go off, my phone died, there was an incident with some bikers, and the coffee place got my order wrong and they wanted to fix it, there was this Husky.." and as you continued to ramble about your unfortunate morning, Nines and Conner just stare at you waiting patiently until you were finished. What you didn't notice was there blinking LED's, and an unheard secret conversation.
"Your tone was to harsh, she is clearly having a hard time today." said a sympathetic voice in Nines head.
"Whatever. She scared us, didn't respond to our messages, and she was late. We have important work to do and she cant spend her time letting a missed alarm get to her."
Conner gave Nines a glare after that comment and followed it up with a statement thats outcome would unknowingly make you feel worse
"Your being kind of an ass right now Nines"
Nines scoffed, which accidently caught your attention. If you weren't red before, you sure were now. You knew that they would be pissed at you being late, and his scoff hit somewhere inside you that made you shrivel a little into yourself, even if you didn't know at the time that it wasn't meant for you.
And Nines had his pissed off look activated, and was avoiding your gaze.
You went quiet, not knowing what to say to fix this, which Conner immediately noticed. Cutting off his inner conversation with Nines, he did another scan on you. Your face was flush, and you showed signs of embarrassment. Brief but distinct increase in heart rate, flushed, fidgeting, and you had now started averting your gaze. Without all the scans, and by just looking at you, he could tell you were tired. So he did the most logical thing his programming could come up with to soothe you.
He hugged you.
You immediately softened. The hug was warm and filled with love, you could feel his soft breathes and his synthetic hair ticking your neck. You were guessing Conner had now forgiven you. You let out a sigh and sank deeper into the hug, enjoying it after your rough morning.
You noticed out of the corner of your eye Conner's LED blinking yellow.
You then looked over his shoulder at Nines, who looked like a big baby at the moment. His LED was also blinking, and he was drilling holes into the back of Conner's head with how intently he was staring at him. You took one hand from Conner's back and waved it a little. This caught the RK900's attention, and he looked at you, LED still flashing. And all you did was smile with all your heart at him.
And he instantly softened, and returned it.
And then you took your other hand and did finger guns at him while making a stupid-ass face. You had to make a joke out of a slightly depressing situation.
And then he hardened at you, trying to look angry, but he was totally shaking and you could see him restraining his laughter.
Conner released you, giving you one last look before turning to gaze at Nines. You saw them glaring again and decided to stop it. So you took Nines hand in yours, and rubbed a thumb over his knuckles. He eased up again and Conner did too.
"Well wasn't that just the cutest shit I've ever seen" you heard someone grumble from across the bullpen. You laughed and Nines bristled, while Conner went blue, returning to Hank.
Eventually you got to work, but you smiled while doing it. Your morning turned out to be better than expected.
Wait, you totally forgot you need a new phone. Dang.
sorry for any spelling errorss
I have found that I like writing lol
Sorry its shorter, but i hope its not to cringeee!
okay bye
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Monster is coming up with a season 2
About the Menendez brothers, and to be honest - I haven't looked up this case in a looong time, because every time I do, I am overwhelmed with a heavy sense of anger and sadness for the years they've lost getting convicted of a crime that warranted a lighter sentence. And if it were up to me, they should've never ended up there in the first place, or maybe just a more appropriate sentence (i know this topic is super high risk). And it was just an insane time - if you try looking up articles and footage from their trials and news coverage, the media was intensely against them. And although justice hasn't had the best track record in history, the 90's were brutal man. And I'm not sure about the logistics of making a series like this, if they credit royalties to the victims - in this case, the Menendez brothers. Man this is such a shittily written blog post, but I just saw the trailer on TikTok and when I tell you I cried and immediately knew I had to just vent it out. Who knew that Blame it on the Rain can be such a depressing song. I can't unlisten to it without thinking of the two of them. Someone commented about Gypsy Rose being out, and them still in prison. And honestly I have no thoughts. I just think about the life they've missed out on - and we can only get so much coverage on them from the news, like their reunion in 2018. But imagine being a kid, yeah a kid, I'm 25 and I still feel like a huge baby working my way to pay bills and survive. And I know they were born with money, but man, imagine losing more than half of your life in that place, and separated for the first half of that conviction. It's intense. Losing everything after deciding gto finally stand up for yourself, and then being apart from each other knowing their probably the only person you can truly get strength from. Originally, I came to write about them to sort of dive into the nasty journalism in the 80's-90's hell even the 2000's were brutal, and I'm not saying that what we have now is a complete 180, but there's definitely a lot more empathy now. There's just a lot more contextualizing in a meaningful way versus just putting shit out there. Which is ironic now that I think about the concept of click bait. But nowadays, you can have the whole world on your side, then after a few weeks get immediate facts and information and have the same people on your side do a complete 180. And whether that be a good or a bad thing, I have to admit, that might've heavily helped them at the time if information was transmitted as fast and with the type of reception people have now. I rarely pray, and haven't been in church for more than a decade, but damn, if I could pray for an alternate life for the both of them and it'll actually come true, I definitely would.
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primalsouls · 2 years
Ok so my polyamorous butt loves both Langa and Reki, but there are only a few oneshots on here that show them both together like that. Could you possibly write more if you have the time?
omg it's been such a looong time since i wrote for sk8 😭 i missed my boys orz
since it's been a long time since i wrote for them, they're gonna be a little ooc? i do know that reki can be like excited and fun and langa like quiet yet still determined to be out there, you know lol? but either way, they'll be somewhat ooc 😅
anyway, here's a little something for the meantime while i go rewatch sk8, i just know im not looking forward to seeing that guy 😬 lmao
also blueberry muffins are my fave (˶′◡‵˶)
[08/01/22] I've started this post last week and i just finished and oh man... i did not meant for it to be so long 💀 it was so supposed to be short but i got carried away lmao 😅 also i still haven't rewatch sk8 lol
anyway enjoy! hope you love it! <3
Sweet like You
pairing: reki kyan x gn! reader x langa hasewaga
theme(s): fluff
warning(s): none
(Name) stared out the window with their chin propped on the palm of their hand boredly as the teacher continued on about some chemistry problems and their equations written on the board, his back turned on the students. Their mechanical lead pencil twirled lazily in their fingers, a low sigh going through their nose. The young skater stopped listening to the lecture a few minutes ago. Class was already half an hour in. Their mind had long abandoned the subject of today's lessons, swimming down a path of old memories as their eyes stared at the passing clouds. It was a windy day. Their boyfriends mentioned doing some more skill practices after school during their lunchtime for one of Langa's upcoming races with one of the known skaters in the underground group which both boys refused to let (Name) in.
Although (Name) really didn't had any intentions of joining in the S organization. They weren't one for racings or competing against others. They had seen the injuries both Reki and Langa received. It broke their heart seeing their boys be cover in bandages. Such injuries brought an old childhood memory of theirs.
Back when they first started skating on their own, they would be cover in band-aids themselves after spending hours upon hours on learning how to ride a board. After an hour of struggling to step on the board without sliding off from it and earning themselves a scratch on one of their palms or knees, (Name)'s mother would bake them their favorite treat, a plate of warm, delicious blueberry muffins with a glass of milk beside it. Just from the thought of it in their memories made their mouth watered.
Before their mind wander further into their memories, the last bell of the school day rang throughout the whole building. Students begun to pack their stuffs while the teacher remind them of their lessons and their homework for the night, (Name) taking their time as the rest of their classmates rush out to hurry home.
Bored (colored) eyes looked at the school building as the owner stood beside the gates. They waited patiently for their boyfriends to meet up with them at the gates, as they promised during lunch. Squinting their eyes, (Name) saw a mop of baby bluer hair bouncing slightly as Langa ran up them with a determined look on his face.
"(Nickname)!" Langa called out as he reached them, his signature skateboard in hand while the other held his bookbag. "Ready to go? Reki said he would catch up to us later at the usual spot. One of his teachers held him back to get him back on track on his assignments." He explained. (Name) mouthed out an 'oh' as they nodded.
"Ah, I see... I imagined it was the English teacher, huh?" They said, shaking their head when Langa nodded. Though, they didn't mind starting on the training without Reki, (Name) wanted to hang out with both their boys. "How about we wait for Reki st my house? Besides, I've been thinking about making some blueberry muffins. We can make some together and eat them when Reki comes over." They suggested, looking at the other skater.
Lanha stared at his partner, a clear look of a debate going in his head.
"Okay." He answered after a moment of silence.
(Name) grinned and took his hand in theirs, intertwining their fingers as they led the way to find a grocery store.
It was getting close to evening. Reki had texted to the trio's group chat about coming over to (Name)'s house. Thankfully it was a Friday night, having the whole weekend to spend it over at their house while going out to get some training done. Langa and (Name) spent the rest of the time until Reki came back from school gathering the ingredients and measuring them up. From preparing the batter, to mixing the berries in to baking the muffins and letting them cool down after taking them out of the oven.
The duo heard furious knocks coming from the front entrance of the house. (Name) gestured to Langa to stay in the kitchen and place the muffins on plate as they went to check who was at the door. Their eyes beamed when familiar face grinning back at them.
"(Nickname)!" Reki announced, already wrapping his arms around the other skater. "Aah, I missed you!" He said, nuzzling his face against their shoulder. (Name) laughed as they returned the hug and patted his hair.
"It's only been a few hours after school, Reki." They said, chuckling at the cute pout the boy gave after pulling away from the hug to look at them.
"Still! It felt like days." Reki commented, moving away inside the house to let his partner close the door behind them. "Where's Langa? Didn't he came home with you?"
(Name) nodded over to the kitchen before heading back to it with Reki following behind. "Yeah, he did. We stopped by a store to buy some stuff to make my favorite muffins." They answered, grinning lazily when they saw Langa tried to keep a small pyramid of blueberry muffins together on the plate. He wore a concentration look on his face, little bit of his tongue stick out with his brows frowned down their forehead. "Langa~, Reki's here."
Cutting his attention away from a muffin falling down the top of the food pyramid, Langa stood back up with a smile. "Reki! Look, I helped (Nickname) made their favorite muffins." He said, pointing at the muffins with a proud smile on his features. Reki chuckled and nodded, walking over with (Name).
"It really does look delicious."
"Right! I hope they taste as good as my mom had done for me."
"They're cool down, so let's try them."
With Langa's suggestion coming into actions, each skater grabbed a muffin and took a bite into the treat.
"Ooh... They're so good!"
"Really? I think they're second to my mom's."
"Tastes sweet like you..."
Silence grew over the trio as Reki and (Name) looked over at Langa and his comment. Right in the exact moment after the comment left the blue-haired boy's lips, a rudy shade blush decorated (Name)'s cheeks.
"L-Langa, dude! Don't say such corny shit!" (Name) whined, pouting as they covered their face after putting the muffin back on the plate, growing flustered. Langa smiled as Reki laughed loudly.
"Haha! He's not lying, though!" Reki said, pulling their hands away. Once his partner looked at him, Reki stole a quick kiss from them. "See, you do taste like blueberry muffins, so sweet!" He teased, grinning at the other skater's face continued to burn from the teasing.
Witnessing the teasing, Langa huffed and took (Name) by their chin and made them face him, planting a quick kiss, too, surprising them further more as their flushed face grew heated one last time. They sweared they looked like a ripe tomato if the tease continue further. "Hm... Sweet..." Langa muttered, smiling at his partner. Reki grinned, nodding in agreement.
"Oh my gosh..." (Name) whispered under their breath, covering their face once more. "You guys are so corny..." They sighed, smiling a little as their heart fluttered against their chest. (Name) was glad to met the two boys. The duo always know how to get under their skin with the teasing and the affection. They don't mind it, though. It always brings a smile to their heated face and make their heart flutter in love.
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