#I haven't quite figured out which year yet - so it can be any tbh
callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Do you have everyone's majors decided in the college au?? And the classes the professors teach??
Yes! So this was further explained in An Academic Proposal chapter 14 and 15, but I've had their majors decided since about chapter 5 of An Academic Achievement! Feel free to ask any questions about Academic Achievement and Proposal since I know not everyone has read either
Rodolfo: Rodolfo's major is a little tricky. So, he's Pre-Law which isn't one specific major, but I've settled on Sociology being what he takes before he goes to Law School and switches to Criminal Law (Originally going to be for Custody Law which I think has a bit more specialized of a Law degree.)
Alejandro: Alejandro is actively a business major, he's also in Alpha Lambda which is a business frat. However, once he gets through this degree, he's going back into college to get a BSW (Bachelor's of Social Work)
Soap: Chemical Engineering. This was sparked because what he's supposed to be was split down the middle as half wanted Engineering, half wanted Chemistry, so I found a middle ground. He's not too passionate about his degree at the current time for reasons I can't say due to spoilers.
Ghost: Ghost is forensics with no specialty. He's kind of just going to college to have a degree, he has enough family money he doesn't really need to find a career. He plans on going as high as he can with Forensics and then teaching it.
Roach: Roach is Digital Forensics, which he picked because Farah is forensics and he has a mild interest in technology. However, he's reconsidering his major for Entomology, because he has more passion for insects than computers. I cannot explain why he didn't go with Entomology to begin with because of (you guessed it) spoilers.
Valeria: Sociology. She's also Pre-law and will be a prosecuting attorney when she graduates Law School. She's been on this track since she started.
Price: He's mostly just the coach of the football team as well as a few other very small sports teams. He also teaches a couple Sport related courses. He has a degree in Sports Management with a Sports and Society minor.
Laswell: She primarily teaches Criminology, but she's a Prosecuting Attorney for her main job. I should state this now I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT LAW AND I DON'T FEEL INTERESTED IN LEARNING, SO ALL THREE LAWYERS ARE GOING TO BE FAIRLY INACCURATE
Laswell's Wife (Jen): She teaches Chemistry Courses, whatever ends up being most convenient for plot. Not super accurate for her character, I would probably choose Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree if I did another. However, she has a PhD in Chemistry.
Gaz: Business major. He's fairly undriven at college because he had other things going on when he joined. He's about to look over everything he's done and see if switching majors is something feasible for him.
Alex: He started out also as a business major, but switched to Criminology in his second year about a fourth of the way through. Laswell helped him do it and he'll likely join her firm when he's graduated. He used to also be in Alpha Lambda, but had to leave when he switched majors because it's a Business Frat
Farah: She's a basic Forensics Major with no specialty. I have no major reason, I don't really think it fits her character, but it did fit the story. If I was to do a new College AU, I think I would pick Social Justice or Social Work
Malika: She's a computer science major because she has a special interest in all things computer! She and Roach actually bond over a similar major quite a bit!
Graves: Business Major, current Chapter President of Alpha Lambda. Not much really needs to be known beyond that, tbh
Lucas: (He's important to the story.) He's also Pre-Law and his degree is in Criminology. He hasn't quite figured out the full scope of his career, yet.
Again, feel free to ask whatever for this AU. Here's the original headcanons post and here's An Academic Achievement and An Academic Proposal if you haven't read them, yet. I think I just recently reached a 225k total wordcount for the series!
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cryingforhyo · 26 days
i guess it's safe to say that I'm one of your old readers in this fandom. 😅 I've been a reader since you drop Push and Pull out on that holiday night.
I read most of your fics too. there's only one or two fic that I haven't read in the past year because life is a bit hectic now.
this is not a subtle request btw, but I'm curious if you have a 'verse focused about coming-out or realizing one's sexual orientation. I don't exactly remember every detail but, iirc, most of your fics' characters have implied sexuality which are lesbians.
It will be cool to know how you guys write about the experiences of coming out from your time period. ( I don't mean to make you feel so old 😭 but I know you two are in your 30s and are wiser and more experienced than we are (early 20s) ) I remember reading a post that it was really a different social scene compared to now.
maybe I'm also curious how you two became friends, then roommates *cough* *coughhhhh* and then wives because tbh I'm surrounded by hetero couples irl that reading about you two fascinates me.
I'm sorry for this ramble. feel free to ignore it too if it's borderline invasive. and sorry if you'll see this on a Monday morning
first off, thank you dear reader for being with us for so long! time surely flies when you're having fun, because wdym push & pull is approaching its 3rd anniversary??? creating for this fandom has been such a joint delight for the both of us, and we're just happy to share the journey with friends like you :) take your time re the new fics, esp if they're wips! we're working on them relatively slower, because life has also been hella hectic hereabouts.
onto your second query: i think this question is very interesting, actually! to address it head on, for this particular fandom i don't think i've written a 'verse where the specific challenge for any of the characters is coming to terms with their sexuality. i quite like living in this fantasy world where people are simply as-is-where-is lesbians haha. for example in our childhood best friends to lovers stories, when someone realizes their attraction, the realization is not so much about falling in love with another woman, but about falling in love with this specific person.
this way, it's the characters' shared context and history that makes their dynamic compelling, instead of the much more global milieu of lgbt relationships existing alongside all these issues and history, etc. which i also think are interesting stories to tell! but for purposes of this fandom in particular, which i think exists in a sociopolitical context that is beyond my expertise--i leave those stories to better-positioned storytellers :) in the true spirit of creating in this era, i do not want to get anything so egregiously wrong it will detract from the reader's experience.
but seriously, i have been obsessed about writing coming out/ coming of age stories for the longest time, mostly for my original work, which are set locally with local OCs. they were all i wrote about back in the day, so i guess for fanfic i figured i could instead try all the other tropes that weren't so close to real life, where coming out can be fraught and complicated. it's for the same reason that i don't write compulsory heterosexuality (comphet) or i avoid writing men as third parties in general... i've already spent a significant chunk of my writing life writing /that/ story, or at least that’s how it felt like.
but you make a good point! i'd love to try revisiting that coming out/coming of age trope and give it some aged-up flavor. let's see about that :)
on a personal note, many times when i look at today's digital landscape, I often go, thank god [this or that] did not exist just yet back in the day [or at least not in this manner] when i was figuring my shit out, because oh boy. the clout i could have chased and cancellations i could have booked haha.
suffice it to say i'm happy the digital footprints of past egregious mistakes are now buried with the deaths of old platforms. we were very lucky to have lived and loved and lost in an age where the internet could still afford some measure of forgetting.
(i know there's probably no going back to that kind of landscape, but i hope it's not too late for us to be a little kinder to each other, and definitely more forgiving of ~youth and elderly~, given how fast information cycles around these days and how wide the age range of users concurrently using the same digital spaces right now can be. it's NUTS.)
that said, c would like to clarify she is still in her twenties! hahaha. i confirm this. i also confirm that you're right to say i (k) am already out of my twenties haha.
we actually became friends through fandom! we met on tumblr lmao because that's where you met other wlw back in the day (idk if that's still where people are, istg i would not survive the current dating landscape either!) so i would not be exaggerating when i say fandom brought us together, and we're still cycling through fandoms together, having been to various ones in the past handful of years. that said we look forward to more fandoms to add to our list lol.
thanks for this ask - it's actually the PERFECT thing to see on a monday morning, in fact. hope your week goes well!
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actuallyitsstar · 6 months
🫓 What is your most popular fic?
🥘 What category do most of your fics fall under?
🍛 Have any comments, tags or reactions to one of your fics every made you laugh or cry or both?
🍢 Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
🍣 What helps you focus or get in the mood to write?
🍥 What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
✨ send me an emoji and ask me about my fanfic! ✨
🫓 : what is your most popular fic?
this is most certainly time takes no prisoners (you'll see). very much hands down, very much no contest lol 😅
🥘: what category do most of your fics fall under?
found family lol. what can i say. something about it does in fact hit different for me. i always want more and the brainrot is never ending and it's arguably not the most popular fic genre, so when i run out of content in the fandom of choice atm, i start making my own lol
🍛: have any comments, tags or reactions to one of your fics every made you laugh or cry or both?
well, yes, for starters, several of yours!! 💗 like when someone leaves a nice/heartfelt and/or detailed comment on my silly little fics i am quite LITERALLY screaming crying (and only metaphorically throwing up) about it. that shit does in fact mean the most to me and i wouldn't push myself to actually try and do things i don't feel very good at if people did not seem to want me to do it, so when people feel Some Type of Way after reading something i wrote that is the ultimate goal. i wouldn't write stuff if i didn't want whoever's reading it to connect with and remember it, so i connect just as much back when they do!
🍢 : have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
thankfully i actually haven't yet!
🍣 : what helps you focus or get in the mood to write?
oof tbh i think me being ~in the mood to write~ is controlled by the whims of deities interested only in toying with me 😭😭 ive learned that even if i am not exactly in the mood i have to just Do it. and eventually i will either stop bc im like wow everything i am writing right now absolutely sucks! or i will get into it and figure out a whole bunch of shit and write 5k words. there is basically no in between lmao
🍥 : what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
this is also gonna have to be time takes no prisoners. it is kind of a big first fic for me- longest, first top gun fic, first fic to rly get comments or kudos, most chapters, fic i am the most proud of, first series based work, etc etc- and the story (though obviously not my own, as it IS just a retelling of largely canonical events i can't take any credit for) means the absolute world to me. it's probably going to wind up being my fanfic magnum opus lol. it is always gonna hold a special place in my heart. i just adore this fandom and these characters and i just akdhdjhfjfhf love everything about the whole mav-is-bradleys-dad shit and the by extension found-family-w-people-mav-knows shit. it is just major *chefs kiss* for me <3
if i needed to give a more creative answer in the pre ttnp timeline (bc that is how it feels sometimes lol. there is pre and post ttnp/top gun brainrot and nothing in between), i'd have probably said all this effort to make it look effortless, which was the first writing of any kind i had done since like 2018 or something idk. i wrote and posted it last year, not too long before i began to write ttnp (it was actually right before i saw tgm at all), and it's for the world's most obscure fandom and it's very very self indulgent and i rly did just write it for myself, there's like under 50 fics in that fandom and mine has less hits than that lol. but i was and am very proud of it! (tho w the hindsight of rereading i hate the formatting so much god learn to use paragraph breaks what is wrong with you aaaaaaa).
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invisibleheartache · 2 years
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hey love.
today is 2/26/23, which would have made it 11 years. it’s a sunday today, which means it’s another rowdy morning like last year with all the little kids doing their sporting events. booooo.
how have you been? I’ve been doing fair, I suppose. my back pain is still there, but now I have sciatic pain as well which reallyyyyy sucks. still rocking that light duty, although I’m not sure how long that will last. I don’t have much to say this year really, without feeling too repetitive from the past two years I mean. one thing is that I did finally retire the wallet you got for me all those years ago. I've been looking to get a new wallet for some time, one that is more simple and minimalistic, and I finally pulled the trigger on it a few months ago. it even has a little cut out where I can stick an airtag in it to track it in case I lose it! but honestly, I'm just glad I can finally retire the wallet you got for me before it saw any more wear and tear (or worse, if I lost it! I would be so heartbroken if I did). out of the all the accessories you’ve given me (the ring, necklace, watch), the wallet was the only thing of you that I kept close to my heart (almost quite literally) ever since we parted ways. I'm not sure how to describe the feeling in words, because I obviously haven't quite let you go yet, but I think its a big step where at least my apartment finally has no physical trace of you or our time together. that sounded really bad and mean, but I hope you don't take it that way. it's just another step in the seemingly forever process of letting you go. that's all.
it’s a pretty cloudy/gloomy day today, which I kinda like tbh. it’s very fitting for the mood. but I’m thankful there’s no rain today. every year I always hope that I’ll run into you here or something. just to see you in person one last time. I suppose that’s just wishful thinking at this point. but I’m still hopeful. I’ll be going to athens a little bit later, maybe around noon. I’m planning on getting horchata at tlaloc today, but I still haven’t figured out where to eat yet. I was thinking choo choos? but meh we’ll see. talk to you soon, love.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
Hey you said that some of the transformers comics were jumping in price bc of paper shortages and limited prints due to poor sales. Is that true basically across the board, and they might go down if IDW prints more of them? I'm trying to collect the phase two hardcover collections and for some reason I can find all of them at retail price or lower, but there's like 3 copies of volume 5 online at any given time and they're 3-4x the retail price, and it's driving me crazy. (and the fact that it looks like phase 3 doesn't include the last 2-3 volumes-worth or so, and I can't tell if they just haven't published it yet, or it's going from limbo straight to never-published hell thanks to the reboot and IP sale...)
Ohhh this is about my SotW TPB post I take it?
So all the below is 100% conjecture for the record, and it is perfectly likely that I am wrong in every regard, but this is just what I've seen discussed these past few years in both fandom and publishing generally. Grain of salt, etc. Sorry to go into wayyy more detail than you asked for anon, but I figure while we're here and since I've seen people ask similar questions, may as well give all the advice I have to offer!
So yes, the reason they have jumped in price is they're out of print, period, and it is indeed more or less across the board bar brand new releases (which are likely getting 1-2 printings tops) as far as anyone can tell. We think this has been the case for a while, actually. A lot of stuff just didn't fully sell out everywhere so the last few copies in stock made it seem "in print" for a lot of titles, but then when IDW lost the license and people ran to buy up copies, well. Turns out those were just leftovers, mostly? So the prices started going way up.
The hypothesis in fandom is that IDW has almost certainly been running on a 'reprint only if needed' policy for at least some of their books for quite some time now, putting off doing new print runs for trades to avoid slapping a lot of cash down for a run that might take years to sell out and fully make a profit. Because again, publishing right now is expensive and risky for various reasons, so the threshold gets higher and higher before you want to go for it, especially for something as high-cost as full colour comics, especially for smaller print runs period.
So the stuff that the original print runs of haven't sold out yet are going for RRP, and that includes a lot of the more recent books, plus just some random older ones. Once they sell out, the price skyrockets. This leads to weird, random stuff being way more expensive, like volume 5 of the IDW phase 2 collection as you said, or volume 8 of MTMTE (saw one of those go for £110 not long ago).
(Also, stuff that came out before this was likely to be quite so big an issue isn't as badly hit even once out of print. LSotW is much cheaper than SotW despite both being out of print and both being in high demand. Why? LSotW probably got more and/or larger print runs. Not just because it's been out longer, but because when it was out, IDW may not have been as shy about when they reprinted stuff. See also: AHM is cheap as hell still, it's not as in demand and they probably just... printed way more copies total before the problem struck.)
For most of the TF stuff that's just sort of. It, really. They're not re-printing when the license is going next year, why would you. Buy whatever you can now tbh, if it's worth it to you; there's already MTMTE volumes on UK ebay not only being offered for £100+ but bought for £100, which means it's not people trying their luck and failing.
For the hardback collection volumes, though, there is the caveat people have speculated whether it's remotely possible IDW have retained the rights to finish publishing the rest of those comics in that specific collection past 2022. That is PURE speculation to be clear and not backed up by anything solid. The sole reason a few people think this is that they are, as you say, going ahead with the next phase three omnibus release as late as September 2022, which neither brings them remotely close to finishing the series nor makes a lot of sense if they are hoping to get them all out before losing the license January 2023. So we're wondering if they're not scrapping it because the transfer of rights allowed them to keep those in print, in which case maaaaybe reprints of earlier volumes will happen... but on the other hand maybe they're just. Gonna release a random last volume and let it end uncompleted. WHO KNOWS.
All of this may be eased somewhat if the new rights holder chooses to re-print IDW1 comics to make some cash off them, of course! The caveat being, there's a lot of IDW1 comics that just aren't... well remembered or beloved the way stuff like e.g. Wreckers is, so unless they specifically pick up the hardback omnibus series that covers the entire run, it's unlikely we'll see every comic physically reprinted even then. Some of this stuff is probably never going to see a physical re-release. Alas. They're a lot more likely to do a fancy MTMTE/LL omnibus release than like. Any of the random IDW1 crossover comics. (Which, sure, they're not worth it or anything half the time, but on principle it makes me sad, haha.)
tl;dr: it's not likely to get better for these versions, and we won't know til it's too late if the new comic publisher will make new versions. sorry. :(
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ezralva · 4 years
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Anyone who ever had similar situation with Adachi can immediately understand that this is fundamentally an act of self-preservation. The last defense he can control atm to prevent himself from drowning in guilt and self-hatred. Because for those with low self-esteem, it's much more easier to admit our own mistakes, weaknesses, and failures to ourselves when it had nothing to do or impacted anyone else. Because we're used to being disappointed or not having any expectations to ourselves in the first place. But the moment we realize that our 'incapabilities' will let down or hurt others, particularly those we care about, the guilt and self-blame that come after are enough to be paralyzing us.
In this case, Adachi wholly believes that everything good Kurosawa saw in him so far is due to the magic, despite back in ep 1, the scarf scene, he literally heard how Kurosawa had paid special attention to him from afar. And it's still reasonable for him to think so because...
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Despite having read Kurosawa's thoughts so far, unlike us audiences, one thing Adachi wasn't privy is the fact that Kurosawa had been pining for him for 7 years and that what triggered Kurosawa to deeply fall for him in the first place was his genuineness and Adachi just simply being himself without any motives or pressures to be worthy of standing beside Kurosawa.
Based on what we saw onscreen, it's highly likely that they haven't reached that deep conversation where they talked comfortably about what made them fall for each other and for how long, their weaknesses and fears, their past wounds and backgrounds..
As for the competition, it's another impactful trigger..In ep 9, Adachi decided to join after Kurosawa said he was cool, it helped boost his self-esteem and so he decided to challenge himself, in public this time, something he might have never done before. Adachi was probably expecting that if he got good result in this, it'd totally elevate his own self-image of being Kurosawa's boyfriend, that he isn't as hopeless as he thought before. And then he saw how Kurosawa became very invested and looked so happy with him proceeding in the competition that he didn't want to let him down by losing it. Unfortunately, it just spiraled downward after that...
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On top of being disgusted by himself for 'cheating' (eventho it's not that much of cheating actually, he's just too pure!), he also had to accidentally heard this...And this is purely how I see it, Adachi actually wanted to impress Kurosawa with this competition, for once, with his own skill without relying on magic, and it motivated him to work hard on it even as far as cheating....only to hear that once again, that isn't exactly what matters for Kurosawa. Only Adachi's happiness that matters and I dare say that in this situation, his own happiness is the last thing Adachi had in his mind tbh. But.. It was too late for Adachi, because he already felt so bad for cheating and it made him think more badly about himself now due to that he couldn't even fake a smile or put up happy facade in front of Kurosawa and he just heard that's what Kurosawa actually wanted with this whole ordeal.
So he became more disappointed with himself that he couldn't even do one thing right for Kurosawa's interest, hence why now he regretted it. He thought it would've been better if he quitted earlier so he didn't have to cheat his way thru, at least he wouldn't have felt so guilty and useless like this at the end of it and can be a bit happier...
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And it's another consecutive blow he had to his dignity on the same day, which lead us to this...
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And this...
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All of these which only validate his reasonings more, that he keeps on being at the receiving end of Kurosawa's kindness and hasn't been able to give back anything yet. He found out the 'one' thing Kurosawa wants from him thru his magic, that is finally exclusively Kurosawa's (and not just him trying to make Adachi happy) and that very 'one' thing would make him lose the said magic and after that, he believes he wouldn't have any other means to really know what Kurosawa actually wants by being in relationship with him, because Kurosawa will only do things that prioritize Adachi. So he became afraid and said he didn't know what to do.
Sadly, despite Kurosawa only has Adachi's interest at heart, his every action of always only focusing on how to make Adachi happy doesn't make it any easier for Adachi to figure out what Kurosawa expects from him as a partner, how to treat Kurosawa in return, and simply how to conduct himself in front of Kurosawa.
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Despite always feeling inferior compared to Kurosawa, this is the first time he said that out loud. He believes he will just keep letting Kurosawa down in the future with his inadequacies and then the guilt and self-deprecation will just eat him alive. And going by his character, Adachi probably believes that he'd breakdown completely if Kurosawa ever had a change of heart once they were more invested than this. So he opted to retreat back to his shell instead. Again due to the fact he possibly hasn't really got a clue of how deep Kurosawa's love for him is.
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As for Kurosawa, he understood that whatever he said at this point to convince him otherwise, Adachi wouldn't believe him and will just overwhelm him even further. Not until Adachi can see his values and the importance of his happiness for himself....So he gave him the choice regardless of his own promise in ep 7 that he'd never let Adachi go anymore. Because he can clearly see Adachi wouldn't be able to say it to him first.
Alas, this conversation might have turned out differently if Adachi wasn't at his lowest and was in happier mood....
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fuckyeahfightlock · 3 years
Is The Untamed any good? Also I hope you're well :D
All is well in my world at the moment, thank you!
I am enjoying The Untamed. I don't consume a lot of Asian media because the storytelling conventions are often different to what I'm used to, and the cultural specificity of everything from naming traditions/honorifics to ghost and magic lore is completely impenetrable to me. I'm just not equipped to take all that on board (I admire Western people who seem to click right into all of this; I guess that is just not a brand of intelligence I have). I am pretty lost quite a bit of the time, in a similar way to how lost I am watching science fiction--I just figure out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are, and I root for the good guys, and sometimes it's funny or exciting, but all of the context and backstory is pretty much impenetrable to me. Not really understanding what's going on doesn't prevent me from enjoying things--I never understood much of Doctor Who and yet I loved it dearly for many years.
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(Lan Wangji aka Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian aka Wei Ying, who you will be shipping within the first three minutes of this series; it's not subtle)
There are about seven hundred characters, and each of them has at least two names (often three or more) which are used indiscriminately, as far as I can tell because I don't understand when which name would be used. After E1, I sought out a "if you're confused by The Untamed" article online that helped sort out some of my puzzlement. Since then I haven't needed any crutches, though I have mildly wondered a few things I might look up later (like. . .why they left the ancient [is it ancient?] Chinese Hogwarts-style magic school even though no one seemed to graduate or anything; as far as I can tell the sexy silly one got kicked out and for some reason the sexy solemn one and the flamboyant side-character went with him? Adventuring? Whatever, they're adventuring now I guess.)
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(this one with the fan, Nie [someone, maybe Huisang?], is their sidekick/pet/foil or something. I think he's just there to cockblock them, tbh. Because they REALLY want to bone.)
The costumes and hair and art direction/sets/effects are gorgeous--though for some reason it looks better on my phone than on a television set???--and they do start out as teenagers so I don't want to get too dirty-minded about it, but that's a YMMV situation.
I'm about 10 episodes in...there's this overarching story about monsters (demons or ghosts or suchlike, I’m not sure), and a clan of bad guys trying to reassemble a broken rock that will. . .do something. Maybe unleash hell on earth? It's a doomsday machine type thing. Our heroes are fighting a lot of minor monsters on their way to. . .get the doomsday machine before the bad guys do. I think.
OH! And! Our Untamed OTP form a steel guitar and recorder band, and the magical power of their music kills the devil! Or similar!
Anyway, yes, if even I can watch it without getting bored or hopelessly lost, it's probably pretty good. Can recommend. Only subtitled, so hard to watch casually, but c'est la.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
so i just heard on twitter P5S had some development problems, thus the issues with the story, the lack of character development, and the switch performance. It would explain quite a bit, but I haven't really heard anything from legit sources. Did you ever see or hear anything about that?
I....I’ve been very sparse on Twitter today tbh. So I’m a bit behind. So I don’t know the tweet you’re referring to. ;w; orz 
(oh boi, under the cut cause weeeeeeeeee 8U buckle up novel time)
If P5S had development problems with story/chars, that would’ve been with the JPN release. Which might explain why it started developing before P5R but released later (doesn’t help that Atlus apparently just signed off on the story rather than write it themselves >.> think that info in particular can be found on another personacentral article). But AtlusUSA isn’t involved with writing the story, just translating/localizing it. 
Switch performance, I doubt AtlusUSA is the one who is in charge with fixing that too. If anyone is gonna patch that mess, that’s gonna be KT (hell not even AtlusJPN, cause KT is who developed it iirc). Now I DO know that AtlusJPN is working on a patch for having SMT3 run better but that’s not P5S sooooo 8U
Now my personal theory/theories about why P5S was taking so long was:
Localization rights (KT America vs AtlusUSA/AtlusWest, I’mma still use USA screw west sorry its one letter too long and I’m lazy >8U)
Swap PS5 out with Steam and there we go. Should’ve seen the hints before but yeah....we’ll get to that in a bit. 
Covid really screwed a lot of things up, like REALLY REALLY. I don’t think I can stress this enough. It pushed back a lot of stuff because people couldn’t gather. Not just “in public” like literally at work. It took awhile for people to implement ways to still do their job (either by working from home, or having a small bubble). We know anime and dubbing got delayed because of that. Hell some games got delayed because of that too! So I cannot stress enough how much Covid screwed everything up. But how much did it screw everything up? Well......that’s when I decided to look at the past few games AtlusUSA had localized. The result was usually 5-7 months, that includes PQ2 which infamously didn’t have a dub (ah should’ve included SJR..... uhhhh oh same time, 6 months). Anyway I predicted August-November if they skirt the marketing, otherwise we’d get it early 2021. And a-yo wouldya look at that~!
Anyway that post was in July, by that time I think companies figured out how to safely gather for dubs. But keep in mind AtlusWest was also doing other translations beside english now so........yeah......people who say the dub is the reason for the delay, I don’t think that’s right (heck even in this case I don’t think it’s right). Considering that SJR/PQ2 both took about the same time, I have a feeling that AtlusJPN doesn’t want AtlusUSA to release their game until a set time (thankfully it seems that might be changing with SMTV tho!) 
So we’ve addressed Covid, and my mini conspiracy of AtlusJPN forcing a later release date on western releases..... What about Localization rights? So.... ok, there was a post I wanted to make sometime around 2018 but never did. In around 2018 BBTAG was coming out right? So fun fact, at Acen I was there and lo and behold a rep from Arcsys was there showing off an arcade of BBTAG~! And not just any rep, a marketing rep iirc! Well let’s just say I had a few questions, as a fan I’m not a reporter fksjdkflja didn’t come in swinging with a recorder sorry (anyway the questions were something about VAs like getting old Kanji/Chie/Teddie back, changing Aigis’ name back to Aegis....iirc Teddie wasn’t out yet so yeah I’d ask why the wishy washy stance but ey didn’t know that info yet, if they’d be working on Arena 3 rather than AtlusUSA, yadda yadda). Well the thing that stood out was when I asked if Arcsys’ new western branch would be in charge of localizing this hypothetical Arena 3 or any other Persona Fighting game if made. And he said “yeah, if Arcsys JPN works on it, we’ll be localizing it!” Now, that was then this is now. Things change, it’s also a diff company compared to KT so things might be different. (btw Arcsys didn’t have a western branch with Arena/Ultimax so yeah obvie AtlusUSA did the localization). Or it could’ve been bad info. Or it could’ve been that-that was the case but it isn’t now. But here’s the thing, KT does have a western branch (that or google is lying), and IF, IF what Arcsys’ rep says applies here....then there might have been a dispute between two companies on who might localize it going on behind the scenes. Which might explain why AtlusUSA wasn’t talking about P5S cause....yeah....you don’t really talk about that stuff when it’s in dispute. >.> BUT that’s just a theory. 8U A SILLY THEORY! Thanks for-oh wait I have one more. 8U (but low key that could’ve been happening behind the scenes, so like I wouldn’t be surprised, but the next theory also makes sense why it was delayed so eh, could be both, could be one or the other doesn’t matter)
So the last theory I had was originally the PS5. So like, we didn’t know till very late that when the next gen consoles were coming out. :) Thanks Sony. :) And Microsoft. :) *cough* Anyway, so I thought maybe AtlusJPN wanted to do an update or something and might’ve been holding AtlusUSA back so they could do that because YEAH WHY NOT! ANYTHING GOES ATM! But....BUT..... after the leak.....it made sense. I wouldn’t be surprised if they held back because of.....Steam. sajdkfla Esp with those teases of other games coming to Steam....I can’t believe I didn’t see it kdljsaf It also makes a lot of sense timeline wise. So we know that CHN/KR got their own versions of P5S right? Yeah so those dropped around the time of P4G’s WW release on Steam (4-5 days after P4G iirc). Now, CHN/KR tranlsations are probably faster than the western releases for a number of reasons, similar cultures (so localizing isn’t as bad), and the languages are closer than their romance counterpart so it’s probably easier translating too (they also don’t have to dub but as SJR/PQ2 have shown that’s a non issue). But here’s the thing, AtlusJPN wasn’t expecting such a success on Steam....and then it happened. So that leads me to believe that they probs got to work right away on a Steam release (or at least got more serious about it). And now all of it is probably basically done (translating, dubbing, Steamming, yadda yadda), now they just have to market it, and VGA is the best time this late in the year.
*inhales* So yeah, that’s my theory on what happened. Again, it’s a theory, all speculation from info I have available. Not saying any of it is true, it’s just what sounds plausible. 
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bondsmagii · 5 years
Hi! So I just finished reading The Secret History after putting it off for ages (I put it down for nearly a year, but your blog helped me follow through). I was wondering if you could talk about why you like it? And just generally what your take is on it? (Particularly re. Julian??? Like he is such a significant figure that looms over everything yet he is actually in it less than random secondary characters and it blows my mind coz I haven't seen that done effectively before in other books)
[rubs hands together] I hope you’re prepared for something very disorganised but my god I have a lot of thoughts.
what I like about it is simple enough. I love the way it’s written, I love all the descriptions and the settings, I love all the characters even if they’re all absolutely insufferable, I think the moral questions the plot forces you to ask yourself are pretty intense. like deadass by the time they killed Bunny I was happy to see his ass go, but then Richard’s realisations at the funeral, where it really sunk in that they had actually honest to god killed a man? fucking harrowing tbh. I also loved how extra the book was, and how it didn’t take itself too seriously in a lot of places (it reads quite pretentiously, but under the veneer of classical studies and champagne in fine china teapots there’s like... snorting cocaine in a Burger King parking lot, and smoking weed at a wake -- not to mention its narrator is a character within the story who literally admits right away that his fatal flaw is that he romanticises absolutely everything). it’s just raw college student chaos, but like. taken to the extreme, and absolutely horrific. it really is an impossibly fun read, and the aesthetics are on point. I see a lot of people talk about how it apparently encourages people to think murder and drugs and alcoholism are cool or whatever, but I think that’s just Tumblr being Tumblr -- i.e., people clutching their pearls every time somebody likes a character or story that isn’t pure and 100% good. all the people I know who have been influenced by The Secret History’s totally extra aesthetic have just started dressing cooler and throwing themselves into deeper and more varied studies, which is only a good thing. I know it’s made me a lot more productive and really helped me just commit to being a little over the top here, a little dramatique there... and all with absolutely no drug abuse or murder!
my general take on the novel differs from most people’s. I’ve seen near everyone say (usually while ridiculing those who like the aesthetics of the book) that The Secret History is a satire... I disagree. I don’t think it’s satirising anything. I think it’s just a straightforward “here’s what would happen if...”, and the fact that it’s set at a rich, prestigious college isn’t because Tartt is trying to show how awful rich people are but rather because Tartt herself attended such a place, and the college is directly based on Bennington College right down to the layout and the surrounding grounds and the social atmosphere at the time. I mean, it’s literally the same place with the serial numbers filed off. she based all the characters on people she knew, and then I imagine she just went nuts with the plot. same as most authors, really -- I know many who say they think of a what if question and then just run with it. of course people are going to disagree and say it’s a deconstruction of how rich people get away with everything, blah blah blah, but really the fact that so many of the characters are rich is necessary to the setting. if I was going to write a story set in 1980s Cambridge University, most of my characters would be rich as well -- they’d have to be, or they wouldn’t even be there to begin with. then it’s just convenient to the plot, because they have money to make things happen, and you can’t murder people and throw a bacchanal if you have to do backshift at Burger King, you know? even if it was meant to read as a satire and Tartt herself was like “bro I literally wrote it as a satire” I’d have to say she didn’t do a very good job, because the only satire I saw was perhaps regarding the social climate and atmosphere at Bennington while she was there, and not a deconstruction of class and wealth. it’s just... a good story. with interesting, flawed characters. it doesn’t have to be any deeper than that, and to be honest I don’t read it as such.
as for Julian... oh man. Julian. this is another place where I differ from 90% of the opinions I see. a not-insignificant amount of people seem to think that Julian is this evil mastermind who’s pulling the strings and leading the group towards their doom, and then they seem undecided when it comes to Henry. some people think he’s just another person caught up in Julian’s manipulation; others seem to think he’s Julian’s man on the ground, working with him in order to ensure his dastardly plan comes to fruition. I, however, am of the opinion that Julian is an idealistic dumbass, who allowed himself to be caught up in the romantic, idealised version of things and did not realise half of what was going on. I think he’s a man in love with the image of himself -- self-centred, slightly narcissistic, and very charming as he is, he’s in love with being the centre of the show. The Secret History’s alternative title was something along the lines of The Master of Illusions (I believe that’s still its title in the French translation), which of course refers to Dionysus but could also refer to one of the characters. many people think Henry, but to me it’s quite clear it’s Julian. when is he ever not putting on a show? everything he does, from his elite classes to his strange stories about his past to his lavish dinners... it’s all a show that he’s the master of. he’s curating the image he gives to other people and he loves doing it. everything he does is carefully selected to fit into his idealised version of himself and his life, including surrounding himself with brilliant students who share the same passion as him -- and who lack any real parental figures for various reasons. is it appropriate behaviour? absolutely not. but is it malicious? I don’t think so. at times Julian can seem almost childishly naive -- he’s stuck in this pretend game and he’s quite happy to be there... so long as he’s in control. the second he’s no longer in control, he bolts. he was on board with the idea of the bacchanal because I sincerely think he didn’t believe it would actually work; he probably thought there would be some kind of strange experience, but I don’t think he thought it would summon a god/induce psychosis (whichever you believe happened during that scene). he encouraged Henry a) because he didn’t think there was a risk and b) because how cool that his students are trying to throw a bacchanal! that’s the exact kind of thing he loves! that commitment, that throwing oneself into one’s studies, that academic fervour -- he loves it. and he saw this as just part of that. then someone ends up dead and then another person ends up dead and Julian has to face real life consequences, and he’s scared. he never planned for this because he never saw it coming. and above all he’s a coward, and a vain one at that. all of these qualities that he so loved teaching about in his classes -- stoicism, responsibility, honour -- fall by the wayside, and he runs. and that’s why Henry kills himself -- because he has been let down by his mentor, and he feels like someone should uphold those values so lovingly, apparently sincerely taught to them over the last few years. without this interpretation of Julian, I wonder how anyone made sense of Henry’s death.
in some respects, I think people are trying to look a little too deeply into this book. perhaps its subject matter -- being all about dedicated, talented scholars -- makes people think they’re reading a highly intellectual book, but while it’s wonderfully written and absolutely captivating, it’s not difficult to interpret. at least in my opinion it seems straightforward -- it’s just a story about a lot of things going wrong because of a lot of decisions; it’s about how things can so quickly get out of control no matter how much a person tries to control themselves. a man has no influence over the world around him, and things are rarely what they seem.
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
For the MC + Jacob asks- how about 1 + 2 if you haven't done them already? :)
Thank you for asking! =) I have not done those ones yet!
(So this got kind of long…Hope I answered them well enough and I’m here to answer any more questions about my characters and their backstory =)  )
HPHM MC & Jacob Asks
1. How did you come up with your MC’s name?
Originally my MC’s name was Adira (based on another character I created for something and then never got to really use unfortunately) but then I decided to recreate my original HP character just in this new timeline. And as I developed this character more I knew I needed to have a more Irish name.
I wanted to stay true to the House of Black tradition (which I didn’t do with my original HP character when I should have but she originally was Sirius’ daughter and I doubted he would stick to their family’s tradition) and give her a greek/constellation name based on her Undine genetics, but much like Tonks wouldn’t go by her first name. And then seeing how her mother is French and Irish, and hyphenated names are common in French, I wanted her to have names that honored both those heritages and I wanted one to start with an ‘A’ for some reason. And I wanted one to sound like Adira so maybe that’s why I wanted the ‘A’ name? =p
After lots of research on names I eventually decided to just use my (omg I think my first ever that, tbh, I just alter as needed for most of my own main OC’s =p) original character’s name although I was trying to avoid it but changing the spelling (Kiara to Keira).
Hence Nereida Adelyn-Keira Black (Lafontaine - her mom’s last name and last name of the character I didn’t get to use for something else =(  She went by that until she embraced The House of Black side of her)
Nereida (Greek) - Nereids are sea nymphs, mermaids, etc. in Greek Mythology, daughters ofNereus and Doris, often accompany Poseidon. Can be helpful to sailors,symbolize the beauty of the sea, possessed melodious voices, depicted with redcoral crowns and white silk robes trimmed with gold
Adelyn (French) - Noble
Keira (Irish) - Little dark one/dark haired
Goes by Keira, Adelyn, Ady, Reida
So pretty much put way more thought into this than necessary =p
2. How did you come up with your MC and Jacob’s backstory?
As mentioned before, Keira was originally Sirius’ daughter (and with the name Kiara) but that wouldn’t work in this timeline because Sirius is like 13 years older than her and while I can see Sirius having some illegitimate child at like 16, 13 is way too young! Then the addition of Jacob, clearly couldn’t be Sirius’ kids. But I wanted her to still be related to Sirius, not just because Sirius one of my favourites but personality wise I, and therefore my OC =p, are very similar to Sirius and look wise she also looks like Sirius and a member of the House of Black and who doesn’t want to be a member of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black?! (okay probably plenty of people actually…) And I already had this character created that I love and wanted to use who was related to Sirius.
Anyways, so I adjusted (because I’m flexible and adaptable!) my original HP OC to be Sirius’ and Regulus’ little sister; however, my original HP OC was actually part Veela, like Fleur, and, as I also mentioned before, I created this other character, Adira, for something I never got to use (can you tell I’m salty over it?) and she was part Undine so I made Keira part Undine because, yep, never got to use that character and I worked hard and was excited to so dammit it’s happening!!! Plus who doesn’t like to have something different and unique to them? (In my defense I had no idea MC in the game was going to be Legilimens which is clearly unique but I was never going to my make my character one so I will not feel bad and be called some mary-sue or some shit like that)
Therefore, Walburga couldn’t be her mother, nor did I ever want her to be her mother anyway =p (crazy portrait bitch =p) and since we don’t know much about Orion or his relationship with Walburga (I did lots of research people I’m not just bs’ing to get what I want) besides that they’re second cousins (ugh…) I felt it was completely plausible for Orion to step outside his marriage, especially if there’s a pretty young woman, since would one really be all that happy and comfortable being married to their second cousin? And they technically fulfilled their pureblood responsibility by getting married and bearing children so if he found another woman outside his family who he developed feelings for I could see him straying. However, he’s accustomed to a certain lifestyle and has an image and reputation to uphold so leaving his wife (if he actually wanted to) was not going to be an option, so even though his mistress got pregnant (twice!) he wasn’t going to leave Walburga. 
Maybe I also just like a good scandal and some drama? (House of Black and their drama, right? =p) Anyway, obviously to have them be able to attend Hogwarts they have to be from the UK or Ireland, right? And being of Irish and French heritage myself, (and I loved visiting Ireland and can’t wait to go back), I had them born in Ireland and live there for a bit but after their mom dies (partially because she’s part Undine and they give up their immortality and live shorter lifespans when they fall in love with a mortal, and I personally believe their lifespan gets shorter when they have children and pass down their Undine genes) they move to Canada with some close friends of their mom’s who unofficially adopt them (this is sort of based on a family I’m close to who I feel unofficially adopted by =p) Plus, although they love their ‘adopted’ parents and appreciate all they’ve done for them, it really solidifies Keira and Jacob against the world because they’re all each other really has now and makes his disappearance more angstful for her.
And maybe also because I have been teased for talking funny with a weird accent (don’t even get my started) I wanted to put my MC through the same thing (because we love torturing our characters) so if I had her grow up in Ireland and Canada she would also have a weird accent and talk funny compared to the other students =p
I also wanted her to move into 12 Grimmauld Place, maybe do some redecorating and remodeling, but mainly because I liked the idea of her taking it over after Walburga passes and making it sort of like this hangout/safe place for her friends, mainly Barnaby who pretty much hangs out there all summer between 4th and 5th year and officially moves in summer after 5th year, and making this once abusive, toxic, prejudiced household into a place where anyone was welcomed and could find sanctuary (probably much to the rage of Walburga’s portrait bahahaha). Plus it’s closer to Diagon Alley and her other friends than living in Ireland or Canada, obviously. 
Remus becoming her guardian while over in the UK was sort of something that just happened and wasn’t planned but I realized she probably needed someone over there since Jacob is gone, everyone on her mom side that she knows of is dead, and she doesn’t know much of the House of Black besides she is apparently one but they refuse to acknowledge her existence, and while she could just live in their house in Ireland they still have, and she is quite independent, an 11 year old living alone probably isn’t the best idea… (and I’m sure Andromeda and Tonks would take her in in a heartbeat but none of them know about each other since Andromeda was disowned so she doesn’t know really what’s happening with the rest of the family and all Keira knows about is Orion, Walburga, Sirius, and Regulus. She doesn’t learn of others, like Bellatrix until she sees the tapestry in 12 Grimmauld Place where Andromeda is burned off so still didn’t know about her and Tonks until Tonks told her Bellatrix was her aunt). 
So I honestly couldn’t think of anyone else to take her in and take care of her and then thought, well, Remus has nothing to do =p And since clearly he’s one of Sirius’ best friends knows of his illegitimate siblings (Walburga was going to find out, please, we all know that, but they did their best to keep that secret in the immediate family and not let it out but then Jacob has to attend Hogwarts and be a butthead and inform everyone he’s a House of Black bloodline because he’s done being some shameful secret and even when it’s proved he and Keira do have House of Black blood still not acknowledged from that family) and being a good person he can’t let some eleven-year-old live alone! And she is like Sirius, and Jacob is like James, so it’s sort of bittersweet like hanging out with his friends again…Plus I hate thinking of Remus living in poverty on the streets all alone all the time until he gets his job as Hogwarts so... We all know Remus deserves better! (I have like a whole thing about Remus and Keira’s relationship for another time)
Oh! And as for Keira and Jacob’s relationship with each other I sort of based in on a couple people who were like older brother figures for me, one good, close friend I have primarily, and I guess what I imagine having an older brother would be like? Honestly always wanted one so I get to create one I’ve always wanted =p (is my life sad and lonely, oh yeah… =p)
Thank you again for asking! =)
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello!! i am back and on desktop this time. the blog is just as pretty. alex + yellow = v v attractive jfc. this is a long one so buckle in.
to begin: i hope you have the most fun on your day road trip and sing your heart out to atl and taylor swift. i love driving long distances and idk just driving in general is fun. have the absolute best time MWAH
my birthday is in november!! november 23 to be specific. i share it with miley cyrus which is something i always found to be very cool when i was growing up and watching hannah montana. it also means i am a sagittarius and funny little fact i realized is that my best friend is a gemini. alex and jack are also a sagittarius and a gemini. from being 13 i know that tyler and josh from twenty one pilots are also a sagittarius and a gemini. something about sagittarius and gemini besties idk.
also yeah!! ao3 year in review!! it's a bit complicated to figure out at first and if you read a lot the finding pages thing can be pretty tedious, but it's def worth it once you figure it out. it gives you a lot of different stats about everything you read and it's pretty cool. now i am going to go look at your fics to remember my favs. you deserve the praise so i am willing to offer it. jeez you write a lot i respect the motivation sm. you write quite a bit of angst and i won't lie i try to stay away from angst so i haven't read your fics that seem super angst-y based on the tags. BUT there are still so many i recall reading and loving nonetheless. on a quick scroll-through: i usually don't read high school AUs but "paint me in trust (i'll be your best friend)" was super adorable and lovely. "thank god i'm yours" is one of my favs iirc. also i love love love "it's not always easy (but i'm here forever)" like yes please romanticize alex gaskarth i love it sm. "i won't be silent (and i won't let go)" and "i fell asleep in a city that doesn't" are both super fluffy and romantic and are favs of mine. in case you haven't picked up on it i adore very fluffy and romantic fics lmao. alright i am continuing to scroll and there are so many more i could list that i love but this section is getting quite long. just know if it's about a kitchen or hotel rooms being for lovers i probably read it and adored it and that pov is so valid.
waterparks!! will not lie i only really started listening to them about 6 months ago having been distantly aware of their existence for several years by being a fan of bands in the same genre. listen as long as you let yourself be vaguely annoyed by awsten is prevents you from being in love with him. follow him on any social media platform for like a day and you'll be sick of him typing in nothing but all caps within hours. simply do not romanticize him and you can keep yourself from falling!! so this is coming from a slightly fake parx fan, but some of my favs by them have been peach (lobotomy), crave, numb, fuzzy, violet!, you'd be paranoid too, and lowkey as hell. that is a very songs-from-their-most-recent-album-heavy rec, but whatever. i did give the disclaimer about being a fake parx fan.
yeah hayley does have 2 solo albums now!! petals for armor and flowers for vases / descansos. pfa is the one i didn't really like upon first listen but has grown on me. i haven't even listened to the second one in its entirety oops but we won't mention it. dead horse is good but simmer (pretty sure that was the other single??) just ain't it for me. the album has some lovely songs but it's just a hit or miss album all the way through. some favs of mine on it include pure love, taken, crystal clear, watch me while i bloom, and why we ever. it's sorta a storyline album about healing if that adds anything to it?? but anyways. i started listening to paramore around the time after laughter dropped and it grew to be one of my fav albums in existence. idle worship is probably one of my fav songs like ever. i def understand being slightly put off by bands with songs that make religious references (me with twenty one pilots' earlier music that makes a lot more religious references considering i'm not religious whatsoever) but i think i am blinded by being in love with hayley williams and just ignore it. idk that she's like super religious?? she's addressed believing in god and stuff a few times but she's def not the "rub it in your face" type and if she's making refs in music more recently then they're subtle enough i'm not noticing them. ik albums like brand new eyes had a lot more because it was shortly after that the band split and the songwriting process was essentially her and ex-bandmate co-songwriter arguing about their religious beliefs (turns out he ended up being super homophobic and transphobic all based on his religion so do with that what u will and thank the clown for leaving). i feel u on the "i meant to start listening to them" because that's essentially how i started listening to them. i told myself i was going to and then finally forced myself to do it. fuck falling for awsten knight what's more risky is falling in love with hayley </3
also yeah!! you've articulated my feelings towards tde. every song is so vastly different that it's hard to like it all. #1 fan is pretty decent though, and that's not just my bias about finding both ross and his gf hot and a cute couple and getting to see them together and ross half naked in a mirror in the video nope not at all. he's my fav himbo!! he has no personality!! no thoughts head empty!! i still love him and his strawberry-growing saga on twitter tho <3 the hazard of being in love with ross lynch since i was 12. girlfriend better be a fucking banger and there's quite a few already released singles in the tracklist so i have hope. i believe my show is in chicago on november 19 which is a thursday. kinda sucks since i intentionally bought the chicago tix nearly two years ago (the show was originally supposed to be april 25 2020. lol.) because the show was on a saturday and i have to drive 3 hours to get there. obviously i can't speak for them as tde but r5 shows always fucking slapped and i can vouch for them (realized i haven't seem them live since 2016?? 5 YEARS?? wtf) so if u genuinely like them. would recommend going to see them.
anyways. i have not listened to luke's solo album yet. i plan on it. this has gotten so long but i tried to respond in all areas and even organized it in different paragraphs this time (thanks being on desktop!!). hope you are well. hope you have a lovely day. hmm what's a little "going on in my life" fact. i got new glasses a few days ago and my eyes essentially said fuck off because adjusting to the new prescription has left me with eyes that hurt and occasionally slightly nauseous. here is to hoping my eyes get their shit together. mwah LOVE YOU TOO - the other bella/cubs anon/idk
okay hi hello. i have put this off because holy hell it's long but let's do it. i am putting a cut because this whole thing is long even without my answer
first: the road trip was super fun thank you!!! i am intrigued by this information regarding sags and geminis, we should do some scientific inquiry. enquiry. i don't know if there's a difference between those words.
aha! well i tried the ao3 year in review thing and i would say it had about 55% accuracy but still i agree it's fun to look back at that kind of stuff. and i feel you on the angst thing i go through phases of writing angst-heavy stuff and then writing very fluffy stuff and it is entirely based on my mental state buuuut i have lots of fluff and i'm glad you found it all and that you liked it yay <333 KITCHENS ARE FOR LOVERS i will die on that fuckin hill. hotel rooms as well but primarily kitchens.
dfgjhgdlfkhgdfmj honestly i dont use twitter enough that i would see his tweets enough that that would bother me also the fact that he tweets in all caps means that i just picture him yelling everything he tweets which i find absolutely hysterical so i don't think that would help. i have added these parx songs to my listen asap playlist and will get to them when i get a chance thank you i am excited also i already know lowkey as hell and it slaps super hard so im very much lookin forward to the rest of these. merci merci
YEAH simmer was the one i didnt vibe with. and honestly i feel zero compulsion to get into hayley williams as a solo artist. i just don't vibe enough to want to do that so i doubt i'll be listening to her anytime soon but maybe if i hear the songs in passing or get super bored one night, idk who can really say. but yeah christianity typically puts me off of music (speaking as a very jewish bitch) although there are notable exceptions in the cases of thomas rhett and the driver era. i'm just not attached to hayley enough to be like ehhh this doesnt matter. does that make sense
FAVORITE HIMBO PLEASE HGSDFGDFGKLFGJ i dont follow him on twitter but i have seen some interviews of ross and rocky and tbh they're great i love the way ross speaks like i like his speech mannerisms and i like his FACE and HAIR and. yeah. i think hes pretty. and i think he and 5sos SHOULD collab i think that would be sexy as hell. can you imagine that. oh my god can you imagine a ross lynch/luke hemmings collab. i'm not even really talking to you anymore bella because i know you haven't listened to luke yet and don't have a stake in it but if anyone else is reading this long ass answer. ross & luke collab. okay im going to move on and not think about that now. but i probably won't see tde unless i get a job this semester because i'm trying to stop spending so much money on big indulgent things like concerts likeee i was in a really good habit of not spending that much and then suddenly i got paid for one summer and i was just goin Crazy and i need to dial it back. plus i wanna see ajr and noah kahan equally bad so like. i have to make some calls about priorities here. it's Much to think about
good luck to your eyes i'm sure your new glasses are hella cute tho!!! LOVE YOUUUUUUU
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ofmuggleborn-blog1 · 8 years
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                        "Do you mind.” She spoke, it wasn’t a question exactly, more like a request. Her gaze shifted slightly as she reached for one her many books spread across the table in front of her. “I have loads to do.” 
A open starter. (mutuals only)
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