#I haven't posted in forever heyyy
stardelo · 5 days
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Doodle of my friend's lamb! Slowly indoctrinating my friends into joining the cult- I mean buying the game 😌
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gilmore-angel · 9 months
everything has changed | aaron hotchner x reader
swiftmas ♱ heyyy.... so this is super late😬. I am now on break so hopefully the future ones will be on time💋
summary ♱ working at a daycare has its perks, a big one being a certain single dad.
warnings ♱ awkward flirting, my lack of understanding how daycares are run, ooc aaron probably cause I haven't watched this show in forever
swiftmas ♱ navigation ♱ follow my library account @baysfics to see when I post!
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loud. if you had to use one word to describe your job it would be loud. you of course loved your work, but being completely overwhelmed has become a normal thing.
the end of the day was always the hardest. trying to gather all of the kids items, putting shoes on, getting through checkout, and cleaning up afterwards.
one little boy in particular however made your job a bit easier. Jack Hotchner, an adorable three year old, was polite, well behaved, and sweet. his father, aaron hotchner, was serious but seemed nice.
all you new about him was he worked a lot, and rarely was the one to pick jack up. 90% of the time it was his aunt to come pick him up.
but today was different. when your coworker said jacks parent was here for pickup you help his little winter coat on and backpack and walked with him to the front desk for checkout.
there stood arron, dressed in his usual black suit. his jet black hair was shiny and put together like always. his blank almost cold expression shifted to a much happier one when he saw jack running towards him.
the little boy hugged his father's legs in greeting, receiving a hug in return. you smile as you walk up to aaron and pass him the drawing jack made in class today.
"jack wanted to make sure u gave this to you," aaron smiles softly and takes it, looking over the two little stick figures playing in the snow, representing them.
he glances back up at you, nodding once at you, "thank you. youre jacks main teacher, correct?"
his voice sounding so clear is surprising to you. the most you heard from him was a quiet goodmorning or bye. you would see him mutter words to jack, but they were only for jack to here. the fact he talked to you at all was completely out of the norm.
you feel your cheeks heat up, suddenly realizing now that you have to speak directly to him how handsome he really is.
you smile softly and nod, "yes, I am." you realize too late how awkward you sound.
he nods, reaching out his hand to shake yours, "jack talks about you a lot. you seem to be his favorite here."
your heart swells at that, knowing jack was your favorite too. your heart also skips a beat at the feeling of shaking his hand. his skin is rough, yet his touch is gentle.
"thats so sweet. he brings you up a ton too." your hand drops back to your side and you fiddle with your jeans, suddenly feeling very flustered, a butterfly party happening in your tummy.
he smiles, a bit brighter now. he picks up his son, who is growing more and more tired by the second. he glances away before meeting your eyes again. "I uh, I appreciate all you do for my son. I work a lot out of state so, knowing my son has a good place to go is uh, comforting."
your smile widens, and you chuckle softly, "it my pleasure. he's a great kid."
you both continue to hold eye contact, your breathing calming a bit. he has kind eyes. tired ones, yes, but kind. he finally breaks the little bit of silence by clearing his throat, glancing down.
"well uh, we should be heading out. thank you again." before you can speak again he walks out, son in his arms.
even after he has disappeared from your eye site, you continue to stand and tare at where he was. you almost feel giddy, like a teenager who just met their new crush. you snap out of your daze when you realize you still need to help with checkout. you quickly get back to it, but can't help but thinking that everything has changed.
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hummusxx · 9 months
I Don't care -JB5
parings: Jude Bellingham x fem!reader
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summary: It's New Year's Eve in Madrid. Everyone is out having parties and celebrating the new year while u is stuck home sick with the flu. Your boyfriend tries to cheer you up.
Of course. The only handful of days Jude and I can go out together is spent inside on the couch, watching some stupid show. I just had to go and get the flu. My aunt had forgotten to inform everyone that her demon of a child had every sickness known to mankind at Christmas dinner
" Babe get the frown off your face- Everything is alright " Jude tried to reassure me as he was walking towards the couch with a steaming hot bowl of soup.
I look at him in disbelief.
"No Jude. We were supposed to have fun tonight and go out. Not say home and watch this stupid show in clothes that smell like we haven't showered in years." With a frown on my face, I bury my head into the couch cushion.
I start to hear loud bangs and realize that fireworks are going off. I look outside the window with a somber look.
"Um excuse you but The Sopranos is one of the best shows in the world" Jude says offensively as he sets down the bowl.
"-and i wouldn't want it any other way. Just Me and My girl, alone, in pjs, watching a dumb show as u say." he sits next to me, laying his arm around my shoulder and pulling the blanket over him.
"Stop you're going to get sick Jude," I say, as I try and push him to the other side of the couch.
Jude doesn't move any inch. After my pity attempt to move him, he reaches and grabs the bowl on the table and starts to feed me like a mother would her babe.
"Judie I'm not a baby" I whine.
Well, you're my baby" he says, laughing as he watches me frown.
He suddenly puts down the bowl and makes his way into the bedroom.
"Jude where are u going."
"Just a sec" he responds. His voice was muffled by the loud fireworks outside.
He comes back in with a hat and party blower that says,'Happy New Year.'
"Jude what- How did u get this stuff." I say as u sit up from the couch.
Jude moves over to me and puts the hat on my head and the blower in my hand. He walks over to the kitchen and open the fridge.
He grabs 12 grapes for both of us and sits down on the couch.
"I grabbed all this while I was out getting your soup" I stare at him in disbelief. My eyes start to water.
" I know how bad u wanted to go out tonight, so I brought the out to you," he says while turning on the broadcast of the clock in Puerta del sol.
I look at the time, it's 11:57. It's almost the new year.
" Jude"
"mhm" he turns to look at me.
"I love you so much and I'm so grateful for everything that has happened to us this year."
He looks at me and grabs my hands
"Baby you have helped me so much this year and i am forever grateful for u" He Kisses my forehead right at the clock Strucks 12.
The chimes start and we eat the grapes.
We both finish them all in the chimes.
"Happy New year baby' he says as he grabs my head..
"Jude you're going to get sick" i say leaning in
"I don't care."
Hummusxx Corner
heyyy everyonee i hope this was good. I haven't wrote in ages it feels like so im happy to have a new piece out. In Spain, they have a tradition of eating 12 grapes with the 12 chimes of the clock in puerta del sol and if u finish all 12 you will have a good new year full of luck. So since Jude has moved to spain decided to include it in because it just felt right. If u liked it plssss repost or comment. Love yall and byeee
I wanted this to be posted on new years eve BUT I literally can’t wait so here it is early 😉
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imaginethesepages · 3 months
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so, i ask you, his angel.
Your love for one another is legendary — a story forever sung through generations. A tale of how a young couple, one boy and one girl, find each other in their trainee years.
And in their pursuit to defeat the monsters terrorizing the country, they fell in love. The nation rejoiced; hope blossomed in the people’s hearts. And in the valleys of their minds, they recognized the new beacons of light and strength, their safeguards.
A tomorrow with no kaijus ever existing doesn’t seem so far away.
But the sky dims, and the rain pours. The world becomes a witness to how a strong and mighty father stands tall under the pressure of his heart ripping, not bending nor breaking.
I watch as life sheds and seasons change, but yours is forever stuck in the cold and unmoving winter, forever in the past, always grieving. The once small bud that opens its petals into full bloom wilts, reaching its final moments and never to bloom again.
So, I ask you, his angel, “Melt the ice piercing through his heart and mend his open wounds. Let him see the love surrounding him.”
For me and my love, alone, am not enough to heal his mourning soul.
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heyyy, @yuri116 👋😊 as requested, here's an isao shinomiya drabble! i'm not quite sure what you had in mind for the drabble, but i hope you and everyone who stumbles upon this enjoy it 💖
also, where is this creativity juice flowing from? 🤯 i haven't been posting this much since... EVER! and i still have a few drabble ideas lingering in my head
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Lost Fics!
A post containing fics that I have searched for & have not found! If you recognize any of these, send an ask or reply with a link!
Heyyy I was wondering if you could find fics of how the Bad Sanses met? Specifically Nightmare, Killer, Horror, Dust, Cross, and Error! Honestly, there’s this one that I’ve been looking for FOREVER, but I can’t find it! It was super wholesome and cute, and it gave me a new take on who they are (it gave them hobbies that actually match their characters, you know?). I’ll totally take any other ones though :)
- anonymous
This is a lost fic from..... years ago at this point, but gosh if you manage to find it, it would be literal magic. (I haven't stopped thinking about it for SO LONG) I know it was a completed fic, and it was on fanfic.net. The story mostly featured Sans / bad-gaster interacting. All characters weren't "full" monsters (although I can't remember the distinction as to why this wasn't the case), but were still trapped in the underground. Gaster and a team of (3?) named scientists created Sans, motivated to do so because being trapped beneath the mountain was causing magic to build up and become "stale?". (Similar to a bad air quality) and Gaster needed to find a way to get rid of it. Asgore eventually found out about the "child experiment" and while Gaster was "explaining" this away, intentionally set off some failure/warning system in the CORE to distract everyone. (Sending one of his scientists into an actively dangerous area to "stop the meltdown") Asgore still eventually managed to figure out what happened and took Sans away, declaring Gaster a fugitive, only to realize he had disappeared and no one could find him. .....Only for him to come back later that night and convince (naive, young/child Sans to come with him for the good of everyone) They hid inside the CORE for YEARS (where Gaster secretly began creating Papyrus), and after Sans tried sabotaging the experiment out of revenge for Gaster trying to replace him, Gaster forced him into solitary confinement. The fic continues after that........ but I can't remember anything else, but hopefully this gives you a starting point?
- @under-art-reblogs
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attyrocious · 1 year
heyyy I'm new to digital art, would you mind sharing some tips regarding programs and tutorials and etc? also on how to turn a real life piece into a beautiful and clean digital piece... really love your art
oh good luck with your art journey! my experience with digital art is pretty dated (as in a decade + levels dated) and i might be too out of touch to give beginner tips but regardless, allow me to attempt
Programs: it would help to know which hardware you have for digital but ill put down some i have experience in 1. Clip Studio Paint Pro - PC/Android/ipad/everywhere i think? unfortunately they betrayed humankind and its now a subscription everywhere but on PC. i bought a one-time license years years years ago on sale and its probably the best available on my end. I also got it on subscription on android so i can sync works between my PC and tablet. its very flexible in a way that you can draw with it in the most basic way single layer sketches or whatever but they have so many features and keep adding more.
2. procreate - ipad only never been an apple user but my friend is, and he's been a procreate user forever. he recently tried CSP on ipad though and he still claims he likes procreate better for ease of use and compatibility with tablet ergonomics and apple pen
3. medibang paint - pc/android/ipad
free forever. and out of all the free programs i recommended my other digital art newbie friend this is what he liked best.
4. adobe photoshop - dont even look at this the only reason i have one is im leeching off company license. its still unfortunately the industry standard tho but CSP is much cheaper and has the same controls and most of the basic functions 5. Paint Tool SAI - my first art program but i haven't tried it again. honestly still think this has the best brush flexibility and pen pressure control ----- As for tutorials, i find digital art has such a steep and high skill ceiling and its a challenge im still tackling and probably will forever tackle haha. I'm trying to osmosis painting techniques from splash art painters from League of Legends who most of them post complete timelapses (my favorite being Bo Chen) where you can study not just their techniques but like, art directions that make their pieces striking. Anyway, I also promised a friend I would make a simple coloring tutorial so maybe after inktober hustle, I would look for a piece there I'd use for the guide.
---- Traditional to digital is never a satisfactory process to me but if you can, invest on a scanner. I use an epson v39, had it for years.
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scanned vs edited. the goal is to at least get the white of the paper as white as possible and the blacks the blackest, without whitewashing/burning the rest of the colors. Level correction function is your best friend here and most art programs have that.
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Then i just clean dust and errors and slide the contrasts around until it looks as close to the original piece
If you have a decent phone camera, you can get away just posting instagram aesthetic pics with materials framing it or smth and just edit as usual. natural light tends to be a lot more forgiving than the harsh light of scanners anyway.
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Anyway I hope this helps and have fun learning!
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
[《 Fandom this post is about : «“Persona 5”»|«“Persona 5 ROYAL”» 》]
[CW : Mentions of death(?), locking people inside ____, potential depersonalization regarding __mi__ (name is a spoiler), maybe some other stuff but those are the major ones I believe?]
[WARNING : This post contains major, MAJOR spoilers for (if I recall correctly) the last parts of «“Persona 5 ROYAL”», please scroll if you haven't finished the game or plan on doing so!]
♧ – « “Oh god, I just realized that my first post may somewhat imply (depending on how you look at it) that I actually took Maruki's deal oh crap” »
♤ – « “heyyy, guys.. I hope that's not what anyone thought, that was just me remembering stuff and being sad because we all went our separate ways and also because someone I really cared about was freaking 💀 😞” »
◇ – « “That being said, it would have been horrifying to be in such a reality. Especially because the whole ‘solution’ was just: ‘oh, you're sad? Bingo!!! NOT ANYMORE!!!!!!!’, and it didn't really get rid of the root problem.” »
々– « “It felt more of a childish solution to (almost) every problem there could have been. Simply being “happy” all of the time..” »
♡ – « “Not to mention, Sumire wouldn't have even gotten her sister back, she would just have stayed as Kasumi forever, but you know what's somehow WORSE?” »
❅ – « “That it would have been just an idealized version of Kasumi. 😕” »
✪– « “It didn't really feel like he was that same trustworthy therapist I kept going to whenever I felt sad, or whenever I just wanted someone to talk to for all of those months.” »
☆ – « “Which is sad.” »
❀ – « “It's always been sad, seeing how people you have grown to like, or even those you didn't, show their true colors like that.” »
✸ – « “He didn't have bad intentions, of course, but that doesn't remove what he was doing. Good intentions don't remove the wrong actions someone can take to fulfill something.” »
❆ – « “That's why he had a palace, no?” »
✧ – « “But.. even with that being said.. even despite everything that happened.. I feel as though, somehow, I still can't say that I hate him with complete confidence that it's true. I just.. don't know what to feel or think about him. I didn't want my friends to be caged in such a reality, but if they were all going to have the very things they longed for.. was breaking that bubble really the right thing to do? No, of course it was, but sometimes it feels like I did something wrong by not accepting that deal, as terrible it would have been.” »
❂ – « “So if any Maruki is reading this.. please get a therapist for yourself and refrain from giving anyone therapy until you no longer feel like running away from problems or traumatic stuff is somehow better than accepting that they happened. Seriously.” »
✮ – « “Have a nice day, doctor, but please don't try to come near any of my friends or even acquaintances until then. That's the least you could do after that.” »
[ Side notes : ]
— #❂🥞🐈‍⬛✮
(《✮ «“Ren Amamiya”» ✮|❂ «Akira Kurusu» ❂|♧ «“Joker”» ♤ fictive + fictionkin》)
(How I managed to forget to put the custom tag in post number 6 I will never know.. side effects from using symbols and decorations on excess 😞)
(I should start making more shout outs to certain people in the side notes actually..)
(shout out to Yusuke and Ann!!)
(FINALLY FINISHED DECORATING EVERYTHING, WAR IS OVER 😭😭 I know I said I liked doing this, but sometimes I just wanna share little silly stuff that happens to me.. and then I find myself suffering because I just so happened to believe that decorations on the last few posts I made was the GREATEST idea ever 😞 this is why I forgot to put the custom tag I swear to god 💔)
[ Post number : 7 ]
(slowly becoming a regular here..)
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alextwdgf01 · 2 months
can't believe it's been a year since last content of mpreg and this is a not so funny story okay but it made me chuckle kinda
three days ago I was about to kms with pills and before swallow I was thinking on all the things that I'll miss, between that was some of my favorite shows and artists and more. and I suddenly said heyyy it's been ages since last I checked on the eroided soil it must be finished by now and then I checked up on your account and was like "💀💀💀". didn't really miss much i see
I'm sorry, I know it's been forever since I've continued the Maternity story line. I have been severely side railed from that au due to other focuses and haven't been on Tumblr much as well.
But I have been wanting to get back to writing and drawing for it though. Just struggling to get my motivation back.
I'll tell you what though. Keep a lookout today, as I will post an older sketch I never shared on here just for you!
And I hope you get to feeling better. Hang in there ❤
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
Heyyy, for the emoji ask (I hope you haven't already answered to these and I missed it, in that case I'm sorryyyy) 👀, 🥰, 🤗
👀 Tell me about an up and coming WIP please!
The Blade Called Trust: I'm really looking to writing day-to-day operations for this one. Of course, the main conflict is going to be MegOP related and all the emotional/symbolic things that come from their personal/political reconciliation, but part of that is going to involve showing people from the two factions interacting across political lines. I also want to get into some nitty-gritty of like, cross-faction politics (how do you manage cross-faction fights and crimes? Whose justice system are the perpetrators punished under? What if the accused don't believe the other side's justice system is righteous?) and how those seemingly simply logistical details and petty fights end up spiraling into dysfunction that threatens a whole army. Pretty cool stuff! And I'm hoping to get better at utilizing large casts of characters with this fic, especially utilizing some characters that are my favorites/interesting to me.
TAU: The plot of this one is meant to be a murder-mystery (well, near-murder) political conspiracy fic. The other day I had a realization that rather than writing a really convoluted conspiracy with twists and turns out of nowhere, I could just write one fairly simple conspiracy and have the difficulty in uncovering it arise from the fact that there are so many people/factions with competing interests that they're too suspicious of each other to find the true enemy. :) Some of the people/groups I'm planning on being suspects of the conspiracy are Megatron, Prowl (with Getaway and Skids working for him), the DJD, possibly Starscream, and some neutrals!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Consistent writing every day will get you further than trying to "binge" write only whenever you feel inspired.
For that matter, "inspiration" and "the mood to write" are something you create just as often as it randomly falls upon you. In fact, if you've got a lot of stuff going on in your life, this goes doubly so. My experience is that if you don't nudge yourself to write (even when you don't "feel inspired"), you're hardly going to write and the inspiration to write won't come as often. It's like a water pipe that you have to turn on every now and then so that it doesn't get clogged up.
Find a good beta reader and treasure them forever. Only take writing advice from people who are familiar with your writing process and the intention behind your work. Taking critique from random strangers will only give you a lot of contradictory advice from people who (I say this with as much respect as possible) don't really know what it is YOU want to improve on and what YOUR INTENTIONS are during writing.
Read "Imaginative Writing" by Janet Burroway if you're worried about learning the actual technical aspects like imagery and whatnot. Practice your writing techniques by writing a complete chapter/scene, then editing one aspect at a time (e.g. draft 2 you work on imagery, on draft 3 you work on characterization, and so on).
The best way to gain readers or any kind of "following" is to post things consistently. Again, remember that writing a little bit every day will lead you to write more than if you go on occasional writing binges.
Don't shy away from writing obscure, rare, or unpopular stuff. I can guarantee you that the devoted readers/fandom friends you get from writing stuff that a couple people REALLY care about will be worth it more than just trying to chase numbers and trends related to "popularity."
Edit your work for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and keep your formatting consistent. If you're not good at this, find a friend or beta reader (preferably both are the same person) who is. Get better at editing by reading published books (it doesn't matter what kind, just anything that's been professionally published and vetted) and absorb how to write grammatically correct and beautiful prose by reading things you enjoy.
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Gosh, please interact with me and ask me questions about my fics. I would really like it if people told me their interpretations, asked me about my writing process/inspiration, or really anything related to my fics...
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m00nagegaydream · 2 years
HEYYY it's Wri. I haven't posted in a really long time because I'm busy with college and stuff so I haven't really got time to even come up with ideas to post. I miss it so much. I miss how I used to come up with random ideas out of nowhere and post them as memes or incorrect quotes. It made me happy.
However, it won't be possible for me to post very often. I'll still reply to the asks and dms, but I don't think I'll be able to post regularly.
Anyways, you can always talk to me through my dms or asks (if you want to of course -). I PROMISE I'll reply.
Also, I'm not saying I'll stop posting forever. I mean I'm still a very random person with very random thoughts so maybe I'll just sneak in a few posts once a week or month? I'll start posting regularly when I get completely settled with the new life I'm leading.
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Heyyy, how has ur day been? Anyways, Idrk if u know or heard of the goofy movie, where evryone is shipping Max with that one brown haired character, I forgot his name, I was j simply asking that if u do know what it is, can u do them with Lee Max, Idc what the plot is, u do u, but I'm craving Lee Max😭 Also, don't feel obligated to do this if u don't want to...
Hey anon! :D Oh gosh, I haven't watched the goofy movie in FOREVER! That's a nostalgic bomb right there!
Unfortunately requests are closed right now, and I only really write them for the fandoms listed in my pinned post. Thanks for asking anyway!
Have a great day!
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I haven't used this blog in forever... heyyy 😁.. It's mostly because ive been more on twitter.. also my gw/ugw is aimed lower now than what is still in my bio, and i've lost like 20lbs since i last posted i think?? I don't quite remember what i was in december, but i was in the 140's in january-febuary. Im in the normal bmi range now instead of overweight and i was so happy about that when i looked it up. Still very far from my goal.👍🏻
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twopoppies · 2 years
Heyyy Gina, hope you're having a great day! I went through all your posts about the leak and I mean, H has always been quite a private, sneaky and clever person with his albums, and songs. To really enjoy his content his fans have to understand and feel what he's not showing or telling to the public rather than taking in the superficial media bullshit. Idk how antis haven't figured it out till now lol. However, the fact that the absolutely intended haylor references (i mean they JUST SCREAM stunt song) takes away spotlight from Olivia is so funny (sorry not sorry).
I mean, I am forever laughing about how obvious those songs are. Thank god we got Perfect and Sweet Creature instead (even those unreleased ones are sweet). And anything that takes attention away from Holivia is absolute heaven.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 5*
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Heyyy ladies and gents, I might go out later but I'm gonna post a FEW chapters tonight, see if I can get them edited fast enough. I want to try and do a "day" a chapter, if you know what I mean.
Also- Really?! No one said anything about the Raul reference?! Was it too cheesy? Also there was a Charmed reference in there if you missed it.
Part 6
Part 4
Tag List:
You couldn't wait to get to work the next day. You rushed through the lobby and bounded into Rafael's office. He was standing there talking to Liv. Oh god. They both turned and stared at your dramatic entrance.
"Uh….Y/N, are you ok?" Rafael asked you with a bit of concern in his tone.
"Oh yeah no I'm fine Rafa," you nervously smiled, and to your horror his face became even more confused.
"I'm sorry, did you just call me Rafa?" He raised an eyebrow, glancing at Liv, who had a triumphant smile on her face. He didn't remember. It was over.
"I knew it…" she whispered with a smirk.
"Knew what?" Rafael turned to her
"....I knew she'd try to get friendly with you, she's had a crush on you forever," Olivia quickly came up with a diabolical plan on the spot. Your face fell, you felt yourself turning pale as he turned back to you.
“Is that true, Y/N?” He asked you point blank.
"I...I…" you stammered, unable to think of how to get out of this situation. Then you saw his thermos.
"I'll get your morning coffee, boss," you went and grabbed the thermos off his desk, then hurried out the door, slamming it behind you. You tried desperately not to cry as you headed down to the break room.
"Liv that was a little harsh," Rafael gave her a look, nothing the evil smile she had.
"What? She was being insubordinate! Calling you Rafa like that…"
"Right because only you can call me that," He smirked.
"Well I'm the only one who does," she pointed out. "And we're so close, she must have thought of she stated calling you that maybe you'd fall for her.”
"...you're nutty you know that?” He shook his head with a laugh.
“But you love me anyway,”. She gave him a tongued smiled.
"I do," he chuckled, gripping her hands .
In the break room you tried to calm yourself down before going back up to Rafael’s office. You focused on what Chloe has said last night. He was already in love with you. You just had to draw it out
That was going to be exceptionally difficult now that Olivia knew you had done something. She's never gonna leave you alone with him. No she has to. I mean what is she gonna do, stay in his office all day? You'd just wait until she left. You filled his coffee and returned to his office this time knocking before you went in.
“Come in,” You heard him call through the door. You went in to see Liv had left. You looked up at the sky and mouthed a “THANK YOU.”.
"Here you are Mr. Barba." You handed him the coffee nervously.
"....Y'know I kind of liked it when you called me Rafa, Y/N." He gave you a smile. But not the normal office smile you were so used to...it was a smile you had only seen yesterday. Maybe….
"Oh. Um, yeah sure ok ...Rafa," you smiled back.
"I'm sorry I haven't said it before. I guess I shouldn't be so…"
"Snobbish," you chuckled remembering yesterday. Then suddenly remembered HE didn't remember yesterday. You looked at his once again stunned face, and you once again slapped your hands over your mouth.
"Oh god I am so--” You started to apologize, but to your relief he slowly started chucking that soon turned into a full laugh.
"Yeah, something like that." He shook his head while still laughing. He looked at you, catching your glance. He stopped laughing and just stared at you for a long moment.
I need you to remember today….
"...Do I have something on my face?" You started to rub your face embarrassed.
"No, I just…." He narrowed his eyes, inspecting your face as if he was trying to recall something. "I think I...I had a dream about you last night,"
You blushed, your heart fluttered. This was it, it was happening. It was really happening
"A good dream, I hope," you joked, trying to keep calm.
"The best," he smiled dreamily. Your face lit up, was it REALLY happening? Right now?
"Rafa, I--" You started to go for it.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I said it like that," he shook his head with a laugh. "I'm sure it was nice though,"
Nope. Not now.
"Right, I'm sure," you smiled, trying to hide the fact that you were dying inside.
"Are you okay?" He was actually paying enough attention to you to realize you were faking it
"What...yeah no I'm fine," you lied. "I just um, I didn't sleep well last night,"
"Oh. Well, feel free to make yourself something from my machine," he offered. He had never offered that before, his machine was too precious and too expensive to waste on anyone else.
"...Seriously? But that thing is your baby," You asked him astonished.
"...Something tells me I've been too focused on my 'things' lately," He chuckled.
"Oh well thank you sir,"
"Rafa carino, por favor," he said nonchalantly, then immediately stopped and looked at his desk in shock that those words fell out of his mouth so easily. You started at him equally shocked. Maybe this would be easier than you thought. You decided to run with it, maybe prodding more memories
"What's that mean?" You quickly asked. He stared at you for a second, still trying to figure out why he had called you that.
"It um--," he cleared his throat nervously. "Nothing," he lied. "It's just a word like amigo or kid"
Your face scrunched. Why would he lie? This is it. This is why you didn't know before. He's been trying to hide it!!!!!
"No it doesn't," You challenged him. What were you doing?! Was it totally smart to provoke him like this? What if he fired you?
"I'm sorry?” He asked, stunned.
“It means honey or sweetie, it's a term of endearment," You spit back the explanation he gave you yesterday.
“How do you know that…?” He was beyond suspicious.
How indeed. You raced your brain trying to think of a plausible reason.
“My best friend is Latina. She calls me that all the time,” You lied. Well, kind of lied. Chloe was Latina and spoke spanish, but she had never called you carino.
“….Then why did you ask me what it meant?” He kept suspicions.
“I wanted to see if you'd admit it,” You smirked at him. He was shocked. You had never been so informal with him, so bold, so snarky.
“….What has gotten into you, Miss y/l/n?” He suddenly asked you in a very “boss” like voice. Shit. He was pulling rank on you. You pushed too far.
"I…" Your smirk fell, your voice fell soft.
"That must have been some shit sleep you got. I suggest you go get caffeinated, compose yourself and come back more professional," He spat.
“...Y-yes sir.” You bolted out of the office.
As soon as you were gone, Rafael began to pace in his office. Why had he called you that? And so casually and easily? He was usually so careful about showing you any kind of favoritism or affection, it was highly unprofessional. And besides, you were too young for him. He couldn't be like a kid with a crush.
After you came back you both kept quiet and professional. Exchanging only pleasantries and things, Both lost in your own insecurities and feelings. Finally at the end of the day you went into his office quietly .
“Well if you didn't need anything else sir, I'm going to take off.,” You said meekly.
“Y/N wait,” he got up and walked up to you. "I'm sorry about this morning, I misspoke and I shouldn't have taken it out on you,”
“Oh.” You weren't thrilled that he stuck to his denial of feelings, but at least he was chill again
“Oh it's fine,” you talked nervously.” I should have never been so flippant,”
“No no, actually it was quite refreshing,” he smiled. “You're usually so quiet and timid, I like this side of you,” He stroked your hair, then instantly realized what he was doing and stepped back. What was happening?!
“Ahem so I’ll see you--” He started to say goodbye, but he noticed a penguin charm you had dangling off your phone in your hand.
“Penguins,” He whispered.
“I’m sorry?” Your heart fluttered again.
“I love penguins,” He just said softly, almost as if in a trance.
“I know,” You went for it again.
“What? How do you know that?” The moment fleeted again, his memory long gone.
“Oh um,” You bit your lip. “I mean, who doesn’t love penguins? They’re adorable,”
“Indeed,” He nodded with a smile. “Always so dapper in their--
“Tuxedos,” You finished his thought. He stared at you in shock for the fiftieth time that day, but once again it flushed into a beautiful smile.
“Right,” He nodded again, still smiling.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Rafa," You smiled, a genuine flirty smile. At this rate you'd be right back where you were yesterday in no time.
Rafael just stood staring at the door after you left. What were you doing to him?
As he walked out of his office, Olivia met him at the door, holding a cup of coffee.
"An apology latte," she smiled apologetically.
"I should get mad at you more often," he chuckled, taking and sipping the latte. He made a face.
"What?" Olivia's face turned to panic.
"Nothing, just kind of a weird aftertaste," he shrugged.
"Oh maybe they decaff’d you," she laughed nervously.
“Maybe…” He stared at the cup suspiciously.
“How about dinner? On me?” She offered, hoping to distract him.
“Sure….” He shook off his suspicion and smiled at her.
They walked arm in arm, Rafael was oblivious to the evil smile crawling across Olivia's lips.
You went home floating on cloud nine. When you walked in the door Chloe was folding her laundry. When she saw you she smiled hugely at the door.
“So.. how did it go?” She grabbed your hand and pulled you to your couch.
“It was amazing. He didn't remember yesterday, but I think he has some idea of what happened. And I think it's drawing his feelings out!!” You clapped your hands together wildly.
“Girl that's awesome!” She giggled. “Well tomorrow you'll just have to look amazing. See if you can draw more out,” She grinned.
You went to bed feeling more hopeful than you had in a long time.
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stack! stack! stack! 📚
sunnie loml /p
writer bot started repeating so I had to roll it a couple times lol but final numbers that I haven't talked about before were 1, 5, 16, and 27.
1. Alex comes out to Reggie FIRST-- ok this fic I've talked about a lot because it has been Fighting Me Forever. Recently, however, I realized it was trying to do too many things at once and cut it down so hopefully I'll be able to finish it relatively soon. Snippet under the cut.
5. cause there we are again in the middle of the night FINAL CHAPTER-- i don't want to spoil the ending here, but I'll put a snippet under the cut, although I might start it over cause this one has been fighting me too :(
16. bobby musical angst mwahahahaha-- prompt from the lovely @starlight-17011-a: The boys watch the musical Rent. Either they go to haunt Bobby and see him and Carrie watching it or the whole group is doing a family movie night. Bobby gets sad when certain songs or lines are sung. I don't have a lot more thoughts about this yet but. It will be sad :)
27. My Name Is Luke/Bobby Post-Orpheum-- THE OFFICIAL ALL TOO WELL SEQUEL FIC. I’ve had plans for this for literally ever but I can’t write it until I finish a bunch of other fics in this series. I forget how much I’ve told you about this before but basically. Present-tense 2020 scenes involving Luke reuniting with Trevor after he finds out the version of My Name Is Luke he recorded is made up of a bunch of really gay drafts Luke wrote and hid in the studio. Past-tense 95 scenes of BobbyRayRose ANGST. Julie being awkwardly like “heyyy uncle trevor... here’s your exboyfriend, he’s in my ghost band. now.... talk!” etc. It’ll be Long.
Send me a book emoji and I’ll tell you about one of my wips!
Alex comes out to Reggie snippet:
“This is the life, man,” Reggie says, grinning, his face and shirtfront splattered with rum raisin ice cream. “We should do this more often.”
Alex smiles, stirring his melting cup of lemon sorbet into yellow soup. He doesn’t actually like lemon very much, but the ice cream shop was out of raspberry, and Alex didn’t bring his Lactaid pills so he can’t gorge himself on mint chocolate chip ice cream like he wanted to. “We can’t bring Luke, though. Can you imagine him on this much sugar? He’d never sit down.”
Reggie laughs, throwing his head back and kicking his feet out through the air, and Alex gives him a little side-eyed glance, thinking maybe Reggie doesn’t need any extra sugar either.
It’s a good day. Sunny, and not too cold for February, even in L.A., and Alex can hear the Nutcracker music from Sara’s class filtering through the dance studio windows, and he’s comfortable, even if he is wearing a too-small hand-me-down suit from his older brother Ben, and his tie is a little too tight, and he’s got anxiety thrumming underneath his skin, making his hands twitch and his stomach hurt because he’s got secrets like a blood clot threatening to stop his heart.
But he always has secrets these days, from everyone but himself, and he likes Reggie, even if they don’t spend a whole lot of time together without Luke there to act as an over-enthusiastic buffer. He likes that Reggie knows when to joke and when to be serious, that he means everything he says even if what he says is a little silly, that he’s quick to love, slow to judge, and treats Alex’s anxiety as an emotion to curb and not a problem to fix.
Reggie is one of Alex’s best friends, just as much as Luke is. Alex likes Reggie, loves Reggie even (though he is very much decidedly not in love with Reggie), and he trusts Reggie—or at the very least he wants to.
But none of that changes the fact that Alex doesn’t know what possesses him to say, “Reg, I think I have a crush on Luke.”
Lukebobby sickfic chapter 7 snippet:
Luke blinks, taken aback by Bobby’s sudden intensity, by the tears brimming in his eyes. “Bobby—” he tries, but words quickly fail him. 
Bobby shakes his head and rubs a hand down his face, settling it back into an emotionless mask. “Forget it,” he mutters, backing away from Luke’s bed. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t—you need to rest, I—I should tell the guys you’re awake.”
“The guys are here?” Luke pushes himself up against his pillows, even as his ribs protest. 
Bobby checks his watch. “They should be back any minute, they drove back to the studio to get you some new clothes.”
“Who drove? Alex only has his learner’s permit.” 
Bobby waves a hand nonchalantly, still backing toward the door. “Yeah, but he already stole Reggie’s dad’s car to get to my place, so they figured neither of them could get grounded twice. It was a—it was a weird night, okay? I’m just gonna go get your doctor. Lie back down.”
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I know I haven't posted in like... forever...BUT I'm back!
I started uni and I'm still getting used to it. Our japanese teachers want us to do the impossible in these 3 years and learn like there is no tomorow.
I'm also looking for more japanese studyblrs to follow and maybe befriend! We're in for a long ride. I study from Minna no nihongo and Basic Kanji Book this year.
That being said, good luck on your studies everyone!
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