#I haven't had internet until very recently because travels
thornfield13713 · 1 year
97 + 12 Fiddlestan
So, I'm going to hew pretty close to the canon setting for this one, because...I like it. So, where are they travelling from? Or to? I lean towards this being a Weirdmageddon thing - the plan fails, and Bill is victorious, and decides to mark his victory by scattering the consciousnesses of his victims across time...thereby inadvertently sowing the seeds of his own destruction, but...that is the way it tends to go.
So, the mind that ends up farthest back is Ford Pines, who wakes up in his bed at Backupsmore with the memories of the apocalypse fresh in his mind. The first thing he wants to do is call his brother, whom he last saw being horrifically ripped apart molecule by molecule in front of him before Ford met the same fate. It takes him fully half an hour to remember...right. Cellphones haven't been invented yet. And he has no idea where Stan is or what he could be doing. Nor does he have the resources to go looking. He can work to avert the apocalypse - he'll work hard, go back to Gravity Falls, and this time he'll know better than to play into Bill's hands, might even be able to find some way to put an end to that infuriating triangle-man for good. He has to go back to Gravity Falls, because if it's not him, Bill will find some other sucker, and they won't know what Ford does. They won't be able to handle the situation as well as Ford could. He doesn't need to find his brother to save the world.
But. He can't stop thinking about it anyway. About how Stanley looked when he arrived at the sh- at Ford's house. About the hints let slip, years later, about what his life before that had been like. About Stanley spending thirty years working to bring Ford home and - all right, succeeding at the worst possible moment, but...looking back now, with the perspective of having lost his brother horrifically before they could make any sort of real amends...that was a lot of work. So, he goes looking, as best he can. He might save up for a private detective or similar, because the 1970s were kind of short on means to track people down, and Ford is really feeling the loss of the internet he had been starting to get used to in the 2010s.
He doesn't get the money together until he's in post-grad, and even then, it takes a while, particularly as Stan keeps changing addresses and adopting new identities. Eventually, though, Ford finds him. In prison in Texas, okay, but...alive. He has to go in person, citing a family emergency and skipping out in the middle of term-time, to visit, and the look on Stan's face on the other side of the glass is enough to tell Ford that...he's alone here. This is the Stan of this time, hungry and desperate and not quite believing what he sees and god, he's so young, how did Ford never process how young he was when he got kicked out before? They talk, anyway. Ford tells Stan what he's been doing, hears a...very much censored and played for laughs version of Stan's own recent years...and then Ford leaves, with a promise to come back in a month or so, the next time he can get away from his studies. Stan, who had been planning a jailbreak, ends up serving out his whole sentence just for those regular visits, patching up his relationship with his brother slowly, awkwardly, and with not a few backslides and difficult moments, but steadily. His sentence finishes out not long after Ford gets his research grant, and when that happens, Ford invites him to Gravity Falls.
And all of the above is just background, because the story actually starts here: Stan Pines, waking up in bed in Gravity Falls, more than thirty years before he remembers getting killed by Bill, with the memories of those thirty years still clear in his head. And, the same morning, Fiddleford McGucket turning up at Ford's door, having driven straight from Tennessee to try and stop Ford from summoning Bill.
Neither Stan nor Fidds trusts Ford on his word that he has no intention of trying any such thing this time, he's just living in Gravity Falls, trying to learn everything he can and avoid making the worst of his past mistakes again. And also trying to head off Bill using some other poor schmuck to do the same thing. Which means they're all three living in the Shack together, watching each other just to be sure. It's the wreck of Fidds' marriage, but...that barely feels real to him now. His wife left him decades ago, and- Okay, most of the physiological reasons for his mental decline aren't there now, but...that was only ever half the story. He feels fundamentally cut off from other people. So does Stan, thirty years older than he looks, knowing so much more about the people of Gravity Falls than he can reasonably explain. And neither of them is- they know, logically, that things have been better this time around, but- neither of them is quite willing to open up to Ford yet (though this does get better over time) so they gravitate to one another instead - the only people who can really understand their experiences.
Not really sure how things evolve from here - probably a loose monster-of-the-week format with relationship-building around the sides - but Bill is still out there, and may reach out to this little group. And, when that doesn't work, he's liable to take an interest in just what it is that's making these humans so unusually resistant to his pitch routine.
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mykpopwire · 3 years
interview: WOOSOO returns as solo singer ‘Because of You’
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1.     How have you been, what are you occupied with lately?  
I’ve wrapped up my group’s activities and now I’m quite busy preparing for my solo album.
Since it’s the first time I’m showing music in my own style, I wanted to try various things and challenge myself. I’ve been making songs that I always thought of while working as a producer. I also took a new challenge by composing and writing the OST of a Korean drama.
I’m also enjoying leisure life that I had not been able to enjoy before, such as café tour, famous restaurant tour, etc. 
2.     It has been around 8 months since your last song release, how do you feel?
‘Because of You’ has a very different style from the previous song ‘The Rain’ (비가 내리면). Actually, ‘The Rain’ was made for MASC, so rather than saying it’s my solo work, it felt more like an extension of MASC. I think I’m making my first step as solo artist WOOSOO through ‘Because of You’.
I was very excited while preparing for this song and I’m very much looking forward to being able to show my music to the public with WOOSOO’s first solo.
3.     Please tell us about the song, ‘Because of You’. What do you want to share the most through this song?
‘Because of You’ is a song that blends the excitement of love with the R&B and soul feeling. It’s a song that expresses a heart fluttering feeling that something good will happen.
I think this song goes well with the upcoming spring.
Through this song, I wanted to appeal to the public that a singer called WOOSOO can do this type of music, and I wanted to share that my strengths and charms fit well with various music.
4.     Can you share interesting moments while shooting for the music video?
While filming for the music video, the producer and I were thinking “what kind of video would be good” and we decided that a pop-like live video would suit the most. The natural and friendly feeling.
The filming was held at an outdoor location, but since it was on the weekend, there’s so many people. Haha
A lot of people might have thought we were doing a performance, quite several people sat in front of us. They sat in groups, watched and listened, and they also took videos as if it was such a real performance.
In the middle of the video there are scenes where people pass by, but to pursue the naturalness feeling, there are many scenes where people pass by that we included without editing. I think it'll be fun to find those scenes. Hahaha
5.     What attracted you to music career and what made you decide to be a singer?
I like singing since I was young, and I like to stand in front of people and take the lead in doing something. When I was younger, I used to sing in school, on the streets, just everywhere I could. Since I couldn’t neglect my studies, I built my dreams by participating in singing contests and competitions and I was at my happiest when I sang in front of other people.
I’ve always had a lot of friends because I’ve always been sociable, but apart from that, I’ve always loved the eyes of the people watching the stage when I’m singing in the contests. So, I decided to become a singer.
6.     You have recently made your name as a composer and lyricist, what is the hardest challenge you face while writing a song?
I always have a lot of worries when it comes to work that requires creativity.
I’ve thoughts like, “I have to create something new”, “How do I express this through image directing”, “What would suit me well”.
I’ve started the music that I like through this solo, but I’m always concern about how much the public would like my music, and whether I can make music that many people can relate to with honest stories.
7.     What aspect of your music do you want people to focus on?
In addition to the image that I’ve shown as a group member, I’d like people to focus on how diverse and challenging the singer WOOSOO is as a solo artist. How talented I am in making good music that the public can feel happy when they listen to my songs, sympathize with sadness, and feel the joy and sorrow.
But this time, I metaphorically expressed the excitement of spring and the feelings of love.
8.     What impression do you think you give when you first meet someone?
When I was promoting as a team, just by looking at me without having any conversations, lots of people think I’m scary, difficult and edgy person. I think the reason was because since I hold the pillar in the position of a leader who takes care of many members, I thought more of the team rather of my own self. But once we started talking, they said I’m friendly and humorous.
Nowadays, I heard a lot of things like, “You’re friendlier than others” and “I want to befriend you”.
I tend to pursue natural things. For example, I prefer small shops in the neighborhood rather than large supermarkets.
That’s why I enjoy doing internet broadcast. There, I love to talk to people comfortably like a friend, not as an artist or entertainer.
9.     You have been actively communicating with your fans through social media and online live apps, what is the first thing that you would you like to do when you can meet with your fans face-to-face?
I want to say thank you and hug all the fans who waited for me. It was such a short time, but a lot of things happened over the years.
There are more people who waited for WOOSOO than I thought. It’ll be great to have a performance with my fans, but I’m thinking having a face-to-face talk with them over delicious meal would be great as well.
And of course, it’d be great to share my new challenges and music with all of you!
There are still many fans that I haven't met, I want to meet fans from various countries.
10.  What is your proudest and happiest moment as a singer?
My happiest moment as a singer is that there are fans who listen to my music.
“I gained strength through your music”, “I’m WOOSOO’s long-time fan”, “He’s a great singer”, when I hear those kinds of words, it really makes me very happy.
If there is at least one fan who loves my music and supports me, I’ll do my best until the end.
11.  What if you can achieve another dream other than music?
I have a lot of interest in fashion, so I thought about being a fashion designer, and I think it's good to have a job where I can deal with people because I like meeting people.
Recently, my dream is to open a small cafe and meet various people to communicate and create a fun space. (It's a secret that I'm recently learning to make bread~ haha)
12.  If you could snap your fingers and instantly make the world better, what would you do?
I think the most difficult thing right now is that many people around the world are suffering from health and psychological anxiety caused by the virus.
Many people are having a hard time, losing their jobs. Korean singers are having a hard time too, I want to get rid of the virus right away. I want to go back to the days when there was no Corona.
I'm praying and hoping to meet a lot of fans again.
13.  To the people who just got to know WOOSOO, what is the best way for them to get to know you better?
I upload photos and videos about my daily life on Instagram. YouTube is not up yet, but I'm going to start soon, to do covers or various music for many people. I'm making lots of efforts to meet many fans.
Usually, they can get to know me through live broadcast on the Internet. But I haven't been able to do it recently because I'm busy. But I'm going to communicate with many people through internet broadcasts again soon. (Of course, I like doing games broadcasts too. Haha)
For those who got to know me for the first time, to know which group I was part of, what kind of show I did, I hope you’ll watch all the shows available on YouTube!!
14.  Any projects that your fans can look forward to in the near future?
My plan now is to release a new album every month. Once the Corona is over and we can travel just like before, I want to let you listen to variety of songs. But in the meantime, I’m planning to release many songs.
15.  Lastly, can you say a few words to your fans? 
Thank you so much for waiting for me for a long time. I’ll be back with better music in the future.
Watch Because of You here!
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Twitter: @wys1989
Instagram: w_youngsoo
Youtube: WooSoo
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