#I haven't been this excited to find a webpage in such a long time...!!! <3
cutewebgraphics · 1 year
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I was browsing and discovered Divide To Zero by Tom Murphy's full collection of FreeType fonts that completely defined my childhood & exists as the source of most, if not all of my typographic inspirations! You can find all of them from 1993-1997 on his website here with an 88x31 button you can link back with, but check out the rest of his site too, and his blog going since the year 2000! An incredible collection of work as well as fantastic web design that transports me back to a different time... :)
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bangtann-bangdamn · 3 years
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Summary: After Taehyung introduces you to a new RPG, you find yourself obsessed with it and a certain blond elf.
Pairing: Yoongi x female reader
Genre: Comedy, romance
Prompt: “I haven’t slept in 3 days. Is it that obvious?”
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: Talk of boners because apparently, that’s where my mind went when I wrote this.
AN: This is for the @btsghostiewritersnet drabble marathon.
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"I haven't slept in 3 days. Is it that obvious?" You asked as you dropped into the seat beside Yoongi. You felt like you had bags on the bags under your eyes, but you didn’t think you looked that bad when you left your apartment that morning. That was until the sight of you had made some three-year-old on your bus burst out into tears.
Yoongi raised his head from his desk and gazed at you with hooded eyes. "You look like shit," he commented before lowering his head once more.
"Thanks." You relaxed into your chair. You weren't looking forward to the next three hours of class, not after the night you had.
Heck, after the past couple of months you'd had, you were about ready to curl up in the furthest corner from civilisation you could find. You were done.
And it was all Kim Taehyung's fault.
A few months ago he had pounded on your door at three o'clock in the morning with the ridiculous excuse that he needed to introduce you to your new best friend. You had barely blinked at him before he had barged past you and made himself at home in your lounge, patting the space on the carpet beside him for you to join him. When you had made to go back to bed, Taehyung had threatened to take his laptop into your room, and so you had settled beside him as he pulled up the webpage for an RPG he had discovered.
Warlocks and Wendigos. Its premise was similar to that of any other pay to play RPG. You created a character from one of the various options available and built yourself a virtual life. You could create guilds with fellow players, go on exciting quests to new worlds, and even have virtual relationships.
You had shuddered when Taehyung had first relayed the details to you. Who in their right mind would start a virtual relationship with someone in a game?
You. You were that person.
Taehyung had decided that you were to join his guild and you, as a way to get him out of your apartment and back to your bed, had relented. You had created a profile and started a quest with him. You weren't sure when he left your apartment, but by the time you realised you were alone, the sun was well and truly up and you had missed the first half of your lecture.
It hadn't got any better than that afterwards. You had set off on your own quests, had made your own virtual friends and, most surprising of all had started flirting with an elf by the name of August_D.
Of course, you had mentioned none of this to Taehyung. For all he knew, you logged on occasionally to partake in quests with him and resented every single moment. You would rather die than admit that you were slightly obsessed with an RPG.
Or rather, obsessed with a certain blond elf.
"I know why I look like shit, but why do you?" Yoongi stretched his limbs out as best as he could from his seat. You eyed him critically, noticing his lack of dark circles and unblemished skin.
"Coursework," you lied without missing a beat. "What about you?"
He studied you for a beat. "I've been talking to some girl."
If you had a drink, you would have spat it out all across your desk. "You? Talking? To a girl? Is this the twilight zone?"
Yoongi shrugged. "It's not like that."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, really." He rolled his eyes. "Besides, I talk to you and you're a girl."
"Yeah, except you don't see me as a girl."
"I do too."
"Oh really?" You tilted your head as you studied him. "Then, pray tell, why did you think I would know anything about morning wood?"
Yoongi hesitated. "It's nice to get a second opinion."
You laughed. "Yeah, because I'm going to have an opinion on that."
Yoongi opened his mouth to reply but whatever he was about to respond was lost when your professor walked into the room and started the lecture.
That evening when you logged into Warlocks and Wendigos, you were surprised to find August_D waiting outside your door.
"Finally," he typed. "I have an urgent question."
"Shoot." You frowned as you watched the dots appear and disappear several times from the message box. You took a sip of your drink.
"What's your opinion on morning wood?"
This time, you did spit your drink out. Luckily, you managed to spit away from your laptop.
"I'm trying to prove something."
"About morning wood?"
"Not exactly... The girl I like IRL thought it was weird that I asked for her opinion on it."
"That is a little weird."
"We were talking about horny women, I thought I was safe to ask."
"So she was saying how cool it was to be a woman and no one to ever know when you’re aroused and so I asked her what she thought about morning wood."
"Why am I getting De-Ja Vu?"
"You are?"
"Yeah! I had this exact same conversation with my guy friend recently."
"What did you say?"
"Depends on the guy."
"So if it was me?"
"I don't even know you dude lmao."
"That's not what I meant!!! I meant if I was asking you."
"Then I'd still say it depended on the guy."
"Oh, that's what you meant."
"Yeh. like if I woke up in bed with my guy friend and I felt his, I wouldn't exactly be hurrying to kick him out of bed if you know what I mean."
"I think I can guess. You like this guy then?"
"Yeh but he likes some other girl.”
“He said that?"
"That sucks."
"IKR, but I'll live."
You stayed up until the early hours of the morning playing. You knew you shouldn't, but you enjoyed the easy banter August_D provided. That and it just felt easy to talk to him about anything and everything. Almost like a certain guy in your real life.
By the time you rolled into class, you were surprised to find Yoongi sitting upright with his laptop out on the desk. You sat beside him, barely glancing at his screen.
"Why are you so perky this morning?" You asked as you settled your notebook and pen onto your desk.
"I'm testing out a theory."
"Oh really? What's that?" you turned to look at his screen and froze. Opened full-screen on his desktop was a site you were familiar with. "You play Warlock and Wendigos?"
"Oh damn, I lo-" You stopped as you caught sight of his character. An elf with long white-blond hair and a vertical scar down his left eye.
Yoongi watched as your gaze shifted from his screen to him and back.
"I've got to go," You announced, hurriedly packing your bag as you prayed for the ground to swallow you whole
Yoongi chuckled. "Fine, so long as we're still good for the quest tonight."
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