#I have so many thoughts about jack and eric and rachel but i can't articulate them now
lonesomedotmp3 · 6 months
watched more bmw ok we're so close we're inching towards the finish line here... couldn't incessantly liveblog because my phone was charging so: 1. shawn was sucking and fucking like crazy while on the road we just didn't see it because it wasn't relevant to cory's journey etc 2. resurrection is PROBABLY the best if not 2/3rd best episodes of the season even if it just more ridiculous angst it does sort of work in conjunction with chet's death and eric moving out and tommy and shawn coming back etc etc this season is stupid angsty misogynistic mess but at least it did sort of come together at the end? maybe they were just trying to lead it all to that point which is why certain narratives are so forced sometimes 3. eric being perceptive and knowing his friends and being good with kids <3 it's such a bummer the way it goes but I actually like the premise of him moving out and rachel and jack literally not knowing what to do with themselves anymore without him! like when he takes that stupid rubber duck with him last minute and flashes them a smile and it's like oh. this place is nothing if he's not there to bring life to it.... ugh. eric :( 3.5. jack and rachel saying they don't want anything to change and eric going you guys don't get it already has changed it will never be the same again... like again he's the only one who understood the way these relationships mattered he's smart!! and jack and rachel just fundamentally don't Get It because well they don't really fucking like each other that much... also ummm what if you can never ever ever go back :// 4. I forgot this the choice of name for the baby was between JOSHUA and DANIEL... are you kidding... the worst guy you know vs the chillest ambiguously gay person you've ever met... I've NEVER met a fictional daniel I didn't like... amy calling him joshua altered the whole course of his life I'm convinced that's why he does all those things later on... if he was called daniel the world would be so different.... 5. I have the craziest mixed opinions on the corpanga storyline that episode... on the one hand cory shut the fuck up on the other oh my godddd let's talk about weird hopeful silly topanga... BUT the writers being like booo you're too serious and responsible now what happened to you you used to be weird and cool 🙄 THAT WAS YOU!!! TONY YOU CHOSE TO DO THAT. anyway that's it I'm done I'm sure most of you won't read this I thought it was more efficient to make these like seven posts just one long ramble. we're over the biggest hurdle though the next episode is the first legit silly one in like.five hundred years....
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