#I have so many more thoughts about Jake and royal pains and Jake's relationships with like everyone
lohstandfound · 1 year
I am back in my BMC brainrot, thank you for your incredible content and takes!
RoyalPains and feels about Jake hitting me like a freight train is not what I expected to get me back in but hey, why not
Oh my god thank you! You're welcome! I have not stopped thinking about these characters since, like, 2017
I spend too much time analysing their relationships and all that. I'm glad I could help lol
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
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Normally I open up the Homestuck 2 liveblog with a tongue-in-cheek comment about how reading HS2 is pain, but I just watched the debate and HS2 looks incredible by comparison, so let’s see if this good mood carries over. Looks like we’re on Candyland, too, Candy updates tend to be better (or at least bad in a funny way) than the oft-boring Meat updates, and personally, I think “The Omega Kids fuck around” is the best part of HS2 by yards.
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Man, that lamp is almost perfectly positioned to draw a line through the image separating the two scenes (the dialogue for which is on two separate columns), but it’s just the tiniest bit off-center. I wonder if that was intentional and mobile-responsiveness is just a cruel mistress. It’s a cute touch, if so. I suppose the door (and the photos, which are the same height as the door) also serves the same purpose of having the two scenes be sectioned off. I don’t really know a lot about “scene composition” so maybe I should stay in my wheelhouse, but I think it’s divided very nicely
HARRY: and some of us aren't gods and shit. JOHN: i'm detecting a hint of judgement in your voice, there, harry anderson JOHN: don't you enjoy being a part of all this? finally getting to be in the thick of it all?
John, always dense, has not picked up on Harry Anderson’s demotion to Harry. He’s also inserting a lot of his own desires onto Harry, here, too. Vrissy is the one who wanted to be in the thick of it all (thematic idea to stick a pin into to see if it plays out: John should be mentoring Vrissy and Vriska should be mentoring Harry. Some evidence that HS2 is building this idea, but not a lot yet)
HARRY: now YOU look like you're hiding some extra commentary. JOHN: oh, i don't need to burden you with all the bureaucratic stuff, it's boring.
You gotta subscribe to John’s $20/mo Patreon tier for that, Harry.
JOHN: because here i am, sitting in the dugout, same as you. HARRY: in the dugout? JOHN: oh, or, uh... JOHN: what's a metaphor you might like better... HARRY: no, JOHN: i'm like the uhh...understudy. HARRY: dad. no, jesus, you don't have to do this. JOHN: or i got cast in as babysitter number 2 when i had auditioned for, i dunno, HARRY: yeah, please, i got the baseball metaphor. HARRY: i'm not a complete fucking nerd.
John doesn’t really “get” theater kids, I get. It makes me think a little of how John’s dad thought John was massively into clowns. Also, this is a cute.
JOHN: it's been really nice to get to spend so much time with you. HARRY: um. yeah, it's not so bad. HARRY: anyway, before you ruffle my hair or anything, it looks like things are getting a bit heated between the vriskas over there. HARRY: maybe we should offer them a snack to bring the mood back down? JOHN: me, mess up your hair when you’ve worked so hard on that look? i do know you at least that well, harry anderson HARRY: thank god.
This is also cute. Harry maybe the only person in the entire cast of Homestuck or Homestuck 2 to have a semi-normal relationship with his parents.
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Speaking of semi-symmetry, the line where Harry says how happy he is to stay home almost lines up perfectly with Vriska being furious that she has to stay home. I wonder again if that’s a coincidence of if someone had a really clever idea that didn’t make it fully intact through editing (or was considered not worth the effort). 
VRISKA: How are you so calm right now? Your lusii were training you, right? And you’re a troll, you’re definitely five times stronger than a human! And if you’re my clone, you are way more 8adass than little miss Fussy Fangs.
Vriska is making several false assumptions here, but the most interesting one is that Vrissy is Vriska’s clone. She’s not. She’s descended from Vriska, and takes after Vriska very strongly, but it’s not a one-to-one thing.
VRISSY: 8ut I guess this Situation is Kind of Serious? VRISSY: There’s a whole Plan and Stuff Like that. VRISKA: Clearly not a good plan, 8ecause then I would 8e part of it!
VRISKA: That’s just even more indication that they don’t know what they’re doing! Lalonde and Maryam have had however many sweeps to get older and stupider, 8ut from where I’m standing, it was literally only a few days ago that I was their commander! I am primed for the 8attlefield!
Okay, this line is across from John saying he’s in the dugout. There is absolutely an intentional, if not one-to-one strict, mirroring of these two conversations that’s actually really neat. I should go back to the other times HS2 has had conversations formatted like this to see if this mirroring has been happening all along. It’s a really good use of the format! I like this a lot! 
JOHN: so anyway, as you can see, this would have worked just fine! HARRY: no i think karkat’s right. this looks like shit, dad. JOHN: you know, me letting your earlier use of the word "fuck" slide wasn't a blanket approval for all cursing in front of me. HARRY: sorry. HARRY: try not to make such a shit plan, and i won't call it that. JOHN: haha wow.
The other thing I like is the John/Harry dynamic. 
HARRY: it's not like i think i'm any better! HARRY: i mean, i still can't believe i told vrissy and them to bring a dead celebrity to school. HARRY: what was i THINKING. JOHN: you were thinking it sounded hilarious! JOHN: but yeah, in hindsight, maybe not the best call. JOHN: maybe it’s genetic? HARRY: yeah. HARRY: i kinda can’t believe we’re all still alive, actually. HARRY: and how did YOU make it this far, being so bad at this? JOHN: i had my friends with me, i guess.
John your friends repeatedly tried to kill you and succeeded at least twice. 
He’d spent so long seeing mostly the best parts of Roxy in Harry Anderson. He forgot, he guesses, to look for himself in there, too. And if what they have in common right now is a lack of strategic foresight, hey, he’ll take it.
I’m slowly developing a theory that John is subconsciously the narrator of Candy, given how everything suddenly started going John’s way after Calliope left (and how the narrator seemed to really hate Gamzee last chapter). Remember, John has spoken in narration before in HS1, but never seemed to realize he was doing it. I probably need to essay this theory out at some point, but not now.
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Oh, hey! Jane does have goons! And they’ve slightly change the way they draw Rose’s hair, so her head isn’t a perfect circle with lines on it. This looks much better. 
JANE: I haven't given a political speech in years, Ms. Lalonde. I don't know what you're referring to. I'm just a simple business woman. JADE: right with her own talk show JADE: and multi billion dollar merchant company and lobbying groups! JANE: That's what a business woman is, Jade, dear.
I know that this is supposed to be Capitalism Bad, but “You claim to be a businesswoman when you own a merchant company!”. Jade. Come on. This reads less as Jane going “Of course I’m evil, I’m a CEO” and more that Jade literally doesn’t know what a business woman is. 
JANE: You are on my territory, in the presence of my secret police, laying your hand on my investment.
Jane you don’t own “territory” do you not know what a businesswoman is either?
JANE: Your ship is in contested airspace. You will land, whereby it will be confiscated by the Royal Human Guard. After that you will be taken into custody. 
JADE: shut the fuck up for a minute and look up!
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There’s a BIG-ASS spaceship like ten feet in front of you! Did you not notice until Jade pointed it out?
Also why does the Rebellion ship have the Crockercorp prongs on it?
JANE: Or have you forgotten who has been paying for her schooling and taking charge of her introduction into society? JADE: i never asked you to do that! JADE: you offered! JADE: so stop calling me ungrateful for not sucking your dick over things i never asked for!
Sorry again, Jade, are you implying that you wouldn’t have given your daughter an education had Jane not offered? “Rose and Jade entrusted their daughter to Jane, who they were at war with” is an enigma of a plot point.
The world is watching her be dressed down by a couple blood traitor rebels, one of which has very prominent dog ears. Jane wonders if either of them are even recognizable to the assembled as two of the old gods. One of her PR managers had recommended that she keep her look as static as possible, so that people can always recognize her as Jane Crocker, Captain of Industry, Creator of Earth C, Maintainer of Peace and Plenty.
Jade has always had dog ears what the fuck? I guess this is supposed to be Jane’s warped thinking.
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So, anyway, Kanaya fake-holds Tavvy hostage, Jane buys the threat as real and they build up like Jane is going to sacrifice her own son for PR points but she ultimately stands down and lets everyone go. It’s left intentionally vague whether or not she was always going to do this, or if she didn’t want to do it in front of Jake, or if the presence of Jake stirred something in her that made her change her mind. I like the ambiguity. 
This was a very “Homestuck 2″ update. The plot of kind of nonsense, but it’s carried by the character interactions and a bit of cleverness.
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M/M Book Recs
In addition to fic I’ve read a lot of m/m novels recently. Most of theses are books I’ve been screaming about to anyone who’s willing to listen but I thought some of y’all might enjoy them too!
The synopses are in italics. (Some are bastardized from Goodreads. Those are marked GR.) I’ve also added my thoughts on the book and some content warnings. 
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
What happens when America's First Son falls in love with the Prince of Wales? (GR)
Appa’s rec: 5/5 If you haven’t read this yet, this is the first one you have to pick up. The chemistry of the main characters is delicious. It’s basically a enemies-to-lovers story with awesome supporting characters and a little bit of international politics thrown in. There are some steamy sex scenes just a step below pure smut. Alex and Henry stole my heart and I will definitely be reading this book again and again.
Him - Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy 
(also, book two: Us and a novella: Epic)
Ryan Wesley’s biggest regret is coaxing his very straight friend, James Canning, into a bet that pushed the boundaries of their relationship. Now, with their college teams set to face off at the national championship, he’ll finally get a chance to apologize. But all it takes is one look at his longtime crush, and the ache is stronger than ever.  Jamie has waited a long time for answers, but walks away with only more questions—can one night of sex ruin a friendship? If not, how about six more weeks of it?  (GR)
Appa’s rec: 5/5 Ryan and Jamie broke me a little. This might be my favorite m/m book ever. The first book is a smutty masterpiece and the second book is an angsty heartbreaker with a happy ending. Highly recommend even if you don’t like hockey. The audio books are amazing as well. (I’d probably listen Teddy Hamilton to read my grocery list and swoon...)
Top Secret - Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy
Keaton and Luke are housemates. They are in a frat together. Luke thinks Keaton is a privileged idiot. Keaton thinks Luke is a grumpy asshole. They are both running for frat president. Keaton’s longtime girlfriend wants a threesome for her birthday. Keaton goes on an app to find them a guy and accidentally matches with Luke. They start texting anonymously. 
Appa’s rec: 4,5/5 There was some frat bro shenanigans that made me roll my eyes a bunch and dock 0,5 stars from my rating but other than that this book is amazing! I mean, lots of sexting, Keaton discovering his sexuality, and oh, did I mention that Luke is a stripper?! The smut is smutty and the angst is delicious. Content warning: parental abuse (mostly mental)
The Spiral Down - Aly Martinez
Henry Alexander is a famous pop star with a dark past and a very bad case of flying phobia. He’s also openly gay. After Evan Roth, a pilot, helps him through a flight and a panic attack Henry is obsessed, but Evan has his own demons that complicate their relationship to the point of breaking.
Appa’s rec: 4/5 Some solid smut, angst and a fluffy, happy ending. I highly recommend the audio book. Both readers were wonderful and I almost listened the whole thing in one sitting. I was obsessed!
Trading Teams - Romeo Alexander
Jake thought he had life all figured out. He had the perfect girlfriend, a starting position on the Varsity baseball team, and a raging social life. He was living the dream. That is, until he discovers that he’s in danger of losing his scholarship.  For Kyle, college was only a formality. He didn’t need the degree, and he barely attended his classes and still passed with flying colors. Instead of sitting in class, he’d rather be chasing his true passion—designing and programming an original MMORPG game. Kyle doesn’t need a social life, and he definitely doesn’t need a boyfriend, especially because that would require stepping out of the closet, something he has no intention of doing any time soon. (GR)
Appa’s rec: 3/5 Cute jock/nerd romance with some steamy smut. Not the greatest story but a good time!
Lock & West - Alexander C. Eberhart
Lock is awkward. He can’t make eye contact, counts when he’s nervous and has to remind himself several times a day how ‘normal’ teens behave. Homeschooled most of his life, he’s resigned himself to a friendless existence at his new Atlanta high school. Until he meets West. West has everything. Looks. Talent. Money. And secrets… so many secrets. Beneath the surface of West’s perfect existence is a pain he’s buried so deep a million therapists couldn’t unearth it and he’s determined to keep it that way. He’s an actor. He can act normal. (GR)
Appa’s rec: 4/5 This is a YA romance with some heavy, heavy stuff. Only read if you can deal with a lot of angst. (CW: eating disorders, sexual abuse, rape, parental abuse and post traumatic stress disorder). There is some light smut but it isn’t as explicit as in the previous recs. I really enjoyed this book despite the dark themes.
There Goes Sunday School -  Alexander C. Eberhart 
In sixteen-year-old Mike Hernandez’s life, only one thing is clear: Gay is NOT okay. His family’s life revolves around the church, so Mike has resolved to spend his life in the closet. His only escape—besides the occasional, anonymous gay make-out session—are his risqué drawings.
When his sketchbook goes missing in the middle of Sunday school, Mike is sure his life is over. What’s worse, the pastor’s son, Chris, suddenly seems hell-bent on adopting Mike and his friends and he has no idea why. When an awkward confrontation with Chris leads to an unexpected kiss instead of a much-expected punch, Mike’s world is turned upside down. (GR) 
Appa’s rec: 4/5 Obvious content warning for homophobia and religious guilt. This wasn’t as angsty and dark as Eberhart’s other book but there are some heavy stuff with homophobic parents and community. Some light smut. Heavy on the religion stuff. The main character is very sweet and conflicted. A good YA read if you don’t mind the religious aspects. 
Heartstopper vol 1 - Alice Oseman
Charlie Spring is in Year 10 at Truham Grammar School for Boys. The past year hasn't been too great, but at least he's not being bullied anymore, and he's sort of got a boyfriend, even if he's kind of mean and only wants to meet up in secret. Nick Nelson is in Year 11 and on the school rugby team. Nick and Charlie are placed in the same form group and made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. (GR)
Appa’s rec: 5/5 This is a web comic made into books. There are three volumes out so far. I’ve read the first two. (You can find all of these on the web still and there will be more volumes.) Oh my god, this is the sweetest story ever and the drawings are adorable. A quick read that will stay with you for a long time. Light angst and a lot of fluff. 
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lesceriises · 5 years
[ 🍒 ]  — gracing the tags with my presence before i go work on replies. hi. i’m elle. i’m mostly here for mxf shipping tbh, but i love platonic/family plots too. i have adhd which means i like jumping into things and figuring out what works and doesn’t without beating around the bush. send me memes!! send me ideas!! i love brainstorming. i have a bunch of muses right here & you can check out my open starters here. 
if you’re curious about what fcs i like + what types of plots i’m interested in, click the read more.
come write with me!!!
alfonso herrera, alvaro rico, chris pine, dacre montgomery, david giuntoli, edgar ramírez, jake gyllenhaal, kit harington, luke pasqualino, michiel huisman, oliver jackson-cohen, oscar isaac, ryan guzman, santiago cabrera, sean tealea, simon baker, tom ellis, tommy martinez, tyler hoechlin, zane holt, alicia vikander, alycia debnam carey, eleanor tomlinson, gugu mbatha-raw, imogen poots, johanna braddy, lupita nyong'o, margot robbie, oona chaplin, poppy drayton, ruth negga, saoirse ronan, shelley hennig, shannon purser, zendaya, zoey deutch.
drama, over-the-top drama, cheesy drama, angst, romance, manipulation, lying, cheating, pregnancies, horror, supernatural, ghosts, historical, crime, royals, modern royals, fake relationships, unrequited feelings, bad timing. you can check a few plots i’d like to do here.
if fandom isn’t your thing, i’m also v interested in rl / historical plots. you can find a list of those here.
CHOICES GAME APP & STORYSCAPE: plots based on: titanic, the perfect match, rules of engagement, desire & decorum, the royal romance, and the elementalists. we don’t have to play the “main” characters or follow the original storylines tho.
TITANIC/1900s: legit just... any and all dynamics lmao the list is infinite there’s so much potential. if you’re familiar with the game i’m looking for something taken from storyscape like matteo x adele dynamic (long-story short, matteo is a valet for a wealthy man and adele is someone who is being blackmailed by said wealthy man) or charlie x adele (charlie is a steward who befriends adele, helps her navigate her situation, and the two become very close - esp interested in a dynamic post-titanic too where he's trying very hard not to hold things against her but is struggling tremendously with guilt, ptsd, and his idealism) or a dynamic based on zetta x adele (zetta is famous and adele's employer, and adele is being blackmailed into ruining her engagement - but it'd have to be an mxf one because that's the only kind of romantic pairings i write).
THE HUNGER GAMES: capitol citizen x capitol citizen, mentor x mentor, victor x dead tribute’s sibling/dead tribute’s best friend, literally any other combO!! smth with spies would be great too like spy rebel working a the capitol x capitol staff.
VIDEO GAMES: plots based on until dawn!!!!!!!!! which is one of my favs tbh (there’s SO MUCH POTENTIAl but i’m particularly weak for “we had a ‘opposites attract, will they don’t they’ thing going on and smth was about to happen between us at the cabin but then my sibling/best friend vanished and everything went to shit and we haven’t spoken in a year even though we miss each other dearly”.
workaholic diplomats with a fuckton of baggage and personal struggles who are really good at their jobs and always butting heads… falling in love (bonus: maybe one of them is a squib)
pureblood order member is essentially kidnapped by their own elitist family and has their memory tampered with, meaning they now believe they’ve always just been a spy for the death eaters. they’re engaged and their significant other starts to notice little things that feel odd and unusual. 
i muggleborn who started lying about her blood status and is passing as elitist pureblood who ends up getting engaged to a pureblood.  
before the first wizarding war, two purebloods get married. it wasn’t an arranged marriage and for all their differences they brought out the best in each other. their families were iffy about each other but they made it work. she remained mostly a housewife, enjoying the work and taking care of the children. things were good until the war rolled around and slowly, gradually. it became clear that his family (and he himself) were prejudiced against muggles and muggleborn. in the end they end up on opposite sides of the war, and it gets ugly.
arranged marriage between two people. he’s a widower and a grump, no one really finds him good company and on top of that his wife died in questionable circumstances (everyone thinks he did it, but it was actually his parents). his parents picked her because she seems easy to manipulate and air-headed. they never thought they would end up gradually growing very fond of each other to the point of love - they have the same humor, he helps her try not to please everyone and she helps him allowing himself to be himself - and that he’d start standing up to his family.
ANGELS / DEMONS / NOT FANDOM SPECIFIC: angel x fallen angel (please. think of all the pain and angst) or demon x redeemed demon or smth of the sort (the betrayal!!!)
X-MEN: literally too many possible combos to list and i want them all!!! the angstier/messier the better.
THE MUMMY: doesn’t have to be based on the movie, i’m going for the ~vibes~ here. we can do: explorer/archaeologist x non-explorer, explorer/archaeologist x journalist, explorer/archaeologist x doctor, explorer/archaeologist x explorer/archaeologist…. they can be any age too! even exs with children, the options are endless.
PACIFIC RIM: trainee x trainee, pilot x scientist, pilot x pilot, doctor x pilot
OUTLANDER/TIME-TRAVELLING IN GENERAL: could be intentional, accidental, to the future or the past, etc so many options!! we can mix time-travelling with other fandoms too!!
TOMB RAIDER: feel free to make suggestions but here are some ideas: (a) and (b) have a long history (platonic, romantic, siblings, idc). they’re both explorers who for the most part have been on the same side. two peas in a pod. two sides of the same coin. etc etc. while trying to put together a mystery, and trying to beat the “bad guys” to it, they realise the object they are looking for can change the past or bring the dead back to life…. this is where (b) turns against (a), who, unlike them, wants to take the object and keep it safe inside a vault.
STAR WARS: literally too many options to list but i’ll try: “jyn” x “cassian”, spy x traitor, pilot x spy doctor, former stormtrooper x spy, former stormtrooper x regular person, spy x regular person, diplomat x pilot, diplomat x former stormtrooper, idk there’s so many possible dynamics i couldn’t list them all legit anything in this universe im begging lmao!
STRANGER THINGS: so many possibilities?? could be set at any point in time too… and/or make our characters older and have them revisit things that happened to them in the past.
MARVEL/MCU: superhero x human , superhero x superhero, hero x law enforcement, a verse where heroes are “banned” (think incredibles 2)… all of these could go in so many ways?? the sky’s the limit. reminder that i don’t write canons but i don’t mind writing against them!! 
ANASTASIA: lost princess/prince x kitchen boy/girl turned con-person who is at first using them for money but ends up falling in love with them and oops turns out they are the real deal.
THE LITTLE MERMAID: mermaid x prince, mermaid x human, mermaid x pirate, “ursula” x “eric”
ALADDIN: “i pretended to be a rich prince/princess to impress the their/heiress to the throne bc i’m poor as hell and i just want to stop being poor lmao … but oh boy i’ve fallen in love…….”
FROZEN:   “hans” x “anna” or “hans” x “elsa” (i just think “hans” is a great character and there’s a lot we could do with him tbh) oc guard or commoner x “elsa” “anna” and “kristoff” but their relationship isn’t working out the dynamic between “anna” and “elsa” bc i’m a sucker for sibling dynamics we could also explore the relationship of anna and elsa’s parents!!!  
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bringmetolife-pwff · 4 years
Part 1: Chapter 1 - The Betrayal
Spring 2007
It was another long exhausting day at work in the office.  She was putting the finishing touches on her spring line before it was released to the world and she had another fashion show to showcase her designs.  This year was all about pastels and floral.  She knew the high expectations that there were for her line this year.
It was enough to send her into another frenzy.  
Lately she had been all about work and no time for anything but that.  She felt bad that she hadn't made any time for those close to her: fiancé, friends and family.  But she was lucky enough to know that they understood.  Especially her father.
She grew up with a father who was the CEO of his own brand - Bennett & Co.  He made mainly high end watches, tuxedos and cologne.  He had been in the business for over thirty years and she had learned from the best, her dad.  He had been there to cheer her on through everything.  From the first person who turned her designs down to her line now being sold in stores like H&M and Anthropologie.  He was her number one fan, always.  
She had met her fiancé, Liam Matthews a year and a half ago when he starred in a movie called Lie With Me.  She had been invited to attend the premiere of the film.  First, because of her name she was very well known across the United Kingdom and the United States.  Secondly, the wardrobe people on set had reached out to her whilst they were filming and asked to use some of her dresses.  She happily agreed and had them sent over right away by her assistant.  
When she met the lead actor of the film, Liam Matthews, she fell for him right away.  He was tall, handsome and they got on well.  Unfortunately, with Liam being an actor, he's gone a lot and not always there for Evelyn when she needs him or just wants to be with him.  But she didn't care.  She loved him anyway and said yes instantly regardless of her families hesitation of the guy.  They didn't care if he was an A-list actor.  They knew his track record with women, mostly from their friends and people who worked with him.
They never said anything to Evelyn though.  They wanted her to be happy and they knew that she wouldn't believe them.  No matter how much she adored her family.  She grew up with five siblings, four of them being brothers.  
"How are we doing, Eve?" Samantha, Eve's assistant asked as she brought her boss her usual coffee.
Samantha Cunning had been Evelyn's assistant from the very start of her company.  She was detailed-oriented, hard working, and always took notes to whatever Evelyn needed her to do which Evelyn appreciated.  She hadn't had any prior experience to being an assistant, but Evelyn took a chance on her and she was so lucky she did.  She's been a big help to her ever since.  Unlike Evelyn, Samantha was tall around five foot eleven.  She had red hair and freckles that speckled on her porcelain skin and wore glasses as she wasn't able to see without them.  Samantha was married to an architect for ten years and his name is Hamish.  They have two boys: Noah who is seven and Mark who is five.  Evelyn has been close friends with Samantha and her family outside of their jobs for years.  
"Thanks, Sam.  You are the best!  We're doing pretty good.  Almost done with the finishing touches and should be done for next week's show.  I should have asked you a couple of weeks ago but did you get the invitations sent out for the guests that are invited?"
This year her fashion show was being held at The Royal Opera House.  She was very honoured to have her show there as it was the first time ever she would be.
"Already done, Eve.  I also used the calligraphy on the cards like you requested."
"Excellent.  Thank you so much, Sam, honestly.  Oh - what about the flowers and the other props to set up?"
"Done and done," Sam smiles at her boss adjusting her glasses.
"What would I do without you?" Evelyn asks with a sigh.
"You wouldn't know how to survive," she jokes making the boss laugh and nod her head.
"Probably true," she states as her phone rings letting Samantha know she needs to leave the office to go to her own desk.
Evelyn looks at the caller id to see whose calling and sees Liam's name listed on the screen.  She smiles and swivels in her chair as she answers it.
"Hello, Li," she greets her fiancé.
"Hi, Evelyn.  How are you?" His voice a little gruff.
She pulled the phone away from her ear slightly looking at her phone scrunching up her nose.  He had never greeted her with her full name and his tone seemed off as well.  
"I'm all right.  Getting everything ready for my show next Thursday.  Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine.  Busy.  Listen, I have some news you might not like."
"Yeah?  What's wrong?  Is everything okay?"
"I'm not going to be able to make it to your show.  I'm sorry, Evelyn."
Evelyn hung up immediately getting right back to work pushing back all thoughts of her fiancé now.  She had always been there for him no matter how far away they were from each other.  Always going to his premieres, no matter if she didn't want to go or not.  She was always proud of him and all of his success.
Why couldn't he be there for her too?
It was late at night when Eve finally finished her work for her show.  All of her coworkers had been amazing in helping her prepare for it on Wednesday.  She was more than anxious to be here already.  
Heading into the apartment she shared with her fiancé, she had some Chinese takeout with her for some late night dinner.  She felt bad that she had been all about work lately and even though she was upset with Liam for not being able to go, she brought him food as a way of making it up to him.
Closing the door to their apartment, she let out an exhausted sigh setting the food on the kitchen counter.  Evelyn could feel in-between her nose and brows scrunch together in confusion at the noises she was hearing.  For some reason, she felt as though she ought to follow them always being curious.
As the noises became closer, it sounded like two people were having sex in her home and one voice was her fiancé.  Growing anxious, she wasn't sure what compelled her to open the door which led to their bedroom but she wished she hadn't.  As the woman who was riding her fiancé could easily be recognizable as her best friend, Blair Taylor.
"What the hell?" Evelyn cried out in shock making the couple freeze in their positions and look up at the voice.
Liam sat up immediately making Blair roll over and fall off the bed.  
"Fuck," Blair moaned in slight pain but quickly ignoring it as she threw on some clothes hastily while Liam scrambled out of bed putting his briefs on.
"How long has this been going on?" Eve shouted at the two.
Liam wouldn't answer and wasn't able to look Evelyn in the eye.  Blair was the one who answered for the both of them.
"Since you've been engaged," she answered smug as she looked at her former best friend.  They had been best friends since they were in kindergarten and told each other everything.  They were there for each other for all of their biggest moments.  Eve thought she knew her.  Apparently not.
"What?" She began hyperventilating.  "So you mean to tell me that this whole engagement and relationship has been a lie?"
"Evelyn, you're barely here anymore," Liam finally looked at her raking his fingers through his hair.  "We never see each other.  We, at least I, have fallen out love.  Besides, it's not like you didn't sleep with Jake."
Jake was Blair's ex-boyfriend that she dated for three years.  Evelyn was never sure why they ended things because she thought they were good for each other.  
"I'm hardly here right now because of my fashion show coming up!  I thought you out of all people would understand.  And what the bloody hell are you going on about me sleeping with Jake?  I haven't spoken to him since he and Blair broke up!"
"Don't lie, Evelyn," he spoke harshly at her.  "I know you've been sleeping with Jake behind my back.  All of our friends have been telling me as well."
"Get out," she told her former best friend and ex-fiancé as she began taking the ring off of her finger and chucking it at him.  "And keep it.  We're done.  And Blair?  Stay the hell out of my life!"
"No fucking way!" Liam exclaimed not going down without a fight.  "I'm not leaving.  I paid for this place.  It's you who should find another."
Evelyn couldn't believe what she ever saw in that piece of shit.  She angrily wiped at the tears on her face as she pulled out one of her bags and stuffed some clothes in it.  She would be back tomorrow for the rest of her things.  
It was a heartbreaking night for Evelyn Claire Bennett as she made her way to a pub.  She wanted to forget everything that had happened that day.  She didn't care how many drinks it took to forget.  Tears streamed down her face as she opened the door to the bar, wiping them away as she entered.  
She probably looked awful.  She had smudges of her black mascara smeared underneath her eyes but at the moment she didn't care.  She didn't know anyone at this bar and wasn't looking to impress anyone anyways.  Taking a seat at the bar, she was on her phone texting her sister Vivienne needing a place to stay for the night.  Or a while.  
"What happened to you, darling?" The bar tender asked as he handed her a pint.  "Rough night?"
"Yeah," she sniffled as she took a gulp.  "I found my fiancé in bed with my best friend and that they had been spreading lies about me."
"Ouch.  Damn that ought to hurt.  Well you want to know what I would do to people like them?"
"No," she shook her head taking another sip.  "What?"
"I would find someone better and flaunt it to them as a way of giving them a big 'fuck you' to them.  Who needs pricks like those?"
She laughed slightly at that.  Even though it hurt to laugh.  It hurt to breathe.  It felt as though she was under water and she was gasping for air and nothing would come up.  Was it possible?  To feel like you're living but also feel like you're dying at the same time?  She felt as though she could hear her heart breaking into pieces shattering as it hits the ground.  Plummeting into a world of darkness.  
A/N:  I hope you all are doing well!  This is a new story I'm posting.  I know Prince William is married to Kate Middleton and I LOVE them together but I thought it would be fun to write a story about him.  I don't see too many and he's one my favorite Royal's.  Hope you all enjoy and buckle up for this crazy ride :).
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readingontheedge · 6 years
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Welcome to the Sovereign Kingdom of Bagumi
The Kingdom of Bagumi is one of the last intact African monarch states. Treaties and alliances over several centuries have ensured their continued dominance in the region.
Each generation of the powerful and proud Royal House of Saene is bound by loyalty to their family and duty to protecting their nation.
However, soon, long-trusted traditions come under attack and change becomes inevitable, especially when love clashes with duty.
The long-standing, distinguished Royal House of Saene is about to be rocked by three sexy, determined interlopers. Princesses Amira, India and Isha may have to choose between sacrificing their hearts or their kingdom.
A spoilt princess and a commoner…a match made online.
A widowed princess and a reluctant king…a match shrouded in suspicion.
A crusading princess and a freedom fighter…a match built on conflict.
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Meet the Royal House of Saene: The Princesses
His Defiant Princess by Nana Prah (Book One)
Princess Amira Saene has always done the right thing when it came to her beloved Kingdom of Bagumi. Yet her unorthodox online relationship with a man across the sea has derailed her from cultural norms. She doesn’t care. After a year of communicating, the man she’s developed feelings for comes to visit. Their chemistry is intense and she tumbles the rest of the way into love. With the threat of war looming over her country, Amira is thrown in the middle as a peacemaker through an arranged marriage.
Jake Pettersen never thought he’d meet the woman of his dreams, much less online. Flying thousands of miles to West Africa to meet her verifies that the feelings he’s developed are real. Too bad her family doesn’t think he’s worthy of her. When he learns that Amira has been betrothed, he must decide whether fight for her or accept the loss for the sake of her homeland.
Is their happiness worth the devastation of her country?
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Amira Saene paced in her eldest brother’s office. Zawadi, the next king of Bagumi watched her for a moment, shook his head with a deep frown, and returned his attention to his computer.
 Adrenaline wouldn’t allow her to sit as she waited for Jake to arrive. When had her stomach ever been tied in such knots? As a princess, she’d been trained to remain cool and composed at all times. It would’ve been ideal for her nerves to remember that as she gnawed on her manicured nails.
Why hadn’t she broken protocol and gone to the airport to meet him? Resisting her favourite treat of peanut brittle had been easier than forcing herself to stay in the palace to receive her guest as decorum demanded. It also might’ve made things easier if she’d told Jake who she really was, but she hadn’t. The way he’d treated her like a regular person had kept her lips sealed about her status as a princess of one of the most prominent countries in Africa.
She glared at Zareb, the youngest of her older twin brothers and the chief of palace security. When she’d requested permission for Jake to visit, she’d pleaded with Zawadi not to tell anyone about her relationship with him. Meeting someone on the Internet these days wasn’t a crime, but she doubted her family would agree.
Zawadi had insisted on informing the hardest member of their family. She’d had to relent because of the current instability in Bagumi. The neighbouring kingdom of Ashani had become more violent with direct attacks on cattle herders over the past month. Disputes over the water rights of the river between their two countries would lead to war if her father didn’t defuse the situation soon. Although a smaller country, Ashani held a powerful army. Too many lives would be lost if they fought.
Zareb hadn’t been happy about Jake coming into the country in the first place, but not even he had ever been immune to her charms, or incessant whining. Sometimes, being the youngest and the only female in her mother’s line had its benefits.
“Amira, you will not speak during the questioning,” Zareb ordered.
Pinching her lips together kept her from arguing. He wouldn’t hesitate to fulfil his earlier threat of kicking her out of the office altogether. She gave a curt nod and strode to the window. Too bad Zawadi’s office faced the back portion of the palace’s extensive grounds instead of the front where the driver would drop off their guests. Maybe seeing him from afar would settle her racing heart.
She jumped as a knock sounded on the near-impenetrable Bubinga wood. Inhaling and then exhaling twice as long through her nose like she did while practicing yoga did absolutely nothing to calm her.
“Come in,” Zawadi said.
His secretary opened the door. “Your Highness, the two guests you were expecting have arrived.”
“Thank you. Please escort them in.”
Amira swallowed the nothingness drying her throat. Every cell in her body vibrated at a higher frequency, and she swore she could’ve evaporated.
She pivoted her head towards the voice of her eldest brother. When had he gotten up to stand beside her?
“Sit down.”
With stiff legs, she toddled to one of the gold and maroon armchairs across the room. As taught in her multitudes of etiquette classes, she lowered herself onto the seat and crossed her legs at the ankles.
The door opened again, and all composure bolted as she leapt to her feet. The man she’d gotten to know over the past year entered, sucking all the air out of the room.
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His Inherited Princess by Empi Baryeh (Book Two)
India Saene, Princess of Bagumi, must enter a marriage alliance to save her kingdom from an economic crisis. Tragedy strikes when her husband of a few hours is killed in an accident on the way to their honeymoon. She recovers from a coma two weeks later to discover she has been inherited by her husband's younger brother!
Sheikh Omar El Dansuri has never wanted to be king, nor does he desire a wife. However, when his older brother dies, he not only becomes the future king of Sudar, but he also inherits his brother’s bride through an age-old tradition. Falling for the headstrong India is out the question especially when evidence points to her as his brother’s killer.
Neither India nor Omar wanted this marriage, but the passion that burns between them cannot be denied. When India’s secret is revealed, will either of them survive the consequences? 
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She pushed aside the thoughts, focusing on her present need for answers. What was Omar doing here? Had Majid sent him?
“Is she in a lot of pain, Doctor?” Omar asked, his gaze directed at someone on the other side of the bed.
“She shouldn’t be in unbearable pain, Your Royal Highness. In fact, we’ve reduced the dosage of her pain medication.”
“Why are they calling you Your Royal Highness?”
As she’d been made to understand, there were three formal styles used in addressing members of the royal family in Sudar. ‘Majesty’ for the king, ‘Royal Highness’ for the Queen and the presumptive heir, and ‘Highness’ for everyone else.
“Who—where’s Majid?”
Her voice grated against her dry throat. Worry snaked up her spine. Something was wrong. She felt it in her bones.
Omar looked at her, and she found herself trapped in his gaze.
“How much do you remember?”
She frowned. “Remember?”
As if his rich voice had unlocked a door, it came to her all at once. She and Majid had been in the car, discussing the protocols to be observed for his coronation. Funny, since he’d apparently already broken one rule by travelling in the same car with her. She remembered the relief with which she’d latched on to the topic, glad to take her mind off how they’d approach their first night as husband and wife.
It sounded like a gunshot or maybe a canon. The car careened to the left. Everything happened so fast. The driver swore, maintaining an iron grip on the steering wheel, but the car kept speeding.
“Watch out!” Majid yelled.
Screeching tires, then another bang! Something had hit them. She only remembered seeing headlights at the window before they were airborne. The car may have flipped over before crashing to the ground. Then, everything went black.
She shut her eyes as if it would somehow turn off the faucet of memories. Warmth engulfed her, and she realized Omar had taken her hand as he sat on the bed.
“You and Majid had an accident,” he said softly.
“How’s he?”
Dread clutched her gut, telling her she knew the answer. Prince Majid didn’t make it.
“Majid fought bravely, but eventually succumbed to his injuries.”
“No,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.
For several seconds, she hoped this was a nightmare. She’d wake up and find Majid lying by her side, and they’d laugh about this weird dream. Because if this wasn’t happening in her head, then it meant Majid was dead; she was a widow. What did it mean for the alliance between their two nations?
Her mind was in no position to process matters of such enormity. She refocused on what Omar had said.
One word stuck in her mind.
“Eventually? How long have I been here?”
“Two weeks,” he answered. “Since you’re awake now, you’ll be coming home soon.”
Coming home. Why did that sound off? She frowned as something else occurred.
“You called me your wife.”
He stared at her for a long moment as though trying to decide whether to answer.
“In accordance with our tradition, I inherited my brother’s widow.” 
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His Captive Princess by Kiru Taye (Book Three)
Isha Saene has perfected the act of balancing her life—a celebrated corporate negotiator spearheading an international trade deal that could catapult her country to one of the fastest growing mid-sized economies in Africa, and a loyal First Princess of Bagumi Kingdom set to seal ties with a neighbouring nation through marriage.
Until one careless moment knocks her carefully choreographed life into chaos.
Zain Bassong has always fought for the underdog—a patriot dedicated to fighting against the oppression of his people by the country's elite. He believes the pen is mightier than the sword and chooses the diplomatic route, no matter how many times he is arrested by the repressive regime.
Until devastating news triggers a chain reaction.
Isha and Zain are thrown together and their lives change. For better or worse? They will have to figure that out before it’s too late. 
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“Mr Bassong, if you will, please arrange for a phone to be sent to me. I would like to rest now. You are dismissed.”
He burst out laughing, a cold, echoing mirth that didn’t reach his eyes and chilled her to the bones.
As quickly as it started the laughter died and he took a step in her direction.
Her impulse was to step back but she hadn’t done anything impulsive in years. She stayed where she stood as he advanced.
“First Princess Isha Ruby—”
“Don’t call me that!” Isha couldn't stop the visceral response or the vehemence in her voice when he used her middle name. Her gut wrenched and the throbbing returned to her temple.
He jerked back and raised one dark brow.
“Is that not your name, Ruby Bagumi?” The tone of his voice baited her and his rigid posture mocked her.
She stiffened her spine and squared her shoulders. “You know very well that I am the First Princess of Bagumi Kingdom and my given name is Isha Saene. You can address me as Your Highness or Princess Isha.”
“Oh.” He tilted his head and scratched the hair on his chin.  “Ten years ago, I met a student in London. She was beautiful, intelligent, compassionate, or at least I’d thought she was at the time. She had these brilliant ideas that could change the world. She told me her name was Ruby Bagumi. But I found out it was a lie.”
He cut her open with his words, a thousand paper-cuts, making her bleed from her soul.
She closed her eyes tight and balled her fists.
She would not go there, would not bleed for him to see.
I am First Princess Isha Saene, she recited in her mind. Isha Saene.
“I am First Princess Isha Saene,” she said out loud and took a deep breath as she opened her eyes.
He stood close. If she reached out she could place her palm on this chest. Was his heart thumping as hard as hers? His scent clung in the air, sandalwood and citrus, tantalising her with each breath.
Memories she'd locked away hovered, threatening to break free.
Nails biting into her palms, she took a step back. “I demand a phone call.”
“So that’s the way you want to play it.” He nodded, moving away as he made his proclamation. “First Princess Isha Saene of the Kingdom of Bagumi, you are now a captive of the MLG group. You will remain in our custody until our demands are met. As for your demand—” he spat out the word as if it was offensive “—you have no power and no rights here. This is Wanai where the supreme power remains with the supreme leader and in this region, I am the supreme leader. You will do as you are told while you are here.”
“I will not,” she retorted, bristling that he dared to make such a declaration. “I do not submit to your leadership. The only authorities I recognise are my father, His Majesty the King of Bagumi and Almighty God.”
He gave that cold laughter again, the one that sent shivers down her spine.
“You are engaged to a Wanaian man. What do you think will happen after you are wedded? In Wanai, your husband will have total authority over you.”
Her chin jutted as she glared at him. “Kweku and anyone else will be out of their freaking minds if they think I’m going to abide by that antiquated edict.”
Her mother would blanch in horror if she had heard Isha speak in this manner. Language suited only to commoners. Still, this man made her forget herself and her upbringing every time.
“There she is. There is the woman I once knew as Ruby Bagumi.” For the first time, a small smile tugged the corner of his lips. “Welcome to Wanai. Make yourself comfortable, well, as comfortable as you can under the circumstances. I’ll see you again soon.”
He whirled around and was gone before she could respond.
Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath and make sense of what just happened.
Why was Zain doing this to her? Why was he set on resurrecting the past? 
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Love Africa Press is a publisher that celebrates all things African in genre fiction.
From the Îles des Chiens in Tunisia to Cape Agulhas in South Africa, Santo Antao in Cape Verde to Rodrigues in the Mauritian Islands, our stories take the readers on adventures across the African landscape, whether it is in cities or villages, deserts or jungles, mountains or beaches. No African location or experience is off limits.
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His Defiant Princess - Purchase: https://www.loveafricapress.com/product-page/his-defiant-princess-by-nana-prah His Inherited Princess - Purchase: https://www.loveafricapress.com/product-page/his-inherited-princess-by-empi-baryeh Nana Prah - Website: www.nanaprah.com Nana Prah - Facebook: www.facebook.com/NanaPrah.Author/ Nana Prah - Twitter: www.twitter.com/NanaPrah Nana Prah - Instagram: www.instagram.com/NanaPrahAuthor Add His Defiant Princess on Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2B3jhKQ Empi Baryeh - Website: www.empibaryeh.com Empi Baryeh - Facebook: www.facebook.com/empibaryeh Empi Baryeh - Twitter: www.twitter.com/empibaryeh Empi Baryeh - Instagram: www.instagram.com/empibaryeh Add His Inherited Princess on Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2K27m2t Kiru Taye - Website: www.kirutaye.com Kiru Taye - Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorkirutaye Kiru Taye - Twitter: www.twitter.com/kirutaye Kiru Taye - Instagram: www.instagram.com/kirutaye Add His Captive Princess on Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2T4isIF Love Africa Press Newsletter: www.loveafricapress.com/newsletter Love Africa Press - Facebook: www.facebook.com/loveafricapress Love Africa Press - Twitter: www.twitter.com/loveafricapress Love Africa Press - Instagram: www.instagram.com/loveafricapress
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lohstandfound · 7 months
8 12 13 + fives times jake and chloe fell out of love and the one time they found it
8. What inspired the title for this fic? Is that usually how you choose titles?
I knew I wanted to write a royal pains fic for the big bang, and it originally was going to be called '10 Steps to Falling in Love by Jake Dillinger and Chloe Valentine' but I couldn't think of 10 steps. but i took a very similar route and used the 5+1 trope and so I just used that for the title.
12. Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in?
as i said before, i wanted it to be 10 steps to falling in love so i wanted to include more steps in their relationship. it's not that it didn't fit, i just couldnt think of that many points and since it was a big bang fic, i did have timelines to keep to. although, i think it would have been a slightly different fic if i kept the 10 steps, and i think it would have only been royal pains instead of ending on a richjake/pinkberry note
13. My favorite line of dialogue from this fic was [xyz]. What inspired it?
hold up let me reread it
not my favourite but i have to note that "(“and how is school going, Catherine?”, “how are your parents, Cleo?”, “are you excited about your older sister going off to Harvard, Constance?”)" was inspired by a scene at the beginning of Bunny, when Sam is talking about the staff asking questions but not really caring and not getting her name right
I love all of Brooke's internal dialogue, especially in the forgotten anniversary section- small things that are definitely not heterosexual thoughts to have about your best friend/girls in general. And that's partially where the part in the first section where Chloe says Brooke kept trying to say that she didn't like anyone before saying Dustin's name. That was lowkey projecting and also supposed to be Brooke just picking a random guy to pretend to have a crush on to avoid that sort of interrogation. A very minor subplot of Brooke's sexuality crisis
But my absolute favourite part has to be Jake and Chloe's heart-to-heart at the end. I wanted to showcase how messy their relationship was. And I believe that despite everything, it is very hard for them to let each other go. So, i had this conversation planned out from the beginning where they have an actual conversation about how they feel for the first time in a long time, and begin the process of mending things between them. Despite everything, they've been the one constant in each other's lives for as long as they can remember.
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