#I have made men cry just by existing in their general presence while they're attempting to date me >.>
Do you think mary/cas is going to happen? I feel like this tipic has come back w the idea that Cas said his first i love you to her and im thinking about ur bbf and her bf shipping them like to me there is zero evidence of the ship at all no looks,touches ambigious language to me so where are they getting this from?? But then again if Cas defends Mary after her reveal it may lead them to bond seperatly from sam n dean. Im overthinkibg it i dont want his :(
I feel bad even going here because my BFF is the most amazing human that has ever lived, a great big well of kindness and compassion who has saved many lives and cared for the sick and elderly and is also my only regular human contact of my age after all my friends moved to other towns and we stayed here and now I’m a housebound recluse… 
But she is, like, really straight and her boyfriend is too. She means well but, yeah. The line between compassion and understanding :P Her boyfriend wants to be surface text Dean Winchester and identifies with that very specific window of expressing man pain through shooting things, but wouldn’t see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, because it was too girly.
Anyway Mary is here and she’s a theoretically unattached female character (ignoring how she literally lost her husband in the first episode of the season, for all intents and purposes), and there’s her sons so, no, and there’s Cas who is an unattached male character. (You know, an actual male character who has had sex with women and therefore is a relatable Straight character) - 
- well if you wanna go surface text, I can play surface text :P The show is about family, and they’re all platonically family. Mary said Cas was “one of her boys” so now she’s an unattached female character with three sons who are all repeatedly declared as family and brothers to each other. She’s seen that Cas has been adopted into the brotherly bond, and is beginning to see his place in that dynamic with her own eyes. 
Cas is their brother. Mary is their mom and thinks of Cas as “one of her boys”
I wonder if my friends will think Crowley or Ketch is a more interesting ship for Mary if they absorb the much more heavily stressed family line after 12x12 :P I can see something there either way with John parallels depending what you think Mary is missing >.> Not that I think either has much of a chance with her but emotional interest has played a massive part in romance love triangles in the show for the queer text - who’s to say Mary getting intrigued by the MoL guy with the posh accent isn’t at least an emotional fling to recover from her loss with John…
The show generally doesn’t actually do romance stories - I mean they’re not WRONG when certain peeps say “It’s not about that” in horrified tones, because female characters never stick around for romances - even when I don’t understand in what universe Sam did not immediately start a lasting romantic relationship with Eileen like, immediately after meeting her that continues to this day, if they were allowed to function like regular human people instead of characters on a show that doesn’t spend any time on fleshing out even the necessary romantic subplots like Lisa or Amelia in a way that makes anyone ever want them around but from the start is presented and talked about in the show itself like “ugh here’s a distraction from our boys driving around in a car shooting things alone together.” 
But, yeah. Mary’s not here for a romance arc. The main story is family and if that shatters after the reveal and IF Cas and Mary pick a side together (and argh Cas knows what it’s like to be in that place so why wouldn’t he try compassion and understanding to her situation?) then the broken element that STILL hasn’t managed to put itself together is Sam & Dean to Mary - they managed long enough to know they didn’t fit in the first couple of episodes, Mary left, and by 12x13 it’s clear there’s a GIANT rift. I think this season, if it wants to not kill Mary but actually integrate her properly, needs Sam and Dean and also Mary separately on her side (with Cas as a beloved by all intermediary?? I can dream) to understand each other and put their family back together in a new configuration. 
Even if Cas wasn’t textually on both sides spoken of in specifically family terms as a brother to Sam and Dean and a son to Mary (brb need to scream that Cas has a mom) Mary is not going to have time for a romance when the emotional arc all season has been about this and there’s SO much work to do with Sam and Dean and they’ve been at arm’s length ALL season
I mean
imagine if at this point where Mary has literally been held at a 100 mile distance from them for TEN episodes, as we reach the end of the season build up, suddenly all the focus is on Mary and Cas having an out of the blue office romance, while Sam and Dean are left in the cold and about their only reaction to what’s going on with Mary now is bemused horror and some serious consulting the Bro Code for how hard to shun Cas for sleeping with their mom :P 
it’s just not the story being told? I mean, Dabb can always tank the season if he likes, but I have to believe that this show that has ALWAYS been about family in a kind of extremely sentimental way honouring family love above everything (not just Sam and Dean, but once it’s clear Bobby is part of this unit, you get “family don’t end in blood”) and has been building THIS season around the tension of a sudden dramatic upset (but in a potentially positive way) to their family, and then spending several episodes making it really clear how much everyone loves everyone else and how they treat each other as family but also what’s broken and what needs reconciling and who hasn’t learned all these hard lessons about family over the years that Sam and Dean and then later Cas have… And then just forget everything and make it so weird it betrays actual core values of the show that Dabb has so far appeared to honour with absolute reverence…
But I mean, they’re attractive people and their characters are theoretically free and not blood related so someone’s gonna see it just because a dude’s got needs and she’s dangerously independent being a widow who has no man with a stake in her life so someone ought to step into that gap and look after her or whatever it is people are subliminally responding to in these sort of relationships :P I admit I don’t know how to model the thought process exactly although I was reading a magazine in the doctor’s surgery over someone’s shoulder and getting all that celebrity gossip and it has become clear to me that a woman needs a man to throw her over his shoulder before she gets too erratic and… causes another apocalypse? Oh dear.
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