#I hate that Thor pushed him. -_- Thor stop pushing him. Especially when he's shackled ...
abby118 · 2 months
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1} Birth
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Shackled Babe Masterlist
Loki Laufeyson x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Odin being a son of a bitch. Nothing bad yet
A/N: After the events of infinity war and end game, both Loki and Thor seek a new realm to rebuild Asgard for it's people and remember Odin telling them of a kingdom in the realm of Alfheim that was once ruled by a generous light elf by the name of Lyle who fell out of favor to have the throne handed to another but it should be a safe place to rebuild. As always, Odin only tells the part he wants you to hear, no one mentioned the real reason he hated Lyall and imprisoned him to leave his wife, only daughter and sons to fend the kingdom from the newest ruler who slaughtered the royal family, imprisoned the queen and treated she and the daughter as slaves until they escaped. Leaving the princess alone in a realm filled with mercenaries with nothing to keep her safe but her own wits, elemental powers and a dragon. We will start at the beginning of the princesses life.
Words: +2,700
It was an occasion to celebrate, one that should have the Bifrost a welcomed sight when it touched down on Alfheim, the All-father escorted by Einherjar while the announcement was heard through the halls of the castle that made blood run cold as mother gripped tight to the little newborn only minutes old. A girl, the Norns had graced them with a little girl despite the numerous sons bore before her, and sons that had never warranted a visit from the All-father to their realm like it had now.
The queen mother, tall, robust for a woman with sweat damp white locks gripped tightly to the bundle as she looked up to her husband the elvish king who sat with her on the mattress, with worried grey eyes that had lost their silver shimmer due labor but seemed to have taken up in the little creatures shimmering sea green eyes she clung to. The king looking at her restlessly with bright amber orbs, for her to be a Norn, the birth had taken a lot out of his wife, having sat with her and helped her through it, hand carding through sweat stiffening hair as he told her it was to be OK while the maid rushed in to shut the door behind her.
Both sets of eyes fell on the faithful servant that rushed to their sides as the king stood at the bedside while his wife was barely able to hold herself up if it wasn’t for the pillows, a slight bow before she began to explain.
“The All-father is requesting you meet with him in the throne room, both of you,” she spoke quietly, the tall hand maiden looked nervously to the queen who had just given birth and looked to pale and weak for any company, it was odd for this to affect a Norn, having helped the child into the realm herself, it could only mean her powers passed to the newborn that slept easily now.
“Astrid has just given birth! You tell that sorry bastard that he will meet with me and like it,” Lyall’ voice boomed as the queen mustered the energy to lay a hand on his leather clad arm, the elf king turning to look over the weak Norn, laying his own over the one on his arm, worry in his eyes having feared he had almost lost his wife, his queen.
“If you do not show, both of you, his herald claimed it would be treason and… sire, he is demanding to see the princess, he called her by name even,” the maid spoke halfheartedly, they knew she was afraid for the both of them, no one wanted the wrath of Odin, especially not now, not that they teetered on the edge with the king since Astrid chose Lyall over Odin all those centuries ago, an albatross hanging around their necks and now with a daughter…
“Lyall, calm and help me up,” the queen whispered to the king who got ready to argue but knew better as he and the maid sat about helping her to get up, an angry growl having the king lift the queen into his arms to carry her and the child down the back corridor into the throne room to take a seat and wait for Odin who took his time with entering.
The elf guard standing at attention in golden leather and silver armor the instant the large oaken doors opened to the bright marble throne room that in all honesty dwarfed the halls of Asgard but no one would dare speak of it The fair skinned elf king on his throne next to his queen who looked pale, worn but holding herself up with the squeaking princess in her arms both the monarchs thrones equal to one another just as they were.
All eyes falling on the pompous All-father and the golden guard that entered, noting once again Frigga did not accompany him, only Odin and the guard. The arrogant bastard smiling a deadly smile at Lyall while his one eye sparkled the instant it feel on the fur bundle in the queens arms that was growing restless by the minute as Astrid locked gazes with Odin.
“I have been told that after 9 sons you have been gifted a daughter,” Odin began, ah, of course he would get straight to the point of his visit once he neared the bottom of the small dais.
“It appears the Norns answered our prayers, how fairs Frigga? Loki? Thor,” Astrid spoke, her voice kind but holding a hate filled edge to it, how dare he ask of the princess like she was stock.
“I am not here to discuss…,” Odin began as he stepped up the dais, keeping a level gaze on the two as he climbed to stop before them but Lyall stood protectively by Astrid and the baby, hand on his sword, the sword of Alfheim that protected the realm from danger.
“You may be the All-father, but, you will not come into my realm and order my wife like a slave for your amusement or speak of my daughter like livestock! State your business and leave,” Lyall snarled out, the babe letting out a cry at the sudden noise around her as the queen pulled her tighter to bounce her gently.
“Don’t you dare forget your place King Lyall! I can and I will take your throne in a heartbeat,” Odin growled through clenched teeth the guard pressuring Lyall’s own to stand down as the two gods stood ready to fight the tension becoming overbearing.
“Enough! Please state your business and leave,” came Astrid’s weak plea, both looking down to note the queen was not faring well as the little creature sniveled and whimpered.
“Very well,” Odin began after a long pause, looking between the two as he began to speak. “When the princess is 11, I will return for her so that she may be raised on Asgard and will be married to one of my sons which will be determined at that time. When it is arranged, you two as well as your sons will be granted entrance into Asgard to witness the union at which point our kingdoms will be joined…,” Odin spoke hotly to the two, horror taking over the queens features as she pulled the whimpering babe closer to her laying pale forehead to the newborns for a second before rage over took her, standing to shaky legs to stand up to Odin.
Astrid was almost as tall as Odin, and where she found the strength she wasn’t sure but was sure it had a lot to do with the babe in her arms. The throne room doors slamming open which herald the approach of their sons, ranging in age from 180-1,000 years old, the oldest at the front, known for his protectiveness of his siblings as they easily pushed past the Einherjar.
“You will not come here and barter for my child as if she is livestock! She is not a sacrifice nor a way to join the realms,” Astrid fumed as the little infant squeaked at the sudden raising of voices, loud cursing of her brothers as they where forcefully thrown to the marble floor.
The Norn, the fate that was the queen of Alfheim staring down into the All-Father’s one eye with a fury unseen, Odin could see the silver glint had left her eye and took the opportunity to look down at the bundle she held the little babes head covered by the fur.
“YOU WILL DO AS I SAY OR RISK THE LIFE OF YOUR SONS, AND YOUR HUSBAND, DEAR NORN,” Odin bellowed in the woman’s face, a gauntleted hand slipping under the bundle to pull it away, Einherjar jerking Lyall back to force him into the seat as the queen reached for the small princess but fell to the floor as Odin stepped back to unwrap the bundle to look it over.
Unceremoniously the All-father pulled the fur from the newborn that wiggled, small, delicate limbs furling and unfurling as the new life attempted to understand what the chaos around her was, the screeching of guards, the clank of armor the pleading of her mother and now the cold air skating across soft flesh as she looked up to the one eyed of the man that held her.
The princess was a small creature, the babe looked fragile, but then again it was female, he had been used to males. Thor and Loki both where very chunky when they were this size, the large sea green orbs of the small creature held the silver of her mothers eyes and made him smile wickedly. Without regards to the chaos that boiled around him, he checked the child over for blemish, any weakness, anything that would denote her to be locked away but found none as well as reassured that Astrid had finally bore a daughter.
“Please,” a plea got the All-fathers attention, one he had never heard from the one that uttered it, wrapping the little creature back in the warm furs as she squeaked out her protest of being cold, Odin pulling the bundle tight to his armor as he looked to Astrid who was being helped up by her maid.
“Don’t, please,” was all the distraught queen could muster as she reached for the bundle, begging in her eyes as he finally handed the princess back, the maid getting the queen seated so she didn’t collapse as she began to grow weaker, paler, the chaos calming for the moment.
“She is a healthy child, it appears she will inherent your seidr, possibly be able to wield the elements as you,” Odin assessed, taking a step closer and signaling the release of the king, his sons and his guard, everyone in shock as the All-father took a knee in front of Astrid who held tightly to the calming bundle  that she held to her neck feeling a soft nuzzle.
“Do not punish her for my slights against you. Do not take my only daughter to satisfy your need to have me in one way or another. I will go to Asgard with you, rot in the dungeon, do what you will to me for what I have done to cause this wrath to be placed on this child, it is my burden not hers,” the queen spoke stoically tears rimming her eyes but not letting any fall.
“I am afraid it is to late queen Astrid, for this outburst I will be back in 5 years’ time to take her,” he began solemnly an up roar beginning. “Another outburst like the first and I take her in a years’ time, that is long enough to wean the child. Is that understood,” Odin growled loudly over his shoulder to the snarling guard and elves before looking back to Astrid who clung even tighter, the maid at her side trying to keep the queen from losing all calm.
“Please Odin, do not do this,” the queens voice shook, all resolve gone, this was a plead for the life of her child as a tear slid free to fall to the disheveled robe she wore.
“It is already arranged, a treaty drawn up that you two will sign, and should you hide the child when I come for her in 5 years’ time then you will renounce the realm, the throne, all royal ties, as well as your lives,” Odin explained getting to his feet as a golden warrior made his way up the steps a gilded board in hand that held a contract with a quill ready for to be signed.
The two royals reluctant but they feared for their kingdom and the short time they had with their daughter. Both signing the treaty with their rune, hoping it was all that was needed but the All-father reached out a hand to the little bundle once again and hinting to the little creatures hand that fisted the fur.
“Her blood is needed to bind her to the contract,” was all Odin spoke as the queens shaky hands took the small fist in hers to unfurl it to present a small finger to a golden needle, the prick having the little princess crying out.
Crimson red pooled on the tip of the little digit that the queen held to unsteadily, the contract moved to catch the small drop for a flicker of gold light to burn across the bottom of the contract under the king and queens signature to form the princesses name in ruins, Y/N Astriddottir. A quick gaze to the bottom of the contract had Astrid noting the place for four more signatures, knowing they were for Odin, Frigga and their sons, both who were 6 centuries older than the new born she held in her arms.
The contract jerked away, for a gold light to encircle the little babes wrist in sparkling gold seidr that carried the ruins of the royal family of Asgard, making the king and queen look up to Odin in question it was obvious it didn’t affect her like the prick, but it was concerning since it looked like thin shackles.
“In case you decide to hide her when I come for her the spell will make her easy to find. I expect her raised like a true lady, I want her seen and not heard,” Odin responded coldly before handing the contract off to the guard and leaving the throne room in utter shock of the events that had just transpired.
Astrid couldn’t help but to look down at the little bundle that was cooing to her looking up at her mother, alert for a new born but most of their kind were. Elves and Norns seemed to mature quick after birth, maybe due to survival unlike the mortals who seemed so fragile. The queen trying to ignore the sparkling gold bands around the little wrist, choosing to focus on the bright sea green orbs that swirled with silver, a quiet coo and smile as the king laid his hand on his wife’s shoulder to get the attention of the haggard queen.
“We will find a way to remove this,” the king spoke quietly as their sons came to stand with them, dressed in leathers and knowing they had come from fighting on the opposite side of the realm, a group of mercenaries had been working it's way to the palace in efforts to take it but had been easily beaten back.
“It's not that simple Lyall,” was all Astrid could speak as one of their older sons kneeled before her to look over his sister, little sea green orbs sparkling as she looked at him, hands curling to tight fists as she studied him, alert for one so small, but if she held their mothers gift then it made sense.
“Hello sister,” the honey eyed man spoke, looking at the princess with a smile, hand reaching out to allow her to take his finger and hold it tight, pulling at it cooing. “We will raise you like a warrior, so you know how to fight. That way the princes have their hands full,” he, Arrow, spoke as he looked up to his mother who smiled at him.
“Arrow is right, we will teach her to fight. If Odin wants to throw his weight around then we will see to it he has his handful,” the oldest, Fitch, spoke up, standing next to his father who was slightly shorter than the fair skinned warrior, bright blue orbs studying at his mother and sister that was now voicing hunger.
“Let’s get your mother back to our quarters, this day has taken it's toll on all of us,” the king sighed out, not hesitating to lift the queen and babe into his arms to carry back to bed.
On the walk back Lyall nuzzled at the top of Astrid’s head as he looked down at the upset bundle that was clearly ready for her first feeding, his heart breaking as he saw the golden seidr that shackled their daughter to royalty of Asgard, Norns who was she to be wed to.
“We will teach her to be a fighter, and we will find a way to free her,” the king now spoke, knowing they should do as commanded but the small life nestled in his wife’s arms didn’t deserve to be punished for a slight imagined by a scorned lover.
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2} Scales & Treaties
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Shackled Babe Masterlist
Loki Laufeyson x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Odin being a son of a bitch. Nothing bad yet
Summary: Here meet a new ally as well as find out what both Loki and Thor thinks of the arrangement.
A/N: This one is short but it is to shed light on events that will make sense later own.
Words: +1,900
It was quiet in the king and queens quarters despite the fact the princess was only a day old. The sun rising on the tired queen who laid in bed with the princess at her side, having fallen asleep while feeding the baby, the maid trying to help right the queen as the king entered.
Lyall had been gone since he laid the queen in bed the moment Odin left, not a word spoken as he rushed out with their sons on his heels. A few moments later, the sound of a hunting party leaving the courtyard had the queen worried Lyall had finally lost his calm. When it came to Odin it had been hard to keep calm, Astrid having laid awake all night only to fall asleep in exhaustion.
“Your king has returned my queen,” the maid  spoke softly, helping the tired Norn sit. The maid holding the little princess in her arms as the queen woke. The distraught queen crying for the child to be given to her as gaze fell on her husband who she reached out to as well.
The king took a seat as she pulled him to the mattress, falling into the man as she tried to hold back the sobs, clinging to the sleeping newborn. The scent of the man’s leathers making the queen realize where he had gone in the night. He smelled slightly of sulfur, burnt hide, scorched earth and dank caverns. Pushing away to look up into his eyes to realize he was holding a moving bundle in his coat that made a faint chirping noise.
“We need to hurry. Lay her in the bassinet,” the king informed the queen, the maid quick to respond to lay the basket next to Astrid. With tear filled eyes the queen laid the little creature in the basket as the king removed a dragon scale bag from his coat that jumped in his hands, the bag letting out another chirping growl.
Without waiting, the king laid the bag in the bassinet and allowed it to open itself. The tiny creature inside scurrying out and under the princesses little gown. It nestled in her side, ruffling the linen to make itself comfortable and letting out contented chirps and squeaks.
“Husband! What have you found? It will hurt her,” the queen worried, reaching into the basket to jerk the scaly tale that slid out from the linen, but it chittered at her from its hiding place. The little bronze colored winged lizard scurrying out to lay on the little babes chest, making noise that was to be a loud, vicious growl, but sounded like a mouse. After its vicious attempt, it turned to nuzzle it's buttery soft muzzle under the princesses soft chin before curling lightly on her chest, falling asleep.
“He just imprinted on our princess and will protect her till his last breath,” the king smiled as the brownish green dragon unfolded new, soft leather wings over the little babe as if the small expanses of leather would protect the princess.
“He fits in the palm of my hand husband. How will he protect her,” Astrid began, daring to reach a finger out to stroke along the little creatures back and swearing it purred.
“He will grow with her. And before you ask, I retrieved him from a mercenary that was selling him after having killed his mother. He was to be sold for a spell that would have killed him. I made sure he seen no one the entire ride back so he would imprint on her. He should get no bigger than a 18 hand draft and supposedly will be very intelligent,” he explained to his wife as they watched the princess and tiny ‘lizard’ closely.
“What of Odin. Of the contract,” Astrid began, not able to stop herself from lifting the babe out of the basket to hold her close, the little dragon staying curled with the princess.
“Let me worry about that pompous bastard,” Lyall spoke quietly, pulling the queen, the princess and the dragon close to hold them in attempts to quiet his own fears.
Frigga looked over the newest contract Odin had brought back from Alfheim, still not understanding why he had to go to the realm. The All-father being vague on his rush to leave, scanning the document close but never getting a glimpse of the names on the bottom before it was pulled from her fingers as their sons entered.
“The queen had a daughter,” Frigga spoke happily, noting how Odin hurried her to sign the contract but she hesitated, not sure what she was signing and wondering why he was rushing through it.
“She did. This is a contract for the princess Y/N to marry one of our sons when she is of age. It was what Lyall negotiated,” Odin explained hastily, Thor and Loki both looking at each other. The brothers not fully understanding what the big deal was, especially if the child was just born.
“You are going to marry one of us to… to a child,” Loki spoke up as they stopped at the table that Odin and Frigga sat at, looking at the two perplexed to why it seemed so tense in the room.
“The princess will be of age when she is married to one of you two but will be brought to Asgard to be raised once she reaches 5 years of age. This is so she knows our customs and what is expected of her in our court,” Odin began his explanation before the queen chimed in.
“How does Astrid feel about the arrangement?”
“She signed did she not,” Odin snipped to Frigga who eyed him close, knowing that it would take death before she would give up one of her sons to go live on another realm with no chance to visit since Lyall and Astrid had been banished from Asgard. The royals only allowed in the realm when treaties demanded it.
“I don’t understand why this takes a contract it…,” Thor this time, it even seemed off to him. He was the first to never argue with his father, but the oddness and rushed state made him uneasy.
“Let us sign this and be done! No more questions. This was agreed upon by all parties and signed,” Odin snarled at the three, all of them uneasy about it but nodding in agreement. As always Thor the first to step forward and do as commanded.
Though Loki was sure to step up and look over his brothers shoulder to read the runes quickly. The words indebted, bound to the realm, bound to her husband, bound to the four of them, standing out as Odin was quick to lay another parchment over it so he couldn’t read anymore. A quill hastily passed to Loki and reluctantly he signed, followed by his mother.
“Now, with that behind us, tell me, my sons, where have you been fighting,” the king began as if it was an everyday matter.
It ate at Loki, the thoughts of a woman, no, this was a child, married to them was very unsettling. Eating at him as he listened to Thor give his account of the excursion to Vannaheim, and who, and what they fought along with Thor’s great accomplishment. Tight lipped, the youngest prince looked at his mother who nodded for him to keep it quiet, but it didn’t go unnoticed she cared little for the treaty, as it was now called. A quick glance to Thor had Loki noting that even though he hid it, the signing weighed on him as well.
It truly made Thor forget key events of the fight, ones that he knew his father wanted to hear, but the thoughts of a child bride weighed on him. One so young, even if she was of age at marriage, the fact that it was as if she was livestock to be traded between the realms to keep peace was nagging at his mind. The oldest son stumbling on his words, notably when asked a question. The words he seen on the page, bound to Asgard, bound to them, it was unnerving and made no sense, even if all parties were in agreement. Thor may have been brawn, but he did have a brain about him as he looked to Loki to begin his account.
Needless to say, for once Loki was at a loss, having not heard a word and vowing to speak with Thor about the matter later when they were alone. Loki wanted to get his take on the contract they just signed, the opportunity presenting itself on the way to last meal. The quiet golden halls that possibly wouldn’t be that way long when a 5-year-old child would be running through them.
“What did you read on that contract,” Thor began as he stepped to the side with Loki close behind, both standing in the dark shadow of one of the many columns, bright blue meeting emerald green orbs for an instant before looking out across the grounds.
“The same as you I'm afraid, nothing,” Loki began, leaning on the railing, trying to busy himself with the look of their mothers garden.
“Damn it brother. You may lie to me and get away with it, but even I know that was a lie. You read exceedingly fast, you where distracted in our recount of Vannaheim. You seen it, the child is bound to us and this realm when she sets foot on Asgard in less than 5 years,” Thor began, Loki turning from the garden. OK he would give the oaf that, maybe he was becoming more receptive the older he became.
“She is already bond to us as a day-old infant. If she doesn’t come to Asgard in 5 years, then her entire family, realm is forfeit. Regardless of the treaty, this isn’t right,” Loki finally voiced as he watched Thor close, knowing how his brother can be defensive of any and all of their fathers shitty treaties. Ones filled with loop holes that benefit Asgard and damns the other.
“They should be a way around it. Some way to free her from it. Maybe when she comes here, we can find a way to lift the treaty. I know I agree with a lot of the treaties but Loki, this feels wrong,” Thor admitted to the raven-haired god that stood deep in thought.
“I can’t believe you are going against father. Isn’t that usually my place? To go against the old man? Make him hate me more so you are in the spot light,” Loki spoke up, an edge to his voice, hurt crossing Thor’ face for an instant before he decided to speak.
“Father doesn’t hate you Loki. This isn’t an argument about us right now, we are getting off track. What about the princess? We need to do all we can to keep this from happening,” Thor spoke trying to distract Loki.
“He does, but I agree, we need to work on this and by we, I mean me. I will see what I can find out about the king and queen of Alfheim. That way we can better understand what is going on. I would hate for you to be married to a child, that would mean twice the headache for me,” Loki snipped before heading off down the corridor opposite the dining hall.
“What are you saying,” Thor hollered after his brother who continued on his way.
“What does it sound like I'm saying brother,” Loki shouted back before disappearing around the corner.
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