#I had the 'come over tonight for food and skinny dipping' planned as a lil vp comic aaaages ago - pre PL release
elvenbeard · 4 months
💄 (lipstick) and 🐞 (ladybug) for vince if you're still doing these! :D
Thanks so much for asking!! :D And yes I do, just a bit slow with responding atm xD
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💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
He definitely considers himself good-looking and likes his face! Which wasn't always the case, especially when he was younger, pre-T, he didn't like looking at himself in the mirror. But he does now, likes his bone structure, likes his big nose, can't complain XD He wears makeup, obviously, smudgy dark eyeliner and lipstick, nail polish too if that counts, bc why not. He would claim there is no deeper meaning than fashion behind it, but esp. the eyeliner I would say is a way to make him look a bit more mysterious, darker, maybe even scarier than he really is. War paint, if you like XD
Also yeh, he 100% has a skin care and a hair care routine, but I know too little about that myself to be able to really go into it in detail xD He does take care of himself in that regard, especially in the dark future when you don't have RealSkinn or sth like that and don't wanna get skin cancer and whatnot from all the (UV) radiation, you gotta take care of your meat body XD
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
Ooohhhh!! Hmmmmm it always depends a bit on whether it's just a regular work day, vacation, etc etc.
The closest to an almost perfect day Vince ever had was how the morning after "Boat Drinks" plays out in my hc XD He and Kerry had spent the night at V's apartment, so they woke up together (maybe with a little bit more than just cuddling involved, too XD), got ready with Kerry borrowing some of V's clothes (including his favourite T-Shirt, which was Kerry's favourite T-Shirt from then on really XD), and went to go get breakfast at Tom's Diner together (because H10 doesn't have a Caliente's joint smh and Tom's Diner is the next best alternative at least somewhere close by). They just talked a lot, and afterwards V took Kerry on a little NC tour on his bike to show him some favourite places (something they got talking about during breakfast, and some of the locations even Kerry didn't know despite having lived in NC forever). The little impromptu tour ended at Corpo Plaza underneath the holofishies, and V told Kerry a bit about his Arasaka past (which Kerry wasn't aware of until that morning). He also told him about Johnny's/ Alt's plan with Mikoshi, Hanako, etc etc and they talked about a potential future together. Just a lot of deep, very good talks really, on a sunny but not overly hot day.
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At some point Kerry has to go back to his place for real then, music and studio stuff, but as he gets back in his car asks V if he'd wanna come over later that night (and V agrees, because he wants to get his favourite T-Shirt back, obviously, nothing else).
The afternoon he'd probably just work on some gigs (bc he is a workaholic and I think a perfect day for him would include some kind of work being done, no matter if active, out-in-the-field type work or just prep and planning for something bigger from home or at the Afterlife). Maybe he'd meet up with another friend for an hour or so, River or Panam or Misty or Vik (just talking, no checkups), or give Judy a long call as she's out of NC at that point already.
And in the evening, after making sure Nibbles is taken care of for the night, he'd head out to Kerry's place to spend some more time together (and here in my hc Kerry actually wouldve went a little out of his way and actually prepared something - be it just some nice finger food or drinks, and maybe clear up at least some of the trash from the bar area outside, even if he didn't have the energy left to take the trash bags away afterwards). Or they order a pizza delivered by drone, and have a fun night hanging out, stargazing, skinny dipping in the lil natural pool, or anything like that XD
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That was a pretty perfect day, falling in love a little bit more with someone that you really click with, a little bit of action by zooming through the city on a sportbike, visiting favourite places, many good talks, good food, a little bit of fulfilling work getting done, and still having some time to meet or speak with friends.
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jungshookz · 6 years
Hey hi um I was wondering how about one where Jiminie had been silently pining over you forever and vice versa but y'all are clueless morons and it's driving the boys mad so they hatch a plan to get you both to kiss under the mistletoe?? Perhaps with a dash of clingybaby!chimchim??? Also je t'aime 💜💜
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🎄 pairing: park jimin x reader
🎄 genre: warning this is SICKENINGLY fluffy pls contact ur doctor before proceeding, u and jimin are a pair of shy babies
🎄 wordcount: 3.7k these are getting very long i apologize
note: je t’aime beaucoup!!! this seems to be a very popular request because like eight of u asked for this very specific drabble but u know what i LOVE the enthusiasm also i’m sorry this is a lil late!! 
let’s get to the main focus of this
you’ve had the faTTest crush on jimin for like a year now
you two have only known each other for like two-ish years?? you were introduced to him through kook
it’s just
it’s so eaSy to fall in love with park jimin
his adorable smile
his twinkly laugh
those oh so pillowy lips of his
face of an angel and body of a greek god
the best of both worlds!!
he’s very intelligent
very well-spoken
he’s sweet and caring and funny and uGH he’s just the perFect package
and u bet he has the perfect package too ;-)
bonUS point he’s an amazing dancer and you bust a nut every time you see him do a body roll
you’re at jin’s annual holiday party and so far things are going great
you’re hanging in the kitchen with kook and the others because there really isn’t anywhere else to go and also the kitchen is where the fOOD is
you’re in the middle of shovelling chips and dip into your mouth and scrolling through your instagram feed while the boys are just chit chatting with each other
yoongi glances over at you and sees that you’re completely entranced by your phone which is certainly noT party behaviour and you promised him you’d try to be a little more social this time around
so he takes action
���y/n” yoongi clears his throat and leans against the counter
“mhm” you look up at him across the table before looking back down at your phone
“oh look it’s jimin” yoongi points to over your shoulder and you immediately scramble to the other side of the counter where he is and duCK down “jeSus y/n i was kidding” he laughs lightly and yanks you back up
at least you’re not on your phone anymore
“don’t do that!!” you hiss and smooth down your sweater before looking to where he pointed and triple checking that jimin’s not actually there
“what’s the matter with you?? you always get so jumpy whenever i mention jimin” he teases and pokes your arm “is it because you have a faTASS crush on him?”
“i don’t- i don’T Have a crush on him!!” you scowl and decide to distract yourself by making a drink
the thing is
whenever you have a crush on someone you like to keep it to yourself
you don’t even tell kook about your crushes because you know you’d have to face endless teasing and you’re just not about that lifestyle
but when someone accuses you of crushing on someone you immediately get all defensive and you’re like pshHHShshs mE? no. no crush. love is dead. i am  ro bot. good bye.
but like
it’s pretty damn obvious u have a thing for jimin
the longing gaze filled with love that you only give to him is a dead giveaway
“you gonna talk to him tonight?” yoongi nudges your side and your cheeks flare up immediately
just the thought of having to talk to jimin is making you piss yourself
he’s obviously part of the friend group and he’s known the boys longer than u have and he’s one of the bros but he just..,,. he makes u sO nerVous
you can’t look him in the eye for more than three seconds without blushing and looking away
“what are we talking about?” tae pops up next to yoongi clutching a bottle of beer
“we’re talking about how much y/n loves jimin” yoongi smirks and you whack his arm before scowling
“oOH i loVe talking about th- you guYS WE’RE TALKING ABOUT Y/N AND JIMIN-“
“no doN’T-“
but it’s too late
soon enough you’re surrounded by six idiots who are all making kissy noises and teasing you about your crush on jimin that you keep deNYING
“how about that thing she does where she feeds him a bite of her food like all the time but she nEver gives it to us unless we ask”
“one time she purposely threw out her umbrella so that they had to shAre an umbrella when it was raining”
“my umbrella was broken!!!!!”
“mmmmmm sure it was”
“she always aLways helps him with his homework and all his projects and of course he passes with flying colours”
“i’ve caught her staring at his lips like more than ten times now”
“to be fair his lips are thiCC and juiCY”
“ew tae don’t be weird”
“oH MY go- u know what i’m done with you people i’m going uPstairs” you grumble and shove past the boys and head towards the staircase
all of the boys exchange glances
“how have they not gotten together yet??” kook groans in frustration and pinches the bridge of his nose
all of the boys have been actively trying to get u two together but nothing seems to be working
because you aren’t making a move
jimin isn’t making a move
you two are aduLTs and you’re acting like three year olds
u know what that’s not accurate because a couple of three year olds are probably more ballsy than u and jimin
“hey guys!! sorry i’m late!!” everyone looks up to see jimin
he shivers and shakes some snow off the top of his head
“we were just talking about you” jin hums and pops a cracker into his mouth
“oh yeah? what about?” jimin shrugs his jacket off and puts it on a chair
“we were talking about how wimpy you and y/- mMP” namjoon slaps a hand over hoseok’s mouth
“do you want a drink or anything?? a beer or some punch?” tae clears his throat and gestures over to the ice bucket
“eh it’s alright i’ll get something later”
yoongi purses his lips
he’s going to conduct a little experiment
“oh look it’s y/n” yoongi points to over jimin’s shoulder and jimin juMps and immediately falls to the ground
his hair is a mess you can’t sEE HIM LIKE THIS
yoongi blinks down at a crouching jimin
you two really are meant for each other
match made in heaven
“god help me” yoongi grumbles to himself and yanks jimin up to his feet “what’s the matter?? slip on a wet patch??”
“hyung- why do you do that????” jimin reaches up to fix his hair and he scowls at yoongi
yoongi wants to shove jimin’s face into the punch bowl and tell him to just aSK Y/N OUT U WIMP
it’s so infuriating
literally everyone knows about how you and jimin like each other
everyone knows
except for you and jimin
okay listen
jimin’s liked you for like?? maybe a year maybe a little bit more than that
you’re just so….,,. you’re sucH a y/n
you’re so kind to everyone you talk to and you have a great sense of humour and your smile is so cute and that little snort that escapes you when you’re laughing really loudly at something is SO endearing
and you’re so pretty and he thinks you’re so cute when you have your reading glasses on because u look a lil dorky and he loves that
aND not to be that guy but you have a great ass
he likes you so much
he wants to hold your hand and kiss your cheeks and kiss yOu and hug u and snuggle w u and he definITELY wants to- [statement redacted]
“you like her, don’t you?” yoongi nudges jimin and he shrugs casually before heading over to the punch bowl
“so what if i do?” jimin grumbles
jimin’s more open with his feelings than you are so all the boys know how he feels about you
but he’s still pretty shy about it and he gets all weird when someone brings it up
he hates talking about this because he’s pretty sure you don’t feel the same way about him and he doesn’t need the reminder thank u very much
you guys are good friends and he knows for a fact u only see him as a friend
he’s also pretty sure you have a thing for yoongi
you’re always hanging around him n stuff and maybe ur just into older guys
jimin could totally pull off the whole bad boy thing like yoongi
he looks down at his flowy white dress shirt and sensible blue jeans and looks over at yoongi and his loose black tee tucked into a pair of very ripped skinny jeans
.,., ok maybe he can’t
he lets out a breath and looks into his cup
now he’s kind of depressed
speaking of u
where even are you
“just, um, just out of curiosity, where’s y/n?”
“who wants to know?” hoseok wiggles his brows
“oh! i love this game! jimin! jimin wants to know where y/n-“ kook flaiLs his arm a little too aggressively in jimin’s direction and ends up whacking his hand making jimin toSs punch all over his WHITE SHIRT “…oops”
“jungkook! this shirt was new!!!!!!” jimin groans and grabs some napkins to try and dab the punch off
“u should go find y/n and ask her to help u clean it she’s real good with stains” jungkook offers sheepishly
jimin gives the younger boy a pointed look and jungkook shrugs
what it’s true
you’re great at doing laundry!!!
“i’m gonna go clean this mess up” jimin mutters and leaves the kitchen to go find the washroom
“good diversion kook” hoseok pats jungkook’s back and jungkook’s like ?? binch that was an accident i didn’t do it on purpose “i have a plan”
“what kind of plan?”
“a plan of romance”
“is this going to be like that time u put jimin and y/n in the closet for seven minutes in heaven hoping they’d make out but when we opened the door they were just looking at puppies on instagram together”
“well i guarantee this plan is completely fool-proof!!!!!” okay - this is what i’m thinking.” hoseok slams his hands down on the kitchen counter and everyone leans in
commence operation set y/n and jimin up
bit of a lengthy title but hobi will come up with something better laTER
you’re in the middle of a very interesting buzzfeed quiz (pick these items from urban outfitters and we’ll tell u what kind of bread u r) you notice a shadow blocking the hallway light and you look up slowly to see hoseok and jungkook’s smiling faces
hoseok’s holding a blindfold
this is slightly disturbing
“i have pepper spray in my purse” you warn and kook rolls his eyes
“why are you hiding in the hallway?”
“i’m not hiding in the hallway i just needed some peace and quiet and moSt of the rooms are occupied” you mutter and return your attention back to the quiz
“well, stand up! we’re playing a christmas game and you’re not allowed to leave this house until you play one game”
“what kind of game is this?” you ask suspiciously and narrow your eyes before putting your phone down
jungkook and hoseok exchange glances and hobi shrugs
jungkook smiles widely and looks down at you
“it’s a christmas game! we, uh, we blindfold you and you have to guess where you are and, uh.. if you guess correctly you get to… um..,,.”
“you get a prize!” hoseok cuts in and nudges kook out of the way
you furrow your brows and cross your arms
this kinda shady
“what kind of prize?”
“that’s for us to know and you to find out. now, c’mon! up on your feet. let me blindfold ya” he grins and wiggles his brows
you let out a sigh
you know for a fact they’re not going to leave you alone if you say no so you don’t really have a choice right now
“what happens if i don’t guess correctly?” you wonder out loud as hoseok puts the blindfold on you
you feel hands grasp you and kook starts walking you out to the living room
“watch your step- well, if you don’t guess correctly.,., you.,.,., uh.,, we kiLL YOU”
..,.,.kook’s never been good at improvising
“i’ll kill you before you get a chance to kill me” you mutter and blindly elbow kook in the stomach
he groans in pain before playfully pinching the back of your arm
namjoon and tae have taken a different approach with jimin
“ow- oW OKAY I’M COMING” jimin stumbles over his feet because namjoon literally poPPED OUT of a bedroom with a blindfold and tae grabbed jimin’s arm from behind so he couldn’t sprint away
“why do you have to blindfold me now???”
“that’s the point of the game weren’t you listening??”
jimin stubs his toe into the wall and curses loudly and both namjoon and tae hiss in pain on behalf of him
“i don’t like this gaME” jimin scowls and bends down to cradle his toe but tae yanks him back up
he feels like he’s about to be executed that’s what this game feels like
and it seems like the game has started because namjoon and tae set him down in one spot and let go of him
“alright! blindfolds off in three, two, one-!”
it takes a second for your eyes to adjust in the light and you blink rapidly before-
“j-jimin?” you choke and he looks just as surprised to see you
“y/n! h-hey.,., hi..” he chuckles and scratches the back of his neck
the two of you turn and look at the croWd of people that are all staring at you
wha,,.,.., what kind of game is this..,,.,.
you feel your cheeks starting to burn up because jimin is literally like onE step away from you
you have no idea what the heck is going on this is a very confusing game
“wait hold on we didn’t get a chance to guess where we were because u ripped the blindfold off before-“
“oh no we just made that up to get the two of you here” jin deadpans and both you and jimin are like ?????
“look. let’s get to the chase. everyone in this room - everyone -“ jungkook emphasises and you look around the room at the faces of some of your classmates and acquaintances “is fully aware that you like jimin-“
jimin whips his head back around to look at you like :00000 but your eyes are glued on kook because it’s taking a second for the mortification of this situation to kick in
you’re going to slaughter jungkook
“-and jimin likes you.”
wait what
your heart starts racing in your chest and you feel the butterflies in your stomach
jimin likes you??? he likes you back???
“if you pay attention to your surroundings, you’ll notice something very special…” namjoon points out and his eyes flicker upwards before he looks back at you with a knowing smile
“what are you guys talking abou-“ you look up and your heart drops to your stomach when you see it
you are standing under MISTLETOE with park jimin
your heart is racing in your chest and you want nothing more than for the ground to just open up and swallow you whole because this entire situation is just overwhELming like u juSt found out the guy you’ve been crushing on forever likes you back and now you have to kiss him in front of all of your friends and classmates
“c’mon, you two - you know the rules!!! kiss, kiss, kiss-“ taheyung starts chanting and soon enough everyone else joins in and the whole room is just chanting KISS KISS KISS KISS
“we don’t have to- if you’re uncomfortable?” jimin reaches out quickly and his hand brushes over your arm
“i’m- i’m not uncomfortable b-but like if yoU’re uncomfortable than we totally don’t-“
“well i don’t mind! i don’t mind! and like…, i’d hate to break the rules and stuff.,.,” he jokes and the two of you look up at the mistletoe again that just seems to be mocking you guys
“c’mon! just do it you wussies!!!!!!” yoongi groans loudly and you scowl playfully when he tosses some popcorn in your guys’ direction
“like, i, uh… i’d very much like to kiss you if you’d like to kiss me…?” jimin clears his throat
his heart is about to explode and his face is on fire
his ears are burning he can feeL it “BuT idk i don’t wanna pressure you into- mmph!”
jimin’s eyes flutter shut the moment he feels you plant your lips against his and everyone else erupts into victorious cheers and hoots
and as cheesy as it is
it feels like time slows down
oh god
you’re in heaven
his lips are so soft and he tastes like sugar cookies
he instinctively reaches out and pulls you closer and his arms snake around your waist
you pull away far too soon for his liking and jimin finds himself chasing after your lips and you can’t help but giggle
he leans down and presses his forehead against yours and he can’t fight the wide smile on his face
your hands are still cupping his cheeks and you lean in to give him another tiny smooch and his heart flutters in his chest
his tongue pokes out and he runs it over his bottom lip before taking his bottom lip in between his teeth
“okAy okay we said kiss under the mistletoe not have mouth sex under it” jungkook clamours over the couch and grabs you and yaNks you away from jimin because even tho he loves u both it’s weird to stand here and watch u make out w each other
you spend the rest of the christmas party snuggled up to jimin on the couch while you and the others listen to another one of kook’s wild stories
truth be told you and jimin aren’t really paying attention to him because you’re so infatuated with each other and jimin keeps peppering kisses on your forehead and your cheeks and your nose and especiALLy your mouth
at one point it gets a little spicy because you guys are sure no one’s paying attention to you
jimin’s cupping your jaw and you have your hand resting on his chest and the two of u are 110% undoubtedly making out on the couch right now
you nip on his bottom lip gently and the arm that’s wrapped around your waist tightens a little bit
“naughty” he pulls away with a dopey grin and nudges his nose against yours and you’re about to lean back in to kiss him again
you turn to look over your shoulder and you want to shrivel up and die when you see everyOne staring at the two of you and you’re about to profusely apologise because what else do u do in this situation  
jimin on the other hand
this cocky motherfucker
“can we help you?” he raises a brow and reaches up to run a hand through his hair
“i’m starting to regret setting the two of u up” kook raises a brow and the two of you blush and shoot everyone sheepish grins
“oh, leave them alone! they’re in loooooove” jin wiggles his brows
you pull away from jimin and sit up properly
“uh, what are we, what game are we playing?” you clear your throat
“we weren’t playing a game. we’re taking turns telling stories and it’s supposed to be your turn but obviously you’re a little occupied you hoRN-dogs”
at one point u head to the kitchen to grab some drinks for u and jimin
jimin wraps his arms around you from behind and props his chin up on your shoulder
“heY i told you to stay put” you turn and give him a quick kiss on the cheek
“i know but i missed u” he hums and buries his face into the crook of your neck “also you’re awful at mixing drinks so i came to save the day”
“wha- i’m great at mixing drinks!” you pout and look at the concoction you’ve made in your cup
it’s like 96% vodka and 4% peach juice
jimin peers into the cup and wrinkles his nose “how much vodka did you put in- are you trying to kill me?”
“i don’t wanna kill u i like u too much” you murmur shyly and jimin uWus and he can’t help but grAB you and squeeze you in a tight hug while peppering kisses all over your face
“why are you so damn cUTE” he groans in between kisses and you giggle when he smooshes a big fat kiSS on your cheek
he lets out a sigh and nudges his nose against yours gently
he finally got the girl
his girl
“i like u too much too”
🎄the twelve drabbles of christmas! 🎄
❄️do you have a special christmas request? ❄️
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