#I guess unless it's obviously a pairing prompt and they're not on anon
ladylynse · 1 year
prompt: rc9gn, Randy, Howard, Theresa and Debbie. "When did this happen?"
Not ship, just to be clear, platonic.
“When, uh, when did this happen?” Randy asked slowly, eyeing the stapled booklet in front of him proclaiming THE NINJA UNMASKED on its cover with as much suspicion as he had Debbie’s smug smile when she’d invited him to the whatever this was at McFlubbusters with Theresa and Howard.
Debbie steepled her fingers together before leaning in and whispering, “It hasn’t, but the Ninja doesn’t know that, which is what’s going to draw him out—and which, incidentally, is where you and Howard come in as his number one fans.”
Randy opened his mouth to protest that he was not going to help her unmask the Ninja when Howard, who was supposed to be his best bud, proved to be a traitorous shoob and said, “Yeah, sorry, I might’ve forgotten to tell you I agreed to help the moment Debbie said she’d spring for dessert for a week.”
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