#I got tired and didn't want to doodle for the second question LOL
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ultrainfinitepit · 10 months ago
🫂 & 🧠 for Sam :)?
I'll use my other protagonist Mick as the second character for these prompts :))
🫂- How has your relationship changed recently?
While they will always get on each other's nerves, they secretly care about each other and want (what they think) is the best for each other.
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Sam will always some resentment for how Mick treated him in the past, and he hates being told what to do by Mick. But Mick has proven he's changed, he understands Sam's motivations now, and has helped Sam a lot recently - so Sam can't be too mad at him. There's part of him that wishes they could've gotten along from the beginning. Sam considers Mick a brother-in-arms and his friend, he loves him like family - and with not too much prodding would admit it. It sends chills down his spine to say it out loud though.
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Mick however will only ever admit similar sentiments to make Sam look ungrateful, even if it's truly what he feels, in fact what he's felt for a while. In the past he was cavalier about Sam's lives and deaths, but is now much more protective of him. He regrets a lot of his poor treatment of Sam but feels there's no way to fix it and they can only move forward.
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🧠- What’s your best memory with them? Worst?
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Mick's worst memory with Sam: When Sam's adoptive nephilim sister Lucifer began to corrupt the angels, Mick was forced to stop her. And Lucy's most ardent guard was her brother Sam. Not only did Mick have to put down Lucy, who was just a child, but Sam as well - who was not much older and had been twisted by Lucy's magic into a horrifying monster. While Mick killed them both, he could hear Sam's song in his mind: an anguished, confused screeching, pleading with Mick not to do this - they both loved Lucy so much. That horrible death song would echo for lifetimes after in Mick's mind.
Mick's best memory with Sam: Sometime after the rather traumatic birth of Mick's daughter, Sam visits with an offering of beer. He pulls Mick aside and the two of them sit in the fire escape, smoking and drinking, while Sam recalls various stories of his own babies. Mick had been so caught up in trying to take care of Talia and Vivian and having no clue what he was doing, he didn't have time to think about what might happen next, that they all might even make it through this. But hearing Sam's stories of his own mishaps and how he and Zipporah made it through them, made Mick think it might actually be possible. And it was the first time in many weeks that Mick had been able to just breathe, and even laugh! In that moment he saw Sam had really grown up, and was very proud of him, and grateful for his company.
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Sam's worst memory with Mick: I could write about one of Sam's many deaths by Mick's hands here - or perhaps the agonizing wait outside Theo's study while Mick and Zipporah met and spoke for the first time, Sam wondering if it would turn into a fight for their lives. I could even write about Lucy's death. But instead I will write about a memory that in the grand scheme of things is not so bad, but has stuck with Sam the longest as one of his worst moments.
In the few years they lived together, Mick started getting into a new hobby involving building little miniature models. Sam thought it was kind of silly but didn't care much what Mick did as a hobby, so long as they stayed out of each other's way. One day for some stupid reason he can't remember anymore, Sam was mad at Mick and in a careless mood, and wrecked Mick's little table where he kept his models and supplies. Sam felt a bit bad about it immediately but, Mick had never cared about "human stuff" before so surely this wouldn't be a big deal.
However it was. Mick blew up at Sam, way more than in any previous incident in this lifetime. Mick yelled that he barely had anything for himself and what little he did have, Sam just ruined. Sam could have sworn tears were in his eyes, he had never seen Mick so upset, he didn't even know he could cry. Then abruptly, Mick stopped. He was calm as he shoved all his supplies into the trash. Sam felt horrible, he still feels horrible when he remembers that. He didn't think to apologize at the time and now feels it's too late to bring it up. He realized that those models were more than just models to Mick, they were an expression of what little free will, wonder, emotion, humanity he had. And Sam watched Mick throw that all away because of him.
Sam's best memory with Mick: Again I could choose any number of poignant and significant memories for this, but instead I'll choose a sillier one that Sam likes to remember.
In the few years before they lived together, Sam and Mick engaged in various adventures out west. One day they found a "renowned monster hunter" who even made big claims about having trophy wings from hunted angels in his collection (fake but even still, just the insinuation rubbed Sam and Mick the wrong way).
After being restrained in their dealings with this hunter for far too long, Sam chomping at the bit to beat him up all the while, Mick finally snapped too and even held the hunter while Sam got to punch him. In that moment they were perfectly on the same wavelength. Mick even admitted that Sam was right about hating the guy from the start! It makes Sam satisfied to think about even now.
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