#I got all this fanfic. i don't need anything from jonathan safran and stephanie savage
terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Wasn’t it Safran or someone else from the show who said on Twitter that Chair & Derena got divorced or that Dair just ended up cheating with each other while their spouses just got drunk every night or something like that?
ummmmmm I don't recall anyone from the writer's room of GG confirming any divorces (because that would be chaos and if bluck got canon-confirmed divorced me and the mutuals would never shut up about it).
I believe the tweet you're thinking about is the famous "wonderful, confidante-esque relationship" tweet. I've no idea how to go about finding it @strideofpride S, help?
the gist was that Safran (?) said that the endgame couples were still married and would be couple friends and Dan and Blair would talk about all their pretentious things while Serena and Chip knocked back the wine. but he also said wonderful confidante esque relationship which very much sounds to me like DAIRFAIR
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