#I got a bumble bee so hell yeah I’d love to get together with other bee shifters! the real question is what position I would have in a hive
Fic where Cas and the reader go trick or treating together?
“I don’t think it’s a wise choice, Y/N,” Cas said deeply, imagining every dangerous possibility that can happen from ringing stranger’s doorbells.
“It’s a human tradition, Cas! The Celts thought the barrier between our world and the world of ghosts and spirits got really thin on this day. So they threw a big party to try and scare them away! And don’t worry about going door to door! We do that all the damn time when we are working a case.” 
Cas furrowed his brows in confusion as you slipped on your costume. The one you had picked out for him had not moved an inch from his clenched fist. He was overly concerned about the fabric being too revealing.  
“And where am I suppose to hide my angel blade in these?” Cas stuffed his thick thighs into fuzzy black tights that had none of the pockets he’d grown accustomed to in his trench coat. 
“Here, give it to me. I’m bringing a big bag. More room for candy,” you said gleefully. 
Now that the two of you were fully dressed, Cas picked up his plastic candy bucket that was shaped like a giant flower and the extra pillowcase you suggested packing, for which he did not know the purpose. He followed you through the bunker hallways and up to the front room. Sitting doing research and avoiding all possible reminders of the holiday was Sam. Across from him sat Dean eating his second dinner of the night. Dean’s smile stretched from ear to ear when he saw you both walk into the room.
“Sammy, you gotta get a load of this,” Dean nearly choked on his doughnut burger hybrid and almost fell out of his seat.
“You know how I feel about Halloween. I want no part of this,” Sam grumbled. 
“No, really. Sammy. You don’t want to miss this.”
Sam reluctantly peeled his eyes away from his laptop and saw his two best friends standing side by side in giant fuzzy bee costumes. You, with that typical worry-free sparkle your eyes and Castiel looking more puzzled than ever before. It’s worth noting that this is the first smile Sam had cracked a smile on Halloween night in years.  
“Well don’t the two of you look just…” Sam started to say.
“(Y/N) chose this costume for me. Do you think it will scare away the spirits,”  asked Cas genuinely. “I do like the honeybees in the garden but I have noticed many humans are terrified of them. I’ve packed some salt and holy water in my bag in the instance this doesn’t work out”. 
“As long and your bumble butts bring me back some candy, I don’t care how y’all dress,” said Dean trying to pretend like he wasn’t a little jealous of being able to go trick or treating. Truthfully, he was a little turned on seeing you and Cas in bee costumes. He thought to himself, you both could buzz on into his room later that night when Sammy was asleep. 
Before walking up to the first door of the night, you explained to Cas what to say and how to hold out his bucket for candy. He only slightly heard what you said but didn’t bother to ask you to repeat yourself. He was more worried about the trick part of the night and he assumed he could deal with it once it came around. 
“Tricks nor Treats,” Castiel grumbled deeply, arms stuck straight out to the old woman who wondered why a fully grown man dressed as a bee was out trick or treating. 
“It’s ‘Or’ not ‘Nor’, lovey. We’ll try it again at the next place,” you said sweetly. “Thank you for the candy, M’am. Happy Halloween. Stay safe.”
As you walked back down the path, Cas sprinkled some salt on the uneven cobblestone and murmured some Enochian under his breath. 
Door number two. DING DONG!
“No tricks, just treats, please.” 
You shot a look at Cas that would make any celestial being cower. His shoulders stiffened and then he shook off the chill that went down his spine. He thanked the couple at the door and shuffled back down the driveway. More salt sprinkled and on to the next house. 
A few blocks later and a pillowcase filled to the brim with candy, Cas had a completely different look across his face. He was more eager to keep going after each house but your feet had other ideas. It had a been a few hours and you were more exhausted than when you fought that vamp last week. 
“Last house, okay? I’m ready for bed and I’m sure Sam is tired of hearing Dean complaining about wanting candy.”
“Of course. We’ve managed to avoid all of these tricks so far. Now might be a good time to call it a night.” 
Both of you walked up to the last house and when Cas went to knock, the door was ajar. It swung open after the first attempt at a knock. No lights were on in the hallway but a dim glow was coming from the kitchen. 
“Hello,” Castiel cautiously ask. “Trick or treat?” 
“Is anyone home? Your door was unlocked. Hello?” You took a step forward, one foot on the threshold of the door. A smelly wave of sulfur hit you and you found yourself abruptly being dragged into the house by an invisible source.
“(Y/N)! What’s going on? Where’d you go?” Cas began to panic slightly. He instinctively reached for his coat pocket in hopes of grabbing his angel blade, only to feel polyester fuzz on his hands.  A second later he realized it was at the bottom of his candy filled pillowcase. He dumped the candy on the floor and flew into the kitchen. He found you stuck on the ceiling above the stove. An angry demon sat at the counter examining a plastic decorative skull.
“Ah, my favorite time of year, Halloween. Teenagers dressing up as monsters and playing games to summons us from the depths of Hell. It’s quite entertaining, really.” 
“The trick,” Cas said pointedly. 
“And just as my luck would have it, the one house that decided to summon me would be the one I find you and your human pet, Castiel.” The demon chuckled, stood up and continued to ransack through the kitchen. 
“Who are you,” growled Castiel.
“You don’t remember me, angel? I thought we shared an intimate moment all that time ago. It’s not every day that an angel and a demon breathe the same air and live to tell the tale.” 
Castiel looked up at you with a questioning look to make sure you were not hurt. Your mouth was sealed shut and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t move an inch. But the look in your eyes gave Cas some peace, and no visible blood or injuries was a good sign. 
“I remember you,” Cas recalled, “and I also remember what I said I’d do if I ever saw you again. I sent you back to Hell with Crowley and he said…”
“The King is dead, angel. There’s nothing to fear in Hell anymore. It’s all free rein and I don’t have to answer to anyone anymore. Not even you. So here I am. Even I deserve a little fun, don’t I?” 
It had been a long while since you’d dealt with your average everyday demon. Most hunts were about saving the world these days but ever since Crowley died more stray demons were running amok. Castiel was tired. ‘Not today’, he thought to himself. He wasn’t going to let some low-level demon ruin this night for him.
The arrogant demon parted his lips to speak again but before he could get a sound out, Castiel’s hand was pressed to his forehead. Bright, blinding light and some dissipating black smoke filled the room and the next thing you remember is being carried out of the house in the arms of your angel. 
Your eyes blinked open and the first thing that comes into focus is Dean with a pile of empty candy wrappers sprawled across the table. Sam was asleep in the chair next to you, hunched over with drool dripping down his chin from waiting for you to wake up. 
“Welcome back, (Y/N),” smiled Castiel.
“Cas? Wha- What happened? Where’s the demon?” 
“Don’t worry your fuzzy little ass about that, (Y/N),” said Dean mouth full of fun-sized Twix bars. “Cas saw you sticky stuck on that ceiling and stung the crap outta that demon.” 
“Enough with the bee puns, Dean,” Sam murmured groggily, “He’s been at it all night since you guys got back.” 
When you went to stretch out the pain in your muscles, you realized you were no longer in costume but in soft pajamas. 
“How did I,” you ask concernedly.
“Cas,” smirked Dean, “I offered to help out but,” knowing very well Cas hung the bee costumes in Dean’s room for later, “he said it would bee inappropriate. It’s too bad. I would have loved to get a peek at your boo-bees. I’ll be the bird and you two can bee the bees!”
“Dean,” Sam shouted disgustedly.
“I’ve pollen for the both of you so buzz on in and bee mine,” winked Dean.
“We’ll never hear the end of this, will we, Cas,” you sighed.
“I’m afraid not, Honey,” Castiel said without hesitation. 
Dean stood up, smiled that never-ending shit-eating grin until Sam ran to his room, locked the door and put in earplugs. 
NOTE: Ha! I’m not going to pretend like it didn’t take me days to write this.  I legit wrote maybe a paragraph a day because I procrastinate more than anyone I know haha ALSO I didn’t intend for it to be this long but it’s cute so yeah. Halloween is my jam, yo! also tagging @imamotherfuckingstar-lord because I mentioned I was writing :PP.S. I didn’t proofread this so if there are errors OH FUCKING WELL 
Happy Halloween, Bitches!
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reimagination · 5 years
Things to know when buying rocks
I recently got a job in a crystal, gem, and jewelry store. I couldn’t be happier.
About 90% of citrine is actually heat treated amethyst. Citrine, amethyst, and prasiolite (aka green amethyst) are actually the same stone, but their color is determined by the temperature at which they are formed. Amethyst is incredibly common and therefore inexpensive (unless it’s a super deep blue purple color), and can be heat treated in a kiln to turn into citrine or prasiolite. How to tell? So amethyst often has a white base. Natural citrine does not. Also, natural citrine is usually a paler color. It’s also significantly more expensive.
Opalite is man-made. Although, sometimes it is sold as moonstone. Opalite looks like iridescent milk. Moonstone almost always has lines or cracks or black inclusions and is usually opaque (unless cut into small gems).
Goldstone, blue goldstone, and green goldstone are man-made. I do love them though. They look like glass filled with glitter, though it’s actually small bits of metal (copper, cobalt, or chromium). They have a really cool history too. About 97% of turquoise is enhanced in some way. Turquoise usually only occurs in thin veins, and when it is a larger piece, it is brittle. Therefore it is usually either stabilished with epoxy, reconstituted by gluing a bunch of little bits together, or enhanced in a mineral bath. Also, many places will try and sell dyed howlite or magnesite as turquoise. If it is labelled turquenite, it’s howlite. If it’s inexpensive, it’s howlite.
Malachite and lapus lazuli can be enhanced. Beautiful kelly green malachite and ultramarine lapis can be quite pricey. So some are dyed or treated in some way to enhance their color. If the price is too good to be true, it’s probably dyed. If there are no white or gray bits in your lapis, be wary. Also, synthetic malachite is all over etsy and ebay. Now, if you are familiar with malachite, spotting a fake is obvious. But if not, you may be swindled.
Aqua aura quartz, angel aura quartz, rainbow aura quartz, mystic quartz, mystic topaz, and others while the crystals are real, they do not naturally occur that way. They are blasted with precious metals (in a process I’ll admit I don’t completely understand). They are super pretty. Quartz can naturally be iridescent, but the iridescence will appear inside amongst minor cracks or planes within the crystal. The iridescence of aura quartz are on the surface.
Speaking of quartz, some people like to dye it. Cherry or strawberry quartz are dyed. That color can naturally occur, but it us rare and quite expensive. Tanzanite quartz is dyed. Blue quartz is dyed. Many times (with the exception of rose quartz), colors of quartz are not throughout the entire crystal.
Speaking of dying. Agate can naturally occur in many colors. Jade can naturally occur in many colors. Most of the time they’re dyed. Freshwater pearls are also almost always dyed. Although, they can naturally occur in all kinds of wild and crazy colors, anything too off of white is incredibly uncommon.
Aquamarine and emerald are almost always semi opaque and quite pale in color (except for the most expensive specimens. Aquamarine can be irradiated to get a deep blue color (it can, but rarely naturally comes this way). And side note, sunlight can lighten aquamarine.
Ruby usually has a pink or purplish undertone. If you see a gem that is a true red, it’s probably a garnet.
But not all odd or bright colors are fake. Bumble bee jasper is naturally macaroni and cheese yellow. It gets it color from sulphur. Uvarovite is naturally crayola crayon green. It gets its color from chromium (as do most green gems). Cobaltoan Calcite is naturally a bright magenta. Charoite is naturally royal purple. Serpentine can be an electric lime green. Blue lace agate and blue chalcedony are naturally a soft powder blue. So yeah, weird colors can exist.
However, just because a color exists doesn’t mean it is cheap. For example, 95% of tourmaline is black. You can get really nice specimens if black tourmaline for pretty cheap. If you want a color, prepare to pay (and for the specimen to be itty bitty).
Bismuth crystals are pretty much always grown in a lab. Bismuth does occur naturally, but rarely in crystal form. It's usally as a trace mineral, a thin vein of metal, or dissolved in water. But, fun fact, you can also make your own bismuth crystals with just a few things you can easily find on the internet.
Real amber, rubies, and sapphires glow under uv light. Although the intensity will vary. Green and pale yellow ambers will look almost radioactive while orange, red, and dark ambers will have just a slight glowing haze. Rubies will become vibrant. And Sapphires only have a slight glow.
There are alot of synthetic opals. From more than three feet away, they may look like real opals. But up close they, just, no. Sometimes they just look like glitter in resin. Just, try to familiarize yourself with real opals.
Also, be wary of cheap moldavite. I have yet to see a synthetic to compare, but I know they exist. Technically, even real moldavite is glass, but it was made 14.7 years ago by a meterorite impact. I wish I had a tip for you to differentiate fake and real.
I get asked alot if certain gems are glass. Well, here’s the thing. Gem quality glass does exist (see above with goldstone and opalite), but… it’s often not cheap to make. Plain glass is boring and brittle. Gem quality glass therefore needs additives for durability and color and for varying qualities. Think about Swarovski crystals. They are gem quality glass and are pretty expensive. Cranberry glass gets its bright red color from gold! And there is such a thing as amethyst glass, but amethyst is so abundant, and amethyst glass is so expensive to produce that it’s actually cheaper to use the actual gemstone!
And lastly, alexandrite is incredibly rare. It is one of the rarest minerals on earth. You will probably never see it in your lifetime. And when you do… oh boy, the price! Hopefully you like zeros. But we get asked for it every day. Sorry June babies.
I hope this knowledge helps you find some cool rocks. And I hope there is a special place in hell for people who blatantly lie to you.
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