#I get to write Emrik's POV and I'm crying about it
experi-sketches · 1 year
Last Line Tag
I’ve been tagged by @burntcoffeewhump for the last line tag! Rules are to post the last line (or lines) of whatever you’re working on. Sadly I won’t post the very last lines I’ve written (they’re a bit too spoiler-y) but I’ll post something very near it! 
This is a little segment from the finale of book one of An Iron Blood Tale. (We get Emrik’s POV!) 
"Sit," Sindri said, and the guards grabbed Emrik to push him down onto the chair. There was rope, suddenly, and Emrik felt his arms wrenched behind him, forearms lashed to the thick posts of the chair's back, his wrists pulled and bound together. The guards worked hurriedly, as though they wanted to get their hands off him as quickly as possible. For one crazy moment Emrik thought to throw them off before he was fully bound and show them the proper way to wield elven steel—but then he let the thought go. It would be pointless. Even if he avoided the ropes, he was still up three-to-one, and without his magic to boot. Not to mention that he was stranded on a ship and surrounded by Sindri's men, loyalists from his Costravann days. Emrik buried fantasies of driving a blade straight through Sindri's gut as the knots were pulled dangerously tight. The guards stepped away, receding to the doors behind Emrik, standing at attention.
Sindri looked him up and down. "You're looking well," he said. His eyes narrowed. "Surprisingly so."
"Most kind of you," Emrik bit out.
I tag @pierrotwrites-hc and @i-can-even-burn-salad (sorry for my lurking tendencies but y’all’s writing is just so lovely 😭) and also leaving as a general open tag!
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