#I get not being confortable speaking bc you don't know much
thegreyhavens · 3 years
Soooo....we’re all going to ignore that interview from yesterday where Daniel literally said it wasn’t in his nature to care about woman’s right/human right issues and that the most important things in racing in Saudi Arabia was that the fans were happy ???
Other drivers would have said half of what he said and 2 seconds later people would already plan for their execution :)
Here, if you want to listen him bullshitting his way out of the question =>
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domjaehyun · 2 years
head empty but full of haechan being a teasing shit, his behavior toward mc was so attractive ? the push and pull situation was so perfect.. I find this trope, if it's one, so.. hot and the scenes you imagined to illustrate this were just so.. u know.. you sucked me in the story right away lmao. the bickering between the 2 of them.. of God.. that was so entertaining and funny, haechan was not having any of yn rejecting him and he keeps trying to do morE AND OH BOÏ HIS CRAZY ASS!! THE MOMENT HE DID GO TO HER ROOM TO STEAL HER SEX TOYS ? BOY YOU'RE SO GONE AND CRAZY ?? for real lmao, I gasped really loud during that revelation like.. I couldn't believe he would do that but I loved that, we as reader, have no choice but to witness this turn of events 🤯 yn playing hard to get was so in phase with how I wished her to act (here a candy for you 🍭). I'm not going to talk about every scenes (bc i dont have a good memory *sigh*) so my comments are going to jump right and left between the two parts I'm sorry !! ♡ but know that I loved every lines you wrote and I just admire the way you processed to write all of it, it must have been difficult for you to think and write sometimes so thank you so much for keeping your efforts and not giving up ♡ anyway, the story was a inhaler of fresh air bc of all the things that happened and all the interaction with the side characters even tho our lovebirds channeled 3/4 of the story, I loved how distinct we could guess the personalities of the side characters (big up to your girl boss yena), speaking of her, we didn't really met her in the 1st part, but the way she played a big role in the 2nd ? specially toward the end when she helped yn realizing her feelings toward haechan and how she managed to confort her when yn was having (ridiculous) theories about him, it made my heart flutter of how a perfect friend she was ♡ speaking of ridiculous, girl you have an humour.. dang, it really played a huge role in this story, specially to soften some scenes and add fire to others 👀👄👀 and I loved it so so much! the duality of haechan fried my ass dude, you don't understand how it destroyed me, one moment he acts so dramatic then right after he's acting all sexy and sensual I can'T!!!!!!!!! when I look back at it, of when we started the story, I'm amazed. you know of what ? OF HOW SMOOTHLY THE RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN HYUCK AND YN WAS?! like..???????? the process you managed to do in just 2 parts was mind-blowing? you tricked us, damn it 🧎🏻‍♀️ the sex scenes.. *sigh* listen jewel, you have ressources I get it, but fck, that was too hot for me to handle lmao, they fucked like rabbit (I mean, that's the purpose of a friend with benefits relationship lmao) but like.. oof, OOF, I'm gonna slide into an eternal sleep after this, I can't get over it. also, we known right at the start that haechan had a crush on our girl, and the way he was kinda (so) obvious and he took advantage of every physical touches and words of affection was.. cute ? he didn't really back off when yn was mean towards him and even when she made him jealous (jaemin, yanyang, jaehyun...), I truly loved this side of him !! also, the slow turning of yn's feelings toward haechan ????? LIKE??? she started hating him to becoming super soft and its so beautiful ?? she was so cute.. THEY were so cute, specially when their relationship turned into casual hangout and the last frat party scene.. when haechan came to kiss her and act as a big boy in front of jaehyun ? BOÏ YOURE SO OBVIOUS, GURL YOU'RE SO OBVIOUS, THEY'RE SUCH IDIOTS 😭 you had me hooked over them, I love them so much. period. nah I'm kidding, I have so much to say lmao, this ask is long im sorry 🤧 I think I will stop there for this ask ! you deserve so much praise and good things happening to you, I donated to your Kofi, even if it's not much but I'm happy to help you given the way you wrote all of this and how you made me feel ♡ stay sexy amd have a good day ♡
head empty but full of haechan being a teasing shit, his behavior toward mc was so attractive ? the push and pull situation was so perfect.. I find this trope, if it's one, so.. hot and the scenes you imagined to illustrate this were just so.. u know.. you sucked me in the story right away lmao.
i’m OBSESSED W THIS TROPE I REALLY AM SJFJDJDJJDDK i would like to think i’ve started to hone my skills in this trope but either way i LOOOOOVE push and pull and tension and stuff oh my goddddddd
the bickering between the 2 of them.. of God.. that was so entertaining and funny, haechan was not having any of yn rejecting him and he keeps trying to do morE AND OH BOÏ HIS CRAZY ASS!! THE MOMENT HE DID GO TO HER ROOM TO STEAL HER SEX TOYS ? BOY YOU'RE SO GONE AND CRAZY ?? for real lmao, I gasped really loud during that revelation like.. I couldn't believe he would do that but I loved that, we as reader, have no choice but to witness this turn of events 🤯
I LITERALLY WAS SO TENSE ABT THAT SCENE BC . i like my men a little crazy but not everyone does so i worried it’d be too far but ppl thought it was funny so!!!! a win for jewel!!!!!! and this was new to me like experimenting with different POVs so i’m rly glad that worked out :D
yn playing hard to get was so in phase with how I wished her to act (here a candy for you 🍭).
thank u i love candy mwahahaha and I LOVE HARD TO GET MCs y’all should know by now that i just adore build up and tension djfjdjjfjdd
I'm not going to talk about every scenes (bc i dont have a good memory *sigh*) so my comments are going to jump right and left between the two parts I'm sorry !! ♡
don’t apologize it’s totally fine!!!!! it’s 68.9k words i wouldn’t expect you to have an eidetic memory and recall everything :D
but know that I loved every lines you wrote and I just admire the way you processed to write all of it, it must have been difficult for you to think and write sometimes so thank you so much for keeping your efforts and not giving up ♡
oof there WERE some scenes i put off writing til the end but for the most part this fic was SO much fun to write but i’m also like craaaaaazy when it comes to writing and planning and organizing my fics so . there wasn’t much room to get bored djfjdjdjd
anyway, the story was a inhaler of fresh air bc of all the things that happened and all the interaction with the side characters even tho our lovebirds channeled 3/4 of the story, I loved how distinct we could guess the personalities of the side characters (big up to your girl boss yena), speaking of her, we didn't really met her in the 1st part, but the way she played a big role in the 2nd ? specially toward the end when she helped yn realizing her feelings toward haechan and how she managed to confort her when yn was having (ridiculous) theories about him, it made my heart flutter of how a perfect friend she was ♡
YENAAAAAA I LOVE YENA i sometimes worry that i’m like . making my side characters esp the female characters too flat? bc i love them and i want them to shine but they aren’t the Fore Front of the fic yknow? so i’m always panicking like This Doesn’t Pass The Bechdel Test……. but some rules are dumb and sometimes i can do what i want :D but yes i love yena she’s such a good friend i adore her 😭😭😭
speaking of ridiculous, girl you have an humour.. dang, it really played a huge role in this story, specially to soften some scenes and add fire to others 👀👄👀 and I loved it so so much!
EEEEE THANK YOU i love getting compliments on my sense of humor omg :D a lot of the times i’m writing and like. giggling at the stuff i’m putting in djfjdjjfdj
the duality of haechan fried my ass dude, you don't understand how it destroyed me, one moment he acts so dramatic then right after he's acting all sexy and sensual I can'T!!!!!!!!!
haechan sexy but also haechan sweet 💖 haechan has a lot of different sides and i love when fics get to explore that yknow? he’s not JUST a cocky cool dude and he’s not JUST a whiny cutie and he’s not JUST a serious hard worker and— you get it…… hdhdsjjd
when I look back at it, of when we started the story, I'm amazed. you know of what ? OF HOW SMOOTHLY THE RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN HYUCK AND YN WAS?! like..???????? the process you managed to do in just 2 parts was mind-blowing?
IM RLY HAPPY YOU THINK SO if i’m being real i worried about not making the shift clear enough and i think that i was concerned abt the length which i rly gotta stop doing bc i’d rather have a long fully fledged fic than a slightly shorter not as perfect (to me) fic !! BUT YEAH IM RLY HAPPY YOU THINK SO :’)
you tricked us, damn it 🧎🏻‍♀️ the sex scenes.. *sigh* listen jewel, you have ressources I get it, but fck, that was too hot for me to handle lmao, they fucked like rabbit (I mean, that's the purpose of a friend with benefits relationship lmao) but like.. oof, OOF, I'm gonna slide into an eternal sleep after this, I can't get over it.
SHFJSJJFJDJDJD I DO SO MUCH RESEARCH SOMETIMES I GO CUCKOO but i just unleashed many of my fantasies abt haechan 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 sorry y’all
also, we known right at the start that haechan had a crush on our girl, and the way he was kinda (so) obvious and he took advantage of every physical touches and words of affection was.. cute ? he didn't really back off when yn was mean towards him and even when she made him jealous (jaemin, yanyang, jaehyun...), I truly loved this side of him !!
he’s a PERSISTENT GUY I BELIEVE THIS FIRMLY he’s OBVIOUS (deliberately) AND PERSISTENT !!!!! i’m glad you see the vision hehehe
also, the slow turning of yn's feelings toward haechan ????? LIKE??? she started hating him to becoming super soft and its so beautiful ?? she was so cute.. THEY were so cute, specially when their relationship turned into casual hangout and the last frat party scene.. when haechan came to kiss her and act as a big boy in front of jaehyun ? BOÏ YOURE SO OBVIOUS, GURL YOU'RE SO OBVIOUS, THEY'RE SUCH IDIOTS 😭 you had me hooked over them, I love them so much. period. nah I'm kidding, I have so much to say lmao, this ask is long im sorry 🤧 I think I will stop there for this ask !
you: *sends me one of the best asks i’ve ever received*
also you: this ask is long im sorry
you deserve so much praise and good things happening to you, I donated to your Kofi, even if it's not much but I'm happy to help you given the way you wrote all of this and how you made me feel ♡ stay sexy amd have a good day ♡
THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭 it really does mean a lot to me im so so thankful for the donation and the wonderful messages and the overall support 🥺🥺🥺 I LOVE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY :D
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taekooktimeline · 3 years
i love this timeline and i congratulate you guys on how much effort you seem to be putting into it! however, I still can't 100% they have something, or ever had something. I do think theyre cute together and they do have. amor of questionável moments...but most of it is completly explained by a little logic thinking. I don't think two guys who grew up in small towns in Korea during the 90's/00's when there was no discussion at all about homosexuality would take this so lightly. Specially Tae, who was raised on a rural town by his grandparents. Could they have changed their minds by now? Absolutely, yes. But we also have to remember that kpop os built on encoraging performative homoerotic behavior in order to allure fans, because they know it sells. There are literally lots of testimonies from trainees that say that by contract they are obliged to do that. Sure that at this point in fame they wouldnt need to do it anymore, but they are bora dumb, they know it sells and they are well aware of the dynamics people want to see the most. Now, I do believe they love each other, but I also believe they don't make themselves that much available to one another outside working hours anymore (ex: one of the meetings for BE, the one they were diacussing the units, Hoseok said that it was hard to get all 7 of them together like that so they needed to say what they needed and get it over with), which is okay given that they lived together for years. So I do believe that most of the things taekook does that seems couply is simply performative bc they know it attracts attention, and they do it because they are confortable enough, yk? we also have to remember that asians society works very differently, men are expected to behave in a more community way. Anyways, I still think theyre very cute and If they do have something with eo or gfs, I just hope theyre happy. Once again, awsome work you two have been doing! congrats!
Kayla:hi Anon - thank you for the well wishes with the timeline. We are going to have to agree to disagree on this. If TK were solely doing all of this for marketing / fan service where is the subunit that people have asked for for years? The only subunit to trend at festa 2020 before units were announced .. Two big powerhouses who sell out everything .. yet BH never takes advantage of that? As a business, shouldn’t they want that? Why did BH visibly restrict TK or separate them in a lot of official moments? A lot of moments are subtle, caught by fan cams or sleuths .. so again, how is that marketing if it’s subtle and not bold, in your face, obvious, which is what fs is? And their actions and reactions don’t necessarily happen at concerts, where I would be inclined to agree some is enjoyed FS by them .. some of their actions are away from concerts .. and FS, by definition, is for a performance, so if it’s subtle, not at a concert .. it’s the exact opposite of that. We barely see TK anywhere in the 2019 dvd so again, and there’s a lot of other examples that are similar, so how are they selling themselves and appeasing shippers when official content in the old contracts really didn’t market them? Not only that but there are lgbtq people in every country, progressive or conservative, rural or more liberal household. It’s not like being born to a conservative family just negates out who a person is attracted to...I highly doubt Tae is professing love of LGBTQ artists, designers, photographers, etc, reading CMBYN and professing a fondness for rainbows for nothing. Besides that, people have spotted TK out and about in 2020 alone, and have commented on it. Unless you’re their best friend and know their day to day, you can’t confidently say they’re not spending time together, especially when there are people who have sighted them. Think about it, would people believe namsan without photographic proof? compound that by years .. how many times they may have spent time together but it was kept private. Besides that, I’m sure it’s hard to get 7 people with varying schedules and pursuits together. They’re all busy people and I’m sure they want to rest, have “me” time or visit with people they may not get time to see when work commitments hit. It’s not like Hobi said it for TK only. Hobi said they’re busy and need to plan the schedule out. That makes sense. Planning for a lot of people will always be tricky because you’re factoring in multiple timetables, multiple plans and preferences. That’s anyone in the real world planning for any gathering. It takes coordination.
Also BTS as a whole has been pretty outspoken about hating fanservice and not enjoying it (e.g. remember that variety show episode where Yoongi dropped the paper so they didn't have to that paper kissing game?). Plus this year has seen a very significant drop in fan service even with all their stuff from BE, including dynamite--so i fail to see how this makes sense? Also as already mentioned if BH is so aware about how much the pairings sell why don't they market them more? BTS has been around for 7 years, marketing them in the 7/8th year after none for like 3-4 years seems like a weird choice no?
Plus, Jk comes from Busan which isn’t a small town. And Daegu isn’t small either. South Korea is one of the most, if not the most technologically connected and 'linked up' countries in the world. Not being from Seoul doesn’t mean they’re in the boonies.
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I’ll probably come back and edit this but I don’t see how being from a more conservative home means Tae can’t be gay (and Jk’s home was more progressive) or how Taekook are “marketed” when they’re the exact opposite of that by every definition. I’m fully aware of Kpop and shipping, but I stand by a lot of moments TK have are not on performance platforms and do not fit the criteria of fan service. Not only that, but I’ve said a million times Korea is getting more progressive. I’ve linked multiple articles with hard stats showing as much. And it takes brave people to push that change forward even more. It’s cool if you don’t see them as romantically involved .. but my stance doesn’t change on this. They don’t meet the criteria of fan service in a lot of instances and BH sure as hell isn’t marketing two of their most profitable members as a pairing, which is suspicious on its own. Unless Tae or Jk say different, their actions speak loud for me on who they are to each other.
Sara’s General Disclaimer: I may select some asks, think about them and answer in the future through either Tumblr, Twitter or YouTube. Kayla will take over the discussion section as she enjoys active debates and will make the time for it, but I still read them all. Be nice to each other 💜 As it’s natural, I may or may not differ with Kayla’s take/ words.
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