#I fucked up gee and franku
frnkoreoiero-blog · 8 years
Demolition Lovers
“Frank, stop that.”
                     Said Gerard while griping his boyfriend’s wrist tight. They have a secret, a secret that no one have to know, a secret that is more dangerous than everything else. Renfield Syndrome. Obsession of drinking blood. Gory addiction has it? 
“I can’t, Gerard! Let me go!”
                      Frank is obsess, insane. Gerard didn’t know what to do. He have to deal with it. Frank let go of the cold body after hearing police car sirens. Clothes, hands and mouth are all soaked in blood. Eyes lit, stand still. Gerard grabbed him away from the scene. Lucky them for Gerard wearing gloves and Frank wearing plastic gloves. Opened the door and closed it outside. Ran fast at the snowy night. They removed their gloves and put it on a bag and got in to Gerard’s car. Blank stare at the front seat. Deafening silence. Sound of strong wind outside. Engine is kicking. Frank spoke.
“No one will know about this. No one will know about us.”
“Ugh. This is the goriest crime scene that I ever been. I mean look at the body.”
                      Ray Toro said while putting his gloves. Ray Toro is a well known detective of their town. Funny but has a mental disorder history. He still have it, the alters just don’t have time to act.
“Name of the victim?” He asked. Checking the dead body.
“Bert McCracken, 25 years of age, 155 pounds, prof. from The University of Jersey and married.” Officer Hayley Willams said. Disgusted on the gory scene.
“By who?” Asked Toro.
“Gerard Way-McCracken.” Replied Williams.
“The high school teacher?” Eyebrows raised.
                        Hayley nodded. Tsk Tsk Tsk. The sound of Toro’s voice is on sympathy for the dead Professor. Naked, got no blood on his pity body, internal organs crashed, eyes are opened, mouth stuck with thick metal stick. Toro examined every inch of the crime scene but got no fingerprints nor foot prints. The act of killing was inhuman. He’s suspecting it’s just a wild animal. Wild animal or is it? 
                        The alarm rang. He got up, took a bath, wore his uniform, went downstairs, ate his breakfast, drank his coffee and drove to work. The greets of the students made him forget what happened last night. He got into his classroom (which is the finest section of the senior high). All of the brainy students stood up, except for one boy.
“Bonjour Teacher Way-McCracken.” 
“Bonjour students now take a seat.” 
                         Frank is just staring straight in the window. The rays of the sun attracts him from listening to his Teacher. His quiet but intelligent. He knows the relationship that he has is illegal. Very illegal.
“Are you okay, Mr.Iero?” The attractive teacher stands beside him. Smile creeps in his face. He wants to kiss him but he can’t. Only in private.
“Yes, yea, I’m alright, Mr.Way.” He said to his Teacher.
                         Gerard dropped a paper on one of the students and walked away like nothing happened. The student read it and gave it to Frank.
“Frank, I’ll show you something after this. Don’t worry if you’re going to skip classes, I excuse you. I love you.”
                          Frank smiled wide and stare at Gerard, whose staring at him. Gerard smiled back, trying to hide the excitement that he has for Frank. He loves him more than he did from his abusive husband. He’s madly in love with the student. Even though it is against the law.
“Hey, beware on doing so much things with my brother. Thank fuck, Bert is already dead. He once beat me when I was 13 and I still can remember it. He needs to go to hell.” 
                          Said Mikey vengefully. Mikey is smart but considering himself as ‘the stupid dumbass motherfucker’ of his older brother’s section. He doesn’t care about everything except on his bass guitar. He once told Frank that,
“Myself is more important than school. School is not the one who’s making us professionals, it’s ourselves. So fuck school and live my fucking life the way I wanted. But I can’t help following responsibilities so fuck myself.”
                          Which Frank agreed with. Gerard’s time for his class is over. Gerard went to his office first before fetching Frank on the parking ground of the school. Frank went on the parking ground filled with bruises, again. He’s sobbing loudly as Gerard approaching him. Gerard is scared. He got beaten again by those bullies. Taylor, James, Forehead Urie and his boyfriend Ryan. Those motherfuckers needs detention. But cannot approve it because their families are the ones who donated the school he’s been working for. He feels so sorry for his boyfriend.
“Babe, I’ll make them pay.” Said Gerard. Having an idea.
“Pay for what?” Asked Frank, eating a sandwich on the counter of the kitchen.
“Oh, uhm, nothing.” He said. He thinks that idea is so stupid to do, but he can’t help but think about it.
                           They went on a cabin near Gerard’s house. Frank is always there almost 2 years from now but it’s his first time to saw an old cabin near Gerard’s. Holding hands walking towards it, they got upstairs and Frank tried to open it. It’s locked. Gerard dangled the keys in front of Frank and attached it on the doorknob hole. Frank made a quick glance and smiled on Gerard. They got in and,
“Oh my God.” Gasped Frank.
                             Different kinds of knives in one table, 2 chainsaws, furniture covered in clear plastic, blood bags and hospital tubes. Killing house, indeed.
“What the fuck is you thinking, Gerard?” Frank shouted.”If you’re doing this for me, you should trash all of these.” 
“But you need it. This is the only way!”
“Honey.” Started Frank.”I can live without drinking blood. This is just a mental disorder. We can fix it through medication.” Frank said calmly.
“Frank, don’t you see? You’re getting very pale and very weak ones you didn’t drink blood. We tried it a few times using medication but the drugs that prescribed to you are not working. I don’t want you to die.” Said Gerard, tears prickling his eyes.
“But I don’t want you to kill... to kill for me.” Said Iero.
2 Weeks Later...
                               Frank woke up at the smell of coffee side of their bed. He got up and drink the coffee. A sticky note in the night stand.
“Last night was great. Thank God the tube didn’t broke... ;)” 
                               Wandering his eyes around the room. Oh. It’s Bert’s funeral that’s why Gerard is not on the kitchen, cooking breakfast. He let out a sigh and walk through the woods. It’s so great, really great. The both of them are sharing minds.
                                He opened the door and smiled on the view. The tube really didn’t broke. Beet Hoven is still playing, smell of metallic liquid around the room. He cleaned the cabin and buried the body. He turned off the radio, Beet Hoven annoys Frank. and collect the blood bags, $5000 dollars in a bag and the ID of the filthy victim. He pour the blood onto his cup and drink it. He knows what him and Gerard doing are all wrong, but he doesn’t give a single fuck. As long as he’s happy with Gerard, nothing’s wrong, nothing’s against the law.
“Where have you been?” Asked Frank while preparing their dinner.
“To the funeral of that dickhead and I fetch 4 men. You want to see them?” Gerard said sitting on the counter.
“You attract guys again with your charm, aren’t you?” Frank asked naughty.
“No! They know you. I’ll make them pay, right?” Said Gerard.”C’mon. I’ll show you.” 
                                Frank pause for a moment.’I’ll make them pay?’ He wondered. Anyways, he go with Gerard on the cabin. Still wondering who are the poor 4 guys that he’ll suck to. They stopped for a moment and kissed each other passionately. Tongues travelling around each other’s mouths. The kiss is very wild that Frank bitten Gerard’s lips deep.
“Ouch.” Gerard shouted quietly.
                               He touched his lip and saw small amount of blood. Frank looks so sorry for him. But Gerard doesn’t care. He just smiled and continued the mood. He stopped smashing Frank’s lips and started to crawl down his pinkish lips on Frank’s neck. He’s kissing Frank slowly, one side to another. 
                               Frank feels so good on what his boyfriend doing to him but he’s worried if someone’s watching them. He freaked out when Gerard unzip his pants.
“No, not tonight babe. I’m just 16 and still a virgin, right?” Cried Frank.
“Yes, I know, but, can we try it tonight?” Plead Gerard.
                               Gerard wanted to do this to Frank since he turned 15 but they made a promise. Once Gerard got divorced on Bert, they’ll do this or when Frank turned 18, because Frank is just a minor and Gerard will be on jail once his co-teachers knows about their relationship. 
                                After a quiet long kissing, Frank broke the kiss and spoke.
“Do it. Just be quick.” 
                                Gerard smiled and they went back on the house. Doors, windows are all locked. Curtains are all down. And lights are all off, only lamp shades are the guides.
                                Box of condoms are already prepared and Frank is standing while Gerard is sitting on his luxurious chair, feet crossed, staring intensely at the view of Frank. But still wearing his uniform though.
                                Frank’s hands are shaking. He didn’t know if Gerard will like his tiny body. He slowly removed all of his clothes and got naked. Frank is full of shame, he didn’t know what the fuck is he doing. He’s trying to cover his balls and penis. He doesn’t like the view of himself.
                                Gerard stood up. Untie his necktie and walked slowly to Frank. He unzip his pants and tuck his almost long black hair. He placed the tie on Frank’s eyes and tie it tight. Still holding the tie, he kissed Frank slowly and pushed him on the bed. He got himself naked and grabbed his belt. He position Frank in the middle of the bed and made Frank raise his arms. Gerard tied Frank’s arms using the belt and attached the belt on the headboard and started adding condom on his dick.
                                He didn’t know why Gerard did this to him. But it reminds him of Fifty Shades of Grey. He have the complete trilogy of Grey and they are all finished for him. Frank found the book have its own beautiful story plot but sexy. He don’t even remember the things was used there, only the story plot was he cared about. He something huge got inside of him. And it feels.... good. He felt the touch of the blanket as Gerard is grinding slowly. He gasped, moan, shout, cursed and anything bad. He feels great.
“Gerard.... uhh... fuck.” That’s all he can fucking say.
                                 He feels so high. He feels like a fucking slut but yea, he’s a huge slut for Gerard. The grind got faster. Frank is so amazed. He placed both of his feet on Gerard’s waist to stay him in place. 
“Babe... uhh..... we’re there.” Gerard said feeling the huge excitement on fucking his under-age boyfriend.
                                   Let’s be honest, Frank is very tight and Gerard likes how tight Frank is. Finally, they got the pleasure. Both of them moan. Frank forced his hands to let go of the belt and hug Gerard tightly. Sweaty boys as it is. The both of them kissed again each other passionately as Gerard untying the necktie on Frank’s eyes. 
                                   Frank can see clearly now and the first thing he saw is his boyfriend, sweaty and super fucking hot. 
“I fucking love you.” He said and kissed Gerard.
                                   Frank got dressed up while Gerard is taking a bath. He’s smiling stupidly because of what they did lately.’Sex.... best life experience EVER.’ Frank said mentally.
                                   Back to work, they walked again in the woods and not talking. Blushing both cheeks, adrenaline still rushing. Until they reached it to the cabin. The both of them made a quick glance at each other and hold both hands.
                                   Gerard knocked happily on the door and opened it. 
“Hello boys! Wanna play with your finest enemy?” Gerard said and let Frank in.
                                    Frank got in and gasped. It’s Taylor York, James Dewees, Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross. His bullies. 
                                    They are all sitting in chairs, needle on their wrists with a long tube in it which connected to a blood bag. They are all crying, tied up on masking tape and electrical tapes on their mouths with a smile drawn in it. They have early bruises on their arms, legs, knees. All of them are.... naked. 
                                    Gerard wear an apron and so Frank did. He wanted to do this to them, so badly. Frank is a Catholic, but don’t believes in everything except for him and Gerard, the both of them are the very truth that he have and he don’t want to lose it. 
“Officer Williams, help us, our sons are all missing.” Mrs. Urie plead.
“Even my younger brother is missing to, miss. You’re not the only one who’s losing someone here.” Hayley said, very worried and pissed.
                                     The kids are all missing since this morning and it is already 2am. They don’t have a clue where they are. Yes, they all know that all of their sons and brother are bunch of assholes but they’re not coming home so late. They have a care few and the kids have to follow it. 
                                      Toro, in the other hand, found same clues on last 7 blood drained male victim’s body. It has a human bite. The human bites are very similar to what he have. They are all placed in the neck. Ray keeps looking on the crime photos of the awful bodies. He stood up quickly and grabbed the mirror. Same bite of the little boy named Frank. 
                                       He was 17 those days when he used to baby sit the 6 years old Frank Anthony. He’s really cute that’s why he chose him. But his family was so weird. They have this hobby of putting a mask on Frank whenever he baby sit the boy. He asked why but the parents said that,
“Frank has a mental disorder that we can’t cure. Most of people can cure themselves after taking enough amount of drugs but it’s not working for him.”
                                        It’s curable but incurable for Frank. They once told the name of his mental disorder but he can’t remember it because the name is too hard to remember. 
                                        He was teaching Frank guitar when the little boy staring at him angrily. Then he removed his mask and bit Ray on his neck. His neck bled that day and doesn’t come back at the Iero Residence. He got scared on a 6 year old boy.
“Dude, what did you discovered on the 7th body?” Bob asked.
“Uhm, it has no finger prints on it like the other ones except on the necks of the victims, why?” Ray said, still studying the photos.
“Well.” Bryar started.”Here’s the DNA test results of the 7th body.” 
“Holy shit!” Ray exclaimed after reading the results.
                                          The cabin is full of blood.Taylor died from torture and blood draining. Gerard stitched Taylor’s mouth and cut the both sides of his cheeks to form a wide smile. Frank inject Taylor’s face with used syringe contains cooking oil. And drained his blood. They put him on the old dinner table and add a note on his chest using a sharp knife. ‘Lust’.
“Now, who’s next?” Asked Gerard.
                                           All of them are crying, begging to not do anything. But Gerard and Frank have no pity. Frank wanted revenge. Gerard loves fun. 
                                           Brendon is next. They grabbed his seat and placed him above the hanging light. Brendon is frightened. Ryan is shouting loudly and sobbing violently. Gerard smiled at Brendon happily and play a song, that made Brendon’s mother die. 
Tiptoe Through The Tulips by Tiny Tim.
“Your mother died because of this song,aren’t her?” Said Gerard teasingly.
                                            Brendon left shocked and let out more tears. He don’t want to hear that song. Because while playing that song 5 years ago, she killed herself in her room due to depression and losing her second child. 
“You watched your mom as she’s hanging herself, do you?” Said Gerard. “Do you?!” he exclaimed.
“Yes! Yes! My mother is dead! So let me die too! I wanted to be with her!” Urie shouted.
“Baby! No! Frank, Mr.Way, take me instead!” Exclaimed Ryan. Sobbing too much.
“Wow! Wow! Wow! Love story, huh?” Frank said as Gerard started the engine of the chainsaw.
“C’mon! Fucking kill me now! This is what you wanted to do to us, right?! C’mon mother fucker! c-” His body cut half by Gerard.
                                            Blood dripped down on the plastic covered floor. Gerard’s face splashed in Brendon’s blood. Frank laying himself down the gory floor. Feeling the blood touching his back and the smell of it.
                                              They put the new dead body on the old dinner table and Frank managed to write the word on Brendon’s cold neck. ‘Despond’.
                                            The both of them pulled Ryan’s chair in the middle of the hanging light. Ryan’s shouting repeatedly and sobbing. Then they started the torture.
“I stole your diary, by the way.” Said Frank, flipping the pages of the diary. “I want to have an ipod but mommy and daddy got no time to give it to me. I mean, we got loads of money in the bank and I can do whatever I want to my credit card.” 
“No! You stupid cunt!” Exclaimed Ryan.
                                           An electro shock occur on his tiny naked body. Gerard removed it and spoke some words.
“Ah, ah, ah! Say more bad words to my baby or I’ll take this shit to level 5.” Gerard said as a warning.
“I want a puppy but Brendon didn’t give it to me! I hate him! I want to break up with him! He’s not so fucking rich like me and it’s a pity! I don’t like semi rich boys! Eww!” Said Frank reading the diary. “You hate him? But you want to lay your life for him? How fucked are you, Ryan? You spoiled brat.” Spit Frank on Ryan’s sweaty face.
“Yes, I said that. But I love him! I love Brendon! I just want to get what I wanted. I just wanted to feel important.” Said poor Ryan.
“Wait, you said lately that you want to take aim of Brendon’s death, right? Well, to make you feel special, we’ll give it to you!” Said Frank happily.
                                       Gerard take the lever to level 5 and attached the metal on Ryan’s milky skin. Screaming Ryan in pain. After a minute Gerard stopped and saw Ryan bleeding. Frank took the knife and untie Ryan. Third body got into the dinner table and Ryan spoke.
“Why are you so sadistic? You’ll be burn in hell.” 
“I already know that, dickhead.” Said Frank as he writing the word ‘Greed’ on Ryan’s hands.
                                       The last one is James. They were about to take him in the middle of the hanging light but they hear police sirens. Frank take a look outside and saw police cars, police, his old baby sitter Ray and the parents of the four assholes. Frank got scared. He didn’t know what to do.
“Karma just started, Mr. Way?” Said James.
                                       Frank shot James with a shotgun and undressed their aprons and masks. The cabin has a backdoor and it has a 2 French styled chairs and 1 French styled table. Gerard decided to make coffee for the 2 of them as they’re enjoying their vengeance. 
“This is Detective Toro, Mr.Way, You have to surrender yourself or else we’ll shoot your cabin including you.” Said Ray using the mic of the speaker inside their police car.
                                      The both of them are sitting, soaked in blood. Gerard is drinking coffee while Frank is drinking blood. Two different tea pots, two different beliefs, two different tastes, but one heart beat.
“Babe, let’s go. They said that they’ll kill me, right?” Said Gerard, sipping on his mug.
“Yea, I heard that. Ray, my first baby sitter and my first taste of human blood.” Said Frank proudly.
“He was my bestfriend. But when I got into mental institute because of the problems in my brain, I became nothing to him. He wasn’t there when I need him.” Gerard is sad about it. He still wanted Ray to be his friend but Ray is the mr.clean-and-great-guy like teen. 
                                       They stood up and kissed each other passionately After that, Gerard wrote these words.
“We are the true meaning of wrath and lost immortality”
                                       They walked down the cabin holding hands. Head lights are lit, guns are pointed on them and eyes are on the view of them. Ray and all of the people left shock. Gerard and Frank have a relationship. Frank smiled on Ray naughty and Gerard looking down his blood soaked shoes. Smiling stupidly, knowing that he’s going to die.
                                        Frank saw a bullet coming on them and decided to kiss Gerard’s lips for one last time. Bullets are flying like flock of doves. Hitting them every part of their body. Frank started to spill out black liquid on his mouth. They stopped kissing and stare at each other for one last time. Frank fell down while Gerard is being shot with bullets repeatedly and fell down. Gerard stare at the dark violet sky and the moon. Then turned his head on Frank who smiled at him through the over flow of the black liquid on his mouth.
“Think happy thoughts..... honey.” Said Gerard weakly.
“I’m always thinking.... ha.... happy thoughts a.... about... us.” Stuttering Frank Iero not breathing anymore after saying these sentence.
“We’re doomed by God at all costs.” Said the writing in the wall of the old bloody cabin.
My first fan fic on Tumblr!! Thanks for reading this gory story that I’ve been thinking for months! I’m sorry if I killed Brendon and Ryan here. I want them to have a role on my fan fic and this is the only role that fits for them lmao! I’ll add this on wattpad if you appreciate it!
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