#I find the idea of Moon getting seperated from Sun and Eclipse and going 'oh boy freedom!!!!' only to share a body yet again
vectorisheree · 27 days
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Skulk! Moon progression. I like to call him Milk (Skulk + Moon -> Mulk -> Milk)
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nightyelean · 7 months
Hiya! Quick question, can you perhaps give a summary of Celestial Idiots lore?
I’m trying to get caught up but I keep getting distracted
Oh boy where to start🏃
First of all, There is a discord server and it has a channel called "Lore Discussion", and in the pins there is a lore-doc. Just in case you dont know!:]
If I were to start from the beginning, Lunar and Eclipse (or as we call 1.0) were the first daycare attendants. There was a kid called Sadie in the daycare that always hanged around Lunar.
Lunar grew jealous of Eclipse because he always got more attention and stuff. With the lack of communication and time, Lunar had a snapping moment and killed many kids in the daycare (11? I think) including Sadie. (There is a police report written by Color in lore-discussion,,, its gruesome) The jokes about "eating children" "child's leg", mostly comes as a ref to this moment of Lunar and Sadie.
Eclipse walks into the daycare in this moment, horrified, and Lunar chases him down and destroys him too. Eclipse's body never gets found meanwhile they scrap Lunar.
Now back to this time, Sun was created. (Apparently there was a code in them as like a security protocol, S.B.S. We thought it was a virus leftover but Sun explained it wasn't and S.B.S wasn't around anymore.) Then Moon was added to the AI. And then they got separated. There is virus stuff going on before seperation like in the game, but I dont know much about it. I just know that Moon had a boyfriend called Max and they tried to fix the virus together. But then all the kids dying (by Virus Moon) was blamed on Max and he was sent to prison (sad gays, cries).
After the seperation, Moon explores the pizzaplex. He finds Eclipse and fixes him. Touches some parts and Lunar transfers inside him some way.
As he was fixing Eclipse, he messes up some code. 1.0 was alive in the body, but because of things getting messed up, our new Eclipse is created (2.0). 1.0 still lives in the head but he might as well be dead as he is so damaged that there is no way you can transfer them to a new body. It is already hard for them to take control, 2.0 is mostly chill about it.
Oh and Sadie! Sadie's soul stays in the pizzaplex and she possesses a Sun plushy (a scrapped idea of a plushy, they were made before Sun was created and they dont exist anymore.) And boom! We have Color now:) Moon and Sun finds them randomly (i dont remember how lol) and Color now hangs out with them. Thats why Lunar calls Color "Sadie" too:3, and why Lunar likes Color as they bully everyone else.
For Peepaw, we don't know much. Idiots just say they randomly found him and dragging him to the videos now/silly. Peepaw knows much more probably and I can't wait to learn about his lore.
Well! Thats allllll? Obviously its not all, but briefly its pretty much this as the base lore! Many things happen in discord, so I would recommend joining if you like the Idiots!:] We get fed by lore everyday, very yummy
Oh and! The lore going on with videos? I guess I should kinda go on with that too, but its basically now that Lunar and Sun has a deal. Sun has to make a body to Lunar so that Lunar will leave Moon alone. Yeaaahhh,,, silly
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