#I feel like the charlie day meme where he's smoking and raving about pepe silvia
mhbcaps · 10 months
on first impressions, people are afraid of Brother and people are afraid of Sanctuary but they're afraid of Sanctuary because they're worried about organ harvesting and they're afraid of Brother because they're worried about making a fool of themselves in front of her
everything about her says "do not fuck with me" but in a different way than say, David's presence says "do not fuck with me" - David carries himself and his weapons with such casual confidence that you know he could lay you out flat and he wouldn't even think about it later. he's a son of Night City. you'd have to be really good or really stupid to come at the flesh and blood of the street. Brother gives off more of a vibe of... I never bluff. I won't give you a warning if you cross me, and no one will remember you. after all, a girl doesn't get to sit in the back booths of the Afterlife without being scary good at what she does.
that's all impressions though. strangers often find Sanctuary off-putting, but their friends know they're funny and loyal and they just want to be given a chance without judgment, David is unflappable to those who don't know how much pain he's in all the time and just how much regret and fear weigh him down, most people see Brother the statuesque netrunner in the Afterlife and not soft-spoken, shy, devoted Bea on the outskirts of Night City with the man she loves, with an old photo of her brother finally framed on her desk, creaselines still visible under the glass because she couldn't bring herself to look at it for years
that's not to say there isn't truth to surface impressions. Sanctuary has done a lot of bad things to people and while they regret that they hurt their family as a Scav they don't regret the things they did; David can, will, and has put many a motherfucker in their place with his strength even as his head throbs and his vision flickers with old ghosts; Brother is brutally efficient and thorough in her work and there's good reason to fear her callsign out there in the net, but she doesn't take any particular joy in that.
anyway, the point of it all is that you can never really be sure that you know the truth of anything in Night City. being certain is a blessing granted by the people around you. tread carefully.
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