#I feel like suburbia and the American obsession with SOLO INDIVIDUAL INDEPENDENCE and BOOTSTRAP POLITICS have absolutely
anachrosims · 11 months
Maybe this is just a White People(tm) thing-- and none of you better come at me because a) I am a White People and b) even if I weren't, it's a fucking valid criticism--
Why is it that Gen X and older are so fucking hard to get assistance from? Like, "hey I've been super ill and am struggling to do basic self-care on top of my job can you be an extra pair of hands for 2-4hrs tops to help me throw stuff into boxes" is apparently a tall enough ask that every older adult in my life has tiptoed around just outright saying "no." But the second I ask my brother, who is an older Millennial, he's like "oh yeah sure, do you have a plan? You do? Great, I'll see when I can come over. ... Is Wednesday good? Awesome, I'll be there." EIGHT MONTHS of asking people and I should've just gone to my brother in the first place.
The fuck is up with that???? Like, I'm not even sorting stuff, or asking people to haul large furniture. I just cannot logistically do this alone and a second pair of hands for ONE SATURDAY tossing shit at random into boxes is all I ask. And I just wonder-- is this a generational thing or is this a White People/Generational thing? FFS.
EDIT: I ask if it's a White People Thing because I am well aware of many WASP and WASP-adjacent American cultural habits and that not everyone else does them. And I don't want to sit here and blame All Gen Xers and Boomers either. It is just... absolutely wild to me. Dealing with Millennials on the whole is so much easier than dealing with the general populace of older white folk and the older I get the less patience I have for all their stupid bullshit.
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