#I feel like digestivo is a mood
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hi! i read a lot of psychology articles and was wondering if you could make a list of vocab related to that, or direct me to a list like that. words for the brain, nervous system, etc.
So this might not be everything you’d want but I’ll try and include some of the words I know that might help as far as psychology and some of the more common parts of the brain.
The good thing is that many of the parts of the brain are pretty much the same words with a different accent. Wikipedia is a great source for this, just search “brain” in Wikipedia and change the language to Spanish
There are also words that make more sense if you understand the Latin or Greek behind them. For example la barrera hematoencefálica is the “blood-brain-barrier”… it’s made up of the word barrera which is “barrier” and then “hemo” which refers to “blood” [as in hemophilia], and then the other word is connected to the idea of “encephalus” which is “brain” [as in “encephalitis”]
In some contexts you’ll see the brain as el encéfalo or in some (usually older) contexts you might see it as los sesos where el seso does mean “brain”, but los sesos is used euphemistically as “brains” or “smarts”, and you usually only see seso today in a figurative sense.
So I’ll do basic physical brain vocab and then more psychology and theoretical psychology words:
el cerebro = brain
la cabeza = head
el cráneo = skullla calavera = skull
la columna = spine / backbone [lit. “column”]la columna vertebral = spine, spinal column
la médula espinal = spinal cord
la célula = cell
la glándula = glandla glándula pituitaria = pituitary gland
el nervio = nerve
la hormona = hormone
el músculo = muscle
la neurona = brain cell / neuron, nerve cell
el neurotransmisor = neurotransmitter
el bulbo raquídeo / la médula oblongata = medula oblongata
la sustancia gris = grey/gray matter
el lóbulo = lobe
el tálamo = thalamus
el cuerpo calloso = corpus callosum
la corteza cerebral = cerebral cortex
el cerebelo = cerebellum
el sistema nervioso (central) = (central) nervous system
el sistema digestivo = digestive system
el sistema endocrino = endocrine system
el sistema circulatorio = circulatory system
el sistema límbico = limbic system
el sistema inmunológico = immune systemel sistema inmune = immune system
la barrera hematoencefálica [BHE] = blood-brain-barrier [BBB]
el hipocampo = hippocampus
el hipotálamo = hypothalamus
la amígdala = amygdala [also means “tonsil” when talking about the throat, since it just kind of means “almond” in its etymology]
la sangre = blood
el oxígeno = oxygen
la enfermedad = disease
la salud = health
So now onto psychology as far as like Freud or Jung or things like that.
Some things to note:
First the field of psychology is almost always la psicología but in some older things you might see it done as sicología. Similar to any other word that involves “psych-”, Spanish at one point saw the P as optional because it didn’t really add anything to the pronunciation. But for the most part, modern Spanish almost always has the P in these words.
Also el trastorno is “disorder” in the medical sense and it extends to physical disorders and mental disorders, so whenever you see this word used it’s typically in a medical terminology.
There are also different words that have been taken from English psychological terms or translated directly that may be translated differently depending on what you read. A common one is “trigger” which as a verb is usually desatar [lit. “to untie/unleash”] or desencadenar [lit. “to unchain/unleash”]… but in a psychological context, it’s sometimes el trigger or you’ll see the approximation el gatillo. The word el gatillo is a literal “trigger” of a gun or a bomb, directly translated from English. There are some contexts where you’d see it as something like el desencadenante which is “the event that triggered something” or el catalizador “catalyst”. Just like English, the context is important and typically el trigger/gatillo is more psychological, while the other words are sometimes more figurative.
Another one that sometimes shows up in certain psychological contexts is “bullying”. A lot of Spanish uses hacer bullying for “to bully”, and el bullying as the noun. In other places you might see el abuso “abuse” or el acoso “harassment”; but they sometimes have different meanings, where abusar might be “to abuse” rather than the connotation that “bullying” sometimes suggests, and el acoso or acosar is also the verb used for “stalking”, “harassment”, and the idea of “creeping on (someone)”. In legal situations, “bullying” is often translated as abuso probably to get across what a serious legal issue it is.
There’s also a difference in Spanish translation of “psyche” which I can’t totally make a good note for in the list, so I’ll just explain here. Part of the issue is just the theoretical language of it.
The idea of a “psyche” as far as meaning human emotions and your personality is normally understood as la psique which is the direct translation of “Psyche” where it came from Greek and Greek mythology. When you use la psique you typically are using it as a synonym for “soul”.
People also use the words la psiquis and el psiquismo which you’d normally see in some kind of Freudian literature. The idea is that la psiquis is (more or less) the “psyche” as in your conscious and unconscious. And el psiquismo is a concept around the way a person - and their mind - interacts and learns. So these two words do mean “psyche”, but usually in theoretical concepts of the brain and psychology.
Typically you’ll only see la psique for “psyche” and it usually refers to either your basic personality, temperament, and morals, but also how those things are created in the brain or changed. Also more frequently than la psique you might see la mente “mind” for this.
In other words, el cerebro is usually the physical structure, and la psique or la mente are usually used in contexts with intangible things, emotions, sensations, morals, desires, feelings, thought, and perception.
Anyway, onto the new vocab:
la psicología = psychology
el psicólogo, la psicóloga = psychologist
la psiquiatría = psychiatry
el/la psiquiatra = psychiatrist
pensar = to think
creer = to believe
asumir / suponer = to assume / to suppose
averiguar = to find out, to ascertain
saber = to know (facts)
conocer = to know (people/places), to become familiar with
oler = to smell [an irregular verb in present tense]
ver = to see
oír = to hear
tocar = to touch [also “to play (instruments)” or “to play (music)”]
saber / probar = to taste[usually the act of tasting is probar, the use of saber is like sabe a algo “it tastes like something”]
sonar = to sound (like something) / to ring (bell), to go off (alarm/siren)[as in me suena familiar “it sounds familiar to me”]
soñar (con algo/alguien) = to dream (of something/someone)desvelar = to stay awake, to keep awake
percibir = to perceive
sentir = to sense [often used as “to hear” or “to notice”]
sentirse = to feel (emotions)
sufrir = to suffersufrir de (algo) = to suffer from (something), “to have (an illness)”
malentender = to misunderstand
malinterpretar = to misinterpret, to misunderstand
la medicina = medicine
la ciencia = science
la droga = drug
la dopamina = dopamine
la oxitocina = oxytocin
la serotonina = serotonin
la depresión = depression
el bienestar = well-being, welfare
el trastorno = disorder
la enfermedad = illness, sickness
enfermo/a = ill, sick
el humor = mood
la teoría = theory
el pensamiento = thought
la creencia = belief
la hipótesis = hypothesishipotético/a = hypothetical
el sesgo = bias [especially in statistics]el sesgo de confirmación = confirmation bias
el prejuicio = bias / prejudice, discrimination
el olfato = (sense of) smell
la vista = (sense of) sight, eyesight
el oído = (sense of) hearing / ear, inner-ear
el tacto = (sense of) touch
el gusto = (sense of) taste
el conocimiento = awareness / understanding
desconocido/a = unknown
la sabiduría = knowledge, wisdom
el sueño = dream / sleepiness, sleeptener sueño = to be sleepy
el desvelo = sleeplessness, wakefulness
el insomnio = insomnia, sleeplessness
la percepción = perception, understanding
la comprensión = understanding, comprehension
el sentido = a sense
el sentimiento = feeling
la sobrecarga = overload, short-circuitla sobrecarga sensorial = sensory overload
el dolor de cabeza = headachela migraña = migraine, headachela jaqueca = migraine [a jaqueca is always understood as very severe, so it’s usually “migraine” or “throbbing headache”; particularly understood as being chronic or happening a lot]
la memoria = memory [also used as “memory” in the case of “ability to remember”]el recuerdo = memory [often used as individual “memories” or things someone remembers; unrelated, it also means “souvenir”]
el análisis = analysis [plural is los análisis]
la prueba = test / sample
la muestra (estadística) = sample [as in “sampling of people” for tests]la muestra aleatoria = random sampling / randomized sampling
el grupo de control = control group
el dolor = pain
la pena = sorrow [sometimes la pesadumbre in older works]
el duelo = grief, mourning, loss
el luto = mourning(estar) de luto = (to be) in mourning
el sufrimiento = suffering
el tratamiento = treatment [can be used as “medical treatment/care”, or also the way someone “treats” someone else]
la motivación = motivation
el motivo = motive, reason
la razón = reason
el método = method
el incentivo = incentive, motivation
el impulso = impulse / drive, impetus
el estímulo = stimulus
la investigación = research [or “investigation”, but in science it’s usually “research”]
el resultado = result
el expediente = document, record, file
el archivo = file / archive
el dato, los datos = data
el mecanismo de defensa = defense mechanismel retraimiento = withdrawal, pulling away, isolationla negación = denialla proyección = projectionla disociación = dissociationla represión = repressionla regresión = regressionla racionalización = rationalizationla compartimentalización = compartmentalizingla sublimación = sublimation
las cinco etapas del duelo = the 5 stages of griefla negación = denialla ira = angerla negociación = bargaining / negotiationla depresión = sadness, depressionla aceptación = acceptance
las emociones (básicas) = (basic) emotionsla alegría = happinessla tristeza = sadnessel miedo = fearel asco = disgustla ira = anger
alegre = happy
triste = sad
enojado/a = angry
la fobia = phobia, irrational fear
tener miedo a (algo/alguien) = to be afraid of (something/someone)
la interpretación de sueños = dream analysis, dream interpretation
la pesadilla = nightmare
la jerarquía de las necesidades humanas = hierarchy of (human) needs
la autorrealización = self-realization
la autoestima = self-esteem
la personalidad = personality
el temperamento = temperament
la actitud = attitude
el carácter = (a person’s) character, the way a person is, nature
la naturaleza = nature
el rasgo = trait, characteristic
¿Se nace o se hace? = “Nature vs. Nurture”[lit. “is one born (with it) or does one become (it)”]
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