#I even had to watch that scene again because didn't payed attention xD
neorukix · 2 years
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Now that you heard me scream, may I urge you to listen to Orikasa Fumiko’s cover of Ado’s “USSEEWA”? Because, in my humble opinion, is so much better than Ado’s, sorry ;w;
Also, friendly reminder that Ori-san voices Ruki in Tamers and Xros Wars uwu
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coquelicoq · 2 months
reading the posts of your rewatch of the double (or so i assume), and being Vastly Entertained XD would you ever consider making a post on your top 5 favorite outfits from the show?
ahaha this is a funny thing to be asked because i pay almost no attention to costumes...really wish i did but it's one of those things that my brain totally glosses over. other people will write insanely thoughtful costume meta practically off the cuff (no pun intended) and i'm like, i'm...pretty sure they were wearing clothes?? i WILL however tell you the top three moments in which i noticed an outfit and you can make of that what you will!
three. wanning's outfit that she's wearing when she kills her dad, SPECIFICALLY because of the sleeve flip she does as she's walking away. CHILLING. obviously i didn't notice her outfit before that, and i still could not tell you anything about it such as what color it was or, like, fabric or idk pattern? embroidery?? i know it had sleeves though.
two. shen yurong's robe (again i don't know what it looks like) that time that wanning collapses to the floor and tells him not to touch her after he tells her to marry li jin. the way he stands over her shaking out his sleeves in slomo!!!! goosebumps.
one. xiao heng's fuckoff cape ensemble at the guqin exam. THE STRUT MAKES THE MAN. he's 100% channeling the party don't start till i walk in and everybody knows it including me. even if i had had no self-awareness about my own lack of attention to costumes before watching this, seeing gifsets of his outfits on tumblr is what would have made me realize, because apparently he wears this outfit at earlier points in the show but i didn't make any note of it until this scene (and even then, i thought it was a brand new outfit and didn't recognize it from earlier scenes). the whole buildup with him getting dressed in slomo with layers billowing artistically and his bodyguards commenting on how long it was taking, then the dramatic entrance...i sat up in my chair. you got my attention. it's all about the attitude for me. i knew he was wearing clothes in his earlier scenes but that's the one scene where he's wearing Clothes. hope that makes sense!
honorable mention goes to the cloak that xiao heng wraps around xue fangfei's shoulders that one time she's drunk in the rain because i've not been able to stop thinking about it even after finishing my rewatch. facts: 1) he has also been standing in the rain. 2) that cloak is soaking wet. 3) fabric saturated in water is heavy. 4) he puts this heavy wet thing on her and thinks that he's helping but this is the best part: 5) he then picks her, wearing the sodden cloak, up in a bridal carry, thus adding to the weight that he has to carry in his arms instead of distributing it more sensibly across his shoulders. and again it is not actually keeping her dry. congratulations little buddy that's the worst you could have done it 👍
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reddieandwaiting87 · 2 years
Top 5 times Misha ruined supernatural
Wow that's a great one @chiazu thank you!!
I mean I could just say by being himself and ugly but you said top 5 so here goes.
I will try and make this all Misha and not Asstiel moments.
Top 5 times Misha ruined Supernatural.
1.) Sucking up to Singer. Alot of things I will mention here is due to the fact Misha sucked up to Singer and became his little pet. Eye bags is smart and knows whose ass to kiss.
2.) Staying WELL over his time. Asstiel never should have came out of that lake in S7. But again friends with Singer, so when Sera fucked up the budget and Singer got more control of course eye bags comes back. And Misha says yes because again he knows he will NEVER get a gig like SPN again.
3.) Forcing his way into photoshoots. Again cause he was friends with Singer (and took a pay cut cause the man is just an attention whore and cares more about being seen then money.) He gets to be the 3rd wheel and stick out like an ugly sore thumb off the show now as well as on it. Also then his fans think he is a lead. Lol no.
4.) Taking away from Mark.S finally SPN scene/Crowley dying. I think this was more Singer/Dabb giving Mark.S a big fuck you. Just like taking him out of the bloopers in S12. For daring to point somethings out to them. But I'm sure Misha really had to be forced into getting attention too. Having Asstiel die in a lame way isn't a bad thing. I mean it's what his character deserves but to do it right after Crowley and when we all knew Asstiel would be back yeah. Fuck Singer and Misha for that one. They would rather piss off one of the few good actors on the show and keep the useless dead weight cause one sucks up to them while other who can act btw dares to say something.
5.) Now the show is over instead of being thankful and showing appreciation to the show that put up with his talentless ass. Eye bags forever the classy good looking man he is. Wants attention and pandering to shippers only does so much. So now he wants everyone to believe he was picked on and he had a smaller trailer then J2.
Well duh you fucking cunt, your an over the hill bad actor, side character. While they are the stars of the fucking show. You wouldn't have a job without them. Remember you didn't have a job for over a year without them? Singer go only do so much for you.
And that he didn't enjoy working on the show. While not outright saying J2 where Jerks to him (cause he still needs to let on to Cockley cunts he and Jensen are BFFs in RL.) But hinting enough to get sympathy and make J2/SPN look bad.
He can't even lie convincingly because if the show was that bad and the environment so awful. Why come back after S7? Why take a pay cut to stay on? Why cry like a bitch when you found out J2 wanted to move on?
I know you said 5 things which I did but you can't mention Misha ruining Supernatural and not mention the worst ship ever.
Bonus mention!!!!
Another way Misha ruined the show and the fandom was Destiel.
While yes Misha didn't come up with it and there is nothing wrong with ships and shipping. Fuck every show/Movie we watch or book we read we all ship something. Some don't even make sense or aren't canon cause thats the beauty of shipping.
Unless you are a loser that tries to make fake ships canon and then cry queer bait and how everyone is homophobic for not shipping you ship. Get a life no one likes you. Just FYI 🤪
But Misha ever the loser and attention whore. Has made the Destiel ship and Destiehellers one of the most entitled loud bunch of unlikeable cry babies ever to exist in a fandom and thats saying alot.
So thats why it gets a special message. XD
In short Misha is gross inside and out and seeing less of him is amazing.
Thank you for the ask anon. That was fun.
If anymore has anymore send them my way.
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It is going to be a huge text, so I will just highlight some points to the people who don't want to read it all. If you don't want to read everything just search for paragraphs like this
So, basically, I started watching timeless when it first aired in 2017. I passed trough the cancelling drama and stuff, but ended up not watching the second season because I was too busy for that.
Now, five years later, I have finally got my hands onto a streaming that has Timeless (I'm not from USA, so this took a while) and was ready to watch it. I finished everything in like three days and I'm just... a.
There's a lot of things that I think that happened just because they couldn't explore the plot well in 90 minutes. These thing's I'll highlight in green.
About Wyatt, Lyatt and Jessica
I actually liked Lyatt in the first season and the Hollywood episode was pretty nice. It was clear that they liked each other, and even though It wasn't mega exciting, I was happy for them. But then Jessica happened...
Wyatt was nice in the first season, but in the second one I think the writers tried really hard to make him despicable AND MANAGED TO DO IT.
I didn't hate him, but he was clearly dumb, selfish and the things that Jessica said about their marriage were never prooved to be wrong, so he was also explosive and dangerous. I was actually waiting for the series to reveal that he wasn't that cheating drunk man that Jessica portrayed, but it never did it.
Just look at how he punched Lucy! It was without intentions, but he couldn't control himself when she came closer! Man...
I think Jessica was really pregnant, but they didn't have time to explore it in the short season's finale so they just gave that terrible and quick excuse.
- Hey, what about that baby that would cause a big trouble or at least a really sad scene of Wyatt discovering that he was being fooled? - Oh, just make future Wyatt tell it was a lie in one line.
C'mon guys!!! The way the series portrayed before S02x11, Jessica actually really loved Wyatt and it was going to be a big problem for Rittenhouse in the future.
I understand that, just like Wyatt said, his situation was without precedents (usually your dead wife doesn't come back from the dead XD), BUT he was still acting terrible. Just like my babe Flynn said: Lucy is not your wife, the blonde girl is.
I can fully understand Wyatt and still despise him so much, it is just hard.
About Garcia Flynn and Garcy
First, I have to say that I have always loved Garcia Flynn. I watched the first season a long time ago so I couldn't remember exactly why, but it didn't take too long until I had fallen in love with him all over again.
Garcia is just charming, smart, funny and even though it concerns me, I felt completely in love with him everytime he punched a bad guy. This man is just... wow.
I have always tought that he and Lucy where just friends, really. I thought that he only admired her for who she was and for helping him (even though we didn't know how at the beggining) to revenge his family.
But man... It all started when Jessica came back. The way Flynn waited until she was clearly single to make a move on her... Not only smart, but so cute!
As they were always next to eachother we were able to see the way he looked at her... just... so sweetly. He knew her from the diary and started admiring her by that, but I believe that as soon as he started to know the person behind those writings it just was impossible not to fall in love.
That moment between them in the Chinatown episode I went just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA When she read about the kiss in the Titanic also, man! My heart even started racing! He takes care of her and knows how to do it, it was so obvious that he was in love and I just- I JUST CAN'T DEAL WITH IT.
She started to look for him, to trust him and actually pay attention on him in a romantic way...
They have only killed Flynn because he was a HUGE loose end. In a universe where Flynn exists Lucy would never end up with Wyatt.
His chemistry with Lucy was CLEAR and only growing every episode.
The way he was always there for her, the way their friendship was growing and revealing to be way more than that... Lyatt could never.
Lyatt was obvious and quick, something that I could have easily accepted to watch ending. Garcy was being built carefully with a good foundation. It was suposed to be Flynn with Lucy in the end.
Other points
It is also sad how Jiya's powers were just ignored in the last episode. I think that time related powers would have probably become a thing in the series and generate a lot of plot for us.
Timeless, in my point of view, could have been here with us for at least two more seasons.
I feel sad about how it was cancelled. I don't think it was a 10/10 series, but I still had a emotional conection with it and its characters. I almost cried when Rufus died and I didn't even knew that I loved him this much.
Lucy also decided out of nowhere not to save her sister because this was ALSO a loose end. I believe that her sister could have been a new villain.
And her father just giving up on Rittenhouse like this? A big no for me. It just happened for the series finale. We have already learned that people in Rittenhouse struggle a lot to get out.
Emma wasn't that weak to die so quickly and had already proofed herself to be actually dangerous. She KILLED the head of the Rittenhouse and people did nothing out of FEAR.
About characters
Jiya Marri was awesome with her powers and inteligence. I was completely OMGOMGOMGOMG when she ran away from Rittenhouse!
Rufus Carlin was cute, even though I have found him annoying sometimes.
As I said, I can't even remember why I did like Wyatt Logan in the first season.
Garcia Flynn will haunt my dreams just as Lorenzo from TVD has done (literally, I dreamt about him for weeks). I think that it is becoming too common for me to fall for european bad guys and I need to find my own XD
I can't believe how I started to like Lucy Preston. One of the saddest things in the series ending is that I won't be able to see more of her.
In the end, after 40 minutes writing, I just have to say that I enjoyed Timeless and it is really sad that it just has 2 seasons.
I give it a 8/10 for making me love the characters, even though i think that some dialogue lines where a little bit cheesy.
Thank you, Timeless, for everything that you provided to us.
~Especially Flynn~
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Akylosaurus and apatasaurus!
(Did I get the spelling right this time?)
Nope XD
Ankylosaurus - share some of your favorite descriptive text
I have so little sections of descriptive text XD. Idk if this is 100 descriptive but it's pretty descriptive and it is a scene I really love.
I stirred into consciousness, aware of the light weight of a blanket over me, a chilliness to the air. Aware of the quiet around us, slowly waking enough to hear some nightlife from outside. I lay there for a while, half conscious, slowly remembering exactly where I was and why the bed felt so different and why I was vaguely aware of a presence next to me.
Slowly I opened my eyes. It was still dark, a bit of ambient light from outside coming in through the thin curtains, enough that I could see outlines. I was still fully dressed, on top of the covers, but a quilt had been laid over me, offering some warmth but not enough for the chilly night. A bit too many pillows were under my head, propped up from sitting but not set up for sleeping. Things I would normally take off to sleep— my watch, my belt— were now digging into me uncomfortably. 
Despite the discomforts, I could feel I’d been sleeping deeper and better than I had in a long time. I wanted to drift off again, return to it. I might not get another chance. But my watch still dug into me and the blanket was still too light, so despite it waking me more, I moved to take my watch and belt off and lay them on the bed stand next to me. I caught a glimpse of the clock sitting on the nightstand and by squinting a bit I could tell it was somewhere near the 4AM hour. I turned back over and saw Raymond next to me, under the covers. His eyes were closed and I could hear him breathing deeply.
Apatosaurus - share some of your favorite dialogue
There's a tiny bit more than dialogue here of course but this is a really good scene. Got a bit of everything... romantic tension, trauma, consent, argument, comfort
I felt his hand touch my arm and turned back to him, and for a second he looked like he wanted to say something. He was a step taller than me, and I didn't usually have to look up towards him but I was, and I saw when he decided against whatever he’d wanted to say and withdrew his hand from my arm, and he shifted his weight to the foot on the higher step and he was farther away from me.
“What?” I asked, and couldn't help but feel like I had once again ruined his happy moment, somehow.
He smiled. “I like you better. Unfocused. That’s all.”
And now I had to pay attention to it again, to how I was acting and if I might be missing something, and what about my comment made him say that because honestly it sounded to me like the same type of paranoid comment he hated. “Why?”
He grinned, his eyes crinkling up in almost-laughter. “Because of this, because it’s more fun, because we aren’t fighting or even worrying about everything.”
He was still happy but the comment seemed to twist something, to pull at my own having-fun. “Focusing isn’t why I worry about things,” and I was obviously still worried about things, anyway, so what did he mean? “Do you just not like me telling you what to do?” 
It had come out before I could stop myself, and I could feel it, the snapping, the arguing, the fighting back, and then Raymond reached a hand toward me again— my face, my shoulder, I wasn’t sure— but on instinct, I jerked away from him. His face flashed in hurt, and I’d messed up again. He’d reached toward me for comfort, of course he had. 
“Sorry,” I took a deep breath. 
He nodded. “Thanks.” he didn’t meet my eye for a moment, then asked, “Should I not try to touch you?”
My wincing had been my fault, not his.  “It’s fine.”
“Is it actually?” he asked, concern in his voice.
I paused. I owed it to him to answer it honestly, and why had I winced? “I don’t know why I reacted like that,” I said after a moment. “But you can.”
He nodded and gave me a smile, but it was less genuine than it had been a minute ago. “I don’t like when you tell me what to do,” he said thoughtfully. “But even if you are, I prefer it to come from this Terran. The one that isn’t just thinking about survival, but… I think… might want to be happy.”
From this
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Mr. Pigeon 72!
I knew this was going to be a really good episode, just because the synopsis we got and the trailer seemed pretty bland. Whenever ML does that, a lot of big things happen in that episode. I screamed and choked on my water in the opening scene where Ladybug's with Alya in Marinette's room. I've been looking forward to Alya and Marinette scenes sooo much since Gang of Secrets! Wayzz & Alya: Hey Marinette, you should take a break and rest. Marinette: Nah, I'm good I gotta keep working Alya: YOU'RE LOSING IT, GIRL! Marinette: Don't care, must work Alya: Okay... you know Adrien and Kagami broke up, right? Marinette: Wait what?! Oh no, Kagami needs me! Alya: Not the reaction I was expecting but okay "Let's not wait for the storm to pass, but let's dance in the rain." I really like this quote! Even during bad times, you need to find the good and enjoy it. And Marinette reaaaally needs to do that. But in a literal sense, please don't dance outside during a dangerous storm.
ALYA AND TRIXX ALDJFSLJDS oh I love them, I'm so happy we'll get to see more of them. The way they both reacted to Marinette saying she has to go console Kagami, they weren't expecting that. xD But I was! I find it very amusing how in episodes like Frightningale she was more upset with Chloe being Ladybug than Chloe being in a video with Adrien that Alya's shocked by her decision, and in Frozer where Marinette was putting Adrien's wants before hers. I really don't understand why people think just because she likes Adrien, she'd not want to help make those around her happy even if it wasn't what she wanted for herself. I'm not surprised at all that Marinette would do this for Kagami, but I'm very happy that she is. "Alya, in Paris, Kagami has no other friend except me. Only I can console her." This makes me so happy. The only times in this show I like Kagami, is when she's with Marinette. After watching this episode, I'm more and more thankful she finally told Alya about being Ladybug I don't even want to know the state she'd be in had she not. O.O She almost ran out of her room as Ladybug (whoops), then almost ran out in her pjs (again, oops). Thanks to Alya, she didn't do either. xD That little detail where Marinette runs out and the sun's really intense, letting us know she's been inside a really long time, so everything outside is really bright. I really appreciate the little things like that. Or at least, that's what I take it as. Unless they're hinting at summer coming up soon... Dang Marinette, just jumps on Kagami's back LOL Kind of reminds me how Chat Noir likes to come up on Ladybug. xD "Your so original friend." Marinette is pretty original! I know the tone implies that's not a good thing, but eh. She's letting her go with Marinette and spend time away, so who cares! Marinette trying really hard to convince Kagami to get back with Adrien and how she's going to help her. I think it's really sweet of her, but Kagami of course clearly doesn't want to. Plagg: What's wrong with you, jumping into ice water! YOU'RE LOSING IT! Adrien: *exposes duffle bag full of Camembert* Plagg: I take back everything I said about you Also huh, Alya just told Marinette she's losing it, now Plagg tells Adrien he's losing it...hmmm. Bob Roth is a horrible person and each time we see him, he does something else to show it. Poor Adrien's allergic to pigeons specifically. I guess he's okay with some birds but not others? Idk? But he told Gabriel it'd be doves, so he approved. But it turned out to be pigeons instead. To be fair, at least in the US, Mourning Doves are often mistaken as pigeons, at least where I live, so they'd make a decent substitute... if it wasn't for Adrien's allergy. Adrien in Gorizilla to Wayhem: If you stop following me around screaming, I think we could be good friends! Wayhem with Cardboard Cut-out Adrien in Mr. Pigeon 72: ADRIENNNNNNN! :/ Marinette has a bag full of everything she may need in all kinds of situations. Comes in handy but good grief girl! How do you lug that all around??? What kind of scenarios do you think up to think of
some of that stuff!? Marinette's so adorable in her bathing suit awwww! Dude. Bob Roth. He said he's allergic to pigeons! And you blame Mr. Ramier because Adrien sneezed and it scared the pigeon away? How is this man successful again? He doesn't listen to anything or anybody. Marinette's like hey Kagami, look at Adrien. You'll start liking him again. Do you feel your heart beating fast now? And she's like "I feel especially bad for the trainer (Mr. Ramier)". I mean same though. He's being treated horribly! x.x Next take, Adrien dives and he sees Marinette with Kagami. But I think he only saw Marinette. Because he says he thought he saw a friend from school (Kagami doesn't attend their school, just the fencing class, as far as we're aware) and also he makes no mention of Kagami at all in this episode. Which means...
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Why's your jaw dropping at the sight of your "just a friend" in a bathing suit, Adrien? And, you know, Kagami's literally right there in a bathing suit, too. Just saying. But it's like she's not even there to him. Hmmmmm. Poor Kagami's like, this entire thing is embarrassing, I feel embarrassed for me, Adrien, and this situation. Kagami: Marinette, stop! It's getting crazy! Marinette: Love is crazy! Don't think about it! I love how the more Marinette tries to help Kagami, the more things are working out in Marinette's favor. Interesting, isn't it? The more she tries to tell Adrien her feelings and make opportunities for them, the more they fail. The more she tries to help Kagami, or someone else, the more opportunities for her land in her lap. Hahahahaha the way they both fall LOL "Marinette? 😮" *guilty smile* AND THEN THEY TAKE DOWN POOR EDGAR! :( Mr. Ramier's in the background giving the poor bird CPR as he's drowned and Marinette and Adrien are just casually talking not paying attention lolol "What are you doing here?" "I came to surprise you." Kind of, she was hoping to help Kagami get back with Adrien. So that's a kind of surprise! "Uh, well to relax!" True too, actually. Alya did send her off because she needed to get out of the house and relax from her Ladybug and Guardian duties. Marinette, everyone needs to be careful when at a pool. Clumsy people like you especially need to be careful! lol Good thing Adrien's already seen her fall so many times, it's nothing new lol Gabriel: It's a failure Bob Roth: It's not my fault, it's his! Mr. Ramier: You are under arrest! Edgar is my best friend. He's the most intelligent of the pigeons! Gabriel: It's a pigeon Bob Roth: WHAAAT? IT'S A PIGEON? RAMIER, YOU LIED TO ME. Sorry Gabriel, I'll replace this man! I know a shark trainer First off... LOL that whole scene XDD I actually knew Bob Roth was going to say that entire thing before I heard it lolol Second... awww Edgar's okay! c: and third... I'M SORRY, YOU WANT OUR PRECIOUS BOY TO BE AROUND SHARKS?!?!? Who keeps this man employed?!?! Idk why but this whole time I thought that everyone would turn into giant talking pigeons lol ah well "I realized my mistake! We'll recreate the moment where you fell in love!" ohhh? Like I mentioned earlier, whenever she tries to do something to help Kagami (or someone else) that's when her intentions work out best for her. 😉 One of my favorite things from Style Queen was Plagg and Ladybug working together. Now they're working together again and just... ahhhh I gushed so much at that scene! x3 YESSSSSSS what I've been waiting for! Ladybug can just call Alya now and be like hey, I need your help! And Alya can just be like okay cool, and either goes to her room to get the Miraculous herself, or finds her and gets the Miraculous. So cool! Of course, I'll be most excited if she ever gets to just keep it on her, but... baby steps. Rena did a phenomenal job speaking as both Ladybug and Chat Noir lol. She's such a fan of them both, she knows just how they are around each other. Oh, oh no. We're trapped against a wall by a few pigeons. Looks like our only option is to give up and remove our Miraculous and reveal our identities. Are you seriously buying that, Gabriel? Plagg's like HELLO I'll be taking this! Alya did everything from inside Marinette's room. Ladybug was trapped in that room at the pool the entire time. All it took for this akuma to be defeated was Illusion that can be done from anywhere and Plagg getting the object off Mr. Pigeon. That's amazing! Also, this is the first time Ladybug didn't have to actually see things around her to know what to do. She just focused and thought about it. o.o Okay so hold up. Thanks to Alya, Marinette now knows she can create charms to protect past akuma victims and keep them from getting reakumatized, which is wonderful. I love how much of an impact Alya knowing is having! BUT How exactly does Monsier Rat come about then if he has a charm to protect him??? 🤔🤔🤔 I really like how her drive to want to figure things out was
especially because Mr. Ramier's been akumatized so many times, and she wanted to help him from having to continue to go through that. "This girl is truly Miraculous" awww cute how he got to just watch that this time.
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I screamed at this moment because I knew. Since Origins, we have not seen this exact sky. Even during rainy scenes like in Chat Blanc or New York, they didn't look like this. YES, Kagami knows that the way Marinette feels about Adrien shows how much she loves him, but she knows she doesn't feel that way about Adrien too. And "You're right, Adrien is perfect... perfect for you." With a smile and everything! Awwwwww! This acceptance, and the Marinette and Kagami friendship in this episode is really, really good! 😭 "Wow, have you kept it [the umbrella] all this time?" She sure wasn't expecting that!! But wow Adrien, you noticed? Then Coup de Foudre happens again. Yeah, this girl is never getting out of her feelings for him.
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Of course she's having trouble with her words still, but that's okay. But she's like oh, I'll give it back, and he just pushes it to her and says she'll need it to get home... unless she'd like a ride with him. AND SHE ACTUALLY ACCEPTED AND WRAPPED HER ARM AROUND HIS OMG.
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To then only have the umbrella close on BOTH of them!
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AND THEN ASKS IF HE WANTS TO WALK INSTEAD BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE UMBRELLA! She's come so far! And the sheer disappointment when he remembers he can't because of his Chinese lesson :/ And then, because he can't not be looking at Marinette, he hits the back of his head on the car, making himself look silly, just like in Origins she made herself look silly. This time she laughs, and he laughs with her. And it's literally Umbrella Scene 2.0 and it's absolutely everything.
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DORKS ❤️❤️❤️ "They are made for each other." awwwww instead of Master Fu, this time it's Kagami. And she sounds very okay with that, that's so nice. "Let's not wait for the storm to pass, but let's dance in the rain." Then proceeds to dance in the rain!
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Ahhh what a refreshing, good episode after how much she's been struggling and crying! So lovely! Her friendships with Alya and Kagami were really strong in this episode, her doing her best to help her friend with the guy she herself has always liked, and then Kagami was the one that wasn't really into it, and it made both girls realize that Marinette loves Adrien and is the one best for him, not Kagami. And I'm pretty sure this episode helped Adrien to open his eyes to Marinette more too. At least, this is the beginning of that, anyway! Alya's such a tremendous help to Ladybug now, which is everything. I do wonder if more friends will very slowly start to find out her identity and they end up contributing more to bringing down Hawk Moth, so she really, really isn't alone like she once thought. I don't really have any complaints about this episode at all! Just a bit sad we had no actual Chat Noir, but we got Ladybug and Plagg from it, so it's fine with me! x3 I know some may see it as "Chat Noir isn't necessary, how dare they do this to him!" but no, he's very necessary, sometimes he just can't be there and she can't do it alone. You have to remember how much Chat Noir means to Ladybug, and that she wouldn't even BE Ladybug if it weren't for Chat Noir! I'm really curious now about what episode 5 is, since now we've gotten Episodes 1-4, 6, we're getting 7,8, and 13 later, and we've already gotten 11. Filling in the gaps for the first half of the season! This entire week is going to be crazy with the new episodes, and for each one I'll be writing one of these posts for, so be on the look out for them!
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