#I enjoy Gon as a comedic character more now AND I'm picking up more on the slow-burn horror of his transformation into something dangerous
brown-little-robin · 6 months
I'm rewatching Hunter x Hunter (watched a good portion of it when I was pretty small), and I am pleased to conclude yet again that I only enjoy my favorite anime more as I age. I have more developed taste and more literacy to appreciate my media with. The new delights far outweigh the slight fading of some of the other aspects that used to draw me in.
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Phantom Troupe Drama CD English Translation-Track 13
CD : HUNTER×HUNTER~Next Episode Scene 3 幻影旅団 (Link)
Track 13 さらわれた団長 "The kidnapped Leader" starts at 47.15.
This is a fun bonus content from the 1999 anime that I decided to translate because I want others to enjoy it too (´꒳`)♡ Do note that some of the characters might act in an unusual comedic manner.
This scene takes place at the Beitacle hotel after Chrollo got kidnapped by Kurapika. The troupe members decided to talk about their boss's bad habit. Killua and Gon are supposed to be listening to the whole thing too (which makes it funnier).
[Nobunaga] Boss…!
[Machi] This is because you’re..dense.
[Shizuku] That’s right. Boss is unexpectedly dense.
[Pakunoda] Yeah. If I don't bring it to him, he'll definitely miss out on his meals.
[Kortopi] He’s also greedy.
[Machi] Rather than greedy, he’s kind of possessive, isn’t he? That time I accidentally ate his pudding. After that, for two or three days, every time he saw me he said "pudding… my pudding…"
[Shizuku] Ah! The same thing happened to me too.
[Machi] Such a mild stalker, that guy.
[Pakunoda] But that part of him is cute.
[Nobunaga] That’s because you coddle him all the time, Paku. He’s always gonna be like that.
[Kortopi] Discipline is important.
[Pakunoda] Discipline..? He’s not a dog.
[Machi] If he were a dog, he would just come back on his own.
[Shizuku] Way better than boss, huh.
[Pakunoda] No way… Boss doesn’t need to be taken out for walks, nor does he wet himself.
[Nobunaga] Paku, you’re not making him look any better.
[Kortopi] More like dragging him through the mud.
[Shizuku] Ah! They’re here!
[Phinks] Explain the situation.
[Shizuku] In my case, it was almond jelly.
[Phinks] Huh?
[Feitan] What talk about?
[Machi] We’re talking about Paku coddling the boss too much, which makes him become more like a possessive stalker.
[Shalnark] I'm having trouble following all this.
[Nobunaga] In short, it's about how Boss sulks when Machi accidentally ate his pudding, and when Shizuku accidentally ate his almond jelly.
[Feitan] Straight up.
[Phinks] I get what you guys are saying. Back then, I had eaten his Azuki bar, then he stood by my bedside for three days and three nights.
[Machi] You too, Phinks?!
[Shizuku] I see that you have also been victimized by his unexpected side!
[Phinks] Why is the LEADER of the Phantom Troupe that upset over an ice cream in the first place? While he has us at his beck and call at all times.
[Shalnark] Well, that can’t be helped since we're his subordinates, but over an ice cream..? That’s kinda petty.
[Phinks] I know right?
[Pakunoda] Well, Boss is a person who likes ice cream!
[Kortopi] Pudding and Jelly-
[Pakunoda] Those too.
[Machi] That’s why I call him spoiled.
[Nobunaga] He cherry-picks the good stuff after al.
[Feitan] That, I understand. Boss the type to order from the secret menu at a sushi restaurant.
[Shalnark] Now that you mention it, he never eats the crust of a bread, right?
[Machi] That time, he ate only about five centimeters of the middle of a watermelon that had been split in half.
[Kortopi] Who only eats the strawberries on a shortcake?
[Shizuku] Ah. One time he snatched my food that I left out to eat last.
[Pakunoda] That also happened to me…
[Phinks] Not to mention he only ate the burnt rice of a stone-grilled bibimbap.
[Machi] Jeez. Our Boss is really hopeless, huh.
[Chrollo] I have no value as a hostage.
════════ End of track ════════
TL Notes & Commentary:
I've seen some people say "Chrollo eats pudding like a pig" which is half true. Kortopi called him 意地汚い, meaning "greedy, gluttonous, and piggy-like." More on how he hogs his food, less on how he eats it.
The almond jelly is 杏仁豆腐. A jellied dessert made of apricot kernel milk, agar, and sugar.
Machi actually says 粘着質ストーカ. 粘着 literally means “sticky”, so he’s really clingy and persistent. I think Machi is so done with danchou, hence the choice of words.
Azuki Bar
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