#I don't rebuy books I've let go but I may have to make an exception
fuckyeahfightlock · 5 months
It's a bummer that everyone after Gen X has forgotten Tama Janowitz's Slaves of New York.
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(of course I had photos of Tama in my bedroom; look how big her hair was! goddess.)
It was one of my favourite books, and the film starring Bernadette Peters is a gem. I'ma watch it tomorrow, even if I have to pay 4 entire dollhairs.
I venture to posit that Janowitz, considered one of the "Brat Pack" authors of 1980s New York novels alongside Jay MacInearney and Bret Easton Ellis, though acclaimed, was never as famous or truly well-regarded as the men in that group, because SEXISM. (And I recall a lot of gossip in the late '80s that she was actually either a man in drag or a transwoman, implying a woman could not possibly be as talented a writer as her male colleagues.)
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