#I don't like how her second picture looks like Makima
waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
Prisoner 010: Okura Mayumi - Trial 2
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General info
Verdict: GUILTY
Physical changes: Mayumi's hair is often tied into a braid now, laid over her shoulder. Unlike the rest of the guilty prisoners, her face isn't pale and she hasn't developed any eyebags. Its likely that she hasn't been plagued by nightmares. Her longer restraints are the only aspect of her uniform that has changed.
Behavioral changes: She's become more reserved and quiet, mostly only talking to Haku as he practices playing the piano. She spends most of her time in her room nowadays, only leaving to ask other prisoners specific questions, as if interrogating them. She just wants to learn the truth about this time.
After talking for a while with Suzume, she now seems to harbor some ill feelings towards her. The air is tense whenever they're in a room together. They always seem to be one wrong move away from snapping at each other. The other prisoners have tried to ask about it, but they refuse to answer. They've been left to sort it out for now.
Trailer art: Mayumi faces you directly, preparing a syringe of medicine with a grim and determined expression. Behind her, two hospital doors with tiny bloody handprints on the frosted window, as if made by children. Blood pools from the gap beneath the doors.
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– Second trial trailer
People like you...shouldn't have the right to live.
– Character voice trailer
Its okay. He can't hurt you anymore.
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Cover info
Canon Milgram song cover: Purge march (The song ended up being more about Amane defending herself, but I think the guilty part still works for Mayumi.)
DECO*27 song cover: Poison apple (The lyrics and MV gave off her vibes, so I assigned this song to her. Simple as that.)
Non-DECO*27 vocaloid song cover: The world's filth (The lyrics are peak Mayumicore. The music? Not so much. BUT THE LYRICS!)
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Music info
Song title: Ecosystem
Song preview: We have no use for you if you can't contribute anything. Everyone has a duty to society. What's your role? To die quietly. GUILTY. GUILTY. GUILTY.
At some point in our lives, we have to ask ourselves. "Am I the kind of person that stands by and does nothing?" So, what's the answer? Prayers do nothing for anyone. Act upon your greatest convictions!
MV description: Half of her MV is filled with slightly faded pastel colours like her first MV. Starting from the scene when she's in her room, most of the frames are dark and foreboding. The last scene is back to being pastel, but the colours are brighter.
The MV starts with a young Mayumi walking through what looks like a career fair. A baker hands out free samples to an an eager batch of children before directing their attention to the cookies baking a nearby oven. A man dressed as a firefighter helps a young boy to am a hose at the "fire" of a fake building. Mayumi looks around with interest, stopping in her tracks when something catches her eye. A group of girls watching intently as a nurse demonstrates bandaging a man's forearm. Intrigued, she heads over.
A montage of Mayumi sitting in class as her teacher points to a food web drawn on a board. A well-dressed man giving a presentation in a meeting. An architect drawing out the blue prints for a building. A taxi driver picking up a couple from the airport. Mayumi peers at a display of fossils from behind a case of glass. Her brother pops up beside her, dragging his plastic dinosaur toy across the glass. She quickly pulls him away.
The camera cuts to present Mayumi searching up information on her victim. His mugshot pops up, along with a list of his victims. She searches their names one by one. Mio. Nozomi. Kagome. Missing posters turn up for all of them.
The audio of a dialing ringtone mixes with the song. Mayumi raises her phone to her ear, presumably calling someone. An elderly woman answers, her face blurred out. Mayumi twirls a bottle of medicine in her hand as she talks. The woman starts to cry, screaming something into the phone. Mayumi waits for a moment before hanging up. The camera zooms out as she continues to sit by her computer desk in the dark room.
A group of girls gathered around another girl, crumpled to the ground while holding a hand to her bruised face. Men gambling at a casino. A drunkard stumbling out of a bar. A news reported talking about a murder that occurred last night, showing CCTV footage of someone getting stabbed outside an office building. Mayumi's victim on his bed. His heart beat slowing to a stop. The ECG flatlines.
The camera cuts to Mayumi sitting by the defendant's table in the courtroom. The judge is her as well, along with the jury. Everyone in the court room is her actually. Judge Mayumi asks the jury to declare their verdict. Jury Mayumi stands up to read from the slip of paper in her hand. She opens her mouth and the screen goes black before their verdict can be revealed. End.
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Author's notes
The second picrew didn't have a pencil skirt option, so I have Mayumi white pants instead. She still wears the same uniform as she did in trial 1 though, picrews just don't always work out.
Picrews used: - https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1458900 - https://picrew.me/image_maker/1820833
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violetarks · 2 years
"maybe if you weren't a fool."
anime: chainsaw man
characters: denji, hayakawa aki, higashiyama kobeni
summary: it just takes them a while to figure out you actually have feelings for them. if they had actually tried, then maybe they would've noticed earlier.
warnings: g/n! reader, they/them pronouns used, second person pov, oblivious characters, kinda' sad in kobeni's part
↣ denji:
"you're treating me to lunch again?" he mumbles, walking beside you as you exit makima's office. you take off your jacket; it was always so cold in her room, and you never understood why. "hell yeah! thanks l/n!"
you smile at him, texting aki and himeno that you wouldn't be able to make it to lunch today. himeno sent you a sad face and aki gave you a thumbs up. whilst younger than the two, they had enjoyed your company at lunches. "it's okay. i like spending time with you, denji." you say to him.
he flushes at your words. you've always been incredibly nice to denji, treating him out to lunch, picking him up so he doesn't need to walk around (power always comes along and demands she sit in the front with you, and you let her), and even giving him spare shirts since he always seems to tear his ones up.
"i like hangin' out with you too, l/n." he claims, watching you smile at him again, "you ain't mean to me like topknot, and power always steals all me food. but you don't do anything of that... you're super cool."
"thank you, denji." you chuckle out, heading into the nearest cafe with him at your tail. being a devil hunter was by no means easy, so letting out steam helped quite a lot. "anything you like the look of?" you ask as you sit down in a booth isolated from everyone else.
"the waf—wafe—"
"yes, those." he replies, thankful for your help. he pokes a finger at the menu, where the picture sat beneath his index. "can i get that?"
you nod your head. "sure thing, i love waffles too. what flavour did you want?"
"there's different flavours?" he mutters to himself. below the picture are the said flavours. he gasps, "there's so many! l/n, i don't know which one to pick!"
you stifle another laugh as you say, leaning over and pointing on his menu, "let's start off with the cinnamon ones and the chocolate ones. you can finish two servings, yeah?"
his jaw drops a little as he frantically nods hos head. you grin, looking back at your menu. "good. and i'll get some noodles. i had to skip breakfast for a devil." you wave over a waiter nearby. "what drink?"
"nothin' too sweet or sour." he says, not really knowing what to ask for. you give him two options and he chooses the second, not remembering the first. after the waiter takes your order, he sits happily. "thanks again, l/n."
you watch him wait excitedly and smile softly. he was just so cute. "it's alright, denji. i know that we're co-workers, but i want to see you enjoy yourself outside of the public safety division." you claim, seeing him stare back at you, "we're the same age, so i can show you what it's like to be a teenager. ah — as much as i can."
denji watches you cross your arms and lean against the table. "i'll try and help you live a happy life." you say earnestly.
his heart leaps, your kindness knew no bounds with him. "i will, i promised pochita and now i promise you!" he says, jutting a thumb into his chest, "why is it that you are so nice to me anyway? did aki tell you to?"
you shake your head. "i just don't want anything bad to happen to you. having you around is nice, and you always know how to make me feel better." you claim, drinking arriving at that time. you stir your straw. "you're... important to me."
denji stirs. he doesn't know what to say to that, or even how to act. his heart was beating so loud, he would yell at it to shut up, but he didn't want to embarrass you. sweet you, always so generous. he's feeling overwhelmed by you.
you were never pushy with him. never ordered him around or forced him to do certain things. you gave him that choice. and if he rejected the option to do something he didn't want to, you only said 'okay' and tried to figure it out. times like that, you were especially cute, sitting at your desk and scribbling on paper, concentrating hard.
denji would usually sit right beside you, leg against leg, and watch over your shoulder. he liked it when you spoke out loud, he could hear your thoughts. your voice wasn't always smooth, sometimes quick and heavy as you trudged through your problems. but you were just so dreamy to him.
and soon enough, he's standing up.
"can i borrow your phone? i need to call aki." he claims, beginning to sweat with nerves. you blink once and hand him your phone, open and on aki's contact. you tell him how to call someone, and he thanks you before rushing out the door.
he hides around the corner before calling aki, who answers in a heartbeat.
"y/n? aren't you at lunch with denji?" he speaks, some soft music in the background.
"it's me, i think i'm hurt." denji blatantly says, earning a grunt from the other side, "i'm serious! my heart hurts 'n i wanna' run like... 7 billion races! i think it's a devil attack!"
aki sighs out, "when did this happen?"
"when l/n was sitting in front of me. they were tellin' me 'bout how much they care about me." denji admits. he then grows irritated. "ugh! also! this waiter looked at them way longer than he needed to! i wanted to strangle the guy!"
aki feels as if he was being stupid on purpose. "denji, you have a crush on y/n. that feeling you have? it's called attraction." he explains, shaking his head at the table while himeno wonders who he's talking about. "and if you haven't noticed, they have a crush on you too."
"you mean they like me?" he whispers, pointing to himself in a puzzling daze.
"yes, you moron. it's so obvious, even power knows." aki explains, rubbing his temple, "now do whatever you want, i haven't finished eating. bye." he hangs up without a reply from denji.
the blonde grows even more confused. he liked you? when did that happen? and when did you start liking him? it was all too strange for denji.
though he marches back into the cafe and sits down in front of you, determined look on his face. you blink at his changed demeanour. "are you okay, denji?"
"yes!" he answers loudly, earning a hush from staff while he returns the phone. he sits small again, food in front of him in no time, and he is no longer paying attention to the hot and good-looking food in front of him.
instead, the delicacy of your touch and how you carefully gather soup in your spoon before drinking it. "this is really good. you want to try some?" you offer, already putting some noodles, broth and some of the rest of the ingredients that was in your serving.
he graciously takes it from you, still surprised by the revelation he was facing. "thank you... you're so nice to me..." he says quietly, feeling his face heat up at your reaction.
"because i like you, denji." how could you say it with such a straight face?
you were so very under control, and he thinks to himself 'how the hell am i going to get them to be mine?'.
you could almost slap him. he should know that you were already his from the beginning.
his stupidity amazed you.
↣ hayakawa aki:
aki was a tough one. he was so cold when he first joined the public safety division, granted you were the same when you joined only three months before him, but still. you were both after the same thing, and both under the care of himeno, who had just lost her partner.
she grew attached to the both of you, and cracked your shells quite easily. you were thankful for her charismatic nature, it made you feel like you were going easy. himeno was like an older sister to you. and just like one, she knew when you had developed feelings for aki.
"i'm so sorry, y/n and aki, i can't come in today!" himeno sighs out over your phone in a distressed tone. you could call her out on her bullshit right then and there. "i've got a thing going on that i can't miss, take care of today's work for me? thank you!"
she hangs up before you can even respond, aki beside you only rolling his eyes before grabbing his sword against the wall and heading towards the first devil hunt of the day. "let's get going, y/n." he calls.
you walk after him, stuffing your phone into your pocket and holding your own weapon in its cover. "she's full of surprises." you comment, turning the corner as he does, "yesterday she was telling me about this nice place in yokohama she wanted to go to. i bet she's on her way there at this moment."
aki hums out, slowing his pace to walk beside you, "you're probably right. it's fine, we'll be okay."
you look back at him. his eyes are set on the path in front, navigating your way through the crowd of people towards the location of a devil that was due to be exterminated. he was always on track, never losing sight of what he had in mind, and never taking a break from all the stress. the bags under his eyes were obvious, beginning again. you could tell he was just so tired.
so after you deal with the devils for the day and head to aki's apartment, where power and denji are running amuck, you decide to help him. the door opens and the duo are automatically talking to the both of you.
"you're back already! was it boring? apparently you guys were in a hell of a big fight today!" denji claims, pointing to the tv. on it plays the fight from four hours ago, you and aki running around trying to dispose of the devil that was too quick and destructive for your liking. aki pinches the bridge of his nose. "man, you two looked stupid!"
"human, you brought snacks!" power calls upon you in the kitchen as you set your things down to rest. she's already grabbing at your pockets, making you raise your arms up to let it be easier. then, she pulls out a half empty pack of gum, holding it up high. "aha! i have found it!"
you peel off your jacket, throwing it on the counter as you chuckle, "okay, you and denji can have it. don't eat it all at once—nevermind."
aki has already disappeared into the washroom, and you follow along, closing the door to the bathroom to drown out the noise denji and power were making as they rattled into the bedroom. your friend is in front of the mirror, dabbing the open cuts on his face with rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. he's wincing a little before finishing up, dropping the bloodied ball into the bin with the rest.
his jacket was thrown into the bathtub along with his weapon, strewn cuts along the back and sleeves. you leaned against the countertop, watching his try to disinfect the slice on his neck and chin. "do you need help with that?" you inquire.
"no, it's..." he begins, trying to feel for the wound as he can't exactly see it, but he gives up, "yeah... yeah, please."
you shift over, now in between him and the mirror as you continue leaning against the sink. aki looks to the ceiling, in a bit of pain as you clean his cut, a gentle hand on his chin to move his head to get a better angle, ever so gentle. you've done this countless times, and he always starts to reject before ultimately accepting your help.
the first aid kit sits beside you and you grab another cotton ball. "i told you that i should've been the bait." you say quietly, hearing his exhale through his nose, "i'm just saying. you're better at attacking and i'm good at hiding."
"bait is supposed to be seen." aki argues with you, one hand bracing against the sink as he stands there, "and it was fine. not all of the building crashed down on me."
you knit your brow, throwing away the dirtied cotton balls. "most of it did. i could've gotten out of there, easy." you say, almost like it was supposed to 'one-up' aki. but it wasn't. you didn't like how he was the one all scathed as you left without a drop of your own blood. "next time, we follow my plan."
aki sighs out, closing his eyes, "whatever."
you pull away, allowing him to rest his neck and look at you. he seemed even more tired than from this morning. you busy yourself with digging through the first aid kit for the correct bandage. "listen, can i take denji and power out for a few hours? i'll bring them home by dinner."
"why?" he questions, watching as you put the kit back and begin to peel open a bandaid.
"they need to get out of the house every once in a while, y'know. they can come to mine, hang out there for a bit." you claim, holding his chin again and pressing the bandaid onto his wound, "it'll be fun for them. and they won't eat too much before they come back."
he thinks for a moment, seeing the ceiling above them swirl. but then he retorts, "yeah, okay. that's fine. call if you need any help."
you nod your head, resting your hand on his shoulder. aki turns his gaze back to you, about to ask if you were going to stay for dinner as well, when you carefully lean forward and plant a kiss on his cheek. it's soft and warm, like the feeling he gets in his heart when you commit your action.
it happens all too quickly and he's wide-eyed by the time you pull back. you only grin, squeezing his shoulder a little bit. "rest up, okay? they'll be gone for three hours. you know you need some shut eye, aki." you say, standing up fully and brushing passed him to the bathroom door, "don't worry about denji and power, i can handle them. i just... i want you to get some rest. do that for me?"
he unconsciously nods his head, face beginning to heat up at your action. the smile on your lips after his confirmation only worsens it.
"great. i'll see you for dinner, aki." you say, closing the door behind you.
he faintly hears you calling their names and gathering your things, heading to the door with your keys. you say something about having these new toys for meowy that you keep forgetting to bring, so power picks up her cat and denji in tow and follows you out of the apartment.
it's quiet for aki now. it lets him hear just how loud his heart was thumping in his chest as he looks himself in the mirror. he's watched you all these years, he knows how you act and you don't act that way with just anyone, not even himeno (although she has drunkenly kissed you as a thanks for grabbing her more beer, as she has done with everyone). would it be a stretch for him to believe you had feelings for him? why else would you kiss his cheek like that?
all of this is confirmed when he gets that text from a certain eye-patched devil hunter asking 'how did your date with y/n go?'.
he cooks you extra for dinner and buys you breakfast the next day.
↣ higashiyama kobeni:
"she's crying again!" power jumps, pumping a fist into the air and waving it around while you and aki come back from grabbing lunch. it's not hard to notice kobeni sitting on the couch, looking nervous as power and denji stand around her.
you sigh, putting the food down on the coffee table, "what did you two do?" kobeni has her knees to her chest, arms wrapped around her legs as she cries silently, slowly. you then think, looking to aki. "can you take lunch outside?"
he raises a brow before you nod your head to the girl. your friend understands, leaving two boxes of lunch on the table and picking up the rest. "denji. power. let's go." he calls, watching the duo chase him out of the room and outside.
"kobeni." you say, sitting down on the other side of the couch she was on. the girl only peeks out from over her arms, seeing now only you. your leg is over your knee, one arm on the shoulder of the couch and the other resting on your lap. "are you okay?"
she sniffles, "i... yeah..." kobeni pulls her legs back down to rest her feet on the floor. she plays with her fingers on her lap, aware of your gaze on her. "i'm okay..."
you furrow your brows, a frown on your lips. she glances at you with glossy eyes, and you let out a sigh, "alright." your arms spread out. "come here."
she lets a few tears fall before crawling over to your side, hugging herself as you wrap your arms around her, allowing kobeni to sit in between your legs as you leaned against the armrest. she wept noisily, crying into your shoulder about power's relentless teasing and how she was so scared during today'd fight that she would die. you can only listen and rub her back.
the girl was only a year younger than you, and had felt like she was on the brink of death more timed than you can count. you don't think you've ever encountered a devil hunter as scared of devils as she.
"you're going to be okay, kobeni. it's alright." you say, feeling her shiver intensely. your warmth shielded over her cold skin, and she could feel herself growing calmer by the second. "you did very well today. you cleared the area in time and saved lots of people. we were able to keep them away from the devil because of you."
kobeni sniffles, grabbing at your white shirt, "it was so scary."
you blink at her tone, sighing back and rubbing her shoulder gently, "i know, it was. but you did so well. thank you, kobeni." she reluctantly lets go of your warmth, and you see her tear-stricken face. it hurts your chest to see her this way, such a gentle person, erasing away. your brows crease. "you don't deserve to be wasting in a place like this."
she wants to reply, to say how much she wanted to go to school instead of sit here and cry. but you know all of that. which is why you look at her this way, and why you wipe the tears from her cheek, placing a kiss to her forehead. a common occurrence, and part of her knows that you do this to calm her down.
you know that you care too much for kobeni to stand there and let her cry her eyes out. you were right; she was too good for this kind of job.
"i'll get you out of here, i promise. help you find another job, one that pays well, better than the public safety division." you state, looking her confidently in the eyes. her frown is wobbly as she nods her head. "you'll be safe, and live a normal life. i want to give you what you want."
she nods again.
deciding that was enough for today, you lean away. kobeni keeps hold of your sleeve, letting you keep a hand on hers as you reach over and grab her lunch. "come on, lets eat up. you did a lot of sprinting today, and i've never seen someone dodge quite so skilfully." you comment, handing her some chopsticks.
she finally lets go of your hand to begin eating. you know that she needs to get full in order to feel better. so you start to eat as well. this is where small-talk ensues. you begin to talk about your days outside of the public safety division, and she will ask about certain details. you answer. a back and forth. sometimes, kobeni will be the one with stories. about how envious she was of her brother, the favourite, or how her parents never allowed her to outshine him. you despise those who play favourites.
as you talk, she begins to wonder: 'why do you do all of this? why are you so nice?'. you've never had a reason to do that, she's never owed you anything... at least, she didn't think so.
when you look at her, making sure she was eating her lunch, kobeni turns back to her food. you only smile and sit closer to her. "do you feel okay now?" you ask her.
she nods slowly. "mhm." she hums out. the tone of your voice, she knows it. it's the same sound that people make when they're interested in another, isn't it? she's heard it before, the other students who confessed to their classmates, she's overhead it. and your smile, it makes her heart kind of beat faster. her face burns at the sudden realisation that there was a possibility that you could be in love with her. "what about you?"
you blink at her twice as you tilt your head. "i'm, uh, i'm good. i just want you to feel better." you state, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. she gulps, the warmth falling onto her face. "i care a lot about you, y'know."
a sigh leaves her lips, "thank you, y/n..."
"you're welcome, kobeni." you say, retracting your hand and the intense warm feeling that she was experiencing, "now finish your lunch. our work is nearly done, i'll walk you home after, okay?" the little nod she gives you makes your heart flutter and your lips pull into a smile.
you were both glad that you were here, sitting next to kobeni and quietly eating lunch with her.
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championofravens · 1 year
Makima for the character ask game?
I am being thrown my favorite enrichment toy, ty!!
favorite thing about them This is so fucking difficult but uhhhhhh I am going to pick that my favorite thing about her is how her apartment is sparsely decorated, devoid of any personal taste or aesthetic, except for a single painting we see in a single panel:
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the symbolism. the everything. god. yes. YES.
least favorite thing about them
I think the specific terminology of her calling herself a "fan" of Chainsaw Man is hokey. I really wish they used some more fun terms in conjunction with that so we could get a better idea of the breadth of her faith and their relationship.
favorite line
"The sixth sense that every human used to have… the light of a certain star in the sky that drove children mad… the four other possibilities other than death that existed for a living being that reached the end of its lifespan… they have all disappeared and can no longer be remembered now. But I can still see the image of Chainsaw Man fighting those demons."
Very easy to pick, only had to scramble for a minute to pull up the page cause I have it saved everywhere. The coolest piece of writing in the whole of the manga and such a profound and haunting look into Makima's mind. She IS the haunted house she's trapped in!!
I really really like whatever fucked up respect she has for Kishibe! I really like how she never truly lied or plotted against him, though she was obviously aware he was plotting against everything she built. I think she genuinely enjoyed having him around (while he was useful...)
In typical Tali fashion, the REAL OTP is my oc Ahashi and Makima dying hand in unlovable hand together. But I actually think folk who ship her with Quanxi are INCREDIBLY powerful chads and people who write Makima as a repressed lesbian especially with that ship? Chefs kiss. Not my headcanon but delectable.
Thankfully I don't need to be unpopular here 'cause the answer is Makima/Denji in any form or fashion
random headcanon
Her coffee shop orders are incredibly high maintenance as she only wants very particular tea and coffee blends but she is a loyal and dedicated regular so she is treated a bit like royalty.
unpopular opinion
Makima is a multifaceted character with multiple motivations and goals she keeps juggling one atop another- her desire to control, her desire to indulge in sadism, her desire to forward the future, her desire to obtain the heart of Chainsaw Man- and all of them are subconsciously acting in service of her most long buried desire to find someone she can form a genuine bond with.
song i associate with them
I do have a playlist for her but I'll throw in a deep cut that isn't on there: I Felt Younger When We Met by Waterparks
I've never seen a face with your type of shine You moved in behind my eyes and built yourself a shrine But then you ran away And you left the picture frames Now I don't see my face the same
hey as I was writing this, I learned my animated Makima wallpaper fucking syncs with my SPOTIFY MUSIC and this bitch started flashing her eyes at me in the rhythm to the bass as I hit play on the song and I thought I was actually going to be killed
favorite picture of them
I'm gonna pick 3 that I think can qualify as my top picks but god this fandom is just overflowing with the most incredible depictions of Makima...
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The first image by Blankk on Twitter, the second by Alysius here on Tumblr, and the third by tumblr user Nathan!
(makima drawn by a lesbian, makima drawn divine, and makima drawn like a horror movie monster. PERFECT)
oh and my favorite canon image? probably the double-whammy that was this page:
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her in the ocean is so iconic, the dress, the head tilt, the smirk, followed by that GORGEOUS portrait of her getting shot, her expression, the way her hair moves, her fucking eyes, hrrrgdfhdfhd
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