#I don't know why I keep referring to them and ember as “the lads” but it just feels right
howls-of-darkness · 5 months
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pen doodles of The Lads cause I was once again bored at work
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writinggremlin · 1 year
Why, hello there!!
Allow me to introduce myself. (NOW WITH MASTERPOST!! WOAHHHH!!!!) (found at the bottom. I need to remake this post from the ground up next year.) (New post has been made this one is outdated now-- how the hell did you even find this one? Did you actually scroll all the way back here?!)
I haven't really come up with a pseudo name for myself yet, so I guess "Gremlin" or "That One Chaotic Lil Shit. You Know The One!" will do for now. No DNI here btw. I am totally, 100%, definitely 19. So all of those 18+ blogs that are just checking for my age can move on now, haha!
...Why are they still here? And looking at me suspiciously? Y-- You guys can leave now! Shoo! Go on!
Well then. Anygayyyyy! Other than that, I guess the other important thing to mention is pronouns. You may use she/her or they/them. I honestly don't care which ones you use for me. Use one, use the other, or get a little wacky with it and change them out mid-sentence. Are you still talking about the same person? Or somebody else entirely? Who knows!
In addition to that, if you wish to refer to me as a little lad or fellow, I would definitely not complain!
Something else that's probably worth mentioning is that this is, indeed, a side blog, which means that the blog I'll be doing my likes and follows and such from, will not be this one. I don't put any mention of this blog on my other ones because I don't want that audience knowing about this. Besides, my mom's on here too, and she knows about my two other blogs. Yeah..... you probably get it lmao.
However, I don't mind this community knowing about my main stuff, so I'll give you guys a hint, because this is an easter egg hunt now apparently (/s /lh). Nah, but fr, I tend to like a post either immediately before, or after I reblog it. Also my pfp is a chaotic collage of our lord and savior, Spleens, the cat. All hail the Glow Cloud, and all hail Spleens, the cat.
So. Now that the basic stuff is out of the way, it's time to get into some more blog-related things about me. Specifically when it comes to writing. So fuckle all of your seatbelts, because this may get long.
To start off, I initially just spontaneously created this blog to dump a lot of reblog stuff that I loved and didn't want to lose. That's not going to stop anytime soon. Buuuut, lately I've been feeling more confident to post random prompts and ideas, and maybe even a random blurb or two! So, there's that for the near future. Maybe. Possibly.
Next I'd like to mention that I have OCs!! Quite a few, to be exact. All with their own intricate lil storylines and a few unique settings! I love to scheme and keep plenty of secrets, as well as make some goofy references here and there. Just because I like to write some sad shit, doesn't mean that I can't have some fun with wacky stuff happening in the background too!
Anyway, the OCs of mine that I'll probably mention most around here right now are: Mist, Ember, Kage, and Onyx. (As for my whumper's, those two are Vivek and Lilium.)
Hmm... what else...
Oh- uhm! Tropes I like and the squicks and stuff!
Tropes I enjoy:
• Delirium/Half-Conscious/Dazed
• Mind Control/Hypnosis/Brainwashing (I guess you could say that I tend to... lose my mind over this one)
• Drugged/Spiked
• Sick/Fever
• Just any loss of situational awareness, really
• Fainting (I'm tempted to write a tip post for this one, because there's some underrated things that I think some people might really like to mess around with! Also because I might've had a whole hyperfixation on this stuff.)
• Lab Whump (so fun to read, oddly difficult to write)
• Starvation
• Pushed to the limit, and then some. Doesn't matter who's doing the pushing.
The tropes I don't so much enjoy:
I don't really have any triggers when it comes to reading, but there are a few things that can make me uncomfy.
• Sexual Non-Con. (Gives the heebie jeebies)
• Oddly Specific/Unorthodox Whumps (Yanking teeth, yanking fingernails, putting something under fingernails, etc. More heebie jeebies.)
• Visually speaking, I recently learned that I get triggered by watching somebody who's obviously suffering/dying, but everybody around them tries to dismiss it or act like they're fine. It's fine to write and read (love it in word form, actually), but as soon as it's a video, I just can't.
OC intros
(One down... 15(?) more to go.)
The only OC piece I've posted so far (that may change soon 👀)
Prompts/Ideas (Feel free to use!! And please show me if you do, I'd love to see what you do with my funky lil scenarios!)
Baby's first contribution!
Blank slate
Secret punishments
"I don't matter."
Suddenly ripped away
Stressed out caretakers
Eavesdropping caretaker
Helpful angst
Angy whumper
Dizzy whumpees
Chill out in the freezer
Chill out in the freezer (cont.)
Ask games that I am desperate someone contributes to. Please. My askbox is so empty that there's cobwebs forming in there.
Blog ask game
OC introduction ask game
93 OC questions
Oddly specific OC asks
Tags worth mentioning:
Check out #good soup for all of the good shit
#delicious soup is a tier above the good soup
#ultimate soup is the best of the best. The golden buzzer of soups. I am addicted to that post and regularly return to it. Only one post has it right now.
And that's all for now! Thanks for reading through all of this, and I hope you guys all have a great day/night/life!!
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