#I don't even know if I can still swim lol I hope you don't unlearn that
jackymedan · 8 years
Tagged by @thisisteal
RULES: Tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself, and tag 11 people in return! Tag backs are allowed, but you mustn’t repeat any of the facts you mentioned previously! The facts can be absolutely anything! Whatever springs to mind!
If I had been a boy at birth my name would have been Robin.. since that didn’t happen I was named Miranda after a random girl who was an assistent at a dutch game show about animals (whenever someone scored a point they’d get a little monkey plushie and she’d be the one who brought them to the contestants.. or so I’ve heard.. I have seen the show in question since it continued to exist into my early childhood but I think Miranda might have been replaced by that point so idk if I’ve ever actually seen my namesake)
I’ve been a vegetarian for a little over 10 years now
I’ve never drunk a single glass of alcohol in my life (I’m 26, the legal drinking age used to be 16 here, they changed it to 18 when I was in my 20s) and I intend to keep it that way.. it has just never appealed to me in any way (same goes for smoking and drugs etc.) and it smells gross (especially beer and wine).. also being drunk honestly doesn’t sound appealing to me either.. the only context I tolerate drunk people is in fanfic tbh..
The only time I’ve been abroad longer than a day and spent the night there was when I went to Paris for 4 days with my best friend back in the summer of 2015.. before that I had only left my country once on a school trip to Germany for one afternoon.. I’ve never been on or near and airplane and am scared af of the entire concept of flying (I was actually supposed to go to Greece for a week as a mandatory school trip too, but I managed to convince the dean to let me stay at home because they would be flying and I was NOT going on that plane.. also having psoriasis and being vegetarian and some other issues I had made me not want to go either)
I’ve only owned a smartphone for less than 2 years.. before that I hated/avoided anything with a touch screen (with the exception of the original nintendo ds) and stubbornly held on to my basic af nokia phone (which I still own and use as alarm clock sometimes).. I kind of hate how fast technology changes and evolves in general.. I don’t deal well with change and it all goes way too fast for me to adapt, so I usually hide under a rock hissing at the New Scary Things for at least 3 years..
I have a weird fascination with the 1960s (and a little bit of the 70s as well).. the fashion, interior design, tv shows, movies, music, pop culture etc. of that time just really appeals to me.. it’s kind of like I was born a couple of centuries too late (see also the point above)
as a kid I had some really weird/fucked up delusions going on that really kind of fucked me up for a while and resulted in my parents not allowing me to watch dragonball z anymore for a while because for instance I was worried something/someone with the same power as captain ginyu had taken over control of my mom and my mom was now in the body of either a cat or an ant I’m not sure which one it was.. also I thought that if I passed a pole or a street lantern or something like that on a different side than someone else I was with we’d both end up on seperate/different dimensions? ??????? I had issues..
I’ve always grown up around cats, we used to have 2 cats that were literally older than me, so I’ve hardly ever lived in a cat-free house (only for a short while after the last of our original 3 cats had died and before we got a new one).. otoh we only got a dog (my mom wanted one) maybe 6 years ago idk.. and even though it’s a small one that doesn’t really know very well how to dog, it was really weird for me in the beginning.. I’m fine with that particular dog now but I get kind of anxious by large overenthusiastic dogs especially if they’re wet and running towards me.. I don’t like to be trampled over :\\
I legit kind of like spiders and they p much only scare me when they show up somewhere unexpected so it’s just the initial shock response to something being there, but then I calm down when I see it’s just a spider.. and then I get a jar and put it outside.. (granted this would probably be different if I didn’t live in the netherlands since there literally aren’t any spiders here that can seriously harm/kill a human being.. or at least not naturally out in the wild)
I’ve lived in the same house in the same city/town my entire life.. I’ve also had the same room and bed my entire life (the room did get expanded at some point and I’ve moved things around but I’ve had this colour paint on my wall since childhood.. it was supposed to be a jungle-themed room which is why there’s a painting of a toucan in a tree next to my bed)
I have adhd inattentive type and asd, both of which I wasn’t diagnosed with until after I became an adult, the latter only a few months ago (apparently I was too quiet and non-disruptive as a child for people to even consider I could have those things)
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