#I don't apologize for the abundance of interior shots in this sequence
simlit · 11 months
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Chosen of the Sun | | forest // sixty
| @izayoichan
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INDRYR: I’m surprised you came to me. KYRIE: Where else would I go? If I show up in the House of Healing, it’ll be signing my death warrant, just in another manner. I’ll stick to the death I chose, thanks very much. At least this way is quieter. INDRYR: I’d think you’d have asked Her Lady of Light. Seems to me you two get on more than well enough. KYRIE: …Mm. INDRYR: Was I mistaken? KYRIE: Not exactly. INDRYR: Suppose you’ve had a falling out? KYRIE: sighs I trust Eve, and respect her magic absolutely. But maybe for the same reason… I’d rather not have to sit there looking like a pitied dog. INDRYR: Ah. Now it makes sense. She is quite sentimental. KYRIE: That’s not to say you aren’t, just… INDRYR: Oh, I more than understand I can seem a bit callous. Such is the price of honesty, I suppose. But then, anything is worth being honest about. I simply prefer the facts of the matter. Far be it from to tell you your decision was worthy or otherwise. I could call you a fool, but it is really a matter of perspective, isn’t it? It’s not my place to judge the worth of your life or anyone else’s. My business is my decisions and your business is yours. I can respect your pragmatism and your understanding of basic math. The one for the many, yes? Tale as old as time. Though, I do think it is a pity that anyone should have to suffer the consequence; The cold reality of life Is that things are hardly ever fair. KYRIE: You and Lord Tev’us are similar in this aspect. Though I admit to finding one more palatable than the other. Still, it’s refreshing not to have to think very hard about whether I regret something or not. INDRYR: And do you? Regret it? KYRIE: No. INDRYR: Then you needn’t let anyone’s opinions— pity or otherwise— sway your heart. Here, drink this. INDRYR: It’ll be worse before it gets better. But you know I cannot give you long. KYRIE: Just long enough to finish out the trials. INDRYR: Is that really so important to you? KYRIE: I’ve invested my life into it, I ought to see the results, no? INDRYR: Fair point.
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