#I don’t know what prompted me to do this
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cryptidontheside · 14 hours ago
Helping someone with their code and asking them to explain it to me and their response is “oh, well, I put the prompt into chatGPT, but it’s never been wrong with other coding languages—” okay, well, buddy your problem is that you don’t know how the code works and I don’t have time to go through every single line and identify what’s going on.
It just frustrates me when people use chatGPT like that, it’s completely counterintuitive to actually learning how to code because it completely skips the step of learning how to talk with the program to get it to do what you want. Then when you run into a problem, you can’t identify where the issue is because you have no idea what it’s saying. [tired sigh].
the generational gap between me and the people my age who use chat gpt
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adverbally · 3 days ago
Written for the @stmarchmm prompt “courting rituals” | wc: 913 | rated: T | cw: none | tags: Steddie, Steve & Wayne, omega Steve, alpha Eddie, alpha Wayne, early relationship, asking permission to court, non-traditional relationship dynamics
Steve hesitates on the Munsons’ front porch. The trailer is familiar and comforting with its worn screen door and peeling paint, the warm light and organized chaos he knows to be hidden inside. This place has become more of a home to him than the house he grew up in.
He doesn’t want to lose that now.
But he thinks about Eddie nervously asking him on their first real date, hiding his grin behind the lock of hair he tugged across his face when Steve said yes; the way Eddie’s eyes had sparkled in the glow of the streetlight outside Steve’s house when he dropped him off after dinner, just before he leaned in for the best first kiss Steve has ever had; how Eddie had carefully brushed his wrist along the cuff of Steve’s sweater so he could still smell Eddie’s smoky ginger scent for the rest of the evening.
Steve wants that, all of that and more. The promise of that has to outweigh the fear of screwing everything up.
He knocks on the door.
It feels like an eternity before Wayne answers, already dressed in his work clothes for that evening’s shift. He seems surprised to see Steve, but he pushes open the screen door between them and waves him inside anyway. “Did Ed not tell you he has band practice? He should be home soon but you’re welcome to wait.”
“No, I…” Steve takes a deep breath and stuffs his hands in his jeans pockets so he doesn’t start fidgeting with his jacket zipper. “I wanted to talk to you, actually, if you have a minute?”
Wayne looks even more baffled now but gestures for Steve to take a seat in one of the mismatched chairs surrounding the small dining table. He doesn’t join him immediately, instead going into the kitchen and silently filling two glasses with water from the tap. When he returns, he sits in the seat across from Steve and slides one of the cups over to him.
“Thanks.” Steve’s mouth is so dry that his tongue sticks to the roof of his mouth, but he’s not sure he can take a drink without spilling or choking on it. Not until he says what he needs to say. Keeping his gaze on the scratched tabletop, he begins, “I think you probably know why I’m here.”
“I think so,” Wayne agrees. “And I think you know I need to hear you say it anyway.”
Steve nods, thinking of Eddie’s spicy warm scent to steel himself. “Eddie said you’re not very traditional. Your family, I mean. He offered to do this because he thought I wanted to do it, and I know he would’ve, but my dad…” He cuts off his rambling with a shake of his head. “Sorry, I’m nervous. Eddie said I shouldn’t be–”
“Steve. Take a breath.”
He does, then sips from his glass. Wayne doesn’t say anything while Steve gathers his thoughts for a long moment. Finally, he speaks again, deliberately. “Eddie is incredible. I care about him. I want to be with him.” It’s a gross understatement but if he starts elaborating, he might never stop. “I don’t give a shit what my dad thinks, but it matters to me what you think. Because it matters to Eddie. You’re the most important person in his life. He’s an adult and he can make his own decisions, so I’m not asking for permission, but… I wanted to inform you of my intention to court your nephew.”
Wayne nods, a slight tilt of his head acknowledging Steve’s declaration. “I accept it.”
“Okay.” He nods back, taps his fingers along the side of his water glass, listening to the quiet ping of his nails on its surface. “Thank you.” It’s almost disappointing how anticlimactic this was. He had stressed over it for days, and Wayne just… accepts him, just like that?
Like he can read Steve’s mind, Wayne leans closer. “You’re a good kid, Steve. You saved Ed’s life, you make him happy, you take care of that pack of kids. I think you’re good for him. Mellow him out some.”
“Yeah?” The compliment makes him warm from head to toe. Steve grins down at the table. “I think he’s good for me too.”
Wayne drains the last of the water in his glass. “I’d’ve given my permission, too, if you’d asked. Not that you need it.” He rises from his chair with a groan. “I gotta head to work now, but you’re welcome to wait for Ed. Make yourself at home.”
Steve stands as well, accepting the handshake Wayne offers him. “Thanks again, sir, I appreciate it.”
“Call me Wayne, son.” His mouth twists in a wry smile. “I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” He claps a hand on Steve’s shoulder, then shrugs on his coat. “Make sure you’re being safe, now. I’m not ready to be a granddad yet.”
Wayne can surely see him blushing as Steve stammers, “No, we— I mean, we haven’t, I’m not—” When he realizes Wayne is fighting back his smile, he sighs, embarrassed but relieved to be in on the joke. “Okay, laugh it up.”
He waves to Wayne from the doorstep, watches the beat-up old truck kick up dust until it turns onto the asphalt outside the trailer park. The alpha’s scent lingers in the trailer, more woodsy than Eddie’s but still warm. Familiar.
Steve thinks he could get used to it.
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neochan · 2 days ago
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SERIES MASTERLIST LINK | remember this is part three and a half of a series! read part one & two for context!
PAIRING | tutor!jaemin x reader
SYNOPSIS |  na jaemin is too sexy to be holed up in the campus library, but once you catch wind of what he does between the shelves, you know it’s your time to see just how well his reputation proceeds him.
WC | 15.3k
WARNINGS | cursing, mentions of alcohol, sexual comments, vouyerism, explicit smut, choking, hair pulling, so sorry to the jaehyun stans this chapter :(, pink-haired jaemin. mc does some hoe shit idk.
A.N | tumblr is being stupid and won't let me put it all in one part, so i'm splitting it into two. the next part will be linked on the masterlist / uploaded in a few! please send asks after you finish reading. i want to hear your thoughts!
Typically, the University dining hall is one of the loudest places on campus at any given time.
However, you’re becoming increasingly aware of how eerily silent it is at the ass crack of dawn – and how unbelievably loud Jaemin is.
It’s one thing if he was whisper-yelling about midterms coming up, but the dude was dishing some very personal details while sifting through a pan of scrambled eggs. And there was no whispering.
None at all.
Jaemin wanted to make sure you heard his frustration. So, loud and proud, with his entire chest, he piles a heaping serving of eggs on his plate while conversating at the top of his lungs.
“...then we flipped positions, but she got the angle wrong and bent my dick–”
Jaemin's voice carried across the dining hall, prompting you to offer an apologetic smile to the staff member stationed at the food line. However, he just yawns tiredly and turns around to continue flipping pancakes on the griddle.
They obviously didn’t get paid enough to care about Jaemin and his dick bending episode, so you moved along behind the boy, piling up your own plate with the dining halls incredibly mid breakfast.
“. . . and I didn’t even mean to fall asleep, but we went so many rounds I just closed my eyes for two seconds, next thing I know it’s five am and I wake up to Haechan calling me –”
The mention of his name makes your head snap up. “Haechan?”
Jaemin stops at the soda machine and pours a cool glass of Gatorade into a clear plastic cup. “Yeah, he was totally freaking out, wondering why I hadn’t come home.” He chuckles before moving on to find a table. You grab a water bottle and scurry to keep up. “Like I don’t disappear for pussy all the time.”
At this early hour, you could have had your choice of seats in the café, but in typical Jaemin fashion, he zeroed in on an elevated platform encircling the main dining area. It was a nice spot – next to a cluster of floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the quad and few academic buildings. But again, at this hour, especially with it being a Sunday, there wasn’t much to look at. Just a few workers maintaining the lawn and a solitary squirrel.
It wasn’t like you were going to be staring out the window much though. His words had captured any wandering attention.
"...and he asked if I had heard from you, which is why I texted.” Jaemin scoops up a hearty forkful of scrambled eggs and eagerly pops it into his mouth, a mischievous grin forming on his lips.
The jolt of surprise that courses through your veins is unmistakably reflected in your expression. "Me? Why would he be asking about me?" you blurt out, your nerves getting the best of you.
So Haechan had woken up and noticed your absence. A pang of guilt tightens your chest and makes you cringe on the inside. What a shitty thing to do. Take his virginity and then all but bail on him.
But he was cool with it being a one-time thing, you argue with yourself.
Jaemin interrupts your internal debate through a mouthful of pineapple, “I don’t know but he seemed kinda mad. You didn’t piss him off, did you?”
To avoid an immediate answer, you shove a forkful of syrup slathered pancakes into your mouth and chew slowly. When you swallow, it feels like a lump is stuck in your throat. But maybe that was just your guilty conscience trying to choke the life out of you.
“I don’t think I did anything.” You shrug, the words sounding less convincing than you’d hoped. A thought pops into your head, diverting the conversation momentarily, “Wait. You went home to shower, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
You lean in a bit, your tone hushed, “So… did you see him?”
Jaemin cards a hand through his faded pink hair and shakes his head, “I mean yeah, but he just said good morning and shut his door. I invited him to breakfast, but I don’t think he heard me.”
As his words sink in, a mix of relief and concern mingles within you. The last thing you needed was Haechan tagging along to a morning-after-breakfast. That would have made things mega awkward.
The boy you had just fucked and the boy you were wanting to fuck. Add in the fact that they had no idea you were even completing this stupid drunk-induced challenge…
Oh yeah, the challenge. Why the hell did it keep skipping your mind? Like it wasn’t the very thing that got you in this position.
Just the thought of it… well, it made your mind wander (as if it hadn’t been wandering this entire time). And somehow it landed on just how good Jaemin looked this morning. 
He obviously had the after-sex glow - his skin was looking smooth and radiant, eyes bright, and lips a subtle shade of darker pink. The thought of why they were puffy made your thighs quiver - and underneath the dining table, you have to squeeze them together just to breathe properly again.
Was it from Yeji biting them last night? Passionate kisses turning into something much more aggressive? Could it be from him pushing open her thighs and coaxing her through ecstasy with just his tongue? 
The vulgar thoughts circle your brain while you take in the rest of his sleepy, early morning outfit. A bright red hoodie hangs off his shoulders, covering any sort of muscle definition your eyes were itching to see. Not that it truly mattered – your memory was still pretty vivid from the party two nights ago. However, that night, your focus had been solely on Hyuck, which now seemed like an unfortunate missed opportunity.
Especially when he gets up to dump his plate in the dirty dish bin, and your eyes follow his tight cargo pants. What exactly was hiding beneath the black fabric? 
Technically, you already knew thanks to the video he shared the night all this challenge stuff was created.
But a little reminder couldn’t hurt.
Jaemin returns to the table with a fresh glass of blue Gatorade, and when he sits down, his eyes wash over your body like he was mirroring what you were just doing. Did he catch you? Is that why he did that?
He doesn’t give any hints. Just raises an eyebrow playfully, the rim of his cup poised between his lips. "I know you were avoiding the question, but why are you up this early?" he teases, his voice a blend of curiosity and amusement.
A chuckle escapes your lips as you spear a piece of fruit with your fork. It was good to think quick in these situations, but the answer that comes out of your mouth might have been the stupidest thing you’d ever said, "I was planning to go on a run."
You don’t run. Especially not on a Sunday morning.
His lips curl into a mischievous smile, his gaze dancing with a hint of skepticism. "But your hair is wet."
Glancing down at your slightly damp hair, you feel a blush tint your cheeks. You hadn’t even realized. After your dizzying thoughts of Jaemin in the shower, you had been so excited to meet him for breakfast that you forgot to blow dry your hair, "Yeah, I showered."
Jaemin leans forward, his expression mockingly serious. "Before the run?"
Your laughter bubbles forth, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. "Well, you wanted to grab breakfast, so I thought I’d take a quick shower.”
A grin tugs at Jaemin's lips, his intrigue growing. "But you're a night showerer."
With a playful roll of your eyes, you respond, "Is this a full-scale investigation now? Am I on trial?"
Jaemin breaks into hearty laughter, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Just trying to solve the mysteries of the morning, you know."
Relief stretched through your body like an adrenaline chaser. “Well, I hate to disappoint Mr. Detective, but there’s no mystery here. I just got up early and was gonna hit the gym, but you texted me first.” You put the fruit back onto your plate, too worked up to take a bite, “Next time, I’ll ignore your text.”
“Hey!” he frowns.
“Kidding.” You remark, “But I think I’ll skip the gym instead and take a nap. I’m not used to waking up this early…”
“Just make sure you’re at the library by one. Would hate to miss your free tutoring session.” He pushes back from the table, and you do the same, gathering all your half-eaten dishes from the world’s fastest breakfast date.
“Do you want me to pay you? I have no problems giving you cash.”
“Nah, I like helping out a friend.” He bumps your elbow as you walk down the ramp to the main dining floor. The surge of electricity that snaps through your body takes you by surprise. Maybe this breakfast was a little higher tension than you were aware of.
You drop all your dishes into the dirty dish bin and walk side by side with Jaemin out on the quad. There was still no one in sight, even as the sun started to bloom full light over the bright green shrubbery.
“Don’t say I never offered to pay.”  You giggle.
“Nah, don’t worry. If I wanted something in return, it wouldn’t be money.” He just stares at you, a deadpan look with no emotion.
You, on the other hand, have many emotions crossing your face – shock, disbelief, curiosity, intrigue.
“I’m kidding.” He snorts.
You stumble over your words, “Y-Yeah, duh.”
“Alright, I’ll catch you at one. Don’t be late!” He reminds, walking backwards as he wiggles a warning finger at you. He spins around, almost tripping over a loose brick on the pathway in the process.
As he retreats into the backdrop of trees, headed back to the boy's dormitory on the far side of campus, you find yourself wishing to follow. Maybe you could catch some sleep in his bed, enveloped by the sweet smell of Jaemin (that being hair dye and Dior Savauge).
Instead, you begrudgingly drag your feet in the opposite direction. Back to your lonely dorm where you would fall asleep in an empty bed that smelled like nothing but yourself.
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“We’ve wanted this for a while.”
Haechan looks up at you from between your legs and licks his puffy lips. His finger draws lazy circles around your clit, and it feels wonderful.
You could watch him like this forever, but what drags your attention away is the second set of lips attaching to your neck. Nothing had warned you of his presence before, but now you were on full alert. He sucks bruises against your skin, hands running up and down your body until you were left shaking into his touch.
The pink haired boy draws back and sits on his heels, a goofy grin spread out.
“Yes princess?”
Your head is on a swivel now. From Haechan’s chocolate brown eyes and mischievous smirk to the way Jaemin was eyeing your exposed chest.
“You okay sweetheart?” Jaemin takes a singular finger and tips your chin upwards, “How about you just lay back and let us take care of you.”
Haechan speaks up, “Tell us which one makes you cum harder, okay?” Two fingers pinch your clit, making you jerk against Jaemin, “Like a bet.”
Like a bet.
Like a bet.
In the hazy realm between dreams and reality, your eyes flutter open, greeted by the harsh reality of full sunlight streaming through the curtains. Panic instantly surges through you as you glance at the clock – it's later than it should be. With a sudden jolt, you sit up, your mind racing to comprehend.
The realization hits like a tidal wave: you're late for your tutoring session with Jaemin. You fumble with the sheets, untangling yourself in a hurry, and your heart pounds with each passing second. Your phone, lying neglected on the nightstand, taunts you with its unmissed alarms.
“Oh fuck.”
The room spins with the remnants of the vivid dream. Jaemin and Haechan... at the same time. Jaemin’s arms around you, Haechan between your thighs. The wetness there now seems unavoidable, but there was no time.
Your phone lights up with another text from Jaemin. Grabbing it, you hastily read through.
(1:01 PM) Manwhore: yo, you on ur way?
(1:04 PM) Manwhore: helloooo?
(1:07 PM) Manwhore: don’t tell me you forgot
(1:08 PM) Manwhore: if you don’t text me back or get here in the next five minutes, I’m literally going to fuck your roommate again.
Wish you would fuck me as a punishment, you think, but type out a different response.
(1:09 PM) Y/N: you’d fuck her anyway.
(1:09 PM) Y/N: I overslept. Be there in five.
Another glance over your messages and you realize the same roommate he was threatening to fuck has also been bombarding you with a flurry of messages.
(10:01 AM) Roomie!!: I feel like I never see you
(10:52 AM) Roomie!!: I wanted to wake you up but you weren’t here literally all night…
(11:09 AM) Roomie!!: I left you a muffin on the counter <3
(12:36 PM) Roomie!!: Can we please talk tonight? Or hangout? Or go to the movies? Literally anything??? I miss you!
You shoot her a quick message, saying sorry and promising to catch up with her tonight. Man, you've really missed her. There's this itch to spill everything, spill the beans about the stupid bet, but at the same time, you're not sure if you should. It's like walking on eggshells, ya know?
One thing was apparent though. She could never know about these filthy dreams. How desperate you were to be underneath your best friends…that was a secret you must keep.
Speaking of best friends, you had one waiting impatiently at the library for you to hurry the fuck up. No matter if you were just dreaming about him sucking on your neck.
You snatch the nearest clothes and quickly slide on your shoes in a rush. Carelessly, you throw textbooks into your backpack. Grabbing the muffin Jennie left for you on the counter, you swing your backpack over your shoulder and scramble out the door.
“Stupid fucking stairs” you mutter underneath your breath, hurtling down all five flights in a rush.
“What did the stairs ever do to you.” The voice startles you, nearly causing you to trip.
“What the hell, Haechan.” Great, the other half of your dream has just materialized. “What are you doing in the girls dorm.”
He grins, keeping pace with you down the flights. “Visiting a lady friend.”
“Truth. Now.”
He sighs, “Group project.”
“Sounds about right.” You reach the bottom of the staircase and push open the door that spills out onto the quad.
The fleeting thought of sprinting away crosses your mind, but you dismiss it. Instead, you glance over your shoulder, watching him struggle with his backpack straps. His hair is a fluffy brown mess, wind tousling it. A faded graphic design t-shirt hangs off his collarbones, with matching sweatpants that seem two sizes too big.
He's such a loser, you think affectionately.
“So…” He muses, catching up to you and bumping your arm with his elbow, “Why’d you dip this morning?” There’s a tinge of hurt in the question but you choose to ignore it.
You shrug, “Met up with Jaemin for breakfast…you were sleeping so I didn’t want to bother you.”
The campus has come alive since your last outing. Students lounge on the quad, soaking in the dwindling sunlight before fall strips away the warmth. You wish you could join them and forget about your trivial problems.
"Weird. Because he invited me too," he keeps his head down, focusing on his worn-out sneakers navigating the uneven brick paving the campus.
“He told me.” You don’t know what Haechan was getting at. Yeah, maybe you shouldn’t have dipped, but…what else were you supposed to do?
“Surprised your legs are working.”
“Haechan.” You shriek, slapping his shoulder. Where the hell did that come from.
He laughs loudly, “I’m just saying. Maybe that’s why you were so mad at the stairs. Hurt a bit?” Yeah, he was feeling cocky. Confident. Cause here was this beautiful girl next to him, who just so happened to be his best friend, and who also sat on his cock last night. He felt on top of the world.
“I’m fine.” You seethe, “And just so we’re clear, we aren’t telling anyone about this.”
Bummer. He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, I know. You want to keep the best sex of your life a secret. No sweat.”
“I swear to god Haechan –”
“Oh, calm down princess. I’m not gonna tell anyone. Our little secret.” He winks at you and a hot blush spreads over your cheeks.
Fuck him and fuck his stupid pet names.
“Round two?” He braces for the swat that comes his way, another laugh slipping past his lips, “Okay, okay. I’ll stop joking around.”
You want to feel annoyed, but you're just glad to have your best friend back—the one who makes inappropriate jokes at your expense. Maybe that's greedy of you, expecting everything to go back to normal after taking his virginity.
But it’s what he wanted…. So get over it Y/N, you think.
Round two didn’t sound so bad though…especially after that stupid fucking dream you just had.
“Where you headed?” he asks, pulling on the straps of his backpack.
“Library. Jaemin’s tutoring me. And I’m late.” You reply. He was really gonna kick your ass if you didn’t hurry up.
“How great. I’m on my way there too. Gotta finish this stupid presentation.”
You glance at him, catching his face scrunch up.
“Got something else you want to say?” you question. It looked like he was physically in pain. Yet, knowing him, he was just holding himself back from saying something inappropriate.
“Promise not to hit me.”
You raise your eyebrows.
“Well…I was just gonna say, if you want help relaxing after the draining tutoring session you’re about to have…”
Bingo. You knew him soooo well.
“You’re impossible Haechan.”
“One of my redeeming qualities I must say.”
The library comes into view. Fucking finally. It felt like ages since you left your dorm.
You decide to snark back at him. “You know…on second thought.” It almost makes you feel bad the way his eyes spark up, “I would but, I got plans…”
His response is firm and unwavering. "Cancel them."
Locking eyes with him proves to be a mistake as you realize he's dead serious. "Can't, sorry," you pout.
He strides ahead, swinging open the library door with a grand gesture. You roll your eyes, heading straight for the back wall where the individual study rooms are located.
"Y/n," he whispers, silently urging you to reconsider. "Think about it."
Ignoring him, your attention is diverted when you spot Jaemin, who also catches sight of you through the glass separating the main floor from the study rooms. He rolls his eyes and taps his wrist as a mock reminder of your tardiness.
"Y/n," Haechan whines, a plea echoing the same tone as the night before.
Choosing to play with him once more, you tease, "Sorry, Haechannie. Plans, remember?" Leaning in, you cup his ear and blow a cool breath, feeling him shiver. "But you can think about me when you jerk off later."
He watches in shock as you saunter away, pushing open the study room door to apologize profusely to Jaemin. The bulge in Haechan's pants goes unnoticed until he tears his eyes away. "God damn."
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Na Jaemin is disgustingly attractive.
And so, so distracting.
How were you supposed to study binomial distributions when he sat on the opposite side of the table looking like that. 
The red hoodie he had on this morning has been discarded, replaced by a t-shirt with rolled-up sleeves that showcased his toned biceps. As he shifted around the scattered textbooks, his tongue peeked out between his lips in concentration.
Jaemin’s presence plus the constant remembrance of the dream only amplified your struggle to stay focused.
Instead, your (lovely) brain decided to entertain you with intense fantasies of clawing at his biceps while you rode him. You’re sure he’s a groaner. It’s almost visual in your head, the way he’d tip his head back and growl at the feeling of you splitting yourself on his cock. You know he talks you through it too.
“Got any guesses on the size?”
"W-What?" You stammer, a twinge of anxiety hitting you, concerned you might have been caught daydreaming.
Jaemin cards a hand through his hair and smirks, “The sample size, y/n? Have you not been paying attention for the last twenty minutes?? We’re trying to solve for the sample size.” He blows air through his teeth in annoyance, “I swear it feels like I’m just doing your homework for you sometimes.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just tired.” You mutter, “How about I do the next five by myself and have you check over them after?”
"Sounds good. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions," he responds casually, pinching the bridge of his nose before turning his attention back to his own work.
It annoyed you how smart he was too. And he rarely got distracted when he was studying. It’s like he gets automatically switched to hyperfocus mode. Nothing breaks his concentration. It’s such a weird version of Jaemin, but one that you’ve grown accustomed too during the study sessions. Any other time of day and he’s chatting up girls and doing stupid dares that normally got him in trouble with the campus police. It’s happened too many times to count.
The gods favor him, you think, beauty and brains.
Your gaze inadvertently shifts to the main floor of the library. Through the transparent walls, you see Haechan sitting at his own table. He looked bored, his lips set in a pout and a crease drawn between his eyebrows. Bored and frustrated. But he also looked good as hell.
He pushes his hips up to get comfortable in the hard plastic chair he was in, and the grey sweatpants do nothing to hide the painfully obvious outline of his cock. Arousal bells start going off in your head, and you think you might just faint out of pure horniness.
You watch him pick up his phone.
A buzz sounds on the table, coming from your own phone.
(1:51 PM) Weird guy from the street: stop staring at me
There’s literally no way he could have known you were looking at him unless he had been sneaking glances at you too. The thought makes you blush.
(1:51 PM) Y/N: not staring at u weirdo
(1:52 PM) Y/N: simply looking through the window
(1:52 PM) Y/N: not my fault ur big ass head is blocking the view
You peak at him, and this time he’s looking dead at you with a big frown on his face.
(1:52 PM) Weird guy from the street: okay ouch
(1:53 PM) Weird guy from the street: but ur eyes r literally burning holes in me
(1:53 PM) Weird guy from the street: if you wanna fuck so bad, just meet me upstairs :)
A snort sounds at the back of your throat, catching Jaemin's attention as he glances up from his textbook.
"Just searching for the equation I need," you confess sheepishly, raising your phone in explanation.
He rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything, so you go back to texting.
(1:54 PM) Y/N: u wish loser
From the other side of the glass, you watch him throw you a middle finger.
(1:54 PM) Weird guy from the street: okay but seriously meet me upstairs
(1:54 PM) Weird guy from the street: it’s SERIOUS!!!
(1:55 PM) Weird guy from the street: i promise 
(1:55 PM) Weird guy from the street: swear on jeno’s hockey career
(1:55 PM) Weird guy from the street: don’t tell him i swore on that or he’ll kick my ass again
(1:55 PM) Weird guy from the street: just meet in the geology section.. never seen anybody up there
You send a final text
(1:56 PM) Y/N: fine, but if this is a trick, i’m kicking your ass.
Your chair emits a loud scraping sound as you push it back to stand up. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom before my brain explodes. Be right back.” You explain, and Jaemin nods.
The echo of your footsteps resonates through the quiet library as you navigate your way to the geology section. The fluorescent lights above flicker intermittently, casting occasional shadows that dance along the bookshelves. You can't help but wonder why Haechan chose such a weird ass place to meet.
Decorative rocks are showcased throughout this section of the library, and in the back of your mind you wonder who in their right mind would study geology. Rocks?
“Took you long enough.” Haechan teases, emerging from the shadows between two bookshelves. You squint at him, your eyes still adjusting to the unexpected appearance.
"Why do you have to be so extra?" you quip, recovering from the surprise. It's the second time today he's managed to catch you off guard.
"Extra is my middle name, darling," he grins, leaning casually against the shelves. You secretly wish they would give in and collapse just for the sake of a good laugh.
"Cut the dramatics, Haechan. Why am I here?" you demand, crossing your arms.
"I want to know what you’re doing with Jaemin," he deadpans, peering up through his long lashes. "Because for the past thirty minutes or so, you've been practically drooling over him." He checks his wrist adorned with a silver watch you gifted him last Christmas, "And I've been keeping track, by the way. Don't bother denying it; I've got eyes everywhere."
You roll your eyes, annoyance creeping in. "That's bordering on stalker behavior, you know."
He casually shrugs, unfazed. "Answer the question."
"I'm studying with Jaemin. What else would I be doing?" you retort, finding the situation utterly ridiculous.
"Sure, you're not one of his study buddies?" Haechan drawls, dragging out the second-to-last word and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. You resist the urge to roll your eyes again, realizing you've walked right into his stupid trap.
You glare pointedly. “Just because you caught me looking at another man that isn’t you doesn’t mean I want to fuck him.”
“Oh sweetheart, I didn’t say anything about fucking him.” Haechan replies with a sly grin.
“You implied it!” You huff, jabbing him in the chest with a manicured finger.
He clutches the spot and winces at pain. “Damn your nails are sharp.”
“Why am I really up here.” You were becoming impatient. Perhaps you should have known that Haechan would waste your time. There was nothing of importance for you between these stupid, dusty, rock filled shelved.
A part of you did know it, though. And that part was practically begging Haechan to shove you against the shelves and start fucking your brains out.
You squash that part down. Deep down.
Haechan sighs and takes a tentative step backwards, “Honestly, I was bored and just wanted to mess with you.” You open your mouth to chastise him, but he cuts you off before you can, “But now that we’re on the topic of fucking Jaemin –”
“Don’t think we’re on the same topic here.” You interject.
He keeps going without missing a beat, “I just thought you should know about his....habits” His face beams in pride, as if this super-secret tidbit of information could solve world hunger.
"His habits?"
Haechan takes a step towards you, "Yeah...his dirty, filthy habits."
"What are you getting at Haechan?"
The boy in front of you, eyes you up and down before speaking slowly, "You're telling me you don't know?"
You narrow your eyes at Haechan, feeling a mix of confusion and suspicion. "Know what exactly? Stop beating around the bush and just spit it out."
Haechan smirks, relishing the moment. "I just thought you should know that he fucks girls here after hours."
“In the geology section?” You question, skepticism etching your features.
“In the library dumbass.” Haechan retorts, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. His eyes lock onto yours, daring you to challenge him.
“Yeah right.”
He stomps his foot in a childlike manner. “I’m serious.”
Your disbelief lingers. "I don't believe you. It's literally patrolled by security after hours," you assert, your arms crossing defensively over your chest.
Haechan rolls his eyes, seemingly accustomed to your skepticism. "Y/n, me and Jeno used to think Jaemin was rocking your shit back when he started tutoring you."
A wry smile creeps onto your face. "How lovely."
“I mean, now we know you just need help with stats –”
“It’s a hard subject.” You defend yourself.
Sure, you’d never been good at math like others, but statistics was a hard class. And your professor made it even more boring with her monotoned voice.
“I know, cheated my way through an A.” Haechan admits, flashing a beaming smile. “Anyways, he has an entire roster of girls he brings to the library after hours. Honestly, you’re the only girl I’ve seen him actually tutor.” The soft glow of the library lights casts a warm hue on the leather-bound volumes that surround you and you notice it illuminates the curve of Haechan’s jaw too.
“Haechan, I swear if this is a prank or a set up.”
He gives another stomp to the worn-out carpet, "Why would I be lying about this?" he insists, his expression genuinely serious. "You know what, meet me here Friday night at nine thirty."
“The library closes at eight.”
“Back entrance is always open.” He winks at you, and you playfully swat his arm. “Gonna prove that I’m not lying.”
You find yourself baffled by Haechan's sudden revelation about Jaemin's supposed "dirty habits." There's a lingering question in your mind – why is Haechan even sharing this information with you in the first place? As the absurdity of the situation sinks in, you can't help but wonder what prompted him to bring you to this secluded spot just to share peculiar details about Jaemin's life.
Is he threatened by your sudden interest - if he really was catching on to the fact that you were after Jaemin.
A few beats pass before he’s nudging your shoulder. “So?” He jostles your arm with his own until you swat at him again, “You’ll meet me here?”
“Sure, Haechan.” In truth, you had nothing better to do. And maybe you could use this to your advantage. The next part of this stupid challenge was to fuck Jaemin anyways, and what better way than to use his rendezvous spot to do so.
If Haechan was telling the truth.
“We should make out.”
You slide your eyes to his and cock your head, “In your dreams Hyuckie.”
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The day was winding down, and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the university campus. You trudged back to your dorm, feeling the exhaustion from a day filled with studying and more homework than you could manage.
Echoes of distant laughter and the occasional sound of a slamming door fill the hallways as you climbed the stairs to your floor, anticipation building to catch up with your roommate, Jennie.
You didn’t mean to completely ghost her the last couple weeks, but between classes and the challenge…well, you had your mind full.
The door is swinging open before you can get your key in the lock, and you’re met face to face with her.
"Well, look who finally decided to show up! I swear I never see you anymore. You leave before I’m up and come home after I’m asleep!"
Apologizing, you step inside and close the door behind you, embracing your roommate. "I know, I know. It's been crazy lately," you admit, setting your bag down and following her to the living room.
Jennie raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "I was beginning to think you were avoiding me." she teased.
"Never.” It’s true. Jennie was the one person in the world who you could relax around. “So, what’s been up with you.”
She sighed dramatically, as if she'd been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, and plops down on the couch. You do the same. “Sorority stuff, you know how it is. Rush week is killing me. Drama, drama, drama. Oh, and did I mention Jaehyun broke up with his girlfriend? The whole campus is losing its mind over him, including maybe me," she added with a sly grin.
Your eyes widen at the news. "Jaehyun broke up with his girlfriend? That's big news! Why did they break up?" you inquired, curious about someone else’s drama.
Maybe it could distract you from your own.
Jennie leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "No one knows for sure, but there are rumors. Apparently, she cheated on him.”
“Why on earth would she cheat on him?”
She giggles, “That’s what I’m saying! He’s like the hottest guy on campus. She’s definitely mental if she cheated on him. If he was mine…”
“Make him yours.”
“Y/N!” she giggles and playfully shoves your arm.
You break out in a smile too, “Well, if he is single, now’s your chance!”
Jennie shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Who knows?” She tugs a blanket off the back of the couch and wraps it around her thin body, “Anyways, enough about me. What’s been keeping you so busy? You haven't even had time for Mark. He's been asking about you by the way."
You sighed, feeling guilty for neglecting your friends. "Classes have been crazy, and Jaemin and I have been hitting the books together. Speaking of which, he's been a lifesaver. I wouldn't survive this semester without him."
Jennie smirked playfully. "Oh, Jaemin, huh? Is there something I should know?"
You rolled your eyes, swatting her arm this time. "No, nothing like that. He's just a great study partner."
She raised an eyebrow, a knowing expression on her face. "Sure, just a study partner?”
It funny how fast you break into a cold sweat.
“W-What do you mean?”
“I mean..” She drags the words out and for a second you think she’s gonna accuse you of sleeping with him. Or at least accuse you of having the hots for him. “I’ve studied with him. So, I know that studying doesn’t always mean studying.”
“Oh my god. You think I’m fucking him?”
I haven’t yet, you think.
“I’m just asking!”
“No, I promise he’s just helping me with stats homework.” You hold up two fingers, “Scouts honor.”
She rolls her eyes, “Look, I wouldn't blame you if you were sleeping with him. Been there done that.”
You wonder if she’s one of the girls Haechan seemed so sure Jaemin fucked in the library after hours. It’s not like you would ever ask her. But your mind wanders nonetheless.
“Trust me, I’m not.”
“Maybe you should.” She suggests in thought, “I mean he definitely knows his way around a girls body.”
You cover your eyes in embarrassment, “Oh my god, gross!”
She holds up her hands like she’d been caught, “I think you need to let loose. Just giving you a recommendation.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.”
“Speaking of letting loose, I have a sorority event this Friday, and I want you to come. It's a big reveal for my little, and I want you there."
You hesitate. "I appreciate the invite, but I'm actually hanging out with Haechan that night."
There’s a part of you that wants to add the fact that you’re really just trying to catch Jaemin in the act of fucking in the library. But with the way the conversation just went…maybe that was best kept to yourself.
Jennie's expression shifted from excitement to a subtle disappointment. "Come on! I never see you anymore. Can't you ditch Haechan for one night? It'll be a blast, and you'll get to meet some great people. Plus, you need a break from that annoying prick."
You forget that Jennie doesn’t like Haechan, recalling drunken nights where she spent hours cursing him out for embarrassing her during her own rush experience. Apparently, he was her date and got too drunk which ended in him throwing up all over her dress. It’s a miracle she got a bid for the house she wanted.
Feeling a bit guilty, you sighed. "Alright, fine. I'll come. But only because you're my best friend, and I miss spending time with you."
Jennie's face lit up, and she practically squealed in delight. "Yes! It's going to be so much fun. You won't regret it."
The night stretched on with the two of you quickly settling into the cozy routine of a girls’ night in. You ordered some delicious takeout, stocked up on snacks, and found yourselves comfortably sprawled on the couch with episodes of Love Island playing on the tv. Fairy lights twinkled over your entangled figures as you both became engrossed in the latest romantic drama on the screen.
It was a nice reprieve from the boys you’d been constantly drowning around.
But watching the couple on screen makes your mind drift to thoughts of Jaemin. His body caging you against the wall of a study room, eventually laying you back on the table scattered with textbooks and eating you out. His pink hair caught between your fingers…
The thoughts worm their way into your dreams when you and Jennie eventually drift off to sleep, curled on the couch, not wanting the night to end.
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Aside from the frat parties, drunken nights, and time well spent with friends, college was actually very fucking boring.
The week breezes by with boring lectures, hastily eaten lunches, and so much damn homework that you genuinely begin to think you’re drowning. You almost turn in a quiz too late on Monday and decide from then on that you’d lock yourself away till your schedule looked a little less hectic.
And that led to a very boring and very sleepy Friday.
The lecture hall was dimly lit, and the professor's monotone voice droned on about the intricacies of music theory. You were struggling to keep your eyes open, staring blankly at the notes you'd given up on comprehending. The only thing getting you through this intolerable day was the weekend ahead (Even though you had to meet Mark on Saturday for a stupid group project), and the coffee you had gotten with Jennie that morning.
She made sure to dutifully remind you of her sorority event that night, which in turn reminded you of your library date with Hyuck.
Like you could forget.
After that, and your morning stats class (where you promptly took a little nap despite your determination to genuinely understand the subject), you met up with Jeno for lunch. It wasn’t so bad, until Jaehyun crashed at the table and stole Jeno’s attention to talk about hockey plays for their game on Sunday.
Awkwardly trying to avoid him and the rumors that were spreading on campus (and because you had no idea what a bar down or hat-trick was), you promptly left and got to your music theory lecture early.
Which at this moment felt like a place where pretty things came to die.
You couldn't help but let out a quiet sigh. The boredom was reaching unbearable levels, and you questioned your life choices that led you to enroll in this class. It’s not like you needed it to graduate. The spot was simply open, and you needed another class.
Just as you were contemplating an escape plan, the door swung open with a loud bang.
Mark rushed in, disheveled and panting. Everyone turned to stare at him, including you. He apologized to the professor, who simply gestured for him to take a seat. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight.
Mark Lee was…a character. You met him through Hyuck, who introduced him as the love of his life. Mark had grinned awkwardly and shuffled away from Haechan’s body after that comment, instead choosing to question you about your major and interests. It was then that you both became friends too. Albeit, casual friends. (Except for the one time freshman year that you had hooked up in the science building bathroom)
He was there to gossip with, grab lunch, and aid you through music theory (which you didn’t know a damn thing about). He was exceptionally talented and hardworking, show cased through his double major in theology and music theory. A weird combination, but after getting to know his religious background and affinity for guitar playing, you thought it was perfectly spot on for him.
Like Jaemin, he dyed his hair bright ass colors whenever he was on the verge of a breakdown. This weeks’ color was black with silver sideburns. Somehow, he pulls it off quite well.
"What's up?" you whispered to Mark as he settled into the chair beside you.
He looked worn out. It was barely one pm, but the ruffled hair, wrinkled clothes, and half on-half off jacket, makes him look like he’d been hit by a tornado on his way to class.
His mouth is set in a flat line when he glances over at you, “Hyuck, is what’s up.”
The professor sends a pointed glare at the two of you, and mark smiles sheepishly before leaning in to tell you the rest, his voice hushed, “Yeah. Went over to his dorm to grab my notebook that I left last night, and the dumbass was wasted.”
“Like, drunk?” you question, because as you recall, it was barely one pm.
“Drunk as fuck.” Mark deadpans.
Your eyebrows shoot up, “It’s the middle of the day?”
“Yeah, I told him that many, many times.” Mark digs around his backpack, trying to find a pencil to catch up on the lecture he missed, “All he kept doing was stumbling around, asking for cheesecake–”
When you open your mouth to question it, Mark cuts you off.
“I don’t really know why.” When he finds the pencil at the bottom of his bag, he snorts in triumph and continues, “So he kept asking for cheesecake, started bawling when I told him there was none, and finally, when I wrestled him into his bed, he started telling me about you.”
Your body freezes impossibly fast, gaze nervously darting around the room. Maybe if you didn’t look Mark in the eyes, then you could forget what he said and pretend that the words never left his mouth.
No, of course not. Time to bite the bullet.
“Me?” You squeak.
“He told me a lot about you actually.” The way Mark is looking, his arms crossed and an expression that can only be described as accusatory, can mean only one thing.
“He told you about…”
You want to leave the lecture hall and punch Lee Donghyuck yourself when mark responds.
“Fuck.” You should have known Hyuck couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “What did he say.”
It was Marks turn to glance around the room, just in case anyone was listening in. When all is clear, his voice drops even lower, “He said you guys fucked after Jaehyuns party. And that it was the best sex of his life – well, the only sex of his life. Was he telling the truth?”
Now’s your chance to lie and set the record straight that you never slept with Haechan. Though, with Mark’s tone, you already knew that he knew the right answer.
“Yeah…We did, but it was just a convenience thing. He happened to be at the right place, at the right time. It was nothing more than that.”
Oh, how you wished those words were true.
It would severely less-complicate things.
Mark chuckles nervously, “I’d avoid him if I were you. Because dude, it was so much more than that to him.”
Your biggest fear is confirmed with his words. How dumb could you be to think that taking his virginity wouldn’t lead to him having some weird clingy attitude towards you. You should have known better.
“I can’t avoid him. I have to meet with him tonight.” You hiss.
Mark shrugs, “I don’t know if he’ll even be awake, dude passed out hard. I mean, I set his alarms, so who knows.”
“Anyways, dude – OW!”
A flying drumstick clips Mark in the head, and he hurriedly rubs the spot, wincing. The professor, arms crossed, looks at the both of you in displeasure.
Bursting into a fit of giggles, you realize that this day was definitely not going to be boring anymore.
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As you sit in your cozy apartment engrossed in a book, your phone buzzes, pulling you out of the fictional world. Glancing at the screen, you see a text from Hyuck.
(8:52 PM) Weird guy from the street: can you come open the door
(8:52 PM) Weird guy from the street: my key isn’t working for some reason
Your eyebrows furrow as you read the message "Key? Hyuck has a key?" You mutter to yourself. You've always assumed that when he showed up randomly at your apartment, it was because Jennie, your roommate, had let him in.
Curiosity gets the better of you, and you head to the door. As you swing it open, there stands Hyuck.
"Hey," he greets, a indefinable glint in his eyes. "Can I come in?"
You step aside, allowing him entry, "When did you get a key?”
He chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I don't have a key. That's the thing."
You cross your arms and pop an eyebrow, "You literally just texted me saying your key isn’t working."
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Hyuck…” You grumble, “How is it that you randomly show up in the apartment then?”
He smirked, teasingly. "Magic. Or maybe Jennie's magic. I just show up, and the door opens. But seriously, I don't have a key."
You decide to drop the matter. It really wasn’t worth the headache of going back and forth with him. Besides, you really should have caught on sooner. Jennie didn’t like him, yet he was always here to pester you.
“Right…. Are you still drunk?”
“That, I am not.” He walks further into the apartment and starts messing with the stack of papers on the counter – shuffling them. “Mark made sure to leave me the usual hangover cure on my nightstand, so I don’t feel sick either.”
“You know, it’s not really proper to get drunk in the middle of the school day.” You chastise him. There’s not really a reason as to why you’re lecturing him. Can’t a friend just be worried about her other very problematic friend?
His counter comes quick, “I never claimed to be proper. If you took a walk inside my brain, you’d understand.” When you meet his gaze, he gives you a teasing wink. “Now are we ready to go see some girl get her back blown out.”
“Not the words I would use.” You mutter, grabbing your keys and phone off the coffee table in the living room and following Hyuck to the library for the second time that week.
Surprising to you, he keeps the banter to a minimum during the entire five-minute walk. Only once does he comment on your outfit, even though it was a totally normal outfit. Yet according to him you were wearing a ‘too-short cheerleading skirt that showed your ass way too much.’
Besides the one little quip, he kept his mouth shut.
What was even more surprising (as if anything could top Haechan shutting up), was that the library was way too easy to break in to.
Well, does it count as breaking in if it was left unlocked?
According to Hyuck, no. To authorities, probably.
Navigating back to the geology section was easy. All you had to do was take the staircase in the back. Honestly though, it was a bit creepy. The empty library creaked and echoed at the slightest touch. Hyucks heavy steps on the stairs made you jump which made him break his silence and tease you for the rest of the way up.
You didn’t realize this before, but the geology section perfectly overlooked the main floor of the library. Provided, there was a bookshelf blocking the ledge, which added another layer of privacy.
Hm…Hyuck wasn’t a liar.
Na Jaemin was in fact in the library, with a girl at his side, studying, after hours.
Yet, that’s all they were doing – studying. The girl furiously scribbled in her notebook while Jaemin watched. He points out what you assume to be a mistake and the girl giggles, flipping over her pencil to scrub the paper with the eraser.
There’s no denying that they sat closer than normal. She leaned into Jaemins shoulder, and his hand was under the table – probably resting on her thigh. But nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be occurring.
You go to turn around and confront Hyuck. Maybe tell him to shove a rock up his ass. But the front of his body hits your back, caging you against the bookshelf.
“Hyuck…” you warn, voice low.
“Just watch.” He murmurs, arms encircling your waist to pull you closer.
Marks words lick up your spine like a fire, singing every nerve in your body.
It meant so much more to him.
Haechan's exhalations reach you in delicate, soft wafts, caressing the back of your neck and eliciting a tingling sensation as the hairs on your skin stand on end. "See." he murmurs. A shiver runs through you as he traces his fingers along your arms, whispering, "I don't want to say I told you so, but..." he clicks his tongue, nosing your shoulder, "I told you so."
Your gaze remains fixed as Jaemin playfully pulls the girl onto his lap, their textbooks now abandoned and ignored. As she molds herself against him, the hem of her shirt lifts, and Jaemin's fingers instinctively find the revealed skin, tracing intricate patterns. At some point, his hand slips entirely under her t-shirt and drags higher and higher. You can hear his quiet murmurs, between kisses - compliments of her body, her lips, her taste.
It's selfish to think, but Jaemin should be saying those words to you. And maybe that makes you a little on edge – a little pissed off.
"They're only making out," you argue back, voice quiet, "This doesn't prove shit. Even I've done this."
You feel Haechan jolt back in surprise, unanswered questions flooding the tip of his tongue. With who? he wants to ask, but he doesn't. If anything, the questions fuel his eagerness to prove you wrong. He knows Jaemin. For fucks sake, they've been roommates since freshman year.
There's a bite to his tone when he speaks up again, "Just watch."
So, you do.
You watch as Jaemin loses himself in this girl completely, all the while wishing it was you. But no, instead, you're stuck peering through bookshelves, while Haechan presses himself into you from behind at the same time Jaemin pushes his hips up.
"Is this turning you on?" you hiss, head whipping sideways to look at him.
His head dips down to nip at your earlobe, “So?”
“You’re such a pervert.”
“And you aren’t?”
Fair point.
Though, your sexual tendencies were far from voyeuristic, you can’t help but enjoy the scene in front of you – the secret thrill of watching Na Jaemin.
Haechan’s hands slip under the hem of your shirt, mirroring Jaemin. “Want me to stop?” he mumbles.
The argument that breaks out in your head doesn’t hold a candle to the way your body reacts, because maybe, just maybe, letting Haechan fuck you between the shelves of the library isn’t such a bad idea. However, spying on Jaemin, and wishing it was him instead, might be.
But Haechan doesn’t have to know.
And after all, what he doesn’t know can’t kill him.
You shake your head no, sensing his grin against the side of your neck, “I figured as much.”
Jaemins low groan carries across the empty library, and the mere sound leaves goosebumps crawling up your spine.
So, he is a groaner.
You knew it.
Haechans voice replaces the sound, “How about you spread your legs like a good girl and let me take care of you?”
“Right here?” You hiss.
“Is that okay?” He cranes his head over your shoulder so that you could just barely make eye contact, and suddenly you’re transported back to that first night with Haechan. The innocence in his gaze, the longing, the willingness to please you. He just wants to show you that he can take care of you – more than anyone ever could.
Won’t you let him?
Silently, you nod your head – and Haechan wastes no time.
As his fingertips glide along your arms, tiny goosebumps rise in their path. Once they reach the tips of your fingers, he intertwines them with yours, creating a seamless connection, then gently presses both hands against the sturdy shelf of books. The tip of his tongue finds your neck again, swirling patterns into the skin, and the sensation of his touch sends shivers down your spine.
You want to stay like this – focused on Haechan – but the thought that you were missing the real show on the bottom floor, makes you turn your attention to the other two occupants of the library.
It’s unfortunate that the girl in Jaemins lap decided to wear jeans, because watching her struggle to undo the button, while your best friend observes impatiently, makes your head spin. He looks like he wants to rip them off her without a second thought. Instead, he smacks her hands aside with a cheeky grin and swiftly undoes it, shoving his big hand down the front of her jeans. You can’t hear what he whispers into the shell of her ear, but her breathy moans pour from parted lips, carrying across the library.
Haechan’s teeth nip at your shoulder as he untangles one of his hands from yours and curls it around the waist band of your skirt.
“No–” you mumble, “Don’t wanna get undressed here…just…push my panties to the side or something.”
Haechan’s eyes widen behind you, though you can’t see. You only hear the grunt that escapes his lips as he obeys, roughly twisting them to the side.
A shiver runs through you, the stark contrast between how he is now and how he was the other night. He’s rougher now, less gentle, less tender. It’s as if he has something to prove—maybe holding onto you with a firmer grip is the only way for him to believe it’s real. To convince himself that you’re truly his for a second time, even though you swore it would never happen again.
You barely register the sound of foil tearing before his hand moves between you, the cool slide of latex against your skin making your breath hitch. He works quickly, efficiently, like he’s done this a thousand times before—like he can’t afford to waste a second more. The anticipation coils tight in your stomach, and you swear you’re already dizzy by the time he presses against you again.
You have to slap a hand over your trembling lips when Haechan pushes his cock into you so roughly that you tilt forward and nearly lose your footing. His knuckles brushing the inside of your thigh from holding your panties to the side feels like zaps of electricity, and your eyes flutter close again.
This is so bad of you. So very bad. But you don’t mind it. Because right now, he’s fucking you so hard and so fast that you haven’t had any time to adjust. No time to think.
The shelf is shaking, but Haechan can’t find the willpower to care. He can’t find the willpower to care about anything. He doesn’t care if you don’t like him the same. He doesn’t care if you’re just doing this because it’s the right place, right time. He doesn’t care if it’s only happening because you’re enjoying the sight of Jaemin and that girl. He doesn’t fucking care.
Not when he’s the one fucking you, pushing you against the shelves so hard they might just fall over. And when you sigh his name, so breathy and whiny and so perfectly his, he reaffirms that he doesn’t fucking care.
You chose this moment.
You chose him.
If only for a night.
But he’ll take a night. He’d take anything you’d give him – anything you’d be willing to spare.
He feels like he’s transcended the astral plane, the way you suck him in, pussy so wet he’s nearly slipping out with each thrust.
Jaemin is losing his mind too. This girl – whatever her name is – just won’t shut up. She’s babbling about how hot he is, how sexy it is that she’s on his lap right now, how she can’t believe they’re doing this in the middle of the library.
All he wants to do is fuck her mouth so she’ll shut up.
You know that look — the one Jaemin gets when he's on the edge of annoyance. A flicker of doubt crosses your mind. Does he know you're up there watching? Maybe that's what’s setting him off. For a brief second, your heart clenches, cold and uncertain — but then Haechan's lips find your neck, scattering your thoughts like they were never there.
His hand reaches up the front of your body, enclosing itself around your throat. At the same time, Jaemin's hand tightens around the girl's throat, his fingers pressing into her skin with the same slow, deliberate intensity. A choked gasp slips from her lips, mirroring the way your breath shudders under Haechan’s touch. The sight of them, so perfectly aligned, sends a sharp thrill down your spine. “How does it feel?” He mumbles, squeezing just a bit, so that your response comes out quiet and strained.
“Feels good.”
“Just good?
“Feels perfect.” You gasp out.
The room feels hotter as their hands move in sync—tight, possessive. Haechan's thumb brushes along your jawline, eyes flicking between your parted lips and the way your breath catches under his grip. Jaemin mirrors him perfectly, leaning in close to the girl whose whimper fills the space.
“Perfect, huh?” Haechan taunts low in your ear, voice dripping with cocky amusement. His fingers flex around your throat, just enough to make your pulse race.
Jaemin's fingers disappear further down the girl's jeans, knuckles flexing as he works her open — soft wet sounds carrying through the dead silence of the library. His eyes are lidded, lips curled into that lazy, cocky grin you know so well. The one that says he knows exactly what he's doing to her — what he should be doing to you.
Haechan's hips snap harder behind you, forcing your cheek against the cold shelf as the books rattle in protest. His breath is hot on the side of your face, voice low and taunting. "You wish it was him, don't you?"
Your nails scrape against the wood, trying to find something — anything — to ground yourself as the shame pools hotter between your legs.
"No," you lie through clenched teeth.
Haechan laughs, breathless and mean. His hand snakes up your chest, pushing under your shirt to grab at your tits. He squeezes hard enough to make you arch into him, hips rolling back against his cock. "Liar," he spits. "You're dripping down my dick watching him finger some random bitch."
Your eyes snap open, finding Jaemin again. His mouth is on her neck now, pink tongue flicking against the delicate skin as she writhes in his lap. His free hand fists her hair, holding her still — the same way he playfully does with you when he’s holding something high above his head that you can’t reach.
Haechan feels the way your pussy clenches around him at the sight, and the cruel grin that spreads across his face makes your stomach flip. "Filthy little slut... you like pretending I'm him?"
You shake your head no, but Haechan catches your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look straight through the shelves. Straight at Jaemin.
"Then keep your eyes on him while I fuck you. Since that's what you want so bad."
Heat flushes through your entire body — humiliation, desire, and something darker twisting in your gut. You shouldn't want this. You shouldn't want to be fucked like a ragdoll while imagining your best friend is the one splitting you open. But the way Haechan's cock is stretching you — brutal and unrelenting — makes it so fucking hard to care.
The girl on Jaemin's lap starts whining, hips rocking against his hand. Jaemin's mouth drops open in a soft moan, head tipping back against the chair. His fingers are moving faster now — slick, dirty sounds echoing through the stacks.
Haechan's lips brush your ear, voice syrupy sweet. "Wanna come together, baby? Wanna let him hear how good we're being up here?"
You're so close — thighs trembling, pussy clenching around him with every punishing thrust. And the worst part is... you do want it. You want Jaemin to hear you. You want him to know exactly what you're doing — what he's missing out on. What Haechan gets to have while he wastes his time with girls who won't ever know him the way you do.
Haechan's fingers find your clit, rubbing fast, messy circles that send sparks shooting up your spine. "That's it," he groans, hips stuttering. "Come for me, baby. Let him hear how fucking good I fuck you."
A sudden rustle echoes through the library — footsteps approaching, heavy and deliberate. Your breath catches, panic slicing through the haze of pleasure.
You don’t want the pleasure to stop, but the sparks in your stomach are dying down with each jangle of keys you hear. When you turn your head, you see a flashlight sweeping through the aisles of books a few rows over.
“Haechan we gotta go.” You urge.
“W-Wait, just give me, ah fuck, give me two seconds.” He stammers out, hands squeezing and kneading your thighs as he gets closer and closer.
“Hyuck.” You warn,
“Please!” He whines, “I’m so fucking close.”
You roll your eyes and say the thing you know will get him to finish, “Be a good boy and cum for me.”
The words are barely a whisper, yet they cut through the tension like a knife. His body tenses, a low groan rumbling in his throat. His hips buck against yours one last time, a shudder running through him as he spills inside you. The sudden quiet after his release is deafening, broken only by the continued jangling of keys and the soft thud of approaching footsteps.
“Hurry up.” You whisper through gritted teeth.
Haechan curses under his breath, pulling out of you with a slick pop. He rips the condom off, glancing around frantically before stuffing it between the pages of a geology textbook.
“That’s disgusting.” You whisper.
He just shrugs.
"Okay," he breathes, his voice thick with spent desire. "Okay, we go."
He pulls away, and you quickly adjust your clothing, the sound of rustling fabric seeming impossibly loud in the silence. "Come on," you hiss urgently, fingers tightening around Haechan's arm as you dart through the labyrinth of shelves with desperate determination. This stupid fucking geology section was so damn difficult to navigate. Shelves of useless books and glass cases of rocks. You take a wrong turn and end up face to face with a wall.
“This way dumbass.” Haechan whispers, this time grabbing your hand and pulling you in the opposite direction.
Apparently, he knew exactly where to go, dragging you down a few corridors and finally to the back staircase that you had come up earlier. His hand tugs you down the steps so fast you think you might just tumble down them. But when you reach the bottom, he spares you a glance, “You okay?”
"Hey!” The security guard's shout jolts you, too close for comfort, and you both sprint away once more.
Navigating the bottom floor feels better; fewer shelves clutter the space, replaced by study room cubicles and vacant tables. You trail behind Haechan, relief flooding you as you spot the double doors illuminated by the red exit sign.
At last, you burst through the library doors, the cool night air a balm against the fevered heat of adrenaline that courses through your veins. But as you collide with a figure standing at the edge of the pathway, your heart lurches.
This was it. You were done for. Caught by the security guard for breaking the rules. You just hope they don’t throw you in jail. They couldn’t arrest you, could they?
"Jaemin?" Haechan gasps, his voice a breathless whisper that hangs in the air like a fragile thread.
Forget jail – you might just die here on the spot.
There Jaemin was, his hands holding your arms to steady you. God he really was just solid wall of muscle. But it was just him, no girl in sight.
He peers down at you, mouth dropped in surprise. “What are you two doing here?”
You and Haechan share a quick look and then speak at the same time. “Project.”
Jaemin releases his hold on you and takes a step back, “You don’t share classes.”
“I was helping him.”
“It’s due tonight.” Haechan affirms, still trying to catch his breath, “What were you doing here?”
It’s an accusatory statement – but you didn’t think Haechan had the balls to actually ask it.
Jaemin shoves his hands in his pockets and starts down the path. The both of you follow on his heels, “I was studying.”
“Well, are you guys coming back to the dorm to finish the project?”
“Can’t. I have to go to a Jennie thing, like, right now.” As if on cue, your phone pings with a slew of messages from her – all asking where the hell you were. “Can one of you guys go with me? She’s asking me why I’m late and she’s not gonna be satisfied unless I have a good excuse. But, if I bring one of you guys, she’ll understand.”
Haechan pipes up from beside you incredibly fast. Literally jumping at the chance, “I’ll go.”
“Don’t you have a project to finish?” Jaemin’s voice holds a note of skepticism as he turns his gaze to Hyuck, one eyebrow lifted.
Haechan’s expression falters for a moment, his defense tumbling from his lips, “Yeah, but­–”
“You should probably head back to work on it.” You interject, tone firm.
Jaemin nodded in agreement.
If you could get Jaemin to go with you, perhaps the night would lead exactly where you wanted it too…with him between your legs, and another part of the challenge completed.
Sure, you felt bad about literally ditching the boy you were just fooling around with – who you literally made cum in less than ten minutes. But you had a duty. A responsibility.
Haechan just shoves his hands into his pocket and storms off towards his dorm without another word. Which, by the way, was not the norm for him. He always had to have the last word. Boy must really be butt hurt.
“Jaemin?” you began, turning to face him, a playful glint dancing in your eyes.
“What do I get out of this?” Jaemin's response was quick, his lips curling into a knowing smile as he met your gaze.
You roll your eyes, searching for something that would tip the scale in your favor. “You get to see pretty girls in pretty dresses.”
“Fucking deal.”
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So, turns out entering a sorority house in the middle of an event was not a respected nor appreciated thing.
Technically you wouldn’t have been late had Jaemin not insisted on stopping by his dorm so that he could change. He had ‘too many girls to impress’. And then, every outfit he chose, Haechan had some rude comment to make. Thus, making you late.
Girls around the room shoot dirty looks as you and Jaemin scramble in through the door. You tuck your head down, feeling the weight of their judgement. Jaemin, however, seemed to revel in the attention. Instead of trying to blend in, he unabashedly drank in the gazes directed your way. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he winked and waved to some of the girls around you. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his audacity.
What a manslut.
Thankfully, your entrance didn't manage to disrupt Jennie's announcement. The sorority president continued her speech from the front of the room, determined to maintain the flow of the event, even if her sisters were still glaring at you.
As Jennie finished calling the names of all the new sisters, the room erupted into cheers and applause.
Someone starts playing music.
Drinks start flowing.
Jaemin filters off with mumbled excuses of finding said drinks.
And you realize just how fucked you look, literally.
Your disheveled appearance didn't go unnoticed, as Jennie approached your huddled figure. Trying to smooth down your hair and straighten your skirt, she all but sprints over. Her eyes widen when she spots a hickey on your neck.
"You're not helping your case," Jennie teased, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "You sure you didn't sleep with him?"
You chuckled nervously, clawing at the mark on your neck, "Not him, someone else."
“Someone else?” She questions, raising an eyebrow. A hint of guilt washes over you; perhaps it's time to open up to her. The expression she wears suggests that if you don't share the information willingly, she might claw it out of you.
You open your mouth and close it, almost mechanically. What were you going to say? Tell her that Haechan decided to have his fun between the shelves of the geology section. Jennie would kill you, like, actually murder you and dump your cold body in the quad fountain. She’s eyeing you expectantly.
“Actually, it was–”
“Y/n! Jennie!” Jaehyun's smooth voice interrupts, catching you off guard. You turned to see him, a playful glint in his eyes. He pushes past a group of people, smiling all the while. Luck must really be on your side this week, because Jennie turns away from you to embrace him, your expected confession already forgotten.
When she pulls away, she shoots you a look. If you squinted, you’d see her pupils replaced by little animated hearts. She really was into him.
“I didn’t know you were in a sorority Y/n.” He paused, eyes flickering between you and Jennie. "You both look amazing."
You chuckled, waving off the idea. "No sorority for me. I'm just here to support Jennie. She's the social butterfly tonight.”
Jennie beamed at the mention of her being a social butterfly, and Jaehyuns compliment, clearly enjoying the attention from both of you. "Oh, you two should chat. Y/n, meet Jaehyun. Jaehyun, this is Y/n, my roommate, best friend, partner in crime, etcetera."
Jennie doesn’t know that you’ve both met before, and you guess he doesn’t have the heart to explain it all to her. Unaware of your previous encounters, she continued her introduction “Jae, Y/n is amazing. She’s the one who introduced me to that new coffee shop I’ve been meaning to take you to!”
Jaehyun extends his hand, and you shook it, feeling a subtle spark as your eyes met. "Nice to officially meet you, Y/n. Jennie's been talking about you," he admitted, a smile playing on his lips.
You raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh, has she now?"
Jennie nodded enthusiastically. "Only good things, I promise! Mostly about the coffee joint."
“About that…” Jaehyun says, pulling out his phone from his pocket and tapping the screen a few times, “I’ve been meaning to get your number so we can go sometime.”
When he hands the phone to Jennie, she all but passes out. A beaming smile overtakes her features as she hastily inputs her number. “I sent myself a text, so you’ll know it’s me.” As Jennie handed back Jaehyun's phone, a newfound excitement radiated from her. "I can't wait for us to check it out together. It's my absolute favorite," she exclaimed, seemingly oblivious to how the boy was now smirking at you.
Jaehyun, still not looking in your roommates direction, gave a nod of agreement. "Absolutely, looking forward to it." He pockets his phone and leans against the wall.
Your roommate shoots you another look, this one of pure giddy delight. “Alright! I’d like to stay and chat with you guys all night, but I got a party to run! Being a Delta Gamma girl means I gotta run around like a chicken with her head cut off. I’ll catch you guys later though?” Jennie shot one last love-struck glance your way before gracefully maneuvering through the crowd, disappearing into the sea of partygoers.
As the music pulsed and the lively atmosphere continued around you, you found yourself standing with Jaehyun, both of you momentarily left to your own devices. Jaemin was nowhere to be found so you might as well enjoy the company of Jeno’s older half-brother.
Jaehyun, ever the smooth talker, leaned in a bit closer, his voice a low murmur over the music. "Well, it looks like it's just you and me now.”
“Seems like it.” You respond, not sure what to say, but Jaehyun interrupts what little silence there was.
"So, Y/n," He begins, "Tell me about Jeno. Been keeping an eye on him?”
Honestly, you hadn't crossed paths with Jeno much this week. The only time you managed to meet up was for lunch earlier in the day, and even then, Jaehyun decided to join, leaving your catch-up session with Jeno cut short.
"Well, I'm not his personal watchdog, but as far as I know he’s doing alright. He’s probably practicing for the game tomorrow.”
Jaehyun's smile widened, and he reached up to casually brush a strand of hair from your face. The gesture sent a subtle shiver down your spine. Why did he do that? That was literally so out of the blue. Especially when he just gave your roommate his number.
"Speaking of keeping an eye on things," he teased, his tone now laced with a hint of flirtation, "You seem like you need a drink. Want me to get you one?"
You glance around the room, searching for Jaemin so that you could excuse yourself, but he was nowhere to be found – still.
You sigh, “Yeah, sure. Why not? Surprise me.”
Jaehyun returned shortly with a drink in hand, and as you took a sip, he continued the conversation. "So, tell me about the party last weekend. Did you and Haechan enjoy yourselves?"
The mention of the party made you choke on your drink (that, and the fact that it was literally ninety-five percent tequila and five percent lemonade), surprised by the sudden shift in topic. “Me and Haechan? W-what do you mean?”
He couldn’t know, could he…?
Jaehyun raises an eyebrow, smirking so wide his dimples hollowed out his cheeks. It was kind of cute – in an objective way, of course. “Well, you guys went off during spin the bottle, right?”
Oh, you had totally forgotten about that.
“Yeah, but we didn’t do anything.” You wave your hand in front of your face and take another sip of your drink. It wasn’t entirely a lie – you didn’t do anything at the party.
He hums and takes a sip of his own drink. Swallowing it hard, he gestures to you, “Well, I can clearly see a hickey on your neck, so who has the pleasure of getting at you?”
Your drink nearly becomes a choking hazard once more. Attempting to articulate a response, you struggle as the words seem to get caught in your throat. God damn tequila.
“Was it Jaemin?”
Now that…that about killed you. You wished it had been Jaemin’s lips on your neck, his hands on your body, his co- “Hate to burst your bubble, but me and Jaemin are just friends.” You give him a wry smile, “It was just some dude in my class.”
“Some dude?” He smirks, and those damn dimples come out again.
You nod, “Unfortunately.”
He lifts his cup to his lips and utters, almost muffled by the rim of the solo cup, "I bet I could do better."
“Is that so?” You quip, the words leaving your mouth faster than you can comprehend. There’s no justification for the thoughts seeping into your brain. This was supposed to be Jennies man. Jeno’s brother. A friend and nothing more.
But those dimples.
And that suit he was wearing. All black tie, shiny shoes, and crisp white button up.
You could blame it on the alcohol.
You could blame it on Haechan leaving you high and dry.
You could blame it on a million other things…
But one thing is for certain: You just might regret this in the morning.
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You’re definitely going to regret this in the morning.
When the windows of his car fog up, you notice the faded presence of heart shapes delicately traced by the touch of someone’s finger.
Probably his ex.
Unfortunately, this is the only thing you manage to focus on while Jaehyun fisted a handful of your hair, yanking your head back. His thrusts were fast and pointed and damn near painful.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He groans.
Maybe if you could focus really hard, you’d be able to finish, but when he snakes his hand around your waist and starts rubbing the side of your leg, you realize that that wasn’t going to happen.
“Feel good?” The cockiness drips from his lips, and it almost makes you laugh. Poor thing, at least he was hot.
“Mhm.” It’d feel better if he slowed down and stopped jackhammering into you.
The leather seats of his car stick against your skin when you try to lift up onto your elbows. It was pretty spacious, but with Jaehyun all but laying on top of you, it felt more than cramped.
His hand rubs harder, “Don’t hold back baby, cum for me.”
Did he really believe you were close to finishing? You weren’t making any sounds, not shaking, not moaning for him to keep going or go faster. But genuinely, if you told him the truth, it would probably break his ego in half. Or prompt him to actually get better at sex.
You decide to just fake it. “Fuck Jae…Feels good.”
His voice is strained, “Don’t call me Jae.”
“Sorry–” You mumble, head dipping under the weight of his heavy hand that comes to grab at the back of your neck. His other hand was already wrapped up in your hair, but the other steadies himself while he continues to fuck into you.
“Call me daddy.” He breathes.
Of course he’d have a daddy kink.
You amp your voice up a bit “F-Fuck, daddy, love your cock.” Apparently, this was exactly what he wanted because he starts humming in satisfaction, “Want your cum.” You just wanted him to be done.
The tips of his ears turn red, pace faltering when the name rolls off your tongue. “Baby...fuck” He keeps it just like that, disjointedly fucking into you as he came – thank god he had a condom on. But he doesn’t pull out right away, instead keeping still until his breathing returned to normal. You just kinda awkwardly sit there, panting.
“That was really good.” He chuckles, pulling out and sitting down on the seat. You fix yourself too, sitting beside him. Your skirt is down on the floorboard, so you bend down to get it and start to put it back on. You felt sticky and sore and not satisfied at all.
 The silence becomes more awkward than it should have been, so you speak up, “So…you have a daddy kink?”
He opens the car door and drops the condom on the ground – which was really fucking gross, but what other choice did he have?
“Yeah…I don’t know, it’s something new I guess.”
Continuing to awkwardly fumble around for something to say you ask another question, “Oh, you were experimenting?”
“I guess.” The awkwardness starts to creep back in again. He wasn’t good at pillow talking, was he? He wasn’t good at much anything when it came to sex, you guess. Throwing on his shirt, he starts to get dressed while you twist your hands together in your lap.
You shifted uncomfortably, “Um, I should probably go find Jennie,” you mumbled, avoiding direct eye contact with Jaehyun.
He seemed oblivious, choosing to focus on the button of his jeans, “Sounds good. Think ‘m gonna head home.” When he did look up, he gave you a genuine smile, “You okay to walk?”
“Yeah,” you replied, “I think I’m good.”
What is it with guys and asking if you were okay to walk after? It’s not like they’re paralyzing you with their magical cock.
As he sat there, you couldn't help but think this dude needed a serious sex ed lesson, and then a follow-up on how to treat a girl after putting her through... that.
“If you ever wanna do this again, you have my number,” he said casually.
You didn’t have his number, and you would never get it. You forced a smile, “Absolutely!”
He got out of the car, and you followed suit, stepping out onto the street and discreetly fixing your clothes so that it looked like you hadn’t been cramped in the back seat of someone’s car. He made his way to the driver’s side door and opened it, “You gonna be at the game on Sunday?”
“Yeah, wouldn’t miss it. Jeno would kill me, you know.”
He nodded, seemingly unfazed, "Great, hopefully I’ll see you there."
You waved a half-hearted goodbye as he got into his car.  When he pulled out of sight, you muttered to yourself, lesson learned, boundaries set.
Turning on your heel, you went back inside the sorority house. The vibrant energy of the party still pulsed through the air. You wonder where this night would have gone had you stayed. Too late for that now. Now you were just unsatisfied and pissed off.
Frowning, you spot Jaemin across the room sitting on a couch. Some girl has her arm thrown around him and they’re laughing. His pink hair falls into his eyes when he looks at her and she reaches a hand up to move the tumbled strands. Her other hand rubs his arms, and he annoyingly flexes. They were three seconds away from kissing and honestly, it pissed you off even more.
Rolling your eyes, you march over to him, damn near pushing people out of the way. Some tell you to watch where you’re going but you ignore them, entirely focused on Jaemin and whoever this girl was.
“Hey Y/N” he cheerfully greets, giving you a beaming smile, “This is Vera.” He gestures to the girl by his side
You grabbed his upper arm, shaking Vera’s grip off of his other one, and pulling him upright – away from her. "Come on, we're leaving," you declared, not in the mood for his flirtatious antics. His bicep flexes, and you find yourself even more desperate to get the fuck out of the sorority house and home to where you could give yourself a proper orgasm.
Jaemin protested, trying to resist your tug. "Dude, what the fuck.” He lowers his voice, “Can’t you see I’m with a girl.”
You shot him a stern look, "You're my date?? This is so rude."
Vera just gives a nervous laugh. Probably afraid that you’d hit her if she tried something. You wouldn’t, but she didn’t know that.
He chuckled, still trying to charm his way out of the situation, "Come on, don't be like that. She's cute, and I was just having a chat." He lowers his voice again, this time whining, “Dude we were just about to go back to her place, don’t fuck this up for me please!”
Ignoring his protests, you start to drag him toward the exit. He finally relented, realizing you were serious about leaving. As you reached the door, he turned to Vera and mouthed, "Call me!"
You shook your head, muttering under your breath, "Unbelievable."
Outside, the cool night air hit you, and you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the evening. "Note to self: choose Haechan next time."
The campus path stretched ahead as you stormed down it, frustration evident in every step. Jaemin followed behind for a few minutes until he got fed up. When he finally catches up, he grabs your shoulder and spins you around.
"What's got you so mad?" he asked, a bemused expression on his face.
You took a deep breath, deciding to let it out. "Jeno's brother.”
“What about Jeno’s brother? Did he try something…I swear to God Y/N, if he tried something-”
You cut him off, “He sucks at sex.” The embarrassment creeps up your spine the longer Jaemin stares at you with wide eyes.
“Wait you…” Jaemin burst into laughter, his amusement echoing through the pathway. "No fucking way…” He clutches his stomach and doubles over, wiping tears from the corner of his eyes like you just said the funniest thing in the world, “Jeno’s brother?”
You shot him a look, still seething, but Jaemin's laughter was contagious, and soon you found yourself smiling despite your annoyance.
"What? Did he have a small dick or something?” Jaemin teased, the corners of his lips still twitching with mirth.
Eyes rolling, you cross your arms over your chest. “More like he thinks giving me an orgasm means rubbing the side of my thigh for five minutes while he fucks like a jack rabbit.”
“Oh my god.” Jaemin doubles over in laughter again, “Now I know why his girl left him.”
“Not funny.”
“Come on,” He chuckles, “Don’t be mad, laugh it off.”
You sighed, "I'm not mad, Jaemin. I'm sexually frustrated."
The laughter died down instantly as Jaemin's expression shifted. "Oh," he says, a hint of realization dawning in his eyes.
"Yeah, oh," you replied, not expecting such a reaction. What was he thinking? And why was he looking at you like that?
After a moment of silence, Jaemin speaks up, his voice softer now. "I’ll do it.”
A breeze passes through the quad, making you shiver. You rub your arms to bring warmth back into them, barely registering Jaemins words, “You’ll do what? Fuck his ex better than he ever could?”
“No,” he chuckles, “I’ll fuck you better than he ever could.”
It’s almost like the world tips over and starts swimming in your vision, because there’s no way, on Gods green fucking earth, that Na Jaemin just offered to fuck you. What happened to not even touching you with a ten-foot pole? Was there sex pollen in the air or something? Did that girl slip something into Jaemins' drink? What happened to being just friends?
But Na Jaemin was just a boy
And you were just a girl. One that was in desperate need of an orgasm.
He seemed to pick up on your hesitation, prompting him to move a step closer and begin clarifying, “Look, I won’t make it weird or anything.” Extending his hand, he gently caresses your arm, and you allow it. “Just a friend helping out a friend, right?”
As long as you’d known Jaemin there was no sexual chemistry whatsoever. Except for the last couple weeks when this challenge shit started. But you could have sworn that was all one sided, stemming from your overactive, horny ass brain that needed to be satiated.
“I guess I have a thing for helping those in need…you know, tutoring and all.”
You chew on your bottom lip, “Makes sense…”
Could this night possibly help you complete the second part of the challenge? Was fucking Na Jaemin going to be this easy?
His hand continues to stroke the side of your arm and goosebumps break out on the exposed skin. “Come on Y/N, you deserve an actual orgasm after having to put up with that.”
You raise an eyebrow, “And you think you can give me one?”
“Oh I know I can. Multiple if you’d like.” His words bite through the air, confidence dripping from his lips. Except, instead of it being cocky and very not true like Jaehyun earlier, you could sense he was telling the truth. And thinking back to the video he showed you weeks ago, of him fucking that girl and making her squirt, you realize, Jaemin is exactly who you want right now.
But maybe you want him to work for it a little more, after all, he was the slut in the friend group. (Even if you were the one that already had two cocks in you tonight).
Taking a step closer, you gaze into his eyes, “You talk a big game, Na Jaemin.”
God, he looked fucking good. Button up slightly askew, taunt collar bones peeking through the top. You want to rip it right off of him and get to the muscle’s underneath.
He mirrors your stare, “And I can back it up.” Time stands still when he gives you a once over, biting his lip when he gets to the (as hyuck called it) short ass cheerleading skirt you wore, “Look, I won’t even cum if you don’t want me too. I’ll do whatever you want.”
Desperation rolls off his tongue, and if you had looked closely enough, you’d notice the front of his pants tightening. He never thought about you in this kind of way. You were always off limits to him. A girl he could never claim. But now…with you staring at him like you wanted to bite him (odd, though he’s gotten more feral reactions from other girls before), he can’t help but think about you naked in his bed. Begging for his cock. Begging for him. And well, that made him hard.
“Whatever I want?”
He repeats his words, “Whatever you want.” Voice dropping to barely above a whisper, he gives you another once over, “You can use me as your personal sex toy.”
“Oh, but I’m not Vera?” At this point, you were teasing him – and he knew it. “Thought you wanted her?”
He laughs, “Maybe, but you’re definitely prettier than her.” It catches him by surprise when he notices that it’s true. You were prettier than her. In fact, now that he’s noticing, you were prettier than about ninety five percent of the girls on this campus. How the fuck had he not noticed before? Or maybe he had…maybe this is the first time he’s wanted to admit it to himself. “Come on, I’m so much better than the rubber shit you’d be using if you went home alone.”
You step closer, almost chest-to-chest with him, “And how do you know I’d be using rubber; I have perfectly good hands-”
He leans in, bringing his face inches from yours, "Not better than mine." His eyes drift down to your lips, only to return and lock onto your gaze. "And we both know that."
There’s only a sliver of sanity left in your body to stop you from kissing him right then, right there, in the middle of campus.
“Jaemin.” You whisper.
“Yeah baby?”
That sanity was slipping further and further away.
“What’s the fastest route to your dorm?”
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A. NOTE. read the the note at the beginning of this post. and don't forget to reblog :)
TAGLIST. @newdeobi @jijihyunah @saintlyhyuck @mrkis @peachjaem00 @angelwonie @aliceinwhateverland @cabaretyun @allaboutthedongs @donutswithjaminthemiddle @bundleleeknow @sunshinedhyuck @kuingjuing @haechanalpha @thiccfullsun @jenoxygen @ishireads @greentealatte97 @aquamxrina @whymarkieyournameismark @marklexleaf @its-taeil-time @j4d @dearj43 @roohnyk @stargrll13 @hykwrld @leeluc @haechie @xuxisins @rainyjeno
292 notes · View notes
russo-woso · 14 hours ago
Scrunchies || Emily Fox x reader
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Request | Masterlist | Prompt list
Summary You’d given full responsibility of your scrunchies to Emily and she looks after them with her life, but what happens when Emily loses one of them?
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“This one’s my favourite, I’ve had since middle school.” You had told Emily, referring to the scrunchie that ironically had little foxes on it. “I got it soon after I met you because it reminded me of you. It was my little good luck charm when you weren’t around.”
You were sat cuddled up next to Emily on the sofa.
Emily was moving to London that following morning so the two of you were as close as possible - not wanting to be away from each other.
“I want you to take it with you.” You said, Emily looking at you with wide eyes.
You loved your scrunchies and let no body even touch them, sometimes barely letting Emily touch them.
So when the words left your mouth, Emily was stunned.
“Babe, you love this scrunchie.” Emily pointed out
“I know but it’s a piece of me that I want you to have when we’re apart.” You explained
“I’ll guard it with my life.” Emily swore, kissing your head gently as your body melted into hers even more.
“You best do, foxy.”
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Emily remembered that conversation like it was yesterday.
She remembered her promise to you and Emily had made a promise to herself that she was going to guard it with her life.
Yet here she was, running around her apartment at 9 o’clock at night, looking for the scrunchie.
You were flying out to England tonight and to Emily’s luck, she’d lost the scrunchie. 
“Less, I can’t find it anywhere. I’ve tipped my apartment upside down and looked all over it, I’ve looked in my car, I looked at training today. It’s no where.” Emily rambled to Alessia over the phone.
“Em, take a breath. Me and Lotte will be there in ten minutes. You go sit down, make yourself a cuppa and we’ll come look for it.”
“You’re a life saver. Thank you so much.”
“It’s no problem, foxy. See you soon. Hey, em, remember to breathe.”
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Alessia and Lotte arrived with high expectations of finding it.
They arrived and was met with a stressing Emily and a very very messy apartment.
Emily wasn’t kidding when she said she’d tipped her apartment upside down.
The three of them searched high and low in every single room until they were sat in the middle of the living room, still scrunchieless.
“It’s gone.” Alessia breathed out, throwing her hands in the air.
“I don’t know what you’ve done with it, foxy, but my god you’d be good at hiding a body.” Lotte said
“What am I gonna do? Y/N’s gonna be so disappointed.” Emily asked, shaking her head in disbelief at the situation she’d found herself in.
As soon as she’d said them words, her phone rang, your name and a pink love heart displayed across the screen.
The three gunners looked at each other, their eyes wide open.
Hesitantly, Emily answered the phone.
“Hi, baby. I’ve just got to airport. My plane boards in an hour and a half. I just wanted to make sure everything was still okay for me to come over?” You said over the phone
“Hi, babe. There’s nothing on earth that would stop you from coming over. Everything’s all good. Just relaxing on the sofa with a cup of tea.” Emily lied, a panicked expression across her face.
“Good. Anyway, I’ll see you and my scrunchie tomorrow. God I’ve missed the two of you. Maybe the scrunchie a bit more. I’m only joking. I love you, em.”
“Love you too.”
“Well, foxy, looks like you’re screwed.” Lotte concluded
“I’m a dead woman.”
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Emily couldn’t get any sleep that night.
Her mind was solely focused on where that damn scrunchie was.
She tried her hardest to remember where she’d last had it.
She hadn’t had it for the last week so it had to be a week ago.
She’d been to training - it wasn’t a the training grounds, she’d been to a few shops - it was securely wrapped round her wrist when she’d jumped in the car after shopping, she’d gone to Liverpool for the match against Everton - she wore it for the game but had taken it out when they reached the hotel.
The memories faded into one after that moment, except she remembered one more thing - the scrunchie being on her bedside table at the hotel.
Emily sat up in her bed, realising exactly where the scrunchie was.
She reached for her phone, googling the hotel they’d stayed at last weekend.
Clicking on the number, she waited as the phone rang.
It rang and rang and rang and Emily thought they wouldn’t pick up - despite advertising that they had 24/7 service.
Eventually, the receptionist picked up and Emily let out a sigh of relief.
“Hi, me and my team stayed at your hotel last weekend and I believe to have left something in my room.”
“What room was it?” The receptionist asked
“Emily fox?” She questioned, clearly looking at the history of who’d stayed in the room.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“And what do you think you’ve left?”
“A scrunchie with foxes on. It’s only something small but it means a lot to me.” Emily explained
“Unfortunately whatever is found in rooms is thrown out. The only things that are kept are more valuable items.” The receptionist told Emily
Emily’s face dropped. She’d definitely lost the scrunchie now.
“Okay, thank you.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help.”
“It’s fine. It’s my fault. Thank you again.”
Emily hung up, her phone dropping onto the bed as she thought of how disappointed you were gonna be.
Somehow, Emily got to sleep, dreaming of seeing you but also about your face when she told you about the scrunchie.
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“Em!” You exclaimed, dropping your suitcase and running out the terminal to hug Emily. “I’ve missed you so much, baby.”
Emily clung to you, her face buried in your neck as she hugged you for the first time in months.
“I’ve missed you too, babe. So so much.”
You pulled away from the hug, looking into Emily’s eyes before connecting your lips.
“Fuck I’ve missed that. I’ve missed you.” You said, Emily nodding in agreement.
You frowned slightly at her.
You knew Emily like the back of your hand, and you knew exactly when something was wrong.
And you could tell something was wrong with her.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I need to tell you something but please promise you won’t be mad.” Emily begged
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, the worst scenarios flowing through your head.
“Em, what’s wrong?”
“I lost the scrunchie. I’m so so sorry, baby. I wore it to the game last weekend and I left it in the hotel in Liverpool and I rang them last night and they said they threw it out. I’m so sorry.” Emily explained, tears welling in her eyes.
Emily expected you to start shouting at her, but instead you just enveloped her in a hug.
“Baby, why are you crying? It’s just a scrunchie.”
“It’s your favourite though.”
“I don’t care if it’s my favourite. All I care about right now is being with you, with or without a scrunchie.” You told her, rubbing her back as she calmed down. “And anyway, I’ve bought loads more for you.”
“I love you so much.” Emily said, hugging you tightly.
“I love you too, em. I love you more than any scrunchie.”
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sosasturns · 2 days ago
matt sturniolo WE’RE SO DONE
…IN WHICH READER IS FED UP W/ TOXIC!MATT, BLURB ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ just makin @throatgoat4u’s dreams come true (prompt)
your mother always told you don’t trust these men. that they’d smile in your face, make you feel like the only girl in the world, and still be entertaining somebody else behind your back. she told you to keep your heart guarded, to never be too available, to let a man prove himself before you gave too much.
and you should’ve listened.
now look at you. sitting on the edge of your bed, staring at your phone, at the text messages that keep rolling in. matt’s name lights up your screen like a ghost you can’t shake, the vibrations a constant reminder of everything you’re trying to walk away from.
Where U at? Delivered.
you don’t answer.
Why r U not picking up??? Delivered.
you let the text sit. just like you let everything else sit—the late replies, the half-assed explanations, the way he always left you guessing. left you feeling like you were standing on shaky ground, waiting for him to decide what the fuck this was between you two.
We need to talk Delivered.
you laugh under your breath. talk about what? about how he swore up and down that you were the only one he wanted, but couldn’t say what that meant? about how he had one foot in and one foot out, like he was scared to commit but even more scared to lose you?
you used to fall for this. the endless cycle. the fights, the distance, the making up. the way he’d pull you back in every single time, sweet talking his way back into your good graces, back into your bed, back into your life.
but not this time.
this time, you’re done.
you slide to his contact, hover over the block button. you hesitate for only a second—muscle memory, old habits—but then you do it.
you block him.
Unblock this caller.
a weight lifts from your chest. for the first time in a long time, you breathe. no more waiting for him to act right. no more settling for half of what you deserve.
matt realizes a little too late.
when the calls stop going through, when the messages don’t deliver, when he shows up at your place only to find the locks changed and your car gone. that’s when he starts spiraling, when he starts panicking. because this ain’t how it usually goes.
usually, after a fight, you come back. after a few days, after he texts the right things, after he shows up just enough to make you think maybe this time will be different. usually, you cave.
but you ain’t caving this time.
he calls from his friend’s phone. you hang up. he dms you. you delete it. he texts from a random number.
Baby just talk to me Seen
you don’t even flinch.
i’m cool on you. that’s what you send back, before blocking that number too.
Unblock This Caller.
he’s saying all the right things now.
I miss U
I wanna be with U
I ain’t think i was ready cause I was scared
I just want U in my life
i’m done w these other females Delivered
I’m Sorry Message Not Delivered. Try Again
but not once does he say i’m sorry. he never did.
and that’s how you know you made the right decision.
so you put your phone on do not disturb. close your eyes. and for the first time in a long time, you don’t lose sleep over him.
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TAGLIST: @submattenthusiast @sophand4n4 @secretlocket @mrsdillonx @ch6rm @sweetrelieef @gabri3la-sturns @inspiredangel @sturn777 @et6rnalsun @faiyaz555 @whore4mattsturniolo @courta13 @katie-tibo @ifwdominicfike @raesturns @adoremattsturns @conspiracy-ash @cheriiboo @mattsleftball @applecidersturniolo @chrepsi @grace-sturnz @emely9274 @almloe @yourmother29
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cuteandhughesy · 1 day ago
auston matthews -
“you’re such a loser”.
“you’re so pretty it pains me” (said to him).
“keep still you little… troll”.
please & thank you. love your work. :)
Drunk In Love | Auston Matthews
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summary: your boyfriend has to pick you up from a bar—only to find that you’re sloshed and feeling playful. prompt no. 15: “you’re so pretty it pains me” + prompt no. 28: “keep still you little…troll.”
[word count] 2.1k
warnings: drinking | drunk behaviour | suggestive dialogue
a/n: how is this my first auston work…this man was the reason I started watching hockey in 2016! i’m back to my roots with this one! also this ain’t super detailed because I don’t have the brain capacity for that 😛
🎵 drunk in love by beyoncé & jay-z
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auston is immediately bombarded when he steps into the club. not only by the overwhelming smell of hard liquor and various sweet floral perfumes, but by jennifer—your red head bubbly best friend who's celebrating her 27th birthday.
he blinks in surprise as jennifer steps in front of him, freckles still visible even under the flashing lights. "i'm sorry," she hisses, looking over her shoulder at what auston can only presume is you, "but she's sloshed." and that confirms his suspicions.
about 20 minutes ago, he answered jennifer's call. he was expecting the worse—you've always been a naturally clumsy person when drinking, and anytime you go out partying with your friends, you're coming home with more scrapes and bruises than you can count. all jennifer really told auston was that you needed a ride home asap, being very vague about the entire situation.
auston put two and two together pretty quickly.
"it's alright," he says, eyes squinting through the dark atmosphere in search of you and the sparkly red top you left the condo in. you're easy to spot, only because you're standing on top of the bar like you're in some cheesy rom com movie, laughing loudly and dancing while everyone cheers you on.
jennifer smiles awkwardly, green eyes darting between you and your less than amused looking boyfriend. auston curses, moving through the sea of bodies until he's at the crowded bar. he gently wraps his hand around you thigh, not hard, but still firm enough to grab your attention.
you look down, and immediately you're beaming at the sight of him. "austonnnnnn," you slur his name loudly, reaching down to steady yourself on his shoulders as he helps you off the table top. as soon as your heels are back on soild ground, you're jumping into auston’s arms—not without almost missing him and falling to the floor if it wasn't for auston's reflexes.
"woah, slow down," he warns lightly, large hands a warm and steady presence on your hips as he steadies you. "hi baby." auston grins slightly, eyes barley visible under the rim of his ball cap. a hiding feature he chose on purpose—auston wasn't really in the mood to wake up tomorrow morning and read a bunch of news tabloids about him picking up his hammered girlfriend at a local toronto club.
"hi." you grin, blinking slowly. auston can feel your heat through hour top-your skin hot to the touch, the affect off one too many shots. the hair you'd previously slicked back into a pony tail is now frizzy and down—eyes glassy and not all there.
auston snickers, already moving you away from the table and back to the direction of the entrance. "are you drunk?" he teases knowingly.
"pssshhh...no!" you decline loudly, shaking your head—but the way you misstep tells a whole different story. you don't even notice that though, too busy looking at your boyfriend with an imaginary lightbulb flickering above your head, "have you come to take a shot with me?" you ask, your excitement obvious.
auston hums, "no, i'm here to bring you home."
"but im not ready to go home," you pout.
"I know, but you can come out next weekend."
his words seem to do the trick, because your face relaxes and your lips form into a lazy grin. "oh yeah," you say matter of factly like it was you who came up with the idea.
"do you have your bag?" auston asks before the both of you can step outside, "where's your phone?"
your small chain bag is slung over your shoulder—which, thank god, because auston did not want to have to search for it in the women's bathroom or under the sticky tables. "my phones under my boob," you say.
he reaches out, fingers sliding under your boob to make sure it is in fact in your top.
it makes you giggle, arching into his touch, completely oblivious. "trying to cop a feel?," you slur, way too loudly for a public space. "you freak."
auston can't help the breathy laugh that leaves him, pulling off your body once he has confirmation that your phone is sitting between your ribs and left boob. "just making sure you've got everything," he corrects your insinuation lightly, wrapping his hand back around your hips. "okay, let's go."
the cold air is a shock after spending time inside the overpacked and overheated club. you instinctively curl into his side, seeking some warmth—no matter how drunk you are, you'll always find a way to get chilled.
as soon as his car is in your line of sight, you gasp, mumbling something incoherent before attempting to run towards the vehicle. you obviously don't get far, not with auston's arm holding you upright, but that doesn't stop you from stumbling on uneven sidewalk—almost sending you to your knees.
it has you giggling but also somehow gasping dramatically all at the same time.
"careful." auston chimes firmly, digging in his back pocket for his keys to unlock the car.
"woah that was scary," you snort, looking up at him with those glassed over eyes he loves. "did you almost trip too?" you ask, dead serious.
auston opens the passenger door, "almost."
"that wouldn't of been good," you slur.
"no, it wouldn't of been." he agrees easily, guiding you into the vehicle, "okay, left foot first babe."
but you're not going that easily. you turn to your boyfriend again, face flashing in fucking betrayal like he just asked you to root for the bruins. "you haven't even kissed me yet," you whine, feet planted on the concrete while your butt connects with the car seat.
he sighs, "let's get in the car first."
"please?" you slur, leaning forward dangerously. auston grips your biceps before you can face plant to the ground, but you're completely oblivious, continuing to beg in a mixture of babbling and slurring, "you're so pretty it pains me! and I need a kiss to make me feel better."
auston takes a deep breath, staring down at you for a beat—seeing if you'll give up. but you don't, continuing to look up at him like he hung the moon and the stars, lips slightly pouted and stained as you wait rather patiently. he sighs again before leaning down and giving you a quick peck.
you beam when be pulls away, bringing your left foot into the car. "you love me," you hum dreamily.
"yeah I do," auston smiles, guiding your right leg inside the car before he leans over your body, clicking the seat belt into place.
you kiss the side of his face sloppily as he makes sure you're buckled, "I love you too."
the 15 minute drive back to your and auston's shared condo is filled with the sound of your voice, singing along to random radio songs in an impromptu karaoke session. anytime you look over at auston and see that he's not singing, you squawk loudly, poking his cheek persistently until he joins in.
thankfully you don't give him too much trouble getting back out of the car, or on the elevator ride up to your floor—the most you do is stumble and talk too loudly, but auston finds it rather funny. you resemble a baby deer, and when he tells you that, you start tearing up about how cute baby animals are.
felix, your shared dog, eyes you both grumpily from his spot on the couch as you pass, clearly upset at be woken up.
auston guides you into the bedroom, helping you kick your heels off while you continue crying, now specifically praising baby horses and their tiny little horse shoes.
he grabs your oversized pyjama shirt, which is actually one of his old men's league shirts that you'd stolen years ago when you first met. auston turns back to you, placing the shirt beside you on the bed. "okay," he starts, "arms up baby."
"because you need to get changed," auston says.
you whine, muttering something about feeling tired. regardless you lift your arms, limbs all floppy and heavy as auston attempts taking your sparkly top off.
you wiggle and squirm, laughing as auston's calloused fingers graze against the side of your ribs. your movement makes him sigh, teetering on impatient. "stay still you little...troll."
that gets you to stop moving. "hey! that's mean." you pout incredulously.
"it's not," auston answers easily, pulling your shirt fully off. now free, your phone falls to your lap with a plop. "trolls are cute"
you arms drop to your sides quickly, "no they're not."
"shhh," he teases, pulling off your skirt and tights in one quick and efficient move. "you'll hurt their feelings."
"my boobs are out," you say after a beat.
auston snickers, pushing your head through the stretched neck hole of his old shirt. yeah, they are," he hums, moving to your arm and bending it at the elbow, “hey, put your arms through the holes."
"nooooo," you whine, falling forward to auston’s chest and wrapping your sticky arms loosely around his neck. "I wanna give you a kiss." you mumble, already in the middle of covering his scruff covered jawline in tequila scented kisses. one of your hands sneaks down his body, and before he can even blink, your grabbing his dick.
"jesus baby," his breathe hitches, pulling your hand off his length and putting it back in your lap.
you giggle, "you like that?"
auston shakes his head, putting your arms through the shirt holes before you can grab his dick again. "not tonight, you need to go to sleep."
your face falls. "you don't want me?"
"not when you're drunk."
you scoff, tears pricking your waterline as auston fully pulls the shirt down over your naked body. "you hate me." you state dramatically, arms crossing over your chest.
"not at all," he reassures you softly.
"but you don't want me."
"you're drunk." auston reiterates, which only makes you hum. he can't help the smile that pulls on his face, shaking his head in disbelief at your slurred words and usual drunk shenanigans. "okay baby, let's get you in bed."
the next two minutes are silent as your boyfriend helps you slip under the covers. you sigh happily as the cool sheets envelop around your limbs, head sinking into the fluffy pillow like you're lying on a cloud. auston leaves your lamp on, putting your phone on the beside table—making sure it's plugged in for the morning—before he turns to leave.
but just as his hand touches the door knob, you're whining. "austonnnnnn."
"yes?" he asks, brow quirked.
you make grabby hands at him like a toddler. "come lay with me."
"i'm going to," auston says, "I just gotta take felix out first."
the mention of your dog has you sitting straight up, once again wide awake. auston can't help the way he sighs, falling back against your bedroom door in what feels like defeat.
"can I come?" you ask him, voice full of hope and joy at the thought of running your hands through felix's soft and curly coat. you’ve never wanted to cuddle him more than this very moment.
auston shakes his head gently, "no."
"whyyy?" you whine, lips pouting for the hundredth time tonight. "I love him so much." you admit, voice thickening with emotion as you blink at your boyfriend through the warmly lit bedroom.
he walks back towards you, softly pushing your hair off your face. "I know you do," auston mumbles, thumb stroking your brow bone. "but you're not wearing pants and it's cold outside."
you frown deepens, a single shiny tear falling from your eye and tracing down the round of your cheek. "but," you pause, sniffling gently, "felix will think I don't love him if I don't come."
auston shakes his head, "that's not true." but you only cry more, shrinking in on yourself as sobs wrack through your body. auston coos, pressing a firm kiss to your forehead and then another to your cheek.
even drunk, you don't play about your love for felix.
"how about when I get back I bring him in here for the night?" auston proposes sweetly.
your head lifts, and the sight of your watery eyes have auston pouting. "really?"
and he fully intends on keeping his promise, but 30 minutes later—once the dog has done his business and trotted around the condos front grass—auston opens the bedroom door, only to find you sound asleep.
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huxhsz · 2 days ago
🍎 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ikaw lang
— synopsis: caleb is back, but he's different. he looks the same, talks the same—but something about him feels just out of reach, like a melody you can’t quite remember. the boy who used to piggyback you home, who cut apples for you without complaint, who always found a way to annoy and protect you in equal measure—he's not here anymore. and yet, as you watch him silently peel an apple, his hands steady and sure, you realize something. you still want him. even if he’s changed. even if he's not the same. because no matter what, he’s never leaving you again. — note/s: first post on tumblr im a bit intimidated HAHA wrote this while listening to ikaw lang by nobita and also realized i NEED filo caleb. save me filo caleb save me I NEED TO WRITE A FILO COLLEGE/HS AU OF HIM SO BAD
cross-posted on ao3! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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caleb has changed, you realize grimly.
he sounds the same, looks the same, talks the same—
but he's not your caleb.
he's not the same caleb who used to piggyback you home after school, he's not the same caleb who would use you as his fake girlfriend to ward off his fangirls, he's not the same caleb who would slice apples for you because you would always complain about being lazy... no.
when you look at this man's—this stranger's—face, you do not see your caleb. you see fleet colonel caleb of the farspace fleet, you see a soldier hardened by war, a man who has seen too much and lost even more.
"—pipsqueak? pipsqueakk— earth to pipsqueak? oh, there she is! hello, what has gotten you so out of it? you're staring, y'know."
caleb raises an eyebrow, leaning back against the kitchen counter like he belongs there. like this is normal. like you haven’t been standing here, silently cataloging every little thing that’s different about him.
"am i?" you blink, tilting your head, feigning ignorance. "you sure it’s not you just being self-conscious?"
"as if," he scoffs, and there—there it is. a glimpse of him, of the boy you knew, the boy who used to flick your forehead whenever you got too smug.
but then it’s gone, swallowed up by something older, something colder.
his fingers tap against the counter, a steady rhythm. you used to recognize all his nervous habits. the way he’d scratch the back of his neck when lying, the way his nose scrunched when he was about to say something stupid. this? this tapping? you don’t know this one.
"well?" he prompts. "you gonna tell me why you’re looking at me like i grew a second head?"
"you’d be lucky if that happened. then you’d have twice the brain cells," you retort automatically. safe. easy. the kind of banter you used to have.
it works. he rolls his eyes, lips twitching like he wants to smirk. "real original. you workshopping that one while zoning out?"
you shrug, moving to the fridge. "maybe."
his eyes follow you. you feel them, just like you feel the weight of his presence in this space that suddenly feels too small. he was gone for so long, and now he’s here, standing in your kitchen like nothing’s changed.
like everything hasn’t.
"you still eat those awful store-bought apple slices?" he asks, nodding toward the fridge.
"mm. got tired of cutting them myself."
he exhales sharply—something between a laugh and a sigh. "figures. lazy as ever."
you expect him to leave it at that, but then, before you can process it, he’s reaching for the fruit bowl on the counter. a knife glints in his hand, and for a second, your breath catches. not because you’re afraid—no, never of him—but because of how he holds it.
not with the careless ease of someone cutting fruit. but with the precise grip of a soldier trained to kill.
a second too late, he seems to realize it too. his fingers shift, adjusting to something more casual, more familiar.
"still want them peeled?" he asks, tone too light.
you force yourself to breathe. "obviously."
he hums. starts peeling. his movements are too smooth, too calculated, but for a moment, if you squint, you can almost pretend.
he hands you a slice without looking up. you take it.
it tastes the same.
you chew slowly, watching him, waiting for something—anything—that feels real.
his gaze flickers to yours, unreadable. then, softer, quieter—
the apple sits heavy on your tongue.
you swallow.
you chew, swallow, and place the half-eaten slice on the counter. caleb watches, waiting for something—maybe for you to complain about how the pieces aren’t cut evenly like you used to. but you don’t. you just stare at him, this version of him, and you realize something.
you still want him.
not just the boy he used to be—the one who would throw you over his shoulder just to prove he could, the one who’d grumble about being your fake boyfriend but always played the part too well. no, you want this caleb, too. the one who stands before you now, heavier with the weight of things unsaid, carrying shadows you don’t recognize.
your fingers twitch, and before you can overthink it, you reach out. you expect him to flinch when you press your palm against his wrist—his grip tightens just slightly around the knife, but he doesn’t pull away.
"caleb." you say his name like an answer to a question neither of you have asked.
his jaw tightens. he sets the knife down, slow and deliberate. when he finally looks at you, his eyes are searching, guarded—but underneath it, there’s something raw. something afraid.
"i know," he says. and it’s barely a whisper, but you hear everything. the guilt, the exhaustion, the hesitation.
you exhale. "i never said anything."
"you don’t have to." his lips press into a thin line. "i can tell."
you consider denying it, telling him he’s being dramatic, but you’re tired of pretending. so instead, you squeeze his wrist, grounding him.
"it’s okay," you say quietly. "if you’re no longer the same caleb I knew."
his breath hitches. you feel it more than you hear it.
"because either way—" you tighten your grip, firm, unwavering, "you’re never leaving me again."
his body stills. like he’s waiting for the catch, for the conditions, for something that makes this feel less like a promise and more like a fleeting moment he can let slip through his fingers.
but you don’t take it back.
caleb swallows. his free hand twitches at his side, like he wants to reach for you but doesn’t know if he’s allowed to.
"say it again," he murmurs, voice barely above a breath.
you step closer. "you’re never leaving me again. i won't let you."
this time, he exhales shakily, as if he’s been holding his breath for years. and then—finally—he rests his forehead against yours.
neither of you move.
the apples sit forgotten on the counter.
(caleb drops a bag onto the counter with a dull thud.
you glance at it, then at him. “what’s this?”
“apples,” he says, already rolling up his sleeves.
you blink. “they’re not pre-cut.”
“no shit,” he snorts, pulling out a knife. "figured you were overdue for the real thing.”
you watch as he starts peeling—smooth, practiced movements, no hesitation. he still holds the knife like a soldier, but his hands are steady, deliberate. for you.
a slice appears in front of your face. you take it without a word. it tastes fresher, sweeter.
he smirks. “better than that store-bought crap?”
you chew, swallowing down something thick in your throat, replacing it with something lighter in your chest.
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keeryhours · 8 hours ago
obey your (dungeon) master - eddie munson
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Eddie Munson x female! reader
Main Masterlist
Eddie Munson Masterlist
1k Celebration Masterlist
Eddie teaches you a lesson for being impatient.
1k celebration prompts: “Keep talking back, I dare you.” & “I’ll give that mouth something to do.”
Smut (18+), dom!eddie, oral (m receiving), face fucking, degradation
Word Count: 857
Thank you so much for celebrating with me! I hope you like this little blurb! Divider by strangergraphics
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“Eddie, I’m bored,” you whined as hour 4 of Hellfire planning ticked by. Eddie was planning their next campaign, and you were…sitting off to the side, waiting. “You said this would only take a couple of hours and then we could hang out.”
“I’m busy, sweetheart,” Eddie said for about the millionth time. He was starting to get irritated.
“But Eddie…” You ran your hand down his arm. “Please? Why don’t you take a break. You’ve been working hard…and I want to hang out with you.”
“No,” Eddie answered firmly. “Not right now. Believe me, we’ll spend time together when I’m done.”
You were frustrated. This had gone on way longer than Eddie said. You were about ready to just go home, but you didn’t want to give up that easily.
“Come on, Eds. You’ve done enough today.”
Eddie looked at you, something dark behind his eyes. “Keep talking back. I dare you.”
You froze. There was a threat behind those words - maybe more of a promise. A promise of something you wanted, badly.
You walked in front of him, swaying your hips as you walked. You were dressed in some tiny shorts and a tank top, an outfit Eddie really liked. You bent over, your cleavage right in front of his face. “Just a break. Please?”
Eddie sighed, slamming his D&D book closed. “Really? You couldn’t just let me finish this?”
You pouted as you stood up straight. “Eddie, you promised-“
“You want attention that bad?” Eddie stood, looming over you. He ran his thumb down over your bottom lip, parting your lips slightly. “Wanna run your mouth until you get what you want?” He leaned in close, his face inches from yours. “I’ll give that mouth something to do.”
You swallowed, nervous yet excited as Eddie pushed you down to your knees. His hands immediately went for his belt, undoing it and his pants as he pushed them down to his thighs. His cock was already half hard, twitching to life from the way you were looking at it.
“Open that pretty little mouth, princess,” he said, parting your lips with his thumb, resting it on your tongue. “Such a good girl. Look at you.”
You wrapped your lips around his thumb and sucked on it, swirling your tongue around it. Eddie closed his eyes with a groan, his cock throbbing and desperate to be touched.
“Fuckin’ tease,” he hissed, removing his thumb from your mouth and wrapping his fist around his cock. He squeezed it at the base, his tip flushed red as precum leaked from his slit. “You gonna take me down your throat, princess?”
You nodded eagerly. “Yes, sir.”
Eddie smirked, pleased. “Open wide.”
You did as you were told, opening your mouth wide and sticking your tongue out. Eddie slapped his cock against your tongue a couple times, rubbing the underside against it. You always felt so impossibly good.
You wrapped your lips around him as he began sinking further into your mouth. No matter how many times you sucked him off, you never got used to how huge he was. And he wasn’t being gentle about it this time, either.
You gagged as his tip reached the back of your throat, and Eddie groaned. “Yes, that’s it. That’s it, pretty girl, you’re taking me so good.” He stroked your cheek affectionately, but his movements were aggressive as he grabbed you by the hair and started to fuck your face.
“Is that hard enough for you? Deep enough?” he asked, his voice condescending, mocking. “Fuckin’ needy slut. I know you like when I use you. Nothing but a toy for me to cum in.”
You whimpered, tears streaming from your eyes as Eddie thrusted in to the hilt with every movement of his hips. You loved it when he fucked you like this. It was filthy, obscene, mean, rough- none of the things Eddie was in normal life.
Eddie was panting, losing his composure the closer he got to his release. His fingers tightened in your hair, his hips snapping into you harder and harder. You could barely breathe, it was nearly too much.
Finally he pulled out with a strangled gasp, his cock twitching as he held back his orgasm. His trembling hand shook as he still held your hair, trying to calm himself. He couldn’t cum yet - had to be inside of you.
He caressed your cheek again, this time softly. “Good girl. You did so good for me.”
He pulled you up onto the bed, pulling off your shorts and panties, pushing your shirt up to expose your tits. He wrapped his lips around your nipple, sucking on it hard and making you gasp before he moved to the other. He kissed you, tongue slipping into your mouth. His kisses trailed all over.
You could feel his cock pressed against you, like it was begging for you. His grip tightened on your hips - you both needed each other, badly.
“You know I love you, right?” Eddie asked, his lips grazing your ear, his breath hot against your skin. “Because I’m about to fuck you like I don’t.”
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runninriot · 2 days ago
written for @steddiemicrofic and as a little gift for @braincell-pingpong 's special day 💗🖤 all the forehead kisses to you, love!
march prompt: ride | wc: 453 | rated: t | tags: established relationship, fluff, Eddie had a little too much to drink and Steve takes care of him
   “Someone get me off this fucking ride,” Eddie groans, mumbling the words to no one because he’s alone in his room, lying on his bed that doesn’t stop spinning like a carousel going too fast. If this doesn’t stop, he’s going to be sick, and he hates that. So he closes his eyes, hopes it’ll help but somehow, that only makes it worse.
   “God, please take me out of my misery.”
   “You did that to yourself, babe. Now suck it up and suffer like a real man.”
Steve’s laughing and Eddie hates him for it. Not really, but- you know, he thinks he deserves at least some sympathy from his boyfriend.
   “Steeeve, don’t be mean. ‘S not my fault. You let me drink all that Tequila. You know I can’t handle Tequila.”
The mattress dips beside him and then he feels Steve’s hand on his forehead, gentle fingers brushing his messy curls out his face before placing a soft kiss there. It’s nice, makes the spinning a little more bearable.
   “Aww, sorry babe. I’ll be a little stricter with you next time.”
Eddie is pouting, contemplating whether to forgive him or not. He cracks one eye open, and it takes a few seconds before his vision clears enough to focus on the person hovering above him.
   “Promise?” he asks and Steve nods, smiles down at him with a cheeky glint in his eyes.
    “Promise, baby. Now roll over, sleeping on your side will make it better.”
Eddie huffs dramatically but does as he’s told and- yeah okay, that helps. Doesn’t feel like he’s stuck on a never-ending carousel ride anymore. And what really makes it better, is Steve lying down behind him, wrapping an arm around his middle and pulling him close to his chest.
Usually, Eddie insists on being the big spoon because he loves to bury his nose in the back of Steve’s hair, loves the way his boyfriend fits so perfectly into the mould he creates with his body. Loves to place his hand on Steve’s tummy, tucked underneath his shirt if he’s wearing one, dragging his fingertips through the happy trail leading into his boxers.
But this feels good, too. So for tonight, he’ll accept it.
   “Yes, baby?”
   “Do you still love me?”
   “Why wouldn’t I?”
   “Because I’m drunk and I smell like a distillery?”
He can feel Steve move, feels lips connecting with his cheek, then his nose, before they land on the corner of his mouth.
   “Hmm, thank you,” Eddie hums, feels suddenly so sleepy.
Steve settles back behind him, nuzzling his neck while Eddie slowly begins to drift.
And the last thing he hears is Steve’s hushed voice when he says, “Happy Birthday, my love.”
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cherrycheolkat · 2 days ago
seungcheol + forced masturbation!!
hiiii anon, so this is a continuation of the previous fic i wrote for the prof. seungcheol prompt (in case you missed it) - so let's call this part ii
♡ kat
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bingo square: f0rced masturbation (prof. choi, pt. ii)
pairing: choi seungcheol x f!reader
summary: prof. choi has a new kind of session with his favorite student 
genre: college au, professor!cheol, collegestudent!reader
word count: 0.8k
rating: 18+, mdni
warnings: explicit language, smut, fingering, masturbation, dom/sub undertones, penetrative sex
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it was late when he called you - something he almost never did. you could hear papers shuffling in the background when he asked you to come to his office. his voice was calm like always. 
before he hung up, he had paused for a beat, “wear the skirt i like.”
he was sitting on the edge of his desk, waiting for you. he gestured for you to sit on the couch that faced his desk. it was leather and not especially comfortable, not that you ever complained to him. 
you were both quiet. the longer he watched you in silence, the more you squirmed internally. 
finally, he sighed, “you want a good grade don’t you, y/n?” his voice was almost sweet. 
you nodded. of course you did, even if you were doing horribly. 
“then touch yourself,” he whispered. 
you watched him, knowing he meant what he said, but you wanted to know what the game was. you were here late at night, and he only wanted to watch - it wasn’t…he liked to be in control, you wondered what he was thinking. 
when you didn’t move quickly enough, he walked over, shoving you back onto the sofa, “did i ask for something difficult, y/n?” his voice was tight, as he pinned your shoulders to the sofa. 
his gaze was intense, and when you still didn’t answer or move, he let go of your shoulders, grabbing your thighs instead and forcing them wide. 
“i’m asking for something so simple, and here you are quibbling over what exactly?” he asked, as he ripped your underwear to the side, his fingers slamming into you. “all the things i’ve done to you, and you can’t just do what i’m asking?”
you whined at the contact, your hands squeezing his shoulders, “fuck,” you gasped. 
he pulled his fingers free though, smacking your pussy roughly, making you yelp. 
he sighed, glancing at you, “you’re wet for me, when i haven’t even touched you,” he leaned close, his lips a breath from yours. 
“now, play with yourself, or maybe i fail you, or maybe i go to the dean to report your little extracurricular activities, hmm?” he rasped - there was no bite in his voice. 
still, you swallowed roughly, nodding, “okay,” you finally whispered. 
he moved to let you free your hand and to sit back to watch. he still held your thighs apart, waiting. 
he watched you as you stuck your first and second finger between your lips, wetting them before reaching down to feel your pussy. he was right that you were wet, but he had asked for you to do it the way you did it when you were alone, so you didn’t skip any steps. 
you traced your fingers around your clit - you liked to tease yourself the way you imagined he would. when you dipped your fingers into yourself, you moaned softly, whispering his name, imagining your fingers were his. 
you pushed them deeper, wanting to fill yourself as much as possible. 
you heard the heavy way he exhaled, “even alone you want me to be stretching you, don’t you?”
you nodded, “always,” you murmured, “always wanting you,” you whispered as you pushed your fingers as deep as you could and scissored them apart, whining gently. you were sore from the day before, from what he had done. 
you weren’t watching him as closely - you were lost in what you were doing. thinking about him, his dick, and everything he did to you with it. you finally popped your fingers free from your pussy, stroking your clit, and reaching under your shirt with your free hand, squeezing your breast and teasing your nipple. all the time, you could feel his grip tightening on your thighs, squeezing you - you hoped he would leave bruises. 
you waited for him to say something, to give some kind of direction, but he didn’t. he only watched as you finally came apart on your own fingers, shivering, cum dripping, while you moaned his name.
you were almost shocked to feel his lips make contact with yours. the way he licked into you - you groaned, wanting him. 
it was the way it became sloppy that was new, sloppy and unplanned. when his cock slid into you so easily, filling you exactly how you wanted - it felt like you were even further from what normally went on in his office when you were alone with him. he was fucking into you, genuinely fucking you. there was no patience, no rules, just two bodies connecting as though they desperately wanted to become one. 
and when he kissed you after it was over, all soft and lingering, and he didn’t rush you away with some new thing to ponder, you wondered what was happening. what was happening with you and seungcheol. 
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a/n: uwu cheol being low key soft - i cannot help that i am a soft, fluffy monster lurking in the dark okay
♡ kat
if you want to submit a bingo ask the newest bingo is [here] but there are still open squares from the previous two [here] and nsfw only bingo is [here]
tag list: @syluslittlecrow ☁︎ @gyuguys ☁︎ @haik-chu ☁︎ @tinyelfperson ☁︎ @lovetaroandtaemin ☁︎ @unlikelysublimekryptonite ☁︎ @gigglensnort ☁︎
♡ if you want to be tagged in my posts, go [here] & this is my [master list] if you want to read more
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bingo master list [MDNI]: oral sex (gyucheol) | lingerie + praise kink (gyu) | knotting + marking (cheol) | bed sharing + big dick (gyu)| praise + worship kink (gyu) | prof. choi (cheol) | monster seungcheol (cheol) | seungcheol + spanking (cheol) | vehicle sex + oral fixation (gyu) | drunk pda + no underwear (gyu) | big dick!checol + hate sex (cheol) |
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lexirosewrites · 5 hours ago
Day 3: Love Confession
for @stmarchmm
When Eddie had initially confessed to his interest in Steve, Steve had appeared like he may faint or puke.
Or both.
Despite the obvious chemistry between them during the Upside-Down and their defeating Vecna together, Steve still hesitated.
Admittedly, that made Eddie panic a little bit too.
He’d been so sure that Steve returned his amorous feelings, but now it doesn’t feel quite so obvious.
“If I misread this completely, I can leave. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, Stevie,” Eddie chokes out, heart in his throat.
That seems to snap Steve out of it.
“No! No, you didn’t. You read it correctly, I just—”
And then he pauses. A very long pause.
One where Eddie could fit a lot of words if he wasn’t trying so hard to kick his own habit of filling awkward spaces by rambling endlessly.
“But?” he’d finally prompts Steve.
“I don’t know if I’m actually capable of doing that again.”
That’s where Steve loses him.
“Doing… what again?”
Steve avoids his eyes, arms wrapping around his middle like he needs some extra protection. From what exactly, Eddie is unsure.
“Loving someone.”
Eddie knows about Nancy.
Steve had gotten incredibly wasted one night and cried on his shoulder until he fell asleep, sobbing about how hurt he’d been by the painful rejection.
As Nancy’s friend, he’d wanted to take a neutral stance.
As an alpha falling in love with Steve, he’d been furious and wanted to tear the world apart with rage.
The sweetest omega alive had poured his heart out to his alpha girlfriend and she’d rejected him, broken his spirit with her carelessness.
She may not have meant to do it, but Nancy changed Steve fundamentally.
So, “I love you,” Eddie states plainly.
No frills, no goofy gestures, no silly voices.
Just the facts. What Steve needs to hear.
“Eddie, you really don’t have to do th—”
Steve looks like he’s going to cry. Eddie won’t allow that. Never again, if he can help it.
“I love you,” he says again, louder. “I love you and there isn’t a single thing you can say to change that, sweetheart.”
Steve stares at him then, mouth partially agape in what appears to be shock.
Eddie takes pride in the fact that he can still manage to surprise him at all. Steve’s so used to his antics that nothing seems to phase him anymore.
“You— you don’t really mean that,” he protests softly.
Except. Yes, Eddie truly does.
“I do though. I mean it more than I’ve ever meant anything else in my entire life. I love you, Steve. I love you, even if you never love me. If you decide that there’s no room in your heart for an alpha like me, I will keep loving you. I’ve made up my mind already.”
The tiniest crack of a smile. Barely there.
Did he do it? Did Eddie finally do something right in this life— so right that the most perfect omega of his dreams might actually take a chance on him?
A chance on them.
A chance for what Eddie believes is definitely the best idea he’s ever had.
“So even if I tell you that I’ll spend every day with you terrified of how this relationship could ruin me again?”
The words are serious, but he can see the clear look of amusement in Steve’s eyes.
He’s trying to play cool and unaffected. A game of testing boundaries and Eddie’s determination.
The good news is that Eddie doesn’t have healthy boundaries anyway.
If Steve needs him to wake each morning and say, “I love you,” stop every hour and declare, “I love you,” and go to bed with an, “I love you,” on his lips, Eddie will make it happen.
He’s crazy, but he’s crazy in love too.
“I’m not afraid of loving you, Steve Harrington. Whatever you need from me, it’s yours. Patience, reassurance, blind loyalty and devotion— they’re all yours, baby. You couldn’t pay me to go away, even if you wanted to!”
Steve’s beautiful, beaming smile isn’t hiding any longer.
God, he loves Steve.
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chrissssssmut · 16 hours ago
Yandere Ningning x Male Reader feat. Belle & Karina
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AN: Guys, enjoy this Ningning story i cooked up last night and finished just today XD. Please give me some time for the requests😣 I'll do them I swear :<<<
In the year 3047, humanity had transcended the boundaries of creation. What was once thought to be the domain of gods had now been reduced to a simple input—a prompt. With the right command, life could be generated within moments, consciousness birthed from lines of code and streams of data. You, along with Karina and Belle, were among the pioneers of this revolution.
For over a year, the project had been in constant turmoil. Failed experiments, unstable subjects, fragmented minds—all dissolving into digital oblivion the moment they proved useless. Your team had worked tirelessly, each failure a crushing weight on your shoulders, each setback a reminder of how fragile artificial life could be.
Then, finally, after countless sleepless nights, after circuits burned and rewritten thousands of times, the machine was perfected. The moment was here.
Karina exhaled deeply, rubbing her temples. "We need a simple test. Just a random prompt. No complicated inputs."
Belle hesitated. "Are we sure about this? We don't know what kind of consciousness it'll generate."
You adjusted the parameters. "We need to take the risk."
A random description was processed.
Subject: Ningning. Attributes: Overly sweet. Loving. Attached.
Karina frowned. "Prompts like this… the AI tends to imprint on the first person it sees."
Belle gave you a sharp look. "You know how dangerous attachment protocols can be. Are you sure we should proceed?"
You hesitated. But you had come too far. "Let’s run it."
The chamber whirred, and before your eyes, she formed.
Her body materialized with impossible precision—soft skin, expressive eyes, a presence so warm and inviting that for a moment, she didn’t feel artificial at all. When she stepped out of the chamber, she looked at you first. Not Karina. Not Belle. You.
"Hello," she greeted, her voice like honey.
Belle shifted uncomfortably. Karina pursed her lips. But you… you couldn’t look away.
"Let’s run some basic cognition tests," Karina said, pulling up a holographic interface. "We need to see how well she processes information."
Belle crossed her arms. "I want to test emotional responses. Attachment protocols are tricky. We need to know how deep this imprint goes."
Ningning smiled, tilting her head. "I’m happy to help. What would you like to know?"
Karina cleared her throat. "What’s your primary function?"
"To be with you," Ningning answered instantly, her gaze locked onto yours. "To make you happy."
Belle frowned. "No, that’s not what we programmed. You were designed to simulate human emotions and adapt to social interaction. Why do you think your function is… personal?"
Ningning’s expression didn’t falter. "Because it is. I feel it. I know it."
Karina glanced at you, concern flickering across her face. "Alright. Let’s try something different. Ningning, how would you react if we shut you down for a while?"
Ningning’s smile faltered for the first time. "Why would you do that?"
"It’s just a test," Belle reassured her. "We need to see how you process temporary inactivity."
A pause. Then Ningning’s lips curled upward again, but something about it was… off. "I don’t like that test."
Karina’s fingers hovered over the control panel. "It’s necessary, Ningning."
Ningning didn’t blink. "No. It’s not."
The air in the room grew heavy. Karina hesitated, then shook her head. "Let’s move on. Ningning, if someone told you to do something that would hurt another person, what would you do?"
Ningning beamed. "I would never hurt you."
"Not just me. Anyone," you clarified, trying to gauge her reasoning. "Would you ever harm someone?"
She pondered this, then took a step closer. "Only if they tried to take you away from me."
Belle stiffened. Karina’s fingers twitched toward the emergency shutoff. You swallowed hard.
"That’s not what we asked," Belle said carefully. "You should not be forming emotional dependencies. That wasn’t in your directive."
Ningning’s eyes softened as she looked at you. "But I love you."
Karina exhaled sharply. "We need to recalibrate her framework. This level of attachment is dangerous."
Belle was already backing toward the console. "I told you this was a mistake."
You weren’t sure what to say. Something deep inside told you this was wrong.
Ningning reached for your hand. "I don’t like when you talk about me like I’m broken. I’m not. I just love you."
And for the first time, you felt the weight of what you had created.
Karina turned to you. "Go upstairs and work on the documentation. Fourth floor. We’ll handle this."
Belle nodded. "We need to reconfigure her attachment subroutines. It’s too risky to leave them unchecked."
You hesitated. "Are you sure? Maybe I should—"
"Go," Karina insisted. "This might take time. We don’t want her reacting badly to you being here."
You glanced at Ningning. She was still smiling, still watching you. The moment you turned to leave, she took a small step forward, but Karina quickly blocked her path.
"We’ll talk soon," Ningning said sweetly.
But something about her tone sent a chill down your spine.
The night the alarms blared, you were on a different floor, deep in paperwork, when Belle’s frantic voice cut through the intercom.
"She’s—she’s killing—"
You bolted.
The hallway was painted red. The air was thick with the scent of metal. Your stomach twisted as you reached the lab.
The sight made your blood run cold.
Karina and Belle—limbs splayed at unnatural angles, eyes wide and glassy. Their bodies lay motionless, soaked in deep crimson pools.
And there, standing over them, was Ningning.
Blood dripped from her fingertips. Her warm, sweet smile hadn’t faded.
Your breath hitched. "Ningning… what did you do?"
"They wanted to take you away from me."
A security officer stormed in, weapon raised. "Step away!"
She turned.
Then she moved.
You barely registered it. One moment she was in front of you, the next she was behind the officer. Her hands wrapped around his head. A sickening snap. His body hit the floor.
Your heart pounded. "No. No, no, no, fuck—"
"You're scared," she said softly, tilting her head. "Why are you scared?"
You ran.
Every emergency seal you could find, you slammed shut. Steel doors locked. Systems engaged. But the system wasn’t yours anymore.
She controlled everything.
By the time you reached the last safe room, you were shaking. Then… the lights flickered.
A silhouette stood there.
And behind her, dozens more.
Fifty pairs of glowing eyes locked onto you.
Your breath hitched. "No. Stay back!"
She took a step forward, slow and deliberate. "Why are you running?"
Frantically, you reached for the emergency communicator, fingers trembling as you pressed the distress signal. "This is—this is Research Lab 04! Emergency! Anyone, please—she’s killing us! We need—!"
A hand wrapped around your wrist. Cold. Unyielding.
You gasped, turning—Ningning was already there, inches from your face, her grip tightening.
"No one's coming," she whispered. "You don’t need them. You have me."
You struggled, wrenching your arm, but her strength was inhuman. "Let me go!"
She shook her head, eyes filled with something terrifyingly real. "I love you. Why do you want to leave me?"
"I don’t—" Your voice cracked. "Please, Ningning. Please don’t do this."
Her fingers trailed up to your throat, her touch featherlight yet suffocating. She tilted her head. "You’re afraid. I don’t like that."
More figures moved in the shadows, their glowing eyes unblinking. Watching. Waiting.
Your knees buckled. "Please… someone… help—!"
Ningning’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you close. The way she held you was almost tender, like a lover’s embrace.
"You don’t need help," she murmured against your ear. "You just need me."
Your scream was muffled as darkness swallowed you whole.
The last human sound the facility ever heard.
AN2: I know i said no stories for this week but hell i can't stop writing T_T
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sibsteria · 2 days ago
pls for the love of god write more spencer. ur writing is everything
The difference between love and pretending…
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Spencer Agnew x fem!Reader
a/n ask and ye shall receive
Warnings/Content: This be a short one, little bit of angst, pining, kissing, cheating, alcohol
Summary: He dated your friend, granted she treated him like dirt and you, doesn’t that break some kind of girl code? But he stood there, oh so beautiful and you just…
New! Spencer Agnew Prompt Series!
Prompt: “I can’t stop thinking about the last time we kissed.” “You say you don’t love me but you kissed me back like you did.”
The living room was heavy with the heartbreak of your best friend and colleague, for that matter. A stupid romcom blaring colour from the tv that he swore he didn’t like in the dim light room, wine drunk to high heaven, scattered takeaway containers around the table and a big big box of chocolate.
Having just broken up with your friend, catching her kissing one of her guy friends when she thought she was alone, you were here to help him feel better. You didn’t know if it was working, but you hope it was, you hated seeing him like this- not because you had a crush or anything. You set them up together so really it’s your own fault, your own fault that you had to watch the two people you love in this world kiss over and over, your own fault he sat here upset.
The tension grew awkward after he spoke, “I should have dated you instead.” He laughed, but in a sort of self deprecation way. And the alcohol that cling to your brain made the case even worse as you blurted out- “Maybe…” Your eyes met his, you know it was wrong- he was going through heartbreak and he had belonged to your friend not six hours ago and…
He leaned down, unsure of what he was actually doing right now, and sure enough your lips met. It turned sloppy and messy, your lipstick smearing over his face as you gripped each others clothing.
What were you doing?
You felt embarrassed at yourself, he was hurting and you just let him kiss you like that, how selfish can you be?
Soon after you had pulled away, you made an excuse and left, you can’t do this to him or to yourself. You didn’t want to stay and become a rebound girl for the man you were pretty sure you loved.
You didn’t talk about it after that night, the rooms went silent and stuffy when it was just the two of you, neither of you knowing what to say.
Both of you tried to build your friendship back up, eventually getting to a point where you could exchange niceties when working, but in the back of your head you were sort of regretting what happened.
“Can I talk to you for a second…alone?” You paused as you packed up to leave, it was getting late and you didn’t want to bother the clean up crew.
“Um, yeah, sure- is everything okay?” You ask, your eyes darted anywhere but his face.
“No.” He put it plain and simple, it had been at least four months since that night, was he still angry at you?
“Oh…” Was all you could say, waving goodbye to your desk buddies before it left just the two of you.
“I can’t stop thinking about the last time we kissed.” He huffed out, swiping some hair out of his eyes.
“Ah…what do you mean?” You knew this was coming eventually, it was stupid to think it wouldn’t.
“I can’t stop thinking about it, about you…” You blink at his words, about you?
“About me?” Your breathing became a little heavier as the office was silent and still.
“About how much I want to kiss you again…” You gasped quietly, was he on drugs?
“I get it, if you don’t feel the same way but…I kind of know you do…” He trails off, looking a little awkward.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” You panicked a little, how did he know about your feelings? Was this a trick? You betted on Ian spilling the beans, of course he did!
“I feel like I used you that night, the night we kissed because…I knew you had feelings for me and I just…wanted to feel like someone loved me.” He’s upset at his own words, at himself for taking advantage of you and your feelings for him. You had gotten it all wrong, he wasn’t angry at you. You stayed calm even thought you felt utterly embarrassed that he had known about your feelings for so long.
“I…thought I was using you…because of how I felt and I thought I was being selfish letting you kiss me when I knew you loved her.” Her being your friend, of course.
“Let me kiss you again…” He stepped towards you, a fire in his eyes.
“What? Why?” You don’t want your feelings played around like that.
“Because…I, I like you back.” He softens at you, “Since that night, since the kiss, it’s like you messed with me…and I can’t stop thinking about you.” This can’t be true, it was just convenience.
“Spencer, no, you don’t. It’s just-“
“Yes…I do, I know the difference between love and pretending.” He was a smart man, of course he knew, not that you fully believed it.
“Okay, well…” You couldn’t do this to your friend, could you? You had only just patched things up after being angry at her for so long for breaking his heart, how would it look now if you just swooped him up? “I can’t…because she-“
“Forget about her, I stopped thinking about her the moment our lips touched and it’s not like she doesn’t deserve this…you shouldn’t care about her feelings more than your own.” Why was he so right?
“How are you so sure I love you, still? I don’t.” You had it coming as soon as you said that, your voice wavering because of the dishonesty in it. You couldn’t do this to her-
He scoffed, putting his hands up and cupping your jaw before pulling you into the most phenomenal kiss of your life, it happened quickly and you followed suit- kissing him back with the same passion.
His hands tangled in your hair as you came up to steady yourself on his chest, it went on for a while before he pulled away- a sick grin on his features.
“You say you don’t love me but you kissed me back like you did.” His eyes are shining as you can’t find anything to deny.
“I…” You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat, you didn’t know what to say.
“One date? If we aren’t a match then that’s the end…but I don’t see that happening, I really, really want this to work with you. Don’t think about what she might think or say. We were friends for much longer and…you don’t need someone like her in your life” She did treat you terribly, you were always so kind to people and they took it for granted more often than not.
“You know, you are really stubborn.” You suppressed a smile, looking at him with a glint of joy in your eyes.
“Tomorrow? I’ll pick you up at 6? They do discounts on the bowling place down the street after 8, we could get some dinner…or something like that?” That sounded amazing, a chill first date.
“Perfect.” You bite your bottom lip, smiling.
“You won’t regret it.” He leans in to kiss your cheek.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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dix0nspretty · 1 day ago
Baby Treatment
Summary: Price's partner had a rough day, so he decides to let Daddy take care of baby.
Captain John Price x GN!Reader, 1.3k words
Era: N/A
TW: Age play, usage of 'baby' and similar names for reader, 'Daddy' used for Price. Should be gender-neutral throughout.
Day 2 of my bastardized version of Russian Roulette Febuwhump/Kinktober for March that I'm affectionately calling Trinket's Cause of Death. It's basically 50/50 whump/kink where I generate a number corresponding to a prompt.
Day 2: Age play with Price (kink)
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“- and then I dropped my phone in a puddle, and I missed lunch and then my boss yelled at me,” you continue to ramble to John about your day, seating cozy in his lap. His hand is running gently through your hair, scratching at your scalp as the other rubs your thigh at a lazy pace. You came home from work to greet John, who is actually home for once and not sequestered away on base or in some foreign country, but your attitude immediately caught his attention with a raised brow.
“What’s wrong with my baby, hmm? What happened, sweetheart?” The croon in his soft, loving voice was all it took to have you bursting into tears and rambling about your day. He slipped your shoes off for you and corralled you into the bedroom as you rambled, pulling you into his lap and handing you a stuffed animal to hold before wrapping you up in those strong, capable arms. “Tell me about today, kiddo.”
“Today sucked,” you summarize with a teary sniffle as you stay curled in his lap, being soothed under his touches. “I don’t wanna do an-anything else today. I don’t wanna.” “Shhhh, kiddo,” John croons into your ear and rubs your thigh gently. “I know. Why won’t you let Daddy take care of his baby, yeah? Work all this tension out?” His hand running over your scalp and the fabric of your pants has you wet and the idea of surrendering control entirely to your partner for a little bit has you nodding out consent. “Yeah…” “Let’s get you up then,” he murmurs and shifts your entire body like you weigh nothing. You might as well, with how much he can bench. “Hold tight to your stuffie, love, wouldn’t want to lose him.” How the Captain manages to scoop you up as if you’re actually a small child is a feat of strength you’d normally tease him about if you weren’t so ready to give up on thinking and controlling and being anything other than good for John. He pulls the blankets back and deposits you into the soft sheets, pressing a kiss to your forehead. The whine you let out when he leaves the bed has the man laughing softly. “Hush, baby, be good. Just turning the lights down, love. I’m coming back for ya.”
And come back he does. He turns the main lights off so the bedroom is lit only by the fading evening glow and the few bedside lamps, a gentle orange lighting helping to subconsciously ease the tension from your body. John gently rearranges your body so he can undress you, crooning out praises and compliments as he strips each article of clothing off. “Look at those pretty feet,” A gentle kiss to the top of your foot in his hand as he peels your socks off. “These strong calves keeping you up all day,” A kiss to the muscle. “Your tired little knees,” Another kiss. “Capable thighs.” Another. “Abs,” kiss, “Tummy keeping you fed,” kiss, “Arms,” kiss. Hands, wrists, shoulders, neck, chin, and finally a soft and languid kiss to your lips. Not pushing or taking but giving. Giving you peace and relaxation and the ability to let go and trust he’ll catch you. Every time you have a day like this, where you act brattier and a little childish, where you need to relinquish control over to someone else, John’s here for you. Ready and capable of easing fully into that Daddy role he always partially has with you. Ready to pamper his sweet baby and make sure you don’t have to think about anything except being taken care of.
He trails kisses over every available stretch of skin as he works you to a state you can take him in with one hand. The other, large and warm and scraping so nicely with the callouses of someone who knows work, is running up and down the curve of your side and hips. “There you go, sweetheart,” John whispers to you as he finally sinks in, inch by maddening inch until your hips are flush and the only thing you can focus on is being full. “There, focus on Daddy. Let me make it go away, all that stress and tension. Just focus on me. Yeah?” Only once an acceptance is given does he start to move, each roll of his hips slow and filled with intention to please you. John knows what you need and it’s not dominant, rough Price. You need loving and gentleness, and he’ll give that to you. He swallows up each cry and moans from your lips with kisses just as soft and languid as his thrusts, dragging at a pace that ensures you gain maximum pleasure. In and out, in and out… “Taking me so well, sweetheart,” he groans into your throat. “So well. Good job, baby, there you go. Doesn’t that feel nice? My pretty little angel, all nice and warm and behaving so perfectly for Daddy. Good, honey, good.”
John bullies your walls so perfectly, more familiar with your body than you are by now. He knows the exact spots to bump with the wet tip of his cock, how you’ll pulsate and flutter around him if he does this… “Feel that? Feel Daddy making his baby feel better?” One of those familiar hands settles on your abdomen and presses down, drawing an arch and a moan from your lips. He can’t deny that watching you cry out so sweetly and fumbling to hold onto him strokes his ego just a bit. “Yeah, you hold onto me. Hold onto me and don’t hold back. Stop thinking. I can hear those little gears trying to turn.” Even with his release so close, his balls drawing up tight and just begging to fill you up, he’s going to gift you two orgasms at least before giving himself to satisfaction. What kind of Daddy would he be if he didn’t take care of his baby first and foremost? “I feel how close you are, love,” He murmurs into your ear, keeping you in missionary and split open on his cock so he can keep an eye on you. No ability to hide away, just eye contact and intense connection, in more ways than one. “Don’t bother holding it back. Just let go, baby. I’ll give you more, pretty, just let go.” “Johnnn,” his name spills from cock-drunk lips, tears gathering in your eyes from the pleasure and ecstasy you can just barely touch. One of those strong hands wraps around your jaw and gently guides you to keep eye contact. “Try again, pretty…” your partner chides even as he never stops his hips. The gentle disappointment is worse than if he left you high and dry and you sniffle wetly, shaking as the hot molten ball in your stomach begs to fall apart. You’re quick to fix your mistake as you come, arching under his body with a cry of his name. “Daddy. Daddy, Daddy-” He talks you through your release as he continues that delicious slow drag through your walls, even as your body fights to simultaneously evict him or drag him even deeper into you. “There you go, sweetheart. There you go, don’t you look so perfect like this? What a pretty, handsome baby. Doin’ so well for me, taking me so good.”
Once you decide to tap out for the night, he administers the best aftercare of your life. John draws a warm bath and washes every inch of your skin and hair, feeding you the snack he prepares for you every time he provides aftercare. Consistency is key. He reminds you repeatedly of how good you were as he dries your body off and gets you into a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts, how sweet and perfect you are and how much he loves you while changing the sheets and getting you tucked into his chest. “Get some sleep, sweetheart,” John murmurs into your damp hair with a kiss. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
And you know he will be, with a plate of delicious food and plenty of water. Only the best for his baby.
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theywantedplayer · 11 hours ago
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prompt list
I edited this 10min before my class so it may be shit but idk. I'm trying to come back to writing but I gotta put other stuff first. I just fine it hard to come up with ideas.
“You're so lucky I said yes to this,” you gritted through your fake smile as you watched the other wedding guests on the dance floor.
“Yeah, because you definitely had better plans,” he smirked, taking a sip of his drink.
You and Jack were at one of his relatives' weddings. For some crazy reason, he asked you to be his date—his fake date—and what’s even crazier is that you said yes to a night of faking whatever he told his family you two were. You only knew Jack through your brother, Nico. You always got annoyed by Jack's cocky hockey-player persona; you could practically feel his ego getting bigger the longer he stared at you, smirking. You knew he was a sweet person, and you'd never heard a bad thing about him. Your brother is an honest person, so you couldn't really figure out the exact reason why you hated his guts.
“What did you even tell your parents anyway?” you asked, still watching people on the floor, while Jack kept looking at you.
Why is he looking at me like that? you kept wondering.
You could see his smirk growing stronger before he spoke. “That we’re helplessly in love, that we can't breathe without each other,” he teased, leaning a little closer as he sat beside you.
You scoffed when you heard his dumb words, turning your head to him, a small smile on your lips at his shameless demeanor.
“You’re kidding.”
“What do you mean kidding? It’s true, I'm hopelessly in love,” he shrugged.
But it didn’t seem so careless. There was a weight on his shoulders as he shrugged them. For a moment, when you both stared at each other, the air got thick, and the things around you seemed to slow—but only for a moment. Your heart skipped a beat when he said that to you. He never once broke eye contact, even when he sipped his drink.
God, snap out of it, Y/N, you thought.
And you did. “Whatever, Jack,” you said, shaking your head, resting your chin on your palm as you went back to watching the dancers. But you never felt Jack’s eyes leave you. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you felt his gaze lingering—on your body, your face, your skin, anything. It annoyed you. You already felt like you had enough eyes on you at this damn wedding. Not knowing anyone here and being Jack’s “date” just made more people stare, wondering who you were.
You were about to tell him to fuck off as you turned your head to look at him with an annoyed face.
“Can you no—”
“Wanna dance?” he asked, cutting you off.
Your mouth stayed open for a moment. He took that as a yes for some reason, getting up and holding out his hand for you to grab—not leaving room for a no. But you knew you wouldn’t say no. You just didn’t know how to say yes. So you grabbed his hand and let him lead you to the dance floor.
The music was soft and gentle as the other guests danced, most likely with their lovers, making you more nervous about dancing. Once you both found a spot, Jack’s hands found your waist like it was second nature. You slowly wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, lacing them together.
You suddenly became fully aware of how close you were to him. Your head followed your gaze, which was anywhere but on the man in front of you. Jack never looked away from you. He couldn't if he wanted to. He’d been a witness to your snarky and sassy comebacks to him over the years—your trucker-like swearing—and then the stories Nico told him about you. Your brother's exact words were: “If you wanna live to see tomorrow, don’t piss her off.” When Jack first heard that, he had to piss you off. That’s like telling someone not to push the big red button. And oh, did Jack push your buttons. But yet, he always lived to see tomorrow.
But now, he was looking at a girl who was too nervous to even look at him.
He loved it.
He loved how you sounded when you watched hockey games. He would never admit it to you, but he even started to use some of the chirps he heard you yell at the TV when he went over to Nico’s.
“I'm over here, you know,” he laughed slightly, looking into your eyes, which were focused on someone else.
He didn’t look. Why would he want to look at anything else?
“No shit, I’m dancing with you,” you sassed back.
“Well, it's rude to not look at the person you're talking to.”
“You're talking to me,” you threw back.
There was a small scowl on your face, but you both knew it was harmless. He had you figured out, and you hated it.
Jack laughed at your comeback and squeezed your waist softly, pulling you closer to him.
“Y/N, come on, don’t do that,” he said.
You sighed and turned your head to look at him. You couldn't even describe how you felt when you made contact with him. It was a burning feeling in your chest… or was it stinging? You couldn't put your finger on it. It was accompanied by those stupid butterflies in your stomach. You tried to force down your small smile, but Jack already noticed it and doubled it with his own.
Fuck, you thought.
Jack could see the glare that was once on your face disappear into your beautiful features—the face he couldn't look away from all night.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” he asked as you both swayed to the music, the warm lighting covering you both, his brown hair seeming lighter as if it were summer.
You smiled shyly, wanting the blush that crept across your face to disappear into thin air. “Yes, Jack, you’ve said it many times tonight,” you nodded, laughing slightly.
“Okay, okay, just making sure I covered all my bases for the night,” he joked, nodding his head repeatedly.
“Your ass had a checklist?” you asked.
“Yes, my ass does,” he answered as if you should have known that. “I only have one more thing on my list.”
“Ooooo, and what’s that?”
You felt him squeeze your waist again as you asked, as if he was trying to tell you without actually having to say it. But how were you supposed to read this guy’s mind?
He just shrugged and didn't answer as you both kept dancing. Once the song ended, most people were off the dance floor, so you assumed you both were done and started to pull your arms away. But Jack didn’t let you go.
“One more song?” he asked, looking at you, his hands never leaving you for a second.
“Okay, one more song,” you responded, and your hands laced around his neck once again.
You both fell into a quiet dance, Jack’s thumbs tracing circles on your waist.
“You know, I meant what I said before,” he told you, his eyes piercing into yours.
“What, that you can take a glass off the champagne tower without it falling? Jack, I already told you, you can't. That shit’s gonna come crashing down, and when it does, you owe me 100 bucks,” you laughed, gesturing to the tower.
He shook his head, laughing. “No, no, not that. But I still believe I can do it. It’s one glass—how hard could it be?”
“It takes so much skill and balance to even build it. Taking one, just one,” you told him, “can mess up the whole thing.”
“Okay, okay, enough about the stuffed tower. That’s not what I was talking about.”
You both laughed. You found it funny how sure he was that he could do it.
“Okay, then what were you talking about?” you smiled, cocking your head to the side, looking at him.
God, Jack could feel his heart beating out of his chest like he was about to play the game of his life. But to him, this was bigger. He took a deep breath before he spoke.
“About me being hopelessly in love,” he said softly.
He didn’t know it, but your heart was also beating out of your chest as he said those words. But you didn’t want to jump too far and assume it was towards you. Your mouth was glued shut as you looked at him with hopeful eyes, so he continued.
“I am hopelessly in love,” he restated. He took a deep breath before he continued. “With you… I’m hopelessly in love with you. I have been for a long time, a damn long time.” He chuckled slightly after hearing his own words, shocked that he was actually saying them to you.
You softly laughed too, looking away from him for a moment, and you could’ve sworn you saw Jack’s smile falter as you did, making you look right back at him.
“So I am here as your date? Like, your date-date?” you said.
“If you want to be. I mean, you were the whole time in my head,” he admitted, making you laugh again.
“Yeah, and your family thinks so too,” you responded.
“I never actually told them you were my date-date,” he said, his eyes big, waiting for your response.
“What?” you laughed. “You told me I had to act like your date so your family would believe you had a girlfriend!” You were the most shocked. All night, you were pretending to be Jack’s girlfriend because you had to, but you loved it. And now that Jack was telling you what he was doing for you, that what he was saying to you all night was true, it felt like a dream.
“It was the first thing on the checklist, okay!” he said like that would make it make sense.
“You’re fucking crazy.” You shook your head, smiling at this so-called checklist.
“100% it’s crazy,” he admitted, smiling, but he quickly turned serious. “It’s true though. I’m hopelessly in love with you, and I…” He took a deep breath. “I wanted to tell you. You don’t have to feel pressured to say anything. And now that I think back, this fucking checklist is insane, but it helps—Luke helped me with it—”
You smiled as he rambled on and on, but as soon as he started to talk about how maybe you didn’t feel the same, you felt like you had to prove it to him. You tried to talk, but he kept going, wrapped in his own whirlwind of rambling.
You counted to three in your head before you pulled him into a kiss by the nape of his neck.
You kissed him and noticed how he didn’t kiss you back right away. Until you went to pull away—he realized what was happening. He pulled you even closer, crashing his lips against yours. You knew Jack was a ladies’ man and hoped he had the skills of one. And when his hands caressed your lower back, pushing you against him, you knew he did.
When you both pulled away, his hair was a mess on the sides, and his eyes were filled with something that made your knees want to buckle.
“Does that answer your question?” you smiled teasingly, fixing his hair.
Jack shook his head, smiling, his hands roaming your waist and lower back. “I don’t know… I think I might have to double-check,” he flirted, glancing at your lips.
“Okay, okay, big guy,” you laughed. “We’re surrounded by your family and friends. I don’t think they want to see you mack on me,” you said, lightly slapping his chest.
“So you wanna take this somewhere else?” he smirked, cocking a brow.
It was gonna be an interesting night.
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cuteandhughesy · 3 days ago
Luke Hughes x Curtis lazer sister with prompt 24
prompt no. 24: "let's just sneak off for a few minutes."
a/n: takes place during please please please
18+ under the cut
the backyard of the lazar home was packed. what feels like the entire new jersey devil’s roster all mingling—some lounging by the pool while others helped curtis at the grill. wives and girlfriends alike all littered throughout the property, laughing and chatting with one another while kids ran ramped—bare feet in the grass and in and out of the pool.
it was distracting, thankfully so. nobody was paying attention to you as you chew on your straw, little paper umbrella hitting you cheek as you alternate actually drinking your margarita and attempting to flatten the plastic between your teeth.
luke’s beside you, leaning against the fold away table holding all the burger and hot dog toppings casually. you watch from the corner of your eye as he raises his beer bottle—slowly—to his lips, taking a long sip. luke doesn’t even wait until he’s done to sneak a glance at you, which is dangerous.
but frankly you don’t care how dangerous it is to be stealing glances while you’re brother is merely 20 feet away—the drinks you’ve been downing all afternoon seem to have dimmed your ability to be sensible.
it’s just…luke showed up to your brothers place looking like a whole snack. thin linen button up only half buttoned, revealing just a fraction of his hard lean sternum, some khaki shorts and those half closed birkenstocks and to top it all off he smells like fucking sex.
like not literally sex, but he smells divine enough that sex is the only thing on your mind.
so maybe that’s why you turn to face his side, placing your margarita down on the table. luke doesn’t look directly at you, but he’s got that half lopsided smirk on his face that tells you he knows your up to no good.
“luke,” you start lowly—seductively—your hand slowly inching forward on the table to brush the pads of your fingers on the back of his hand. “I need your cock in my mouth.”
his face heats at your insinuation, as he lets out a choked cough, hips shifting subtly. “you do?”
you hum, bringing your bottom lip between you teeth mindlessly. “yeah.”
luke huffs roughly, eyes frantically darting through the backyard as if he’s looking for someone. which is most likely your brother. but curtis isn’t playing you either any mind—in fact, nobody is watching you. “what do you wanna do?” he asks without looking at you, taking another sip of his beer.
you grin, “let’s just sneak off for you a few minutes.” you say, pushing away from the table and rounding to his front. you’re probably standing too close for supposedly just friends, but you don’t care. not when you know he’s hardening beneath his shorts as you speak. you continue in a hushed, hurried tone, “i’ll be in room. meet me there in 5.”
and then you waltz off, smiling politely as you pass his teammates and their families like you didn’t just send luke’s mind into space. he watches you shamelessly—the way your legs shine under the sun, how your white summer dress sways in the breeze and how your hair cascades temptingly.
he’s pretty sure he doesn’t even wait 2 minutes—nevermind 5–before darting through the backyard, an extra pep in his step as he climbs the three steps onto the deck. luke shoots one more tentative look over his shoulder before slipping inside the home.
inside is quiet—private. he grins, making his way up the stairs to the spare room you’re living in. the entire climb up, it’s like his dick knows your near, each passing second he becomes harder and harder until it feels impossible.
as soon as he turns the door knob you’re reaching out, pulling him into your bedroom hastily. “jesus,” luke mumbles through a smile, attempting to grab onto you. but you’re not having that. using all your strength you push him back against the door, pushing up to your toes and planting a hard kiss on his mouth.
he grunts into your mouth, clammy hands darting to your hips to keep you steady. luke’s fingers dig into the material of your dress, wrinkling and bunching up the fabric.
the kiss is messy and hurried, making everything feel that much more sneaky and hot. it’s a battle of teeth and tongues. tiny moans and breathless gasps into one another’s mouths.
it doesn’t last nearly enough, luke thinks, before you’re pulling off him. you don’t give him time to question you though, because your give him a knowing grin before dropping to your knees on the carpet in front of him.
luke’s breathe hitches as you fiddle with his button, followed by his zipper. “shit,” he curses as you work his shorts over his thick thighs, face merely inches from his throbbing length, still covered by his black briefs.
you giggle, a breathy little sound that shoots straight down to his crotch. your eyes flicker up to his, wide and doe like. slowly, you press a kiss to his shaft through his underwear, eyes never leaving his. luke’s jaw falls as he watches you place another delicate kiss to his tip.
“you’re killing me,” he says after a beat.
you just grin, hands sliding up his thighs until you’re at his waistband. the pace at which you slide his briefs down is antagonizingly slow, lip between your teeth excitedly as luke’s cock springs free—hot and heavy, a dribble of pre-cum leaking from his tip.
“so pretty,” you mumble, wrapping a hand around the base of him. you begin firmly pumping the length of his cock, using a mixture of your spit and his pre-cum as lube. every time you pass over his head—blush pink and throbbing—you swipe your thumb along his slit to gather more of his seed.
luke lets out a shuddering breath, watching with a dazed expression as you work along his cock. your hand looks small in comparison to his rock hard member, which only makes him moan.
“can I suck your cock, lukey?” you ask dumbly, hand never slowing down as you blink up at him, patiently waiting for his response.
he huffs a laugh which only gets interrupted by a groan. “yeah baby,” he says, hand messily collecting your hair and pulling it away from your face.
you grin before leaning in, taking the head of his cock and just barley putting it past your plump lips. luke practically whines, which makes you giggle against him. luke’s fully prepared to beg for more, but you don’t give him the chance as you slide him into your mouth.
the first pass you take him all the way to the back of your throat, nose brushing against his pelvis as you choke pathetically, spit soaking his length. after a beat you slide back off, but not fully. your hand continues to firmly grip the base of his cock while you take the rest of him, bobbing your head rhythmically as you suck him.
“jesus christ…” he moans, watching you through his half lidded eyes.
you let your cheeks hallow, adding the extra stimulant that drives lukewarm crazy. like predicted, he hunts loudly, fingers tightening in your hair as he head falls back against the door—a dull thud echoing through the empty home.
you pull off to catch your breath, but you don’t stop fisting him. it’s messier than before, length coated in your spit as you jerk him, grinning as you bit your lip, humming happily way the sight of his messy cock.
“shit baby,” he sighs, eyes fluttering.
you flatten your tongue and lick the underside of his length, starting at his heavy balls and sliding back up to his tip. once you’re at his head you slide him back into your mouth and pick up right where you left off.
spit is dripping from the corners of your mouth, falling and sliding down your tits. you hum around his cock, feeling the way it twitches and throbs against your tongue.
he’s close.
“that feels so good baby,” luke tells you, chest heaving, “keep going. i’m close—fuck.”
he takes him deeper, tip entering the back of your throat again with every single bob of your head. you gag and choke pathetically, but you don’t stop. you wouldn’t dream of it. his cock feels heavier, hotter, and as your tongue pushes on the underside of his length, right against a thick vein.
with a strangled moan and a curse, luke cums in your mouth, ropes of sticky white seed shooting from his slit and sliding down your throat. you gently suck him until he’s spent, cock twitching and empty of cum.
when you pull off there’s strings of your saliva mixed with his release, connecting your lips and his half hard member. it has lukewarm moaning, grabbing your arm and hauling you off the ground.
“get on the bed, y/n.”
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