#I do quite like the meta I've read on her illustrating the likely differences between her as a human mother to young Lestat and his brother
faerywhimsy · 2 years
💅 : the unsung ladies of VC
Bless you my friend 🙏 You are doing the lord's work with this ask.
Allow me to share with you an excerpt, of what is in my opinion both the best and also smallest part of Prince Lestat.
"But I'll tell you that, why I am suffering," Bianca said, drawing near but talking in a normal and not a confidential voice, her arm slipping around me [Lestat]. "I lost one I loved in the attack in Paris, a young one, one I'd made and lived with for decades. But this was the Voice at work, not the one he'd brought out of the earth to do his bidding."
Excuse me? That's it!?
We've waited all this time to see Bianca in the present. That's 6 years and 5 books since she was first introduced in The Vampire Armand. While I can and do appreciate she's surrounded in this scene by what may be the only instance of a posse of strong women in these books, we are now presented with a piece of plot I would have loved to see Anne Rice dig into.
But, no, we must sweep this under the rug in favour of the Voice.
Which, yes, I do understand is the main plot of Prince Lestat. But you couldn't have introduced slightly fewer new, male characters to your cast and spent more time going that little bit deeper with the ensemble that remained.
I loved, for example, that we got all of Antoine's history up till his arrival at Trinity Gate, filling all the gaps from the time Lestat turned him. One day, I like to hope I'll read a fic like that with Bianca as the protagonist and I will launch. into. space.
Sometimes I've indulged in the somewhat grouchy thought as to whether the amount of screen time Gabrielle got comparatively to most of the women in VC was because she was coded as a trans man. But, since this post from @hekateinhell last week, I've been trying to allow in the benefit of the doubt that Anne truly didn't see gender in her vampires and the overwhelming number of men of them is sheer coincidence. I guess the other point in Gabrielle's favour always was the fact that she was the only one who was our main protagonist's mother.
I have a slightly different rant that has to do with the fact that this reunion scene happens between Bianca and Lestat and not, say, Armand or Marius, but this has gotten long already, so I've tried to keep myself just a little bit focused.
(Open invite right here though, if anyone does want to jump in my ask box requesting that rant.)
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
Question around the Roth Mothman story/universe…
Would it ever be possible that genuine romance blooms at Roth’s club between the monster men and human women?
I know that it’s a exclusive fetish club, but I wonder if some monster men go who otherwise can’t have a normal relationship with a human woman, due to something like species’ societal expectations/discriminations. (Like in the Unicorn story, with some families wanting pure-bred lineage, with no humans or other monsters in the mix). Or maybe, some monster men go to the fetish club cause they’ve faced a lot of rejection when trying to date human women normally (on dating apps and stuff), so going to a place where women won’t reject them is better grounds for relationship prospects.
Obviously, one should never expect to find more than what they’ve come for. And it’s shitty to expect a genuine relationship to form with an employee, as they’re working on the clock. But I still wonder if this’d be possible to happen, or if this establishment has a strict no strings attached policy?
If romance did ever bloom between some of the monsters and women, it’d be cute to see Roth and reader set up a match maker business. It’d be a great business venture since Mothmen have great ideals of love.
If you did decide to continue the story, maybe this time reader is one of the women working at the club, and is matched with a new x monster man (with Roth working a bit behind the scenes)?
This is a really interesting concept. Some spicy discussion below the cut
The first thing I thought of would be that it could make a really interesting polyam romance if the girl in question is juggling a lot of different partners...There's an illustrator who does or used to do? a sort of monster bathhouse comic that comes to mind where the main gal Ollie has a unique relationship with all of her different customers and I LOVED that: https://twitter.com/sframboob
Idk if they are doing that meta anymore, but I'm pretty sure that's the right artist. You have to go way back in the medias to find the original comics.
I think a matchmaker business is an adorable idea, though <3 I could see that as a separate business for Roth and the reader because some monsters come to the club hoping for something or they are awkward and don't really dig the vibe...like they are close to what they want, but not quite there since they want something meaningful and idk, maybe while they are leaned over the bar having a pity party, the bartender slides a card across the counter to them for the service.
Generally, I've read some romance books where the sex worker heroine falls in love and gives up her work for the guy, but personally, I don't love that. I feel like if a romance does develop, the monster should accept her for who she is and gas her up.
I think it would be cute if he went shopping with her for lingerie or heels for her job, maybe helped her with her makeup or photoshoot, or even did a sexy roleplay where he pretends to be a customer and they get to experiment with maybe an unusual sexy game that they wouldn't normally do. Or maybe even something simple, like he likes to pick her up to make she gets home safe because she gets out of work at crazy hours
Even spicier if it is another employee, like the bartender, who is always winking at her from across the room because he gets to watch his hot girlfriend splayed out in different situations all night but takes her home to rub her feet and cuddle after closing. Also, that there are things that she does for work that she doesn't mind doing or even enjoys, but there stuff at home that only he can do for her, even if it's something innocuous, like he knows exactly how to touch her because it's about her, not her client.
The more I'm writing about this the more I like, I might just open up a new doc for this one ^_^
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