#I do have rules about what I will and won't scan though
solradguy · 10 months
saw a japanese account on twitter whos angry that you scanned the 25th ann artbook and uploaded it and tried to insist that its an "illegal reproduction" and insinuated that you arent a "real fan" for doing it lmao. i forgot how entitled these ppl can get over the preservation of media ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
Yeah, it's a real big no-no in Japan to scan or reupload other peoples' works. Which, like, I can respect because in some cases it does actually hurt the artist. But ASW doesn't do western releases of a lot of this stuff and a good chunk of the comments I've gotten on those scans were from people that didn't even know it existed and then went and bought their own copies via the links I provided. So those were sales ASW wouldn't have gotten otherwise haha
There's a lot of lost Japanese media because of the aversion to duplicating media for the sake of preservation over there... Guilty Gear Raid of Arms, a JP exclusive mobile game, is lost forever because no one ripped it, for example. Vastedge would have been lost too if it hadn't been possible for western fans to get copies... It's agonizing to think about all of the art—major publisher or otherwise—that's just gone forever due to arbitrary rules about reproducing works
I should get a piggy bank to put a dollar into every time someone calls me a fake fan or "tourist" for Guilty Gear though. Probably would have around $15 saved by now lol
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multifandomslxt · 6 months
Quiet Rage
Pairing: bsf!Johnny x reader
Synopsis: You wanted to test a theory and ended up making Johnny "Quiet Rage" Suh pissed all the way off. Surely he wouldn't take it out on you though right? after all, you were his best friend.
WARNING: THIS IS SMUT...arguably one of my dirtiest yet. reader is a little shit and Johnny is the quiet guy in the friend group. Johnny in glasses. Dirty and I mean DIRTY talk. spit, sweat, mentions of bruising skin, drooling, overstimulation, exhibitionism via video call, just dirty stuff alright
A/N: This took forever to get out and I apologize for that. it's exam season and I really wanted this out so I pulled some all-nighters. so I apologize for the grammatical errors and so on. I'm very very nervous about this because I did not expect the teaser to get that much attention. but anyway, enjoyyy. @neoculturecollectives @calibabii21
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"I swear, Johnny's into you," your girlfriend claims, and you almost spit out your latte. You shoot her a look, throat burning, and coffee dribbling down your chin. "What the hell makes you say that?"
She rolls her eyes, handing you a napkin. "Come on, babe. The guy gives you that intense stare all the time."
You stare at her in disbelief. "He gives everyone that stare. It's just Johnny."
She grunts in frustration. "Y/n, he calls you 'baby' for crying out loud."
You shrug, trying to play it cool. "So? It's not like it's some romantic declaration."
This scenario is all too familiar, and it annoys you. People always misread Johnny and you, trying to turn your perfectly platonic relationship into something more.
"Alright, if you're so confident, come with me to Jay's party tonight," she challenges.
Your heart sinks.
Jay, aka Jaehyun, is her boyfriend, and you've crossed paths quite a bit. But you already know you can't go.
"He doesn't like you like that, right? So let's settle it, Y/n. Let's end the speculation."
"That's dumb. I don't need to prove anything," you argue. But truth be told, your heart is still doing somersaults. You both know why you won't go, or rather, can't.
Johnny has this strict no-party rule for you. Sounds stupid, but it's his way of keeping you safe. One bad experience with some idiot led to this.
"Come on, just this once, and I'll drop it, promise," she pleads.
"Fine" you reply, already feeling your energy drain.
You find yourselves in what's supposed to be Jay's living room turned dance floor.
"Where's that man?" your friend complains beside you.
You hadn't been paying much attention to her anyway. Tonight, you're on a mission to prove a point. Yep, you're scanning for Johnny.
"Yo, ladies!" A familiar voice greets you from behind.
It's Mark. Awkward, cute, and definitely on some kind of high.
weed probably
"Markieee." you smiled and hugged him.
"Have you seen Jay?" your friend asks, not even bothering to greet Mark.
"In the upstairs bathroom," Mark replies, the thumping bass of the music echoing through the house.
"Thanks, y/n, call me if you need me," she says, her voice almost drowned out by the distant laughter and chatter.
"Okay," you agree, even though you know she's most likely going to be too busy to pick up. With that, she confidently stalks off into the lively chaos to find her man.
You're still hugging Mark throughout that, the music's pulsating rhythm vibrating through your bodies, and neither of you makes a move to release the other.
"Markie, how high are you right now?" you ask, half amused and half concerned, the scent of various substances hanging in the air.
"I'm not high," he insists, his words slightly slurred.
Yep, he's as high as a damn kite. "Alright, let's get you seated," you decide, guiding him through the animated crowd.
You hug him a little tighter to your side as you maneuver through the sea of people, completely unaware that the man you had been scanning for was silently observing you from across the dimly lit room.
Johnny tilts his head ever so slightly, the ambient lights flickering, casting enigmatic shadows on his intense expression as he observes you cradling the nearly unconscious Mark in your arms.
"Yo, Johnny! Where you goin'?" Heachan's voice echoes from the kitchen, where the clinking of glasses and laughter weave through the air.
"You can't bail on me now, man. You promised to try this strain with me," Hexhan pleads, his tone a mix of whining and cajoling.
"Another time," Johnny responds tersely, striding away without a backward glance.
Johnny can't fathom any sober reason for Mark to be draped over you like that.
"And you shouldn't even be here," Johnny muses to himself.
"Y/n," his gruff voice calls out, a single word that carries volumes.
You pivot, finding yourself face to face with your long-time best friend, a man whose relationship with you blurs between suspected boyfriend, occasional fling, or perhaps something more permanent.
His towering figure looms over you like an impending storm, his mouth contorted in a sneer, eyebrows knitted in displeasure. A quick appraisal reveals he's opted for a relaxed ensemble tonight—black hoodie and grey joggers, his signature black rimmed glasses resting on his nose.
"Johnny, I've been looking for you. Where the hell were y--"
"Y/n, have I ever told you that your tits make the best pillows ever? Oh my god," Mark interjects, completely oblivious to Johnny's presence.
In one swift motion, Johnny shoves Mark away, causing him to collide with people behind you.
"Johnny, what the fuck!" you gasp, caught off guard.
"What are you doing here, Y/n? I'm only asking once," Johnny demands, his hand firmly gripping the back of your neck, forcefully pulling you into the shelter of his chest.
"Answer the question."
"I'm here for you," you assert, making no attempt to deceive.
"You could've called me if you missed me so much, baby," he responds, his voice softening, and his eyebrows gradually easing.
"Yeah, I know, but I wanted to have fun too," you argue.
It becomes apparent that you've made the wrong choice as his hand tightens slightly around your neck.
"Have fun at home. No parties. I'm sure I told you that," his voice remains calm, but the increasing pressure on the back of your neck contradicts his demeanor.
"Go home. Now," he states, leaving no room for argument.
For a moment, your body twitches as if to comply, but it seems you're on a defiant streak tonight.
"No. I'll stay and have fun. I've seen you now, so I'll just go look for the others and enjoy myself," you declare.
He stares at you, a blank facial expression revealing nothing.
"Y/n, baby, go home," he says softly.
Successfully prying yourself from his grip, you retort, "No."
You stalk off, leaving him standing in the middle of the living room, hands straight by his sides, and his gaze unwaveringly black yet watchful.
As you navigate through the crowd, encounter familiar faces here and there.
You find yourself on your umpteenth shot of tequila when, unexpectedly, you're invited to a game of truth or dare, courtesy of Haechan.
Johnny is nowhere to be found, and the absence begins to stir a sense of worry and nervousness within you.
The game had unfolded over an extended period, leaving your mind increasingly hazy with each passing moment. Holding your liquor was never your forte.
You observed as the bottle spun and twirled before ultimately settling on the guy positioned beside you.
"dare" the guy simply said.
"I dare you to kiss y/n," Haechan's slurred yet mischievous voice announced.
As Haechan proclaimed his dare, Johnny ambled into the room, seemingly oblivious to your presence, it left you feeling bothered and angry.
Fine, you mused, if he's going to act that way.
Perhaps it was the influence of the alcohol coursing through your system or some other inscrutable force, but you found yourself impulsively lunging towards the guy next to you. Teeth clashed in a messy, audacious kiss, and, fueled by the audacity of the dare, you dared to explore further by delving your tongue into his mouth.
A cheer erupted from the onlookers, making your heart swell.
Basking in the attention, you pushed the boundaries, only to be abruptly seized by the neck for the second time that night, this time by none other than Johnny himself.
Without hesitation, he mused, "Go to the car and sit. I'll be there soon."
"But, Joh—"
"Go. To. The. Car, Y/n, and shut your fucking mouth. I said I'll be there soon," he asserted, his words punctuated through gritted teeth.
The last ten minutes had passed in utter silence as both of you sat in the car.
When Johnny finally slid into the driver's seat, his gaze never once met yours. Without a word, he started the car and left the party, only sparing you attention when he needed to secure your seatbelt.
The oppressive silence weighed on you.
"That was a fun game, wasn't it?" you ventured, attempting to break the tension.
Silence persisted.
"I bet Haechan has a video of it. Probably gonna send it to the group later," you added, attempting to inject a touch of levity into the atmosphere, though your laughter carried an undercurrent of awkwardness.
"Quit playing with me." He bites back, completely unamused by your attempt at a joke.
Your body stills as you stare wide-eyed at the man beside you. You didn't expect that from him. He wasn't the type to be so aggressive, especially with you.
"I didn't mean for that to happen, John." You said weakly. He had to understand, you were just trying to get his attention.
"But it did y/n and now I'm gonna have to show you what happens when you don't fucking listen" He rages quietly, eyes still on the road ahead.
It was always quiet with him.
little did you know.
To the untrained eye, he seemed cool and collected. But, you could tell he wasn't quite there. Maybe it was the way he squeezed the life out of the steering wheel or how he kept clenching and unclenching his jaw. Or, you know, the massive tent in his pants…
either way, you knew
somehow, you managed to piss off Johnny Suh.
"I suggest you start thinking of a way to apologize because you have no fucking idea what I have planned for you." He momentarily looks at you just long enough for you to see the dangerous glint in his eyes
Arriving at Johnny's apartment, you found yourself comfortably settled on his couch while he busied himself in the kitchen, fetching a glass of water for you. Since his remark on the way here, a palpable silence hung in the air.
As he approached you with the glass of water, he broke the silence, "Thought of a way to apologize yet?"
You glanced up at him from your spot on the couch. "I'm sorry. I should've listened to you," you managed to utter, your gaze dropping to the floor, a strange sense of shame washing over you.
He snorted in response, "That's all you came up with, Y/n?"
Meeting his disappointed gaze, you took a deep breath. "I should've known better," you added quietly.
He sighed, handing you the glass of water. "Drink."
Taking the glass from his hands, you started sipping as he watched you in silence. Then, without breaking eye contact, he nonchalantly remarked, "I'm going to fuck some sense into you and then fuck it out of you."
You choked on your water, hastily wiping at your mouth as you stared at him in disbelief.
"Your apology wasn't going to satisfy me anyway. I made up my mind when you said no the first time," he asserted, his tone casual yet loaded with an underlying intensity that left you flustered and strangely intrigued.
"And what if I don't want it." You daringly ask.
you knew you did.
The way he was watching you made that clear as day.
"Then say no." He shrugs
"Now finish the drink and head upstairs when you're done."he adds
and you did exactly that.
Johnny was a man. You knew that, he knew that, and the whole world knew that. But sometimes, it felt like you didn't always keep that obvious characteristic at the forefront of your mind, as you should have.
Entering the room, nothing struck you as special. It was the same as always: his bed in the middle of the space, surrounded by walls adorned with retro posters and pictures he had taken over the years with friends, family, and you. Despite the numerous times you had visited his home, particularly his room, it didn't feel as intimate as it did now, and for some reason, that excited you.
As you let your gaze wander, movement from the door pulled you out of your thoughts, and you turned your focus to a strangely quiet Johnny.
You both stood in silence, staring at each other for what felt like long, drawn-out minutes.
"I didn't think I'd have to tell you to strip, y/n," he said seriosusly.
You hiccup, startled. "E-excuse me?"
He stepped closer to you. "Fucking strip."
Your heart hammered in your chest at the complete unfamiliarity of the situation.
"John, you can't be seri—"
His hands fisted in your hair, causing you to tilt your head up, meeting his hard gaze. "Strip. I won't ask again. You're always free to leave, y/n, but you and I both know you don't want to."
"move your hand"
you twist and turn writhing your body all over his bed, hand trying to stop his fingers from fucking into you.
"Johnny, please! I said i was sorry " you scream as tears line your eyes
"I said move your fucking hand" he grabs your writs and pins the above your head
his fingers pummeling into you repeatedly. long and thick. you felt like you could feel all the ridges and callouses on them. all the fucking veins. it was torture.
you try to squeeze your thighs together only for him to pry them back open almost immediately.
it was almost embarrassing just how wet you were really
"God. Fuck you're all over my sheets baby hmm" he moans his eyes never leaving your pussy.
that did it for you though
"Johnny, Johnny m'cumming"
“not yet baby”
you couldn't hold it
“Y/n, I said not yet” his actions contradicted his words as his fingers curled rubbing against your g spot
your body involuntarily shoots up off the bed as your lower abdomen contracts
"I can't hold it."
You cum with a high-pitched scream. Squirting all over Johnny's hand before lifelessly falling back on the bed.
you’re trying to get your breathing under control when you hear Johnny’s displeased voice
"you don't fucking listen do you"
fingers still in you, he manages to add even more pleasure relentlessly pumping into you
your legs start trembling from the intense pressure building in your abdomen once again.
Your scream is ear piercing as you cum for the fourth time
you don't even know.
gosh, He hadn't even fucked you yet
you didn't even realize the drool running down your chin. eyes rolled back and lashes fluttering, your skin gleaming with sweat and thighs trembling. Your chest heaved as you breathed hard still coming down from your high.
In Johnny's eyes, you looked so fucked out and so fucking pretty.
He knew his version of foreplay was intense but he also knew he took it a bit further just for you.
his stubborn girl. He loved it but you needed to be taught a lesson.
with your mouth wide agape, he takes the opportunity of your oblivious state and shoves his middle and index finger down your throat causing you to gag.
"taste yourself...that's right baby suck my fingers clean" He coos as your mouth clings to his fingers.
when satisfied he pulls his away
"knees" is all he says.
you mumble uncoherent words trying to tell him you can't get up but it seems he is already way ahead of you helping you get comfortable in your position on the floor.
He begins to pull his sweatpants down revealing his erection fighting against the fabric of his black underwear. he wastes no time in pulling his cock out and you almost drool.
so harsh but so fucking pretty.
big and veiny with the prettiest pink tip. No wonder the foreplay was so intense. there was no way he was gonna fit without stretching you that much.
You look up at him with hopeful eyes. you wanted him in your mouth so fucking bad your pussy actually ached.
"So cute," he spits in the palm of his hand before bringing it down to stroke his cock.
"open and suck" He states.
Wasting no time your hands replace his and you begin to pump his pretty cock. you lick from the base of his pretty cock to the even prettier pink tip teasing him just a little with small kitten licks
"no teasing" he warns.
But of course, you don't listen continuing to push him over the edge with those kitten licks. even having the audacity to maintain eye contact while doing it.
You see the way his jaw clenches as he loses his patience and grabs the back of your head thrusting and forcing his cock to hit the back of your throat.
Your eyes widen and begin to water as you start to harshly breathe through your nose.
Gagging multiple times as he continues to relentlessly fuck your mouth
"no teasing and you continue to fucking tease huh? who's fucking in charge here y/n? Who's fucking cock's fucking your pretty mouth?"
not being able to speak you hum around his cock watching as his gaze becomes more sadistic by the second.
"Ah fuck, you're gonna make me cum like this baby?" you hum in response causing him to groan from the vibrations
"Ah, shit"
You watch his expression contort into a pained one before he somehow manages to make his cock hit even further than the back of your throat and cums in your mouth.
"Dont waste it, baby, swallow for me" he says airly
you swallowed his mouth full of cum. loving the pleasantly salty taste.
you wheezed and choked so overwhelmed with just how rough Johnny really was.
Where was this side of him hiding?
holy fuck
"your mouth, keep it open," he grumbles still heaving firm his previous orgasm.
you open your mouth a gain forming an 'O' shape and surprise takes you as he spits in your mouth before lightly slapping you across the face.
your hair was all over the place and your entire face was decorated with a mixture of precum, smudged makeup, tears, snot, and sweat
"Atta Girl." he praises you.
He helps you to your feet before giving you a quick peck on your lips
"turn around and bend over. Yeah just like that... spread your legs for me"
you used the bed as support as you got into the desired position.
he wastes no time thrusting his cock into you rough and hard.
the sound of skin slapping and the squelching of your pussy around him cause your knees to buckle as you threaten to lose your stance.
You were gonna cum soon.
feeling your swaying form, he grabs your neck pulling you into him as your back meets his chest
"don't you fucking dare" he threatens.
"Ah... please please, please! m'sorry... m'so sorry I won't do it again just please make me cum john, I'll be good I swear" you cry gasping for air between words. soon your sentences jumble into a whole lot of nothing.
he keeps his hand wrapped around your neck as he uses the other to hold your hand behind your back
"no. Cum when I say so. you need to learn to fucking listen."
snapping his hips at a quick pace.
the area around your hips already beginning to bruise from how hard he was holding you.
"t'much please johnny!" You scream as your legs begin to shake for the umpteenth time
"you can fucking take it. This is what you wanted right? To piss me off? Having mark all on you like that?" he says begrudgingly
he grabs your left breast and squeezes your nipple hard enough for your pussy to clench around him
"so damn sensitive" he whispers in awe.
he pulls out and pushes you on the bed. you look back and he's
standing over you with messy hair, dark eyes, and a cock so erect it slapped against his stomach with the slightest movement.
"get on your back and spread your legs" he says pulling your legs to the edge of the bed .
You flip over and he immediately fucks into you even harder than before.
once again your hands flay erratically as you scream trying to get away from the aching pleasure that was starting to make you see double.
"look at that baby, " he coos eyes staring at your stomach.
you look down and see his cock bulging in your lower abdomen.
You gasp at the sight
'Johnny please" you whimper not even sure what you are asking for.
"I might just fuck a baby into you. keep you home like a good little wife hmm." he says seriously, eyes still set on the bulging in your lower abdomen.
you clenched around him liking the sound of carrying his children
"you like that huh? " He groans
you nod as tears start to stream down your face.
suddenly he stops thrusting causing you to cry out
"Just gimmie a second baby gotta fix your mistake," he says as he reaches over to his nightstand picking up his phone.
"I'm calling Mark " he says nonchalantly causing your heart to race.
"you're off-limits and they fucking know that but it seems all of you need to be reminded of how things are tonight hm?"
the dial tone blares out before a muffled "hello?" comes through the speaker. Mark.
"watch " Johnny says before he thrusts into you so fucking deep you could taste him
you moan loudly
barley registering the "fucking hell, man" that comes from the phone. That was Haechan
'watch' Johnny had said earlier and you begin to understand that it was a video call.
Mark and Haechan were witnessing Johnny fuck you into oblivion.
"see this? this is my fucking pussy and nobody else can fucking have it." he fucks your relentlessly a familiar feeling building in your stomach.
"j-johnny its t'much"
"nah, you can fucking take it."
"oh, fuck! " you scream into the pillow
"my fucking pussy and she can't give it away ain't that right y/n"
"mhmm" you say not having the strength actually speak.
you cum with a shiver and a whine and even then he didn't stop
still drilling his cock into you
overstimulating you more and more
you try to get away and he never once let his cock leave you.
"tell them how many times you cum tonight." He challenges, knowing full well that you couldn't form a word much less a sentence at the moment.
you mutter random words too fucked out to think
a sharp slap to your face brings you back
"how many fucking times?" he says through clenched teeth
"Alot" you scream.
"good girl" he says before hanging up the phone and throwing it across the room.
"just give me one more" he continues.
you moan as your toes curl from the overwhelming sensations building in your stomach
with a sharp thrust, you squirt all over Johnny's cock just as he cums inside you.
"next time you do that shit I’ll fuck you right in front of them instead of over the phone."
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tiyoin · 5 months
pt.4 | 📍pt.5
rewrote, edited and proofread chapter five cause I thought it was horseshit and you guys deserved more from me. 🫶
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you tried to feel numb.
doing everything in your power to push down any kind of emotion that was ready to slip through your mask.
look ahead, stand tall, put one foot in front of the other so no one would know you were wearing a confidence coat that was 2 sizes too small.
don't breathe too loud they'll hear you.
don't step too loud they'll think about your weight.
don't blink too much they'll think you're fluttering your lashes at them.
don't tuck your chin in they'll think you're gross.
gross for what exactly? everything.
don't mess up the stepping pattern or else you'll look like a bumbling idiot as you try to get back on the rhythm.
don't clench your fists they'll think you're mad and unapproachable.
don't smile because you're not in front of a mirror where you can control how much you want to give away.
don't think too hard or else you'll become enraptured with your daydreams and you won't be able to take part in reality.
don't do anything with your lips or else some air will come in and create a sound that sounds similar to a fart. then they'll think you're extra gross.
all these rules you had to follow to 'be normal,' weren't an actual set of rules, but a lifestyle. you wouldn't get collared if you didn't do one of the rules, you wouldn't get yelled at or reprimanded.
you were okay. to your knowledge that is.
on the outside, you probably looked like you had a stick up your ass. always in a rush to get to where you needed to go. like one of those rolling backpack kids back in your world. whenever they would pass they'd take casualties with them. rolling over toes, pencils, teachers- there was nothing in their way they couldn't bulldoze through.
you were just missing the wheels and will of iron it took to be seen with such a… what’s the right word- atrocity, in public, let alone an all-boys school.
underneath the habits and self-induced numbness, past all the anxiety and fear there was a tickle. not an actual tickle, but a sudden feeling you couldn't identify. it wasn't rage or frustration. you weren't sad or envious... you think- it was something gentler than that.
something softer yet just as negative was infesting your heart and mind like a slow-acting poison. poisoning your thought process, your habits, your attitude, and your livelihood.
though the breeze and sunshine walking to class supplied your flesh with warm- there was a chill over your heart. the beams of warmth too short to reach into the many cracks and holes that were created. sometimes you thought there was a bug. a big, juicy parasitic bug that would suck away your hopes and feast on your memories. It had a sweet tooth that was for certain, only targeting happy memories as it kept you with the bad ones.
did you ever have happy memories?
there was nothing you could do about the pestering leech. it wouldn't go away with Kalim's warmth and silver's calm. two sides of the same coin.
but no matter how many times you flipped: heads or tails, heads or tails, heads or tails would never work.
yes, you would smile, you would laugh- put on a poor show to convince yourself and others that there was nothing wrong. Everything was okay deep down and inside your twisted little mind. 
sometimes, you weren't sure who exactly you were performing for. 
"why am I scared to laugh" you remembered asking yourself one night, putting down your jester's hat for the evening. 
looking in the dusty mirror, your eyes carefully roamed your face, ticking off imperfections as you scanned every feature, scrutinizing every fold, and every slight bump on your skin. saving the most obvious imperfection for last, you finally acknowledged the brewing red horn ready to grow on the side of your forehead.
you knew it was a normal thing that teenagers of all ages experienced. but you felt especially helpless now, with the lack of beauty supplies and makeup. but with a quick brush of your hair, the brewing red horn disappeared behind some tresses of hair.
"I look like a demon"
"though if it was on my nose, i'd look like rudolph"
there was no punchline. yet the observation- not even an original comparison, made you laugh. 
A tiny huff puffed from your chest. though the more you imagined yourself with deer ears and a bright lobster red nose, you could feel your thoracic region start to shake. trying to push the sixth sense of judgment the walls were giving you, you forced yourself to laugh. holding onto this artificial laugh as long as you could. you hadn't laughed in a while. hadn't smiled in a minute. you'd barely look at yourself in the mirror most days.
gripping onto the vanity you watched your eyes crinkle and smile stretch. tripping and stumbling over scattered objects in your room you were still clenching your stomach nonetheless.
you felt like a tumbling tornado. clumsily tripping over everything with no set destination or concern for the things in your path. a shoe got kicked up. a pen you remembered liking got stepped and rolled on. a book you read a few nights ago kicked to the door as you set your eyes on your bed. with a few more violent acts towards inanimate objects, you carried your shaking body to bed.
this was it. you were going insane, weren't you?
all you needed was a canvas and paints and you'd truly become insane.
flopping down unceremoniously you let it linger for a second. sighing in contentment as you stared up at the ceiling.
you loved laughing, it was fun! but you were afraid to laugh, to live. remembering Kalim's quote of 'Everything is fun when you make it fun,' you wanted to scoff at his naivety. but Kalim was right.
if you made things miserable for yourself that's how they'll be.
directing your mind back to your head, you blinked owlishly.
oh. you were so caught up in the daydream you forgot you were in the hallways.
peeking through bumping shoulders, you tried looking towards the wall to check the room number.
making a giant u-turn with as many 'excuse me's' and 'pardon me's,' you rerouted yourself back to your class. never having walked this way to class you were a bit hesitant. what if you walked by it again? what if someone is watching you and making fun of you for being a daft idiot?
but what if you're late for class? crewel will have your hide- skin? doesn't matter what it is cause it'll be his. what if they all laugh when we're late-
we're not late yet it's only-
but when we get to class we'll be late!
perking up when you noticed the assigned numbers to your class, you weaved through the chattering sardines and beelined it to class.
no bell. no expectant crewel. no eyes besides from the easy-to-ignore front row. perfect.
the sigh you were holding in finally set itself free as you adjusted the grip of your books, and you strolled down the isles.
don't walk too fast they'll think you're strange.
but also don't walk too slow so they don't think you're lazy.
head down absent-mindedly adjusting your books, you followed your hand's cue and put your attention on a fixed thing. aka: your books.
but to your relief, you soon found your seat. with a huff, you unloaded the cargo pulled out some loose-leaf paper, and started writing.
writing what? not even you knew. but it made you look busy and that was important.
you didn't lay around in bed all day. you didn't continuously scroll through your phone to distract yourself. you didn't cry at night looking at everyone's socials, wishing it was you having fun. envy bubbling like a nasty tar in your bloodstream as you scorned everyone for having fun when you're miserbale-
sliding in next to you was silver. hair disheveled and tie ever so crooked, though he still looked really good-
pervert a voice whispered. tensing, you looked around and saw no one paying attention to your little corner.
"I tried calling you in the hallway." his boyish smile eased a beat in your rhythmic heart, only for it to take 2 more beats.
"y-you did?" you gulped.
silver nodded as he organized his books. "Yeah, but it's so chaotic and loud I'm guessing you didn't hear me" you nodded in agreement, tongue slipping over itself as you tried conjuring up an excuse.
"I- uh I'm really sorry I didn't hear you. I didn't even know you were there! I was kinda worried about not being elbowed to death." you didn't know why you were chuckling at the end but it felt scene-appropriate. you weren't sure if you believed what you told silver despite it being the truth.
was he going to refute it? was he going to give you a once over and mentally think 'how dare they ignore me' because all the diasomnia students you'd interact with had that very haughty, entitled personality?
 but to your slight dissatisfaction, silver only nodded in understanding.
"I'm real-"
"There's no-"
you both started at the same time, sharing a shy smile at the pause.
"you can go ahead" he nodded. Waving your hands, you disagreed. "you were talking first, I'm sorry, go ahead"
even though you gave the green light, silver still heisted to go. giving the air another few seconds before he started talking.
"there is no need to ask for forgiveness. I understand if you couldn't hear me, I'm not the most vocal after all. if only sebek were here" he mulled the last part. wincing at the name, you wanted to pinch yourself for slipping up. damnit you showed that you didn't like a person he was friends with- he'll hate you now. you're screwed, you screwed yourself. don't you understand that he's probably planning on running to sebek as soon as you leave? then everyone in diasomnia is going to hate you-
you nodded, tiny little yellow sponges in white shirts and red ties ran around your brain as a fire roared throughout- wherever they were inside your head.
you tried to push the flood of incoming thoughts into a box, a big red crate with a crab lock to be exact. you were feeling antsy, looking for anything to focus on besides the silver-haired upperclassman in front of you. 
sometimes you wish you were a computer. unable to feel and to only run on logic. it seems easier that way.
a thought bubble popped into your brain like an internet pop-up ad. 
did they even have computers in twisted wonderland? duh of course they do, they have phones after all.
the thought of twisted wonderland's technology started to swarm and hijack your train of thought. effectively taking out the conductor and changing its course.
did they also have an Industrial Revolution like the United States had? what was the start of it? which kingdom had it first? was there something to set off the alleged revolution? How is it the same and how is it different from your world's?
did magic have allay in it? of course, it did. but how did magic make it different than-
snapping your head at the familiar voice. you looked to silver. only able to take in physical information as the new conductor saw a hole in the tracks, pulling the breaks almost immediately.
"you okay there?"
slowly you nodded, as a few members of the hijacking team jumped out of the train- some ideas and questions with it.
"yeah.. sorry about that, kinda got lost in my train of thought there"
nodding with understanding, silver started talking about how he would sometimes start nodding off when he was talking to someone. half paying attention, half trying to save the train- your brain was split in half as you took in all internal and external information.
until you heard the magic words everyone loves to hear: "what were you thinking ab-"
"The Industrial Revolution"
"... pardon?"
anddd you failed, the train fell into the deep deep gorge that the tracks would normally allow the said train to glide over... but alas! they were gone! blown to smithereens as it guided the train into the deep cavern. a big explosion followed soon after. 
"dont worry about it" you brushed him off. saved by the bell as Crewel stood up, riding crop in hand yelling out orders like a drill sergeant.
silver scooted closer. you scooted back, the original distance between you two doubling. you were focused on writing your name, date etc & etc, on another loose-leaf paper.
the dreamy-eyed second-year made some noises before he knew what he was going to say. he started softly "are you okay"? but then grew slightly louder as unease set in "from... last class? I mean I know yuu told me it was a touchy subject but... i just wanted to check in"
your pencil screeched to a halt as the words 'yuu told me-' chanted in your head. it was the only thing you could focus on because what did he mean 'yuu said-'. "what did yuu say." you spoke, voice stable for the first time that morning.
silver's tongue tied itself as he fixed his hair a bit. "well..." he straightened up slightly, "after you stormed... no, escape is a better word. after you escaped the classroom yuu followed before i could. but crewel ended up stopping me before i could even move. and i asked yuu what happened the next time i saw them and asked how you were doing.. to sum it up: they told me you get nervous around new people soo"
dread set over you like a fast-approaching shadow.
oh no. he thinks you're a weird socially inept loser doesn't he? he thinks you're some kind of loser that doesn't go out weekends, weekdays, any day for all that matter. he probably makes fun of you with sebek. right?
"ah well," you cleared your throat. a lie already on the tip of your tongue "I mean it's like- a yes and no kinda thing. I didn't have a lot of guy friends when I was younger so being thrust" you thrust your hands in emphasis "into an al guys school has been quite the adjustment."
quickly, your mind conjured up a painting of a small house in a meadow filled with wildflowers. it was the only thing you could see for miles. it was a nice house with a straw roof, a smoking brick chimney, and a little garden outback. the only problem with the house is that you blew it up.
 with nuclear missiles. 
and the intensity of the blast was so strong that it created a small crater in the earth, no traces of the house were left as it's entire existence was reduced to ash and rubble all because of you.
the urge to bash your head into the nearest wall like intruding hornets slipping through a crack in an attic to terrorize a small family. there goes your social life right?? what soil life? you killed it before you could even nurture it!
your mouth and mind were running on autopilot while your conscience went blank.
your mouth was a fountain that spewed water everywhere. trying to get yourself out of the hole you dug yourself- crater, more specifically.
"but uhhh yeah, no you're good! you're different and I'm quite glad I got partnered with you since you're not as..."
"boisterous?" silver quipped.
you nodded. silver chuckled, leaning further away from you. "yeah me too. if I got paired with one of your friends only the sevens know how much damage that'll do to my physical and mental well-being"
you both discreetly looked over at the rest of the class watching as all pairs seemed to be in some kind of chaos. whether it's floyd being impulsive, grim trying to add the wrong chemical into a potion. (you didn't even need to know what they were making to know that whatever he's trying to sneak in- doesn't belong there.)
and you were thanking whatever god the people of twisted wonderland worshipped that you weren't paired with one of the adeuce combo. ace would try to take control of the project, pretending he knew what he was doing while simultaneously giving you backhanded compliments on your intelligence. only to ruin the entire project and somehow find a way to blame you for it. 
meanwhile, deuce and you would be two peas in a squished pod: not knowing what you're supposed to be doing and ultimately winging it as you tried to match your hot barbie pink potion to crewel's muted blush potion. knowing the both of you, it would end up navy blue and when crewel went to fix it he would add a pinch of fleabane- a literal pinch, and it'd be fixed. embarrassing the both of you for all eternity.
"I wonder which group is gonna blow up the lab first mused quick to shut your lips, you were quick to wish for a sewing kit to forcefully shut you up.
but a small voice whispered 'it's better to take risks than stay comfortable.'
and silver seemed... nice.
silver looked out at the crowd for a moment longer, turning to you he started slowly, "while the yuu, grim, and ace trio seem to be the most obvious choice...." he thought carefully, "epel and deuce seem to be at a loss of what to do and are about 6 shade off. which surprised me since epel is in pomfiore"
"he's actually sh- really-" you started again, taking a moment to think over what you were going to say "I heard that epel's not that great at potions despite being under vil's careful watch...." silver's eyes widened, replying with a soft 'really?' as he looked back to the groups with newfound interest.
you to yourself "never judge a book by its cover" you shrugged, immediately turning to your work. anxiously, you waited for a response. 
although circumstances are vastly different- is this how people felt when in the talking stage? if so it was a dreadful experience. 
before your pessimistic thoughts could even start, silver responded with a chuckle, enviably agreeing with your statement. you could almost sweat with relief as an invisible weight got lifted from your shoulders.
silver seems nice...
a new voice, meek and unsteady although louder than the usual pessestimic ones in control. and for once, you allowed yourself to feel the slight comfortable tingle it gave you.
the hope and drive to that you haven't felt or experienced in a while.
you wished to get closer to him.
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taglist : @abell2029cluster @a1-ic3 @ars-tral @xingyunny @creamsweets @skei2p @dn4su @jjsmeowthie @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @nefe-kav @d3sperate-enuf @y2unagiz @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it @mel-star636 @7yu @lucky-whispers
322 notes · View notes
dindjarindiaries · 4 months
Senator's Shadow - Chapter 3
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summary: Things get interesting when Hunter is assigned to escort the senator during the welcome banquet on Eirus.
pairing: hunter (the bad batch) x fem!reader
rating: mature (18+)
tags: bodyguard romance, forbidden love, fluff & angst, emotional & physical hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, injuries & blood, trauma, eventual/mild smut
word count: 7.610k
chapter 2 ⟸ series masterlist ⟹ chapter 4
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chapter 3 ⟹
Hunter was ready for what awaited him when the double doors opened up. Rather than retreating to their rooms, his squad was standing there to greet him, their helmets removed as every single one of them wore a smug grin. Hunter heaved a sigh and gestured with his head to the suite behind him.
“We’re taking shifts on watch.” He looked around the group with severity. “With potential assassination attempts in order, it’s vital that we do so while the senator rests.”
“I bet you’ll want the first shift,” Crosshair teased, tucking a toothpick between his smiling teeth, “won't you, Sarge?”
Hunter raised an eyebrow, unimpressed, even as the other boys snickered. “We’re going according to our usual schedule, which means that Tech has first watch.”
“That is acceptable,” Tech was quick to respond. “I was already planning on staying awake to run an analysis on the senator’s diagram of Eirus as soon as possible.”
Echo gave him an incredulous look. “How did you get that data already?”
Tech blinked at him. “I scanned it while she had it on display. How else would I have gotten it?”
Echo raised his hand defensively. Hunter resisted a sigh and went on. “That’s fine, Tech, but make sure you can still keep an eye out. This is different from keeping watch in hyperspace.” He gestured to their surroundings. “There are some real, dangerous threats after the senator. We need to stay vigilant.”
Crosshair huffed and lowered his voice towards Wrecker, but kept it loud enough for Hunter to hear. “Protective.”
Hunter’s head snapped towards him. “Yeah, and I expect that from the rest of you, too.” He recalled the desperation in your eyes during your private conversation, causing his chest to tighten underneath his armor as he went on. “The senator chose us for this mission because she trusts us. Her fate, and that of this planet, rests with us just as much as it does with her.”
That seemed to straighten the shoulders of the squad. Even Tech finally got his nose out of his datapad as he looked upon Hunter. A small smile of satisfaction took over his lips.
“That being said, we all need rest. Tech, keep an eye on the chrono so you can get your rest in, too.” Hunter’s gaze found Wrecker before he nodded in his direction. “You too, Wrecker.”
Tech nodded while Wrecker offered a salute. “You’ve got it, Sarge!”
Hunter smiled at him and stepped away from the group, his silent signal for them to disband. Each member of the squad, aside from Tech, headed for their rooms—though Hunter still felt a presence behind him as he approached his own door. He turned and saw Echo trailing him, a concerned knit wrinkled in his brow.
“Hunter,” Echo began in a low tone. He tossed a quick look over his shoulder to make sure that no one was watching them. “Is there actually something going on between you and the senator?”
Hunter fought off the initial rush of panic and managed a genuine chuckle. “No, Echo. That’s all in the squad’s heads.”
Echo’s brow shot up. “Are you sure about that?”
Hunter turned to fully face Echo. “Come on, I barely know her.” He gestured with his eyes to the squad’s doors. “The jokes are getting you all carried away.”
Echo raised the corner of his mouth in a smile and nodded. “That’s fair.” He steadied himself with a breath. “All right. Sorry for that. I just…” he chuckled to himself, “you know how I feel about the rules.”
“I do.” Hunter clasped his hand on Echo’s armored shoulder. “Even if we still break them.” He nodded. “We’ve worked with politicians before, Echo. This time won’t be any different.”
Echo returned his nod. Hunter was pleased to see the light of concern fading from his eyes. He had to give it to Echo; the ARC trooper was never afraid to keep him and the others in line.
“Now get some rest.” Hunter jerked his head towards Echo’s room. “I have a feeling we’ve got a big day ahead of us.”
Echo huffed. “I agree.” He then obeyed Hunter’s gentle order, turning away from him to head towards his room. Hunter watched him for a moment before he turned back to his door and opened it.
Inside was quite a generous setup, certainly larger than any room Hunter had ever called his own. With a large bed, refresher, and plenty of storage space for his gear, Hunter had no reason to protest the senator’s kind arrangements for him and his squad. But the silence in the absence of his squad was about to do him more harm than good, especially with Echo’s worries floating around in his head.
Had he lied to Echo about you?
Hunter set down his helmet and ran his forefinger and thumb along the bridge of his nose. It had only been a matter of hours since he met the senator, and he was still low on sleep, despite the rest he had tried to get on the Marauder. Of course seeing someone like you would cause him to be so confused about his own feelings, especially when you were so desperate for his help.
But there was another truth to face, because Hunter observed faces and gazes as well as he did electromagnetic frequencies. That wasn’t the only desperation you had shown. Leadership roles were extremely isolating, and that was something Hunter himself was still coming to terms with. To see someone else struggling with it, and to find some kind of genuine understanding…
Well, it was nice. No matter what it meant, or where it would lead to.
That wasn’t Hunter’s concern. He was already thinking ahead to the welcome banquet tomorrow, which would be a prime opportunity for potential assassins or attackers to strike. It reignited his worry for you during the night, though he could at least trust his squad enough to take care of any threats that might arise while you slept.
Hunter stripped himself of his armor and kept it safely tucked away with his gear, though he kept his blaster and his knife in close reach. He did the same with a comlink, all of which stayed on his bedside table. He considered the temperature of the room before taking off the top half of his blacks as well. Hunter then settled into the bed, willing himself to have a less fitful sleep than before.
Thankfully, his wish was granted. Hunter was actually well-rested when it was his turn to take over the watch, the comlink’s chiming waking him from his deep slumber. He was quick in freshening up and re-dressing himself in his gear and attributed it to his desire for Crosshair to get his necessary rest.
As soon as Hunter stepped out into the corridor, Crosshair was ready to greet him outside your doors. “Morning, Sarge,” he greeted in his usual cool tone, though there was also an evident inflection of amusement. “You look excited for a person who’s about to stand outside some doors for a while.”
Hunter gave his helmeted head a tilt and resisted the urge to sigh. “Get some rest while you still can, Crosshair.”
Crosshair snickered even as he obeyed Hunter’s order. Hunter watched him as he entered his room, and after releasing a heavy breath, he tuned his enhanced senses into all of his surroundings. The first hour or so wouldn’t be so exhausting, but it would take a toll if he had to go on much longer than that.
And he would, because he knew what was at stake. Sleep was your most vulnerable state, and he was the one in charge of making sure no one would take advantage of that.
Hunter tried to keep his mind quiet focused, but the task proved difficult, especially as it wandered to the day’s events. He wasn’t sure what you would have in mind for the welcome banquet, but he was already beginning to put his own pieces in place. They would have to have eyes everywhere, and he would have to get Tech to look up more on Lii Alvani and his former allies so they could recognize any one of them if they tried to work their way inside.
It wasn’t unusual for Hunter to plan ahead like this. As the squad’s leader, it’s what he often had to do. What was different this time was the fierce panic that came with the idea of his plan not working. He would have to leave the calculation of their odds to Tech, if only for his sake.
With his focus diverged in two important directions, Hunter lost track of time until he heard the doors open behind him. He nearly jumped at the sound that roared against his eardrums, thanks to him still being so attuned to his senses. Hunter blinked a few times behind his visor to re-center himself as you stepped through the doors.
You were in a simpler dress than yesterday, no doubt favoring something more comfortable before the formality of the day would begin. It was a simple green, this time with gold embellishments rather than silver. It still framed you in a way that brought a flush to Hunter’s face beneath his helmet before he could stop it, especially as he caught your gaze that glowed at him.
“Good morning, Sergeant,” you greeted, bowing your head at him.
“Senator.” Hunter returned the gesture and tightened one of his fists at his side.
“I hope you haven’t been out here too long.” Your brow furrowed in genuine concern before you gave him a once-over.
“Not at all.” Hunter didn’t bother checking the chrono to see how long it had actually been. “I’m the last rotation in our watch shifts.”
You smiled again at that. “Good.” You held his gaze through his visor for a few distinct heartbeats before exhaling a soft breath. “There’s a lot to attend to today, so I hope you were all able to get some proper rest.”
The corners of Hunter’s mouth began to rise at that. “We were. In fact…” He paused, raising two of his fingers to the side of his helmet and activating the squad’s main comm. “Rise and shine, boys. The senator’s ready to get the day started.”
Almost immediately, the door to Tech’s room slid open, and he walked through with his nose practically buried in his datapad. There was still a slight limp as he made his way over, but Hunter was pleased to see that it had improved even more from the day before. Tech only looked up when he was closer to you and Hunter.
“Good morning, Senator,” he greeted with a nod. “I’m glad to see you are awake and ready. I have been going over the schematics you created, and there are quite a few interesting threads I have pulled together.”
Hunter caught the impressed light in your gaze as you returned Tech’s nod, but he still rolled his eyes at Tech underneath his visor. “Maybe we should let the senator enjoy her morning before we start bombarding her with plans and data, Tech.”
“That’s quite all right, Sergeant.” You lifted your hand to Hunter’s armored shoulder, an eyebrow raised and a small smile pulling at your lips. “I’m just as eager to get down to business.” Your gaze lingered on his visor before you dropped your hand and returned your attention to Tech.
Hunter tilted his helmet, unable to stop looking at you. There had been another light in your eyes he couldn’t quite interpret, and as someone who had mastered the art of studying others, he was itching to identify it.
The sounds of other doors opening brought Hunter out of his brief yet focused reverie. Echo and Wrecker were the next ones to emerge, with Wrecker entering the scene as enthusiastically as ever. “That was the best sleep I’ve ever gotten!” He nodded at the senator with genuine gratitude. “Thank you for the nice rooms, Senator.”
You beamed at Wrecker as you returned the gesture. “I’m very glad to hear that, Wrecker. It’s truly my pleasure.”
Crosshair was the last to join the group, and as he made his way over, Hunter spoke up on behalf of everyone. “Well, Senator, it looks like we’re all ready to report for duty.” He raised his helmet in your direction. “What’s our first order?”
You smiled at him before looking around the group. “Every good soldier needs some nourishment before really starting the day, right?”
Wrecker let out a victorious chuckle and shouldered Echo, who tripped a step at the sudden movement. “I like the sound of that!”
You softly laughed, the sound a beautiful melody to Hunter’s sensitive ears, and began to lead the way ahead. “Then let’s feast.”
Wrecker’s eyes doubled in size. “Feast?”
“Save some for the rest of us, Wrecker,” Crosshair joked as he fell in step alongside his brother.
“There will be plenty for everyone,” you assured them, your voice as warm as the smile you continued to wear.
Hunter couldn’t stop the smile of his own that was growing underneath his helmet. You were treating his squad like they were the high-class diplomats, certainly much better than anyone else had—even those who had created them. There had to be a way to repay you for such kindness.
Succeeding in the mission would no doubt be the most efficient way of doing so. That only made Hunter dwell more on the plans he had been crafting in his mind for hours.
After enjoying the heartiest meal any one of them had no doubt ever had, the group reconvened back at the senator’s suite, where your personal guard waited outside your doors. The squad was gathered around your holotable much like the night before as you brought up new projections, this time the faces of various diplomats and fighters. Each of the squad’s helmets was tucked underneath their arms as they viewed the holoprojections up close.
“These are the main faces we need to be on the lookout for,” the senator instructed them all. “This goes beyond tonight’s banquet. These individuals have long since become leaders of these attacks and are no doubt conspiring directly with Alvani.”
Hunter studied them faithfully, committing each of their images to memory. He silently thanked Tech for making his own copies of the data to reinforce his initial observations.
“Unfortunately…” you let out a defeated breath that created an empathetic ache in Hunter’s chest, “many of them are people who once fought alongside me.”
“How’s that possible?” Hunter couldn’t keep the question to himself.
“They see the Republic as another version of the same evil we defeated.” Your shoulders tensed as you carried on. “They don’t understand that it’s the Separatists who plan on bringing such oppression back to Eirus.”
“Yeah, that seems to be their favorite kind of deception,” Echo muttered.
Hunter raised his brow at you. “They really believe that when you’re the one who’s representing them?”
You gave your head an aimless shake. “Apparently, they do.” Your gaze met Hunter’s and it wasn’t hard to decipher all the darkness hidden within it. He wondered how long you had been holding it all in. “They were the same ones who elected me as senator and sent me away to Coruscant, but… the distance must’ve been enough for them to forget what I once fought for.”
You paused for a moment and shrugged. The gesture did nothing to erase the pain that Hunter had already seen within you.
“Or maybe I made a mistake agreeing to my appointment in the first place.”
“It’s not your fault.” Hunter’s reassurance was out before he could hold it in, as was the hand he lifted to your shoulder. The burning gaze of his squad, however, urged him to lower his hand a few heartbeats later. “The reason why this war’s still going on is because of how good the Separatists are at winning people over.”
“And because of their impressive droid army,” Tech chimed in. “Which only seems to be growing even more advanced as the war goes on.”
Hunter turned his head towards Tech and circled his jaw. “Thanks for that, Tech.”
“We can take ‘em, Senator,” Wrecker offered you his own comfort. “Don’t even worry about it.”
Hunter’s senses picked up on the deep breath you had finally taken, with an exhale that was much lighter than before. “I appreciate it, Wrecker, but it’s more challenging than that.” You gave the squad a serious look. “I don’t want any of them hurt.”
Crosshair took his toothpick between his fingers. “What’s your definition of ‘hurt?’”
“No critical injuries, which means no live rounds.” You gave Hunter a quick look. “I’m sure your sergeant already told you about that.”
“Oh, yeah, you did, Sarge.” Wrecker took his blaster and toggled something on it. “Stun only. Right?”
“Right.” You nodded towards the holographic images. “Not only would injuries sway people away from our cause, but I also still care for them.”
“Even when they’re trying to kill you?” Crosshair clearly couldn’t help himself from asking.
You remained firm as you responded. “Even then.”
Silence sat amongst the group for a long moment. Hunter watched you switch the projection over to a single large room before you continued.
“As for tonight’s banquet, this is the ballroom where it’s taking place.” You pointed at the red circles decorated along the edges of the hologram. “These are all the exit points. People can come in and get out through these doors and windows.”
Hunter fit the diagram within the plans he had already started crafting. “How’s your faith in the security detail?”
You huffed. “Not great.” You flashed him a smile. “That’s why I’m bringing your squad along.”
Hunter let out a low chuckle. At least you were finding some humor in all of this.
“Here’s what I need from all of you.” You pointed at one of the red dots. “Wrecker, I need you to stand post at this entrance. The more we can deter right away, the better.”
Wrecker nodded, an eager light dancing in his gaze as he did so.
“Tech, I need you to monitor the comms. I have no doubt that you can tap into their channel if they’re actively using it.”
“That would be a well-founded conclusion,” Tech agreed.
“Echo, I need you to guard the power room.” You pointed along the outside of one of the rooms. “It was an old tactic of ours to go for the lights and other power fixtures, and I need someone posted there to make sure they don’t resort to that tonight.”
Echo nodded dutifully. “You’ve got it, Senator.”
“Crosshair, I need you to keep watch. You’ll be the first to notice if any one of these faces steps anywhere near the capitol or the ballroom.”
Crosshair put his toothpick back between his teeth and offered a two-fingered salute.
“And Sergeant Hunter.” You turned towards Hunter as you addressed him by name for only the second time. The heartbeat that roared in his ears was solely his own, though he kept himself as composed as ever on the outside. “I need your senses to catch any direct threats in the ballroom.”
Hunter began to reach the conclusion on his own. “So, my position will be…” With the eyes of his squad watching, he couldn’t finish the sentence.
“With me.” You nodded to confirm his unspoken thoughts. “I need at least one of you to escort me to continue the illusion of you serving as my protection, and your senses will no doubt allow you to pick up on anything abnormal that’s happening around us.”
“Convenient,” Crosshair snickered.
Hunter ignored him and nodded at you. “Then I’ll be there.”
Your gaze brightened at him. “Great.” Your eyes lingered on him even as you turned to face the rest of the squad once again. “I have some diplomatic business to attend to for the rest of the day leading up to the banquet, so I’ll leave it to all of you to plan the finer details while my guard escorts me there.”
Hunter’s brow furrowed. “Are you sure you can trust them?”
You tilted your head at him. “For now, yes. I have to give them at least some sort of power to keep them from catching on.”
Hunter exhaled, even if he wasn’t convinced. “Fair enough.”
“I think the senator can handle herself even if things do go sideways,” Echo added.
“Exactly, Echo.” You gave Hunter another one of those quick once-overs that set him and his armor on fire. “Though I do appreciate the concern.”
“That’s good, ‘cause you’ll get a lot of it from him. Hah!” Wrecker walked over to knock his shoulder against Hunter’s. He tried to fight the flush that attempted to overwhelm his face without the refuge of his helmet to hide it.
Tech pushed his goggles further up his nose. “That is certainly one of his specialties.” He pointed at Hunter with a small, knowing smile.
Hunter narrowed his eyes and gently swatted Wrecker’s hand, which had wrapped around his shoulders, away from him. “Glad you’ve all noticed.”
“Well, you are a sergeant. It is only sensible that you have a heightened sense of protection.” Tech paused and let out an amused huff. “Huh. ‘Heightened sense.’ That was not intentional.”
Hunter raised an eyebrow and didn’t bother coating his sarcasm. “Nice one.”
You laughed alongside Hunter, and all his frustration towards his teasing squad melted away as he looked over at you. “As much as I’d love to stay to hear the rest, I’m about to be long overdue for my first meeting.”
Your gaze scanned the squad but, in a way that was becoming quite natural, caught Hunter especially. 
“I have an activated comm on my person so that you can keep track of where I am. I’ll use it in case of an emergency, but I’m not expecting anything to happen now when they have a better opportunity to strike later.”
Hunter tightened his jaw and looked away from the senator. That was a thought he didn’t want to dwell on. He loved seeing action as much as the next person in his squad, but not in this way. Not with the threat of an assassination attempt on someone who was already putting their neck out for the sake of their people. As a leader himself, albeit to a much smaller group, it made him sick to think about.
You didn’t deserve any of this, and Hunter would do whatever he could to help you make it right.
“We’ll reconvene here just before the banquet’s due to begin.” The senator’s voice earned Hunter’s attention again. “Until then… I suppose you have a chance to explore.” You waved a hand towards the door. “I’ll lead the way out.”
You deactivated the holotable and started to head towards the doors. Hunter slid his helmet over his head as he followed you, and the rest of the squad fell in step behind him. He managed to make it to your side as he spoke to you in a low voice. “We won’t be going far, Senator. Don’t be afraid to comm if something feels off.”
You gave him a warm glance, your gaze glimmering as you did so. “There’s that sense of protection your squad was speaking about.” The quiet words were filled with nothing but a sweetness that Hunter was quickly getting addicted to. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, Sergeant, but… I can’t begin to tell you how much your reassurance means to me.” You gave him a subtle nod. “Thank you.”
Hunter returned the gesture. “No need.”
You looked as if you wanted to say more, but you were already at the doors. Hunter watched you transform into your diplomatic image as the doors opened and led you out to where your guards were keeping watch in the corridor. Hunter kept himself and the squad back as you continued on, silently encouraging your guards to follow you. He didn’t miss the pointed look the captain gave him as he walked ahead.
Hunter spoke up before anyone else could. “We’re doing a perimeter sweep, getting a lay of the land.” He spun around to face his squad and nodded. “We have to know what’s out there so we can combat it later.”
Wrecker groaned and threw his hands in the air. “Why can’t it be tonight already so we can see some real action?”
Crosshair snorted in agreement and crossed his arms. “I’m starting to miss the clankers.”
“I’m sorry, boys. I know it’s hard not to be as active as usual.” Hunter allowed himself to agree with them. “But this mission’s important. Like I said last night, the fate of this entire planet is resting on our shoulders.”
“And the fate of the senator.” Tech lifted a finger as he added the thought Hunter wasn’t brave enough to say aloud.
Hunter began to turn back around, but he still managed to respond. “Right.” He gestured with his helmet to the corridor. “Let’s get going. There’s lots out there for us to see.”
The rest of the day, aside from another period of refreshment given at the senator’s request, was spent exploring both the exterior and the interior of the capitol. Tech had scanned as much as he could to make his own diagram, and Crosshair had kept his gaze high to scope out potential sniper spots—for both himself and others. Hunter’s senses were working overtime yet again to make himself more familiar with it all, though he forced himself to stop when he came too close to the edges of an overstimulation migraine.
The squad waited along with your guard outside your doors that evening, ready to escort you to the banquet. Hunter was buzzing with the same kind of adrenaline he always had on high-stakes missions, but he was hit with a whole new wave of it when the doors opened.
You had traded your gown from before with something much more formal. Its colors were the exact opposites of the other’s, trading the gold for green and vice versa. This gown was much more fitting to your form, though there was a slit in each of your legs to allow you more freedom to move around.
It was—no, you were—beautiful in every sense of the word. And there was just no getting around that fact, not even for a Republic clone sergeant.
The senator faced Hunter and his squad with the mask of diplomacy still engaged, thanks to the presence of your guard. Still, there was a light within your eyes that Hunter enjoyed seeing, especially as it shined at his visor. “Thank you again, Clone Force 99, for reinforcing my guard tonight.” You gestured to your guards as they stood on your other side. “It’s appreciated more than you know.”
Hunter bowed his head. “Just doing our duty, Senator.”
You raised your brow and the corners of your mouth at him. “This is above and beyond your usual ‘duty,’ Sergeant, especially your willingness to help the captain escort me.”
“She didn’t have to ask him twice,” Echo muttered to one of the boys from behind Hunter. He rolled his eyes underneath his visor at their snickering.
“It’s no problem, Senator.” Hunter nodded to affirm his words. “Really.” He gave his helmet a fond tilt. “Gives me a bit of a change in scenery.”
You chuckled and gave your head a shake, but Hunter caught the shyness you attempted to hide. “Well, don’t thank me yet, Sergeant. Politics are a whole different type of battlefield.” You broke your gaze with Hunter to glance over at the captain. “We ought to get going, Captain. Would you lead the way? Clone Force 99 will bring up the rear.”
The captain nodded, directing his men as they began to walk down the corridor. The squad fell in place behind you, as the group made its way to the ballroom, each member began to split off. Crosshair was the first, and then Echo as he snuck away to the power room. Tech found a quiet yet nearby place to monitor both the comms and the cams, leaving just Hunter and Wrecker as the group came upon the ballroom.
As the captain turned to face the senator, his brow knit together in confusion at the lack of soldiers behind you. “Sergeant, where are all your men?”
Hunter no doubt had a smile in his voice as he responded. “Covering all our bases. I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you, Captain.”
The captain looked as if he were about to speak, but paused when he caught your gaze. Hunter nodded at Wrecker to dismiss him. He walked off to stand alongside the entrance you had assigned him to earlier that morning.
Your eyes found Hunter’s visor, and he offered you the reassuring nod you needed. “We’re ready when you are, Senator.”
You returned the gesture. “Thank you, Sergeant.” You turned to the captain. “Captain?”
The captain took his place at the front and led the small group through the main entrance. Hunter was quick to observe the ballroom and everyone within it. It had already been packed full of various diplomats and other high-ranking citizens of Eirus. He recognized many of the diplomats from the group that had greeted you during your arrival onworld, particularly the Rodian Prime Minister who had Hunter’s anger spiking just at the sight of him. The room was decorated in the same shades of green, purple, silver, and gold that you often wore, but your golden figure was the one at the center of his vision as you continued your stride inside.
The group hadn’t made it more than a few steps inside when Hunter caught your head turning towards your shoulder, in his direction. Hunter took the cue and stepped closer to you, even though his sensitive eardrums still could have heard your hushed voice from his previous place. “Stay close, Sergeant.” Your words weren’t an order; they were a plea.
There was a tug on each of Hunter’s heartstrings as he stepped close enough to set his hand over your lower back. “I’m right here, Senator.” He lifted his visor to your surroundings as he surveyed the crowd. There was an array of piercing gazes looking your way, and Hunter couldn’t imagine how that made you feel. “I’m watching them. Don’t worry.”
You took a deep breath, a steady inhale and exhale that brushed across Hunter’s soundscape like a sweet caress. He lowered his hand from your back only when you were settled and followed you and your guard to wherever you were heading.
When Hunter realized who you were approaching first, he didn’t bother holding back his annoyed sigh, even if he did keep it to himself. The Prime Minister turned to look at the group with a hospitality so fake that even someone as politically unseasoned as Hunter could recognize the mask he was wearing.
“Senator! Ah, you’ve made it at last!” The Prime Minister reached for your hands and gave them a squeeze.
Hunter took a step closer to you with his hand hovered over his blaster before he could stop it. The movement caught the Rodian’s gaze as he huffed with both indignance and amusement.
“That one behind you is quite jumpy.”
You didn’t miss a beat as you responded. “He’s just doing his job, Prime Minister. Typically, you ask for permission with such a gesture.” Still, you let him off the hook much easier than Hunter would have. “But on account of how lovely you’ve made this gathering for me… I forgive you.”
The Prime Minister dropped your hands and opened his arms in a victorious type of gesture. “I’m very glad you noticed, Senator! I spent a lot of time putting this evening together.” He gave the room an admiring glance. “Only the best for our wonderful senator.”
Hunter narrowed his eyes. His hand was still positioned over his holster, and the hint of sarcasm in the Prime Minister’s voice didn’t motivate him to move it away.
“Did I miss something?” Hunter nearly jumped as the comm went off inside his helmet, alerting him to Crosshair’s cool tone. “Hunter looks ready to fight already.”
“From what I can tell, that is simply his reaction to the Prime Minister,” Tech answered. “Given how… unimpressive the Prime Minister is, I cannot blame Hunter for such a reaction.”
Oh, Hunter didn’t like this. Having to listen in on his brothers’ commentary without him being able to answer, at least not as freely as the rest of the squad could, was going to be a new type of torture. But remembering that frightened look in your eye that you tried to suppress as you pleaded for him to stay close made it more than bearable.
“Aw, man!” Wrecker grumbled. “I’m gonna miss all the interesting stuff, aren’t I?”
“You and me both, Wrecker,” Echo added. “Crosshair, Tech, we’re gonna need some good descriptions.”
Hunter tightened his jaw and lifted his fingers to his helmet. “What you’re gonna need is to focus. Cut the comm chatter. I can barely concentrate on my surroundings.”
He was satisfied when his order was met with silence. It allowed him to focus back on the senator and the other diplomats, who were taking turns exchanging fake pleasantries. Hunter focused less on the words they spoke and more on the other sounds around you. There were many heartbeats and heavy musks to sort through, but Hunter knew what he was looking for. Thankfully, he wasn’t finding it—at least, not yet.
The banquet was pretty uneventful, but Hunter was grateful for that. Tech chimed in from time to time to update the group on any comm activity, but it was usually the security detail that was already working to defend the politicians, diplomats, and other individuals inside the ballroom. Crosshair shared his temptation to shoot down one of the chandeliers just to make something exciting happen, and Echo agreed that it would at least short out something in the power room that he could fix.
You were thankfully unoccupied by company, halfheartedly sipping a libation, when Hunter heard one of the sounds he was listening for: a holster strap. Immediately, his visor scanned the room, each one of his senses reaching out as if they were physical hands pushing people aside to identify the source. It was much too close to be anyone on the other side of the room, but all the people in their immediate vicinity had their hands otherwise occupied.
Then, his gaze slid over to you. One restless movement from your dominant leg proved that it was, in fact, your holster strap he had heard. It had unfastened. If he didn’t alert you to the loosened strap soon, then it would very likely unveil your hidden weapons to the entire room.
The captain and his guard were at a comfortable distance when Hunter approached you. He rested his hand on your back to alert you to his presence before he leaned over to speak to you in a low voice. “Senator, you might want to check your holster.” His gaze flickered over to yours, watching as your eyes widened ever so slightly in silent alarm. “I heard the strap loosen.”
Rather than looking, you moved your leg, and Hunter yet again heard the sound just as you sensed the loose strap against your skin. “Thank the stars for your senses, Sergeant.” You managed a smile, but still let out a stressed exhale. “I have to fix it.”
Hunter gestured with his helmet to the nearest exit point. “I can escort you out.”
You shook your head. “That’ll be too suspicious.” Your gaze scanned the busy crowd. “I have to fix it here.”
Hunter furrowed his brow. “How? That’s not exactly a subtle adjustment to make.”
Your own brow knit together as you considered his words. Your eyes then rose to his visor, and they were filled with an amount of trust that left him breathless. “It has to be you.”
Hunter blinked a few times in surprise before he stammered out his response. “Me?”
You nodded, your voice dropping to a whisper as you went on. “If you stay against the wall and I stand in front of you, it could look like you’re briefing me on something.” Your eyes looked beyond him. “There’s a pretty private corner there.”
Hunter followed your gaze and let out a soft breath before he nodded. “Yeah, that’ll work.” He couldn’t begin to think of the implications of the action yet. All he could focus on was making sure your secret wasn’t revealed.
You turned to the captain and began to address him, causing Hunter’s hand to slip from your back. “Captain, the sergeant says he has an update for me from Clone Force 99. If you could watch our backs while I attend to it, that would be much appreciated.”
The captain bowed his head at you. “Of course, Senator.”
Hunter steadied himself as you turned back to him and followed him over to the corner. He stopped when his back was about to hit the wall and faced you. The proximity was dangerous, but he fought through the haze to follow his own order from before: focus.
Hunter’s hands started to reach out for the slit in your dress, but he was quick to stop himself as his visor found your gaze with ease. “May I?” He gestured to the long strip of exposed skin on your leg.
You smiled at him, and it was the first real one he had seen from you since you had entered the ballroom. “Please, Sergeant.” He caught the hard swallow you took with both his eyes and his ears. “You have full permission to touch me.”
Damn, your choice of words was making it even harder for him to focus the way he intended to. Hunter just nodded and continued, pretending the task was akin to helping Tech and Echo with the wiring on the Marauder. But the hull of the attack shuttle was nowhere near as soft and smooth as your skin, nor as rich as the silk he gently pushed aside to get to it.
It wasn’t your skin he needed to focus on. He found the hanging leather strap and identified the empty buckle that had come undone. Carefully, and while keeping his helmet level so as to not give his gaze away, he began to string the strap inside the buckle, his gloved fingertips brushing your skin.
The action brought an inhale to your lips that made Hunter pause, but more overwhelming was the sudden hammering of a heartbeat that, for once, wasn’t his own. His gaze secretly flickered up to you, just to find that your eyes were on his hands, as if he truly was holding something between the two of you. Even sweeter was the exhale that fell from your parted lips, because it wasn’t one of pain, worry, or anything Hunter was used to hearing as a result of his actions.
No, that was an unmistakable breath of pure pleasure. And he wanted to hear it again, and again, and again.
But this wasn’t the time nor the place, and this wasn’t a moment that was supposed to be happening, anyway. Hunter didn’t let himself get used to it. While he enjoyed the rush of whatever coursed through his body, he focused fully on fixing the holster, taking care not to pull it too tight even as he double checked its security.
Hunter’s words were spoken through a tight throat as he broke your silence. “How’s that?”
You nodded, another genuine smile overtaking your lips. “Perfect. Thank you, Sergeant.”
Hunter returned your nod before he fixed the skirt of your dress back in place, properly concealing your holster from view. His touch lingered before he could stop it. When he dragged his gaze back up to yours, he found that your eyes had been following his own the entire way. His senses should have been attuned to that entire room, but he was tunnel-visioned onto you and the glow of your gaze as you openly admired him.
That’s what it had to be, right? Surely, he wasn’t making that up, but it was the thing he was having trouble identifying. No one else had ever looked at him like that. No one else had ever raised a hand to press against his chestplate the way you were, now.
The moment vanished just as quickly as it arose. “Hunter, if you and the senator are done staring at each other, you’ve got a hostile inbound,” Crosshair warned.
Hunter instantly snapped back into action, and you took notice. He lifted his fingers to his helmet just as you took a step back. “Description?”
“Klatooinian. Making his way in from the east entrance.”
Hunter focused all his senses on that part of the room. Sure enough, he could hear the snarling breath of the Klatooinian, as well as the unmistakable movement of concealed weapons on his person.
“Give the order, and I’ll stun him now.”
Hunter tilted his helmet. “No. We can’t act before he does.”
Your brow furrowed in concern. “Who?”
Hunter remained gentle as he pressed a hand on your shoulder and eased you to the side, stepping in front of you. “We’re about to find out.” He gave you a quick glance. “Keep your hand near your holster, just in case.”
You nodded, allowing Hunter to focus fully on the approaching Klatooinian once again.
“Tech, do you have anything? Comms, cams?”
“It seems he is making use of neither,” Tech answered. “I’m not certain how he avoided the cams, unless he is somehow aware of where each one is placed. No unfamiliar comm channels are being used at the moment.”
“At least he’s alone.” Hunter’s fingers tapped along his blaster before he spoke again. “Echo and Wrecker? Anything?”
“I haven’t seen anyone suspicious,” Wrecker insisted. “Can I come in to help?”
“Negative. Stay at your post for now.”
“No action in the power room,” Echo informed him. “Guess they’re really just sending one tonight.”
Hunter didn’t like the conclusion he was reaching. “He’s their warning.”
He abandoned the blaster to reach for the hilt of the blade on his arm. Hunter waited, listening for the telltale groan of leather on the Klatooinian’s holster. As soon as he heard it, he acted.
One throw was all it took. His aim didn’t let him down as the quick toss of the blade disarmed the Klatooinian across the room, raising sharp gasps from the unexpecting politicians and diplomats. Even the senator let out a breath of surprise, your hand falling on his armored shoulder as you stepped out from behind him.
“Hold on, Senator,” Hunter warned you, using his arm to block you. “He might not be done yet.”
The Klatooinian huffed and attempted to make an escape. Hunter stayed with you and raised his fingers to his helmet.
“Now’s your chance, Wrecker! He’s getting away!”
“Oh yeah!” Wrecker came barreling into the room without hesitation, and it was only a matter of seconds until he had taken the Klatooinian to the ground. The blow alone was enough to knock the Klatooinian out cold, allow Wrecker to toss the man over his shoulder and carry him over to Hunter. “That was a lot easier than tackling a clanker, honestly.”
Hunter huffed at that. “Good work.” He then turned to you, his chest pulling tight at the concern in your eyes. “Are you okay, Senator?”
You nodded, portraying an image of strength as you straightened your shoulders. “Yes, thanks to you and your squad.”
Hunter grimaced underneath his helmet. “Don’t thank us yet.” He activated his comm yet again. “Tech, Crosshair, do a quick surveillance of what’s going on beyond the capitol walls.”
It was mere moments until Tech responded. “Wait. I’m just now picking up on a distress signal from one of the villages. They’ve been attacked.”
Hunter exhaled deeply. “That’s what I thought.” He prepared himself to give you the news, and the deflation of your shoulders already pained him before he did so. “Senator, there’s been an attack on another village.”
Your eyes widened, and as Hunter studied them, he saw you approaching the same conclusion as himself. “That’s why they only sent one person here.”
Hunter’s fists tightened at his sides. “It’s a warning. They can do both at once, and they want you to choose between your safety here and the safety of your people.”
You let your defeat show, if only for a moment. It was enough to make Hunter step closer to you and set a hand on your shoulder.
“You won’t have to make that choice, Senator.” He gestured with his helmet to Wrecker, who was still standing with the Klatooinian nearby. “Not as long as we’re here.”
The look you gave him said everything you couldn’t, especially with your guard quickly coming over and the guests scattering at the sudden chaos. Things were quickly getting even more complicated—for you and Hunter especially.
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chapter 2 ⟸ series masterlist ⟹ chapter 4
hunter tag list: @zenrobbins0021 @cw80831 @yunggoblin @maddiedrmr 
senator’s shadow tag list: @violetlilly2020 @jellybeanstacey0519
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crucifiedfaerie · 11 months
Kylo Ren — SFW Alphabet
no warnings, just lots of fluff and lil bit of angst !! however, just bc its SFW, doesn't mean i want minors interacting w this, BEGONE !!! TO THE GLUE TRAP YOU GO !
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— AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
in the beginning of your relationship, affection was very scarce. kylo wanted so badly to open up to you more, but was too afraid to, so when he would catch himself getting too close or too affectionate he would pull away and become that cold and calculated kylo again who you knew all too well. when he did finally admit his feelings, he couldn't get enough of you, as if he were making up for all of the lost time he spent pushing you away.
"i cant believe i waited so long to do this, what a fool i am."
— BEST FRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?)
the only hc i have for you as best friends would be if you grew up together in jedi training... and you guys would fuck w each other CONSTANTLY. like practically bully each other, it's all in good fun though. luke would refer to the two of you as partners-in-many-crimes because of the several messes you'd make doing stupid shit. one time ben almost burned the hut down because you dared him to light fireworks outside of luke's window while he slept. bad fucking idea.
"you idiot, he's going to kill us, you know?"
— CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?)
kylo loves holding you. his favorite is when your head is on his chest because it makes it easy for him to play with your hair. he also loves being the big spoon, wrapping his strong arms around your small frame. in those moments you were a tiny, precious thing that he wanted only to love and keep safe.
— DOMESTIC (thoughts on settling down? how would they be helping out around?)
kylo wanted nothing more than to make you his and his only forever. despite how kylo treats literally everyone else, he is a very doting partner and has a huge soft spot for you and only you. he's better at helping with cooking than he is cleaning. anytime he would try to clean, he'd never do it right or fully and you'd end up telling him to stop and do it yourself lol.
"what do you MEAN i'm not doing it right?!"
— ENDING (how would breakups go?)
its simply not happening. if he broke up with you, he didn't actually mean it and said it out of anger in the heat of the moment. if you broke up with him, he would probably lose his mind. his cold façade would shatter into a million pieces and he'd promise he would change, do better, do whatever it was you needed him to do. you were his and the mere thought of anyone else ever having you filled him with insurmountable rage and sadness.
— FIANCEE (how do they feel about commitment?)
kylo is devoted to you wholeheartedly. being his empress and ruling over the first order by his side would only solidify that.
— GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
when he isn't being a freak, he handles you as if you are made of glass. a pretty, precious thing that could break at any moment. if you fall asleep next to the fireplace, he will pick you up and carry you to bed, making sure the blankets are tucked around the both of you in the way you like, so you don't wake up cold in the morning.
— HUGS (do they like hugs? what are their hugs like?)
kylo loves hugging you, and you love hugging him. bc of his height, you are dwarfed by him and his hugs feel like getting tightly wrapped in a large, warm blanket. usually he just bends down to hug you, but sometimes he picks you up.
— I LOVE YOU (how long does it take for them to say the L word?)
again, kylo is terrified of showing weakness, so in the beginning of your relationship he's very cold towards you. every time he was around you he had to fight the strong urges telling him to be honest with you. after a long while, he did finally say it though. he was so nervous when he first said it, his eyes scanning your face for a reaction and his palms sweating. now he reminds you that he loves you all the time, especially if he's going out on a mission and won't be back for a couple weeks.
"don't look so sad, my star. i love you, you know i always come back to you."
— JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get?)
kylo is as jealous of a man as you can get. the mere thought of someone trying to take you from him fills him with a rage that rivals the fire of a thousand suns. one time he heard a guard having very loud, impure thoughts about his empress so kylo killed him. you have always been much more passive than he is, so you were not happy to see that he had killed someone on your living room floor.
"but my love- his thoughts were so loud! what else was i supposed to do?!"
— KISSES (do they like kissing? what are their kisses like?)
kissing you is kylo's favorite past time. if you both are out and his helmet is on, all he's thinking about is getting home so he can kiss you. sometimes if no one's around, he will lift his mask up just enough so it only exposes the bottom half of his face so he can get a quick kiss or two or eight in. his kisses are warm and never fail to send tingles down your spine, and you always say kylo tastes of cinnamon and smoke. to him, you taste of summer fruit.
— LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?)
he's indifferent towards other peoples children, thankfully he's less harsh on them than adults, but he isn't pleasant to them either. one time he blew up on a servant boy that was no older than eleven, and you scolded him afterwards. "he's just a child kylo, don't be so hard on him." he has such a soft spot for you and admires the empathy you have for others that he will never have. he promised you he would try to be a little nicer. yours and his children however, he treats as well as he treats you. they are an extension of his beloved, after all. i hc that kylo is a wonderful father, making sure they receive the fatherly love he never got.
— MORNINGS (how do your mornings with them go?)
sometimes on busy days, he's gone by the time you wake up. you always look so beautiful and peaceful when you're sleeping, so he doesn't dare wake you up. instead he kisses your head and whispers that he loves you and that he will return shortly. he knows you can't hear him, but he likes to tell you anyways. on days he doesn't have to leave so early, you stay in bed together. kissing, cuddling, talking, other things. kylo is content doing anything as long as it's with you.
— NIGHTS (how do your nights with them go?)
this is a sfw post, therefore i cannot describe how your nights with kylo would go lmao. please refer to the nsfw abc's. afterwards though, kylo is a doting partner that takes care of you, cleaning you up and tending to every single mark he left on your body that he worships so much.
— OPEN (how open are they? when will they tell you more about themselves?)
the first few months of your relationship is like dating a brick wall, it is not easy getting kylo to open up. once he does though, he makes sure not to hide anything from you anymore. it took a lot of work and patience, but he loves and trusts you wholeheartedly.
— PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
kylo has a temper, and he tries so hard, but he does have slip ups sometimes. any time he blows up on you though, he apologizes immediately. you know he loves you because he absolutely hates admitting he was wrong.
— QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
everything. every detail, every like, every dislike, your favorite color, your favorite flower, your blood type, your fears, hopes, and dreams. this man remembers EVERYTHING about you. at least fifty percent of his brain is an archive of facts about you.
— REMEMBER (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time you told him you loved him. it was the first time anyone told him they loved him, and you made him feel like he was ben again. he used to be so scared of being that boy he tried so hard to kill, but you held that part of him so tenderly, that he knew he'd be an absolute fool to try to push that away.
— SECURITY (how protective are they of you?)
kylo protects you with his own life and would kill thousands for you, despite your disdain for unnecessary violence. you are the most important thing to him, and he would have to be dead before he let anything happen to you.
— TRY (how much effort do they put into dates/special occasions?)
kylo ren has an ungodly amount of rizz and i stand by that. this man buys you your favorite flowers, he sets up candlelit dinners, he watches the sunset with you, he makes you personalized playlists like every other fuckboy except he doesn't send it to seven other women. whether you're his empress yet or not, he treats you like royalty. @enviedear and i also have a hc that kylo is the type of guy to pick out your nail polish color for you, and then buy a tie to wear that matches.
"you'd look so heavenly in this shade of red, my star."
— UGLY (what is a bad habit of theirs?)
kylo has an awful temper and is prone to outbursts. he tries SO hard to not have a temper with you, but everyone makes mistakes. he always apologizes to you though. i also hc that kylo is a nail biter, idk it just makes sense ?? that man is a caged animal and emotionally damaged, he definitely has anxiety.
— VANITY (how insecure are they? what are they insecure about?)
our poor babygirl is sooo insecure about everything, no matter how much you tell him how beautiful he is. your loving words of affirmation always make him feel a little better though.
— WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?)
without you, kylo would return to the broken, shell of a man he was before you. if he somehow lost you, hundreds of innocent lives would be lost due to the rampage he'd go on.
— XTRA (a random headcanon about them)
another hc that liv and i came up with was kylo's and ben's music taste. kylo listens to typical male manipulator music like radiohead, the smiths, and deftones with some angrier shit like slipknot and korn. ben is a different breed of male manipulator that listens to the weeknd and pulls up blasting solo by future. we also hc that both cry alone to lana del rey.
— YUCK (what are some things they dislike?)
anything and everything that isn't you. his least favorite thing though, is when he can hear people's rude or impure thoughts about you. he hasn't told you this, but he's killed at least fifteen people for doing just that.
"personally, i think fifteen isn't enough."
— ZZZZ (what are their sleeping habits like?)
for the first few months of your relationship, he did not sleep around you. you were convinced he didn't sleep... like ever. after he became more vulnerable with you though, he would. you love how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. i also hc that sometimes he gets terrible, vivid nightmares that he wakes up crying from :(
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princessisfinethx · 4 months
Vampire König x Human Reader pt. 2
A/n: y'all really liked this one geez louise papa cheese. As promised I made another one. Didn't know how to end it but the next one I make will reveal why reader is immune to him. Also, I tried keeping to gn reader, if you guys like that lmk. If not I can change it to fem reader.
Warnings!: Mentions of SA, somnophilia hardcore mixed with dubcon, mentions of murder, sex mentioned a lot. Dark shit tbh I may have went a little too far- König is a loser sorry. Please heed warnings before reading I beg of you.
Minors DNI.
The window opened easily, he almost snorted at you leaving it unlocked. Though, he did climb your apartment building to get up here so maybe he was being an ass. He carefully stepped inside and immediately he felt strange. The legend that a vampire must be invited inside was a myth, he tested that before. But there was something about the air in your room that made his skin prickle.
König was huge, but getting through a window wasn't so much of a challenge for him anymore. He stood in your room and carefully looked around. You had lots of stuff, and it was messy. Some basket of yarn, a sketch pad, some make up on your dresser, posters all over the wall... It looked like a normal young woman's room.
His eyes finally landed on you and he swallowed thickly. You laid on your side, curled up slightly with your blankets lazily tossed over you. There was a stuffed animal near your pillows, watching you, watching him. He crept closer and walked to the side of the bed that you faced. Kneeling down, he takes in your face again. Staring at you as if you'll tell him how you could resist his hypnosis. Your rhythmic breathing however, told him you were fast asleep.
He reached up and used the back of his knuckle to pet your cheek. He wondered what you dreamed of, was it about him? Maybe it was nothing at all. His eyes scanned over your body, seeing the rest disappear within the blankets. Your thigh and leg however, poked out from beneath the blankets. He stood up, walking to the foot of your bed and slowly placing his fingers on your ankle. Ideas, millions of them, bad, good, selfish ideas ran through his head.
He always has his escape card, his hypnosis. He could do whatever he wanted and not feel as much guilt over it, but you... He had to be careful. Truthfully he could probably rule the world, the country at least. He was a powerful being with few weaknesses. He could have as much blood as he wanted, create his own servants and fuck who ever he pleased.
You could not be hypnotized, so if he took you, and you woke up, you'd probably scream. You'd be traumatized perhaps. His fingers moved up your leg. If he drank your blood, you'd be sore and you'd remember, because he can't hypnotize you. His fingers traced along your thigh, stopping at your hip. He wanted you, God if any, König wanted you so badly. He looked at his fingers resting on your hip, you only had panties on. He closed his eyes and tried to keep his hard-on tame.
Removing his hand, he stared at your sleeping form. He glanced to the side, looking at your stuffed animal, as if asking for forgiveness. His fingers slipped the blanket off your bottom half and he looked at your pants less form. He's decided, he won't drink your blood, but he would fuck you. He needed this. He had only met you two- three hours ago and you had tormented him. Slipping his boots off, his knees fell onto the edge of the bed. He got in all fours, hovering over your clothed sex.
He could smell you, your arousal. Were you dreaming of something filthy? He wanted to smile but he didn't. His eyes never left your underwear, and he laid on his stomach between your lazily parted legs. He rested them over his shoulders and was careful not to wake you. He was burley, and knew that rising too high might cause you to stir. He settled now, resting between your legs and staring hungrily at your middle. Then without moving your underwear, he pressed his lips to your sex and closed his eyes. Sweet, he thought. How were you sweet and he's yet to taste your juices?
His tongue eagerly pressed against your panties and it was then he groaned. It was more prominent now, like honey. He licks a strike up your sex and he hears you moan softly in your sleep. His eyes stared up at you now, but you remained asleep. He licked his lips and delved back in, humming in delight. His tongue swirls and he feels his hardened cock pressing painfully against his pants, against your bed. He kissed your thigh and then moved your cloth to the side, wanting to taste you uncovered. His tongue immediately finds your entrance and he swears his eyes flutter. You had jumped against him suddenly and he recognized that jump. He pulled away and his tongue went to his teeth- his fangs. They had came out without his realizing and he cursed. He didn't mean to poke you, not like that anyway.
Looking back up at your sleeping form, he sighed and moved up, slowly palming himself through his tan cargo pants. You could wake up, and find him violating you any moment ...and it thrilled him, sickeningly. He undoes his pants and pulls out his eagerly awaiting cock, finding the tip slick from suppressed arousal. He slowly jerked himself, looking down at you. He'll show you, that he always gets what he wants in the end.
He maneuvers your legs once again so that your thighs rested against his own, with you laying on your back and your head laying to the side. He moves the annoying piece of cloth once again and eyes your entrance, having mercy and lubing it a little more with his spit. Though if he were a little more psychotic, he'd make you hurt. Let you feel the dry press of his thickness as it opened you...but that was too far, he thought with an amused chuckle. He lined himself, watching his tip kiss at your sex and he shudders. He licks his lips, then-
Then you stir and turn on your side, mumbling in your sleep about taking someone's order wrong. König blinked himself out of his dark daydream. He was still standing at the foot of your bed, you were still clothed with the blankets hanging over your body. His member, though hard, remained in his pants and he frowned. Maybe he was losing his humanity far more than he thought. He let out a growl and carefully pulled the blankets over you, so that your legs were covered.
But as he looked at you once again, he felt the human part of himself tsking at him. He can't- no, he wouldn't. So he sighed and sat down on a chair across from your bed. Nonetheless, he wants you. And if he was going to win you over, he needed to do this by the books. He needed to flirt, he needed to give gifts, charm you, intrigue you somehow.
The arrogant part of his mind was twisting and turning. He has become so used to getting what he wanted, whenever. So the one thing he can't have, he found himself wanting the most. Like a spoiled brat, perhaps. But this was only a small part of it, that's what he told himself anyway.
For now, he stood up and nodded to himself. He's gonna go about this as human like as possible. But then there was the incident from tonight. He had been a creep, and you might remember his face. No matter, he'll just erase your mind and-
No, wait. Fuck.
He put his hands on his hips in frustration. This is gonna be difficult.
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ch3rryc4ndy · 2 years
Teachers Pet
Relationship - Professor Hyuck X Fem Reader
Genre - Smut
Summary - After being forced to transfer university’s, you realize you won’t be missing the last one as much as you though once you meet your math professor
Warnings - teacher and student, choking, impact play, semi dubcon? (includes a scene that may be aggressive towards reader but all is consensual), degrading, language, pet names
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"Y/N WAKE UPP" my roommate calls out from the living room. I sigh in irritation realizing my alarm probably didn't go off. I get out of bed and walk out to the kitchen and see the clock barely says 7 am thinking it was already almost 9 "why did you wake me up so early nayeon?"
"It's not early you just need to wake up earlier and be more productive!" she squeals, I sigh and come to the conclusion that she is right, I do need to start getting up earlier. "fine I'll go take a shower" I say walking towards my room to get my things.
[Time skip ]
I'm almost done getting ready when nayeon comes into my room "also since you are new here, we have a new professor. I know it sucks you had to transfer colleges but you'll enjoy it here!" I smile and say  "I'm just lucky to have a roommate as amazing as you" nayeon chuckles and hugs me from the back "now hurry up we are almost late"
Me and nayeon walk into our math class a few minutes early seeing a few people scattered across the room. We both sit next to each other and I look around scanning the room and looking at the fresh faces I've never seen before.
I hear anyone talking to one of her friends and can tell they are flirting once I turn around noticing both of them practically almost making out due to how close they were.
She turns around and introduces me to the girl she was talking to and says "Y/N this is Irene she's amazing, she's one of my closest friends here" I smile and greet Irene with a wave. She is stunning, I guess gorgeous gorgeous girls attract one another.
I hear the chattering in the class quiet down once I hear the door open. "Today's lesson will be on statistics and the way it affects us in the real world." I freeze realizing how good-looking the professor is. I was looking at him in awe when I feel nayeon hit me saying "I think you're drooling" and giggling.
I roll my eyes and ask "so what's his name?" she gets closer and whispers "we don't know his name he just makes us call him Mr. Lee, he's a total ass sometimes I mean that's just how Geminis are right" I laugh and whisper back " how do you know he's a Gemini?" I ask "it was his birthday a few weeks ago and some of the students brought him some presents" I nod and look back at him.
"girls in the back can we cut the conversations to a zero" we freeze and realize our laughing was too loud. "you on the left what's your name, are you new here?" I gulp knowing he was talking to me "my name is Y/N I just transferred here yesterday" I say holding eye contact.
"I didn't ask for your life story I asked you for your name, I'll let you off this time but I don't appreciate talking during my lectures" I nod and say "I'm sorry sir it won't happen again" he stiffens from what I said confused if I said something wrong. Nayeon chuckles at this for some reason. "no worries" he clears his throat "please stay after class so I can explain the rules I have in my class since you weren't here for the run down" I nod and say "yes sir".
I turned to nayeon and write "what was so funny?" on a piece of paper handing it to her. She opens it and writes "nothing he'll explain it after class ;)" I look up at her confused but forget about it getting lost in my thoughts and not paying attention to the lecture.
The bell rang for class and I began to pack up my things slowly when I hear nayeon say "good luck with Mr. Lee" and hugs me winking at me as she left. I roll my eyes in annoyance feeling a wave of dread wash over me as I make my way down to his desk.
He was leaning back on his desk watching me walk down as I fix my shorts. Once in front of him, I look up and realize how attractive he is, his features up close are insane, and he is super handsome. "I'm sorry that I made you stop your lesson because of me, I should've asked my friend if there were any rules" I mutter, he looks down at me and says "why are you blaming yourself when your friend knew them before you and continued to talk?"
I freeze at his words and say "well it was my fault I'm not going to blame her for it, I should've known and I'm sorry it won't happen again sir" he stiffens again and turns around.
Now sitting at his desk I walk towards him as he motions me with his finger to come to him. "first things first don't call me sir, it does sound good coming from that pretty little mouth of yours but don't say it in class"
I stand in shock processing what he just said, I feel a rush of heat rise to my cheeks and I say "Ok"
"what do I call you then" he looks down at my legs and back up at me and says "Mr. Lee is fine, while in front of the class, but out of it you can call me hyuck, or anything you'd like"
I see from his tone what he meant in those last words. I smile snapping myself back into a serious face. "is that all?" I say, he stands up and leans on his desk "yes Ms. Y/L/N"
I smile and say "yes sir- I mean Mr. Le-" I jump at his sudden movement, he stands up and grabs me by the face covering my mouth. "you're making it hard for me you know that? I have no idea why I'm acting like this with you" he sighs, letting go as he watching me closely studying me and my next move.
I drop my phone on the floor and look up at him while I get on my knees and get it. His chest starts to rise as he's holding his breath "I'm sorry sir I dropped my phone" I say looking him in the eyes with a smirk on my face. He moves his hand down to my face pulling me up from the floor as I drag my hands on his legs up to his chest.
He pulls me towards him, lifting me to his desk and pulling my face to his. I was going to say something but before I could he cuts me off putting a finger to my lips and says  "save the pretty little voice of yours for later"
I crash my lips onto him as I start to take off my jacket, I let out a moan, moaning into his mouth causing him to smile. He pulls my shirt up and says "no bra? You were just waiting for me to fuck you huh?" throwing it behind him not breaking the kiss. I eagerly unbutton his white shirt as he takes off his belt.
"shorts off now" he says breaking the kiss as he watches me undress. He turns me around and pushes me onto the chair "play with yourself" I look up at him and smile. He leans back on his desk watching me take off my underwear. He stares in awe while I rub my clit while not breaking eye contact.
"Hyuck" I pant out tilting my head back taking him by surprise. He groans softly as I pushes two fingers into my pussy pumping in and out of me "stop" he demands as I look up at him and slow down my pace. I look him in the eyes as I lick my fingers clean.
He pulls me towards him pulling me back up onto his desk as he makes his way down to my pussy and kitten licks, getting more aggressive with each lick. I let out a loud moan as he circles my clit with his tongue, looking up at me he muffles "you taste so good you know that" I smile and tug his hair as he starts to lick faster making my back arch.
He pulls his head back making me whine "be a good girl and keep quiet ok" I nod as he makes his way up to me unzipping his pants.
I kiss his neck and look back at him realizing how toned his body is, he has an amazing body I think to myself. He noticed me looking at his body and smirks thrusting himself into me.
I let out a moan as his thrust got harder, causing him to cover my mouth. He groans as I bite his hand making his hand tightly grip my throat "you're such a whore, first day here and you already let your professor fill you up with his cock? wasn't this supposed to be me explaining my rules? " he hissed as I give a weak smile due to the overwhelming pleasure "only for you" I whine as I grip onto his wrists.
This caused him to fasten his pace, smacking me, and causing me to almost fall off the desk "what's so fucken funny? Let me wipe that smile off your face" he says turning me around and laying me flat on his desk.
He lifts my ass teasing me with his dick and thrusts hard into me. We both moan, filling the room with clapping and moans. He grabs a fist full of my hair and pulls me up to his chest while pounding into me "I wish I had a mirror so you could see how pathetic you look right now, I'd fuck you in front of it just so you can see how pretty you look" he chuckles, I say nothing as he laughs and continues to fuck me hard on his desk.
I knock down his papers by accident as I try to grip onto anything I can. I hold onto the table as he pounds into me. Incoherent words start to come out of my mouth as I try and form a sentence "I said save that pretty little voice of yours" hyuck coos as his other hand covers my mouth.
I feel myself starting to orgasm as he hits my G spot. "H- hyuck I'm-" I try and make out the few words I could. " be a good girl and cum on my cock doll, please you can do it, I know you can" he purrs as he grips my jaw, and chuckles.
He lifts my head eagerly "I'm not done with you yet" he groans as he turns me around letting my hips go and leaving me on the desk. I hear his voice from behind me "get up now" he demands, I weakly lift myself from the desk and turn around holding onto the edge trying to balance myself.
"sit" he says as he's sitting down on his chair. I walk over to him and sit down on his lap "you look so weak already, did I already ware you out?" he says smiling at me. I fall on his shoulders out of exhaustion as I shake my head.
He laughs and thrusts into me again while he holds me down by my shoulders hitting a new spot and causing me to wince. Tears start to form in my eyes due to the mix of pain and overwhelming pleasure.
Hyuck lifts my head to look up at my face and sees the mix of emotions on it as his thrusts get harder. "shit" he says as his thrusts get messier, I feel myself reaching my 2nd orgasm as I drop my head down to his neck "I'm cum-"
He thrusts one more time, filling me up with his warm cum, causing us to both moans from pleasure. Hyuck lifts me onto the table and cleans himself up as his lap was covered in a mixture of cum and sweat. I lay there looking at the ceiling with my mouth slightly open trying to process everything that happened in an hour while catching my breath.
As he's zipping his pants he chuckles at the sight of me. He pulls me by my legs making me slide towards him and pulls my arms up to face him, " let me help you get dressed" he grabs some tissues he had on his desk and cleans my inner thighs up, pushing 2 fingers in me causing me to groan as I grip onto his back.
He pulls them out for the last time and licks them clean, "I had to get the last taste for today" he smirks. As we finished dressing it was hard for me to stand up due to how weak my legs were at the moment "do you need help" he says chuckling.
I nod my head as he pulls me towards him, kissing me "this is our little secret ok, give me your phone" he hums as he taps his finger onto my lips, I'm a bit taken back by him wanting my phone but I comply and give it to him.
He types his number in and names himself "HC ", he takes a picture of us while he kisses me on the cheek and puts it as his contact photo "what if someone sees this" I say with my arms wrapped around his waist. 
"well aren't you just going to have to hide it" he coos with a smile. I gather my things and make my way out of the door as he stops me "I had a great time today Y/N if you ever need a follow-up on the lecture don't mind calling me" he says with a smirk on his face.
"I noticed you weren't even paying attention to my lecture during class so I think you'll have to come over to my place for a punishment, don't you think? Maybe you need it to be fucked into you" he adds
"I think that's the only way I'll listen" I purr.
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mayajadewrites · 9 months
Moth to a Flame: Levi Ackerman x Fem Reader
chapter synopsis: Levi sets some ground rules for your rekindling of your relationship.
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Your heart races as you wake up, watching the sun peer in from the window adjacent from Levi's bed. You press your palm to the matress, hoping to feel skin.
Nothing but sheets.
You hear Levi spit into the sink. He always brushed his teeth first thing in the morning, he hated the thought of morning breath.
Your heart rate went down when you realized you woke up still in his room. You weren't kicked out, he didn't wake you up to leave.
Levi walked into his room, looking like the Gods took their time creating him. His abdominal muscles lead to his 'v' line, where his boxer briefs started.
"I would kiss you, but I need you to brush your teeth first." Levi ran his hand through his hair, walking toward his office.
"Ok. I'll go back to my room."
"No. You have a toothbrush here."
"The same one from the last time?"
"No. I got you a new one." Levi looked at you like you were stupid. "You can't keep toothbrushes that long. It's unsanitary."
You raise your eyebrow and walk to the bathroom, where you see a toothbrush in its own container. You smile at the sight and start brushing your teeth.
Once you finish brushing your teeth, you find Levi already in his office chair, scanning a pile of paperwork on his desk.
You lean down to his eye level and purse your lips. "All clean."
Levi pressed his lips to yours, bringing his hand to your cheek. You leaned your cheek into his palm, observing his features.
"You're not on the mission for tomorrow." Levi let go of your face, looking back at his paperwork.
"Why is that?"
"Because I need to make sure you're okay. You just healed."
"The doctor cleared me. I'm -"
"Can you please listen to me instead of protesting everything I say?"
"You assume you know what I'm feeling and how I'm feeling. I'm not helpless, Levi."
"We need to set rules if we want this to work." Levi shook his head, peering at you through the jet black fringe in front of his face.
"Okay." You sit on top of his desk, gently moving a pile of papers to the side.
Levi leaned back in his chair, spreading his legs slightly. "1. You have to listen to me, especially when it comes to battles."
You rolled your eyes at the rule. "Next."
"2. You have to break the news to Kirstein. Obviously."
"3. You stay with me every night."
You nod. "Can I suggest a rule?"
"Try me." Levi laced his fingers together.
"You have to tell Erwin and Hange about us." You lean in, your nose almost brushing his.
"How do you know I won't lose my title?"
"Levi. We're in a war. I think the last thing they're worried about is Captain Levi Ackerman, aka, humanity's strongest soldier, getting distracted. You were born to fight. Anyways, they'll probably be happy that you have someone. I know Hange will be ecstatic."
Levi looked down, pondering different scenarios that could happen. "What if you're not allowed to be on my squad?" He looked at you. "You're the second strongest to Mikasa. It would be a shame to lose you as a soldier on my squad."
"We can deal with that if the opportunity is presented to us." You scrunch your nose, hoping that that opportunity never comes. "This doesn't have to happen all today. I just want you to work on it."
Levi nodded, pressing his palms to each of your thighs. "You should start with rule number 2 today, though." He kissed your lips gently. "I have to go over some of the mission plans for today. I'll see you later." he caressed your face before returning his focus to his paperwork.
You sigh thinking about how you have to essentially break up with Jean. Levi is worth it, but you don't like hurting someones feelings either.
You make your way back to your room, where Mikasa and Sasha are waiting for you.
"Uh, where the hell have you been?" Sasha looked up from her book.
"We thought you were with Jean... then Jean came here looking for you." Mikasa said.
"If I tell you guys something, will you promise me, swear on your lives, that you won't say a word?" You sit at the edge of Mikasa's bed.
"Of course."
"I'm seeing Captain Levi."
"Oh, NO ONE saw that coming." Mikasa rolled her eyes, her tongue spewing with sarcasm.
"What?!" You look at Sasha. "Does everyone know?"
"We all had a feeling, which is why we were all surprised you got with Jean." Sasha shrugged. "Personally, I didn't know Captain Levi could convey anything other than orders."
"He can convey a lot." You smirk, raising your eyebrows. Mikasa and Sasha laughed, throwing their pillows at you.
"So... how are you gonna tell Jean?" Mikasa looked at you.
"I'm not sure, I-"
You were interrupted by a familiar knock.
Hint: It's not Levi.
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httpsdana · 9 months
First Of Many~Rasmus Højlund
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
haven't been here for a while but when Rasmus scored i knew I had to write a fic for my baby @utdmount. Anyway, happy new year everyone I hope you all have an amazing year with your family and friends 💕
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers i write for
People be wishing to be siblings with a football player, but no. y/n didn't really like the attention from being Diogo Dalot's sister.
Aside from that she hated the rules her brother had put regarding his teammates which are obviously 'you can't date any of them' or 'stay away from my teammates. they're trouble'. Obviously she didn't listen to him and befriended most of them. But a specific young Danish player caught her eye and had a soft spot in her heart.
After a few sneak outs and secret dates, Rasmus finally asked her out. They have been dating for about 2 months now, and of course without Diogo knowing. She didn't want to freak him out and thought that maybe he would try to break them apart.
He was always afraid she would get hurt, so he was overprotective when things come to his sister. Especially after the awful treatment they both had from their father and the trauma it had left in their lives.
The only part y/n liked about being a football sister was the free passes to the matches. So there she was at Old Trafford next to the wags of the Manchester United players. She was here as the sister, but secretly a wag too.
Yes she had the 'Dalot' jersey on, but her 'Højlund' one was in her bag for good luck. She knew Rasmus was struggling recently and that's the least she can do for him.
The first half of the match against Aston Villa was simply awful. The team conceded 2 goals in the first 30 minutes and the crowd was disappointed to say the least.
The last 10 minutes of the first half were a bit better as the team was more controlling and dangerously close to scoring at least one goal before half time. It didn't happen though.
y/n slipped out of the box and to the lockers where the players would be. Diogo was the first one to see her. He was confused but glad he saw her.
"hey what are you doing here?" he asked her, giving her a small hug
"just came to check on you and the guys. I know you will do better in the second half" she smiled softly at him. He smiled back before he was called by his coach. y/n's eyes scanned the room until they landed on a sulking blondie, a pout on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.
She smiled at his silly expressions and walked to him, looking over her shoulder to make sure her brother doesn't see her. She sat down next to him making him look up. He smiled quickly and sat up.
"what's with the pout?" she asked, making him sigh
"we were so bad out there. I don't know if the coach is even gonna keep me on the pitch anymore this match." his head dropped into his hands while his elbows rested on his knees. y/n looked up, noticing Diogo was out of sight. She placed her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it gently.
"you know that won't happen. The coach has faith in you and so do I and the fans. We know your time will come soon you just have to wait for your time to shine my love" she raised her hand to his wet hair, stroking his head with her fingers
He smiled up at her, laying his head on her shoulder. Her body tensed up a bit, but when she noticed they were the only ones left in the lockers she relaxed a bit.
"I'm gonna try to score for you" he mumbled, making her smile
"you better" she said jokingly making him smile
He got up and took a deep breath. She got up too, before he pecked her lips a few times.
He pulled away and smiled down at her
"for good luck" he murmured making her chuckle. She pushed him away slightly, the smile still on her face
He walked out of the locker room, while she aited for a bit before leaving too. As she stepped out of the room she saw Diogo standing there with raised eyebrows. Her heart dropped as she thought he heard or saw her and Rasmus inside.
"what were you still doing in there?" he asked suspiciously. She gulped looking everywhere other than his eyes
" I-I was just fixing my make up" she stuttered nervously
He eyed her body language, knowing that she was lying but he didn't say anything as the game was about to be resumed.
She let out a sigh of relief when he walked away after his name was called, but she had a feeling he'll be asking her more questions after the match.
She went back to the box where she was sat as the whistle for the second half was blown
It was an amazing second half. The first goal by Garnacho was an offside, but it only fueled the players more with the desire to at least get a draw.
About 10 minutes later Garnacho scored again. a real goal this time. Again, minutes after he scored the second. The atmosphere in the stadium was vibrant.
y/n was so excited that they managed to score two goals, but was a bit sad for her boyfriend. She still believed in him, until the minute 82. Man united got a corner.
After Bruno shot it, it reached one of the opponents defenders, but he didn't manage to quite control, leaving the ball in front of Rasmus. He shot the ball with all his strength and no hesitation.
It hit the post and then the net. y/n screamed from her seat. She started yelling with all the fans behind her and clapping as hard as she could.
She had tears in her eyes because of the pride she felt at the moment. Rasmus celebrated his goal with his teammates and his fans.
When he was left alone in front of the fans, he did a heart shape with his fingers and then y/n's initial after that. When y/n realized what was happening she smiled and blew him a kiss, only for him to blow her another one. She smiled widely and sat back in her seat, blushing furiously at this dedication.
The match ended with a brilliant comeback from the boys. y/n walked down with the other wags to the pitch. Running over to her brother. She was about to hug him tightly with a smile on her face, until she saw his furious expression.
"what the fuck was that y/n? you're really going out with Rasmus?! After i told you one hundred million fucking times that you're not allowed to date any of them?! you thought I would believe what happened in the locker? you two were in there alone! I'm not that stupid!" his yelling voice caught her off guard. The yelling only bringing back some memories that she didn't want to remember. Her dad.
When he used to yell and scream at her and Diogo. When he'd slam a glass or a vase on the wall right beside their heads. Her breath got caught up in her throat, her eyes tearing up while she placed her hand on her chest. Diogo didn't seem to notice it and continued his screaming fit.
But Rasmus noticed. He ran from where he was next to his parents to y/n. He knew all about her issues with her father. He knew all the trauma and fear he had caused to her. He pushed Diogo away and covered y/n's ears, pulling her into a deep hug.
"what the fuck Diogo? you know how she gets when being yelled at. Why are you doing this?" he said as calmly as he could. Diogo ignored him and continued his yelling
"who the fuck do you think you are?! you're fucking with my sister? really? that's so low of you! how could you?!" Diogo only raised his voice more, making Rasmus tighten his grip around his girlfriend that was still crying in his arms.
"please stop. for your sister not for me" Rasmus said in a calm voice.
Diogo's face softened when he looked at his sister, when he heard her low sobs into her boyfriend's chest. Only then he realized what he has done. Not only that, but he realized that Rasmus had managed to calm her down a bit, in a way he could never do.
"I'm sorry. oh my god y/n I'm so sorry. please forgive me" he tried grabbing her shoulder to make her look at him, but she only tightened her grip around Rasmus.
"I think it's best if you leave. you know she'll come around when she's feeling better" Rasmus said
Diogo was disappointed in himself but only nodded his head.
"I'm sorry man. I just realized how much you two mean to each other. And I'm sorry again y/n. I hope you forgive me" he kissed the top of her head and patted Rasmus' back, before walking away from them.
" hey sweetheart, let's go home shall we?" he said in a low calm voice. She only nodded her head and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, burying her head deep in her neck.
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aimzicr · 10 months
Someone's in the garden, and there shouldn't be. "You shouldn't be here," she tells him, to his face, like she has the right to be here and he does not. She comes striding over to him, her hands holding her skirts so that each step can be longer.
He looks up at her face before he accidentally catches a glimpse of her ankles. He doesn't think he recognises her, but he's never been good with faces. "Well, I came out here to get some air. It was getting stuffy in there." Too many women with cloying perfume and powdered faces and pressing close to try to dance with him. Too many advisors staring him down like he was on the verge of making the wrong choice. Too many people just... there. "What about you?" He challenges the stranger. "This is a private garden."
"Someone's planning to kill the prince tonight."
He feels his heart leap into his throat. The world fades away at the sudden terror.
She's continuing, "I'm here to stop that from happening," and she isn't even looking at him. She's scanning the dark gardens and letting her eyes raise to the castle parapets and windows. A slow economy of movement, like he'd seen the stable mousers and that owl that roosted in the chapel do. A predatory glance, patient and certain that prey will appear. (And she isn't bowing to him, does she not know who he is?)
He swallows, and folds his hands behind his back. "Well, the guards surely--"
"They won't," she interrupts, her eyes snapping to him, and he flinches as though she might peck him or something. She takes a breath, lets it out through her nose, then tries in a more diplomatic tone. "I tried telling the guards. I wrote letters to every administrator. I sought audience with noble families. I tried," she insists, "But no-one believed me. So, here I am, in this..." She looks down at her dress, and her lips twisted sourly, "Outfit." Like there is no term more insulting that she can call to mind right now that would be appropriate to use in company. "Blending in." Her gaze scans the gardens again, then flick briefly towards the ballroom windows.
"So..." He's still reeling, still trying to recover. "You weren't... invited?"
She stops, and looks at him, and she gives him the most withering look anyone has ever given him.
"S-sorry, I didn't mean..." He winces. "Are you sure?"
"I'm positive. I have the evidence." She looks back to the ballroom, her hands kneading at fistfuls of her skirt, like a cat planning to use its claws. "No-one believed me. So either they're overconfident in their security, they don't like the lower class challenging them, or they're involved in the plot."
The idea that there could be threats nearby has been drilled into him since he was young. He has a food taster, he has bodyguards, he has rules and regulations that keep people from getting too close. But it's a shock to hear it said by someone else, so bluntly and confidently. Someone's trying to kill him, tonight. And they could be someone close to him? Someone he trusts to keep him safe?
"Complacency, pride, or complicity." She frowns. She has very strong eyebrows. "I'm not sure which is worse." She looks back at him. "So you shouldn't be here, in case someone is sneaking in through the gap in security here."
"There's a gap in security?"
She tenses. Her eyes are very bright, all of a sudden. "You should go inside, sir. Now."
"I --" Why is she looking at him like that? Why is she suddenly picking up her skirts and running, running at him, like that? He brings up both hands to shield himself from her, and feels himself losing his balance and stumbling back to the gravel and sprawling.
The woman's wig, impaled by a thrown blade, plops down on the ground beside him. Just past the wig, he sees the woman's ankles. The latter feels more terrifying, because he knows he shouldn't be looking at them, but they're right there and they're very nice and --
"Gods fucking dammit!" She reaches down to her ankles, grabbing one of her fine and gleaming shoes, and lobs it into the garden. Someone's rapid footsteps are moving away from them. The gleaming shoe lodges itself ineffectually in a topiary, missing the fleeing figure. "Fuck!"
He's never heard anyone curse like that in his presence before. He looks up at her in wonder - and then panics, because it looks like she's bleeding.
It isn't until she bends down to pick up her wig and the dagger that he can see it isn't blood cascading down her shoulders: its her hair. She makes eye contact with him, fierce and terrible, yet her voice is very calm and very polite. "Go inside, and raise the alarm. Where there's one assassin, there's always more." She scoops the other shoe off her other foot, picks up her skirts, and runs into the dark.
He scrambles his way up the stairs and back into the ballroom. At least people take a disheveled, screaming prince seriously. The guests are sequestered, guards fill every hallway and block every door, and two more assassins are chased off the property.
The next day, the castle is on lockdown. The king, old as he is, is still capable of tearing the advisors a new one. Security hadn't been enough. Multiple assassins after his son. Why hadn't there been any preparation for this?
"There was a woman," the prince says, speaking up for the first time in a meeting since... well, since ever. "She said she had evidence. She tried to warn us, but no-one listened. She saved my life."
"And who is this woman, exactly?"
"I don't know," the prince admits. She'd had red hair and strong eyebrows and bright eyes, and reminded him of an owl or a cat, but he had no idea what she looked like. He was terrible with faces. But... "But she left this behind."
He brings his hands out from behind his back, to the gleaming shoe that he'd picked out of the topiary. A single shoe, too sturdy to be a dancing shoe, and stitched with impatience and glass rather than silk or pearls.
"She wasn't invited," the prince says, with a faint smile, turning the shoe over in his hands. Then he looks up at the room. Everyone is staring at him. But he's not scared, not anymore. Maybe this strong woman's shoe is imparting some kind of power to him. He'd like to thank her. He'd like to borrow a bit more of that strength for later. "We should find her. I need to thank her. And you," he tilts his chin at the room, at the advisors and councilmen, "Owe her an apology."
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Angst 17 with rutger mcgroarty
ANGST: 17. “You’re pregnant?” “I don’t want it” w/ Rutger McGroarty
So Scared, So Young
I look down at the positive pregnancy test in my hands before calling Molly. I became very close with Rutger's sister since he and I had started dating a little over 6 months ago.
"Hello?" Molly says on the other side of the phone
"Molly?" I say my my voice cracks before I can say anything else.
"Hey, oh my gosh! What is wrong?!" she asks me worridly
"I- I-" I say before taking a deep breath, "I'm pregnant"
It was quiet on the other side of the line for a second before she finally spoke, "Oh my god" is all she could say
"I don't remember ever not being safe. I don't know what to do" I tell her now pacing around my bathroom.
"Did you just take it?" she asks
"Yes, and it's p-positive" I say through my tears
"Rut doesn't know?"
"No, I don't know how I am going to tell him! He leaves for Tampa tomorrow! He has all that to worry about and now I'm going to dump this on him to, I ju-"
"Hey, hey! Shhh" Molly interrupts, "I know he is freaking out right now, and I know this is something he will probably freak out about. He adores you though, he needs to know" Molly says cutting me off, I don't answer her but I sniffle. "You know what, maybe wait until after he comes back from frozen four"
"O-okay" I say again, "I'm too young for this, Rutger and I can't be parents"
Before Molly could respond I hear Rutger, "You're pregnant?" he asks me scanning the room and then seeing the tests.
"I have to go" I say into the phone before hanging it up. The tears stopped and I was facing numbness from fear and anxiousness.
"No, why did you even take the stupid test?" Rutger asks me with anger rumbling through his voice
"I- I was late" i say starting to tear up again, "and I d-didn't think I-I was actually pregnant, but I- I t-thought i'd be sure a rule it out" I cry out as I watch Rutger bring both hands to his face rubbing it before shaking his head. "I don't want it" I say but it only makes him angrier
"Yeah?!" he yells at me, "Well that makes two of us!" he says looking down at me as I fall to the floor.
I cry into my knees until I feel myself being picked up and carried bridal style down the hall to my bedroom. I look up to see Rutger. His eyes were blood shot from crying too. He sets me down on my bed and brings me into his arms. I lean over and tighten the hug.
"I'm sorry" I hear Rutger say followed by a sniffle. I pull away to see a tear fall from each of his eyes making me cry harder. "come here" he says pulling me into his arms again, "I'll be here. Whatever you decide to do. If you want to keep it then that's fine but-"
"Rut, I can't do it alone" I say looking up at him
"You won't. I will be here. And when I go to Winnipeg, you and our son or daughter are coming too"
"Rutger" I say crying
"What?" He says rubbing my back. When I look up I can see the fear in his eyes but he is trying so hard not to show
"We are so young, I'm scared"
"I'm fucking scared too" he says, "but I love you" he tells me for the first time.
"You do?"
"Yeah, so we will make this work" he says questioning himself slightly, "Yeah, it will work" he says again but more confidently.
"We can wait until after this weekend to tell people or discuss this, I just want you to focus on what you need to focus on" I say to him and we end up sitting on my bed for the rest of the night both in shock, not saying much.
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seventhdoctor · 1 year
Trauma Team Artbook Character Bio Lore
...As gleaned from running artbook scans from 2014 through a sketchy machine translation in the year 2023. I won't post the exact translations for fear of mistranslations ending up reported as fact on wikis and so on, but here's the gist of what Google Translate yields.
Is named Erhard Muller, a fact that already made the rounds in the 2010s
His nationality is also listed as German, though he clearly spent most of his life in America
Most of his backstory isn't anything new compared to in the games, but the artbook does provide a timeline: adopted by Professor Sartre at age 9 after his parents died, enrolled in medical school at age 12 and hailed as the youngest ever to do so, age 13 when Rosalia was adopted, age 16 when the Cumberland Institute incident happened
Erhard and Rose weren't super close siblings, but got along well enough and they had happy lives until the bioterrorism attacked
The government 100% knew Erhard wasn't the culprit when they arrested him - he was the public scapegoat because they couldn't find Albert Sartre, their real person of interest. They never stopped looking for Sartre, and S01's work to reduce his sentence was a quiet compromise for the fact that they, y'know, ruined this kid's life
After learning the truth, S01 is disappointed at his father's betrayal but also chooses to take blame for Sartre's crimes and work off his sentence rather than expose Sartre as the true culprit
Not in-game lore, but according to the concept art section he was nicknamed Chris (CRS) during development. Other people will be funnier about this than I am
Maria Torres
Has the shortest bio and the least amount of new information along with Tomoe, honestly
Born in the slums
Was already at the orphanage at age 10 when Rosalia (age 3) came there
Ended up in rehab of some kind after the orphanage fire
Hank Freebird
Also doesn't have much new compared to the game, sadly
Joined the military out of a sense of justice, left out of disillusionment following John's death and used the medical knowledge he gained in the military to become an orthopedic surgeon (not that this wasn't already implied in the game)
His bio specifically calls him out for being kinda clumsy/goofy. Poor guy
Tomoe Tachibana
Honestly the only thing that's new is a bunch of names, so this is the one time I break my rule and cite a translation directly. TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, IT'S STILL A MACHINE TRANSLATION
The only daughter of the Tachibana Zaibatsu, a global organization run by a family descended from the leader of the Koga Shinobi Army, Hisayori Tachibana.
Gabriel Cunningham
Nationality is listed as Great Britain. Surprise!
His wife Lisa left him with Joshua and went to her parents' six years before the game because she didn't like his lifestyle
Lisa was willing to get back together if Gabe was ever willing to talk to her properly, but as seen in the game he kept his distance. He and Lisa met occasionally over the next six years, but he never saw Joshua - which is of course why Joshua never recognized him in the game
His decision to go through with the divorce was about acceptance of his failings and a desire to do right by Joshua and Lisa
Naomi Kimishima
All right, so that bit in Second Opinion where she took a Savato sample after cutting ties with Delphi and used it to bargain amnesty with Caduceus [Europe in the US version; US in the JP version]? Yeah, apparently she transported that sample by CARRYING IT IN HER OWN BODY for Caduceus to extract
Her fatal condition is a result of that, though it's already implied to be a result of GUILT in the game anyway. It was a sudden development a few years later, followed by Derek's six-month diagnosis
There's also details about her illness! Apparently her specific brand of PGS or whatever involves excess serotonin and dopamine production, which she needs meds to regulate.
It also means she's no longer able to operate on the living, which is why she transitions to forensic medicine as part of her plea deal
[Insert grimace here] I don't want to get too into this because this bit because 1) machine translation fears, 2) even perfectly translated it's not likely to be accurate to actual philosophy/terminology anyway, 3) I'm not a doctor I don't know what I'm talking about…
But the bio then starts talking about pranayama and prana, defining prana as life essence and...saying Naomi lacks it because of her condition and its effect on serotonin? I'm not entirely clear on this and I'm hesitant to say anything for sure; the main thing is that they take her illness and use the concept of prana to connect that to...
Her new ability to hear the dead! Apparently Naomi reads the prana left behind in a corpse and translates it into the person's final words via her phone; the worse the damage to the corpse (e.g., skeletonization), the less prana remains and the weaker the voice she hears is
Whether any of this relates to the Healing Touch is not mentioned. IDK man
Technically this was in S01's bio, but it relates more to Naomi: Jacob Tillman originally wanted Naomi to perform his surgery and keep it secret. Naomi was already unable to perform surgery on living people at that point, though, so S01 was Plan B
Rosalia Rossellini
Admired her big brother Erhard :(
Albert Sartre
Adopted Rosalia to study the virus in her blood (that is, he already knew about it by the time he adopted her in case that's ever a timeline question)
Additional Note
If someone with actual knowledge of Japanese corrects me and anything I've written in here, absolutely believe them over me. I'm not the translation hero anyone still in this fandom in the year 2k23 deserves, I'm just the stopgap until maybe one arrives someday.
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xxmyhomexx · 5 months
HARRY POTTER: Harriet and Draco's Family
I'm currently reading the fifth book, and this gives me an idea of how Draco and his family would take care of Umbridge if she were at school. Fem!Harry Potter based! It is a long one
The only ones who would know about Harriet staying with the Malfoys would be Ron, Hermione, and the staff within Hogwarts who knew about the deal arranged between Lucius and Dumbledore. When she'd go back to Hogwarts, she'd be in for a surprise to see Dolores Umbridge as her new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
She is not a big hit with anyone, especially Harriet and her friends. Draco and his group of "friends" still have to pretend to be on Harriet's bad side, but in private, they meet to discuss what's happening.
When Harriet gets detention for speaking over Umbridge, Draco is furious when he sees I mustn't tell lies deep within her hand. The wound is raw, dried blood cracking through the reddened wound. When he spots her hand, he drags her away from her friends, across the Hogwarts halls, and down into an abandoned room.
"Draco, please," she hisses at him. "It's noth-"
"Nothing? Nothing?!" He demands. Harriet freezes when she hears how dangerous his voice is, similar to his father's when he is angry. He shakes her hand in front of her face so close that her glasses edge off the tip of her nose.
"This isn't nothing, Potter," he snaps. "Umbridge has a hold over you, and she'll do anything to make sure you stay in her line, not Dumbledore."
"Ok, ok," Harriet's voice is calmer. "I'm sorry."
Draco yanks her in his arms, cups her face, and kisses the scar on her forehead. The irritation and aches it experiences after Harriet senses danger immediately disappears whenever she feels his lips on her. The tingling disappeared as he pulled back, smirking at her.
"Someone has to keep you in line," he drawls. "So when you're finally mine, I can show you just how much you have an effect on me."
"Who said I belonged to you?" Harriet narrows her eyes, though Draco notices a small smile gracing her lips. Draco couldn't get a word in as someone cleared their throat. Turning around, they stiffened when they saw the outline of Lucius Malfoy in his Death Eater's robes.
The sight of him has always intimidated Harriet, although she was used to him being a spy. He played his part well, almost too well, which made her wonder at times if he was truly on her side at all. Whenever he came home, though, he'd always have something to report. Lucius nor his wife were members of the Order, rather being on their own for the sake of protecting their family, and in her case, Harriet herself.
"What happened?" Lucius demanded, glaring at his son. "Why are you not in class, Draco?"
"Umbridge, Father. Look!"
"Draco, please, don't." Harriet's words fall on deaf ears.
Involuntarily, Draco seized her wrist and flung it in front of Lucius. Lucius's eyes scanned the fresh set of words imbedded in her flesh. His brows slightly rose, but his face remained impassive as if it were stone. Tsking, he shook his head and gently clasped her hand within his.
"My, my..." Lucius smirked. "Temper, temper, my dear."
He uncapped his won from his cane, waved it above the wound, and instantly the words faded, replaced with newly healed skin. Harriet turned her wrist around, eyes widening as if she'd never received a detention from Umbridge since the first incident. Draco smiled in relief at his father, while Lucius's eyes remained on the young Potter girl.
"It'd be wise to keep your head down, Potter," Lucius told her. "Do NOT get on her bad side, and for God's sake, keep your temper in check."
"I'll try," Harriet hesitantly agreed through gritted teeth.
"You won't try," Lucius growled. "You'll be obedient and follow every rule that old prat throws out. If she tells you what to do, you will follow her orders, even if you have to smile through it. Understand?"
Draco's lips frowned as he gazed at Harriet, who almost wanted to smart back, but the more she thought about it, the more it seemed pointless. Dolores Umbridge was a high ranking member of the Ministry of Magic, and even if she wanted to fight her as much as she could, she'd always have power over her that she couldn't defeat. The only thing she could do was feebly nod at Lucius.
"Excellent," Lucius smiled. "Now get going. I won't show up to save you again."
He disappeared in a thick wave of black mist. Harriet gasped, backing away as if she were slapped in the face by dark magic. Draco balanced his hands on her shoulders, noticing how on edge she became. Suddenly, her scar started to throb uncomfortably. She hissed, rubbed her forehead, and sighed.
"I'll remind him not to do that," Draco growled in frustration.
"It isn't his fault," Harriet shook her head. "I just feel so weak from this."
"We ought to get back," Draco reminded her. "We can't draw attention."
They decided to separate in a hall so as to not be seen by the other Slytherin students. Draco reenacted his arrogant attitude towards Harriet and her friends, though threw subtle hints that only the three of them understood. When Dumbledore's Army practices in the Room of Requirement, Harriet informs him through a series of secret parchments she slips him by pretending to "bump" into him between classes.
Draco wrote to her: I am in Umbridge's Inquisitional Squad to ensure order at behest of my mother. I am trying to keep Umbridge at bay, but do NOT involve yourself in this matter. Keep at your lessons.
Her heart lept at this note. She wanted to make sure Draco did not betray any slight knowledge of her activities outside Hogwarts, but to her surprise, he remained calm and collected every time they passed each other.
Quidditch was just as competitive. When the Slytherins and Gryffindors insulted one another, Harriet and Ron barely managed to hold George Weasley back from attacking Marcus Flint who makes a jab at the Weasleys. Draco stands back as they deal with their little tussle until McGonagall and Hooch intervene. No surprise to them, Harriet is banned from Quidditch for life, even though she and Ron tried to stop the fight from happening.
"Go with it." Draco reminds her away from the team out of the stadium.
Ron and Harriet are bummed, but they understand why Draco tells them this. They keep to their DA meetings, although the warning they received from Draco keeps them on their toes.
Their spells in the Defense Against the Dark Arts are growing more and more. Harriet keeps everyone in check, and Ron and Hermione do a fantastic job practicing. Everyone gets Expelliarmus and the patronus spell down.
Draco keeps tabs on the Room of Requirements through communications that only he and Harriet know how to use. Everything goes well, up until April when Dumbledore's Army is betrayed.
Draco understands this and tries to rush to the room to warn them, until Crabbe and Goyle stop him along with Umbridge, well unaware of his true intentions.
"There you are, Draco," Umbridge says ever-so-sweetly. "A little bird told us what good ol' Harriet Potter is up to. Shall we go?"
"Shit," his insides are pierced as if he were thrown out of a glass window. "I'm sorry, Harriet."
"Perhaps I should go myself," he suddenly brings up. "Let me bring Harriet to you."
Umbridge blinks at him, surprised by his sharp tone with her.
"I'll take care of her, madam. Believe me...she won't get away from me."
"Why, Draco," Umbridge smiles wide. "If you insist. I'll be waiting in my office."
She and the Inquisition Squad turn away, and Draco rushes to the room. He's forced to enter through the door, and to his relief, the only one's to show up are Harriet, Ron, and Hermione.
"Don't let anyone in," he warns them. "Umbridge knows about the DA! She wants Potter in her office...NOW!"
Harriet, Ron, and Hermione are stunned at this news. They've made sure to keep everything as strictly planned and secret as possible, and now that someone knew...Harriet has no time to ponder as Draco grabs her arm and drags her out of the room.
"Listen to me," he clutches her shoulders. "Umbridge will NOT go easy this time, Harriet. She will pull out all of her tools, all of her spells, and you won't like the outcome."
"Let her," Harriet growled. "I'm not afraid to stand by what's right."
Draco growls. "You stupid, brave girl..."
He kisses her forehead. "Let's go."
By the time they reach Dumbledore's office, Harriet halts when they see Umbridge, Cornelius Fudge, John Dawlish, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Draco marches inside with Harriet, giving Dolores a triumphant smile.
"Here she is," he tells her, shoving Harriet to the floor "Surrendered without a fight."
"Thank you, Draco," Umbridge smiles. "You may go."
Draco's smug smile faded as he glared at her indignantly. He turned on his heels and marched down the steps, blinking twice at Harriet's direction. Two blinks, Harriet inhaled through her nose, two blinks meant that she needed to keep calm and leveled. Rising to her feet, she nodded at them.
"Is this true, Dumbledore?" Fudge asks. "You put together an army to defy the Ministry?"
Dumbledore smiles. "Yes, it is true."
Harriet gasps and rushes forward, but is forced to stay put by an invisible force. She struggles in her binds, but cannot fight it. Had Draco hexxed her not to interfere?
"No," Harriet shakes her head. "No, no...it was me! I-"
She can't let Dumbledore take the fall, she can't! Dumbledore smirks at the Ministry, winking toward Harriet. She was trying to scream, to take the fall, but it was as if her throat and lips had been superglued.
"Dawlish, Shacklebolt, escort Dumbledore to Azkhaban to await trial."
Harriet's lips struggled to form words. "No!"
"Ah, so you have the idea that I'll come willingly to Azkhaban. Clearly..."
He smiled again at Harriet. "It'd be in my best interest to go quietly."
"Enough of this!" Umbridge snaps. "Take him!"
But Fawkes the phoenix beats them to it, and with his help, Dumbledore vanishes in a fiery storm. The light blinds them all, so much that no one notices Harriet being jerked out of the room and out in the halls. Grunting, Harriet tries to fight it, only to fall to the ground when she is finally released.
"So sorry!" A woman's voice perks in her ears. "That was entirely my fault, darling."
Narcissa Malfoy pockets her wand and helps Harriet to her feet. As always, the matriarch of Malfoy manor is impeccably dressed, adorned in the finest dress, heels, and jewelry. She dusts off her clothes.
"Narcissa?" Harriet is in disbelief. "You...you?!"
"I had a feeling you'd try to take the fall," she chuckles.
"Dumbledore!" Harriet panicks. "He...he's in trouble! The Ministry..."
"We know," Narcissa nods. "We've received word from Draco."
"He needs help," Harriet exclaimed. "He's innocent! I'm the one they want."
"Now, Harriet," Narcissa smiles. "We can't have that."
"Dumbledore's more important!" Harriet tries to leave, but she's frozen in place by another flick of Narcissa's wand.
"I'm afraid not," Narcissa sighed. "You're needed here, and I'm here to ensure you remember that well, Potter."
Harriet struggled in her invisible binds until she realized she was fighting a losing battle. Before long, she went limp and slumped to her knees.
"You are helping him by staying," Narcissa slid her arms underneath her, pulling her to her feet. "That is final. You cannot change his mind."
Harriet sighed. Suddenly, her scar became irritated once more, making her wince and rub her forehead.
Narcissa cupped her face in one hand and waved her wand above the scar, ceasing its throbbing. "Go back to your dorm and keep your head low. Do everything Umbridge says."
Harriet stumbles away, guilt knawing at her insides. She needed to tell someone, but if Dumbledore did not want her to, she had never felt so hopeless. Before long, her time at Hogwarts passes under Umbridge's strict regime. However, with Fred and George's successful rebellion to drive Umbridge out of Hogwarts, she, Ron, and Hermione find out about Sirius's captivity.
Harriet uses this opportunity to sneak a meeting with Draco in the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.
"Oh, Draco," she wraps her arms around him. "I'm so afraid. He's the only family I have left!"
"No," Draco tells her. "You have me, you understand? We'll get through this together."
Harriet stares into his eyes, and for a moment, nods. "Together."
They stare at one another, and in this moment, Harriet allows herself to be vulnerable in her feelings. She closes her eyes as Draco kisses both cheeks, the scar, and pecks at her lips. It's the most intimate moment they've shared. No longer being able to contain herself, she thrusts herself in his arms and kisses him passionately.
Darkness and light clash against one another, so much so that it forces her to pull apart in immense pain. She screams, holding her forehead.
"No!" Harriet hisses. "This can't be."
"What is it?"
"Voldemort..." Harriet gasps. "He's hurting Sirius! I have...I have to save him!"
They go back to Hogwarts and gather Ron, Hermione, Luna, Ginny and Neville. Draco stays behind due to his family's plan, and they rush to the Ministry of Magic to save Sirius. Unfortunately, the room they end up in is not his prison cell, rather a room filled with millions of glass spheres with swirling smoke.
"What is this?" Neville looked around, confused.
"I'm...I'm not sure," Harriet started gazing around.
"The prophecy. Take the prophecy."
Prophecy? Memories flash before her eyes, from her and Dumbledore talking about Trelawney's prophecy about her and Voldemort. She rushes around until she finds it: it was shining brightest of all. She gulped, grabbed it, and noticed a woman's swirling face.
"I have it!" She sprinted back to her friends. "I think we need this to find Sirius."
They're about to start looking when a woman's cackle brings them to a halt. She appears before them in a mess of tangled curls, smiling widly.
"You foolish girl!" It's Bellatrix Lestrange. "Thinking Sirius is here! It was only a trap!"
"A trap?" Harriet growls. "Then why did Voldemort lure me here?"
"Obviously to kill you!" Bellatrix cackles. "Allow me!"
Soon they're surrounded by many Death Eaters, and at once everyone starts to fight. Spells are thrown at one another, and by the time they reach the middle of the room, where the young wizards are surrounded.
Fortunately, Sirius and the Order comes to save them all. Harriet, fueled by emotion, hugs her godfather as everyone makes their escape. Sirius leads Harriet to the middle of the floor, intending on making her escape. Unfortunately, to Harriet's horror, Bellatrix kills him with with the Killing Curse.
Sirius stands frozen, staring at his body before his spirit is lifted. Harriet is screaming for him, reaching for his hand desperate to catch him.
Bellatrix cackled with glee as she saw the poor girl trying her best to rescue him. Before long, two powerful arms grabbed Harriet's shoulder and thrusted her into the air.
"SIRRIIUUUUS!!!!!" Harriet bellowed through heaving sobs. She had no idea how she returned out of the ministry, but she was already trying to run back, desperate to rescue her godfather.
"Harriet!" A man's voice echoed. "HARRIET!"
"Huh?!" The haze cleared from her mind, causing her to look around. Two strong arms were wrapped around her, her head pressed against a leathery, muscular chest. Looking up, she noticed it was a man wearing Death Eater's cloaks. She wriggled in their arms, trying to break free. No, no! She was not going to die, not here...
"It's me!" Lucius quickly removed his mask. Gasping, Harriet stopped her squirming. Her chest heaved with hoarse, mangled moans.
"You're safe," Lucius assured her. "Dumbledore's taking care of Voldemort."
"S-Sirius..." Harriet rasped. Growing limp, her arms dropped to her sides. She did not know where Lucius had taken her, and she did not care. Her godfather was gone, the one who Lily and James saught for her to take her in, oh Gods, poor Sirius! More sobs shook from her chest as she trembled in Lucius's arms.
"Come now," Lucius guided her with his hands on her shoulders toward the unknown, mind clouded with grief and vengeance. Harriet whimpered into the jacket of his robes, glasses tipping on the bridge of her nose as they walked.
When he opened a door to a room, Harriet realized they were back in Dumbledore's office. She slumped to her knees, her legs finally giving out after the battle.
"Sirius...he...he..."she hissed in a gurgled breath. "He can't be gone."
"I'm sorry, my dear."
Harriet closed her eyes and continued to sob. She lost another soul important to her, another one who died saving her from Voldemort. Lucius held her tight as the doors opened, revealing the figures of Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. The three of them paused when they saw the Malfoy patriarch holding Harriet in his arms.
"Lucius," Dumbledore was not surprised. "You brought her back."
"You think the poor girl would rather be back there with You-Know-Who?" Lucius demanded with an eyeroll.
Gasping for breath, Harriet's throat felt painfully swollen from all the sobbing. Her head ached, her eyes were sore, and she was so tired. The only saving grace was that Lucius did not release her from his embrace.
"I'll be taking Potter back to her dorm," Lucius informed them. "She's been through too much and she needs rest."
Before anyone could say anything, he already disappeared with her. They appeared inside the Gryffindor common room.
Harriet coughed as she settled on the couch. Tears streaked her cheeks as she broke into another sobbing fit. Lucius tsked and cupped her face in his hand. He took off her glasses, followed by a handkerchief to dry her eyes. Harriet winced at how he swiped it under her eyes and across her lids, using his wand to heal the dull ache her scar gave away.
"He's gone," she whispered. "He's gone."
Lucius remained silent as her lids grew heavy when she sunk on the couch into a dreamless sleep. He stayed there for several minutes, rubbing her back in gentle strokes. The portrait opened, and Ron and Hermione came stumbling inside. They stopped dead when they saw Draco's father on the couch with their friend.
"Oh, Harriet," Hermione lamented as they walked over. However, Lucius raised his hand to halt them.
"She's asleep," he mentioned. "Do not wake her."
He got up off the couch just as Harriet stirred on the couch. Ron and Hermione watched as he unsheathed his wand from his cane.
"Keep watch over her," he reminds them. "She'll need you now more than ever."
He disappears in a cloud of black smoke. The semester drags on, and by the time everything settles down, news of Voldemort's return spreads through the wizarding community, and the public's opinion of Harriet changes.
Harriet once more returns to the Malfoy mansion, where she is greeted by Draco first. He hoists her in the air, wrapping her legs around his waist as if he thought it'd be their last hug.
"Are you ok?" he's frantic. "I'm so sorry about your godfather."
"I know," Harriet sighs. "Thank you."
He helps her with her things to her room, where a new set of sheets are prepared on the bed. Hedwig swoops through the window and purches on the sill.
"Dinner will be ready in an hour," Draco informs her. "Would you like to join us? Of course, if you need to-"
"Yes," Harriet says at once. "Please. Don't leave me alone."
Draco smiles. "Never."
From the tone of his voice, Harriet knows that with her mind and heart set on Voldemort's defeat, they might have the chance to overcome any evil and any obstacle.
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Snippet Monday
A short scene that doesn't have a story to go with, and is therefore free to incorporate into just about whatever.
"-look, all I'm saying is we need a break!"
Damas paused to listen to the voices floating up from the elevator shaft. Ah. He'd been beginning to wonder when, exactly, the boys had been planning to turn in their report on the sandstorm evacuation. He stifled a smile and went back to watering the date palms nearest the window as he listened to them arguing.
"A break? Dax, just being here is a break!"
"...you've been out in the sun too long, pal. You seem to have forgotten the life-threatening nonsense these people keep putting us through!"
Jak's laugh grew louder as the elevator rose higher. "So? We have entire days where we don't have to go anywhere or do anything! And we get to go wherever we want! C'mon, Dax, you can't possibly tell me this place isn't like a vacation compared to Haven."
The elevator locked into place and Jak ambled out, looking perfectly at home amid the artificial streams. He lifted a hand in irreverent greeting when he spotted Damas, and made his way across the stepping stones. And if he seemed to be making a game of skipping every other stone, well, Damas wouldn't tell anyone.
"All scouts accounted for!" Jak announced cheerfully as he landed on the last stone, right at the foot of the dais. "Oh hey, the Crawler's making some weird noises though. I think you should have Kleiver do some maintenance on it."
Damas raised a brow. "Hm. A mobile sandstorm shelter won't do us much good if it breaks down. I'll make a note of it."
He set down the pitcher he had been using to water the tree and made his way back to his throne, looking for one of the data recording devices he kept to hand.
"I don't have any other work for you at the moment. If you can find a way to amuse yourselves that doesn't involve violent destruction of private property, the rest of the afternoon is yours to spend as you wish."
Daxter snapped his fingers in a pretense of disappointment. "Darn, well, that rules out all your plans, doesn't it, Jak?"
"Swimming doesn't destroy private property," Jak suggested, bouncing his shoulder.
"Not during a storm," Damas cut in. "I don't want to hear that someone had to take a boat out there and haul you out of a rip current."
Jak was about to argue when he felt Daxter go rigid on his shoulder. Following Damas’s surprised gaze, he found his friend squinting around the room. His ears swiveled and rotated like satellites, as if trying to catch a specific sound.
"Dax? What's wrong?"
"Say, uh, Jak?" Daxter piped up nervously, "Anyone else hear hissing?"
Hissing? Jak frowned and scanned the room, wondering what his friend was hearing. As his eyes swept across the dais, something caught his attention. It wasn’t that noticeable, just the barest hint of motion. But when Jak reached for just a hint of dark eco, suffusing his sclera in darkness, it stood out as clear as lightning.
Instinct took over and Jak had a knife out of his boot before he could even process what he was seeing. In an instant he'd hurled the dagger at the throne, just missing Damas’s calf.
"Jak!" Damas snapped, "Watch it!"
With a pained squeal, something began to thrash beside his foot. Pinned to the leg of the throne by Jak's knife was a massive snake. A Dust Demon viper, slowly losing its camouflage as death throes sent it thrashing in pain.
Damas examined the creature impassively, then slammed down his boot, putting it out of its misery.
"I thought something felt different," he remarked, entirely too calmly. "Next time, aim for the head for a cleaner kill. There's no need to make it suffer."
Daxter’s fur stood on end like static electricity as he clung to Jak’s shoulder in an arch.
"How long was that there?!" he demanded, "Is this a regular problem for you?!"
Damas prodded the still twitching viper with the butt of his staff. "Hardly."
His eyes narrowed in thought, and lowered himself into a crouch to examine the animal. "This little one did not get here on its own power."
Jak was already thinking on the same track.
"Someone brought it here," he realized, and his face twisted into an angry, inhuman snarl.
He jumped up onto the dais to crouch beside Damas and glared at the offending creature.
"So...so what? This was an assassination attempt?"
"Hm. That is very likely," Damas agreed. He didn't seem particularly bothered.
Glancing up, he directed a smile at Jak and Daxter. "Very well done. I commend the both of you. This will not be forgotten."
Daxter perked up, glowing at the praise like he'd had a spotlight shone on him.
Jak missed the praise entirely. He was fully focused on the words assassination attempt. Who would try to kill Damas? And in such an underhanded way? If someone had a problem with the king, there was a perfectly good Arena to settle the dispute in!
Well. To be fair, Jak supposed that would be a fight the dissenter wouldn't walk away from. He wasn't even sure he could beat Damas in a fight. So what did that make this? Cowardice?
Jak hated it. It reminded him of the backstabbing he used to see among the prison guards under Praxis's reign.
Jak glowered at the dead snake, and jerked his knife out of it. He just missed Damas’s approving nod when he bent to clean the blade on his boot before sheathing it again. The snake lay sprawled in unnatural angles, no longer twitching. With dark eco rumbling in his chest like a warning growl, Jak reached down and picked the viper up by the tail.
"I'm gonna find out who did this," he vowed, looking Damas in the eye, "And they're gonna pay."
He started to stand, but a hand on his arm anchored him in place.
"Leave it," Damas commanded. He stood and jerked his chin towards the foot of the throne. "Let everyone who enters this chamber see it there."
"Why?" Jak furrowed his brow and stood to follow, viper dangling from his hand. "Won't that just show the assassin they should try something else?"
Damas settled into his throne with a scoff. "No no, think, Jak. What did I teach you about choosing battles?"
Jak blinked. Was this a test of some kind? He looked to Daxter, who only shrugged. Damas had that secretive glint in his eye, which meant it probably was a test. Jak closed his eyes and tried to think.
He's not facing this head-on, or at least not the way I would. Which means he's probably taking a more subtle approach. Jak, admittedly, was not very good at "subtle". He wracked his brains for an answer, looking between the snake, the throne, and the doors before realizing that Damas was watching his facial expressions intently.
"You're...going to watch everyone's reactions? When people come in, right? If...if the assassin or an accomplice comes in, seeing the snake will send a message. Or...or it might spook them into giving something away?"
The answer lacked his usual brash confidence. Jak hoped the king wouldn't pick up on that, but at the same time he knew it was unlikely that he wouldn't. But he couldn't help a little trepidation! Damas clearly expected him to know the answer and he didn't want to get it wrong!
To his relief, Damas dipped his head and smiled proudly.
"Excellent! That is precisely what I intend to do -- so I can't have you running around the city to threaten people with a dead snake."
He gestured to his right meaningfully.
"And as you have no other tasks for the afternoon, I think this would be a good opportunity for you to hone your observation skills. After how quickly you two picked up on the viper's presence, I can think of no better choice to help me suss out our would-be killer."
This time Daxter wasn't the only one to light up and stand a little straighter in response to the commendation. Jak may not have been familiar with ranks and hierarchies, but he understood the gesture of trust Damas was extending to them. And he understood that being asked to stand by at the right hand of a warrior like Damas was no small thing. Damas was asking them to help him find an assassin in the ranks as though he hadn't the slightest doubt that they would be successful.
Jak squared his shoulders and nodded sharply. "We won't let you down," he said firmly.
Damas returned his nod with an almost fond smile. "I know."
Jak leaned on the pillar right of the throne and considered the viper thoughtfully before tossing it to land closer to Damas’s feet. Then, after perhaps a minute of silence, he asked,
"Can I have the fangs though?"
Damas let out a startled laugh. "The fangs?!"
"Yeah," Jak shrugged, suddenly sheepish. "It's- I have a- there's a thing. I need them."
Daxter translated with narrowed eyes. "He means his horrible, horrible, bone collection that he's been making jewelry out of."
Leaning back, Damas laughed again. "Then by all means." He smiled indulgently, gesturing, "Take the fangs! Just be careful of the venom."
"I will." Jak waved off the warning just a touch too nonchalantly. "How long do you think before people start showing up?"
Damas checked his data device. "Four meetings this afternoon, two more after evening meal. The next one is in approximately twenty minutes."
Daxter hopped down and settled into a more comfortable position on the dais steps. "Welp. Sounds like we're gonna be here a while. Jak, you brought snacks, right?"
"We could eat the snake if you're hungry enough," Jak teased.
Daxter made a disgusted sound and looked to Damas, pointing an accusing finger at Jak.
"Will you please do something about him?!"
"Don't eat the evidence, Jak," Damas snorted. "Go get some roasted crickets out of the kitchens if you're hungry. You have a few minutes."
"CRICKETS?!" Daxter shrieked. He clasped his paws to his head in horror. "You're an enabler! Jak! Don't listen to the man!"
Jak pushed off of the pillar and rolled his eyes at Daxter. "If you'll eat a decapod, you can eat a hexapod. Besides, they're good! Damas, you want me to bring you some?"
Daxter groaned and pulled his ears down over his eyes. "Great. Lunatic and Lunatic Junior are sharing meal plans now. Goodbye, normal diet!"
Jak looked just a little too smug about being labeled "Lunatic Junior".
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thenten · 2 months
Omnitrix Scanning: What CAN/CAN'T Ben turn into?
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The Omnitrix is well-known at this point for having incredibly vague rules about what does and doesn't constitute as an eligible species for scanning, with them almost never being directly mentioned, short of the constantly reinforced rule of sapience being a requirement.
The rulings below are the ones I personally adhere to based on their consistency, and adherence to the intended themes in Ben 10.
What the Omnitrix CAN'T scan:
Species that are non-sapient. There's a certain threshold of awareness & intelligence that must be crossed for a species to be eligible for the Omnitrix, for Ben's sapient mind to be compatible within it. Azmuth has noted that this isn't "as high a bar as people think it is", with the writers confirming (albeit jokingly) that Earth animals such as dolphins and chimpanzees would be eligible, though they likely wouldn't be able to communicate like Wildmutt.
Unique robotic or otherwise technological creations, no matter how individually advanced or intelligent. The qualifications for robotic 'species' being considered for the Omnitrix are vague, but if a robot is a unique creation that cannot function as a species or culture, the Omnitrix almost certainly won't scan it.
Unnatural mutations of species that would otherwise be eligible, while they theoretically wouldn't be impossible to be scanned, but mutated DNA are by default withheld from being implemented into the Omnitrix to protect from their genetic instability. However, if the base species is yet to be unlocked, the Omnitrix IS able to extract an unmutated DNA sample from a mutated host.
What the Omnitrix CAN scan:
Robotic species that DO function as such, with self-sufficiency and culture and other necessities, are eligible for the Omnitrix. The most clear line for this is established by the Galvanic Mechamorphs (Or, as Ben calls his, Upgrade), whom were originally an accidental creation of the Galvan. While when they originally gained sapience, they might not have been eligible, the Galvan took the effort of upgrading to the point that they could function as a species & culture all their own afterwards.
Hive-Mind species, such as the Microchips, can be scanned by the Omnitrix, but in that specific instance it required the Omnitrix to create a more thorough hybrid of Microchip and Human DNA to ensure that Ben stayed in-control throughout the process, while still being able to communicate with the Microchip Queen.
Cybernetically-enhanced species, whose cybernetic enhancements are span the entire people due to either medical, environmental, or even religious or cultural reasons are eligible.
Species that stemmed as mutations from another species, whether or not those original mutations were natural or unnatural, can become eligible & unique from the base species if their DNA has stabilized and become more consistent across the species. This can be seen in the Prypiatosian-A (like NRG), whose species was mutated by their planet being devastated by nuclear war, and adapted into it's current form over several generations.
On a similar note, sub-species with even only small differences can be considered unique samples to scan by the Omnitrix, as shown by the Perk & Murk Gourmand whose differences are mostly just visual in nature. If there's defining genetic differences, it'll scan.
Species whose every fragment of DNA is a sapient part of them that are always in their control, like Ectonurites, CAN be sampled by the Omnitrix, but it usually requires consent of the sampled party, if not it'll have consequences (as it did with Ghostfreak).
Beings that "don't have DNA" as it is usually defined are entirely viable samples for the Omnitrix to scan, if they fulfill the other qualifications of sapience, self-sufficiency, and culture. It doesn't matter of they're Silicon-based like Petropians, energy-based like Nosedeenians, sound-based like Sonorosians, or whatever Celestialsapiens are made of.
So with this said, how about some (a lot of) examples of both?
Dragon Ball Species:
Saiyans: Yes!
Namekians: Warrior and Dragon Clan Namekians, yes, but not Demon Clan Namekians like Piccolo as they were "mutated by evil".
Frieza's Race: Yes and no. All of Frieza's own familial clan are stated to be mutants themselves, these mutations being the source of their ability to just create transformations at will, but the Omnitrix WOULD be able to extract an unmutated sample of whatever his species looks like without mutations.
Kais/Core People: Absolutely.
Gods of Destruction: As shown by the series, GoDs aren't a species, and their power just comes from training. So, while Ben could become any of their base species', he wouldn't gain the power of a God of Destruction through doing so. So, no!
Angels: Possible, but not advisable with the rules put on them.
Majins: With consent, perfectly possible. Scanning a hostile Majin would likely end up creating a Ghostfreak situation, though.
Androids: Nope.
Bio Androids (ex. Cell): With the Omnitrix's anti-mutated DNA safeguards, the Omnitrix would extract all the eligible individual samples that were used to create the Bio Android.
Machine Mutants (ex. Baby): As said, they're heavily mutated Tuffles, so they themselves wouldn't be scanned, but a base sample of Tuffle DNA would be extracted instead.
Spider-People, Mutants, and Hulks: Nope!
Inhumans: Probable! Though, the form may require exposure to the Terrigen Mist to gain powers of it's own.
Asgardians, Olympians, and other gods: Yep!
Skrulls: Yes, but only the base species. Super Skrulls are genetic experiments created in a lab, and therefore mutated.
Symbiotes: Perfectly eligible, though like Ectonurites, a consensual scan would be the most ideal to avoid a Ghostfreak situation. Also, as their species prefer having compatible hosts, the Omnitrix would probably allow Ben to attach the form to his other alien forms rather than making him use it on it's own.
Brood: Possible, but the Omnitrix might modify the DNA with Ben's human DNA to counteract the dangers of being a part of a hive-mind. Still, entirely workable.
Watchers: Yes, but not advisable.
Ego the Living Planet: Comic version, very unclear.
Celestials: Insane, but yes.
Galactus: Nope, individual being.
Kryptonians, Amazons, Atlanteans, Tamaraneans: Absolutely!
Martians: Yes, but it'd require consent. DC Martians have full control over their DNA, and could retract a scan's sample at will.
Czarnians: Yes, but it wouldn't have all the traits Lobo has.
New Gods: In general, yes, but the exact abilities would be unclear.
Yautja/Predators (Dark Horse): Yes.
Xenomorphs/Aliens (Dark Horse): Nope, not sapient.
Cybertronians (IDW): Absolutely.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW): Nah.
Monsters (Undertale): Yes, but each different type of monster would likely be considered individual subspecies.
Gems (Steven Universe): Yes, but each individual gem type would be considered it's own species, allowing each to be scanned individually and be their own transformations.
Irken (Invader Zim): Yes, and as the "pinnacle" of their species have extensive cybernetic enhancement, the Omnitrix's Irken transformation would have them as well.
Halfas (Danny Phantom): Nope, mutated hybrid DNA.
Ghosts (Danny Phantom): VERY dependent, as ghosts in Danny Phantom come with a great deal of variance, but there would at least be a few eligible "species" from the ghosts that are native to the Ghost Zone rather than the human spirits that went there.
Quirk-Enhanced Humans (MHA): While one might assume they would be the same as Mutants from Marvel, I disagree. Quirk-Enhanced Humans have very strong, consistent DNA that sustains itself over successive generations, and while it may have started as a mutation, has clearly become the next step in evolution.
Timelords/Gallifreyans (Doctor Who): Terrifying, but yes.
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the-hidden-writer · 4 months
A Piece of True Fiction: Chapter 13
An Alan Wake 2 fic. Spoilers for Alan Wake 2!
Summary: Aleksi Kesä manages to slip out of the spiral and film he was trapped in.
Saga Anderson, caught in the middle of Wake's horror story, finds a man that looks identical to her partner in the middle of the woods. He's lost, confused, and only seems to speak Finnish. Saga has to try and uncover the truth as well as trying to save her family. Where did he come from? How did he get here?
And where's her Casey?
Chapter Summary: Saga asks Ilmo for help. Words: 2,457 AO3 Link: [Here!] [First part] [Previous part] [Next part]
A Piece of True Fiction
Chapter 13: Brotherhood
“So let me get this straight. Alex Casey, who is real and was partnered on the case with you, is trapped in the lake right now.”
“And this is because the man in there, the one you busted your ass to save, is a metaphysical conjuration from the Threshold under the lake and took his place.”
“And you’re in possession of a potential Object of Power- which is a whole other conversation we need to have, by the way- that Wake says he’s bound to and can use to ‘fix’ what you claim to be a false rewritten reality, originally written by Wake himself but edited by his, quote, ‘evil doppelgänger’?”
Saga cringes. Having the facts laid out straight in her head made everything seem straightforward, but hearing it spoken back to her starts to make her feel as crazy as she sounds. Still not as crazy as Wake, at the very least.
“If you mean the Clicker, then yeah, that's right. And I’m just passing on what Wake said,” she answers.
Estevez continues to hear her out, though not without a heavy slice of doubt.
“But you won't give it to him now because… why?”
Now that’s a question with a simple answer.
“Because I don't think losing Casey is something he wrote into his story. Maybe he can fix his own mistakes- he’d better- but I don't know how he’d be able to fix something he doesn't know anything about. Or maybe he could, but I can't risk Casey’s life like that.”
“So you want to perform a ritual on… ‘Kesä’, did you say?”
“That's right.”
“Okay, yet another paranatural crime right there but… fine, I digress. So this ritual, the one the Cult of the Tree has been performing, is one where you want to take out his heart to purposely infect him with the Shadow and somehow exchange him for Casey?”
“It’s something like that, but that's why I need to talk to Ilmo to figure out the specifics.”
Estevez shakes her head. “Okay, I can't brush that one off. Rituals are dangerous as is, but in an uncontrolled environment? This ritual is murder, Anderson.”
“He’s not real,” Saga counters, not dwelling on the way Estevez speaks of the concept of rituals with what sounds like experience.
“According to who?”
“Alan Wake.”
Estevez frowns. She takes a breath and looks Saga directly in the eye.
“I know how it all sounds,” Saga says with a wince before Estevez gets the chance to say anything. “I just don’t know what else I can do. I followed Wake’s directions with Nightingale's heart and that ritual worked, so I just need to trust that it’ll work again a second time.”
“I don’t like this, Anderson. Not one bit.”
“Neither do I,” Saga admits. “But I have to try.”
There are a few tense moments of Estevez simply staring at her. Her eyes scan over her face as if looking for something in particular. Saga shows no pretense. She doesn’t like this, but she’s determined and she’s going to try whether she gets permission or not.
Estevez seems to realize that and releases a resigned sigh. “Alright. Go talk to Koskela. You have me as backup as long as you deny my involvement, if it comes to it.”
“Thank you,” Saga says, and she means it from the bottom of her heart. She can tell that Agent Estevez must be going against her bureau’s rules by helping her, so she’s grateful for the sentiment.
Estevez shakes her head. “Just go. And be careful.”
Saga doesn’t need to be told twice. She leaves Estevez with one last grateful nod before the smile slips away from her face. It’s immediately back to business. She’s given up all hope for any sort of break until this is all over.
Or until she dies. But as long as Logan’s life is in danger, dying isn’t an option.
She enters the cell block.
Inside, the air is stale and carries the faint stench of vomit. It’s as dark as ever, though upon entering her eyes are able to make out the figure hunched-over on the bench of one of the nearer cells.
Saga approaches warily.
“I’m sorry,” a voice says from further down. Wake. “I tried eating but it’s been so long and… I-I couldn’t… I’m sorry. I’ll clean it up.”
She doesn’t have eyes on Wake, meaning he most likely doesn’t have eyes on her yet. She can hear him shuffling around, probably trying to get a look at who just walked in. This time, however, Saga isn’t interested in Wake.
Ilmo slowly lifts his head from where it had been resting on his knees to look up at her and Saga notices that he’s abandoned his hat. His eyes are red and swollen and his deep frown exudes a silent fury.
“Where is he?” he asks in a low voice.
He knows. Saga can tell that he knows about Jaakko. She doesn’t know how he knows, whether it be through supernatural means or simply the instincts of an identical twin, but he knows. 
She won’t hide it from him.
“I’m sorry,” is all she says.
“Saga?” Wake calls suddenly, his voice immediately perking up. “Is that you? Did you find the Clicker?”
Saga just observes Ilmo like a hawk, as if he’s the only other person in the room. The man is eerily silent.
Then he slams the metal cot with his fist with a loud clang and swears loudly, before a sob bursts out of him and he begins to mutter mournfully to himself in Finnish.
“I’m sorry,” Saga says again. Her twisted heart constricts even more because she’d been there at the time, and the guilt of not being able to save Jaakko returns full-swing as she watches his brother react to the news. In any FBI case, not just this one, informing the family of any deceased is the hardest part. Especially as a mother herself.
Ilmo wipes a hand over his face, leaving a slight sheen on his skin. He stands and walks over toward the bars. Saga has to once again fight the urge to take a step back. It’s surprising how much a hat (or, lack of) can change a person’s energy.
His fingers curl around the metal bars and he presses his face against them.
“How?” he grits out.
“He fell into Huotari Well,” Saga answers honestly. Her skin prickles from the tension in the limited space between the two of them. He's still acting in an aggressive way that seems strange to her, but she lets it slide knowing that grief can change a person. Ilmo curses again. He takes a few steps away from the bars and Saga releases the breath she’d been holding. 
Alan calls out to her again. She continues to ignore him.
“I am truly, truly sorry, Ilmo. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling.”
His eyes snap up to meet hers alongside a curt response. “No, you can’t.”
She’s sure he didn’t mean it, but the comment pierces into her heart and cracks it open like an eggshell, revealing her suppressed emotion hidden inside. She does understand. Her daughter, her only child, is dead because of this stupid fucking story. She knows the feeling and, though she’d said she didn’t at first to be polite, anyone insinuating that she doesn’t makes her very, very angry.
Straight away, she quenches the feeling. She has to keep a clear head. She forces herself to speak levelly.
“I promise I’ll give you time to mourn later, but right now I really need your help. I need to perform a ritual.”
That seems to catch Ilmo’s attention. “What?”
“Saga?” Alan calls inquisitively. Saga can see him peering through the bars.
Ilmo also glances in his direction and sends him a scowl (was that a growl? What’s going on with him?) before turning back to Saga, suspicious. “Why? What sort of ritual, what are you doing?”
“The ritual with the heart that the cult have been doing. I need to give someone to the Dark Presence and have them be Taken to get someone back in return.”
Ilmo, tear-stricken face and all, looks at her with utter incredulousness.
“Okay, now I’m confused. You said like a whole three different things there.”
It’s Saga’s turn to feel confused. “What do you mean?”
“The ritual we’ve been doing involves a heart, sure,” Ilmo explains, “but why do you want to make Taken? The heart ritual is to kill them using the switch- or the Clicker, I guess. The second they emerge from the lake, we kill them. We protect the community. We're the good guys. What kind of a cult calls themselves a cult?”
That… makes a lot of pieces fall into place. Things hadn’t been lining up in Saga’s Mind Place, although reframing all the evidence with the idea that the Cult of the Tree were killing Taken helps it make much more sense.
“And if you’re trying to trade in one person for another, then uh… that’s a whole other thing.”
“That’s the one I need.” Saga says with no hesitation.
Ilmo visibly pales, even under the darkness of the cell block. “Uh… are you sure?”
“Does it involve dropping a heart into a well?”
“Well… yeah, but-”
“Then I’m sure.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?!” Alan shouts, his timid confusion finally erupting into explosive anger.
Saga approaches his cell. This time, Ilmo calls after her. “Wait, Saga-"
“I’m getting Casey back,” she tells Wake plainly. “After that, I’ll do as you say so you can bring back my daughter. And Ilmo’s brother.”
“You’re wasting time,” Alan hisses. “I can fix everything if you just give me the Clicker. It’ll let me rewrite reality to whatever you want, it’ll solve everything, just find it and get it to me. And what was that about a ritual?”
“You don’t remember telling me?”
All of Wake’s built up anger seems to evaporate in an instant. “I… huh?”
“I can’t help you.” Ilmo says suddenly, pulling Saga’s attention back toward him.
“You have to,” she says, hurrying back in his direction.
He shakes his head. “No, I can’t. It’s not because I don’t want to help you, I just can’t.”
“Why not?” Saga struggles to mask the frustration in her voice. This isn’t a hurdle she’d been expecting to face.
Ilmo sighs and scratches at his chin. “Okay, this might sound crazy, but Jaakko and I have dreams. Dreams where we’re, uh…”
“Not yourselves?” Saga finishes. “Jaakko explained it to me.”
She watches as Ilmo’s eyes well up with tears and he swallows down his emotion. When he next speaks, his voice is thick. 
“We’ve been fighting,” he says. “I’ve been fighting to not be that man. And that ritual, the one with the heart and the well, I’ve seen it in my dreams. That’s why I can’t help you, Saga. I’m already… I didn’t mean to punch that guy, you tell him that. I just don't want it taking hold of me. I can’t be that man. ”
Saga can see where he’s coming from. She really wants to be able to leave him alone and mourn, but she needs his help. Does she feel guilty and slightly selfish? Yes, she does. At the end of the day, Casey is one man compared to the many that Wake could save if she just gave him the Clicker now.
Except that one man is Casey. It’s the textbook trolley problem and she’s trying to save everyone on those tracks. The odds aren’t in her favor, but she’s going to try. If that means Ilmo has to leave his comfort zone and Estevez has to break a few rules, so be it.
“You won’t be. You aren’t. You won’t have to do it all yourself, I’ll help you where I can. What are the steps?”
She doesn't voice her inner thought that Ilmo is already acting in a more aggressive manner.
Ilmo shifts uncomfortably. “I mean… I guess you’re right. The one in the dream is pretty unique, anyways. It needed a specific guy- the, um… right, the steps. Pretty straightforward. Cut out the heart while he’s- uh, they’re still alive, recite the chant, drop the heart into the well. Sacrifice vanishes and the rescued rises up.” He pauses. “Saga, are you planning on killing someone?”
“Someone that’s already becoming Taken.” It’s a lie, but it’s easier than explaining everything that’s going on with Kesä in one succinct sentence. Plus, if she phrases it like this, it might make Ilmo more inclined to help her.
“Right…” He still sounds hesitant. 
Saga quickly changes the subject. “What’s the chant?”
“In the dream, it’s Finnish. In English it would be something like, um… ‘This is the ritual to lead you on. He returns and you’re locked in the room in turn.’”
All of Saga’s own hesitation about the ritual vanishes at that moment, replaced with relief and a bolster of determination. That’s exactly what she needs and is exactly what the other Wake described. Casey back and Kesä locked back in the Dark Place. She’s on the right track.
“I don’t want to do this, Saga.” Ilmo breaks through her thoughts.
“You’re performing a ritual?” Wake cuts in. “I swear there was something like that… I just can’t fucking remember…”
Saga leaves him to his rambling and tries her best to convey reassurance to the tense Ilmo. “I’ll be in your debt if you help me with this, Ilmo. Then we’ll talk things through and I’ll hear you out about what you and the cult were trying to do.”
“What?!” Alan yelps.
It seems to be against his own better judgment, but eventually Ilmo nods. “Fine, I’ll help. As long as you promise to stop me if I start acting like someone else. I have to be Ilmo Koskela.”
Despite everything, Saga gives him a small smile. “I promise. Thanks, Ilmo Koskela. I’ll have Agent Estevez talk to you about the specifics. I just need to make a quick stop at the nursing home, then we’ll make our way to Coffee World.”
She still fully intends to visit Tor and Odin. It had been her plan originally and Ahti mentioning it gave her the push she needed to actually complete that task.
Ilmo somehow looks even more uneasy at the prospect. “Coffee World? Huotari Well? Fuck, out of all places… You’d better make good on that promise.”
“I will. I’ll see you soon, Ilmo.”
Wake yells after her as she starts to leave. “Saga, wait! This isn’t right!”
Saga leaves. Until she’s ready to hand over the Clicker, she has nothing more to say to him.
aka the one where alan is kept out of the loop (literally? hmmm)
Thanks for reading!
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