#I didn't wanna squish this in with the other stuff :0
mothhue · 4 months
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The Alpine Horizon.
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version without the shadows on the pillar cuz I like how it turned out!
I could go ahead and add a caption like "I used up 12 hours of my life on this" but tbh I had so much fun making it :D threw me headfirst into the zone wheee
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squishious · 4 months
ok i'd apologize to you & everyone else for only blogging about myself and my friends tonight but actually that would be un-sincere because i love my friends so so so much and all of life is about love. anyway here's a long summary of css :
-1. the context: luna @hanjoonhwi got to know mika through me and @ramonapest and so she'd discover old stuff progressively and one day she found css and made it her whole personality (read: blog) because she did that often (for a while she was tomorrowlive because she loved live performances of tomorrow, etc etc etc) and so she saved the url cokestudiostardust or i did. and then we had the fantastic idea of both changing our urls to something super similar to each other for a little while just to confuse the 12 mika blogs here (a small group of which are commonly referred to as "the rodents" due to the existance of an almost-dead discord server that i would like to bring back alive and that you could probably be added to, where we discuss mika) ANYWAY sorry for the slight detour. so yes that was the plan. and then we were like wait we need to include rory (because we had a tiny groupchat called "mouaylor tshirts" <- more lore there but basically luna wanted a mika x taylor x louis collab and rory made a fake poster that i put on redbubble models and so we made a groupchat to discuss business and then ended up being besties). so yes back to the main story. we text rory and we're like hey do you wanna join us in this wild scheme? she was like what scheme? we said say yes or no because we cant tell you unless you're joining. she said yes and we told her everything and also she was moving that same weekend... so it was insane of her to contribute. but yes that's the end of this part
0. the prep: so we saved css url, and 2 typo css urls. picked an icon header and background colour for the blog (#facade pink) and then the point was to confuse people so we didn't want them to be able to scroll adn figure out easily which one is rory vs luna vs me. so what we did is we made rory (?) i think (?) post a link to the css yt video. then we each reblogged it privately to our blogs about 100 times in preparation and then didn't blog until the day of. the day of we unprivated all the posts, so basically if you wanted to see any posts before you'd need to scroll for so long. and we changed our urls (i dont remember who was which url) and icons and headers and colours and made our blogs only available on phone so you couldnt go to archive to figure out who was who. also we had the same blog titles (coke studio stardust) and bios.
1. phase 1: we basically went around blogging normally as if nothing happened, but also sending asks to common mutuals and each others mutuals (ex: "hiii squish!! how are you???") and all of us sending them, to create confusion. did that for about 24 hours. but the thing is we sent the exact same asks and reblogged all the same posts with the same tags. luna and i even managed to confuse rory's sibling and like long-time friend on here. a mika blog @grayskelly we didnt know at the time (but v knows) just joined us (same blog appearance etc) and became our immediate bestie, hence creating the famous and iconic @h-isforhome "big day in mika fandom" post (the first one in the image post you reblogged). also we followed any mutuals that we mutuals with 2 but not 3 of us (pretending we accidentally unfollowed) in prep for phase 2
2. phase 2: (my favourite phase) we "apologized" etc for our behaviour and said we are switching back. BUT we lied (celebrity apology video style), and what we did is switch to each other's!! blogs. so i was luna and luna was rory and rory was me. and it actually fooled people due to all the followings in phase 1 and it being practically impossible to go to posts pre may 15. this phase particularly drove people insane (luna and i were competing over who would lose the most followers, rory somehow was gaining followers). but yes basically we blogged exactly lik each other, tagging systems etc, spoke like each other (hashtag true bestiehood), and sent even more asks. the middle 2 pics are examples of such interactions after we finally switched back to the real us, making all the posts hilariously funny. one common mutual thought that was was going on was that we had logged into each other's accounts. another was like ahh i got you. x is pretending to be y and y is [etc etc], getting it all wrong and we were like ah yes! you got us! so true!. i think @thirteens-earring still hates us for may 16.... we were sending each other messages being like hi v this is rory! etc and v eventually figured out who was who but the whole time was sending us murderous threats + at one point luna was like hi rory this is v! to v, which was funny. anyway i think lizzie @dionysuswearsanorangetracksuit was the first one to catch on what was going on (like super early that day) and texted me and h about it but i made them promise they wouldn't explain to everyone what was going on.
everyone was like ah hahah ha hilarious right. you guys are done right. no really. you are done right. please please say you're done. and so, this is what we did after:
3. phase 3 prep: rory and luna collected the best posts through screenshots, i opened photoshop with a normal canvas size and started adding them and making the canvas bigger and bigger, ending up with a photoshop file of 16359x22200 pixels, it took me and rory 2 computers, 3 photoshop versions, and about 1 hour to export that as 4 pngs.
4. phase 3: on may 17 we changed all our blog titles to "phase 3", posted that image, and everyone was like hey guys. whats phase 3 whats going on pls explain. and to this day no one knows what phase 3 is <3 we will not say unless someone guesses
anyway if you've read all this thank you so much in indulging me and listening to me talk nonsense about friendship shenanigans (<- idk how to spell in english but i might have gotten it right). it was truly a wild time where rory was normal and luna and i were unhinged and drove rory into our unhingeness. i miss it incredibly and i wanna do more of that with you and them and all my little computer friends. or maybe we could jsut have a sleepover. idk but all i know is that if i knew you all in real life we would have the best laughs and the best times of our lifes and we'd just have so much fun. like if all of you bring this much joy in my life just by resharing the same posts as each other and replying to each other, imagine what it would feel like if we could all have a picnic or a roadtrip or just a day out at the mall even.... anyway this is getting sappy and i need to go to bed. ty for reading or sorry!!!!! now that we're friends i'll invite you next time we plan an international cyber-prank
HELLO OKAY !!!! apologies 2 my followers in advance but i need to immortalise this bc truly. this is the pinnacle of careful throughtful tomfoolery i'm very impressed
first off i'm all for the resuscitation of mika discord there really are sooo few of us on here !! mouaylor collab would be incredible and i need to see this shirts if they exist lmfao. also doing this while moving u are SO STRONG thats incredible !!!
anyways again the amount of thought that went into this.....the reblogged posts the turning off web view the following each others mutuals.....i would trust u to pull of a heist i think. sounds like a wild day and yesss would love to participate in international cyber pranks or sleepovers (or both simultaneously) w u all !!! truly i think that we'd have the most wonderful time if we knew each other irl the shenanigans and vibes would be unmatched <3 (i am living in constant fear of phase 3 now. its gonna haunt my every click on this site)
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pinkanonwrites · 3 years
So um Hi! I've never made a request before so i apologize if i do this wrong but can I get Headcanons on how the Sk8 boys would hug/cuddle you? :0 I've noticed you didn't make a Sk8 post yet so I would like to be your first one :)) ty have a good day and drink lots of water love your posts btw :)🥀💕 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
No need to apologize! I'm excited to write this (sorry it's been a while since I posted btw)
Just so you know, I will be writing for Adam and Miya in this, but Miya's will be strictly platonic. I'm not exactly comfortable writing ship stuff for a thirteen year old. And Adam is Adam, and a lot of people aren't huge fans, so if you don't wanna read his that's fine. It'll be the last one on the list.
Hope you enjoy! And thank you for requesting!
Reki Kyan
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Reki is simultaneously very clingy and very embarrassed about being clingy. He just kind of thrives off of being close to you, with his arms around your waist and his chin tucked into your shoulder. But he doesn't want other people to know just how snuggly he is.
Stays up late every night playing games on his phone, usually with his arms wrapped around you so you can watch as well. He'll eventually doze off mid-game, phone falling to the mattress with a soft thump and leaving you to plug it in for him if you're still awake.
A sleep-nuzzler. He'll subconsciously move closer and closer to you while asleep, until he's tangled his entire body around yours. If he's already asleep when you go to bed it'll take him less than a minute to start gravitating towards you, grabbing at your clothes and your hands until you're within reach.
On bad mental health days he especially craves your attention, but won't let himself ask for it because he doesn't feel like he deserves it. Coddle him, praise him, run your fingers through his hair. He desperately needs it.
Langa Hasegawa
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His ideal way to sleep is with the A/C in his room cranked to max, piled with blankets to keep himself and you warm. That way he can curl up close to you and leech off your body heat, keep you from scooching too far away.
Falls asleep holding your hand, your fingers interlaced with his. If you pull away he'll frown in his sleep, blindly feeling around for your hand until the two of you are connected once again.
He gets the most abysmal cases of bedhead you've ever seen. He's the kind of guy to roll into bed right after a shower, not having dried his hair all the way, only to be completely baffled when he wakes up and it's sticking out in fourteen different directions at once.
He can sleep for like, 12 hours straight if he's tired enough. Just activates some sort of hibernation instinct and knocks out for hours. But he'll blink blearily awake and start grabbing for you the instant you try to get out of bed, no matter how careful you're being.
Miya Chinen (Platonic)
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It's a cold day in Hell when Miya allows himself to be vulnerable around you, especially to go as far as to be cuddly. He's very, very rarely a cuddly person, and even then he isn't willing to admit it.
It kind of has to be the perfect storm. It's a late night at the S track, he had a really rough test that day, didn't sleep well last night, and scraped up both his knees pretty bad when he took an embarrassing tumble off of his board while practicing tricks.
Only then, sitting beside you at the side of the road as other skaters whiz past, will he gently and quietly lean his head against your shoulder. Before you can even ask if he's alright he'll mutter out a "My head just hurts. This doesn't mean anything."
It doesn't take him long to doze off though, his cheek squished against your shoulder. Then it's up to you! Do you let him rest for as long as he needs? Do you join Reki and Joe's teasing when he finally wakes an hour later?
If you do join in the teasing, good luck getting him to be vulnerable around you ever again. Those walls will snap back up so fast you won't even realize they were down for a minute. If you admonish them for teasing him though, he'll complain that he doesn't need you fighting his battles. But secretly, he's very grateful to you.
Kojiro Nanjo
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Those big ol' tiddies exist for one reason and one reason only; for you to have a soft and snuggly pillow to rest your head on while you're sleeping sprawled across Joe's chest. It's easily his favorite way to cuddle, and he likes to watch you rhythmically rise and fall with each of his breaths.
He gets home late practically every night, so most nights you've gone to sleep long before he's able to roll into bed. No matter to him though, he's able to easily and gently maneuver you into his arms, smiling when you murmur incoherently and snuggle yourself closer into him.
If you just so happen to be awake when he gets home he's instantly all over you, completely unashamed in asking for your attention and affection. If he wants kisses, cuddles, your hands playing with his hair, you're gonna know it. And he's gonna whine and pester until you give it to him.
Goes to sleep so, so late every night and yet somehow still manages to be an early bird. You almost never wake up before him. Usually he'll be leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom, nursing a cup of coffee and admiring your relaxed, sleeping form before he has to head out to prep the restaurant.
Kaoru Sakurayashiki
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Purely speculation, but I feel like this man is just perpetually sore. He's always fighting off back aches or leg cramps or aching wrists, so just ask if you can give him a massage to turn him to putty in your hands. It only takes him a few minutes to start melting under your touch, and if he's really exhausted only a few minutes more to doze off.
Very meticulous about his nightly routine, moisturizing and braiding his hair is a must before bed. Even if he's dead tired you'll find him in the bathroom sleepily putting his hair up, and you have to push him a little bit before he relents and let's you do it for him.
Not actually very cuddly; He sleeps on his back so usually you're the one curling up next to him. He likes when you rest your head on his shoulder and he can gently wrap an arm around you without disturbing his or you sleeping positions too much.
When you're asleep (or when he thinks you're asleep) he'll gently trace the features of your face with the back of his knuckles. He runs them across your forehead, down your temple and along the curve of your cheek, mapping out your features with a delicate touch usually reserved for his calligraphy. He loves to admire you.
Hiromi Higa
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He can put on the tough guy act all he wants. The reality is that Shadow is so incredibly whipped for you that it's almost embarrassing. Well, more embarrassing to him than you. All it takes is the sound of your voice to have him bending over backwards to please you.
Once you called him while he was at S, and Reki and Langa eavesdropped. They could hear you whining over the line, "Hiromi!~ What time are you coming home? I wanna snuggle..." Your pleas were met by placations and far too many sweet, sugary pet names from Hiromi for the boys to not laugh about. They never let him live it down.
Fine by him though. At the end of the night he's going back to a smoking hot, super cute significant other, who loves to play with his hair and press kisses all over his face and tell him how cool they think he is. Who's the real winner here?
He really feels like he's able to fully relax around you. He doesn't have to be 100% cool guy Shadow or 100% sweet, flower shop guy. He can just be... Himself, a sometimes silly mix of both. There's not many people he feels like he can be that way around, so the fact that you see that side of him means he really, truly cherishes you.
Tadashi Kikuchi
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Perpetually busy and perpetually closed off, Tadashi rarely has the time or the level of self-confort to allow himself to be clingy and cuddly with you. You've got to be the one to initiate snuggle sessions more times than not.
Always trying to tend to you, making sure you're comfortable, that you're sleeping well, that the room isn't too hot or too cold or there aren't too many or too few blankets. He needs a little push from you to settle down and relax himself, that insistence that the thing that will make you most comfortable is if he lies down and relaxes with you.
Unwilling to fully admit how much he likes being the little spoon. If you ask to spoon him he'll let you 'because you enjoy it' but in reality he really, really loves being held by you and is still kind of working on asking for things he wants. He's not too good at it yet, so please spoon the poor man.
Wakes up early, and feels terrible about jostling or waking you while he's going about getting dressed and ready. He'll pat the top of your head and insist you go back to sleep, that he won't be gone too long, that you deserve to rest.
Ainosuke Shindo
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He can have the most expensive, luxurious mattress, the softest sheets, the downiest, most comfortable of pillows. And it wouldn't matter even a bit. Because once he starts sharing a bed with you Adam is unable to get a good night's rest when you aren't sleeping with him.
It's always noticeable to people around him when he hasn't gotten to spend the night cuddling you, even if they don't exactly know the reason why Mr. Ainosuke seems just a bit more on edge than usual.
Did someone say 'matching silk pajamas'? You know he's going to get the two of you matching sleepwear, usually in his preferred shades of bright gold and crimson red. And he's always complimenting you on just how good you look in "his" colors.
The minute your bedroom door closes he immediately ceases being snappy, upright businessman Mr. Ainosuke and slides directly into clingy, needy, overdramatic Adam. He wants your attention. He wants your affection. He wants your praise. And boy will he pout and whine and shoot you the puppy-dog eyes until you give it to him.
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ☁︎
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Summary // WinWin is feeling uncertain that Tali likes him, but then finds reassurance after sometime with her.
Characters // Talia Flores + Dong Sicheng (ft Taeyong, Mention: Jisung, Chenle, 127 members)
Era / Year // January 2017
Word Count //
Italics: Chinese
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Its obvious EVERYONE loves WinWin, everyone is whipped for him, even Jaehyun who is a person who doesn't do skinship that much. But all the fans wonder...why doesn't Tali swoon over him.
For example Tali gushes over Chenle and Jisung a lot. Mostly because they are younger but she also does to the older members like Taeyong. So they always wonder why doesn't she gush over WinWin like Taeil or Yuta does even Mark. Like if WinWin does something cute, she just smiles and moves on. For a moment the fans thought Tali and WinWin had beef but that was debunked when WinWin was clinging on to her during a music show.
Its even shown WinWin purposely acting cute infront of her or just making eye contact and her just smiling at him and then going back to what she was doing. Then the members laugh him sulking when she doesnt give him much of a reaction and Taeil and Yuta comfort him.
Tali is known to not be charmed easily for example the amount of times she gets shown aegyo to, it has been to the point she doesn't show much of a reaction. If you want to her to fall for an aegyo make Chenle do it and she just for some reason can't deny him. Which makes WinWin sad, he feels like he did something wrong for her not to acknowledge him as much as the others. So usually you see him try to get her attention or him clinging on to her like a half backhug or holding her hand. Which makes Taeil and Yuta jealous of her honestly.
But in reality, Tali LOVES WinWin she really does, its just she has noticed he doesn't like to be smothered or clinged on to he seems uncomfortable and she thinks that since she is a girl be would be more uncomfortable with her hugging him so she doesn't.
He didn't really know what to do so he went to a person he could trust...
Taeyong looked back and saw a sad WinWin.
"Hey whats wrong?" He asked and went to him and sat him down.
"Do you think Tali likes me...she seems not to." He said pouting, and it took all of Taeyong's power not to squish him.
"No, no ,no Tali loves you of course-"
"Then why doesn't she act like she does when she is with Jaehyun, or Haechan?" He said with sadness.
Taeyong huffed, he knows for a fact Tali loves him, but he also doesn't know why she just doesn't gush over him like the rest.
"I-...I know she loves you Sicheng, she does, but I don't know why she doesn't treat you like the others, you are gonna have to ask her yourself." Taeyong reassured him.
WinWin has always been comfortable with Tali like asking her for stuff and her knowing Chinese helped a lot. But he always felt that he wasn't in her heart. He just nodded her head and left...at that moment Taeyong felt powerless to help his friend.
That exact same day Tali went live...
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LOveWinWin: why don't you love WinWin??
Tali looked at it weirdly.
"I do like WinWin, what makes you think I don't?" She frowned
Winwin45: cause you never really give him that much attention and etc.
The fan clear up, Tali made an :0 face. While other fans were trying to reassure her that its was fine. She smiled at them.
"Its okay its fine, you guys are probably wondering too, I do like WinWin don't worry." she giggled
"Its just he is not a big fan of skinship, then Im like the only girl which I think, I think would make him more uncomfortable you know?" She said explaining why, and emphasizing the I think.
"I just don't wanna cross the line since everyone is different." She clarified
All then fans were like oh okay, that makes sense.
Tali looked at her phone and saw it was late.
"Ah, sorry guys its late and I would like to leave before dark, bye everyone~" She waved by to everyone and ended the live.
She quickly started packing her things since its was running late, then she heard the door open and she looked up and saw someone she wasn't expecting.
"Oh, hey WinWin." She smiled at the shy boy. He waved at walked to her, he looked like he was about to say something but hesitated.
"Is there something wrong?" She gave him a worried look and he shook his head no.
"Then whats wrong?"
".....you don't hate me?"
Tali's heart sank when he said that.
"Oh no no, of course I don't, even if I did I don't have a reason to." She smiled at him sadly.
"So you-"
"No, I dont hate you, the reason I don't hug you and etc is because is because you seem so un-"
She was cut off by his tight hug.
"Thank you...I was so worried I did something wrong or said something...thank you."
"Oh noo, I care about you sooo much and honestly I don't think you can ever change that." She hugged him back.
"And by the way you can hug me all you want I won't get uncomfortable...i-"
"No yeah I will no problem."
She cut him off quickly already knowing what he was gonna say...
He was caught off guard but just smiled and thought nothing of it.
"Hey let me walk you home it looks dark already."
"Oh you don't ha-."
WinWin gave her a pleading look, she huffed and nodded her head. He gave her a big smile, they started to go back home until he got an idea.
"Hey, lets stop at the store, I wanna buy you a snack."
"Oh noo, you don-"
"Nope, I wanna spoil you, I wanna get close to our only female member so, indulge me." He dragged her, while she was shaking her head.
They got some sodas, chips, and ingredients to make a chocolate cake.
"Are you sure? I can pay atleas-" She was cut of by doe eyes staring right at her. She huffed.
"Okay okay..."
He smiled and back hugged her with joy. They got to the dorms and they started baking.
"O-okay where do we start?"
"Uh....okay get me....two bowls...and 2 whisks...yeah."She seems unsure, but really wanted it to work out not to waste WinWins money.
"You sure?"
Tali looked at him and looked at the ingredients infront of her.
"Ah, no, this is where google comes in."
She took out her phone, while WinWin laughed at her. She smiled shaking her head.
"Ah okay lets...." and she started giving instructions, they somehow successfully made the batter and now had put it in the oven.
"Thats...was way harder then its should have been."
"Agreed" Tali huffed.
"Lets clean so Taeyong won't scold us when he wakes randomly."
"Yeah, sometimes he wakes up randomly, Im planning to go to the pharmacy tomorrow morning and get some melatonin so he can get proper sleep." She said while she started to clean.
"Do you get enough sleep at night too?"
Tali was caught off guard, she looked at him weirdly.
"Yeah of course-"
"Then how do you know?"
She didn't know what to say. Its true, insomnia has been taking over her lately aswell.
"Tali~ after this lets put you to sleep ok?"
"Ah no you don't ha-". The timer rang for the cake, she quickly grabbed the mittens and got the cake out and put it on the cooling rack. While WinWin was looking at her with sad eyes.
She turned around to him.
"Tali...you can sleep in my room I will sleep on the couch." He tried to negotiate so she would sleep, since the cake is out and they could finish it tomorrow.
"Ah no, I cant.."
"No take my bed."
They looked at each other then Tali ran for the living room. Winwin held her back before she could get to the door frame and they were laughing while wrestling. Winwin somehow got on the couch before Tali and Tali was just standing beside him pouting.
"Nooo, WinWin~ let me sleep on the couch."
"Nope." He shook his head cutely.
"Okay, how about this, how about me and you sleep on the bed..or both on the couch, cause there is no way I'm letting you sleep here." She whined while pouting. He went soft for her cause how can he not with that face.
"Fine." He sighed
He got up and Tali smiled in victory.
"But tell no one that we slept in the same-"
"Can se cuddle?"
She asked hoping he would say yes, it was rare for her to ask, she mostly asked because she knew the bed was alittle small.
"Sure...wait this is the first time I will ever cuddle you."
"Is...that a problem?"
"Nope, come on I will treasure this." He shook his head.
They went in bed and she layed her head on his chest and surprisingly they both fell asleep really quick.
To WinWin there was something about Tali he feels so relaxed around her, like home, so cuddling together was quite peaceful.
The next day came and Taeil barged in wanting attention from WinWin but instead got greeted by Tali and WinWin cuddling.
He yelled loudly which woke up WinWin but surprisingly not Tali.
"Whats wrong." WinWin said with a raspy voice, still holding on to Tali in a protective manner.
Everyone barged in worried.
"What's wrong?!" Taeyong asked worried why the oldest yelled, then they saw a half awake WinWin holding a sleeping Tali. They all sighed in relief it was just that and some glared at Taeil.
"Why did you scream?" Johnny asked while some where leaving back to their room to sleep. The people that stayed were Yuta from shock that WinWin and Tali were cuddling and Taeyong also wanting an answer.
"I wasn't expecting Tali and WinWin in the same bed okay? She's not that affectionate with him." He reasoned. The two just shook their head and went back to bed. Yuta still looking at the two, he decided to take pictures.
"Now this is gonna be a memory."
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