#I didn't think of it but wow if it was a good choice hahah
the-property-of-may · 6 months
Not a Prompt Submission - I simply wish for you to know that the empty prompt list with Anxiety just chilling there is genuinely ominous, good job
Awww thank you :D Glad it gave an interesting feeling hahah
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
matt sturniolo fanfiction
contains ~ mask kink, party, drinking, smoking,running (you'll see what I mean), choking , slapping, (Nick names like ma baby slut and sir)SMUTTTTT
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y/n pov~
I was getting ready to go to this party in a graveyard tonight.
you may be thinking why the actual fuck is someone throwing a party in a graveyard. Buuuuut that's a very normal in the small town I live in . Everybody's parents are either always home or they'll snitch if someone has a party without their parents knowing so we have all our partys in the graveyard.
the grave yard is on the west side of town which is the more rugged part most of the super hot bad boys with tattoos like on that side of town. my side of town is the more "proper" side . My parents expect me to get a's and b's always have a clean room and never do anything that will look bad and bring shame to their name.
I HATE MY FUCKING PARENTS like im just a girl who wants to go out have fun and make bad decisions from time to time so when hallows eve rolls around I get EXTRA fucking excited for the weekend.
This year im dressing chuckys bride Tiffani. I think the movies are a good laugh and I just love the makeup for it so it was an easy choice.
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This is the entire outfit .
I had already put my dress on and decided to do some fake blood to spice up the look for some reason I feel really hot covered in blood.
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I based my makeup on this look but just kept my normal eyebrows and drew them in black and shaped them a little thinner. I decided it was time to get my wig on.
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My best friend Lena just got here so I went down to let her in and damn she looks so hot .
alright I'll wait in the living room.
okay ill just be a second
I went and threw on my stocking and boots and grabbed my pen and put it in my pocket in my jacket along with my phone.
Okay lets get going
we started walking and surprisingly the boots are easy and confortahbe to walk in so far . the walk is about 20 minutes.
we would drive but lena totaled her car last moth and since my parents are always gone on business trips they told me they didn't feel like buying me a car said it waisted their money. sooo yeah I don't have a car due to my parents greed. lovely right .
girl I can't wait to see the westside guys tonight.
same bitch same I need to see some men who actually have a personality and are hot all the guys on our side of town are boring
no for real they are bland and can't fuck for shit
I just know half these west side boys are crazy in bed
I bet they are dominant too
oooh bitch and if I see a man in a mask im jumping on his plain and simple
realest shit I've heard in weeks and trust girl if I see a man covered in tattoos with lights eyes and light hair he's mine plain and simple
you know I've always wanted to be fucked in a grave yard and chase through one and oh my god imagine a man dragging you into the crypts fuck that would be the best night of my life
fuckkk bitch that actually sounds like the actual hottest thing ever.
damn girl you really need some dick tonight cause wow that was a lot
buuuuut I agree
hahah yeahhh that's if I can find a man worth my time you know im picky
yeah I know but hey I have a feeling this hallows eve is gonna be a good one
I fucking hope so
we start to get closer to the graveyard and start to hear faint music as we got closer
we got to the gates and saw a shit tone of people in the further back of the yard drinking and dancing the music was a lot louder now as we walked through the gates and over around the people who were dancing.
I pulled out my pen and took a couple hits handing it to lena to take a couple hits.
hey y/n I hear behind me I turn around to see its a guy from my chemistry class I don't remember his name and honestly I don't care to try .
umm hi
you look really hot I almost didn't recognize you
oh yeah what gave it away
your ass I could spot it from a mile away
oh how nice well if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go get a drink
oh um yeah okay we'll see you in class monday
mmhm yeah bye
I hate men like what the fuck you could have said my eyes or my hands or anything else but my fucking ass but noooo
I was walking over to the coolers the I spotted a tall man holding a ghost face mask in his hand talking to some other super hot guys .
they looked a bit older maybe early 20s but fuck me the one holding the mask is so hot i'm drooling . I bent over to grab a drink and he turned around looking at something deeper in the woods I followed his direction and saw a crypt slowly peep out of the shadows.
it looked so ominous and creepy which excited me but I looked back at him to find him starting at me .
I took a deep breathe as we made deep eye contact he started smirking at me and then made his way over to me I just stood here maintaining eye contact as a small smile crept onto my face.
I know I said I was picky but fuck the man is everything I want and more he's tall, blue eyes dark hair , a sexy ass smirk, and is covered in tattoos. He has a lure to him and im determined to find out what it is .
as he stands infant of me I have to look up to meet his gaze .
god his face looks like it was carved from the gods his jaw is so sharp and his cheekbones are so sculpted along with his very dead boy eye that drive me up a wall.
what's your name beautiful
I almost folded right then and there his voice is deep and demanding it send sock waves straight to my pussy.
it nice to meet you y/n
its nice to meet you too uuuh
Matt its nice to meet you
so you in high school y/n
yep im a senior
nice nice so your like what 18
im a actually 19 I uh failed first grade
hmmm interesting
why is that interesting
it thought girls like you never failed anything so poised and perfect all the time
yeah well I guess it'll come as a shock to you im far from perfect and poised
oh really he says with a smirk
yep sure is
okay then what's the craziest thing you've done
I broke into my ex boyfriends house and smashed his car to pieces when I found out he was cheating on me
damn fiesty, I like that
yeah he messed with the wrong fucking bitch. most people think im little miss perfect when im actually just a psychotic mess
a very sexy psychotic mess
oh really
yeah princess this might come a shock but I don't normally talk to girls at these parties but there's something about you I just couldn't resist
as long as you don't say it was my ass well be good
why would I say it was your ass
ah some loser form one of my classes said the only reason he could tell I was me tonight was my ass because he could pick it out of a crowd pretty much
well that's objectifying
right like ew I mean yeah I know my ass is nice I mean I guess but why did he think that would make me like him
cause hes a little fucking high school boy
oh yeah so im guessing your not in high school anymore
nope graduated 2 years ago im 20
god I can't wait to be out of that hell whole and leave this town
yeah I get that small towns are meant for everyone
yeah its definitely not the place I wanna be living fir the rest of my life
same ... hey you wanna go for a walk go check out the crypts
id love too
he grabs my hand as we start walking further in the the grave yard I look back and see lena talking to one of his friends who I know is her type so she won't be missing me and I sure won't be missing her with Matt right next to me.
so you ever gonna it mask on matt
why do you want me too
maybe maybe not
I will later youll see
well that was kinda creepy wait your not taking me out her to murder me are you
no id never kill someone so beautiful it would be such a waste
I just looked up at him smiling at this point we already passed the first crypt he had been eyeing earlier and were so far form he party the music is no longer in ear shot.
the only sound is the leaves crunching under our feet and the cicadas its slightly creepy but it also has me becoming a bit turned on .
I sigh as I see flashes of Matt chasing me in his mask and dragging me into a crypt and fucking my brains out
what is that pretty little mind of yours thinking right now princess
what oh uhhh nothing nothing
that sigh didn't sound like nothing
okay fine I was just thinking about a fantasy ive always had about this grave yard and the crypts
okay explain he says as we come to a stop and he sits down on one of the raised graves. I go to sit next to him but he pulls me onto his lap.my breathe hitches as the sudden contact of my ass on his lap but I just stare off ahead of us at the willow trees surrounding the wooded areas.
I feel his breathe on my neck
tell me this fantasy ma
the nick name has me becoming wet its so hot
well its starts off with me being chased through the graves and the woods to the biggest crypt and the guy chasing me catches me and drags me down the stairs of the crypt and throws me to the floor fucking me as he calls me his dirty little slut amongst other things.
wow very detailed how long have you had this fantasy
since I was 16
hmm have you ever told anyone else about this before
yeah one of my ex boyfriends . I told him before we were coming to a party here seeing if he would make it a reality and he stopped the car told me to get out and walk and said I was mentally ill and disgusting and broke up with me.
what a pussy I mean a guy like me would have jumped at the chance for a girl to even have a fantasy remotely like that.
what do you mean a guy like you
a dominant man who isn't scared of a little fun and games
mmmm I moan as I shift on his lap
are you a submissive type of girl y/n
ye-yeah I guess
you like when a man takes control tells you how much of a slut you are as he makes you shake and cry underneath him hmm
oh fuck im so turned on right now I dotnt even know how to react
ohh yeah I bet you do . you like when a guy smacks you ass so hard it leaves a mark or when a guy slaps you across the face so hard you head snaps to the opposite side.
mmm yeah I-i d-do
someones a little turned on . aren't you ma
mmm was all I could get out a small moan answering his question
he slaps my thigh hard causing me to gasp.
answer me when I ask you a fucking question
ye-yes im sorry
im sorry what
im sorry sir
mmm good girl now stand up
what w-why
because I fucking told you too now stand up
I stood up and turned sound to face him I kept my head down as he stood tall and slim infant of me . I saw his hand holding the mask move up and I followed his movements he held the mask next to face smirking.
you got a mask kink ma?
wh-what I -
don't even think about lying to me right now
I sighed looking down yes I whispered
what was that im sorry I couldn't hear you
I said yes
drop the attitude
yes sir
good girl he says as he slips the mask on making my stomach flutter and a gush of arousal soak my underwear
now im gonna give you a head start
wh- a head start for w-what
your fantasy ma you better start running
b-but im in heels what if I--
I turn and start sprinting the best I can in these fucking boots. I can't believe this is actually happening right now the hottest guy i've ever seen is making my fantasy a reality. He had no hesitation and I know for damn sure he is gonna fulfill my needs just the way he carries himself tells me he knows how to make a girl feel good .
I start to run out of momentum I turn to see him coming in hot behind me as he runs into me grabbing me from behind causing me to scream from the impact.
caught ya
mm seems like it what a shame im breathing hard from running so far
he throws me over his shoulder causing me to let a small laugh out
get all your laughs out now ma cause i'll have you doing nothing but screaming in a second .
all I did was moan at the thought. He gave my ass a hard slap causing me to moan into his back
he came to a stop and set me down I turned to see why he stopped and was met with a large stone entry way with a door at the end.
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yeah creepy right
yeah but also beautiful
come on ma time to get you screaming my name
oh fuck I said as he grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the door
he kicked the door open easily and started ascending the stairs I stumbled into his back causing him to yank me infant of him as he held me by the hair .
mm ow matt
keep fucking walking your fine
its so da-dark
what you scared of the dark or something
k-kinda y-yeah
aww cute
I heard the flick of a lighter and then there was light shining down the stairs I guess there was a torch on the wall because he lit it and handed it me so I could carry it and see as we kept walking down the stairs. Once we reaches the bottom I looked around taking in our surroundings.
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there were more torches on the walls so I went and lit them with the one I was holding then put it out so I could set it down.
I turned to look at Matt he had taken the mask off and threw it aside I could finally see his beautiful face again causing me to smile .
nothing just like looking at you
oh really and why is that?
I don't know your just so... beautiful ... dark and mysterious but you feel so --- safe and warm you know
wow ... ive never been described like that before
oh really? how are you usually described
dark, mean , cold, asshole , crazy
I don't think that at all
im glad you don't I like your description much more
yeah me too he walked towards me and stood right infant of me
he put his hand around my neck chocking me slightly making me look up at him.
( listen to My own summer and beware by deaftones and for the next part)
he leans down so are lips are almost touching .
Im gonna ruin you
do it
He attaches our lips the kiss is deep and needy.
His other hand moves to my ass giving it a squeeze making me moan into the kiss.
He moves his hand from my neck down to my jacket taking it off. then moving my dress straps down my arms pulling the top to bunch at my waist as he breaks the kiss and moves down to neck sucking and biting leaving marks in his way.
mmmm matt i moan as he moves to my tits liking and sucking my nipples.I tug at his shirt wanting him to take it off and he does .
Get on your knees now
I get down to my knees and look up at him waiting for his next move he started undoing his belt and I just watch as his large veiny hands move to his button and zipper of his jeans pulling them down.
He's left in his boxers and I can see his large dick print being confined by the thin fabric .
well are you gonna just sit there or do I need to tell you what to do
I move to remove his boxers as his dick pops out . I start salivating just looking at it he's pretty big and thick too .
I take him in my hand and pump a couple times before giving the head small kisses and licks I go down to the base and lick up them take him in my mouth
mmm fuck that's a good girl
I moan around his tip from his small praise and continue to suck hard but at a slow pace trying my best not to gag.
He takes my hair in his hands and starts thrusting into my mouth causing me to gag and tears to well up in my eyes.
Good girl sucking me in so good
I moan again causing him to throw his head back and thrust harder after a second he pulls out of my mouth as I start couching .
He kneels down in front of me putting his hand on my chest and pushes me back til im laying on my back on the rough ground.
Im gonna make you cum so hard your legs are shaking around my head ma
oh fuck matt please
He takes off my dress and panties so I’m fully exposed to him.
he moves down so his head is between my legs . I jump when he starts sucking on my clit and god the things he's doing with his mouth are enough to send me over the edge in under a minute.
feel good ma
yes fuck uhhh so good
mmmm he hums as he sucks on my clit sending me into a shaking orgasm.
mmmm FUCK MATT im cumming
mmmm good girl look at you shaking from just my mouth
I thought he was done but he keeps licking and sucking then he adds two fingers into me causing my legs to shake uncontrollably.
awww yes you can ma give me one more I know you can
mmmmm fuck... fuck matt im so close
mmm he groans as he licks my clit and moves his fingers in and out at a fast pace his other hand moves under my thigh lifting it over his shoulder .
My breathing is rapid as I feel my second orgasm moving in at a rapid rate. But this time I know damn well im gonna squirt so I chose to warn him.
M-MATT fuck im g-gonna squirt
mmmm good girl soak my face baby give it to me
f-fuck fuck oh my god
such a good girl you gonna quirt all over me
I scream as I quirt all over him
gooooood girl that's it ma
fuck matt I say as I come down from my high
awww look at your legs shaking
shut up
all 4s now
matt your so big I don't know if I can h- before I finish my sentence he grabs me by the neck
I wasn't fucking asking now do as your told
yes sir I say kind of bratty
fix your tone when you speak to me slut he says as he lightly slaps me across the face and fuck was it the hottest thing ever.
I move to all 4s and spread my legs for him.
Good girl he says as he lines himself up with my leaking entrance.
Go slow please matt I say knowing this is gonna hurt.
I will ma don't worry he says as he slowly starts sliding his tip in
mmm ... fuck I say as I felt him stretching me wide causing a burning sensation.
You okay ma he asks sweetly .
mmhm just h-hurts a little
I know you can take it ma its okay I got you
he bottoms out hitting so deep in me . It hurts so good
mm fuck your so tight ma
mmm- fu-fuck matt your stretching me s-so much
I know ma I know tell me when to move
I gave myself a little time to adjust
o-okay you can m-move
he starts thrusting slow and deep the pain starts to slowly go away and starts feeling like heaven.
fuck faster matt
try asking again he says slapping my ass hard causing me to gasp
p-please sir please fuck me faster
such a good girl for me
he starts pounding into me at a faster pace sending shock waves through my whole body .
mmm yeah you like that slut
fuck ...Y-YES FUCK
such a good slut taking me so well
the degrading name makes me clench around him
aww you like when I call you a slut huh
y-yes I-l-love it
he brings his hand to hair clenching it hard in his fist as his other hand goes onto my back making me arch even more for him causing him to hit so deep it makes my legs uncontrollably shake.
yes you can slut he growls out through gritted teeth
N-NO I CANT I say harshly bringing my hand back pushing on his stomach trying to push him away .
he grabs my arm harshly holding it behind my back as his hand in my hair moves to my throat gripping it hard.
your gonna fucking take it like a good little girl
no? he says harshly as his hips fault to a stop and he pulls me up to meet his chest as he grips my neck harder.
since you wanna sit like a fucking brat he says as he shoves me face down on the rough ground holding both of my hands behind my back
he lowers himself so his breathe Is hitting my ear causing me to shiver
ill fucking treat you like one he says as he starts thrusting rough, fast, deep and harder than ive ever been fucked in my life.
aww what's wrong am I being to rough
please what
you know your mouth is saying one thing but your pussy is saying something completely different
you like it when I fuck you like a bratty slut and you can't say no I feel you clenching my fucking cock
mmmm F-FUCK yes
yes what slut he takes both my hands in one hand and brings his down harshly on my ass
ye-yes sir fuck sir I lo-love it
atta girl you gonna cum for me
ye-yes sir mmm fuck he starts pounding me harder than I ever thought was possible as he slaps my ass harshly
cum on my cock me give it to ma
F-FUCK M-MATT MMMMM I scream as I cum all over his cock.
He keeps pounding into me harshly I started to come down. from my high as my legs were shaking and starting to give out under my weight.
m-MATT I ca-cant keep myself up m-much longer
he pulls out slapping my ass
flip over for me ma
I flip over laying on my back holding onto my legs trying to stop them from shaking but it doesn't help at all.
Keep eye contact for ill stop got it
y-yes sir
good girl he says as he lines himself back up to my entrance
he slides back in and starts pounding into me deep and slow he grabs my legs bringing them up onto his shoulders hitting me so deeply I can feel him in my stomach.
he brings one hand down onto my stomach as he feels himself inside me as his other one moves to my neck shocking me not too hard but the perfect amount of pressure to drive me crazy.
fuck your so fucking wet for me mama
mmmm fu-fuck matt i th-think I gonna squirt
the pressure he is applying on my lower stomach has me about to turn into a damn fountain.
squirt all over me baby soak me
F-FUCK MATT I- I can't even finish what I was saying as I felt myself let go all over him.
fuuuuuck your so fucking hot
mmm fu-fuck matt
he starts pounding into me again my legs won't stop shaking around his neck and I start to feel overstimulated.
m-matt i ca-cant take it a-anymore pl-please
yes you can baby I know you can
I try to push him out of me by pushing on his toned abdomen with only causes him to slap me across the face making me whine out .
keep you hands down understand
y-yes sir I-im s-sorry
good girl im getting close ma I promise just hold on for a little longer
f-fuck okay
he sets my legs so they are around his waist as he brings his body flush against mine as he fuck me deep and rough
I start clawing at his back from over stimulation .
fu-fuck ma I can feel you clenching again
I claw his back deeper as I feel pressure building in my stomach and then suddenly snap
fuck ma your squirting again jesus
I didn't even know I was squirting all I felt was extra pleasure run through me
F-fuck matt mmm god
I squirt over and over I can't seem to stop (nah cause this happened to me in real life it was Lowkey disturbing not gonna lie a bitch was in pain the next day)
Jesus y/n ive never seen some one squirt so much so close together
I c-cant s-stop
I know baby its okay
I claw down his back harder and I bury my face into his shoulder as I bite down as I squirt again my legs are shaking so much they start cramping but I literally can not stop squirting and its driving me crazy .
F-fuck ma your soaking me j-jesus christ
I-im sorry
don't be sorry this is the hottest thing ever
mmmmmm FUCK I scream as I quirt even harder from his hips angling even more hitting deeper
fuck ma im gonna cum
fu-fuck matt fill me up p-please fuck
yeah you wanna be a good little cum slut
Y-YES FUCK MATT PLEASE I scream I squirt yet again as it starting to make my stomach hurt
his hips start to sputter and his thrusts become sloppy.
f-fuck im cuming he says as I feel his warm cum fill me up I moan out as I squirt one last time before his thrusts stop and he pulls out .I feel our mixed liquids running out of my pussy.
fuck that was ... the best sex.. ive ever h-had I say as I laugh a little curling my legs into my chest as my entire body is shaking and tears are streaming down my face.
F-fuck after that I never wanna fuck anyone else
I laugh as I shake uncontrollably I th-think you broke me
aww baby im sorry was a actually to rough
n-no I fucking loved it I just don't think ill be able to stand let alone walk out of here I laughed casein g him to chuckle and shake his head.
he went and grabbed his clothes putting them on and then coming back over to me helping me up my knees immediately buckle so he has to hold me up against the wall so I don't fall as he helps me putt my outfit back on. I felt my back burning really bad as he slid my dress over my head.
OW FUCK I cried out as the stinging got worse
wh-what what's wrong
my-b-back is burning like another fucker
he spins me around JESUS im so sorry it must have been from your backing rubbing on the ground you have big strawberries all over your back
eh honestly I deserve it I definitely did a mean number on your back
uuuh yeah you think he turns around lifting his shirt showing me his back I gasp.
OH JESUS MATT why didn't you stop me those are deep and bleeding
well I uh- I have a pain kink so I thoroughly enjoyed it
o-oh well then I guess your welcome
yes thank you very very much he says as he turns around and gives me a sweet and soft kiss .
come on your coming home with me
I try to walk but my legs fail me and he laughs at me
stop laughing bitch you did this to me
watch that pretty little mouth or your getting round two when we get home
as much as I enjoyed this I could not handle anymore tonight so I brought my hand up to my mouth acting like Im zipping them and threw away the key
come on drama queen he says as he picks me up and I lock my arms around his neck and legs around his waist
I keep my head sizzled into his chest as he blows out the torches on the walls and grabs the last lit one and makes his way back up the stairs he blows out the torch as we walk out of the crypt.
as we approach the part of the grave yard the party was going on in I hear the faint music again I start to feel embarrassed about the state i'm in right now . He walks over to his friends .
Damn bro you have been gone for three fucking hours
God is she even alive anymore
I let out a small giggle at his friends statement.
Yeah yeah funny bro she's fine but were heading home so ill catch you guys later
okay bye bro
byeeee I say as I smile and wave at them as matt walks away from them.
they all just laugh and shake their heads
your friends seem fun
yeah their pretty cool
oh my god y/n
we both look over at my best friend
You been gone for three fucking hours I thought you were dead
no no im fine I promise
she smirks at me as her eyes run over my face and body that is still clinging to matt.
wow you guys had a lot of fun
yep sure did im matt by the way
nice to meet you matt well y/n I guess your going home with him huh
yep sure am I love you and we'll talk tomorrow okay
okay I love you
I love you too
matt walks us all the way to his car he opens the door and sets me down as he shuts the door and gets into the drivers side.
he starts up the car and drives to him house . he parks the car then hops out to help me out and we slowly walk to the door as he unlocks it and we enter.
wanna showers pretty girl
yes please
alright come on its upstairs
we get to the bathroom and he sets me down on the toilet .
go pee im gonna grab a change of clothes for us real quick
okay I finish up my business ad he come back in and helps me get my clothes off and I take my wig off and undo the braid bun I did under the wig.
wow I love your natural hair
aww thank you I said smiling
you wouldn't happen to have like makeup remover or face wash would you
um let me check my mom might have left some in the guest bathroom last time she was here
okay thank you
as he left the bathroom I smiled to myself and the looked over the work he did on my neck and chest then I looked down at my knees seeing that they are scraped and bruising.
I turned to look at my back and Jesus it was so scraped that there was blood and it was also bruising.
here you go my mom left these makeup wipes
thank you I said as I grabbed them and took my makeup off
you know I never thought about how bad a crypt floor would damage my body when I had my fantasy
yeahhh we probably should have thought about that
mm yeah. but hey it was worth it
sure was . You know I didn't even wanna go to that party but im glad I did
oh yeah? and why is that?
I would have never met the most beautiful girl ive ever seen and fucked her into oblivion
mmmm yeah I guess your right and thank you for the compliment
of course ma now lets shower
we hopped into the shower and we washed each others bodys both hissing when the soap and water hit our tainted backs .
we got out and dried off as we put on our change of clothes .
sorry I didn't you know have a change of underwear for you but I there yours in the wash so they are clean for you tomorrow
oh its okay thank you
of course wanna go to bed im fucking exhausted
yes please im spent
he led me to his room and we crawled under the covers as he turned on his fan .
we cuddled into each other as we started to drift off to sleep in each others arms.
hey y/n
yeah matt
I know we just met tonight and stuff but uh would you maybe wanna go out on a real date sometime
yes id love that matt I looked at him smiling as he smiled at me placing a sweet kiss on my forehead .
we fell asleep and that was that.
Gooooooooood NIIIIIIIGHT xoxo
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raitnrong · 2 years
ive been so tempted to make my own geeta post ever since ive written down this one response on an analysis on her. i've actually come to make my own conclusions abt her character while making and it's making me go '???' at all the apparent hate on her.
genuinely i rly do just want to know what piece i've missed abt her dialogue that's gotten the ppl against her buzzing
i in fact do think that geeta is a great top champion! she conducts check-ins w the gyms, has gotten herself involved in the proceedings of the school (a great thing to have done as a top champion btw, recognizing it's important to be updated and engaged in paldea's new generation), and takes her role as the top champion very seriously! (so srs that she's caught onto nemona's need to be able to battle at her fullest when she'd had her exam)
she may have had her flaws like being meddlesome n a bit careless at times (like sending the player to larry w/o a head-up on his part|| a lot of ppl hate this, however this could be construed like she trusts larry to be able to handle such matters instead. depending on ur outlook)
but overall she looks like she does her job w grace. n everyone is flawed?? tho yes it's not an excuse when it comes to having responsibilities as big as hers, but even in a professional light she's not so egregious as to receive the amount distrust she has
a lot of ppl in game hold her in high esteem-- larry is snappy at her yes but why the hell is that suddenly made to define her character? "oh, larry has something going on w geeta n that is but a seed as to why she's fishy as hell!" like??
im p sure larry doesnt even hate her guts! like yes there's dislike there but is larry rly full of loathing so as to have to constantly 'go against the world' bc of his job n his boss? yes his dialogue abt normal types n ppl expecting flashy things were remarkable. but in the context of pokemon? as if id actually believe that!!
(normal types have their own strengths, they're not run-of-the-mill. they don't shine just because "they don't shine". normal pokemon are awesome for being normal pokemon period! it's a type like any other is. not to say his philosophy abt liking a pokemon is any less valid! gym leaders find their types due to many motivations)
anyway getting off topic hahah, larry could just be grumpy in general. so where does ppl get the idea that it makes geeta evil...
is it the design huh. look deep in urself and be honest ,':T
one point btw on how geeta is in fact clever and heartful (that shes not some power-crazed harpy and but is simply engaged in her work) is this point i made abt geeta's decisions with penny.
now if u recall, penny hacked the league in order to be able to reward the player for putting up w cassiopeia's operations
when she told clavell, he said it was out of his jurisdiction n that the decision was to rest on geeta.
and what did geeta do?
she CHOSE to be lenient w penny by instead having her work off her debt to the league by having her improve their cyber networks.
a hobby that penny already does and likes btw! she could have been further expelled or sent off like last time, but instead, geeta's choice was to allow penny the chance to face the consequences of her actions by having penny use her talents as she'd recognized it. geeta didn't see an opportunity for punishment but instead she chose growth.
for her, it'd come to light that they now had two problems: a child facing massive trouble for what is the equivalent of govt.theft and the league's shoddy security. and then she sought a solution that solves both in the most holistic and frickin' effective way possible! wow! it's insane!
she's not taking advantage of penny, it was her intervention of helping her >:T
im sure even penny appreciated her penalty bc she's mature enough to recognize what she's done wrong, does have knack for tech, and she knows she's helping paldea in return w her IT direction (and she's a good kid!)
--hc timee: now imagine nemona and penny bonding over their admiration for la primera as her helpers pls :))--
i would love to hear the points against her other than hcs tho! i may have missed something from the game bc rly i was more tuned to the trio's arcs (esp nemo's) rather than the adults' characters (except for clavell)
but srsly y would ppl hope that there's an agenda ruining scarvi's experience w paldea. tho yes leaders r in the risk of turning corrupt, the fact that there'a no direct text on pkmn is already a testament as geeta's quite clean now.
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boba-beom · 3 years
Hi there! Yeah, sure, I'm not that old, I just feel like it when kpop groups' members are all younger than me. 😅 A lot of my biases actually resemble Yeonjun (I don't know if you know about the MBTI personality types, but a lot of my biases are ENFPs like Yeonjun, so I see a pattern there...). But Soobin, oh boy, he's just so relatable, kind-hearted, precious and he takes such good care of the boys! 😌 Aaand you're not alone with that, Wooyoung, San (+Yunho) are my Ateez biases, so I feel you!❄
Oh my goooosh, girl, same! I changed my ringtone to Run Away too! *-* It holds a special place in my heart, mostly because I saw that Ateez x TXT video I've mentioned before in 2020 March when lockdown started in our country, so TXT was the group that I discovered during lockdown and I'm so thankful for that! Their songs gave me a lot of strength. 🥺 My favourite album is TDC: Eternity, closely followed by TCC: Fight or Escape. All TXT albums are smashing, but these two really stood out to me. ❄
I hope you got my second message because Tumblr didn't want to let me send it twice. :( Well, who knows? You can get to know that after the event. 🥰 I read Whisker Dimples last night and it was sooo cute and sooo funny, it was sooo like Beomgyu! I loved it a lot! 😍 That's right! We definitely learn as we go. 🥰 I've written a lot for BTS and EXO in the beginning, but now I write more about TXT, A.C.E, SF9, ONEUS, ATEEZ, ENHYPEN, GOLCHA, NCT, THE BOYZ, VERIVERY, VICTON, ASTRO, PENTAGON. 🥰
I definitely encourage you to write for Enhypen! I would love to read that. 😍 Oooh, such nice choices! So that means if I gift you a story for this event with one of your fav tropes and Beomgyu, would you be happy to receive it? *-* I love reading fantasy, mystery and dystopian stories, but I don't feel confident writing them. 🙈 I usually write lighter stories with hopeful messages or comedies. I also love cameos haha like Hybe boys mentions in a TXT story. ^^ Have a lovely weekend ahead! 🥰
I'll answer these all in one ask hehe, I fear I may be spamming the feed ^^ my answer to this ask will be under the read more <:
Omo there definitely is a pattern there! I, on the other hand, don't really have a pattern with my biases lol majority of my biases are either INFP like me hehe or just more on the introverted side 🧍‍♀️ though, Soobin, I agree, he's so precious!!! he's definitely climbing up my bias list too HAHAH I'm also still yet to get into ateez a little more, do you have any song recommendations? I've listened to deja vu and that's about it so far ^^ I have been listening to a lot more stray kidz though!! I really like their song Slump from when they performed it on One Take on yt! I started listening to stray kidz because of txt actually! I watched txt's live singing of crown and force~
no way!!! honestly, same though! I fell out of kpop for I think about 3-4 years, but I still listened to bts every now and then, I just wasn't up to date, but during May 2020 that's when eternally era arrived and my sister got me back into kpop with txt <: I agree though! TCC: FOE and TCC: Freeze have been my favourite playlists to listen to nowadays, especially dear sputnik and anti-romantic!
issokay I got it! tumblr can be a pain sometimes but hey ho,, and aweeeee thank you for reading whisker dimples 🥺 I really wanted to get beomgyu's goofy side since that's one of his personality traits that I love about him! I may not be able to make it as effortless as his but I still love it! oh wow! that's a lot of groups but that's also amazing ngl~ kudos to all writers who write for more than one or two groups, I shall definitely check out your stuff if I haven't already! I can't wait to see who you are after this event ends! I'm intrigued hehe
I think the only reason I'm hesitant to write for enha is because I really wanna read enough enha fics so I know I'm portraying each member correctly <: though, I have been with enhypen since the I-Land, so I shall try and test it out maybe!!
and of course! I'll appreciate anything I receive, honestly! but a fic with one of my fav tropes would definitely be something I'll cherish for a long time 🥺 but omg yes! I agree with fantasy and mystery, though I have not come across some dystopian fics now that I think about it, but I'm definitely open to reading that genre! But that's really nice! I love how you can incorporate that within your works because positivity and hopeful messages are definitely a need for everyone these days <3 I actually reading fics with cameos of other artists from a range of groups! It's nice to imagine their friendships because it's kinda sad and a little toxic how in the kpop industry they can't have girls and guys as friends because they'll assume otherwise :( ah well, that's what fiction is for! we'll go ham with our imagination hehe
have a wonderful weekend also! take care and we will talk again very soon!!
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kirislut · 4 years
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Coming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like? - A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! - That girl was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we're all cousins. - Right. You're right. - At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. - What do you think he makes? - Not enough. Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. - What does that do? - Oatches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions. Oan anyone work on the Krelman? Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones. But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot. But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life. The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that. What's the difference? You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years. So you'll just work us to death? We'll sure try. Wow! That blew my mind! "What's the difference?" How can you say that? One job forever? That's an insane choice to have to make. I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life. But, Adam, how could they never have told us that? Why would you question anything? We're bees. We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth. You ever think maybe things work a little too well here? Like what? Give me one example. I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about. Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. Wait a second. Oheck it out. - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks! - Wow. I've never seen them this close. They know what it's like outside the hive. Yeah, but some don't come back. - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! You gu
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goldenlie · 2 years
Nooo please don't apologise for the length, I love it, it shows you took the time to write out a response and wanted to say so much or ramble so much, it makes me happy, kinda feels like a validating hug and I also often tend to say something like you said using 5 lines instead of 1 so I really don't mind hahah I hope your internship is going well and you are showing everyone how much of a girlboss you are 😌 And don't apologise seriously I can wait, your responses are always worth it with how thoughtful they are!
Oh wow, I guess great minds really think alike then, I really liked Sherlock too and I did like s3 with more focus on actual Sherlock as him and not only his detective and closed off side (but I'm also johnlock shipper so I'm very biased 😔) but also agree that not getting the solution to *spoiler* was disappointing... worst part was I actually tried to figure it out on my own when a rewatched at some point and didn't remember any theories and before watching TEH and pretty much ended up with idea very close to what Sherlock said to Anderson which was played as not making sense? When to me it did besides some details so I was confused and now I'm just disappointed how open-ended they left it. So yeah s3 had some ups and downs but don't get me started on s4 cause... what was that disaster 😭 literally it was such a mess, the only episode that I enjoyed was TLD and that's only because of the visuals, it's very aesthetic with nice color work just pretty especially Sherlock deductions with chalk and everything but I wish it had... more enjoyable content in it not just look pretty 😭 Tbh I got back in Sherlock cause my yt recs dedicated to throw an episode of a series explaining the show in tjlc perspective and I was never in that community but I got curious and watched most of it, it's interesting especially in perspective when you already know what is going to happen at the end of the road. Very nice and as much as painful it was in a way that you know the ending it also gave me a lot of ideas about interpreting content, themes and literary devices like mirrors and such and so I decided to buy myself a book that explains more general theory and can't wait when it gets to me :D I'm also very tempted to read actual books, I never did but definitely on my tbr list... somewhere among many different ones ;-; Also the name of the actor that plays John is Martin but it would be very funny if it was actually John lmao he does look like that name would suit him. I like Ben and Martin's dynamic so I also enjoyed the scenes in Hobbit with the 2 of them (Martin as Bilbo and Ben as Smaug), there isn't a lot of them but definitely fun to watch and I remember a lot of funny memes and jokes about them being not so different from Sherlock and John or for them to just eat snickers and go back to 221B hahah
I'll be honest you are spoiling me with recs right know cause I didn't watch most of the tv shows that were popular since high school the recent ones that were popular and I watched were Arcane and Squid Game and these 2 I can definitely recommend, they are very good! I also recently rewatched Bo Burnham special Inside so you can also add that, I don't know if you heard of him but he is in my opinion very talented creator so check him out on yt or netflix if you want. I didn't watch TWD but I didn't play the games or at least the major 3 ones so I can recommend them if you are interested in that type of games, sure in the end these games often give you illusion of choice and only few major decisions matter and carry on across games but I'm just too fond of Lee and Clementine not to recommend them, especially Clementine as you guide her and then play as her as she grows so I'm attached to her 😭
When it comes to anime I can definitely relate 😌 So you are watching the anime that was pretty much the blueprint of yandere character... good luck if it's your first time watching and if it's a rewatch I hope it's enjoyable! I  watched Mirai Nikki but not Sonic X so I can talk about the first one if you have any thoughts but not the other one sadly 😔 Recently I went back and rewatched some episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen I particularly enjoyed so I can rec that if you haven't watched it yet, I started watched s2 of Demon Slayer but I prefer to binge watch series so after few weeks of watching episodes as they came out I gave up and decided to wait for it to finish lmao and also similarly I watched Sasaki and Miyano to a certain part and have to get back to finish it at some point, it's very cute bl anime! Oh and when I was heavily procrastinating I watched Handa-kun which is prequel series to Barakamon, funny and lighthearted something to chill to or akhem procrastinate to... so yeah few of different genres so you can pick something you are in the mood for after you finish the ones you are currently watching :D
Yeah, I just couldn't bring myself around to watch any streams, I was very happy so many people decided to visit George after hearing he is feeling depressed but I definitely agree Dream shouldn't just say stuff like that especially when we know how private George is about his feelings even to his closest friends so him saying that made me just remember leaking George's pictures when George asked him not to all over again. I think with qnf it might be that their dynamic will shine the most when they are together without that much other people around so with George and Quackity(?) meeting Sapnap for the first time and Tina and Karl you end up in a situation when you can't even uhh that's a bad thing to say here but prioritize who needs your attention when and you just have to split a lot of it. So yeah, I mostly experienced this meet up with only what appeared on my dash like photos and clips but that's it and similarly to you I was ready to at least watch mcc but after finding out neither George or Quackity are participating I just didn't have any reason to anymore lmao Tbh I think last time I watched a stream it was... George's lore stream? The destroying dreamsmp one. Maybe I watched Quackity's at some point but I honestly don't remember.
So yeah, now I dropped a novel here so you don't have to apologise or worry about your responses! Told you I tend to ramble myself and here is the proof although I didn't plan for that hahah and also I remember that you asked about what I'm studying and I never answered so sorry about that! I'm studying cognitive science and currently suffering with beginning to start gathering materials and thinking about topic for my thesis ;-; - qnf enjoyer ^_^
I absolutely understand the feeling after seeing this in my ask box, thank you for the time you spent writing this out I love a good deep dive into a few interests. I am absolutely girlbossing with my paycheck and I am gaslighting them into thinking I'm capable for the role, you could say it's a win win.
The writers definitely had no fucking clue how to write themselves out of s2 endings and made all plausible theory's look silly and for what? Writers did not like feeling one upped. Honestly that situation would've been 100 times better if they said something, anything, give us a crumb please. I do have a place in my heart for Johnlock as well, the dynamic going on had me locked in. I must look at s3 with fresh eyes. I actually don't remember the specifics of that ep in s4, props on the good aesthetics going on but definitely lacking on the decent plot. Omg yes SarahZ's video by any chance? All I remember now is the shirt she bought that said something like tea is marriage, food is sex, kind of serving wish I experienced that unique roller-coaster first hand. I need to look more into the imagery and symbolism breakdown that sounds so fun, my favorite part of watching show is seeing peoples theorys about the background or the lighting etc. so the book sounds like some purchase now if it's good do recommend it. It sounds like it'll be a real interesting read and make consuming media even more enjoyable.
Omg yes Martin that's so funny, I don't know why I thought his name matched?? I feel like the only celebrity I know like that is Charlie Sheen who played Charlie Harper in two and a half men (A comedy central show I watched when I was admittedly much too young to catch half their references). Ok I've actually never seen the hobbit (😳) however comma I did try and watch it once and only got through about 30 minutes but it was in broad daylight and I think that put me off, the external vibes weren't right. Now knowing they're both in it has caught my interest so I'm going to remember to watch it, I'll let you know when I do! I'm missing out on the Ben and Martin lore fr.
It's difficult to keep up with the trends, it takes a lot to sit down and officially watch a one hour ep of anything. I've seen Squid game as well! I really enjoyed it, I watched it with a friend at college one night until like four in the morning, very very good show but I'm actually not keen on the idea of a season two? but maybe it's just because of how popular it got there's slim chance it could live up to expectations. I fear they'll just repeat s1 with new games, new cast, apart from mister 467 and repeat. Still really fucking good though and they might knock it out of the park. I haven't seen arcane yet despite being a bit of a league player (openly admitting this, I'm truly shameless) but I did hear small criticism that not much happened in it?? However I think it looks like something I'd enjoy, maybe people expected something more heavy on the action? Not that I even know what happens but I'm going off of my friends defense. Ok purr on Bo Burnham I had only seen his song art is dead before the Netflix special so I knew a small bit (and my TikTok fyp was informing me quite quickly) so I forced my family to watch the special on my birthday 😭 I enjoyed it but a lot of the references were a bit lost on the older generation, at least in my house anyway.
I saw let's plays of the video games actually! That's so fun on our correlation here I remember watching probably jacksepticeye at the time playing out the seasons. Big clementine and Lee enjoyer, I forget names but I loved one of the girls from season two whos backstory I don't recall (if we even got one) but she had a bit of an attitude and got with the who I remember to be a nice guy. My absolute favorite video game though has to be The Last of Us. I adored it when I was younger, the sequel definitely lost me, not as bad as other people took it but no matter how much I tried to enjoy it I couldn't. If you've seen / played it you'll absolutely know what I'm referring to 😭 If not I'd recommend playing through the first one, the graphics were divine and the plot was enjoyable, it really got me invested.
First time watching Mirai Nikki, I'm not far in as is and haven't watched an ep since I first mentioned it but I don't mind it. I definitely see how miss pink hair is the literal baseline for all yandere characters to come, quite interesting seeing the big beginning. Jujutsu Kaisen I've heard great ravings about ngl, it's been on my list for a while I'm glad you enjoyed it. Ok purr on demon slayer I've only seen the first season (I watched it like January two years ago now?) it felt a little, and I do mean a little, bland. Like just by a touch it was missing something, but I say this having my first ever anime being Fairy Tail (at my old age of 12 years old I ate it up so bad, I had just started my higher level education and over a two week break I didn't text any of my friends and saved my limited Wi-Fi for binging it. Horrible friend but god I was having the time of my life) so I think I was spoilt for content to keep me entertained and watch the main character pool expand. That being said I still liked it, big Zenitsu (hope that's how you spell it) enjoyer. Side note but I went through a month period in my life where I was obsessed with watching the Japanese voice acting community videos- specifically the radio shows they get them all doing, so watching demon slayer was like playing bingo with all the va's I recognized (a lot of haikyuu va's making the rounds, good for them good for them). I haven't actually heard of your other recs but I googled them and have them bookmarked for future reference. I always enjoy a good binge, I'm sure you've seen it but I recently watched Avatar the last airbender for the very first time in my life, I loved it I'm not gonna even try and hide it I adored it. All characters were interesting and had proper depth to them although I will say I think they dropped the ball on my fave on an episode in s3. Felt very omg we need a filler episode think!! and they came out with something that felt contradictory to all we knew about this guy. Anyway if that's the worst that came out of 3 seasons they did well. If you are looking for a real easy watch I would recommend The Great Pretender, think there's two seasons of it out rn. It's a Netflix original (Netflix have done well on the animes I've seen acc which surprised me) I've been watching since the first day just not actually on Netflix, but on the site I used it would upload the eps once a day so it was a really fun watch every lunch break for about two weeks, good vibes. Slightly more serious vibe which I really enjoyed, again you've probably seen but Tower of God, 12 eps that went so hard. Let me know if you've seen and your thoughts! ^^
Yeah like I appreciate George has a couple ride or die friends, happy for him but Dream needs to start understanding the difference between public and private information. I probably said this before but Dream doesn't seem to understand how you could be a public figure / creator without telling your following a lot of personal information- be it to keep them entertained or to form a more personal connection with his audience. So when Georges content is based on vibes alone I think Dream mostly wants to help out in his own way (the only way he knows how to), and help form that more personal connection (albeit one sided). That being said laying out any personal info about someone else, friend or foe, to your thousands of fans is dead stupid. I don't know what was going through his mind publicizing that but I can assure you there was very little. Like you said it ain't the first time with him leaking those photos and he did leak about George owning pets too, with minimal love just keep you mouth shut king and mind your business, I'm begging even. You're so right on Qnf being in their element much more when it's just the two of them where attention isn't divided. Honestly first time meetups can walk a thin line on appearing awkward or fun through a camera and adding more people weighs the odds much more in favor of awkwardness. Stop sitting down to watch a stream these days isn't hitting the same. That being said I did but on Georges pov from Ludwigs fortnite tournament the other day for bg noise, he was initially going to be on a team with Foolish, Karl, and Tubbo which sounds fun as is but he got switched onto Connor (pants eater), Punz, and this other creator whose name escapes me but it was good enough vibes I'll be honest. I am a Connor and Punz enjoyer (and an ex fortnite player but not a good one) anyway despite rarely watching them but if you're looking for noise to work to there you go.
I really enjoyed reading your ramblings so don't worry, sorry the response took a hot minute I'm working from home today so it was catching up all around. Ok cognitive science sounds fun af and also extremely complex you're absolutely popping off with your choice. I hope you've been enjoying it! Don't remind me about a thesis I'm quite lucky in that I don't officially start for a few months, I hope it's not crazy stressful. I saw a tiktok a few months ago about this girl who didn't start until she had like 3 weeks left 😍 I think that's when I'd be mentally and physically clocking out of the course. I say that watch me work myself into the same situation. I wish you all the best with it though and I hope you've gotten struck with inspiration for your topic and it's writing itself, good luck legend!
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stuck-in-jelly · 6 years
Day 9: Witch's and Hot Chocolate
Me tiptoeing into the bnhawlw2018 tag: I uh can explain.
I'm getting better so I wrote as much as I could to make up for my tardiness @bnhawlwmonth
This is going to be quick she assured herself, all she had to do was get some herbs. She told herself thing but starting into the woods she didn't feel so sure, the way the branches reached outwards to the world as is pleading to be apart from the forest itself, the errire silence that crept into her very soul whispering for her to leave, and the darkness of the trees cramped together hiding any sunlight as if huddling together for comfort or warmth. She really needs to stop thinking!
She just needs a few herbs from this place just a few, this potion required them and she was desperate. With a sigh the young witch reached into her traveling bag and pulled out a small wand if you could call it that.
It was stout but cute, made of ash wood the wand was adorn with many decorations and charms; around the entirety of the wand copper wire weaved around beautifully, from underneath the copper special runes were carved into the base ( Laguz, Sowilo, Algiz, Eihwaz, Hagalaz, Wunjo, Kenaz, and Ansuz) all meant to help her.
Covering the bottom base was a light blue cloth simply their to make the wand eaiser to grasp, and last but not least tied on the bottom by a yarn was several crystals and bells.
Last but not least on the top her name was carved 'Yuyu'.
Taking a breath Yuyu closed her eyes casted a small protection spell on herself the words rolling off her tounge by instinct. Opening her eyes she straightened herself and took her first step into the unknown.
The darkness seemed to engulf her and in seconds the dim sunlight was barely viable. She muttered another spell and her wand jerked small lights radiating from the copper before racing to the tip and out in the air and small sparks before a baby blue light appeared by her side and quickly leaped from place to place lighting the area and waiting patiently to see where theirs summoner would travel.
Yuyu kept her eyes in the ground hoping to find the herbs quick. Clove, clover, and Camomile. Just those three. And these woods are said to be covered in herbs perfect for witches then again it is also said here some dangerous witches casted horrible spells meant only for harm. Again she has to stop thinking!!
The wind picks up and the light flickers and ducks behind a tree as Yu tries to hold her bag in place. Strange. Her spells told her it wouldn't be windy at all.
Shaky it off she ushered the light and follow quickly
"Common on now, lets hurry then you won't have to be hiding there"
She was full aware the light had no sentiance but it felt nice talking to it when she was nervous, almost as if she isn't alone. The light obeyed and jumped up scanning the area quickly before waiting again.
Walking off the young witch failed to capture a faint movement in the trees above and curious eyes the followed.
As Yuyu wandered she found many herbs she couldn't help but stop and pick up although she didn't necessarily need them. These woods were strange all type of flora grew here even tho they typically don't exists in the same area, even the types of wood from the trees changed. Some serious magic dabbling happened here to cause all of this.
The light suddenly brighten. An alert, it spotted something. Hardly thinking Yuyu gripped her wand letting her energy speed through it and glow beating to the rate of her heart. She looked around eyes darting
"What is it little light? What do you see?"
She whispered desperately wishing it could talk back but then the stopped its panicked glowing and lowered itself down. Yuyu stayed on guard her eyes taking up every inch of the forest but only silence and darkness greated her.
After a few moments she lowered her wand the glowing dying and her pulse slowing. Maybe it was a squirre-
A branch smacked her square on her nose, the pain was quick but the panic was quicker. In the initial shock she dropped her wand the the light glowed in panic again, her vision was blurry as she fumbled on the ground for her wand
Her voice obeyed and her head shot upwards just in time to see a large long slithering form barreling straight for her face quickly she scrambled away just as the creature made landfall rearing its head.
Oh god a basilisk.
She never thought she'd have to see one in person. The panicked light continued to flash illuminating the features of the creature. The creature hoisted itself up on its feathered legs, the large talons tearing into the dirt as its scalied tail whipped around angrily. But She dared not look at the face.
Those eyes could kill.
Just don't look in its eyes
No questioning. She ducked quickly her body acting on its own only for imminently feel a large guar of wind wash over her threatening to draw her into its current but she dug her fingers and feet into the ground as loud crashes filled her ears. The wind slowed and her curious eyes looked upwards to see a mass wreck.
The trees that stood mighty before all crumbled and snapped under the weight of the beast. It squirmed and withered in clear pain, its talons grasping for support on anything. The light besides it flickered before dying completely
"Get up we gotta go!"
The voice pulled her from the sight as a girl leapt out from the trees running and scopping up Yuyu's wand from the ground and some feathers from the beast before dashing to her side pulling her up
"It'll get up soon"
Usually she'd be opposed to following a stranger deeper into the woods but it doesn't seem like there is much of a choice here. Their hands claps together tightly
"Hold on"
The girl pulled her own wand, it was carved into a spiral with decorative crystals logged into the oak wood. She muttered a spell a smile on her face, their bodies got lighter and squeezing her hand softly the girl dashed the world zooming by in a blur barely registering what was going on. In a blink of an eye they were in a wooden cottaged.
A really cozy cottage, they seemed to be right in front of the main door and to the right was a living room and to the left was a dinning table with a kitchen behind it, it the center was a hallway and stairs that lead to the top floor. The cottage was painted blue with white lining the frame, the furniture to compliment house was a pale yellow with blue and/or white pillows or blankets. Most of them had some desgin on them.
The mysterious girl slowly let out of Yuyu's hand before sighing loudly in relief and laughing
"Wow! That was crazy! Did you see all of that?!? Hahah! Its a good thing you're okay! Gee I have no idea how that big guy got there"
Yuyu could only take in the girls features as she rambled on and on, her hair was long reaching all the way down to her knees it light blue and curved and curled at the ends, her eyes were wide and blue as well with a light in them a spark only a child could have.
Then the girl was in her face
"Where ya from? Your hair is really cute! Is that bag for your spellbook? What are you doing out here alone? Want something to drink?"
This was too close, she could feel the blush creep around her face. She was really cute
"Umm I uh yeah would like a drink. Anything is fine"
The bubbly girl beamed wider practically bouncing over to the kitchen and and fumbled in her cabinets before successfully pulling out a pot and setting it on the stove
"Care to answer my questions?
She ask as she set the flame and dashed to a curburt full baking ingredients and sweets. Yuyu considered the girl for a moment. She did save her life and seems to be making her some hot cocca in her small cottage. There is nothing to lose. Yuyu made her way to the small dining table and sat down.
"I um I'm from a small village by the riverside. The river has been cursed and a lot of us are dreadfully ill. I wanted to get herbs from here to treat them. It would have been faster if I am here and I was just really worried about them..." Yuyu spared a glance up and those eyes stared at her with wonder, Yu could feel the blush starting up again
"I-I mean we are a tight knit community! We all basically know each other and I- uh just wanted to h-help" the girl smiled and turned back to the stove and stirred the chocolate
"That's really brave of you! I can sense you have a lot of protection spells on you but the water has also made you ill hm?"
That wasn't a thing was proud of but she knew the girl was right, her magic was weak. The light spell usually cast 2 blue orbs that circle around the summoner and usually they don't flicker in the wind. Yuyu sighed and barely managed a nod
"You should take care of yourself you know, I get you're worried about your village but you won't do them any good dead" her voice was cheerful and light and Yuyu couldnt help but feel overwhelming trust
"Guess so"
"What herbs were you looking for?"
"oh it was looking for Clove, Clovers, and Chamomile"
The girl gasped and suddenly abononded the stove and ran down the hallway and disappeared past a unseen door way. Yuyu waited a moment before footsteps ran back and the girl appeared in her arms were 3 large bags, she plopped them down in front of Yuyu
"You are in luck! I found a whole field covered in this beauties!! There was defiantly a herboligst who worked here, maybe they divided the area by medicine and poison! The outskirts of the forest are covered in poisonous plants but the center is beautiful!"
The girl rambled again as Yuyu cautiously peeked into the bag and nearly squealed with delight, there was a lot!! So much! Enough to help her village. She couldn't hold her smile as she looked back to the girl who went on about the plants and the amazing craftsman ship of the forest.
There was a faint smell of burn "Umm ma'am?" The girl stopped
"The hot chocolate"
She gasped and ran back to the stove turning it off as quickly as possible and pulling the pot away from the heat
"Its not too boiled I hope!"
She muttered a small spell and a small gust of wind breezed over the pot calming the stream of heat, she left it before grabbing some mugs and heading back. One mug had Jasmime's painted along it and the other had Lilly's
"Which would you like?"
"The lily"
She nodded and poured a even amount of hot chocolate in each up before making her way bbefore making her way back to the table and sitting.
Yuyu graciously grabbed the cup and drank, it was different but tasted good.
Then it dawned on her. There is no way this girl will let her get the herbs without a hefty price. Clearing her throat Yuyu got ready to bargain
"So how much?"
"Hm? Oh! I usually put about ⅓ a cup unsweetened cocoa powder and sometimes add a bi-"
"No no! I mean how much for the herbs?" The girl feel silent and blinked in confusion
"How much? You think I'm going to charge you?" Yuyu went silent now.
Would the girl charge her now? She could feel sweat forming in her head
"A charge...oh! I got it!" Yuyu tense as the girl stood her expression turning back to its happy state
"It will cost you 1 date!" Yuyu all but chocked on her coco her face burning bright
"Really? A date?!" The girl nodded hopefully.
Well this is too good to be true
"On one condition"
The girl tilted her head intrigued
"You tell me your name"
The girl beamed
"I'm Nejire! Nejire is my name!"
Yuyu smiled, this girl had to be the cutest thing in the universe.
The forest might be cursed but if it meant getting her a girlfriend she isn't complaining too much
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gloriaandrews · 7 years
wow i really did a good job of asking my question there didn't i. first of all thank you for the fic rec ;) i agree, i love all of them & now for my correction: i meant which ones of the ones you've written do ya like best xxx
ahahha okay wow sorry for the misinterpretation but you’re welcome for the fic rec. 
I definitely feel most proud of Love Is A Rebellious Bird and Wild and Unruly because of all the planning and discussion and thought that went into writing them.  hahah Lexy and I originally plotted out liarb in one night in a friend’s basement in green bay, the night before a packer game in 2013, but we definitely had to tweak things and ended up making different decisions about emotional things once we actually started writing.  I feel like we learned a lot writing it, and it actually made our writing process more efficient when we wrote wau, even though it took us longer to write. 
Also, both liarb and wau have a scene that I’m particularly proud of having written.  Like, even though if I reread them I’m sometimes still thinking “damn, should have used a different word there...”, “would do that a little different, now” etc. I still feel happy with them over all and their place in the whole story, so that’s nice.  
In terms of things that I’ve written on my own, I think I like If I Should Stay the best.  I think the end is rushed and sloppy, because it was written as a pinch hit for an exchange and I procrastinated, but I like Louis in it a lot.  I also feel good about writing Some Clear Jellyfish Don’t Sting because it was the first thing I ever wrote where I really attempted some semblance of a plot.  It’s interesting for me to go back and look at it because i’m like.. wow these paragraphs were ENORMOUS what were you doing??  ahaha so I do feel like I’ve made a little progress since then, but like, really, all writing is a learning process.  obviously. It’s so hard to do and so hard to make good choices.  
i thought this might be painful to answer, but instead it’s making me want to write more, so thank you for asking! :))) 
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