#I didn't originally comment on any of the casanova story stuff since I was already liveblogging about so many other things
pttucker · 11 months
Wait a second.
Dokja's still wearing his new face at the Gourmet Association banquet? Is it permanent?
Oh Dokja.
I know the novel (or rather, Dokja) always plays it off as being a bit silly, but man you can see that the constant ugly comments are getting to him.
It was a little uncomfortable when nobody in the Industrial Complex even knew what Joonghyuk looked like and thus wouldn't call him out on "you're not as good looking as Yoo Joonghyuk" (rude) but Dokja still felt the need to change his face because "shouldn't I be handsome to be a revolutionary?" but that could still be played off as a precaution specifically because he's been called out before and also the guy was literally leaking stories so one more added onto him wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
But the fact that he's literally just made it his new face?
Oh Dokja.
I looked in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction. 「 Kim Dokja thought: It isn't better than Yoo Joonghyuk but isn't this decent? 」 Then Aileen finished the procedure and muttered, "It seems a bit better. Well, I don't know. Why is the impression so fuzzy…?" …I guess it was fine. My nose was slightly higher and my cheeks more taut… [Chapter 201]
"Isn't this decent." Was your original face not decent? 😭 And that's not even getting into the fact that he considers himself so ugly that "decent" is enough to satisfy him. 😭
Ugh and he's at least happy about his new looks (even though you don't need them Dokja!) and he's immediately shot down again and his satisfaction morphs to "well I guess it's fine." 😭
People remembered my outfit and cheered. I felt a bit sad that no one realized I had changed my face. [Chapter 201]
He was looking forward to people to finally say something nice about his looks. 😭
Man, we've come such a long way from the guy who read "Yoo Joonghyuk is devastatingly handsome" and thought "well I can probably get away with playing Yoo Joonghyuk."
It has been a cruel, cruel path downward.
I had never been interested in what I looked like since I graduated from high school. Then I thought about the reactions of the prophets when I pretended to be Yoo Joonghyuk and it seemed that I was ugly. I didn't think I was ugly when I took occasional selfies in the bathroom. [Chapter 97]
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