#I didn't even finish the whole series yet the show has a death grip on my neck
sleepytimeredbull · 2 years
Hello hello, hi how are you, salutations broski's, what up homies, I am Sleepy, Sleep, Pink or whatever you wanna call me it's fine just wanted to give some options, I probably might post here? Idk but what I do know is that I'll definitely be interacting with a lot of my special interest ask blogs if I can find them and other art post stuff (if I can find any more ask stuff under the UnderTale (any), Gravity Falls, maybe Good Omens, monster high perhaps, and in general any other ones cause I like that kinda thing then it'd be really cool), if anyone here wants a sip of a me then go on ahead I have a concerning amount of liquid inside my being :>
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Show of Love
This WIP had been sat there for a bit until I decide to finish this to commemorate in the loving memory of Matt Zimmerman, the voice actor of Alan Tracy in the original series.
Go chase that swinging star Matt. Your best friend David Holiday awaits you there.❤️
Ao3 version.
@willow-salix @myladykayo @uniwolfcorn @skymaiden32 @mothmannerly @teapotteringabout @dreamycloud @janetm74 @the-original-sineater @the-lady-razorsharp @misstb2
His brothers has many ways to show their brotherly affection towards Alan. Whenever be it subtle or obvious. It didn't matter, as they were never afraid to show it to him at moments notice.
If you ever ask Alan how his brothers showed affections for him, he'll fondly explain all of their ways in his own cheeky and sweet tone, like an excited child. In short, he loved them to death, even he didn't like all the teasing. But explaining it all would take him forever, so he would rather list off the ones that each of his bros were best for. To him at least.
Gordon, his immediate older brother, his partner in crime. While his water born sibling was usually the mastermind and the expert of pranks and jokes, he always made Alan feel equal to him with a simple head boop. A strong but gentle hand into his golden locks, pulling Alan closer till their foreheads touch. This simple touch of heads, confidence and trust was bridged in between them. Love radiating from the warmth of the touch. Sometimes, Gordon would rub his forehead to generate more warmth, in which Alan recognized as the resident fish making sure that he gets enough affection before a difficult mission. Both in rescue... And in the house. Sometimes, Alan imagined that its also a way Gordon would transmit his brilliant plans and/or jokes into his brain.
A one arm hug was all John could show love for him. Through all the confusing poetic talk and all the chit chat about space, whenever Alan felt lost, John would always reach out and wrapped his long arm around his shoulder in the dead silence, and pull him closer to the warm body like an anchor to Alan's sea of doubt. The single hug spoke volumes without saying a single word, John always listening like a watchful star in the dark sky. Alan would then lay his head on his bonny shoulder, feeling John's head then laying on his, as if he understood the struggles he's been through. Perhaps, Alan considered to opening up his deepest fears and insecurities to John one day. If he were to pluck up some courage.
Virgil was best known for bear hugs. Two big strong arms extend then trap Alan into their tight yet relaxed grip. But what's more than a simple hug, was that Virgil always knew when he needed them. His artistic brother was always been observant. Knowing every bit of detail of Alan, to the point knowing what he needed after a difficult situation or mission. A movie watch, fresh baked cookies, good friendly humor, or in some cases playing the piano together. Alan could say, Virgil was the closest he had for a Mother. Heck, the closet he had of his Mom. And all was spoken in that big hug. All the warmth was bundled around him as he taken comfort from his brother and best friend's gentle and understanding words.
Scott may be his eldest brother, but Alan looked up to him like a second Father. His coach, his idol. He was the reason he was a very good pilot and the reason he became a fantastic racer! And one of the reasons he had the same haircut. Scott was everything to Alan. His sky to look up to. His voice to always hear in the darkness. And it meant everything, when Scott would lay a warm kiss on his forehead. Alan would feel the sensation of warmth traveling down from his brother's lips, through his scalp, his whole head, and then the rest of his body. The sensation of love and knowing that no matter how much cruel life was, Scott was always there. All in that one kiss on his scalp.
Actually, now that he thought about it... all of his brothers would be always there for Alan. No matter how lonely he felt, or how his insecurities eat him up from the inside, no matter how much his mind told him that he won't be as good as his brothers... somehow, they always proved him wrong.
Their love were as immortal as his memories could take him. As if they were secretly interlinked, they knew what he needed whenever he felt overwhelmed by the world he was brought into. And its through those tiny actions of affection that reminded him, they were just as human as he was.
And perhaps this was why, Alan was very grateful to be their youngest brother.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 13 - The Sixth Year (Part Three)
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My dear friend @abimess, I keep stealing your gifs and making updates without telling you. I hope you never get tired of it.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. || Chapter Warnings: Magical torture with minors, cursing, angst, ptsd, derogatory thoughts and behavior, dark magic.
Chapter Words: 8.486 K
A/N> Yes, I've gone for a month without warning anyone, and yes that might go on, but at least i'm near ending this (I'm already writing chapter 21). Once I'm finished, I'll just programe tumblr to upload them all for me because i'm lazy. I hope anyone like this yet, i don't even know what i'm doing anymore. Good reading!
Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
Chapter 13 - Part XIII - The Sixth Year (Part Three)
Gossip really starts to irritate you when you go to lunch after potions.
"You want to say something to me, girl?" You charge impatiently when you hear the giggles behind you again, coming from a group of students sitting at Ravenclaw's table.
The group turns around with wry smiles on their faces, and you notice the editions of the Daily Prophet in the hand of one of the boys. It is Hope Summers, your classmate, who speaks first:
"We're just sharing some theories, Stark." She says in a provocative tone. "Some of us find it an interesting coincidence that just now that Mephisto is back, you and Maximoff are losing control of magic."
You frown.
"What are you talking about?" you ask in surprise, referring to Wanda, but Hope thinks you want her to keep mocking you.
"It's just suspicious that no one knows what happened to you in that dungeon, or at the ministry of magic." Hope counters. "And now you two are blowing things up, and we have a dark wizard on the loose."
"Fuck you, Summmers." You curse as you stand up, leaving the girl in shock at your aggressiveness.
The same auror from the first day stands in front of you as you try to approach Slytherin's table.
"Students must respect..."
But you interrupted his speech with a loud shove that sent him staggering backwards, and drew the immediate attention of several people.
You were seeing red by now, the man's wry smile only making you more irritated.
He drew his wand, but so did you. And the room held its breath.
"Put your wand away, Miss Stark." Warned the auror angrily, but you didn't.
Wanda stood up as she noticed the confusion, rushing to reach you, but the auror put his arm in her way.
"Now, miss." He warned again, and you grunted in irritation.
"Get your hands off her." You retorted, feeling your body fever with hatred.
"Stark." The man said, his arm reaching down to push Wanda back, and you exploded.
You didn't even finish thinking about the spell, the magic exploding out of your wand.
The auror masterfully blocked it, and you dropped your wand to jump on top of him.
It was a confusion of shoving, other bigger students pulling you away from the man and he away from you.
" Never fucking touch her again!" You warned snorting in anger, Thor Odinson stopping you from jumping on the man's neck.
"I just pushed her away from the line of fire, you crazy bitch!" The auror retorted indignantly and angrily. "Go to the headmaster's office now!"
"Fuck you!"
Thor pulled you out of the hall as the crowd of students whistled in celebration, excited about the whole fight. The auror was too busy dissipating everyone to follow you.
"Hey, hothead, calm down." The blonde warned as he released the grip of you by the courtyard. You grunted angrily, wishing you could break something.
"Fuck this school, fuck that asshole." You complained aloud, as Thor looked at you curiously.
"You have quite a rage, Stark." He comments, and you grumble in irritation.
But Wanda catches up with you the next moment, and she looks even angrier than you.
"What the hell was that?" she asks and you roll your eyes, running your hands through your hair.
"I think you are going to be fine for now on." Thor comments, smiling at the thank you Wanda says to him before leaving you two alone.
"So?" Wanda insists, arms crossed. You bite the inside of your cheek as you look at her.
"What do you want me to say?" You retort angrily.
"You just started a fight for no reason! Again!" She accuses. "Only this time it was with a wizard who could kill you. I want to know what's going on!"
"I don't know, Wanda!" You exclaim angrily. "Why does everyone expect me to have answers? I don't know! Do you understand that? It feels like I'm going to explode in frustration any second, neither you or Gamora seem to get it. I don't understand what's happening to me!"
"Because you won't talk to us!" She shouts back, just as annoyed as you are. "You're pushing everyone away! Even me! We can't help you if you don't talk to us!"
You grunt impatiently, turning around. There was a strange throbbing in the back of your head, a strange whisper. Like a voice telling you that no one was telling you the truth, that your friends expected too much of you, that Wanda didn't care...
This last thought made you sob. Wanda softened her expression immediately, taking a step toward you and touching your shoulder, but you pulled away from her touch as if burned, wiping your tears away quickly.
"Leave me alone, Wanda." You mutter between teeth. She hesitates, raising her hand toward you again.
"I need some time from you." You insist, pushing her hand away, and walking away.
A part of your brain is begging you to go back and make things right, but there is a cloud of anger and irritation that keeps you walking.
You roll over in bed in discomfort.
Nightmares. Again.
It has only been five days since you had your fight with Wanda, and you are getting worse every day.
With Summers' teasing, you end up noticing other things too.
How the school really found the theory that you and Wanda were somehow related to Mephisto, because the minister had covered up what happened in the dungeons and in the ministry, and everybody thought it was strange that two students were showing an increase in magical potential with the return of a dark wizard.
Unlike you, who were failing considerably in any simple execution of spells, Wanda was demonstrating exceptional abilities. Kaecilius was more than willing to make her the face of progress at Hogwarts, you heard the gossip about bringing in reporters to share the news of the new direction.
You know that the only reason Wanda hasn't come after you yet was because you're running away from her like the plague.
And you couldn't even explain why.
You were also blocking out your real health condition from her. Just like you two practiced during the summer.
Besides hiding this from Wanda, you have kept your friends away too, isolating yourself from everyone else in search of a little rest, only succeeding in taking a nap when you are running away between classes.
And the detentions with Kaecilius keep increasing as you skip classes.
You begin to consider learning to write with a different hand, just so the bruise has time to heal, but at this point you don't even care about the scar anymore.
"You really must like pain." Loki teases wryly as you sit in an empty room, waiting for the aurors' shift change again after your detention.
You don't ask him what he's doing on that floor again, and he doesn't ask why you haven't spoken to your friends in two weeks.
"Sure, that must be it." You joke back, massaging your injured hand.
He assumes a pensive expression for a second.
"Are you sure you haven't been cursed by someone?" He asks, causing you to frown in shock and confusion.
"Excuse me?"
He gives a little chuckle, settling himself better against the wall.
"Everyone's been talking about you being sick." He says. "I heard some of the Ravenclaw people theorize that you became a werewolf over the summer."
You laugh helplessly, massaging your temples lightly.
"I guarantee that's not it." You say making Loki smile.
"If you are sick for no reason, it could be a curse." He says. "I wouldn't be surprised, the way things are."
"But how do I find out if I've been cursed?"
Loki takes a thoughtful stance.
"I don't know." He says. "But I'm sure you can learn that in the no longer reserved session of the library."
You laugh at the joke, but soon you both return to silence. When that hallway's shift ends, Loki sighs, getting up and helping you to stand.
"Still can't perform spells?" He asks, already drawing his wand.
"Only if I want to blow things up." You scoff making him laugh.
"Fine, I'll enchant you." He says. When you are transparent, he looks at you with an amused expression. "See you next Saturday, troublemaker?
"Don't worry, I plan on skipping DADA, maybe I'll be here tomorrow." You retort in the same tone before turning to leave.
It takes three more days for Wanda to finally corner you.
You are skipping class in an empty room on the seventh floor, trying to doze off, and almost fall out of your chair with fright when the door opens and Wanda comes in, looking annoyed.
You grunt impatiently, without lifting your face from the desk.
"I told you I needed time." You complain, but tense up when you notice the tears in her eyes as she moves closer to sit at the table next to yours.
" You want to break up with me?" She asks in a whisper and you raise your head immediately, feeling your chest tighten.
"What? What are you talking about?"
Wanda gives a humorless laugh at your expression. "Why are you acting like this is an absurd idea? You've disappeared. You've been avoiding me, not even talking to me anymore."
You shake your head quickly, feeling the urge to cry.
"I don't want to break up with you." You say. "I..I would never want to be away from you."
"You just said you need time away from me." Wanda retorts with annoyance, and you feel your stomach clench as she sighs. "I don't know what's going on with us. And I miss you, but you won't let me near you."
You are exhausted. So you cry.
You rest your head on your arms, and let your sobs fill the silence, hoping that the tears will take this bad feeling away.
It's Wanda's gentle touch on your back that helps.
"Babe, tell me what's wrong." She whispers to you, her tone concerned.
It takes many minutes for you to calm down. But when you do, Wanda holds your hand, kneeling on the floor beside the chair you are in.
"I can't do magic." You breathlessly tell her from crying, "And I can't sleep. I've been sick for weeks, and I'm angry all the time. Healer Cho doesn't know what's wrong with me, but everyone at school seems to have a theory about it. I think I'm going to suffocate, Wanda. I'm messing everything up. Between us, between my family, and at school." You sob as you finish and Wanda shakes her head, her hand coming up to your cheek.
"Don't say that." She urges. "You didn't ruin anything. Hey, look at me. I love you. Your sisters love you, your friends love you. We'll figure out what's going on."
Wanda hugs you tight, and you sob, shaking.
You want to believe her words, so you push the intrusive thoughts away, and believe it.
Wanda takes you to a door in that same floor you two were before, but you have never seen that door until that moment.
And you are very surprised to realize that it is a bedroom.
"How...?" You ask confused as she closes the it.
"Welcome to the Room of Requirement." She says with a smile, pulling you by the hand around. "We hold our Avengers meetings here." She counters and you frown.
"In a bedroom? Interesting choice." You comment and she giggles.
"No, my love." She says. "That's how this room works. It is charmed to meet your needs. That's why I asked you to come in first."
"Oh, that's pretty cool." You say looking around. Wanda smiles at you, and then you both reach the bed. "The room thinks I have to sleep?"
"I do too." Wanda retorts, pushing your shoulders gently for you to sit on the bed. "Go on, nice dreams."
You hesitate. "You gonna leave me here alone?"
Wanda denies with her head, pointing to the chair that probably just magically appeared next to the bed. You frown.
"Can't you sleep in the bed with me?"
She giggles. "We don't have much time for you to sleep. If I lie down, you'll want to kiss me. So I'll be sitting in that armchair, studying as I should." She explains seriously, and you pout.
"Stupid rules." You grumble moving your hands up to her waist. "Lie down with me."
Wanda sighs, then nods. You smile, quickly removing your shoes as she does the same. You quickly adjust yourself on the bed, opening your arms for her to lie on top of you, and she gives a little giggle before doing so.
"Are you cozy, sweetheart?" You murmur against her hair, and Wanda squeezes her arms around you.
"Yeah, your boobs are good pillows." She teases, making you laugh with reddened cheeks.
Your eyes begin to heavy quickly, fatigue catching up with your body relaxed by the comfort of the moment.
"Go to sleep, babe." Wanda whispers. "I'll be here when you wake up."
You smile with your eyes closed, surrendering.
It's the best sleep you've had in weeks.
The problem is that as soon as you start to wake up again, you are feeling sick.
You touch the emptiness in the bed, mumbling softly. When you open your eyes you find Wanda sitting in the armchair, the darkhold in her lap.
"Damn it, Wanda, this book again." You complain in a hoarse voice, but she just sighs.
"Why the attitude?"
"I hate that book." You grumble sitting up in bed, massaging your face lightly. "Why do you keep reading it anyway?"
"It's interesting." She says, closing the item to look at you. "Agatha really told me a lot, but there are also things I didn't know."
"For example?"
Wanda bites her lips, appraising you.
"Scarlet witches are forged, for instance." She says and you frown in confusion. Wanda sighs. "Many powerful witches, born scarlet witches, never got to fulfill their destiny because the forging didn't happen."
You straighten your clothes uncomfortably, pensively.
"What exactly does that mean?"
"What the headmistress did last year was my forging." She clarifies and you swallow dryly, feeling your stomach turn. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" you ask confused.
"Everything." She says upset. "I know we've talked about this, but it seems like all I do is cause you problems. With the bond, and with the forge. If Agatha didn't want my powers, she wouldn't have taken you to the dungeon and you wouldn't have suffered."
You poke at the knot of your tie, feeling yourself suffocate slightly. Wanda is speaking, you blink to focus on her words.
"I'm sorry, could you say that again?" You ask out of breath, sweating. You blink to find Wanda's concerned gaze on you.
"Babe, what's wrong?" She asks worriedly, her hands around your face.
You feel your head spin, and everything goes dark before you can answer.
You smell the scent of grass when you wake up.
Then you blink in confusion, getting used to your surroundings to realize that you are in what looks like a ward bed.
"Hey, all right, take it easy getting up, Miss Stark." Asked Professor Strange with one hand on her shoulder. In the other he held a potion that you imagined he had given you.
"W-what happened?" you mumbled confusedly, sitting up in bed. Only now did you notice Professor Munroe and Wanda standing in front of the bed, both with worried expressions.
"You passed out, but you're better now I imagine." Stephen explained gently, but you were still feeling very weak.
"Professor, she simply blacked out." Wanda commented in a tearful voice. " Don't you have any idea what's wrong?"
Stephen sighed, and then pointed at the chair, the darkhold.
"Where did you get that book?" He asked, and Wanda frowned, taking a step toward the chair in a defensive posture.
"What does that have to do with my question?" she retorted dryly, and Stephen looked at you one last time before standing up.
"There's a reason it's called the Book of the Damned, Miss Maximoff." He says."It damns its readers."
"That's ridiculous." Wanda retorted, crossing her arms. "I've been reading it for weeks and nothing has happened."
"Not with you."
Wanda hesitates, widening her eyes. And then she takes a step back, swallowing her cry as she reaches out to grab the book and hand it to Stephen.
She turns her gaze back to you, and lets the tears fall.
"I am truly sorry." She says with a mixture of guilt and shame before turning to leave the room.
You call out to her about three times, but she leaves and you don't have the strength to go after her.
"Damn, couldn't I have said that in a different way?" You complain angrily to Stephen, who just sighs, exchanging a look with Professor Munroe. "How come you two are here anyway?"
"It was Wanda." Professor Ororo replies. "She asked the room for someone trustworthy to help her with you. Then there was a door opening in the potions room. Stephen was there with me, and we both came."
"Great." You mutter annoyed, thinking about how you are going to talk to Wanda and convince her that you were not angry with her. "Would either of you happen to know how to make me better now?"
"Sure." Stephen comments by raising the book in the air, and with a wave of his hand, the item dissolves into several pieces until it is gone. "I didn't destroy it, if that's what you're thinking. I just put it away, to prevent something like that from happening again."
"Congratulations." You grumble wryly as you straighten up in bed, the same migraine from before is now weaker, but it's still there.
"You know, you had a better attitude when you didn't have a magical doom on your spirit." Stephen complains, causing you to frown, but Professor Ororo gives a chuckle.
"Thanks professor." You comment wryly, making him laugh. He sits back down beside your bed, and pulls out of the cover a small notebook.
"Now that Miss Maximoff has stopped reading the book, I suppose you will get better." Stephen says, making you sigh.
"You suppose? That's encouraging." You say moving to stand up.
"Where are you going, Miss Stark? You need to rest." Warn the professor, but you ignore him, and ignore the weakness in your body as well.
"What I need, Strange, is for people to stop lying to me."
"No one is lying, Miss Stark." Professor Ororo states next. "We really don't know the extent of the magic the darkhold carries."
"And why is that I imagine?" You sneer. "Because someone omitted the truth from you, and it's been passed down for generations, isn't it? Well, that's over now. Because we've finally studied everything in this place, including a book that condemns anyone who reads it." You exclaim impatiently, stooping down to put on your shoes. "If you two will excuse me, I'll figure out how to get better on my own. But first I'm going to explain to my girlfriend that none of this is her fault."
Ororo and Stephen are silent, but you wouldn't have been paying attention to anything they said anyway.
Soon you are up and out of the requirement room looking for Wanda.
She seems to have disappeared from the castle, so you must concentrate to use your instincts.
The hardest part is dodging the aurors, but you finally reach the astronomy tower.
You're a little out of breath from the run, but it's the image of Wanda standing on the edge, the sunlight in her hair that leaves you breathless.
"Hi." You say in a low tone, your hands in your pockets as you approach. She startles slightly, wiping away tears as she keeps her gaze forward.
"What do you want here?" she asks in a husky voice. You sigh.
"That you stop hating yourself and listen to me." You say and she lets out a short laugh.
"And what do you think you can say?" She questions turning her body toward you. "All I do is hurt you."
You shake your head, but Wanda lets out a tearful laugh.
"No you don't understand." She says. "Since I met you, you have only brought me good things. Affection, happiness, hope. You've been that kind warm feeling that I need on my worst days. Hell, you're even the memory for me to cast a patronus." She confesses with emotion, her face wet with tears. "But me? All I bring you is pain and suffering. And now I even bring sickness. This is wrong, I hurt you. You need to see this, and understand that we can no longer happen."
"Don't say that." You ask, reaching up to touch her face, wipe away her tears. "That's not true, Wanda. I love you, you make me..."
"Stop it." She interrupts with a sob. "Don't make it any harder than it already is."
"Please, Wanda, listen to me." You plead, resting your forehead on hers, your hands on her cheeks. "You make me happy, you are the only thing that makes me happy, I love you, please..."
Wanda kisses you hard, and you respond with the same intensity, both of you gasping into each other's mouths.
But then she is pulling away, thrusting you farther apart.
"I'm sorry." She cries, taking a step back. "We're over."
And she's running away again, and this time you don't go after her.
Without Darkhold's being consumed, you really start to improve in terms of physical health.
The only problem is the emotional ditch you find yourself in.
Gamora, Nebula and Mantis find you, again in the Room of Requirement, skipping class.
"My god this is worse than last time." Gamora remarks as she looks around at the mess of junk food and pillows. The room had been transformed into a "comfortable place", which basically had the appearance of a living room, with several soft armchairs, and lots of unhealthy food. "Why did you guys break up this time?"
"Please don't talk to me." You grumbled, your voice coming out muffled because you were lying on two soft puffs, your face buried in the pillow, your hand inside a bag of muggles snacks.
"I bet you five bucks they'll be back together before the end of the month." Nebula commented and you sniffled against your pillow, hearing a noise that sounded like Gamora hitting her sister.
"We talked to Wanda." Mantis said. "And with Professor Stephen, too. We're sorry about everything, but have you decided you're not going to study anymore?"
"I don't care about school." You grumble against the pillow. "Leave me alone, I want to cry."
Nebula gives a short laugh, and Gamora elbows her.
"Stop hitting me, you crazy." Nebula complains loudly, moving away from her sister to approach you, taking the bag of snacks you have, and making you complain softly. "And you stop being such a drama queen. Aren't you two like soul mates or some shit? It's just a fight, you'll work it out. You're acting like you've never broken up before."
"Your sensitivity is admirable." Gamora scoffs, pushing her sister away to sit next to you, stroking your back until you look up at her. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
You feel the urge to cry arise again. "Wanda thinks she is bad for me." You say. "And she doesn't want to be with me anymore, and I want to die."
You start crying again, stuffing your face into the pillow as Gamora strokes your hair.
"How did this happen anyway?" Nebula asks, confused, chewing on salty snacks."You barely slept at home over the summer to be with her, and now you guys are breaking up. It's hard to keep up with this relationship."
"Merlin, Nebula shut up." Gamora asks impatiently, and her sister raises her hands in surrender with an ironic expression. You want to scream against your pillow, but all you do is try to control your crying.
"You can't keep disappearing, sweetheart." Gamora says as she runs her hands through your hair, trying to calm you down. "Kaecilius has already noticed. He's trying to figure out where you're going, and eventually he'll figure it out since you can't stay here forever."
"Maybe I can." You mumble making Gamora laugh softly.
"Come on, I'm sure you miss a decent meal." She says. "Why don't you join us for lunch?"
"I can't sit at your table."
"Who said anything about a table?"
This is how you end up on the edge of the great lake, at a picnic.
Mantis gets several dishes from the house elves, and since lunch is a free social hour, nobody seems to mind that you are eating outside.
Your sisters are not the only students who, over time, have learned ways around school rules.
You grumble slightly as you feel the sun on your face, but lie back on the grass, closing your eyes.
Your mind wanders back to last summer immediately, the memories of Wanda, and you feel horrible. You just want her back. And then you swallow the urge to cry again to accept the juice Mantis offers you.
"We wanted to tell you that we've found a way to help you, too." Gamora says after a moment, causing you to raise your eyebrow. "About the darkhold, and the eternal damnation thing."
"Light topic." You sneer, throwing your arm over your face. The day is hot. "I appreciate the help, of course."
Gamora giggles. "Merlin, I had forgotten how grumpy you get when you're upset."
"I'm not upset, Gamora." You retort angrily. "I'm frustrated."
"Sexually." Nebula sneers, making you grunt in anger, but Mantis holds back a laugh.
"What's your problem with my feelings lately?" You accuse the girl with irritation.
"Not everything is about you, you know." She retorts and you sit up quickly, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Nebula laughs, rolling her eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, there's a war going on." She says. "We're all stressed and scared. And the three of us have been in the same classes as you, having to watch the same things. But you only have time for Wanda. And now you've broken up, again, because there's some mortal danger, again, that she's caused for you. So, I don't know, but maybe she is right to break up. Ever since you guys started dating everything has been about her, and the trouble she causes!"
"Fuck you, Nebula!" You exclaim angrily, advancing against the girl in front of you. Gamora and Mantis quickly separate you.
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Gamora shoves you. "Were you really going to hit her?"
"Fuck this." You curse angrily, taking a step away. "I didn't ask any of you to come after me. I don't need you. I just need Wanda. Fucking leave me alone."
You turn back to the castle, cursing the wild on your way.
Loki is the only friend you have now.
You wouldn't call him a friend exactly.
Kaecilius has put you in detention for three days a week, including Saturday, but mostly you just clean the castle. But when he takes you to the seventh floor, and makes you scrape sentences against your own skin, you don't worry about being alone anymore, because Loki is always on that floor.
It takes a week for you to tell him about the requirement room.
" You could have mentioned it earlier, we would have stuck around here." He comments without sounding upset.
Soon it doesn't take long for you two to start seeing each other even when you're not in detention.
You are not surprised that Loki also skips classes, he has always been quite mischievous, but the reason is different from yours.
He knew dark magic. Much more than you or your classmates. And he has no interest in practicing it in class.
"It's stupid." He comments as you are sitting in the armchairs. "Most people will never have the courage or willpower to cast a death curse. It's useless to learn."
"Is that the only reason you don't agree with the teaching at Hogwarts now?" You ask in surprise, setting up the chessboard for yourself as Loki shrugs his shoulders.
"I feel like you're judging me, Hufflepuff." He sneers but you smile, rolling your eyes.
"Honestly, I don't give a damn."
And you really didn't care.
Wanda was avoiding you in the halls, and you were doing the same with your friends and family.
When Iron delivered the mail to the Slytherin table, including Nebula's birthday presents, you wanted to throw up, but all you did was walk away from the Hufflepuff table toward the requirement room.
Without the darkhold, you didn't feel sick, but the anger didn't go away.
Your magic hadn't stabilized, and you were failing at everything, but you couldn't bring yourself to worry about it.
Erik wrote to you, commenting on the importance of you and Wanda practicing magical balancing together, and you burned the letter while crying on the carpet.
And at this rate, time went by.
It was almost the middle of the school year when things started to take a turn for the worse at Hogwarts, and in the wizarding war as well.
Mephisto is getting stronger, and the order is losing. And Kaecillius must be under some pressure from the ministry, maybe for answers from organizations like the Avengers, which are forbidden, because his detentions get too horrible.
It is Saturday again, and you drag yourself to the room where you are supposed to fulfill your detention, but unlike the other days, Kaecillius locks the door.
You only notice because he seems tense and distracted, and there is no feather or book.
"Professor, what will my punishment be today?" You ask confused, and he is nodding to the center of the room as he stands in front of the desk, a few feet from you.
"Miss Stark, today I want to ask some questions and I expect honesty." He declines as he turns to you.
You hiss softly, putting your hands in your pockets.
Kaecillius doesn't even mind your lack of formality, looking at you with an impassive face.
"What is Mephisto's location?"
You choke in surprise and disbelief. "Excuse me? Why do you think I know that?"
"The ministry has reason enough to suspect that the Order of the Avengers is nothing more than a cover for the death walkers.Your brother, whom I had suspected of being part of that order of delinquents, is no longer at Hogwarts, but you will have to serve." He speaks and with each word you become more outraged. "Now answer me, where is Mephisto?"
" Did you just fucking call my brother a delinquent?" You mutter incredulously. "I have no idea where Mephisto is, what's your problem?"
But you widen your eyes when the professor draws his wand, and you barely have time to swallow dry before the spell hits you in the chest.
It's the cruciatus curse. You know the second it hits you. The sharp pain fills every cell in your body and you scream, not having the strength to stand or with your eyes open, hugging yourself.
"We must not tell lies, Miss Stark." Kaecillius says as soon as he stops enchanting you, the pain disappears in the same instant, but you continue to tremble.
In complete shock and fear, you sob.
"I will ask you again, where is Mephisto?"
You let the tears flow, and shake your head. "I don't know, professor."
Kaecillius lets out a sigh of disappointment. "Some cases are more difficult than others." He comments somberly, taking a step toward her. "Did you know that the record for enduring the Cruciatus curse before madness is six hours? Incredible, isn't it? It happened during the first war, with a muggleborn. You're a half-blood, maybe you can take longer"
He has a devilish grin as he finishes, and you clench your jaw at the threat.
"I don't know where Mephisto is." You repeat, but the professor points his wand at you again.
"My bet is seven hours."
And then the pain returns.
You don't know how long you stay in that room.
But it is long enough for your consciousness to begin to fade. The pain gets so severe that it gradually fades away. You begin to gasp breathlessly, not even able to scream anymore.
Someone help me. Please, help me. Help me. Wanda.
Between the tears you see the floor of the room, and between a twinge of pain, a red light. And everything is dark again.
“Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Warcraft and Wizard is arrested in flagrant by aurors from the ministry of magic this week, full coverage on page..."
You blink confusedly, your eyes getting used to the clarity, while the headline of the Daily Prophet was the first thing your vision caught.
And then you shifted in bed, realizing that you were in a hospital room , and whoever was reading next to you put the paper down when they heard you, and you could behold the curious look on your brother's face.
"Tony?" you whispered confused, and he smiled as he stood up quickly, the newspaper forgotten on the armchair.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked as his hand reached for the loose strands of hair on your face and put them back. "You scared the hell out of me."
"What happened?"
"What's the last thing you remember?"
You thought, and then sighed, closing your eyes for a moment.
Tony bit his lip nervously before speaking.
"I'm sorry." He said, lowering his hand to his own. "I came here as soon as I got the howler from Professor Strange, but honestly, I didn't even need it, because all the newspapers are talking about it."
"What...?" You started in confusion, but Tony hurried to explain.
"Wanda found you, Y/N." He told. "She, well, wasn't exactly happy about the whole thing. I think she lost control. Kaecilius is lucky to be alive if you ask me. She almost destroyed the seventh floor, it was a huge mess. And then the aurors interfered, and soon there were reporters everywhere. I guess now everyone knows she's a scarlet witch."
You widened your eyes, straightening to sit up and grumbling a little in pain. Tony looked at you with concern, asking you to take it easy, but you were already asking about Wanda.
"She's at the ministry of magic." He clarified. "Kaecilius is going on trial for torturing a student, and she will answer for putting everyone in danger."
" What?" you ask incredulously, and Tony sighs.
"Yeah I know it's unfair." He says. "But the minister of magic seems to be looking everywhere for people to blame for his lack of control. The problem is how much of that information will get to Mephisto. The whole ministry seems to be full of walkers."
You ran your hand across your face, frustrated.
"I'm so tired, Tony." You confess in a whisper. "It feels like everything is falling apart around me, and things are only getting worse."
Tony squeezes your hand. "I'm sorry, I really am. This whole situation sucks, and I wanted to help you. I'm trying, sister. I haven't been talking to you as much as I should, but I didn't want you to think you're alone. I'm working on breaking the bond. To free you and Wanda from the prophecy, and the wizarding world from dangers like Mephisto. I'm sorry I haven't been by your side."
You swallow your cry, and nod, trying to smile at Tony. He reaches up to hug you, and you gasp softly, taking a few seconds to relax and let the tears flow.
When you calm down, Tony tells you that he is going to get a Mediwizards to check your situation.
You lie down again, sighing softly. The memories come back with full force, and you choke softly, feeling your body tremble.
It's as if you can feel the curse again, sense the pain on your skin. Opening your eyes and shaking the memories away, you swallow dryly and reach for the glass of water on the nightstand.
You just want Wanda by your side telling you that everything is going to be okay.
You stay under observation for two days.
Doctor Hank makes a joke about you enjoying St.Mungus more than you should since you keep coming back, but Tony doesn't laugh.
Then you' re going back to Hogwarts by train, because the doctor thinks you shouldn't use magical means of transportation for a few days, and it's weird to take the empty express, but as soon as you arrive at the station, Gamora and Nebula are waiting for you with boxes of candy bought in Hogsmeade, and tight hugs.
You are not surprised by the stares you receive from the other students, but you ignore them as your sisters escort you around the castle to the Hufflepuff communal hall.
"Did you get to talk to Wanda?" Gamora asks as soon as you sit down on your bed, sighing with exhaustion from the train ride. The mention of the other sorceress' name doesn't help.
"Not yet." You say. "And I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she's ignoring me."
Nebula exchanges a look with her sister before sitting down on Mantis' bed, who is hugging her knees and looking at you.
"Honestly, I just want to finish this year without any more problems." You confess as you take off your jacket. And there is a moment of silence before you swallow dryly. "I also wanted to apologize to you guys."
Gamora frowns slightly, but says nothing. You take a deep breath.
"I know I was under the influence of an evil book, but that was still no excuse for treating you guys like that." You begin. "Tony told me about how things are in the wizarding world. Everyone is going through something, and it was selfish of me to think that only my problems matter. I'm sorry."
"Really, Y/N, it's okay." Nebula says, surprising you a bit. "We were all stressed, and well, I think an evil book is a pretty fair excuse." She jokes, making you smile. "Maybe things will get a little better now that Strange is the director."
"Oh, that's right" You comment just then remembering the things Tony updated you on while you were at St.Mungus. Like Kaecillius' resignation, and the position being passed on to Professor Stephen. "But honestly, I won't be at peace until I hear from Wanda."
"The trial isn't until Friday. And the way things are going, we won't get any news until it's over." Gamora warned as she sat down on the bed next to you. "I think the Maximoffs are probably too busy to write."
"What do you think will happen to Wanda?" You ask as you tug at the loose strands of the comforter. Mantis sighs lightly.
"I don't have a good feeling about things, Y/N." She confesses and you frown in concern. "And the stars never lie."
"Thank you, Mantis." You mock softly, and Gamora runs her hands through her hair.
"Let's not be pessimistic, okay?" she says. "Maybe the predictions are about, I don't know, the school finals? It doesn't mean something bad is really going to happen."
You grumble unhappily, grabbing a pillow and sinking your face into it. Gamora strokes your back.
"I'm sure things will work out, Y/N." She says. "Wanda will write as soon as she can."
"Do you guys think Kaecilius will be sent to Azkaban?" Nebula asks next, making you raise your head curiously.
"I wouldn't be so sure." You grumble. "I was actually surprised that he was put on trial at all."
"Well, with the whole mess that happened, it was bound to happen." Gamora said. "More than half the school became aware that he used the cruciatus curse on you, and then the daily prophet. And I didn't even know they were in the castle."
"It was because of Wanda really, wasn't it?" Mantis added. "Kaecillius caused his own ruin. He called the journalists to show what he called progress and decided to torture a student while they were in the castle. Then Wanda destroyed the entire floor and the next morning his arrest was all over the pages."
"I'm just really outraged to know that if no one had seen it, he would probably still be at Hogwarts." Gamora says angrily, and you sigh, agreeing as well as the others.
"Well, you must be hungry, shall we go to the great hall? It's almost dinner time." Gamora comments next, pulling you by the hand. You grumble softly, but agree, and soon you are leaving the communal hall to join the rest of the students.
You are tapping your fingers gently against the desk as you wait for the History of Magic class to begin.
It is Friday, finally.
You have barely slept because of anxiety about news of Wanda's trial.
Things at Hogwarts have changed a lot this week, all because of Strange's administration.
He restored the old classes, banned the teaching of dark magic, the scandal at the Daily Prophet being enough of an argument that the Minister of Magic no longer had a defense over this kind of teaching at Hogwarts. The restricted session of the library was also put back, and the seventh floor was off-limits because of the destruction Wanda caused, and you unfortunately lost access to the Requirement room.
Mantis was writing what looked like a lunar calendar for the divination class while Professor Okoye didn't arrive, and you started whistling distractedly.
And then Thor Odinson was poking you in the back to get your attention, and you turned around in your chair.
"Hi, Stark, what's up?"
"Fine." You grumbled suspiciously. "Can I help you with something?"
Thor looked almost unsure. "I was just wondering if you know of anything going on with Loki."
You frowned. "Excuse me?"
"I mean if you know if he's sick or something." He explains. "We had a fight, and well, he's not talking to me. And I've noticed that you guys have been kind of close lately, and I was curious if you knew anything and..."
"No, Thor, I'm sorry." You interrupt with a sigh. "Maybe you should ask him that."
Thor assumes a sad expression. "I would, but he's ignoring me. I think it might be about our mother."
You make a confused expression, and Thor looks surprised.
"Our mother, she...died earlier this year, Y/N." Thor counters, and you widen your eyes. "Our family is a name of reference against Mephisto. With the war, the walkers came to our home. She was there while we were here, and Dad was at the ministry."
"I'm so sorry, Thor." You whisper to him, still shocked by the information. He shrugged.
"I thought Loki told you."
"We don't talk about things like that, I guess." You say. "Sorry, I wish I knew how to help you."
"No, it's okay." Thor says with a sad smile. "You being his friend this year is more than enough. I don't like seeing him all alone out here."
You nod lightly, settling into your chair as you notice the teacher entering the room.
Mantis exchanges a look of understanding with you, having overheard the conversation even if accidentally, but she says nothing, and soon you are hearing about the witch hunt in the United States, and you try to focus on that rather than curiosity about how Wanda's trial is going or Loki's current emotional state.
As soon as lunchtime begins, you join the Slytherin table, where some of the students have placed a radio on the table, equally with other students from the other houses, to listen to the trial.
You are not surprised that a student's trial is such an interesting topic for everyone, but after the school started talking about Wanda being a scarlet witch, and the theories circulating around the halls, it was to be expected.
So you sit back while biting your fingertips and listening.
"And now directly from the Ministry of Magic, the trial of seventeen-year-old witch Wanda Maximoff, daughter of legendary witch Erik L-"
Your attention is slightly diverted from the narrative when loud laughter catches your ears.
They are Gryffindor and Slytherin students, exchanging coins. You don't need to hear the conversation to know they are gambling about the trial, the mean laughter and glances in the direction of you and your sisters are enough.
And as if she could feel your growing fury, Gamora touches your shoulder gently.
"Just ignore them, Y/N." She urges and you clench your jaw. " Everything is going to be okay with Wanda."
"I hope you're right, Gamora." You grumble, turning your attention back to the radio.
The narration of the newspaper is generic, and you discover that the audience has been closed off to the reporters.
You take a deep breath, concentrating.
No strange feeling, so Wanda is safe.
You wonder if Erik and Pietro are by her side during the whole thing.
It is only at the end of lunchtime that you have the result.
"It's amazing how things unfold in the ministry this afternoon." Counted the reporter with almost excitement. "After a unanimous vote, the witch Wanda Maximoff was found guilty of endangering her fellow students by not registering as a scarlet witch to the ministry of magic, after it was proven that her father, the sorcerer Erik Lehnsherr knew of her condition, as well as the affiliation with the criminal, Agatha Harkness was also mentioned. The ministry finally decided on Wanda Maximoff's expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding"
You felt your stomach plummet.
And everything became a little muffled around you, a soft whistle in your ear. You think Gamora and Nebula were calling for you, but you were getting up, feeling the room getting too small.
Stumbling out, you loosened the knot of your tie, finally stopping in the courtyard as you leaned your body against a pillar.
Wanda had been expelled from Hogwarts, publicly exposed as a Scarlet Witch, and tried as a criminal. You wondered if they would break her wand. Banned wizards led horrible lives.
Your sisters and friends caught up with you quickly, and you let them hug you.
In a few minutes Director Strange is catching up with you as well, and you release Gamora's grip to talk to him.
"Professor, I need to..."
"You cannot leave Hogwarts, Miss Stark." He interrupts with a wave of his hands and you frown in confusion, ready to protest but he is already speaking. "Tony sent a patronus as soon as the results came out, he already figured you'd want to see Miss Maximoff. The ministry is a mess, and Wanda will be staying with her father there for the minister's final decisions. You should stay here, where you are safe."
"That's not fair!" You squawk angrily. "Wanda needs me, I must-"
"She needs you to be safe." He interrupts again seriously, and then lowers his tone slightly as he notices the curious looks of the surrounding students. "Be rational, Miss Stark. Now that the Wizarding community knows the nature of Wanda's powers, how long before Mephisto has enough information and discovers your identity as protector."
You swallow dryly, clenching your fists begrudgingly. Stephen is right. You look away, and he sighs, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Wanda will be fine, even without her NEWTS, she is an extraordinary witch." He says. "And the year is coming to an end, soon you will be able to see her again."
"She needs me now." You grumble annoyed, turning away from the professor's touch. He looks at you for a moment and then clears his throat.
"I'll see what I can do, Miss Stark." He says."In the meantime, focus on your studies, and be careful."
You frown at Stephen's words, but he is already turning and leaving before you can ask.
As you turn to your friends, Gamora has a worried look on her face.
"Are you okay?" She asks, and you sigh, agreeing to hug her again as you mumble no.
"I can feel how upset she is, Gamora." You grumble against your sister's shirt, wishing you could hug Wanda now. Gamora squeezes you against her arms, and you thank her for her intention even if it isn't enough.
The next few days are like a blur for you.
Many letters arrive, as do many editions of the Daily Prophet.
When the picture of the day Wanda's wand was broken comes out on the front page and you see her tired face, you have to run out of the common room to keep from crying in front of your colleagues.
Everyone writes to you, even Carol, everyone but the Maximoffs.
It is frustrating, and honestly, it breaks your heart in many ways.
The news of a Scarlet Witch after a century is almost as bombastic as Mephisto's return, and you're not surprised that many of your colleagues would start to comment on the possibility of Wanda working with him or against him.
It's overwhelming how everyone talks about her, but all you can feel is how much you miss her around the castle, around you.
You couldn't even remember that your magic is stable, and with everything that has happened, you haven't had time to figure out how to fix things.
Stephen tried to help, but he didn't know what was going on. At least the theoretical part of magic you were able to master, and you hoped to get at least an acceptable score in some subjects.
Only almost a week and a half after the trial, Professor Strange interrupts the potions class to talk to you.
Ignoring the curious stares and whispers of your classmates, you ask Professor Munroe to excuse you, and leave the room.
"What is wrong, professor?" You ask curiously as you close the door, watching Stephen with his hands in his pockets.The dungeons feel emptier without the ministry aurors around the castle.
"Saturday, in the Astronomy tower, nine-thirteen at night." He says as he hands you a small gold key, causing you to frown in confusion. "You will have exactly one hour, Miss Stark. Not a second more."
You stare at the object in your hand, and understand. A portal key. To Wanda.
"Thank you, Professor." You say, and Stephen nods before leaving.
You turn back to potions, the object in your pocket. You could barely contain your anxiety.
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A/F/N> Place your bets for my next comeback (a week, a month or tomorrow?). If I delete the blog, and you're in love with this story for some reason I don't know about because there are so many better things to read, know that I'll post everything on AO3 if I ever do.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXLII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I think this week’s chapters are the most boring out of all the book, but hang in there it gets better -Danny
Words: 4,940
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Four: Horace Slughorn.
Mel stumbled onto a bench and inhaled sharply.
"Wizards should just drive!" She panted.
"We drive," Erick said. "I drove you here, didn't I?"
"I was there during your lessons, don't try to show off with me," Mel grumbled.
"Dumbledore and Harry are over there — C'mon..."
"Professor?" She heard Harry asked once they caught up with them.
"Er — where exactly are we?"
"This, Harry, is the charming village of Budleigh Babberton."
"And what are we doing here?"
"Ah yes, of course, I haven't told you! Well, I have lost count of the number of times I have said this in recent years, but we are, once again, one member of staff short. We are here to persuade an old colleague of mine to come out of retirement and return to Hogwarts. I sent Erick and Mel to look for his whereabouts and they told me he'd be here, let's hope they're right."
"How can I help with that, sir?"
"Oh, I think we'll find a use for the three of you," Dumbledore replied. "Left here."
Mel scoffed and Erick nudged her arm muttering a warning.
"Professor, why couldn't we just Apparate directly into your old colleague's house?"
"Because it would be quite as rude as kicking down the front door. Courtesy dictates that we offer fellow wizards the opportunity of denying us entry. In any case, most Wizarding dwellings are magically protected from unwanted Apparators. At Hogwarts, for instance —"
"— you can't Apparate anywhere inside the buildings or grounds," said Harry. "Hermione Granger told me."
"And she is quite right. We turn left again."
The clock behind them announced midnight, Mel felt a chill ran down her spine and held Erick closer. She was abruptly reminded of the dementors, and she had no wish to see one right now.
"Sir, I saw in the Daily Prophet that Fudge has been sacked..."
"Correct," said Dumbledore, "He has been replaced, as I am sure you also saw, by Rufus Scrimgeour, who used to be Head of the Auror office."
"Is he... Do you think he's good?"
"An interesting question. He is able, certainly. A more decisive and forceful personality than Cornelius."
"Yes, but I meant —"
"I know what you meant. Rufus is a man of action and, having fought Dark wizards for most of his working life, does not underestimate Lord Voldemort."
"And... sir... I saw about Madam Bones."
"Yes... A terrible loss. She was a great witch — Just up here, I think — ouch," Dumbledore looked down to his injured hand with disinterest and lowered it.
"Professor, what happened to your —?"
"I have no time to explain now," said Dumbledore. "It is a thrilling tale, I wish to do it justice."
"Sir — I got a Ministry of Magic leaflet by owl, about security measures we should all take against the Death Eaters..."
"Yes, I received one myself... Did you find it useful?"
"Not really."
"No, I thought not. You have not asked me, for instance, what is my favorite flavor of jam, to check that I am indeed Professor Dumbledore and not an impostor."
"I didn't..." Harry turned to look at her with mild panic, Mel found it amusing.
"Oh well, he came to my house first and I didn't ask him either, but Erick was the one who let him in."
"I'm sorry I put you all in danger," Erick replied playfully.
"For future reference, children, it is raspberry... although of course, if I were a Death Eater, I would have been sure to research my own jam preferences before impersonating myself."
"Er... right," Harry shrugged. "Well, on that leaflet, it said something about Inferi. What exactly are they? The leaflet wasn't very clear."
"They are corpses. Dead bodies that have been bewitched to do a Dark wizard's bidding. Inferi have not been seen for a long time, however, not since Voldemort was last powerful... He killed enough people to make an army of them, of course. This is the place, just here..."
"Like zombies?" Mel said.
"Those things are stupid and slow," Erick replied. "The inferi are nothing like that, trust me."
Once Mel caught sight of the house, she gasped.
"Oh dear. Oh dear, dear, dear." Dumbledore got closer and examined the scene:
Harry followed his gaze up the carefully tended front path and felt his heart sink. The front door was hanging off its hinges.
"Wand out and follow me," He said. "Mr Flint, keep guard on the entrance..."
"Of course," He walked away, Mel wanted to stay and watch over him, but she knew that would hurt Erick's ego, so she held onto her own wand tightly and walked away from him.
Everything was wrecked inside the house, but there was something weird about it... it was too peaceful.
"Not pretty, is it?" Dumbledore asked. "Yes, something horrible has happened here."
Mel got closer to the stain on the wall and gawked at the smell. It was really strong and brought back a clear memory of Hagrid holding a chunk of dragon meat to his swollen eye.
"Maybe there was a fight and — and they dragged him off?" Harry said behind her, his voice trembling a little.
"I don't think so..." said Dumbledore. "Mel, what do you think?"
"This isn't human," She said, pointing to the bloodstain, "and the place is empty, if a fight had taken place here the muggles would've come to check on their neighbours, so either this just happened or he's..."
"Still here somewhere?" Dumbledore concluded. "Yes. A very good observation."
Then, without a warning, the old man stabbed the armchair next to him.
"Ouch!" It yelped.
"Good evening, Horace."
"There was no need to stick the wand in that hard," He huffed. "It hurt."
The wandlight sparkled on his shiny pate, his prominent eyes, his enormous, silver, walruslike mustache, and the highly polished buttons on the maroon velvet jacket he was wearing over a pair of lilac silk pajamas. The top of his head barely reached Dumbledore's chin.
"What gave it away?"
"My dear Horace," said Dumbledore, "if the Death Eaters really had come to call, the Dark Mark would have been set over the house! And of course, the non-magic people would've come to see what was happening, as Mel kindly explained a moment ago."
"The Dark Mark," Horace hit his forehead with one hand. "Knew there was something... ah well. Wouldn't have had time anyway, I'd only just put the finishing touches to my upholstery when you entered the room."
"Would you like my assistance clearing up?"
They moved around the room and fixed everything in a matter of seconds as if this was the kind of stuff a wizard would normally do on a Friday.
"What kind of blood was that, incidentally?" asked Dumbledore.
"Dragon's," Mel replied.
They stared at her.
"How did you know?" Her uncle questioned.
"Hagrid used its meat last year to heal his eye," She explained, scrunching up her nose. "It has a very distinctive smell."
"These," said Dumbledore, smiling at her, "are Harry Potter and Mel Dumbledore. Children, this is an old friend and colleague of mine, Horace Slughorn."
"Oho! So that's how you thought you'd persuade me, is it? Well, the answer's no, Albus," Slughorn pushed past them avoiding eye contact. He froze and stared out the window. "Oh dear — Albus, I think you were followed!"
"You mean that young man?" Dumbledore glanced out to the garden. "Mel, could you please bring Erick inside?"
"Sure," She replied.
As soon as Erick heard her, he turned.
"What happened in there? Is he..?"
"Alive," Mel brushed it off. "Apparently this whole act was a security measure — Dumbledore said you could come in but I recommend you to fix yourself first."
"We're bait," She explained while adjusting his coat. "I know why he brought us... Slughorn must be important if he's playing this dirty..."
"What do you mean?"
"Just act as posh as possible," Mel sighed, patting his cheek lovingly. "It should be easy for you."
Erick followed her inside and both sat next to Harry on the couch, the three of them displayed in plain sight so Slughorn had to look at them.
"Hmpf," He studied them before forcing his eyes to look away. "Here —"
He gave the drinks to Dumbledore and then put the tray on Harry's lap rather forcefully. He looked at Erick again.
"I should introduce you," Mel said. "Mr Slughorn, this is Erick Flint, a very good friend of mine. Erick, this is Horace Slughorn, a very dear friend of my uncle's."
"Nice to meet you," Erick stood up and shook the man's hand with a firm grip and a confident tone.
"Hmpf," Slughorn said again.
"Well, how have you been keeping, Horace?" Dumbledore asked.
"Not so well," said Slughorn. "Weak chest. Wheezy. Rheumatism too. Can't move like I used to. Well, that's to be expected. Old age. Fatigue."
"And yet you must have moved fairly quickly to prepare such a welcome for us at such short notice — You can't have had more than three minutes' warning?"
"Two. Didn't hear my Intruder Charm go off, I was taking a bath. Still," He added hastily, "the fact remains that I'm an old man, Albus. A tired old man who's earned the right to a quiet life and a few creature comforts."
"You're not yet as old as I am, Horace," Dumbledore commented.
"Well, maybe you ought to think about retirement yourself," said Slughorn, quickly glancing at Dumbledore's injured hand. "Reactions not what they were, I see."
"You're quite right," said Dumbledore showing a bit more of his hand to them. "I am undoubtedly slower than I was. But on the other hand..."
He shrugged and spread his hands wide, as though to say that age had its compensations, and Harry noticed a ring on his uninjured hand that he had never seen Dumbledore wear before:
It was large, rather clumsily made of what looked like gold, and was set with a heavy black stone that had cracked down the middle. Slughorn's eyes lingered for a moment on the ring too, and Harry saw a tiny frown momentarily crease his wide forehead.
"So, all these precautions against intruders, Horace... are they for the Death Eaters' benefit, or mine?"
"What would the Death Eaters want with a poor broken-down old buffer like me?"
"I imagine that they would want you to turn your considerable talents to coercion, torture, and murder... Are you really telling me that they haven't come recruiting yet?"
Mel felt Erick tensing next to her, she was sure Slughorn wouldn't appreciate knowing that they'd managed to take down two death eaters outside his house a few hours ago, all because Dumbledore had sent them to spy on him.
"I haven't given them the chance. I've been on the move for a year. Never stay in one place more than a week. Move from Muggle house to Muggle house — the owners of this place are on holiday in the Canary Islands — it's been very pleasant, I'll be sorry to leave. It's quite easy once you know how, one simple Freezing Charm on these absurd burglar alarms they use instead of Sneakoscopes and make sure the neighbors don't spot you bringing in the piano."
"Ingenious," said Dumbledore. "But it sounds a rather tiring existence for a broken-down old buffer in search of a quiet life. Now, if you were to return to Hogwarts —"
"If you're going to tell me my life would be more peaceful at that pestilential school, you can save your breath, Albus! I might have been in hiding, but some funny rumors have reached me since Dolores Umbridge left! If that's how you treat teachers these days —"
"Professor Umbridge ran afoul of our centaur herd," said Dumbledore. "I think you, Horace, would have known better than to stride into the forest and call a horde of angry centaurs 'filthy half- breeds.'"
"That's what she did, did she?" Slughorn scoffed. "Idiotic woman. Never liked her."
Harry let out a short laugh and everyone looked at him.
"Sorry," He said. "It's just — I didn't like her either."
"No wonder why," Mel nodded. "She mistreated all of her students — We had to teach ourselves! It's a wonder how I even passed my O.W.L. for that class."
"As if you didn't know you'll get an 'O' in every subject," Erick replied with amusement.
"If I did it wasn't thanks to her," She shrugged.
Dumbledore stood up.
"Are you leaving?" asked Slughorn.
"No, I was wondering whether I might use your bathroom..."
"Oh," Slughorn visibly deflated. "Second on the left down the hall."
After ten seconds of heavy silence, Slughorn got to his feet and turned his back on them, staring into the fireplace.
"Don't think I don't know why he's brought you," He said.
Harry stared at the man silently, Erick remained in place while Mel stood up and looked around the room.
"You look very like your parents," Slughorn told them.
"Yeah, I've been told," Harry replied.
"Except for your eyes. You've got —"
"My mother's eyes, yeah."
"Hmpf. Yes, well. You shouldn't have favourites as a teacher, of course, but she was one of mine. Your mother, Lily Evans. One of the brightest I ever taught. Vivacious, you know. Charming girl. I used to tell her she ought to have been in my House. Very cheeky answers I used to get back too."
"Which was your House?"
"I was Head of Slytherin," Mel turned abruptly in surprise. "Oh, now, don't go holding that against me! You'll be Gryffindor like your folks, I suppose? Yes, it usually goes in families. Not always, though. Ever heard of Sirius Black? You must have done — been in the papers for the last couple of years — died a few weeks ago — Well, anyway, he was a big pal of your fathers at school. The whole Black family had been in my House, but Sirius ended up in Gryffindor! Shame — he was a talented boy. I got his brother, Regulus, when he came along, but I'd have liked the set."
"I wasn't judging you," Mel replied. "Erick's a Slytherin, and he's our friend. He's a Prefect as well, and bound to be the Headboy this year..."
"I see," Slughorn eyed him up. "Eliot Flint's grandson? I met him during my school years... great man he was, I'm sorry to hear about his passing, how are your parents?"
"I wouldn't know, Sir," Erick smiled tensely. "They threw me out of the house after they discovered my correspondence with a muggle."
"He's living with me," Mel added.
Slughorn nodded.
"I remember when your mother made peace with Miss Evans, the two of them were a thing to fear! Your mother was Muggle-born, of course, Harry. Couldn't believe it when I found out. Thought she must have been pure-blood, she was so good."
"One of our best friends is Muggle-born," said Harry. "and she's the best in our year."
"Funny how that sometimes happens, isn't it?"
"Not really," He said coldly.
Slughorn looked at them like he'd just realized his mistake.
"You mustn't think I'm prejudiced! No, no, no! Haven't I just said your mother was one of my all-time favourite students? And there was Dirk Cresswell in the year after her too — now Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, of course — another Muggle-born, a very gifted student, and still gives me excellent inside information on the goings-on at Gringotts!"
He pointed to the bunch of photographs on the dresser.
"All ex-students, all signed. You'll notice Barnabas Cuffe, editor of the Daily Prophet, he's always interested to hear my take on the day's news. And Ambrosius Flume, of Honeydukes — a hamper every birthday, and all because I was able to give him an introduction to Ciceron Harkiss, who gave him his first job! And at the back — you'll see her if you just crane your neck — that's Gwenog Jones, who of course captains the Holyhead Harpies... People are always astonished to hear I'm on first-name terms with the Harpies, and free tickets whenever I want them!"
"And all these people know where to find you, to send you stuff?" asked Harry with curiosity.
Mel knew he wasn't doing it on purpose, but he was poking in all the right places.
"Of course not," He said gloomily. "I have been out of touch with everybody for a year."
"You must miss it," She said carefully, "your life was really active before you had to hide..."
Slughorn stared at her as if he'd just realized she was right, although he was quick to cover it.
"The prudent wizard keeps his head down in such times. All very well for Dumbledore to talk, but taking up a post at Hogwarts just now would be tantamount to declaring my public allegiance to the Order of the Phoenix! And while I'm sure they're very admirable and brave and all the rest of it, I don't personally fancy the mortality rate —"
"I gave up my old life to help the Order," Erick replied. "I don't think I'll ever regret my decision, I do something worthy, I'm valuable to them."
"And you don't have to join the Order to teach at Hogwarts," Harry sounded upset. "Most of the teachers aren't in it, and none of them has ever been killed — well, unless you count Quirrell, and he got what he deserved seeing as he was working with Voldemort. I reckon the staff are safer than most people while Dumbledore's headmaster; he's supposed to be the only one Voldemort ever feared, isn't he?"
Slughorn pondered their arguments.
"Well, yes, it is true that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has never sought a fight with Dumbledore... And I suppose one could argue that as I have not joined the Death Eaters, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named can hardly count me a friend... in which case, I might well be safer a little closer to Albus... I cannot pretend that Amelia Bones's death did not shake me... If she, with all her Ministry contacts and protection..."
"You know, people think that I'll be safe forever thanks to my blood relations," Mel smiled in the same ironic manner her uncle did. "But in the end... a bloodline, a connection... it's not as efficient as watching your own back. I think you should take every precaution."
Dumbledore walked into the room and Slughorn jumped.
"Oh, there you are, Albus — You've been a very long time. Upset stomach?"
"No, I was merely reading the Muggle magazines, I do love knitting patterns. Well, we have trespassed upon Horace's hospitality quite long enough; I think it is time for us to leave."
Erick and Harry jumped to their feet, Mel calmly made her way to where they were standing.
"You're leaving?" asked Slughorn, this time sounding a bit hurt.
"Yes, indeed. I think I know a lost cause when I see one."
"Lost..?" He stared at Harry closing his jacket and Dumbledore putting on his travelling cloak.
Mel picked up her coat and Erick helped her put it on.
"Well, I'm sorry you don't want the job, Horace," said Dumbledore. "Hogwarts would have been glad to see you back again. Our greatly increased security notwithstanding, you will always be welcome to visit, should you wish to."
"You could've been one of my favourite teachers," Mel sighed, trying to look disappointed. "Well, what can we do?"
"Yes... well... very gracious... as I say..."
"Good-bye, then."
"It was a pleasure to meet you," Erick nodded.
"Bye," said Harry simply.
Mel had barely reached six in her silent countdown when Slughorn stopped them.
"All right, all right, I'll do it!"
She smiled down at her shoes, Dumbledore turned to see him.
"You will come out of retirement?"
"Yes, yes. I must be mad, but yes."
"Wonderful," said her uncle brightly. "Then, Horace, we shall see you on the first of September."
"Yes, I daresay you will," Slughorn huffed.
As they reached the garden, Slughorn shouted the last demand.
"I'll want a pay rise, Dumbledore!"
Her uncle chuckled.
"Well done," He told them.
"We didn't do anything," said Harry frowning.
"Oh yes, you did. You three showed Horace exactly how much he stands to gain by returning to Hogwarts. Did you like him?"
"That's why you said we were bait?" Erick smiled at her. "You clever girl..."
"You say that a lot," Mel replied, clearly pleased with his compliment. "It wasn't that hard to guess after hearing him speak for like, ten seconds... he likes flashy stuff and the three of us are quite dashing..."
"Horace likes his comfort," Dumbledore nodded. "He also likes the company of the famous, the successful, and the powerful. He enjoys the feeling that he influences these people. He has never wanted to occupy the throne himself; he prefers the backseat — more room to spread out, you see. He used to handpick favorites at Hogwarts..."
Dumbledore explained all of Slughorn's way to them, Mel was absently hearing his voice while also looking around anxiously, every dark corner seemed to be watching them, she didn't feel safe. The Slytherin noticed her apprehensive attitude and walked closer to her, their hands brushing.
"Smart," Erick admitted after Dumbledore finished his explanation. "Though a bit... opportunist, may I say..."
"I tell you all this not to turn you against Horace — or, as we must now call him, Professor Slughorn — but to put you on your guard. He will undoubtedly try to collect you. You would be the jewel of his collection; 'the Boy Who Lived'... or, as they call you these days, Harry, 'the Chosen One.' And he wouldn't say no to teaching you, Mel, after all the rumours surrounding your upbringing — As for you, Erick, I daresay it only took one conversation for him to realize you're one of a kind."
They continued until they reached the church, where Dumbledore stopped walking.
"This will do. If you will grasp my arm, Harry. Erick, you know what our next stop is?"
Erick nodded, offering his arm to Mel once more.
"I've only seen the burrow in pictures, so you'll have to hope for the best here, " He told her.
"Brilliant," Mel grimaced. "Can't wait."
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She crashed against Harry when landing, both of them fell harshly on the ground and were quickly lifted by the people accompanying them.
"If you don't mind," said Dumbledore. "I'd like a few words with Harry and Mel before we part. In private. Perhaps in here?"
Erick stayed out, making sure no one was close to hear what Dumbledore had to say. Harry and Mel followed the Headmaster to the little closet where the Weasleys used to keep their brooms. Dumbledore conjured a light and smiled at them.
"I hope you will forgive me for mentioning it, but I am pleased and a little proud at how well you seem to be coping after everything that happened at the Ministry. Permit me to say that I think Sirius would have been proud."
Mel fixed her gaze on her feet, she wasn't proud of the way she'd acted during the last term. She'd been selfish and arrogant, and now she was trying her best to make up for it. She didn't feel like she was coping well with her loss either, more like ignoring all her thoughts to remain sane.
"It was cruel," Dumbledore continued, "that you and Sirius had such a short time together. A brutal ending to what should have been a long and happy relationship, and a loving family."
The silence lasted for a few seconds, then Harry spoke:
"It's just hard," He said, "to realize he won't write to me again..."
She stared at the poorly lit face of her friend, his eyes were looking up to the ceiling, suddenly she remembered that Harry was, perhaps, lonelier than her. Maybe that was one of the reasons why he wanted to keep their lifeline, it was nice to have something tying them together.
She wanted to tell him they didn't need the connection for that, but if she was honest, she wasn't sure.
"Sirius represented much to you that you had never known before. Naturally, the loss is devastating..."
"But while I was at the Dursleys'..." Harry interrupted in a firmer voice. "I realized I can't shut myself away or — or crack up. Sirius wouldn't have wanted that, would he? And anyway, life's too short... Look at Madam Bones, look at Emmeline Vance... It could be me next, couldn't it? But if it is, I'll make sure I take as many Death Eaters with me as I can, and Voldemort too if I can manage it."
The feeling she'd get whenever Harry would step into his role of the tragic hero fell upon her like a kick in the face — She couldn't blame him for being brave, but she was a tad upset that he wasn't making things easier for her troubled heart.
"You still have a family, though," Mel reached out for his hand shyly and held it. "You have reasons to stay alive."
"Spoken both like your parent's children and Sirius's true godson! I take my hat off to you — or I would, if I were not afraid of showering you in spiders... Now, Harry, on a closely related subject... I gather that you have been taking the Daily Prophet over the last two weeks?"
"Then you will have seen that there have been not so much leaks as floods concerning your adventure in the Hall of Prophecy?"
"Yes. And now everyone knows that I'm the one —"
"No, they do not. There are only three people in the whole world who know the full contents of the prophecy made about you and Lord Voldemort, and they are standing in this smelly, spidery broom shed. It is true, however, that many have guessed, correctly, that Voldemort sent his Death Eaters to steal a prophecy, and that the prophecy concerned you. Now, I think I am correct in saying that you have not told anybody that you know what the prophecy said?"
"No," said Harry.
"Of course not," Mel said with a bit of outrage.
"A wise decision, on the whole. Although I think you ought to relax it in favor of your friends, Mr Ronald Weasley and Miss Hermione Granger. Yes, I think they ought to know. You do them a disservice by not confiding something this important to them."
"I didn't want —"
"— to worry or frighten them? Or perhaps, to confess that you yourself are worried and frightened? You need your friends. As you so rightly said, Sirius would not have wanted you to shut yourself away. On a different, though related, subject, it is my wish that you take private lessons with me this year."
"Private — with you?" Harry's eyes widened. "Like Mel?"
"Yes. I think it is time that I took a greater hand in your education. And fortunately, Mel has completed her lessons with me, so that gives me enough time to focus on you."
"What will you be teaching me, sir?"
"Oh, a little of this, a little of that," said Dumbledore.
"If I'm having lessons with you, I won't have to do Occlumency lessons with Snape, will I?"
Mel snorted, but she quickly turned it into a cough.
"Professor Snape, Harry — and no, you will not."
"Good, because they were a —"
Mel stepped on his foot, successfully shutting him up before he could continue.
"I think the word 'fiasco' would be a good one here," Dumbledore sighed.
"Well, that means I won't see much of Professor Snape from now on," He said happily, "because he won't let me carry on Potions unless I get 'Outstanding' in my O.W.L., which I know I haven't."
"Don't count your owls before they are delivered," said Dumbledore. "Which, now I think of it, ought to be some time later today. Now, a few more things before we part. Firstly, I wish you to keep your Invisibility Cloak with you at all times from this moment onward. Even within Hogwarts itself. Just in case, you understand me?"
Harry nodded.
"While you stay here, the Burrow has been given the highest security the Ministry of Magic can provide. These measures have caused a certain amount of inconvenience to Arthur and Molly — all their post, for instance, is being searched at the Ministry before being sent on. They do not mind in the slightest, for their only concern is your safety. However, it would be poor repayment if you risked your neck while staying with them. This goes to you too, Mel, since they agreed to take in Emily and young Regulus for the rest of the year."
"I understand."
"Me too," Mel nodded.
"And lastly," He looked at them carefully. "Have you made a decision on the lifeline?"
"Yes —"
"— No."
Harry and Mel looked at each other again, both exasperated.
"What do you mean 'no'?" The boy frowned.
"I—I," She stammered. "I... need more time."
"But you —"
"We haven't talked," She insisted. "We can't just make the decision without talking first, can we? Otherwise, who knows if the spell might work?"
Harry wanted to argue against it, but he knew she was right.
"Very well, then," Dumbledore opened the shed door. "I see a light in the kitchen. Let us not deprive Molly any longer of the chance to deplore how thin you are, Harry."
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Next Chapter —>
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jawritter · 4 years
The Arrangement
Part 12
Summery: You are a young girl that was raised in a small church in Dallas, TX. One of the only churches left in the state that still practices arranged marriages. When your betrothed ran off to California you thought you'd escape the fate you were trained for ever since a small child. Now upon the death your parents your fate seemed to be inescapable as he's returned, and is ready to take you as his bride.
Book Warnings: Arranged marriage, loss of virginity, smut, unprotected sex, angst, language, suicide attempt, battles with anxiety, struggles with mental illness, age gap (about 11 years), I think that’s it, chapters will have warnings of their own!
Chapter Warnings: Heavy trigger warning!!! Suicide attempt!! Angst, caught in your own head, feelings of abandoment, depression, grief, this one is rough guys.
Word Count: 2377
A/N: This book is a book about Christian and church based arranged marriages, I would like to take this moment to say that I DO NOT have ANYTHING against the Chirstian faith, and mean absolutely no harm to anyone! Especially Jensen’s family! This is a complete work of fiction, and should be treated as such!
Beta’d by the amazing @deanwanddamons who was awesome enough to do all this for me! It was a lot of work, and she deserves all the praise for it!!
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Want More? Check Out My Masterlist!!
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It had been three days since your fight with Jensen. 
When he slammed the bedroom door after you had slapped him, he got his keys, walked out the door, and did not come back. 
You didn't know where he'd gone.You didn't try to contact him . If the truth were told, you hadn't really moved from your spot in your now cold, and very lonely bed, unless absolutely necessary. 
The air around you hung in a deafening silence . Who the hell knew silence could be so loud?
You didn't bother turning on theTV.You hadn't bothered to eat, and only drank a little bit of water. You’dsurvive, it just wasn’t there anymore. 
You were too big of a coward to take your own life, though the thought had crossed your mind. 
If you were dead, Jensen wouldn't have to be burdened with you anymore. He could go back to what he wanted to do. Not like there would be anyone around to miss you anyway. 
Still, you were too big of a coward to 'pull the trigger'. So you just laid there, and prayed for death to find you on it's own. Prayed that you'd drift off to sleep, and never wake up again.
It didn't happen. 
Every morning you woke up to a fresh, and even deeper pain; and the realization that Jensen probably wasn't coming home.
Sitting up on the side of the bed, you stared around the room. It was so cold, but you didn't care. It matched how you felt on the inside. You had cried until you didn't have any tears left to cry. Until everything in and around you felt numb.
In most homes, you would walk through the house and see pictures of your wedding day, family, friends; even your parents' home had all those things. 
This place had none of that for you and Jensen. 
You would see kids toys scattered around in some homes. You and Jensen had no children together, and Danneel had  three of his. 
This house felt 'lived in'. All your things were there, along with his, but even though it was lived in, it wasn't a home.
It didn't hold the feeling of home the way your parents house had. There were no memories of times with friends, no family dinners, or holidays, nothing.
You had fooled yourself into thinking this marriage with Jensen was a real marriage. Was even  stupid enough to let yourself fall in love with him. 
Now you were staring reality straight in the face. You had nothing together. You just shared a bed and had sex on occasion. 
Getting out of bed, you dragged your way to the bathroom. Standing in front of the sink, you stared at the mirror. You didn't  recognize the woman that stood there, staring back at you. 
Her eyes almost looked sunk into her skull. She was pale, almost a chalk white color. Her eyes were red and swollen around the eyelids. Her lips were cracked and had been bleeding, probably from lack of food or water. Her hair was an absolute mess. 
She looked like a dead person that was to stupid to know they had died. So they were still standing there.
That's what you felt like. You felt like you had died, you weren't really there. You were living, but you weren't alive.
You died the moment he walked out of the door.
Every time you closed your eyes you saw the look on Jensen's face after you had slapped him. Before the guilt could really grip you, the picture of Danneel and him locked at the mouth would flash before your mind, and shot down the guilt.
For a moment anyway.
The eternal war continued to rage on inside of you as you made your way back to the bed, pulling the cold sheets back and crawling in. You closed your eyes and begged whatever God was listening, cause at this point you weren't even sure there was one, to just let you die this time. You couldn't handle another day like this. Another day of crippling heartache, and a loneliness on a scale you could have never imagined existed.
Jensen's POV:
Jensen sat on the back porch of Jared and Gen's house, more than a little drunk. At first when he left the house the day of their fight Jensen had been angrier than he'd ever been in his life. He told her he loved her and she literally slapped him in the face. 
That anger quickly turned to hurt. 
Rejection wasn't something he was used to. Most women threw themselves at him willingly. That wasn't really it either. What was the real slap in the face was that Y/N didn't trust him, and didn't believe him, not only when he told her he did nothing wrong, but also when he told her that he loved her. That’s the part that hurt the most.
No matter how angry he got, he couldn't deny the feelings he'd come to accept regarding his wife. 
He'd picked up the phone, looking down at it, almost willing it to ring. Nothing. So for the hundredth time he called. It rang and rang. Nothing, only voicemail.
Slamming the phone down on the table, pulled at his hair harshly before he downed the rest of the scotch in his hand. He was well on the way to drinking himself into passing out for the third night in a row. It was the only way he could sleep without seeing the hurt look on Y/N’s face when she looked up at him from the kitchen table that day.
Jensen heard Jared pull the chair away from the table  he was sitting at, and sit down next to him. He didn't bother looking at him, just continued to stare at the empty dark pool in front of him.
Jared didn't really care for Y/N. He always thought she was just using his friend for his money, but right now, looking at his best friend and watching him literally try to drink himself to death, he wished more than anything she'd call and ask him to come home. 
He may not like her, but Jensen obviously loved her, and he didn't like to see him this way. 
"Jensen, what if I send Gen over there, check on her, get a feel for things? You can't keep hiding out here drinking man. You gotta fix this."
"I don't want Gen going over there, and making this shit worse. She doesn't know you guys, and the last time she was here you didn't exactly go out of your way to make her feel welcomed." Jensen mumbled, alcohol loosening his tongue to the point he wasn't worried about sparing feelings.
"You’re right, I didn't, and I'm sorry for that. I was just looking out for you, but Jay, man, if you love her that much you're not going to be able to sit here, and drink this mess Danneel has created away. You filed a restraining order, and you have the paperwork to prove it. Go show it to Y/N. Prove to her that it wasn't what it looked like."
Taking a deep breath, Jensen nodded his head. "Okay, yeah I got paperwork now. Maybe she will see I really don't want anything to do with that bitch."
Jensen blinked hard, trying to hold back tears that threatened at the edges of his eyes. 
"I can't lose her Jar. I just can't."
Before he could finish the sentence, Jared had reached up and grabbed his friend, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. 
"Let's get you some coffee, and something to eat so you can sober up.Then you need to go home and make this shit right Jay, for her, but also for yourself."
Your POV:
Day four of Jensen being gone dawned early for you. 
You had woken up once again, much to your dismay. Trudging your way to the bathroom you felt utterly numb, everything in you felt numb, from your insides, working it's way out. You had hit your breaking point. Your body craved Jensen's contact like a dying person craved oxygen, and to be honest you were tired of feeling the way you were feeling.
Thoughts rolled through your mind without your consent. 
Was he with Danneel? Was he sleeping with her now? Did he just abandon you because he didn’t care about you anymore? Why didn’t he come home? Why is this all happening to you? Why couldn't’ you have just been more like her? Maybe then he would still be here. Maybe then he could have loved you, the way you loved him.
Ever since your parents passed away, there was nothing in this world left for you that loved you. The church had abandoned you, you had no friends, now you didn't even have Jensen. Walking to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom you searched through whatever you could find to numb the pain. There was nothing. Not even a fucking Advil.
How was it possible to hurt so much, yet be so damn numb? It didn’t even make sense.
Staggering back to the bedroom, you began to search through drawers and night stands. Maybe there was something left that would kill this headache stashed somewhere.
Finally you found your prize. A full bottle of adult Motrin. 100 tablets in all, seal not even broken. Looking at the bottle you turn it over in your hands, taking four of them at once.... Then the thought hit you.
'You’re  not good enough for Jensen. Do him a favor, down this whole bottle and go back to bed. Then you will be out of his way. No longer a burden, and out of your own miserable existence.' 
Standing there just turning the bottle over in your hands, you weighed up your opinions. 
Yeah you were way too chicken to literally shoot yourself. This though, this was easy. Just take the pills, go to sleep. 
Your heart ached in your chest. You could still hear the sound of your hand connecting with his face, the sound of the door slamming to the bedroom, then the front door. Everything you've been through, this was it. This was your limit. You wanted out. This was the only way.
Grabbing a bottle of water you start taking fistfuls of pills. You don't know how many you finally successfully swallowed, but you finally got it down to only a small amount of pills left in the bottle when you just couldn’t take anymore.
Grabbing his notebook from the bedside table, and a pen you wrote quickly. 
‘I'm so sorry I was a burden to you. You can go be free now. I did love you. I'm sorry you couldn't feel the same.’
Sitting it down next to the bed, you crawled back under the covers, and waited for sleep, or death to take you. There was no turning back now, not even if you wanted to. Grabbing your phone you quickly googled a picture of him. He was smiling, happy. It was before he met you. You were doing this for him. He deserved to be free of you. Free to be happy. The last thing you saw before your eyes closed was his beautiful face. That's the way you wanted it....
Jensen's POV:
Jensen wanted to come home last night.Only problem was, he couldn't sober up enough, and he knew coming home to try and make things right between the two of you while drunk wasn't the best idea; so he slept it off and took off for the house as soon as the sun came up. Even though he had a pounding headache, and his stomach was in knots he didn’t care, hangover be damned, he had to make this right between the two of you. He couldn’t take the distance anymore. 
His heart hammered in his chest the whole way  home.Something deep down inside of him screamed something was very wrong, but he shoved it off, doing all he could to convince himself everything was going to be okay. 
Pulling up into the driveway, he saw no lights on inside the house. 'She must still be sleeping.' he thought to himself. 
Slowly, he made his way out of the door of the car and up the driveway. No sound was coming from inside the house, no TV, nothing. Which was normal while people slept, but something just didn't sit right in him. Something was wrong. 
Slipping his key into the doorknob, he unlocked the door and took a step inside the house, closing the door quietly behind him.
The only light in the house was the light coming through the windows. Still,he could see everything was the same as he left it when he walked out of the front door four days ago. His heart started to hammer in his chest loud enough to pulse through his ears.
Walking through the kitchen, he could still see pots on the stove she had taken out that day to start dinner, empty, and untouched. Walking through the bottom floor she was nowhere to be found. 
"God please let her still be here." he said to himself as he started to climb the stairs towards the bedroom.
The silence in the house seemed so thick he could cut it with a knife. Something was wrong. Every fiber of his being was screaming it. His breath was coming in short, quick bursts. Fear gripped him in a way nothing ever had before. Reaching the landing, he opened the door to the master bedroom slowly.
The lights were off in the bedroom, but he could clearly see her figure outlined underneath the covers. For just a moment he took a deep sigh of relief. She was just asleep. 
Closing the door quietly, he walked over to the side of the bed. Her back was to him, the covers pulled up over to neck.  Standing there looking at her he internally kicked himself for not coming home to her sooner. 
Reaching his hand out he brushed the hair away from her face. "Y/N?"
Nothing. She must be really asleep. Putting his hand on her shoulder. He shook her in earnest how. "Y/N... Baby wake up.. We need to talk..." 
Something wasn't right.
His heart started to hammer in his chest again. He felt like he was taking his breath through a straw. Shaking hard, he reached over and turned the lamp light on by the bed. 
The first thing he saw as the light flooded the room was his notepad open, and her handwriting that was on it. 
‘I'm so sorry I was a burden to you. You can go be free now. I did love you. I'm sorry you couldn't feel the same.’
At first his mind couldn't compute... Then it started to sink in. Panic grabbing him tight in his chest as he ripped the covers off her, shaking her hard. 
"Y/N! Wake up!! Come on baby, please!!"
Putting his head down by her face he could feel no breath coming from her body.
His heart seized up in his chest, shaking her lifeless body in his arms, screaming inaudibly. 
He couldn't take the thought that she was gone. It was all his fault, he left her here, he abandoned her, he was all she had, and she took her own life because of him. 
Grabbing his phone from his pocket,his eyes blurred as uncensored tears poured down his face. Every breath seemed to come out as a scream.
"911, what is your emergency?"
Jensen tried to make his voice work, but all that would come out was strangled noises and screams. He held her close to him, desperately trying to wake her up.
"Sir, please calm down.. What is your emergency? I can't help you if you won't calm down.."
Taking a deep breath he was finally  able to make his voice work in a noise that wasn't a scream.
"My wife.. Please send help. I can't wake her up. I think she's..." 
He couldn't finish the sentence. Throwing the phone down on the ground without hanging up, he pressed her body as close to his as he could, burying his face in her hair, begging her, God, and whoever would listen that she would wake up for him.
Tag List: @deanwanddamons​ @imabitch4jensen​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​ @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​
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kemonododo · 4 years
Decided to rewatch the whole series after seeing the finale, here's my thoughts as they come along part 3
There was an old He-man reboot that was cancelled after two seasons, season 3 was being set up as the horde conquering Eternia with He-man and his kingdom being forced into hiding as rebels. Apparently She-Ra would also appear, though knowing that show she'd be lucky to be 1/4th as interesting or engaging as our Adora. I'm saying this because, even though that cartoon was cancelled before it could finish it's story, we were lucky enough to see ours to it's end and in a way that story they wanted to tell exists here with us now. Plus I always disliked that they called themselves "The Rebellion" when they weren't really rebelling against anything, but they are now!
Poor Adora, even after all this time she still has that hero complex eating away at her, telling her she's useless unless she's serving others.
Entrapta's ramblings about space this season are very relatable.
Catra's face when she sees Glimmer be manipulated, you can see so much behind her eyes. Fear for her standing, flashbacks to her own manipulation, shock at how unprepared Glimmer is for this. Love how Horde Prime sees right through her afterwards, she has no power over him.
Poor Entrapta, she hasn't been with the other princesses since season 1, they're opinion of her has been soured by her betrayal and appearance to not care. We know she loves her friends and is trying her best, but the wound is still sore.
Horde Prime using Glimmer's dad as a bargaining chip is extra horrible when you remember that this is when she discovers he's alive.
It's great that the show takes a moment to allow Adora to come to grips with no longer having a clear destiny she can follow. She's so used to being told what to do, this is the first time she's truly making her own decisions. Agency that Shadow Weaver begins to take away from her later.
I love Catra's internal struggles in these first few episodes. She's trying to do what she's been doing, working her way up the ladder, but she can't. Not anymore. Her heart isn't in it, she knows this isn't what she wants, she's just going through the motions. Spending time with Glimmer is the only thing she enjoys, she finally slows down for a moment to just enjoy someone's company and really bond. Her turn to good isn't a 180, we see her mind working and how she comes to the decision of sacrificing herself. Seeing that Horde Prime is a complete psychopath helped of course.
I love how Horde Prime's ship has star themed beds.
I don't know how they did it, but they made Hordak recognizable among the other clones. It's like twins, once you get to know them the difference is obvious. You can look at a clone and see he's Hordak, yet he looks identical to the others. It's remarkable.
These flashbacks Catra has, wandering the empty corridors that her decisions have left her in, it's a testimony to how far she's come that they don't reaffirm Adora's betrayal to her anymore. She wants to absolve herself of her sins, and she decides a sacrifice is the best way. She wants to go out on one good grace, redemption by death, but that action and her apology is what makes Adora sure she still has good in her. Catra has shown she is willing to be good, and that alone is enough for Adora to give her another chance.
This is the first time the best friend squad has been together since Glimmer pulled the queen card, a lot of the wounds are still fresh. I definitely think this is the point Bow and her truly realize they love each other, they probably had a schoolyard crush but the realization of where they are without each other and how much they mean to each other, something really deep sparked here.
The Star Siblings are here to show what life under Prime is like, but also as a quick show of the Rebellion's message expanding. That's a little underdeveloped though, which is mostly a product of time.
Adora's little "she's not my friend" bit is adorable but a bit out of place imo, Adora hasn't really been this outwardly lovestruck over Catra before, and while Adora has decided to give her another chance I don't think that reignition of love would have happened yet.
The thought that Entrapta went out to find that LUVD crystal to bring with her in the slightest hope she would find Hordak and that he would recognize it. Plus the noises she makes and the fact she immediately adopts Wrong Hordak and that we get to see her without her mask, ah she is so cute!
Hive Mind Catra is terrifying and tragic, it feels so violating. He talks about how she wanted Adora to save her, how afraid she was when she was assimilated. We see that numbness and how it would seem appealing to her, but under the cracks Catra is still suffering, and Adora promises to bring her back, tells her how much she cares about her, transforms into She-Ra to save her. And finally, they are together again.
I love Adora constantly checking on Catra, this is the first time in years she has been with her, she just wants to be with her. Catra starts falling back into her old ways though, that anger still persistent, and Adora's honeymoon phase is over already and for a second we're all afraid nothing has changed. You can see Catra doesn't want to make that mistake again, and she finally lets Adora help her, and likewise Adora finally steps back and lets Catra help her too. They've both grown so much, and that growth is what allows their relationship to blossom.
It's great that Spinnerella and Netossa get their time to shine this season. Their arc here parallels Catra and Adora's earlier, and I would say it's unfortunate they have to go through this, but I love the angst.
Double Trouble! Back for a five minute appearance where they admittedly don't do much, but hey they're fun to watch and have some great lines so it's worth it.
Catra in a healthy relationship, with friends that don't fear her and people she sees as equals. People she can just joke around with and be teased by. You love to see it.
Melog is a pretty important addition, as he gives Catra someone that she can fully trust without the baggage from before. He's literally her therapy support pet, and he's the one that stops her from running away again.
Shadow Weaver's little speech here is great, she's been told that the First One's made the magic stronger when they did the exact opposite. It's a commentary on colonialism, "we brought you civilization, our conquest was good actually" is a very common lie.
Catra holding Adora's hand, Glitra kiss, Best Friend Squad hug, Catra's smirk when Adora says she's right. You love to see it.
I love how Noelle made a self-insert character and also decided she should be evil. "So the only person I'm fighting here is... My own wife" is a mega ouch.
I love Wrong Hordak so much, he not only shows how the Horde Clones are just regular people without the influence of Prime but he is also ridiculously cute.
Did I mention how much I love the new She-Ra look? I liked the old one but damn this blows it out of the park.
I will admit the Heart having a failsafe a d Mara having a rebellion of her own is a bit out of nowhere, but it was a nice reveal of the origin of Grayskull.
I'm a huge sucker for friendship saving the day messages I admit. Not the rainbow lazer kind, but that love and kindness reaching through Prime's control is beautiful. Plus it's wonderful for Catra to see what real friendship is like.
This is a great little moment with Castaspella and Glimmer, this is the first time they've seen Micah since his death.
I love Shadow Weaver so much, she sees Adora and immediately shifts into child manipulation mode. This is the first time I'm actually getting pissed at her though, obviously because she's starting to drive her chisel between Catradora but also because she's reversing all the development Adora has had up until this point.
Hordak: "Go, then maybe these memories and imperfections will leave me " Entrapta: "Remember, your imperfections are beautiful!" The fuck I'm crying in the club again.
I love this Catradora moment, "what do you want Adora" "I have to do this". Obviously their relationship isn't going to be easy after all these years, and both these girl's flaws and insecurities are flaring up again and driving each other apart.
Adora tells off Shadow Weaver for good, she ruins people. This is a huge moment for this character, SW has convinced herself she is the good guy and that she is making the necessary actions to save the world, but this is the one moment she really looks back at herself.
"Adora chose Shadow Weaver, not me. Adora doesn't want me, not like I want her" oof ouch my soul. That with Adora's memories, it's clear they can't just go back to the way it was anymore. They're love is too important to them now.
My headcanon is that Shadow Weaver is drunk here. She's slurring, she's drinking, her daughter is going to sacrifice herself. Maybe her decision to die was one she made totally wasted lol.
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Catra promised Adora she'd look out for her, and the soft version of the promise song in the background. Ow ow ow ow my heart.
Glimbow canon!
Mara is here, telling Adora the same thing Razz told her in the 3rd episode of the entire show. Stop looking for what other people tell you to do, you have a choice.
Spinnetossa, Seamista, Entrapdak. It's cliche, but love conquers all is a message I'll never tire from.
I started tearing up with the Glimmer Micah fight, and full on sobbing when Angella appeared. Something that didn't really stop.
I was mixed on SW's sacrifice, but I think it works. Each of them were trying to take the selfish way out, to die for the ones they love. So it's fitting that SW is the one that does it.
Fuck yeah Hordak! What a monumentous but short lived moment.
CATRADORA!!! God, the confession, how Catra whispers it but how Adora hears it as a scream, how it wasn't Catra that made Adora weak but infact the exact opposite, how they're both so surprised and relieved that these feelings they've felt for years are real and strong and true and reciprocated. It's the best conclusion possible for them and it makes me cry so much.
This beautiful moment, where Adora saves Hordak, the ultimate repayal for him saving her all those years ago. He remembers her. Fuck I'm sobbing again.
Scorpia sees Catra again after leaving her, and of course she hugs her.
And it's over. The best show ever made. Netflix automatically resets your watch history and here I am looking at the button to play Season 1 Episode 1 again. This 1 and a half year journey feels like a millenia, it feels so long ago that Adora first picked up that sword. This is a show I will cherish forever, I can see myself binge watching in the retirement home already.
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