#I didn't come online to be dragged into stupid bullshit over folks wanting to make a fuss over fictional content
xenoshadow13 · 1 year
So what's your stance on proship? Depending on your answer you might lose a follower here
My stance is that I don't give a fuck about the whole proship and anti stuff and would very much prefer not to be dragged into it.
Oh, and because I know some folks out there will try to get on my case and claim that I SHOULD care, please don't. Just don't. I find this whole thing to be rather stupid, stressful, and overall something that I just want to stay away from.
Anyway, that's all I shall say about this. If you have a problem with this then go ahead and hit that unfollow button. You won't be missed. :)
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Thing is, I once enjoyed your meta, was part of the "positivety police". But when you started attacking ppl who want more to see DeanCas as canon, I didn't understand your aggressivety. Nowadays, I only see the likes of you and Casgirlsam defending win*est, reblogging win*est, arguing how stupid Destiel shippers don't appreciate Win*est, even though it was the most famous ship or sth. Saying how everyone against it is just purity police. That's why no one takes you serious anymore. And it's sad
Oh look more bullshit. *looks high and low for anywhere i defend wincest*
*encourages my blog followers to look high and low for anywhere i defend wincest*
Oh you mean that time i told people to stop dogpiling a nonaggressive person in fandom minding her own fucking business while saying i dont like the ship but she doesn't deserve you being a bunch of thundercunts? That person who doesn't hang out with the aggressive shippers that attack people? Who literally was so respectful she didnt just tag everything but made a side account for her squick ship so others didn't have to see it, and mysteriously you go out of your way to look at while claiming to hate and be triggered by it?
You seem to be confusing "thinking you have no right to relentlessly assault someone in their own space" with "defending a ship i have been extremely vocal against", and, in irony, you even can't control yourself while I'm flagging your IP and interactions enough to approach your ISP for service termination on its harassment clause.
By the way-- "positivity police" ends at me not accepting abusive cankers like YOU coming into MY space or speaking up when you get SO OUT OF HAND you negatively impact someone's mental state, which you show zero empathy for right now.
As if anyone from yeshims ring, who use that phrase, were ever friends of mine anyway.
The world is literally burning, people are dying by the hundreds of thousands, protests are worldwide, and you're online trying to manufacture drama. Given you at least stopped libeling the lgbt author with shit you made up here at least. Now try that for the other made up garbage. Find something constructive to do.
This is the last ask I'll actually respond to from you, statcounter quantifies engagements you send even if I don't reply and I'm not gonna clutter my blog with negativity you are DESPERATELY seeking platform with. I'm sure you'll cry POSITIVITY POLICE WAHHHHH for me not giving you that platform and taking up space on my blog that NEWS FLASH, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ANYWAY. People don't come to my blog to read made up drama bullshit. Traffic slow on yours, it seems. If you weren't insufferable maybe you'd have enough platform to make up shit and get the attention you're after on your own blog. Try it some time.
My blog is not a ship war blog. Get it through your thick head or I'll have your ISP get it through your head for you.
If you think not having free right to someone else's space for abuse is "positivity police" you have some deeper problems going on and definitely aren't welcome at my blog till you clean that shit up. My tolerance for abusive personalities are negative-nothing.
And no son. Someone defending their own space and voice firmly isn't abuse. That's the narrative an abuser tries to spin, so lemme head you off there. I can and will drag you folks that wanna be big and bad @ me. You're used to getting away with it on other blogs with other personalities. I have been trialed by real life events that make these pitiful attempts laughable. Deal with it.
Get over yourselves. You're an anon nobody. I'm not gonna get on the lgbt history deletion train because some anon coward wants to spam my inbox. I will not go down on that wrong side of history. I am not part of your ship war hype you are mapping out in anon all the ways you are addicted to the war, not the content. To the attention, not the value. That aint this blog.
This behavior even looks ridiculous to most people in highschool. And i don't know about you, but i graduated high school a LONG fucking time ago. Actually more than an entire K-12 over again ago. This is not a blog for children; not because i post explicit content, which I don't, but because it's centered on discourse of politics, theology, history and yes, bodies of text. Not bored kids who can't figure out how to be constructive and spend their entire day fabricating nonsense to flatter themselves with digital pissing matches. I spend my days phone banking and fundraising for dozens of progressive organizations to liberate people but please, go off that your random nonsense that you literally make up is somehow woke.
That's not to say people under 18 aren't allowed at all. Again, i have no explicit content. Some people under 18 are mature. That is not what I'm calling children. I'm calling people that act like children, children. And i don't care if they're 22 when they do it.
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