#I decided to do a grubby child-looking Karkat though 'cause I thought it'd be funny XD
fdragon-art · 10 months
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Day 16 (30 Days | Homestuck - Day 2) - Favourite Troll (Karkat Vantas)
"You never expect the grumpy grub of a troll to be the underbarkbeast that steals your blood pumper, and yet..."
When energy is low, you typically go for pieces that aren't too ambitious - hence largely symmetrical pose - but if the idea doesn't give much motivation, even that may seem an unlikely product. Finding an idea that holds the imagination right as your energy wishes you to keep it simple is an interesting challenge at times.
I opted for a simple perspective piece since a lot of it could still be done with symmetry, and some transformation tool during the sketching process allows for a somewhat easier time making the idea at least look presentable.
The angle is...not one I've got much practice with, though. I wouldn't mind doing some proper perspective practices since the various angles that can come from it - and thus, interest within a piece - makes for good potential.
Probably the one main challenge I've got with it, however, is making the eyes look towards the screen while also fitting the perspective of the piece. These ones aren't horrible, but the face still doesn't seem quite right. It's a decent practice piece, though~
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