#I couldn't remember if she had bangs or n ot
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strawberri-draws · 6 months ago
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Mabel would have a cutesy flip phone with stickers, I don't make the rules
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everythingkpop2x · 6 years ago
RED VELVET REACTION - Accidentally hurting you in a fight
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Irene ;
    You guys were in an argument when the female when she had been walking out but you had pulled her arm. An instant reflix was to turn around, her arm swinging and accidentally hitting you. As soon as she felt her hand make contact with your face, her eyes would widen. She hadn't even realized she had swung her arm until it came into contact with you. "Y\n..." But you weren't in the mood to talk, going and locking yourself in your room. I think Irene would just leave and wait until everything clam down and to process what she had just done before deeply apologizing the next day, clearly regretting what had happened.
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Seulgi ;
    You guys hardly ever got into arguments but when you did, it could go on for hours of just screaming at each other. "Oh right. Like you weren't undress her with your eyes!" The female yelled which made you roll your eyes. "For the last time, we're just friends!! Like stop being so fucking dramatic!!" You had yelled which only angered the female even more. "Dramatic!? I'll show you dramatic!" And all of a suddenly Seulgi was throwing things and the next thing you know, you feel a small pain on your leg. Seulgi had unintentionally hit you with a clock. Whatever you guys were arguing about or how angry you were all went away when Seugli realized she had hurt you. "Y\n, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit.. i mean it." And you could tell from Seulgi reaction that is was unintentional. "Seulgi, it's fine... I just don't want our fights turning into throwing things ans espcially over something so stupid. I love you and I'd never leave you for a girl or guy, no matter what." Which only made Seulgi feel even worse but she was going to make it up to by planning something very special within the next few days.
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Wendy ; 
    Honestly yours and Wendy fights had never been that bad. You barley got into fights and when you did, they weren't nearly all that bad or lasted that long. Honestly, when angry with each other, you either talk ot out or just avoid each other until one of you were ready to talk. You didn't remember how the arguemnt started, all you remember was suddenly feel a sting across your face. Wendy hadn't realized how close you were when she was making wild gestures with arms until accidentally hitting you. Wendy wouldn't waste time before making sure you were alright and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. "I'm so sorry y\n" she'd say, tears swealing up as she put pressure on your cheek. She hated knowing she had hurt you. You guys ended up making up and agreeing to never let your guys arguemnts get that heated ever again. If y'all were ever that angry again, it was better to leave and just calm down before even thinking about addressing the arguemnt again.
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Joy ;
     It was late and the last thing you felt like was arguing with your girlfriend but that's exactly what was happening. You were hoenstly just tired. You wasn't even sure how this turned into an arguemnt. One minute you guys were fine and just joking around and the next thing you know, you're in a screaming match with your girlfriend. "You know what. I'm not doing this right now." Was all you said before making your way towards the door. "Don't you dare walk away from me!" Joy said angrily as she grabbed your arm a little too rough, making you whine in pain. Joy quickly let go when she realized she had hurt you. Her eyes instantly going soft. "I'm sorry... I don't know what's gotten into me. I've just been so stressed.. I know that's not an excuse. I'm really sorry..." Sadness filled her voice as tears were starting to form.
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Yeri ;
    Whenever you and Yeri would argue it was usually playful and over stupid small stuff. You guys hardly took your arguments seriously but this time was different. It was yuur guys first fight and it was pretty fucking terrible but then again, when were fights ever fun? All you did know was that you hated arguing with your sunshine and just wish you guys could make up already. However, Yeri was furious and would barely let you get a word in. However, Yeri figured it was best if she left and was on her way out when you lightly grabbed her arm. "Ye-" you were cut off whebn Yeri turned around yelling "don't touch me!" and pushed you on the ground. " Y\n.. I didn't mean... I-" "Just save it" you said before getting up angrily and stromming off towards your room. Yeri had jumped slightly at the loud bang from your door slamming. It was first time actually getting like really angry, even during the fight you weren't even that angry. Yeri had spent the rest crying and her Noonas taking care and giving her advice becauae she had no idea what to do after what had just happened. She couldn't believe she was that angry that she would have hurt you. "All you can do is apologize and show them you mean it. It's up to them wither they forgives you or not but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try." Wendy had told her. The next day, she did exactly what Wendy told her, hoping you'd forgive her and this wasn't the end of your relationship.
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foxjasminnie · 7 years ago
Fated Blood Chapter 3
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Pairing: Reader x Yanjun
Genre: Fantasy, Fluff,possibly some smut
Photo credit to yanjuns weibo
The music pounded loudly as y/n matched her moves to the rhythm,creating a sensual yet powerful choreography. Her old teacher Yixing always lectured her about balance, so she quickly became a expert. That was the reason she loved her job, teaching young vampires who wanted to become celebrities how to express themselves through movement like yixing did. To one day have a student think of her as the way she was inspired by him. Little did she know however that her every move was being watched intensely. She had a feeling someone was there but as she glanced around all she saw was herself i the mirror.
He couldn't help but not interupt, he was enjoying the view too much. Watching her body wave down to the floor, his thoughts couldn't help but take a naughtier turn. He wanted nothing more than to slowly remove her clothes and bit into her pale neck.
'Dancing with your silhouette, in the places that we met. Ooh trying to find you in the moon'
Echoed through the room as he emerged from the shadows with an all too cheeky grin.
"You don't have to find me in the moon, I'll always be right infront of you babe." Yanjun winked
"Well well well look what the cat dragged in, if i didn't know any better i would say you have become my stalker Mr Lin."
She laughed checking out the young male. He was dressed in a long white sleevless top with exposing his perfectly shaped muscles and tight black jeans. The look certainly complimented his dark red eyes. Although caught off guard by his sudden prescence y/n couldn't help but admire his him. She couldn't denie he was a beauty but the words of Xukun echoed into her head, disrupting those thoughts from going any further. He's a casanova.
"I'd like to think it's our fated blood bringing us together, instead of me."
"What are you doing here anyway? This isn't a playground, i have a student comming any minute."
"He's already here gorgeous" he beamed his dimples towards her.
"Of course he is."
Y/n rolled her eyes at the situation but then decided she could have some fun herself with this situation. If she was going to play with him she knew exactly what choreography to teach. First however she decided to torture him with an intense 15 minute warm up and work out, which left the young vampire trying to catch his breath.
"Too much work for you cutie?" She teased
"Never, but i know i can tire you out in a different way."
Yanjun winked and quickly chugged a small vile of blood he pulled out from his pocket. Within the next minute he was fully recharged and worse than ever.
"See babe, I can go at it lots of times" he winked again causing y/n to roll her eyes.
She switched the music to start playing Trouble makers 'There is no tomorrow'. Yanjun caught onto the choreo at a fast pace and before she knew it was adding his own flare to the dance. She didnt expect him to be this good. The firey gaze on his face as his body matched the beat to her own, which took her as a surprise. She had always been comfortable with Xukuns body complimenting hers and yet just as comfortable around Yanjun.
As his hand slid down her thigh in the dance break, her heart started to beat fast and a small blush creeped up onto her cheeks. She had never been this flustered with Xukun, what was wrong with her today? As the dance ended he dipped y/n back and pulled her body close to his, resulting in a light gasp from y/n. His eyes were staring intently down at hers as he moved his pale pink lips closer to hers. Just before they could meet y/n had snapped out of her frozen state.
"Well you've had enough fun for one day mister." She laughed.
" Damn and i thought the beauty was finally falling for the beast. I have to say, you definitely have to be a 9 out of 10 because I'm the 1 your missing." He winked
"You would be so lucky for that line to ever work." Y/n smirked.
Y/n had no idea what had come over her. She was meant to be using this time to tease and play around with him and yet she was the one blushing. Damn the blood still pumping inside my veins, she thought. Yanjun was just standing silently studying every part of her with one of the cheekiest grins. He knew his plan was starting to work and it was full proof. Thanks to the information from a reluctant Ziyang. But Yanjun had dirt on him that even he had to give in and help. Whilst Y/n was turned around tidying up the studio Yanjun quickly made his way behind her,wrapping his arms around her chest.
"Don't you know the meaning of personal space?"
"You seemed to be enjoying mine earlier."
Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Your class is over, time for you to go."
"I'm waiting for my takeout" Yanjun exclaimed.
"What takeout? You don't even eat human food." Y/n stood there confused.
"Our future"
Yanjun smirked as he whispered his response in her ear. Sending shivers down her spine.
"Guess you'll be waiting a long time, that takeout is non existant."
"I can wait an eternity for you princess, i have all the time in the world."
Y/n faked vomited at the cheesiness, before struggling out of his grasp. Much to his dissatisfaction. Guess the battle is still to be won. He thought.
"How do you have so many lines? And how do they even work?"
"I'm irresistible that's why."
Yanjun let his dimples shine again well aware that they were one of his best weapons and y/n couldnt help but think they were adorable.
"Look, i prepared a romantic picnic for us,will you give me the honour of a date just this once? I promise you won't regret it."
Y/n's mind went back and forth between both the positivies and negatives of the situation. On the one hand she did have nothing to do until Xukuns rap practice finishes. On the other it meant being left alone with Yanjun and she wasn't sure if her beating heart could take anymore shocks.
"You seem to get a lot of my charitable deeds of the day. But fine let's go."
Yanjuns face lit as he took ahold of her hand and lead her to the picnic location with his super speed. He didnt see the need for his car as it was a short distance away. The area was breath taking y/n thought. The soft moonlight reflecting of the dark blue lake; with pink cherry blossoms dancing around the area. She was shocked to know a area like this was so close by and she had never discovered it. Not far from the lake was a chequered blanket laid out with a brown picnic basket. She knew he was a flirt but she didn't expect so much romance either. Next to the basket happend to be her favourite bottle of red wine. She was shocked that her just happend to get her favourite type. Not many people knew her tastes and she decided that either it was suspicious or a strange coincidence. He gestured for her to sit down a she unpacked the basket that contained a bottle of blood for him and sandwhiches for her.
"I'm impressed." She smiled.
He smirked as he took ahold of her hand and pulled her close to him again. He then moved his hand up her arm.
"Did you know that the distance from your arm to your shoulder and the distance from this shoulder to your arm,is the same length."
Yanjun smirked as his arm was now wrapped around her holding y/n close to his chest.
"I changed my mind, I'm leaving. I can't take the greasiness."
She laughed trying to move away but his grip got tighter than before. She cursed not having full strength due to her mixed blood. Little did she know that Yanjun could hear just how fast her heart was beating. It had been so long since he had heard a heart beat that he enjoyed listening to her rhythum. It just made her all that more special to him.
Yanjun went to get the wine glasses out of the hamper but was unaware that they had broken earlier in transit. As he lifted it out he noticed his palm had been cut and that red liquid began to drip from it. He looked embaressed by this event as y/n stared at his hand. Not a smooth move he thought.
"You should clean that up."
"How about you do it for me princess." He winked
"I don't like drinking blood." Y/n shifted her gaze away.
"I don't like the taste of my own blood."
He laughed as he started to remove the last remaining shards from his palm without flinching. Y/n stared as the ruby liquid was now sliding from his palm and down his arm. She was never one of the metallic taste but he looked so pitiful sitting there. The last time y/n ever drank blood it was Ziyangs and she remembered all too well where that ended up. Against her better judgement however; she brought his palm to her lips and gently ran her tongue across the wound sealing it and then cleaning the stream that had travelled down his arm. It was strange his blood was so sweet tasting that she had to restrain herself from biting into him. She smirked as she let go of his hand.
"If you like it that much, you can bite me here and leave a hickey." He winked
"You owe me for this...and the whole bottle of wine." She laughed as she gazed into his eyes.
"Your such a tease and i love it." He smiled "I'll do whatever you ask of me angel."
They spent the rest of the time drinking from the bottles and getting to know eachother better. Y/n was careful not to reveal too much about herelf. Only how she was used to life in the human realm and as much as Justin was annoying,he was her world. She was a fool when it came to her brother. On the contrary Yanjun explained that he wasn't sire what he wanted in life and that he was trying to find some fulfilment. He had a high status in society but he grew up often left alone or with the servants. His parents too busy to deal with him. Y/n couldn't help but feel sorry for Yanjun. He had everything except happiness and was lonely. Maybe he was just misunderstood she thought.
As they continued their conversations various cherry blossoms had fallen around them. Yanjun couldnt take his eyes off y/n. She was the most beautiful girl he had seen in a long time.The way her long bangs shaped her small face and the soft pink tone on her skin. He had been with other half vampires before but something captivated him about her and he just didn't know why.
As a petal landed in her hair,Yanjun instantly went to retrieve it;shortening the distance between them. She blushed as one of his hands stayed on her cheek and the other now holding the flower.
"It's such a beautiful flower."
She smiled admiring it. However Yanjun's gaze didn't leave hers as he flashed his dimply smile.
"Not as beautiful as the one infront of me."
He felt the warmth in her cheek increase and giggled. He thought she had finally fallen enough for him to close the gaps between their lips quickly. Y/n put uo her arms to push him away but as his slightly cold lips touched hers it was as if she was drugged. He gently tugged at her bottom lip begging for permission before letting his tongue meet hers. He pulled her body closer to his so she was lying ontop of him as his hand travelled down to her waist. His pale pink lips soon after leaving hers;as he trailed them down her jaw and neck. She moaned slightly at the sensation. It had been so long since she had physical contact with anyone that she forgot just how good it felt. Her hand rested upon his chest until she could feel the point of his fangs on her neck. Which is when her common sense kicked back in and she pushed away from the young vampire. He looked confused as she got up from him and laughed it off.
"And there was me thinking we were finally going to get to the fun bit." He whispered in her ear.
"In your wildest dreams Yanjun." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh but I've already met you there." He smirked "Told you i'm irresistable."
"More like it has been a while and I'm sure it would of been the same with anyone."
Y/n stuck out her tongue as Yanjun held his hands over where his heart should be; pretending he was wounded by her words. Before he could retaliate a soft pinging noise could be heard;resulting in y/ns attention leaving Yanjun. This in turn caused him to pout. He hated not having her attention on him. He tried to see the message to see who had broken his spell but all he could see was the senders name. KUN KUN♡. That boy always gets in my way. Yanjun thought. He watched as her face lit up and couldn't work out why it would never do that for him.
Y/n was greatful for the distraction so she had time to calm down and compose herself again. She didn't want things to to further than what they already had. She knew where it would lead. So seeing Kuns name on her phone brought her heart much needed relif and joy.
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A/N sorry it took so long writers block has been a big pain considering i never really thought i would take this story further. Let me know if you guys are still enjoying this ^^
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