#I couldn't be prouder of myself to see how much my art has grown and I'm so thankful for everyone's support here ❤️
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kalolasfantasyworld · 10 days ago
Art progress
Don't give up on your art, progress is gradual, but if you put the work in you'll really see the change and improvement.
Below are a few redraws I did with corresponding dates.
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January 2024 - August 2024
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September 2024 - August 2024
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January/February 2024 - January/February 2025
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megamagimugi · 2 months ago
My very, VERY dear Mugi. Where do I even begin to express how much your art, and you, mean to me? From the beautiful, BEAUTIFUL pieces you made for my first fic "Anything for him," which was a complete surprise and had me smiling the widest smile ever, to this same week with the absolutely STUNNING piece you made for the first anniversary of my Dream Team fic "Keeping you warm," which has now become my phone wallpaper... both our friendship and you as an artist have grown so much and I just couldn't be happier and prouder 💖💖💖
I've told you many times and I'll keep saying it: your art is a true wonder, my friend. A gift for the eyes, a complete delight to watch. I don't exaggerate whatsoever when I say I want to print and frame it because it's THAT awesome. And I can only be incredibly honored and grateful that you've graced me with it so many times and brought to life many of my ideas in your wonderful style, including my beloved girl Violet. I'm so blessed 🫂🫂🫂
And of course, I'm MORE than blessed to have you as one of my best, closest friends. I freaking LOVE chatting with you! Just hearing from you always brightens my day, and just so you know, you're helping me a lot to boost my confidence 🥰 And I also love it when we're a little bit silly together 🤭💖
It's a complete honor to have met you, dear Mugi, and that I can be so lucky to see the awesome masterpieces you create and give them, and you, the love and praise that you deserve 💖
Oh hi female Luigi Zahra!😁
Okay, I'll be honest. I didn't expect to get one of these from you since, y'know, we tell each other nice things just about all the time😂 Very much appreciated nonetheless, as all the other times have been🫂
Even if I'm just repeating myself at this point, I still want to make this clear. You mean to me more than you can possibly imagine. It's a connection so deep and strong I have only felt a similar one maybe once before in my life, with a former best friend. I can't believe I now have someone else I can classify as such, after all these years.
When I say you're the real Luigi to my Mario and I can only wish I had had you in my life earlier, I 100% mean it. In fact, I've never told you this because it's a little embarrassing but sometimes when I read fics about the Mario Bros. where they're being particularly sweet to each other, at times I can't help but be reminded of you and me😆 You always make my day better and it's thanks to you I'm not so lonely anymore🥰 You have helped me in so many ways.
Which is why I couldn't be happier and prouder myself to hear that I've been successful in helping you boost your confidence. That's great! Everyone deserves to be self-confident, but you deserve it the most <-totally not biased😛
Oh yes! I, too, love goofing around with you a bit, and to me making you laugh is one of life's greatest pleasures😁
And of course, thank you for your unwavering support of my art. I'm so glad you've loved every piece I've drawn for you, that you've been enjoying my ongoing comic and basically every piece I've posted so far. Your reblogs are always such a delight to read. I can't possibly thank you enough.
You know what? I actually do feel a lot better about my art now, after reading so many people's kinds words. Why am I not surprised that it was you whose words finally broke the metaphorical camel's back? Overall it was definitely a team effort though!
Thanks for everything, my dear friend!❤️
Have a good old M&L hug:
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borom1r · 3 years ago
For the asks you just reblogged: lawrence, eric, peter (or strahm. whichever sounds better hfmsbsns) & mallick!!!
Headcanon A:  realistic — ok ok ok ive seen it come up in art n im sure fics as well every now n then but i rlly dont think Adam could talk Lawrence into going to a pride event. i think the first time he goes is for Diana. and i think its just. so big for him? seeing his daughter making friends, and winding up at the end of the day decked out in bi flag merch + compared to how he grew up and the perceptions of queer people he was exposed to. its not even like. For Him, this huge fucking wave of emotion, but moreso that his daughter has grown up so much more open and joyful than he got the chance to. she doesn't have the weight of the world on her shoulders and he couldn't be prouder or more relieved.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious — Adam is the reason Lawrence drank wood. (to clarify: Adam decided to make shakes for them both and, while making an oreo shake for Lawrence, stuck a wooden spoon into the blender while it was still on. he couldnt see any chunks of wood so he decided to just leave it be. later, while drinking, Lawrence bit down on what was Supposed to be a piece of oreo. it was instead, in fact, fucking wood. this is coming from lived experience. please know I am Lawrence in this situation.)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends — hey do u wanna hear the worst headcanon. hey. hey. Lawrence Does Not Feel Guilty About Leaving Adam In The Bathroom <3
John indoctrinates Lawrence into a system that feeds his craving for purpose and structure and Lawrence does not think twice. I think it says very interesting things abt him VS Mandy.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. — in a perfect world Lawrence played along w/ John only long enough to get himself safely to a hospital + then showed up later and beat John to death with that torture device of a fucking prosthesis John tried to force onto him. peace and love on planet earth, baby
Headcanon A:  realistic — idk how realistic this really is but i also dont care u will pry trans/autistic eric from my cold dead trans/autistic hands. especially the autism side of things i see soooooo much of myself in him it makes me fucking insane
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious — ok entirely based off Donnie Wahlberg himself, the man the myth the legend, Eric can sing SO WELL and has a weakness for pop music. even Jigsaw himself couldn't make the man admit it out loud but dear god. when he's alone in his car? BLASTING the tackiest 90s boyband shit imaginable
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends — Eric was raised in an abusive household. idk this has come up vaguely in other meta ive posted but that quote, "if you grew up with an angry man in your house there will always be an angry man in your house"?? yea.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. — i feel like this is literally all of my softer meta abt Eric but it makes me happy and goddamn do i love him. Eric gets pet rats as soon as he can post-IV + definitely has had multiple "I put the rat in the fridge and went to put the butter in the rat cage" moments. thankfully, this just means his rats get to ransack the cheese drawer unsupervised for a few minutes every now and then
Headcanon A:  realistic — he has a wedding band but is not actually married. the one (1) time he splurged on himself it was to get people to stop fucking asking why he’s not married/if he and Perez are dating/when they’re gonna make it official. there? are you happy? he bought a ring now shut the fuck up.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious — Peter Strahm: Good With Children. Literally Cannot Comprehend This Fact. Diana has declared him like, her 6th favorite person (after Larry and Allison and Adam + Allison's partner(s)— I love Allison/Tracy/Rigg so much so yknow) and he has No Goddamn Clue Why. lord help this emotionally stunted, dense fucking man.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends — he doesn't replace things unless they are near unusable. why waste the money? he doesn't deem himself worthy of comfort.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. — Perez buys him gag gifts a lot. or like, not GAG gifts but shit that’s definitely making fun of him a little. by far his favorite is a trucker hat that says “retired don’t ask me to do a damn thing” he wears it regularly when he’s not working
Headcanon A:  realistic — he used to bite his nails sometimes bad enough they’d bleed. reeeeegularly had bandaids on his fingers for a long fucking chunk of his life
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious — FURRY FURRY FURRY FURRY FURRY FURRY im a Mallick Scott sparkledog fursona truther
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends — Brit is dead and that’s the only reason Mallick sits and listens to Bobby’s bullshit. he lost the one person keeping him going. he lost himself.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. — REAL MALLICK SCOTT ARKIN OBRIEN COUSINS HOURS. I FEEL LIKE CHARLIE FUCKING PEPE-SILVIAING IT UP OUT HERE BUT THEY ARE COUSINS AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY FUCKING MIND
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citricacidprince · 6 years ago
I accidentally made a fanbase about my gremlin Linksona
(Thank you to the Linked Universe Discord for encouraging me to continue making this meme child qwq)
So, about 5 days ago I said the following in a VC in the Linked Universe Discord, “What is there was a modern Link that showed the other Links memes haha funny right?”  I said it as a joke, but in the next hour, I made artwork for the lad. Then a joke worthy backstory that solidified his gremlin status. And then I did the worst thing. The one thing that signifies my love for them and shows that I've grown attached. I made angst for him. I was doomed to love this dork from the start, I was just too stubborn to see it. 
Soon I started to make others care for him as much as do. Fanart started to flow in. Headcanons and angst started to build. Hell, someone is writing a goddamn fanfiction! In the span I five days I now own a rat hole someone called a discord server with 15 people in it, and I couldn't be prouder. So instead of keeping this to myself, I'm sharing this boy with the world. So, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I have the greatest pleasure of introducing the one, the only, Modern, the gremlin child who wormed his way into my heart!
(Just for clarity, all art about to be shown is mine!)
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Absolute gremlin boy. Lives to meme and will die the day he has to actually work. Flamboyant and sarcastic when the time calls for it but also kind and sweet when needed. He's practically a gen z kid, he's waiting for an opportunity to die.
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Had parents until he was almost 6. Tragically died in a fire. He’s well known as a missing kid, or some think he died in that fire, but he just hid under a bridge out of “stranger danger” fear. Has lived under a bridge for 4 years of his life, from 6 to 10. Lived solely on apples and other fruits and vegetables that grew around. During winter when they didn’t grow he stole what he needed to live and has had some close calls when it came to starving or freezing to death. Was very used to cuts covering his feet and dirt covering him in general. Stole a pocket knife to protect himself. 
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Meeting Zelda: 
Zelda was 10, dumb, and in a 7/11. She foolishly allowed 15 dollars to be eaten by a vending machine and was crying about it. Suddenly a red bolt flies past her and slams into the vending machine, making blood fly everywhere. Zelda picked up the red-haired dirty boy to see his nose broken and knocked out cold. Zelda took him home to care for him. They’ve been friends ever since.
Growing Up With Zelda: 
Zelda, being the Mayor's daughter, is very rich. Despite her fathers fussing, she befriended the gremlin and allowed him into her home. She allowed him to use her bathroom, her clothes, her food, anything that would help. He didn’t want to accept at first, he felt like he’d be a bother, but after some convincing from Zelda, he allowed himself to be cared for. Zelda taught Modern how to read at a basic level, and how to clean up nicely in regards to clothes and such. She allowed him to have old clothes of hers since Modern is way smaller than she is and told him how important it is to wash and cut his hair. He also learned that bleaching your hair was a thing that he did almost immediately. She also showed him memes and that forever changed the lad.
Zelda is an odd girl. Growing up she was very tame and stayed in line, and out of everything, she loved her mother’s stories. She told of tricks and games and mischief, all of which Zelda adored. She died of a heart condition when Zelda was 8. Zelda always wanted to grow up to be like her mother but never had the courage. Until she met Link (Modern). She knew her father didn’t like Modern, and that gave her such joy. After that day she didn’t everything her father disapproved of just of spite and rebellion. She wore her hair in a bun, started wearing a sleeveless leather vest, a tank top, a belt with a huge ass buckle (The BAMF ones), skinny jeans, and big ass cowboy boots. She also likes to be called ’Z’ as a nickname because her dad hates it. She’s a very kind soul, but she’s a meme lord when she’s with Modern, and she’s a rebellious shit to her father. Also, to this day, she has a hatred for 7/11 and is determined to get her 15 dollars back.
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The Triforce Gang: 
There’s this gang Z and Link are in. It’s a gang passed down from their parents. Links dad was in it (Modern faintly remembers his dad talking about it) and Z’s mom was in it (Z admires her for it). They didn’t have to make the gang again, but it was so infamous in their town they felt like they had to. Not to mention it would be fun to do. The mark of the Triforce gang is a Triforce tattoo on all of its members (which at the moment is only two). Z has her on her cheek for the world to see (much to her fathers' dismay) and Modern has his right above his butt, making many believe its a tramp stamp. Also, the one major rule in the gang is “Snitches get stitches”, AKA if a fellow gang member is in trouble and you can prevent it, you help a fellow member out. This “gang” they are in doesn’t really do anything bad. All they do is petty vandalism/theft. And because of the grudge Z has, they do raid and attack the 7/11 quite often. The town usually allows them to do this because well they’re teens and they could be doing a lot worse like drugs. But sometimes they do have to send in a police officer, usually the chief, to make sure they stay in line sometimes.
Ganon is the gerudo Police Chief. He’s just a man trying to make it through the day. He has to deal with all the shit the Triforce gang does. Like whenever they draw triforces on things in sharpie, or all the minor shoplifting and loitering they do, or just all the times they've decided to harras the 7/11. It's annoying but to a point being endearing. When he met Modern for the first time he was just called a ”weather boy”, whatever that means, and brushed off. However, it was clear that the police officer wasn't gonna go away. At one point, he even tried to arrest Modern, until an important part of his past showed up-
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Ganons’ Attempted Arrest Of A Meme Child: 
Ganon was just going to do his job, Ya know, arresting wrongdoers. However, that didn't go to plan when he tried to arrest Modern. Ya see, after giving Modern and Z more passes than he’d like to admit, he finally had to book Modern for vandalizing the 7/11 for the 5th time that week (He tries to ask why, but all he got in response was ”Wouldn’t you like to know Weather Boy?” and that just made him confused). While putting on Moderns handcuffs, Modern noticed something. A triforce tattoo on Ganon’s hand. He immediately yelled, ”TRIFORCE GANG TRIFORCE GANG!!!” and to that Ganon got all embarrassed. He quickly tried to explain that it was just a dumb thing he was in as a teen, but Modern cut him off real quick by showing off the triforce tattoo he has on his lower back. Ganons’ confused at first but Modern snarkily askes, ”What's the one rule of Triforce Gang?” To that Ganon absolutely loses his shit. He can't fucking arrest this kid now. He may not have really been in that dumb gang in years but he took a goddamn blood oath as a kid that pretty much binds him to follow the gang's one rule. Besides, he now knows that Modern and Z’s parents were his friends, and like it or not, they are all he has left of them. So, reluctantly, he let's Modern go. But that's not the last the two hooligans will see of the man.
Ganon Is A Dad Now I Guess?: 
After realizing that these two kids are related to people he cared for already made him more protective of them, didn't help that they were hooligans always getting hurt. Modern especially. Ganon got a complaint saying that someone was disturbing the peace by living under a bridge so Ganon is like, ”Cool” and just planned to kick whoever was under there out. However, to his surprise, he found a wild Modern sitting under there instead and he's just like, ”What the fuuuuuuuck”. So Ganon is immediately concerned, like, this child is living under a bridge and just eating apples and shit? That's a big no in his book. Ganon offers a guest room in his house to Modern but Modern’s like ”Nah fam, don't wanna be a bother and shit, also I'm fine, I got apples and an empty fridge to sleep in when it gets too cold! : D” That just makes Ganon worry more. Then he finds out that Z hates her dad so he just sorta unconsciously adopts these two gremlin kids who need a dad. They also stop calling him Weather boy which is nice but they start singing, ”You are my daaaaad, you're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!” and that makes him more confused but he thinks it's a compliment?
Modern’s weapons: 
He's had a pocket knife ever since he was young and he knows how to use the fucking thing. However, at some point in his teen years, he noticed on the side of the road there was a fucking pistol. At first, Modern was like, ”Oh shit” and didn't wanna touch it, but then he noticed a triforce on the grip of the gun and was like, ”Triforce gaaaaang???” He started to mess with it and discovered it was a gun that never ran out of bullets but only shot if the person/monster you were aiming at had any bad intentions (inanimate objects don't count I guess cause they usually can't think???). Modern thinks Hylia gifted it to him, but he also thinks it's kind of a bad gift. Gun recoils spook him and just they're loud in general, so he rarely ever uses it, yet. When he does start using it, he decides to give it a name that would match what the others were using. He calls it ”The Master Gun”.
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With The Other Links: 
So this is the part where I just go buck wild. So there's this meme kid who shows up in the place with these heroes and the only thing he can think of is to show memes and just dick around because he has to laugh away the fear or else he will cry. Modern and Wind are best friends and he loves telling memes to the others but he only ever really explains them to Wind because Winds the only one willing to listen to Modern’s bullshit and actually think it's cool. Sky and Hyrule try and listen by they just can't follow how fast-paced Modern is. Modern has absolutely blasted Despacito at some point. Modern actually feels insignificant compared to the other Links because he's not really a hero like the rest. He just has a fucking gun. His big adventure was attacking the 7/11 with Z, and that's it. He never faced major tragedy in his adult life, or he likes to believe that, so he feels like an outsider. Doesn't help he's so many generations in front of them. Also, Legend saw Moderns gun and now he wants 50.
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Little Fun Facts: 
The reason Modern’s hair is naturally red and not blond is that, in my little world, I thought it would be really funny if Modern was an extremely distant relative to Time and Twilight. And somehow, out of all those years, he got Malon’s red hair, and he hates it. He's bleached it as soon as he was given a chance. He's kinda salty that the other Links got natural blond hair and he git stuck with red. 
Modern is extremely used to not eating for days and to not wearing many clothes during cold weather. To a point, it's actually concerning. 
Some of the other Links don't really understand him so they don't really like him. It's disheartening yeah, but they'll warm up to him eventually? 
Modern is absolutely appalled by the lack of self-care the Links show and forces all of them to take baths. Wild is the worst one, if he hasn't bathed in a while Modern will refuse to touch him. 
Modern has mild Thanatophobia and Anthrophobia -Has multiple shorts that have different sayings on the ass, such as ”Vaccinate your fucking kids”, ”Be kind to others you dipshit”, ”You’re beautiful bitch”, “What Would Miku Do?” and so on 
As said before Wind and Modern are absolute brothers and care about each other very much 
Warriors and Modern would have hair days where they just braid each others hair and that's all they need 
Despite making weed jokes all the time, he has never actually smoked weed and probably never will. 1) He’s too poor. And 2) It smells like ass to him. 
Modern’s favorite Zelda’s are Tetra and BOTW Zelda because they actually do shit and aren't just princesses and honestly, he respects 
Secretly loves cheesy romance songs 
Has a country accent that slips out when he's mad (A lot of county travelers traveled over his bridge) 
Is a decent gymnast and completely taught himself by watching actual gymnasts as they practiced (Please note that this had gotten hi hurt on many occasions) 
Probably gets taught how to use a sword at some point
The only reason Modern looks anywhere near nice is because Z buys him clothes 
How the hell is this child not dead he's been homeless for years now
Welp, there he is! My son, my boy, my sad child! I really hope you like the gremlin as much as I do! qwq
(To all the angels in the Modern discord, you haaaave to repost this with your art because those masterpieces need to be SEEN!!!)
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