#I can't wait to recieve mine (///>u<///)
willsimpforanyone 3 years
ooo my first reyna fic! tysm for waiting so patiently!
edit: i've remembered that reyna is in fact asexual, which is fine there are sex-positive aces, so i've just included a little detail that makes it clear that she wants this and the reader would never do anything she wasn't comfortable with
Her shoulders were so incredibly tense. Hunched over her desk, my girlfriend focused so hard on the parchment she had spread over the surface.
The clock on the wall said it was well past midnight and frankly, I'd behaved so well the last three hours, letting Reyna work peacefully and reading some Latin book I'd picked from her bookshelf.
I allowed my eyes to drag over her, gaze getting caught on her braid, loosened from her hand absently tugging it, on the loose t-shirt slipping down one shoulder as the other raised in stress. One bare leg was crossed over the other, tan skin bathed in a warm glow from the lamplight.
Reyna shifted, aware of my eyes on her, and cleared her throat.
"Stop looking, you're distracting me." Her tone was firm, but her voice was tired. "I have to get this done, and you're not helping."
I hummed, amused. "I'm not doing anything, the book isn't holding my attention." I didn't say that she did.
Reyna's pen hadn't moved in a couple minutes. Shoulders were practically up around her ears, tension practically flowing from her. Slowly, deliberately, I closed the book and put it back on the shelf. I swayed over to her, gently placing my hands on her shoulders that immediately relaxed. "Honey, please, you can't focus this late." I pressed a kiss into her hair.
She tilted her head back to lean it against my stomach as she closed her eyes, but her words didn't match her actions. "I can focus, and I will," she hummed as I traced my hand down her hair and began unbraiding it. "Stop that right now, I'm very busy."
I nodded, though she still had her eyes closed. "Oh, I know, I'll let you continue..." Dragging my fingers through her hair, I leaned down to press a kiss on her jaw. "...don't let me distract you."
The pen in her hand shakily met the paper once again and her head came up to focus on the task at hand. I smiled to myself, my lovely hardworker. She deserved a break, even if she couldn't bring herself to take one.
Patiently, I waited until the smooth motion of the pen meant she'd almost forgotten I was there. My fingers carefully began combing through her hair, smoothing out any knots and slowly moving my hands to where her neck met her shoulders.
I kept one eye on the pen as I massaged Reyna's muscles, feeling a little guilty I didn't do this earlier- she was so tense. Under my touch, I felt her begin to relax again, and slowly, slowly the pen's motion ceased and fell from her hand.
I recieved a hum in response.
"You sure I can't pull you away from your work?"
The barest flicker of a smile on her lips and I knew I'd won. Smoothing my hands down her arms, I twisted my fingers with hers and gently pulled her out the chair. Her eyes were tired, fixing on mine as I cupped her cheek and ran a thumb under her eye. "Honey, you're exhausted, come here."
To my surprise, she hardly resisted as I led her to the bed and sat her down, kneeling in front of her. Reyna's skin was warm to the touch and I pressed a kiss to her knuckles as she gave me a tiny smile. Normally so confident and sharp and so in control, seeing Reyna's softer side was a thrill that sent sparks down my spine.
"Will you let me help you relax?" I murmured, keeping my voice low. "We don't have to do anything, I just think it might help- if you don't want to be touched, tell me and I'll back off."
There wasn't even a moment's hesitation. "Yes, please..."
She must really have been struggling to give in to a lesser-used method of relaxing so fast.
I touched her thighs and settled between her legs. Looking up, I saw a hint of red on her cheeks but to her credit she maintained eye contact. I grinned and winked.
The red colour flooded her face and down her neck. "Oh shut up, are you going to help or not?" She huffed, thighs threatening to close.
Holding back a laugh, I nodded and reached up to place my hand flat on her stomach, pushing her back to lay down on the bed with her legs hanging over the edge.
"I'll help, I promise." I ghosted the words over her skin and saw her shiver. "Just lay back and let me take care of you, hm?"
Reyna shifted and I just about saw her nod her assent.
Enough teasing.
I nipped kisses into her inner thigh, a trail of red stars in my wake as I kept my eyes on her breathing, delighted when I saw it stutter or stop for just a second. I tapped her hips and hooked my fingers under the elastic of her underwear and she lifted up so I could pull them down her legs.
Experimentally, I touched the pad of a finger against her pussy. It came away shiny, glistening in the low light. I couldn't resist teasing her. "My, my, the big, strong praetor, so wet for a few kisses."
Immediately she was up on her elbows, scowling at me. "Shut up."
I held up my hands in surrender. "Yes ma'am." I shifted closer to her, a smirk dancing on my lips. "After all, my mouth can be put to better uses I'm sure."
Reyna didn't have time to invent a comeback before I pressed my tongue against her and she inhaled sharp enough to cut. Her hands fisted in the sheets as I twisted my tongue, lapping at her with excitement.
It made for a shift of pace, my gorgeous in-control leader girlfriend slowly losing herself to me. I adored her dominant personality, but it was such a high when she allowed herself to fall from the pedestal she held herself on, falling into my arms.
I watched with reverance as she breathed heavier, biting her lip until she couldn't surpress the little noises I drew from her. Her knuckles were white and shaking in the sheets as I pulled out every trick I knew.
Grazing my teeth over her clit sent an almost visible jolt through her and before she could stop it, a desperate moan reverberated from her chest and she slapped a hand over her mouth.
Kneeling up, I reached for her arm and tugged it away from her face. "I wanna hear, don't hold back honey, please." I punctuated my words with kisses directly to her clit. I laced my fingers with hers and brought both hands to my head, letting her tangle in my hair.
"That's it, you're doing so well, my lovely strong girl."
Hands now free, I slipped a finger into her, relishing in the way her back arched and her grip on my hair tightened. Reyna squirmed as I pumped my finger in and out, angling my fingers every time she moaned just that little bit louder.
Adding a second finger brought an almost-scream from her and I redoubled my efforts, making the most of her sensitivity.
"You're doing do well," I breathed over her skin. "I love your beautiful sounds, my darling, so, so pretty for me." I licked a stripe up her soaking pussy, savouring her taste as much as I could.
Her chest heaved, pants and moans and strangled cries flowing freely from her as her thighs struggled to close against the grip I had on them.
A choked 'I-I'm so cl-lose...!" was all the warning I had before her legs snapped shut despite my efforts and she came hard on my tongue. I swallowed as much as I could, licking her through her orgasm and into oversensitivity.
I only stopped when Reyna's hands pulled my head away from her and I could finally see her face again.
She was flushed, still panting, eyes bright and a more sure smile on her lips. I kneeled up and fixed my eyes as she brought up the hand that had been inside her. Her tongue darted out, cleaning the mess she'd made and I swear I nearly collapsed at the sight.
Swallowing, I pressed a quick kiss to her lips when she was done. "You feeling better?"
Reyna rolled her eyes slightly, but nodded. "I am, thank you, my love."
Despite everything, I blushed at the pet name. I blushed even harder when she brought a hand behind my head and pulled me forward into a messy kiss.
Her lips were shiny, as I'm sure mine were, when she pulled away. "Want me to return the favour?"
I smiled at her offer, but shook my head. "Nu-uh, this was about you. Plus it's-" I glanced at the clock. "-almost half one in the morning and you, praetor, have too many meetings to be healthy tomorrow."
She grinned. "Well, I'm sure I can take a break from them if this is my reward."
i really hope stressed!reyna isn't too ooc?
thank you for requesting!!
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valinya 7 years
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Pictures from the Super Handsome Live 2011 pamphlet. Uehara Takuya, Hirama Soichi, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Mizuta Kouki, Miura Haruma, Sato Takeru, Totani Kimito, Yanagisawa Takahiko, Kazama Yujiro, Aoyagi Ruito. (scans from my own pamphlet. Please, credit the artists, the event and my tumblr if sharing. Thank you)
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hugsandpeaches 3 years
It's U Again
jiu x reader
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Minji and you are High School sweethearts, well, before.
Both of you wears the same clothes, dream the same dream, thinks the same thing most of the same time. You two are defined as 'soulmates'.
She was very talented, you too as well. As said earlier, both if you has the same dream. A dream of being idols.
"I got accepted as a trainee!" Both you two surprised each other at the same time. It was an accomplishment you two dreamt of. Both of your hardwork has been paid off. But there's a thing...
Trainees can't date.
Your dreams led the both of you to separate ways. It hurts. Minji's training period is coming and you have to send her away on the train station.
The day she's leaving was very gloomy. It rained hard as you and Minji waited for her train to come. Her head laying on your shoulders, hand holding yours tightly. She want to savor her last moments with you as her boyfriend.
"When you debut, I'll wait for you"
Her heart skipped a beat and then she lifted her head up, meeting your eyes.
"You'll do the same thing too, right?"
Her eyes glistened in tears and hugged you side ways.
"When we became successful someday, let's not forget each other." As she told you the words, her train came and you stood up, helping her with her bags. She entered the train and you were left behind the yellow line she just crossed. There's just a little number of passengers getting inside the train so the train doors closed as she stepped inside.
Minjin stopped on the glass door looking at you, tears streaming down her eyes. She waved her hands at you and you copied what she did.
"Y/n-ah, we'll meet again"
The train started moving slowly and you followed it's direction, still looking at Minji. She was smiling at your actions and was shocking her head. The train moved faster and you felt the rain slap your face as you ran.
"I love you"
Minji mouthed you behind the glass doors and you ran as fast as you can, dropping your umbrella, just to say back the words.
"Minji saranghae!"
Once again, Minji waved her hands and you stopped from running, rain washing you and your clothes.
<6 years later>
5 years ago, Minx debuted and then 1 year later, Dreamcatcher was born. The group's popularity started to climbed up as they toured around the world. Minji never forgot you. She always kept your picture on her bag without the members knowing. Minji always ask for you whenever she come home but too bad you weren't there. Your parents told her that you moved to US to do something. Minji understood but it kinda hurt her because you didn't let her know.
Well, she lastly asked for you 6 years ago. Now, dreamcatcher is having their comeback and have been busy this past few months not noticing this rookie soloist under SM Entertainment.
Fans started going crazy about his visual and how soothing his voice is.
Lee Y/n.
Your name was all over internet. You didn't knew you were going to be this viral after your cover of Xiumin's You last week. SM promoted you by singing their ballads then dropping your teaser the day after. You've been busy preparing for your debut for a month so you didn't recieved any news from her. Netizens was amazed by you and then started talking over you.
You were the current hot topic.
But the only thing that you want is being noticed by her.
Did she recieved the news?
Did she read something about me?
Is she proud of me now?
Questions took over your mind as you became nervous coming into the stage. You were the first performer of today's Mcountdown.
You placed your position on the stage and hopefully searching for her on the dark crowd but she wasn't there that broke your heart. You bowed your head in disappointment and then started performing as the your song started playing.
After performing, you took your last glance on the now bright crowd but still, didn't saw her figure. You forcefully smiled at your audience and bowed before exiting the stage. You saw your manager waiting at you and you hugged him, thanking him for your successful debut.
While walking, you were your sad expression. You can't believe she wasnt there supporting you.
"I miss her"
Just then, a loud heels running on the hallways was heard by you and then someone suddenly bumped on you while doing your turn on the intersection hall.
A tall yet not so taller than you just bumped their head on you chest and then ran off without saying sorry. That was rude but you guess she's chasing someone important.
You looked down and then saw bunny necklace, you were familiarized by it and took it anyway. It was the same necklace you gave Minji 8 years ago.
The girl must been dropped it while bumping at me. You thought and then walked back at your dressing room. You sat there and then looked at the thing on your hand.
"When will I meet you again, Minji?"
I placed the necklace on my pocket and then stood up.
"I'm hungry"
Jiu's POV
"I'm here, manager unnie" I opened the door and saw my members on their phones. "Unnie, there was a handsome guy on the monitor earlier. You're late to see him" Gahyeon said while munching her food. "And he's the same age as you, maybe..." Dami wriggled her eyebrows at me while smiling sheepishly. I sighed and then sat down beside the two maknaes.
"I told you guys, I'm not interested" I said and then placed my hand over my neck. An unfamiliar feeling came into my body as I didn't touched my necklace.
"My necklace is missing" Dami looked over at my neck to confirmed it. "You rarely took that off, maybe you didn't wore that earlier? " Gahyeon asked. I shook my head and stood up.
I went out of our dressing room to find my necklace.
That wasn't just a necklace. That was his gift from our 1st year anniversary, how can I lose it. I led my way to the girl's comfort room where I went earlier and again while turning into the hallway, I bumped into someone... again.
Wait, maybe I dropped the necklace after bumping on someone earlier!
I avoided who I bumped into and was about to run when I felt my arms being pulled.
"Wait miss, you bumped at me 2 times already and you didn't even apologize "
Is that- that voice sounds familiar.
"I'm so sorry, something important is missi-"
Third Person's POV
Minji stopped on her tracks as she saw the person's face. The person was also shock from who she is, forgetting his hands was still on her arms.
The bot immediately let go of her hand and then bowed at her. "Annyeaonghaseyo, Lee Y/n imnida" Y/n greeted with the widest smile plastered on your face.
Y/n can't believe what's happening just now. He's now face to face with his first love, the only girl he loved. Jiu on the other side was surprised but same as Y/n, she cant contain her happiness. Her lips started to spread into a smile and chuckled.
"Is that really you, Y/n? Am I only dreaming?" She pinched herself just incase. "Ani, I'm real" the boy spread his arms and turn around. "I'm real Minji" his smile never left his lips. Jiu came and pinched his cheeks as well.
"You're real!" Minji exclaimed. You then heard footsteps coming into one of the corners but luck is on your side. You two were just standing infront of your dressing room.
You opened the door and pulled Jiu in. She never complained, why would she? She had been waiting for this moment to happen.
As the both of you went inside, you immediately enveloped Minji a tight hug. You felt her hug back that made you tear up.
"I can't believe this is happening, please tell me I'm not dreaming!" You told her and you felt her shook her head on your chest. Then suddenly, you felt your shirt getting cold.
"Minji?" You broke the hug and you saw her brightly smiling at you, her tears rolling down her cheeks with her mascara. "Yah, don't ruin your make up" you wiped her tears using your sleeves. "You're performing soon, I'll watch beside the stage" she nodded at you and got out from your arms.
"Oh- I remember, your necklace " you grab the necklace on your pocket and turn her around to put on the necklace on her.
After putting in on, you kissed Minji's cheeks making her blush and turn around at you. "Yah, we're not official yet, take me out to date first" she said and pushed your shoulders.
"Hmm, noted. So...?"
Silence filled the room, the both of you smiling while staring at each other. "I missed you" you look down on the ground while fiddling your fingers. "Me too" you heard her said that made you blush.
"Have you watched my performance?"
Your head shot up and you glared at her. "Y oi u missed it, did you?" Minji bit her lip and looked down. You smiled at her cuteness and then went closer to her again.
"It's okay though, at least we met again. So Minji... I mean, Jiu-ssi" you said and took out you hand for her to take.
"Faith really made us see each other, would you like to go out on a date with me on Saturday" you kneeled down at her and she started squealing. "Yah~ what are you doing, get up" she held your hand and pulled you up but you remained in your place.
"Only if you agree, Jiu-ssi" she smiled sweetly at you and pecked your lips.
"Of course, I would love too" you smiled and then stood up, pulling your necklace that was hiding behind your shirt.
On your necklace, there are two rings that was familiar to Minji. It was your necklace since you were still together. You wore it everyday. She wants to ask why there are 2 rings on it but her head says 'it's just design, that's it's
"Kim Minji, you were mine before, I'll make you mine again" you pulled out the rings and put the small one on her left hand. She blushed and you put the larger ring on your left hand.
"Now we're unofficially enganged" you smiled cheekily and kissed her forehead.
"Welcome back"
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