#I can't remember if I've EVER seen any footage of Fanny live with Brie on drums and Patti on guitar either so
musicrunsthroughmysoul · 10 months
Turns out I've never seen this before, or else it's been many years since I last saw it, but I just watched it and I have some thoughts:
JESUS CHRIST, I didn't recognize Alice at first. (They're all wearing quite a bit of makeup, but I really don't remember watching any other Fanny performances where Alice was wearing makeup so I was like 'WHO TF IS THE DRUMMER?' and then I realized it was Alice and I felt bad, lol)
Speaking of makeup...I mean, Nickey's whole getup feels rather Elton John, only Nickey's makeup is better than Elton's glasses, lol. (And it's just a coincidence that Elton is also a pianist.)
June is fucking gorgeous, someone hold me, please. Or, "COME AND HOLD MEEEEEE". 🥹
I'm pretty sure this is the first time I'm hearing "All Mine" live even though Youtube is now first and foremost suggesting live versions of "All Mine" when I searched for "All Mine Fanny"??? and ohhhhhhh my goooooosh it's so lovely.
Funny that I didn't recognize Alice visually at first, and yet few drummers are as fucking solid - and recognizably so - as Alice de Buhr.
The ending to "All Mine" live is beauuuuutiful, oh my gosh.
I noticed especially during "Last Night I Had a Dream" that their vocals could've been turned up...A LOT. :( The harmonies that Jean and June do during that song, especially, are fucking gorgeous and I feel like the instrumentation drowned them out a lot.
I love at the beginning of "Last Night I Had a Dream" how June did that atmospheric thing on her guitar in place of the synthesizer (on the studio recording).
Also, dear GOD when Nickey literally screams and June's guitar answers with its own scream- FUUUUCK there go the hairs all standing up on my arms! (In a good way!)
NICKEY'S FACES WHILE SHE'S SINGING, OMG. What a drama queen and a goof, I love her.
June's outro solo to "Last Night I Had a Dream" and especially the interplay between the guitar and keyboards...I mean, I am very obviously a slut for that, so NO NOTES, 10/10 ON THAT!!!
Now I'm wondering if I should make a gifset for either of these performances...
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