#I can't properly colorize this dark green mess I'm sorry
quietparanoiac · 4 years
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When you want to praise someone's amazingness so much you don't even know what else to say.
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wann-der-lusst · 3 years
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Survived in the darkness of the tunnel
by Chabelita Alvarado
I woke up in the morning with the alarm clock. I quickly made a way in the hall to the bathroom. I did my usual routine in the morning and got ready to go to school.
I walked downstairs to eat a quick breakfast with mom and dad. Smiling to myself and munching on the last piece of bacon. I made a way down the sidewalk, the cold air stinging my cheeks, and towards the subway.
I was halfway through my walk to the subway station when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled out my phone, I saw a chat on messenger that came from my annoying best friend.
My best friend, Jane, just told me through chat that Wade Rivas was single. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. That's what she had to tell me?! As if I care.
Well, if there was one thing Jane would wake up this early for, it would be Wade Rivas. Tunasan High School's very own stereotypical badass who just happened to have every female in the school drooling at his feet, and unfortunately that included my best friend. I pity for Jane, poor thing.
I just chatted that "let's see each other at school and spill me the tea".
I slipped my phone back into my pocket smiling at my idiotic excuse for a best friend and looked up to see that I was at the subway station.
Sighing I found myself a seat towards the back as far away from everyone else as possible. I hated when I went out in public and the public was actually there.
It was only after I had sat down and was about to pull out my pair of headphones ready to expertly ignore everyone, that I realized who was sitting right across from me looking like someone had definitely had a bad day.
Sitting there, arms crossed, and dressed in a black hoodie and jeans, was none other than Wade Rivas.
I didn't realize I was staring at him that long until a pair of green eyes met mine, followed by the harshest glare I've received.
Embarrassed, I quickly averted my eyes and turned back to my phone and headphones. My embarrassment turned into curiosity though. Why was he riding the subway? The last time I checked he had a car.
I put my headphones in and played a song of All About You by Taeyeon. I tried to feed my wandering thoughts, and prepare for the thirty-minute ride.
I once glanced over at Wade. He was still staring at me. Although this time that confused expression was no longer on his face. Instead, it was replaced by an amused one.
I didn't buy to talk to him. We've been going to the same school for just about four years, and in all that Wade and I had never crossed paths.
To kill and waste some time, I approached him. "Why are you staring at me?"
"Weren't you just staring at me?" he said. Hmm. His voice, it made sense that many girls admire him.
"I'm not staring, I'm… just… not blinking." I protested.
He shook his head and fixed those eyes on me again.
"Then why were you 'not blinking' at me?
"Why do you care? You used to be girls staring at you." I said. Okay, I admitted that I am quite attractive to him.
"Of course I'm used to girls staring at me. I'm asking why you're staring at me. You don't even throw me a glance at school." Wade said.
That caught me off guard. I was an average girl in the school. So, he knew who I was? I had to remind myself that I didn't care whether he noticed me or not.
"I was just curious." I said bringing myself from my thoughts.
"About?" he prompted.
"Why are you here? Riding the subway I mean. Don't you have a car?"
"That's none of your business." He snapped as he turned to look in the other direction. Woah, a sudden change of his mood. I can't bear him, god.
Aha! He wasn't in a good mood because of his ex. Now I know. I decided to take pity on him. "I'm sorry, I just heard about your, uhm, break up?" I said with sympathy.
"What are you doing Chayo? Why are you trying to be nice?" he said.
Now that really shocked me. I wasn't pretending! It wasn't like I was a mean person. I was nice all the time. Or at least I thought I was. Second thing, I'm shocked he knew my name. We were not uttering a single word to each other through high school and this our first time to casually talk.
"What do you mean, why am I trying to be nice?" I asked, a little offended.
"I mean we haven't said so much as one word to each other throughout high school. Why are you talking to me now? Let alone trying to be nice to me? If I'm not wrong, I was under the impression that you couldn't stand me. If it's just cause you feel for me, don't." he said while completely facing me.
My mouth actually dropped open. What kind of reputation was going around about me?
"It's not that I can't stand you. It's just that I wasn't about to drool at your feet just so I could get a chance to talk to you". I said.
Wade was silent for a moment as he seemed to think this over.
"I don't know why I'm even telling you this, but as crazy as it sounds Amber was the first girl I was really serious about. I mean there was a girl before that but that had about a snowball's chance in hell of happening."
"What? There was a girl that The Wade Rivas didn't have a chance with? I need to meet her and shake her hand." I said, teasing him about that.
First time, we talked like a friend. We'd finally talked and on a subway of all places, kinda strange. However, we were comfortable with each other.
Our conversation interrupted when the subway train suddenly came to stop. The awkward and embarrassing filling caused my body sway to the left and body bumped into Wade's and seeing as my hands were currently shoved into my pockets, I couldn't brace myself for it. So, instead Wade ended up with his hands placed on my arms to keep me from toppling over face first into his lap.
My face heated up. It looked like a tomato.
My moment of embarrassment was changed in fear. Our light mood ended abruptly when the subway doors suddenly slid open and instead of passengers boarding, five masked and hooded figures made their way inside.
They were all wearing dark jeans and hoodies that concealed their faces. Each one carried a black duffle bag. Flirt out of the five figures silently made their way into the other cars leaving just one behind. The lone figure stood in the middle of the subway car and dropped the duffle bag with a loud thud, gaining the attention of all the other passengers.
Silently, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black handgun.
Screams erupted all around me as everyone laid their eyes on the weapon. I sighed in fear, I couldn't believe that this was happening.
I felt the train begin to move again and I let my eyes wander to the left, trying to see through the window into the next car.
I observed all the passengers, they were all afraid. Screams were still ringing out around me and I had to suppress the urge to yell for everybody to shut up.
A gunshot rang throughout the small space causing me to almost jump out of my seat. My ears were ringing and when I looked up to the figure holding the gun in the air with their index finger wrapped around the trigger.
Everyone was silent now.
"Now that I have your attention I'd like to properly introduce myself." The figure pulled off the hood that had been covering their head and face, revealing a creepy flesh colored mask with holes cut out for the eyes and mouth and a shaggy mess of short greasy black hair on top of his head. When he spoke his voice was muffled by the mask but nonetheless I could still hear that it was deep and rough, like a smoker's voice.
"You can call me Rad." He continued.
I frowned at that. What kind of a criminal introduces themselves to their victims? I mean I doubted that if I made it out of this alive and went to the police that they'd have someone named Rad in the system, but still.
"Now first thing first, we need to get a few things straight. Any of you scream again, you die. Simple as that, understand?" He warned.
When no one answered, he shot the gun into the air again causing everyone to jump but no one screamed.
"I guess you all understand. This ride will go by a lot more smoothly if you all just cooperate." He added.
No one dared move suspicious. Wade and I kept our mouth to not say anything for our safety. Rad walked back and forth in the small confined space of the train car, switching the gun from his right hand, to his left, and then back again.
I wondered what he was doing exactly. If he was here to blow people's heads off then why wasn't he? I hated the fact that we were waiting here not knowing what would happen next. As if he could sense my impatience with him, Rad spun around and glared at me through his mask. Or at least I thought he was glaring at me, but I couldn't really tell with the mask on.
"You." Rad said pointing the gun at me.
I froze and clenched my hands into tight fists as I stared wide eyed, not at Rad, but at the barrel of the gun.
"What's your name?" Rad asked.
"Chayo." I said quietly.
"Chayo...Why don't you go ahead and stand up Chayo." Rad said kindly. I hated it when he say my name. I gave an involuntary shudder.
I was about to force myself to stand, even if it was against my better judgement, when I felt Wade grip my left hand, keeping me in my seat.
I glanced at Wade and gave him a questioning look.
"Why do you want her to stand?" Wade asked while narrowing his eyes.
I wanted to slap my hand over Wade's big mouth.
"I thought we already went through this. You don't speak… Unless. You're. Spoken. To." Rad ground out the last words slowly, and I doubted he would remind Wade.
"Wade please…" I begged quietly. I stood up even though I highly doubted it. "Obviously your girlfriend has more sense than you." Rad said while tilting his head to the side.
I almost opened my mouth to tell him that Wade was not my boyfriend, but I kept it shut. I wanted to live.
I slowly walked up to Rad and stood there, waiting.
Then I waited for more than two minutes. He said nothing, did nothing, just stood there staring at me. I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore. He was making me anxious and when I became anxious I also got a really bad case of word vomit.
"Are we just going to stand here and stare at each other?"
After I regretted what I just said, my eyes instantly darted down to Rad's clenched fits and before I could look back at his masked face, I felt his hand connect with my jaw, hard.
The force of his punch made me bite down on my tongue as I stumbled back from the impact, my hand covering my jaw. The train car seemed like it was suddenly bathed in bright white lights, and I reached my free hand out to try and find something to steady myself. I could taste something metallic and salty which I knew had to be my own hold.
Wade approached me and gave an angered face to Rad.
"Well, aren't you two sweet? Trying to protect each other like that." Rad gave a dark chuckle before he jerked his head to the door leading into the next car.
"Move it, both of you, Now!" He ordered.
Still clutching the left side of my face I stumbled my way toward the door with Wade right behind me, one hand on my lower back and other on my arm, whether it was to keep me from falling flat on my face or just there to comfort me, I didn't know. All I was focused on was the pain which seemed to be everywhere in my face.
As Rad pushed us forward I wondered exactly what we'd gotten ourselves into. We'd continue to walk through the next two train cars.
Wade and I got shocked from what we witnessed in the next train car. The image of the knife swiping across the old man's neck and the gushing blood, was imprinted in my brain.
"Grandpa!" the little girl wailed and a chorus of horrified screams followed. She hopped out of her seat and ran to her grandpa before she sank to her knees next to him, his blood seeping into her white tights.
I stared, unable to move or breathe. I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth hard and bit down, trying to keep myself from throwing up.
I heard Rad chuckle darkly behind me before he began shoving at our backs again. When we had reached the front of the train where it was operated. Rad opened the door and I had to bite back a scream.
There on the floor was the conductor with a bullet bole i. the center of his head. I couldn't take much more of this.
Rad lifted the man up like he was nothing more than a rag doll and threw him out of the compartment where he landed with a loud thud, pointing the gun back at me and Wade.
"Get in." Rad ordered.
I walked inside slowly and my nose instantly wrinkled at the smell of blood. I looked ahead, out the front window of the train, as we sped past flickering light bulbs in the tunnel. I wondered where we were headed now.
Wade walked in behind me and I saw his face scrunch up as the smell of blood invaded his nose too.
"I'll be back to deal with you two later."
That was all Rad said before he closed us in and made his way back towards the back of the train.
As soon as the door closed, I pressed my back against the wall before I slid to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest.
This couldn't be happening.
Wade knelt down in front of me with his arms on his knees, and he stared at me intently.
"He just killed him." I whispered, shaking my head. "He didn't even flinch. He just slit his throat. Right in front of his granddaughter!" My voice rose and I think I was starting to hyperventilate. I was taking in quick shallow breaths and I started rocking back and front.
"Oh God, we're going to die. We're going to die." I was seriously starting to panic now. What would my parents do once they found out that I had been chopped up into a thousand little bite sized Chayo pieces? Then there was Jane. She'd probably take it worse.
Wade snapped his fingers in front of my face and broke me from my horrid thoughts.
He placed both of his hands on my knees and spoke very slowly, "We're not going to die. Okay?"
I looked back up at Wade and nodded slowly.
"Promise me then. Promise me that we won't die down here. Not like this." I said as I felt unexpected tears fill my eyes.
I didn't want to die. Not here. Not like this.
I watched him with a frown as he reached out and wiped a strat tear from my cheek before letting his warm hand rest there.
I didn't push his hand away like I told myself to. Instead, I welcome it, enjoying the brief comfort his touch brought me. I could use it right now.
"I promise." he said quietly.
I could only hope that he kept his promise.
I'm not sure how long I sat there. My imagination was running wild the longer we sat there. I imagined it might happen but my horrible thoughts scattered when the subway lurched and rumbled against the tracks.
"We're slowing down." Wade said.
The sound of the door sliding open behind us made me tear my gaze from the window and Rad who was standing in the doorway, his flesh colored mask and gaping black eye holes staring at me. A shiver ran down my spine.
Rad ordered us to follow him.
As we made our way through the subway cars I noticed that they were now all empty. I wanted to ask where everybody was but I was afraid of the answer I might get. So, I kept my mouth shut this time and kept moving.
We were on the last train car, Rad pushed us toward the exit doors which were already open.
We stepped out onto the old platform and my earlier question was instantly answered. All the people who had occupied the subway cars were now on the platform, all on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs with zip ties, set up in a line.
The one wearing a Jason Vorhees hockey mask stepped forward and tied our hands in our back. Jason Mask pushes us forward at the end of the line of subway passengers, where we got down on our knees and joined them.
"Now that you're all here, the real fun can!" Rad began with a clap.
A whimper and a sniffle came from my right and I glanced down the line of people and my eyes landed down on the same little girl from before. The little girl whose grandpa had been murdered right in front of her.
She was crying. I made myself a promise that I'll protect her.
I watched in silence as Rad and his band of masked began untying people and ushering them down onto the tracks of the
"Now this is how this is going to go," Rad began as he paced back and forth in front of the abandoned tracks. "The tracks from here on out are abandoned and farther down they break off into a bunch of unused subway tunnels. That's where you all are headed." He added.
"We're going to be playing a little game of hide and seek if you'd like to think of it that way. There's only one exit in one of these tunnels that leads up and out of the subway station but finding it will be like finding a needle in a haystack. If by some miracle though, you do happen to find this exit then you're home free... but if you don't," I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "And we get to you first then... well I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise now would I?"
Wade and I joined the group of passengers after the mask man untied the knots.
"You get two minutes, Two minutes and then the chase begins and you better hope like hell that we don't catch you" Rad warned everybody
"Why are you doing this?' A male voice demanded and that was Wade.
"I'm doing this to prove a point." Rad stated simply.
"What point?" Skater boy demanded.
"That I'm free to do whatever I please. You all live in this world thinking that you're safe, that you're protected. Well, you're not. Do you see anybody down here that'll give you as second glance if it means risking themselves?" Rad shook his head when the skater boy didn't respond.
"So, whoever is gonna survive through this game. Deliver the message to your pathetic police When they find all your dead bodies they'll see what a complete failure this entire system is." Rad added.
Rad glanced down at a watch that sat perched on his wrist.
"You have one minute and fifty-nine seconds" Rad said
As a cue, all the passengers started to run. I tried to scan the crowd for the little girl but people bumped into me and elbowed their way past trying to sprint ahead.
We kept running.
My legs were arching, my lungs were burning, and my head was spinning, all while I was running for my life.
As we continued running, my heart hammered furiously in my chest, and it felt like I was going to puke acid really soon.
I started slowing down and eventually I just stopped. I bent over with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.
Wade approached me and tried to motivate me to keep going. However, we heard an ear splitting scream echo down the tunnel. I turned to our back. I'm sure the group of masked men started to sue us.
Wade gently helped to keep half-running. I ignored the pain. We've reached the end of the track, we came to the tunnels that Rad had mentioned earlier. It was seven that all led off into different directions.
Wade and I agreed to pick the seventh tunnel. When we were inside, there were no lightbulbs, we couldn't see anything other than a pitch black.
We walked faster and carefully felt our tracks. My hands touched the wall of the tunnel and continued to walk.
Leading the track, Wade checked his phone but no signal to call police. However, we could use that as a flashlight.
Unluckily, the ground seemed to change, and I found myself free falling into the darkness. Wade yelled my name. My body smacked against the concrete. I cried out as bolts of searing hot pain jolted through every inch of my body. Tears filled my eyes instantly and spilled over as the pain took over. There was a horrible throbbing pain in the back of my head and an awful burning and ripping sensation in my side.
I heard the faint shuffling of footsteps and suddenly a bright light was shining in my water filled eyes.
"Shit!" I heard Wade's horrified whisper.
I couldn't even speak cause everything was hurt. Wade knelt down next to me. He sat his phone next to him letting the light create a small pool of illumination around us.
Wade said that he was going to help me. He began to lift the hem of my shirt. He slowly moved his hand upward until it rested just below my rib cage. And I felt an extreme amount of pressure on my ribs. There was an audible pop but I could barely hear it over the ear piercing scream that
was coming from my mouth. That was a great help, it had lessened considerably the pain before. A sheen of sweat covered my forehead as I breathed in and out rapidly.
Wade called my name with a worried and concerned face.
"I'm… still.. okay" I said through pants of breath. I blacked out.
I woke up cuddling with Wade. I'm literally surprised because I thought it was one of the psycho mask man. I could still feel the pain in my side. Wade told me that I was fell in manhole. One of my rib was dislocated.
"I'm grateful that you stuck around and helped me. It means a lot that you'd do that for me… and… and I'm sorry."
I jerked back a little when Wade whipped his head back so he could look at me, his eyes shining in the dim light of his cellphone.
I swallowed nervously and stared back at him, waiting for some kind of response. I froze when he reached up and pushed a damp piece of my hair behind my ear. My heart just about exploded when he let his hand linger on my face.
Didn't he know that there were people after us? Shouldn't we be running for our lives now?
I was ready to raise to slap his face when he got close enough to kiss me, but an ear splitting scream rang through the tunnel.
That scream scared me half to death in a panic, I jumped and slammed my head against Wade's.
I groaned in pain while rubbing my forehead and said to Wade that he had a hard head. Wade said that my head was exactly soft, teasing me.
"Did you hear that scream? Somebody could be in trouble." I said.
Wade just coughed and sounded like he was struggling to contain his laughter.
"Have you lost your mind? Those masked freaks could get to whoever that was and they could be headed this way right now." Wade explained.
I ignored his statement and tried to get up from sitting into his lap but he pushed me back to his.
"Please, Wade, I want to know who it was. Because it could be that little girl. She can't make it down here by herself. Hell, we can barely make it, so just imagine how she's doing. I have to find her Wade, so please don't try to stop me" I said.
Wade stared at me for seconds and stood up and then gently helped me to my feet. He grabbed my hand, shooking his head before he said "Let's go then, Wonder Woman."
Along our way, Wade and I talked nonsense. I've just realized that it was a mistake to find this little girl or who it was that did the screaming.
We've reached the end of the tunnel, but there was a large cavernous room. It was made of the same gray stone as the rest of the tunnels down here and jagged pieces of rock and pipe jutted up from the floor and hung from the ceiling. There were a few pale yellow flickering lanterns that cast an eerie glow across the large room, which meant someone had been here recently. Looking around, the room was empty.
"There's nobody here Chayo, we should head back and try and find our way out of here while we still can." Wade's voice rang out in an echo arout the vast room.
When I was to turn back to face Wade, the same shrill scream from earlier ran out behind me.
A black boots began to step forward, revealing black jeans and then a black hoodie before finally revealing a sheep masked figure.
"You two are just too easy." Sheep Mask drawled out, his voice slightly muffled by the mask.
I couldn't believe that we were fooled by this man. The scream that we heard was just recorded. The sheep mask currently holds the device where the scream came from and he pressed the button again to play the scream sound.
The Sheep Mask reached into the waistband of his dark jeans and pulled out a black handgun. The Sheep Mask pointed the gun to Wade but to my suprise, Wade was on top of him. Both of them struggled to gain control of the gun.
When the Sheep Mask started angling the gun towards Wade's chest, I rushed forward and brought my foot down as hard as I could on Sheep Mask's face.
Wade didn't wait for any second as the gun was on his hand. The Sheep Mask tried to scare them that we were going to die soon when Rad reached them. I faintly heard a loud crack and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Wade ram the butt of the gun into the side of Sheep Mask's face, then he shot the gun toward the head of the masked man.
Wade came to me and brought my head to his chest.
"We're not going to die here, Chayo. Do you understand? We're getting out of here," he promised. I hold on that promise.
I can't believe that we just killed the Sheep Mask man. I'm so mad to myself that we had to do that.
We've continued to search the exit. Wade leads the way, but his navigating skills sucks. When I led our way, it turns out that any navigating skills sucked a lot more than Wade's did. I ended up leading us right back to the spot where we started.
Apparently, Wade and I saw the same flurry of pink darts across the tunnel and into another one. I'm sure that was the little girl with the pink shirt that we tried to look for before.
We were not really sure but we decided to follow the girl from where the tunnel she ran through.
In turn of the event, someone grabbed me from the right. I saw Wade also dragged by another mask man. The piggy mask figure man that was covering my mouth by his hand, led me from somewhere. I was parted away from Wade. The last scene of him was fighting with the other mask man.
The Piggy Mask lifted his left foot and kicked open an old door that read "Employees Only".
The room looked like a place where electricians or repairmen would frequent with all the machinery inside.
The Piggy Mark man removed his mask as soon as he closed the door. It was Rad, the leader of the psycho mask group.
He grabbed my hair to go to another destination. There was a series of many lefts and rights before we finally came to his destination.
We went to another room. It was large and full of pipes in the ceiling. In the center of the room stood four, large, curved, gray pipes that jutted out from the floor and were pointed to the right wall.
There were three people handcuffed for those pipes. The strange man was handcuffed to the first one. The second one was the skater boy. The third one was the little girl that we've been looking for.
And for the fourth pipe, Rad cuffed me from the last pipe.
"W-why are you doing this?" I asked between my sobs.
"I already told you. The system already failed me once and now they're going to fail you. This is all to prove a point." Rad simply said. With that, he disappeared back down from the tunnel.
As soon as Rad was out of sight I slumped against the pipe before sliding to the ground. Anything I did was a failure to escape. I just dropped my head and think that this was how I'm going to die.
The first man in the pipe turned into red, burned, bloody and raw. The skin skin looked like it had been seared completely off and I could see the white of their bones poking out.
The skater boy started to scream, asking for help. The little girl started to cry and I had no idea what to do to comfort her.
I've heard a voice. "Chayo?!" Wade yelled out from somewhere. My head whipped up at the sound of his voice and directly look at his eyes.
He ran forward and bent down to hug her.
"How did you-,"
"You don't know how I fight that masked man but I'm relieved that I found you." Wade said.
"But I'm going to die here. The pipes. They shoot out hot steam and the man just got a face full of it." I explained.
Wade looked at the first pipe, his eyes widened and urged to fight to not throw up something.
Wade immediately pulled a trigger of his gum that pointed to her handcuffs but nothing happened.
Wade found two bobby pins into the hair of the little girl. He borrowed it from the girl and promised to help her.
I suggested to Wade to help first the skater boy and the little girl before me. Wade argued about it but he still did it. When Wade successfully unlocked the handcuffs to the skater boy, the skater boy moved forward to also help unlock the handcuffs on the little girl. Wade finished to get rid of the handcuffs to me before the steam of the pipes burned her.
We were successfully all safe, as of now.
The four of us continued to find the exit of this tunnel. Upon walking, we've talked in some conversations but stay alert. The skater boy named Dylan and the little girl named Rose.
Our conversation was long. Until Rose pointed ahead of her. She was pointing at the end of the tunnel and my blood ran cold.
Standing at the end of the tunnel, completely silent and staring at us, was the man in the Jason Mask.
Jason Mask aggressively started running towards us. As an instinct, Wade held my hands and we started to run to the tunnel on our right. Dylan and Rose followed us. There were a bunch of lefts and rights before we reached the two tunnels.
We agreed to part away in two groups. Dylan and Rose went to the left tunnel and Me and Wade ran through the right tunnel.
Me and Wade never stopped to run even though I've being clumsy for how many times I fall on my feet.
Wade stopped, he pushed me against the wall of the tunnel that didn't reach the dim light of the tunnel. I wondered what's going on in his mind but it made sense when I heard booming footsteps and a few seconds later I watched with wide eyes as Jason Mask went thundering past us and continued down the tunnel.
When I'm sure he was gone, I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.
For a minute, we stayed there and had some rest. But I saw Rose had just come into view and even from here I could see red stained in her pink shirt.
Wade and I hurriedly approached Rose. I asked if she was hurt. But she said with tears that the blood stain came from Dylan.
Rose led the way where Dylan was. There was no way Rose should have been able to know the way back. She made way too many turns for her to have memorized it only going through it once. I stopped walking, Wade and I shared a look and thought the same thing.
With that, Rad suddenly came into view and Rose ran to him.
"Did I do good Daddy?" Rose asked.
"You did great sweetheart. Daddy is so proud of you." Rad said. Rose smiled proudly.
Rad pointed a gun on me. He ordered me to walk. We were now on one of the train car. Rad demanded Wade to hold out his hands. Rad handcuffed Wade's hands in one of the metal standing poles. Rad got the gun from Wade's pocket.
And by that, Rad left us after he locked the door of the train car.
I went to Rad's place.
"I'm sorry, I broke my promise to you," Wade said.
"You don't have to say sorry, maybe this is our fate." I said in my tears.
Wade asked to come closer with him. I went closer enough but he demanded to stand between his arms and the pole. I just didn't argue with that with the small place he was asking me to stand.
I stepped forward before ducking under one of his arms and I was now officially enclosed to him. I looked at him when he called my name with an intense expression.
"It was you. Even before Amber. I know this is not the right timing because we're almost likely dead anyway but I needed you to know."
I didn't know what response I should do, but I passionately kissed him. He kissed me back.
We stopped kissing when all of the sudden the doors that connected opened, I can see on the front train that the subway train was on fire. And the flames were quickly making their way towards us.
I could already smell the smoke. I ran back to the exit door and began pushing, pulling, and even banging on the door. Nothing worked.
Wade suggested kicking on the exit window. We kicked the window twice and it cracked. For the fifth time we kicked the window, it finally broke.
Wade told me that there was a left pin in his pocket. I get it used to get rid of the handcuff to his hands. It took more time and the smoke was already burning our lungs. Finally, the handcuff was unlocked. Wade took off his hoodie jacket and placed it around his left hand. He broke some left pieces of glass in the window.
He was the first one to climb out in the window before me. Wade helped me up. When I was on my feet I looked up at the burning subway train and watched as the flames of the fire completely engulfed it.
We saw Rad and his little girl at the top of the platform looking on the subway train to burn into ashes. Rad didn't see from where we were, I'm sure he thought that we were dead on that train.
So I made a plan to eliminate that freaking psycho.
I appeared from where Rad was standing.
"You bastard! You killed him!' I screamed as I slammed my body into Rad's and forced me to cry.
Rad was shocked that I was still alive. But he grabbed me roughly by my wrists and squeezed them tightly.
Okay, this was not part of my plan, I hope he didn't think to kill me now.
Turning back to my acting, I yelled to him like he really killed Wade. He just darkly chuckled about it.
As part of the plan, Rad never got to finish what he was about to say because a shard of glass was pushed straight into the center of his back.
Rad let me go. Rad was about again to speak but Wade stabbed again into his chest.
Rad had died. I hugged Wade as finally we are safe now. Wade took the kicking Rose and threw her into his shoulder. Wade and I slowly move forward to find the exit.
With the help of the light in Wade's cellphone, it was enough to see our way. As I was the one who's holding the cellphone, I saw in the darkness a set of stairs and swallowed hard before turning back to face Wade and nodded slowly.
We saw a light on the wood that was blocking our way. We kicked the light wood on how many times before we succeeded to pull off the wood.
Through the small hole, I could see the city lights that brought me into tears. The stars in the sky let me know that it was night.
We've carefully made a way through the hole. When I stood up and took a deep breath, it felt like it had been forever since I had breathed in fresh air.
There were a lot of old and abandoned buildings around that were boarded up just like the subway entrance had been.
We had planned to surrender and tell the police about Rose's case. She could still be changed with the help of DSWD.
Wade called an emergency call to 911. Wade and I shared a smile. I slowly kissed him.
We sat on the abandoned street and waited for the police to come and rescue us.
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