#I can't decide if Mingi or Yunho's story is better
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Don't mind me being late as always ;-; but Ari (as you already know) this was magnificent!
Words can't describe how much I despise Yunho in this fic 😭 The audacity to be rude (straight up mean) to the MC WHILE KNOWING THEY ARE MATES KWEHFKWLEF THE MC IS BETTER THAN ME BECAUSE I WOULD TEAR UP THAT BOND SO FAST-
Okay, before I lose my crap let's talk about the things I LOVED WITH THE FIC.
San. San and the MC's friendship is so pure and cute. I can just see him befriending little strays, taking them under their wing like 🥹 so cute. The second best thing to happen is Petrova and MC. The equivalent of I'm a mean girl to everyone but you and that's so 🤧 ugh, Petrova is just misunderstood PLEASE HEAR HER OUT-
And well, despite me not liking Yunho... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE FASHION TASTE YOU GAVE HIM. I was literally growling when he was first introduced. Like wdym pink crop top, waisted yellow jeans, mix-matched sneakers???? I NEED YUNHO IN A CROP TOP NOW. AND PAINTED NAILS AND LIPS TOO
Anyways, back to hating him:
“You shouldn’t show yourself to just anyone, Y/N, it’s lowly.” The pang in my heart was more painful than anything I had experienced before.
You already know my opinions about this whole scene, BUT I CANT LET IT GO????? WHO DAFUQ EVEN SAYS THAAAT😭😭 MURDER!!!!!! UGH, I just knew his grovelling was going to be BAAAAD... there's nothing better than reading a story where the love interest is an asshole and then has to make up for it, but the MC is already through the heart break lmaoooo like its your turn now babes!!! man im getting so angry just thinking about what he put the MC through I can't even put it in to words lmaoooo (its literally fiction too, like its not that serious help😭)
Yunho’s heart skipped a beat as vanilla wrapped around us, his eyes regaining that pretty spark in them, “Yes, just one chance, I beg. I’ll prove myself to you, I’ll treat you right, and I’ll love you unconditionally. I want to make up for the lost time, may I—can you let me? I’ll do whatever you ask of me.”
AND LOOK WHO COMES CRAWLING BACK AFTER GETTING A TASTE OF THA- 👀 No, but ari... that steamy scene YOOOOOOOOO I DIDNT EXPECT IT TO BE THAT NASTY AND KWJNF (ngl I died tho when the reader grabbed his ass- but same girl)
I could literally write forever about this fic, like the BRACELET QLFQ THE JEALOUSY AS IF HE HAS THE RIGHT TO EVEN BE JEALOU- but im afraid I'll get so worked up and its not good my heart 😭
BTw, kudos to you for really putting the MC's sorrow and sadness into words. I was really heart broken reading this as if I had a fated mate who was actively cheating on me 😭 I love it
Take your breath away

Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: werewolf!Jeong Yunho x werewolf!female reader
☾ Warning: nudity, quite suggestive at times (honestly, they are pretty horny for each other), cursing, unhealthy amount of subtle (or not) jealousy and possessiveness ☾ Word count: 28.9k ☾ Rating: mature ☾ Genre: supernatural creatures!au, academy!au, werewolf!au, omegaverse-ish!au, unrequited love!au...or is it?, mates!au, angst ☾ Summary: New beginnings are always scary, and you are no stranger to them as your family moves to a town called Nocturnal Parade, filled with other night creatures. You find lovely people here, a community, a pack to have your back, and even a best friend called Choi San. What you don't expect, however, is to find your mate, who wants nothing to do with you.
A/N: Hi, my lovelies, I am back! I know I was gone for a while, and I won't lie, I wasn't inspired at all and felt really depressed (some things just pilled up for me in these past autumn months and that mixed with seasonal depression have hit me hard), but I am feeling a lot better now! I won't promise anything, but I'll try to post again more often, and hopefully continue the on-going series I already have. Please, please, please, imagine Yunho in this one with long hair, like in the top-middle picture! And for those who have read my Mingi Preying on you tonight oneshot, I have some exciting news...this story happens in the same universe, sooo, you'll get more insight on everyone's character! ^^ (If you haven't checked it out yet, you should give it a read, the world building goes more in-depth there ^^) Also, important note to keep in mind: everyone in this story goes by the 'Song' surname since they are siblings! I hope you enjoy this story too, and a small reminder, your feedback always gives me an inspirational push, so I greatly appreciate hearing what you think of this oneshot! <3 divider ~ and because I might as well dedicate this oneshot to you for hyping me up and helping me out with it, I hope you enjoy it @hongjoongspoetry <3 ~
No matter how long I looked, he’d never glance my way. I had gotten used to his constant ignorance, but it still stung. I couldn’t help it, it was the only reasonable reaction considering we were mates.
It wasn’t anything we had spoken about, let alone even addressed, but I had known since the very first time I had laid my eyes on him. It was the change of my pulse, the way the world seemed to quiet around me, my breathing which got shallow, my pupils dilating and my eyes switching to an orchid colour that seemed to persist as my heart thundered in my chest, loud, and overbearing as I couldn’t help but watch the tall man who people surrounded, his head thrown back and mouth shielded by his long fingers as his body shook from laughing loudly. Until now I had only heard stories of what finding your mate felt like, but now I knew the feeling. I didn’t need to read fairytales about it anymore, nor would I pester my mother for the nth time to retell her story about meeting my father. I wasn’t desperate, per se, to find my mate, but the worry of growing old on my own had felt like a mosquito always buzzing around my ears, unable to kill it since I couldn’t see it. The fear of remaining alone seemed to persist in the back of my mind, and based on my mood, sometimes it would make me angry while other times just really anxious.
While living in Colourful River, the big city from North here, finding a suitor for myself had always felt like a challenging feat. There were too many creatures and humans alike who were too nosy and pestering, and I had never felt like I could be truly myself around them. I didn’t have many friends, humans or creatures, and at first, I blamed it on my shyness. Then, I started blaming it on my nerdiness as school rolled around, then it was the thought of being too plain for anyone to find me interesting and approachable, and then I gave up on finding an answer and decided that perhaps I was meant to be lonely, like my parents. In the big city, despite having lived here our whole lives, it seemed like we never found ourselves belonging to a community. Living closer to the border, the cities and towns were inhabited by many night creatures, however, that didn’t seem to change much when it came to my family. Maybe it was because we were all quiet and reclusive, maybe it was because we had never truly felt comfortable surrounded by so much happening at all times. And that is why I hadn’t felt any type of resistance or regret when my parents packed up our things and announced to me that we’d be leaving for a quiet and safe town just South of Colourful River, far from the border and the humans.
Nocturnal Parade has been a place I’ve heard plenty of. I knew it was inclusive of all the night creatures while being heavily influenced by the clergy. After all, it’s the town where the first attempts at a civilised and united nation amongst the night creatures had sparked. The vampires had taken the initiative, better said the Petrova family now known as Bae, were the founders of said town and the party that now advocated for all the night creatures all around the globe, making our voices heard, demanding respect and inclusion. They were, also, the ones to end the hatred between vampires and werewolves. Thanks to the effort and constant hard work, the werewolves had complied and formed one of the strongest alliances known to mankind with the vampires, pledging to fight by their side, to honour and respect them if their passion was returned by the vampires. And the respect had been mutual, the Petrovas didn’t stop until justice was brought to everyone, until every night creature could live a harmonious and pleasant life. It was a bit nerve-wracking to know I’d be cohabiting in a place with such ancient and respectable creatures from now on. From what I had heard of them until now, I knew only the daughter and her parents lived there still, keen on carrying the town’s, but also the family’s, legacy.
I wasn’t afraid of the change, however, I was reluctant and a little hesitant to join the Academy that had ultimately become a symbol of our unity and equality between us creatures. Back at my old schools, which were just simple regular schools frequented by both humans and night creatures, I wasn’t very liked. Everyone seemed to single me out, even my own kind, and they hadn’t always been the nicest about it. I supposed they saw me as an oddball just because I didn’t enjoy chasing a ball in our breaks and would rather play video games on forums with online friends, than play pretend that I was part of their made-up pack. Which brought another issue to light. My family had never belonged to a pack. My father’s family had long ago moved to Colourful River, leaving behind their abusive and mistreated past, meanwhile, my mother’s family had always been tightly-knit but not inclusive of strangers. So, as the elders all died, it was just my parents and me. I didn’t have any siblings, which seemed to make me even weirder since most werewolves reproduced more than once as they preferred to have big households full of children. My parents rather enjoyed the peace a single child, like me, offered them. The less mouths to feed, the better.
However, my worries seemed to be in vain once I had finally arrived in town, and then at Wilden Pine Academy. The town was lively and buzzing with creatures at every corner, all of them friendly and lacking the judgement and nosiness of the big city folk, who always watched you with inquiring eyes, desperate for a drop of gossip. Here, in Nocturnal Parade, everyone seemed to respect your space and didn’t pry anything out of you, they were simply grateful that you had chosen their haven as your home. Moving here had been probably the best decision my parents could’ve made. I liked it here, living by the outskirts of the Haunted Woods was refreshing. I could go for evening runs whenever I wanted without having to share my space with other restless werewolves, who genuinely enjoyed sharing the running track with their friends. I always found solace in solitary, I could clear my mind when it got too loud in there. Runs were pretty much therapeutic to me, I quite disliked it when I was bothered by other rambunctious werewolves who’d howl at the night sky just for the fun of it, mostly to spook the humans that ogled us rather disrespectfully.
My aloneness, however, wasn’t chased away until the academic year started and I passed through the tall iron gates of the Academy. It was a sunny day and I was impressed by the heat despite being surrounded by vast forest, the drive a long four hours until the next town, which was Nocturnal Parade. My parents were probably more excited about me starting my penultimate academic year here than I was, but it didn’t bother me. I knew they wished I’d make happy and lasting memories here, unlike the lack of them at my old schools. They hoped amongst so many night creatures I’d find at least one person who was like me, or even if not, creatures who would accept me the way I was. I hadn’t been walking down for long the gravel path when my backpack was pushed off my shoulders as someone ran past me, only to pause once they realised their actions. My luggage was heavy as I had been pulling it after me, but the boy who I thought wouldn’t even apologise for bumping into me, turned and faced me with furrowed eyebrows and a small pout.
“Sorry, my parents always say I get too excited and lose my coordination.” The boy’s voice had been gruff, a contrast with his soft features despite his sharp face. His eyebrows were straight, his eyes small and dark, his nose petite and pointy, lips pouty and fleshy, his jawline and cheekbones both sharp and defined. His short hair and the razor cut in his left eyebrow made him look intimidating until he spoke or smiled. His lips formed a pout and his eyes disappeared as a dimpled smile formed on his face, brightening his features. He was a cute boy and I had let him help me pick up my backpack, which, surprisingly, he didn’t hand back and threw around his own shoulder instead, “Are you the new family in town? The Byuns?”
I nodded and then extended a hand for him to shake, “My name is Byun Y/N, nice to meet you.”
“I’m Choi San!” The boy shook my hand with excitement lacing his tone, “I was on a holiday when your family arrived in town, that is why I wasn’t able to attend the welcoming party organised by the Songs.”
“Ah, it’s fine.” I muttered as I had started walking again, San falling in step with me, “The party was rather…overwhelming. Not that I didn’t appreciate it, but I had never been surrounded by so many loving people at once.”
San chuckled under his breath as he seemed to carry his two duffle bags as if they weighed nothing. It wasn’t hard to guess what type of creature he was simply based on his appearance already. He was massive next to me, his shoulders wide and strong looking, his chest puffed out and back rigidly straight, his hips surprisingly narrow, but his legs well-worked. He wasn’t too tall, but he had almost a head on me. Besides, his spicy scent was strong and confident, a little bit too harsh for my sensitive nose buds, but not nauseating. And like the rest of the werewolves who had been at the welcoming party, I felt no malice nor judgement coming from San, just a lot of excitement and joy as he had led us towards the right wing of the Academy, where the designated dorms for the werewolves were.
“It might sound a little bit strange, but all the werewolves act like a big pack here in Nocturnal Parade, I assume you didn’t have that back in the city?” San’s perfectly straight eyebrow raised as he threw me a quick glance since we were nearing more students, and San was obviously popular. Everyone seemed to greet him, eager to gain his attention.
“Not really,” I answered San, walking ahead to pull the building’s door open for him, “My family didn’t belong to a pack, actually.”
That had gotten San’s attention as his eyes widened once we stepped through the threshold, the inside of the building just as grandiose as the outside. It was spacious with big windows, natural light seeping through and casting a warm glow over the space, “It must’ve been lonely, then. But fear not, the Songs will adopt your family quite quickly, if they haven’t already.”
I smiled, my heart had skipped a beat at the mention of the kind, but energetic family, “They have already, actually. They had pulled my parents aside before the party and told them that we were now part of the pack, of the family, and that the community would be there for us.”
San hummed as we went up the first flight of stairs, a small smile on his face, “Our community hadn’t always been as close as it is now, but with the Songs' arrival to Nocturnal Parade everything just fell into place. I don’t think I had seen them go a day without doing something for the town or for their fellow creatures—hey, which floor is your room at?”
And that had been one year ago, when I was new to the town and wondering whether San would ever again speak to me. Right now, however, as we sat in the Flower Field behind campus, laying on a blanket and basking in the late afternoon sun, I knew San wouldn’t go a day without speaking to me. Spring was finally around the corner, and so was the Spring Break every student was impatiently awaiting. One week back home sounded really nice right now, I never failed to miss my privacy. The dorms at the Academy were shared, and my roommate snored really loudly and whined all the time. It was hard to discipline the second youngest of the Song family, so the Academy’s ruling board decided to place her with someone older than her, more mature, and possibly a good influence on the fiery blonde who liked to wreak havoc wherever she went. Not in our shared room, though, I had laid down some ground rules after rooming with Song Yeri. No loudness nor messiness was allowed, and of course, she couldn’t bring back boys into our shared room. As long as I didn’t, she wasn’t allowed either. She wasn’t thrilled by the idea, but because her parents had gotten really close with mine over the past year, Yeri was forced to abide by the rules out of fear of me ratting her out to her loving, but unforgiving, parents.
The air was still chilly and you’d become cold if you sat in one spot for too long, but the bodies of werewolves were warmer, our blood hotter, almost to the point of boiling in our veins. My cheeks were rosy as I sat with my legs crossed, a book in my lap as San hummed a silent tune next to me, laying on his stomach as he solved equations. He was planning on leaving for the big city to pursue further education, but he promised to return once he was done with it. He aspired to teach at Wilden Pine Academy, and I was more than eager to be his number-one supporter. He was great with children, and even those older seemed to respect him. San had a demanding aura, and despite him never taking advantage of that, he did know when he had to put his foot down and stop someone from running all over him. Being friends with San had showed me the wonders of companionship, of what a natural and gentle, but platonic, love felt like. I could share whatever was on my mind, at any given time, and San would be there to listen, and even take my ideas further beyond my imagination.
He was a driving force when it came to my creativity, always inspiring me and pushing me to do better and to go harder because I was capable of creating grand things. I wasn’t too sure of what I’d do once I was done with the Academy, but I could see myself being a novelist. It wouldn’t be easy at first, but if I remained diligent and focused on my task, I knew I could do it—at least San had told me so, he was kind like that. Whenever I felt insecure about something, he picked me up and changed my mind about it in mere minutes, grinning from ear to ear as his eyes twinkled. If kindness had a definition, it should’ve simply said Choi San, and I was sure everyone would understand why. The serenity surrounding us, however, didn’t last for long as a squeal of my best friend’s name echoed around the blooming flowery field. San’s body tensed for just a second before he turned onto his back, sitting up as he leaned back on his hands, looking towards the boy he was too scared to confess his true feelings to.
“Sannie!” With little regard for those around him, Wooyoung threw himself at San, tackling him back down into the blanket as San groaned, the back of his head colliding with the hard ground, “Stop doing your homework and come on a run with me, hmm?”
Wooyoung was a charming young man, mischievous and painfully loud, but he had good intentions. If I ignored him always trying to sway San away from studying, then yes, he did mostly have good intentions. I shifted a bit since Wooyoung’s leg dug painfully into my hip, who was still ignoring my presence as he blinked at San slowly, placing his hands on my best friend’s firm chest as San tried to stabilise Wooyoung by holding onto his waist.
“I have a bit of homework still to do, though.” San’s voice was quiet as the sun shone down on the two friends, and I smiled to myself as I went back to reading my book, “Could you wait for half an hour?”
“But I’ve been waiting all day for you.” I could hear the pout in Wooyoung’s voice, breathy and whiny as I chuckled under my breath, eyes focusing on the words in my book. It was jarring how alike Yeri and him were at times.
“Then you can wait a bit longer.” San’s tone wasn’t harsh, but it was chastising a bit, and it made Wooyoung groan as I smiled to myself, amused by their antics. I was sure that if I could hear San’s slight change of heartbeat, the spiciness of his scent spiking too, then Wooyoung was aware of it too. Sometimes I wondered how the latter didn’t realise San’s obvious feelings for him, but I suppose Wooyoung wasn’t a very observant person, unlike his older brother, Mingi.
“Can I stay though—” Then I felt eyes on myself and I heard shuffling around, Wooyoung finally removed himself from on top of San, “Oh, hey, Y/N. What are you doing?”
“Reading,” I muttered as I flipped the page, bored by the story but knowing I had just two days to finish reading the remaining two hundred pages.
“Is it for Literature class?” Wooyoung pressed, coming closer as he hovered over my shoulder, “Yunho’s been complaining about how shitty the book was, something about the story being too slow-paced and the side love story not making too much sense.”
I hummed, completely agreeing with Yunho, who shared a Literature class with me. At the same time, I was beyond grateful that I had learned to control my reactions at the mention of Song Yunho, who had looked my way a total of three times ever since I had arrived to Nocturnal Parade. I didn’t understand what I had done wrong to be brushed off so blatantly by him, but it hurt. It had hurt a lot more in the beginning, but I had gotten used to the feeling of dejection and disappointment that followed whenever we crossed paths. I didn’t understand whether I had upset him or not, considering that our first encounter had gone rather well. To me, it had gone more than well, but maybe Yunho didn’t share the sentiment. Almost as if summoned by some deity, I didn’t have to look to know he was approaching us. My body knew upon a simple whiff of the air, the earthy and intense scent of firewood and vanilla making my lungs feel like they couldn’t expand anymore to breathe in deeper, my skin covered in goosebumps as the world seemed to quieten around me in his presence. Yunho’s tall shadow was looming over us as he stopped at the foot of the blanket, his question directed at Wooyoung.
“Did you take my cologne, again, Wooyoung?” He didn’t sound angry, but his tone was demanding. I heard Wooyoung scoff next to me as he sat mirroring my position, looking up at his brother with a defying look in his eyes.
“No, I don’t like its scent.” Wooyoung was bad at lying, especially when we had heightened and sensitive senses and he was reeking of Yunho’s sandalwood essence cologne.
“Sure, where did you put it? I need it.” I didn’t have to look to see Yunho roll his eyes, I continued feigning that I was reading the book, but my eyes were stuck on the same sentence as I read it over and over again, the words not registering in my mind. It was hard to focus when Yunho was around.
“Are you going on a date, or what’s the rush?” I willed my heartbeat to remain steady at Wooyoung’s teasing question, to bite back the whine that threatened to leave my lips. I had no right to make claims over Yunho, but my wolf seemed to struggle to understand that. We weren’t mated, and we’d probably never be with how Yunho disregards my existence.
“Where is it, Wooyoung?” Yunho had lost his patience as his voice had an edge, his shadow still looming over us as I heard San fidget around as he turned onto his stomach to continue his homework.
“In Mingi’s bottom drawer, by the bed, where he keeps his condoms—”
“Alright.” Yunho’s tone raised, a tired huff leaving his mouth as San snickered under his breath. I didn’t react but I would’ve smiled too, Wooyoung’s brutal honesty and oversharing skills, I fear, would never be matched by anyone else I’d come across. I had a feeling it was the same for San and Yunho too, “Stop taking my things or I’ll tell mom.”
“Stop being a pussy and always ratting me out to mom,” Wooyoung’s tongue was stuck out as Yunho leaned down and harshly flicked his little brother’s forehead, making him yelp, “I’m telling mom!”
“Who’s the pussy now, huh?” I couldn’t help the smile spreading onto my lips this time as Wooyoung started whining loudly as he rubbed his forehead, his scent souring just a little bit.
San’s heart skipped a beat and I wondered whether the other two noticed, but based on their glaring contest, I highly doubted it, “Whatever, Y/N’s reading the same book as you are. Didn’t you say—”
“I’ll see you at dinner, Wooyo.” Yunho’s sharp intake of breath made me gulp as I fought hard to not show my disappointment, I knew Yunho wasn’t interested in me, but going to the extent of not even wanting to hear about me definitely stung a lot, “And don’t bother Sannie too much.”
Don’t bother Sannie too much, but I suppose he could bother me. Not that Yunho had even noticed me lounging around on the blanket, despite Wooyoung being almost all nestled up into my side since San wasn’t paying any attention to him now. I gulped down the bitterness and growing lump in my throat as Yunho departed, his footsteps loud and heavy, the sounds of the world returning to my ears once he wasn’t around anymore. Breathing was easier too, but it was a bit difficult seeing anything written on the yellowing paper since my vision was suddenly blinded by tears. It was alright, I have heard of mates that weren’t fated to be together. Of mates where only one of them imprinted on the other, and was forced to watch the love of their life mate with someone else, forced to live and die alone, without having ever experienced true and honest love. It was alright, I wouldn’t know how to gesticulate a relationship either way. I gulped and blinked my eyes fast, willing the tears to disappear before Wooyoung could notice them.
The younger boy sighed loudly next to me before he rolled over, crawling on San’s back as he laid his cheek against his friend’s scapula, “Do you mind if I take a nap like this?”
“No.” San’s voice was deeper as we shared a knowing look, Wooyoung remaining oblivious to San’s racing heart as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment when I gave him a subtle wink. If I couldn’t find my happiness, then I truly wished at least my best friend would. He’d deserve it, San deserved to be cherished and loved like no one else, and I had a feeling Wooyoung would be able to provide San with everything he needed. If only he wasn’t so oblivious to San’s feelings, besides, I had never seen Wooyoung courting anyone, we had no idea of his preferences. Whenever San tried to bring up the subject, he’d told me Wooyoung would smartly twist it until they weren’t even talking about it anymore. Maybe he was avoiding it because he had noticed San’s reactions and was afraid to hurt his best friend, or maybe he was avoiding it because he had been feeling something he didn’t understand quite yet. It wasn’t taboo for werewolves to find love amongst their own gender, but I suppose growing up in a place where nobody was like you must be nerve-wracking and rather full of uncertainty. This only made me realize that despite the cons of living in the big city had its pros as well since I grew up in a diverse and inclusive place, open and uncaring of who loved who.
But if Wooyoung’s romantic preferences remained unknown to us, Yunho’s certainly didn’t. He was unlike anyone I have met before, starting from his personality and ending with his looks. He was the eldest of the family, a good few minutes older than his twin brother, Mingi, and so naturally he was also the biggest and strongest. He was intimidatingly tall and freakishly broad, his shoulders wide and his back strong. He wasn’t visibly muscular but I’ve seen him countless times lifting logs, and even heavier things, without breaking a sweat to know that Yunho was outrageously strong. His hair was a dark brown and it had grown out since I had first met him, now always messy and curly as it reached his shoulders, making him look more boyish than the first time I had seen him. He had red highlights in his hair a year ago, adding to his mysterious allure, as his lips were a soft pink, the apple of his cheeks and nose dusted coral, which was a nice contrast with his paler complex, unlike Mingi’s whose skin was a beautiful caramel. The twins weren’t identical, but upon a closer look, you were able to tell just how many attributes they shared.
Yunho loved experimenting with his style, and he mostly wore coloured clothes, all flashy and somehow still cosy looking, however, his shoes always seemed to be mismatched. It was a peculiar feat that had me wondering whether Yunho was just generally weird or he just had a particular taste when it came to fashion, I soon had realized it was the latter. His nails were always well-kept and painted either a turquoise or a yellow colour, bringing attention to his already beautiful hands, his fingers long and bony and mostly decorated by black rings. His scent, that earthy firewood and vanilla, was just as attention-grabbing as the rest of Yunho. If I hadn’t known better, I would’ve assumed Yunho was a very serious person, highly focused on his education, someone who spent his days cooped up in his room reading and learning all the time. But the Songs weren’t too focused on getting high grades, and that became apparent rather quickly after I arrived at the Academy. Yunho was a goofy guy, he loved having fun and he really enjoyed being surrounded by people, always eager to share a laugh with someone, or just fall into idle chitchat for hours on end. People seemed to gravitate towards him, eager to have a word with him. It wasn’t just him, though, students at the Academy all seemed to love the Song family, especially the twins who felt like fresh air in the dull and mediocre town that Nocturnal Parade seemed to be at first glance.
However, as mediocre as it was, I had never felt more at ease in a place before. It truly felt like I had found a community for myself and for my family, a place where everyone had your back and expected nothing in return even at the slightest of help offered. My parents loved it here, it was rather obvious since my mother was smiling more, the wrinkles were gone from her face, and my father wasn’t as stressed as before. Working as an archivist in the big city had been demanding, but in this quiet town where nobody was rushing forward with their lives, my parents could take a breather. And I could too, until I quickly realized I had been blatantly rejected by my potential mate before even getting to know them. The day we had arrived in Nocturnal Parade had been long and nerve-wracking, I had no idea what would await us in this new place. That same day, the werewolves threw a welcoming party for our family, eager to welcome us into their pack.
It was late evening by the time my family had sorted most things out at our small house, which was on the same street as the Songs and right by the Pinecone Forest, the perfect neighbourhood for relentless werewolves that needed a lot of space to get rid of their impulsive energy. The party was in the backyard of the Songs family and was full of creatures by the time we made it there. It was warm, welcoming, and felt genuine from the second we stepped through their threshold. The family was big, but each one of them was gentle and eager to meet us, even the troublemakers which were Wooyoung and Yeri. And after that, it didn’t take long for me to become once again invisible as I stood close to the drinks table in the Songs' backyard, gazing out towards the bonfire as the sun was about to set. The evening breeze was warm still and a light sheen of sweat coated my temples as I sipped my cool lemonade slowly, embarrassed to refill it for the fourth time. My solace, however, didn’t last for longer as I noticed two towering figures beeline towards me. Their hair was tousled and they looked like they had been wrestling before they headed here, and I felt nervous upon realizing that they were probably the twins Mrs. Song had been talking about.
They had been out on their evening run and would only join us later, and they were very much so headed my way to introduce themselves. My heart was racing and I felt nervous, but I willed myself to calm down since I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of two potential classmates once I’d started attending Wilden Pine Academy, which had been another anxiety-inducing thought at that time. The two guys, so very different in appearance yet so similar in mannerisms, sported matching smiles on their faces by the time they reached me. The one who was dressed in all-black and wore heavy jewellery had long hair which was pulled back into a half-up ponytail, his hair blonde and red, a rather cool-looking hairstyle. His features were sharp and his gaze was intense, but his open-mouthed boxy smile softened his features, his crooked front teeth endearing. The other one, however, was dressed in a pink crop top and high-waisted yellow jeans, one of his sneakers green meanwhile the other was turquoise. His hair had been shorter than the other guy’s, darker in colour too as it had red highlights, parted at the forehead. His features were a lot softer, his eyes rounder and warm, his cheeks puffy and rosy, his pouty lips a dark purple. His nails were painted turquoise and his jewellery was a lot simpler than the other guy’s, and I quickly realised that unless he was smiling, he looked just as intimidating as his twin brother.
But really, Yunho’s appearance wasn’t the first thing that caught my attention, sure, he looked unusual and made me remember the days when I was a lot younger and would purposefully dress up my Barbie dolls in silly outfits and organise pageants for them, but it was all about his scent and demeanour. The world seemed to dim around me when we had made eye contact, my arms and legs feeling numb suddenly as his rich earthy musky scent tinged with a hint of sweat invaded my nostrils, followed by firewood mixed with vanilla making my tongue feel like lead. My heart was racing and I couldn’t do anything about it as I watched Yunho’s pupils expand, his body turning rigid as Mingi remained oblivious to the subtle exchange between me and his twin. I had known that whatever I felt just upon a glance and a whiff weren’t simple reactions of my body, but when I heard his voice and touched his warm skin, all of my fears and worries were answered.
“Hi,” It was the slightly shorter twin that addressed me first, his voice deep and lightly raspy, “You must be the Byuns’ daughter, right?”
I wasn’t able to find my voice as I nodded wordlessly, hands tightening around my cup of icy lemonade. Thankfully they didn’t seem offended by my lack of verbal response, I could only pray they would assume my heart raced so wildly because I was nervous. I tried to ignore the fact that the taller twin’s heart was thumping even louder than my own heart, blaming it on the remaining adrenaline from his run, “My name is Yunho and this is my twin brother, Mingi.”
One large hand was extended towards me then, and as I grabbed it to shake it, I was positive Yunho must’ve felt the electricity that coursed through my body at the simple touch. It had felt as if my whole being was charged, as if I was experiencing the whole world for the first time. Everything sounded sharper, looked brighter, and smelled fresher. I could feel Yunho’s pulse in my own palm, his gorgeous eyes shaking as we stood frozen, gripping each other’s hands tightly. But upon Mingi’s awkward throat clearing, I ripped myself away from under the charm, and faced the guy with a small smile, “Nice to meet you two, I’m Y/N.”
Touching Mingi, however, felt like touching anyone else. My body was still tingling from Yunho’s touch, but I had felt nothing special as Mingi grinned widely at me, his handshake just a little firmer than Yunho’s had been. Once we released each other’s hands I was quick to down my lemonade, subtly trying to pat the sweat from my temples away, embarrassed over the fact that my scent was most probably spiking and irking them. But neither boy commented about it as Yunho’s deep eyes remained trained on me, tracking all of my actions.
“You just arrived, right?” Yunho’s voice was a lot steadier than mine had been, and I gulped, trying to ignore the sigh that threatened to leave my lips at the warm rumble of his tone.
“Yes, somewhere around noon. The drive wasn’t too long, though.” I hoped if I spoke fast and a lot they would blame my reactions on nervousness, “We’ve been looking forward to moving here, I’ve heard a lot of great things about this town due to the Petrovas and everything. I assume living here is rather good.”
The mention of that name seemed to make the twins grimace, but I didn’t pry and they didn’t say anything about it, “Surely it is, we’ve moved here roughly nine years ago, but it just feels like we were meant to be in this town, to live here.”
Mingi’s tone was earnest as he spoke and I smiled at him, my eyes constantly slipping back onto Yunho, who looked like he hadn’t blinked since the twins had reached me. I gulped and smiled softly at him, wondering whether he felt the same visceral emotions as I did in his presence, under his burning stare.
“I hope I’ll find a home in this town too, I haven’t been here for long, but it certainly feels a lot cosier than the big city had been for my whole life.” My tone turned a bit sour as I shifted on my feet, making the twins look at me curiously.
“You’re from Colourful River, right? It’s a big city, we always liked going there for random trips.” It made me wonder if Yunho and I had unknowingly run into each other before, but my inner wolf told me that we hadn’t. If we had been, I’m sure our parents would’ve never been able to separate us from each other, “It must’ve been nice living amongst humans.”
I tried not to stare at Yunho’s inviting plush lips while he spoke, but it was hard. Everything about him was so captivating, “Since the city is closer to the South than North, it isn’t dominated by humans, but they were rather alright, not as scared as all the legends say. But if you go up North they might not be as friendly as those living closer to the border.”
“Did you have human friends?” Mingi’s tone was eager as he grinned at me, and I didn’t want to disappoint him, but there was no point in lying to these two.
“I didn’t have many friends,” I muttered, chuckling a bit sadly, “But the humans were less evil compared to the night creatures.”
Silence settled upon the three of us as I didn’t look up at the two, but Yunho’s stare remained insistent. He had stepped closer meanwhile we had been conversing, and I hadn’t even noticed until his strong scent hit my nose once again, making me take a deep breath and gulp it down hungrily, thankful when it felt like the scent got stuck in my throat. I hadn’t experienced anything like this before, but the yearning to be close to him, to touch him and feel him was overwhelming all of a sudden as I looked up, finding Yunho’s head tilted as his eyes slowly racked over my body. It made my cheeks burn and my muscles tense, my wolf stirring in something that I could only call arousal. I have certainly not experienced anything like this before with anyone. I wondered if this meant anything deeper, whether imprinting on first sight was a real thing or only something made up for hopeless romantics.
“You’ll see finding friends here will be a lot easier than in the big city,” Mingi’s smile was warm and he reached a hand out to pat my arm, making Yunho’s eyebrows furrow as he looked at his twin sharply. Mingi just cast him a curious glance before his name was being called by his mother, her voice louder than the cacophony of the party, “Oh, I’ll be back after I see what mom needs from me.”
Then he left, jogging towards his mother with a smile. Yunho, however, took another step towards me, looming over me as his eyebrows furrowed, nostrils flaring as I gulped nervously, wondering whether he felt the same as I did. I wanted to ask, but I was embarrassed. He reached a hand forward, his fingers brushing against mine, but he seemed to catch himself as he took a step back, jaw set tightly. And then, without saying anything, he turned and hurried away, ignoring the people who called out his name. My heart raced as I watched him leave, suddenly feeling cold and empty. The wolf in my head whined and whispered at me to chase after him, to claim him and tell him that he was ours, but I couldn’t do that. Yunho had free reign of his feelings and thoughts, I couldn’t force something like that on him. We hadn’t even known each other five minutes ago, it would’ve been so wrong.
But what was even more wrong and more painful than anything I had experienced before was the fact that Yunho never looked my way again after that, remaining silent and avoidant, ignorant, he’d even flee the room if it was just the two of us. I didn’t even have the chance to have him before I lost him, and deep down, I knew I had been denied by my own mate. It was painful, but it wasn’t anything I could change, at least, it didn’t feel like it at the moment.
With the Spring Break right around the corner, the hallways were liverier than before as students pilled together, eagerly discussing what they were up to once they’d return home. The professors seemed to be in a lighter mood as well, a lot friendlier too, and more understanding if someone slacked off a bit. Everyone but our Literature professor, who demanded we hand in our essays right before the week ended. Today was Friday and we’d be heading home tomorrow, I was hitchhiking with San’s family since they’d offered to drive us home as they were out of town and would drive by our Academy on their way home. San’s parents were busy businessmen so they were always on the go, oftentimes leaving San and his much older sister at home, who was a rather successful makeup artist in Nocturnal Parade and not just. She’d gotten an out-of-town offer just last month and the gig went well, so, she was now successfully expanding her business. But because I had been procrastinating my essay until the last moment, it meant that I had been cooped up in the Library this whole morning, and then later in the Study Hall as late evening was approaching.
My muscles ached from sitting in the same spot for so long and my eyes stung from being too dry, I had been staring at my laptop’s bright screen for an ungodly amount of time, if I wasn’t a werewolf I bet my eyesight would be horrible by now. Thankfully, the Study Hall was a lot less packed than usual, and the absence of students meant I could work in peace without distractions. That is until Yunho decided to walk into the vast room, eyes scanning the place and quickly jumping over my presence as my eyes burned into the side of his head. Of course, it was no surprise that I had been completely ignored by him once again, resigned, I went back to the finishing touch-ups of my essay. My heart ached and my hands felt cold now that I knew Yunho was in my vicinity, so close, yet miles away still. I gulped and willed myself to ignore his musky scent that seemed to haunt my every sense now, and I could’ve cheered when I was finally finished with the essay. I didn’t waste any more time sending it to my professor as I swiftly gathered my things and rushed out of the Study Hall, heart racing in my chest.
My muscles had been aching for an evening run and I knew I’d have to skip dinner tonight since I felt restless, my thoughts messy and filled with anxious whispers. Since most students were returning home tomorrow morning, it meant that the community would be organising a welcome home bonfire as soon as possible. The bonfires were great and I always had a good time, but it was inevitable to come across the Song family there since they were the main organizers of it. Just last year, when the Summer Break finally arrived, I had been squeezed between Wooyoung and, tragically, Yunho on a log, forced to endure Yunho’s rigid stance and complete ignorance as he chatted and laughed with everyone around us. My skin had been burning, not because of the close proximity to the fire, and my wolf was whining at me to touch him, to lean closer, to speak to Yunho. But I knew it was pointless, and thus, decided to save myself from embarrassment as I quickly excused myself and walked back home, rather glad that San wasn’t home to pester me about my sudden sour mood. San was a dear friend, but sometimes he was awful at giving me space, at understanding that I needed to be alone to figure my thoughts and feelings out.
That was why I never let him know when I’d go on runs, I preferred to be alone either way. The air wheezing past my ears, which were in tune with everything around me, was always freeing and relaxing. My jumbled thoughts became a silent murmur in the back of my mind as my paws hit the forest floor powerfully, strong and long legs carrying me far away from the Academy, from the campus, from any other possible wolf that I could come across. I liked solitary, it’s what I knew my whole life, it was comfortable and comforting. Whenever I let my wolf take over, it was as if I was reborn once I shifted back into my human form. I felt invincible as my burgundy fur gleamed under the setting sun rays, and I leered whenever another animal made haste in my presence. In my wolf form, everything felt simpler, more primitive, and less complicated. If I could, I would probably never shift back into my human form, but that was unethical and very unhealthy. I wasn’t a wolf, I was just a simple werewolf, and abandoning my human side would mean that I was going rogue. And lone, rogue, werewolves never survived for long. It wasn’t what we were designed for, so I couldn’t abandon my true self.
My run tonight had taken longer than usual, the forest was now dark as I returned to the shed that lay just on the outskirts of the campus, not too close, but not too far either in case of an emergency. I had found it on an early morning stroll with San, and I had been using it as my hideout ever since. It was a good spot for privacy while I’d change out of my clothes, away from prying eyes when I’d turn back into my human form, naked and unprotected. I wasn’t uncomfortable by nudity, after all, it was rather common and normal amongst werewolves to see each other bare, but I was shy, and thus, preferred to remain hidden from other’s eyes. San had joked once that I was a prude and old-fashioned, but I just simply wished that not everyone saw me so exposed, it was a tiny bit embarrassing even if it was very normal for our kin. So, the shed was the perfect spot for me to stay out of sight while being close enough to campus that if I was late for curfew I’d make it back swiftly and unnoticed, like tonight. I knew I probably had only a few minutes to make it back to the right wing, but as I had no devices on me, I wouldn’t know until I made it back to my clothes. San was certainly blowing up my phone by now, asking where I was and why I didn’t join him when it was quiz night—which only meant that I would question him about whichever lesson he had decided he didn’t know well enough, so really, it wasn’t a fun activity, but I loved San, so, I helped him out from time to time.
Taking a deep whiff of the air, waiting for a second to determine whether anyone was in my vicinity, I was glad when my wolf sensed nothing, so I nudged the shed’s door open with my fur-coated head and walked inside. The small lamp I had turned on cast a dim warm hue over the abandoned place, and I approached the table as I felt my bones shifting, my jaw locking in tight and my lungs constricting for a second. My joints popped and my head felt like it was splitting in two, but it all lasted for a second or two, until I was standing tall on my legs, hands reached out to stabilise myself on the table. Shifting wasn’t painful by any means, but it always left me a bit disoriented. The doctors in the city had told me it was because I was an early bloomer, my body forced to mature before its right time, so it wasn’t anything necessarily bad, just uncomfortable. As I regained my senses and shook my head to clear the dizziness, my muscles locked up and my wolf purred loudly, almost to the point it escaped past my own lips. Something was amiss. In the dim lighting, I noticed another heap of clothes thrown on the ground, just by the entrance. The scent too…it was familiar, too familiar, and I panicked. How had I missed it? Had I become so used to it that it didn’t faze my wolf anymore?
As I hastily tried to grab my clothes, nakedness be damned I’d get dressed on the way, the shed’s door was slammed open, a low grunt echoing in the otherwise silent space. My eyes widened as a gorgeous black wolf with orchid eyes stared back at me, huffing and puffing as saliva dripped from its mouth. It was big and strong, its vanilla and firewood scent a lot more permeating than before. My knees felt weak as my hands tightened into the table, holding myself up since my brain was short-circuiting. For a second, the big black wolf didn’t move, its snarl loud in the shed, but then, bones cracked and the black fur slowly disappeared as the wolf shifted into something more human looking, tall and lean, strong and…very naked. My eyes widened when I finally realised it was Yunho standing in the doorway, his eyes still orchid coloured as they bled into mine, and I was frozen as my wolf started whining, whispering to me to approach Yunho, to touch his hot and strong body, to entice him and make him claim us.
Yunho’s body was anything like I had seen before. He was alluring by all means, and the lower my eyes dropped the tighter my chest felt, the lump in my throat getting bigger and harder to ignore. I had seen many guys naked before, but they couldn’t compare to Yunho, everything about him was…big. My hands flattened against the surface of the table and I tilted my head before I could stop myself, well aware that my wolf was more in charge of me than my own conscience, my eyes a bright orchid as Yunho’s lips pressed into a straight line, his eyes not shy of taking in every curve of my body, his hands balling up into fists at his sides. It was hard to breathe, and it was even harder to control my bodily reactions when Yunho was so close, so exposed and vulnerable for taking. And maybe he was thinking the same thing because all of a sudden, we were moving towards each other, our eyes glimmering in the dim light and our chests heaving as I bared my fangs at Yunho, whose lips curled into a low snarl. I was so close to touching him, I could feel his body heat, but I knew I couldn’t. We weren’t ourselves just yet, the adrenaline coursed through our bodies from the run, and our wolves were stronger and louder than under normal circumstances. He would’ve been so easy to touch, though, as we stopped barely a few feet away from each other, desire written all over his features, but in a last attempt to find control over my body and mind, I snapped out under my wolf’s control.
I found my voice, but just barely, as my cheeks flushed a deep red, “I’m—I—I thought nobody knew of the shed, I—I’m, uh, I’m sorry for barging in. I didn’t know—I’ve never seen you here before, I—”
“Y/N.” Yunho’s voice was deeper than ever before, his round eyes dangerous as they were narrowed into slits, watching me closely. Just hearing my name said like that shut me up really fast as my heart raced in my chest, and I knew Yunho could hear it. It was so loud. I could’ve touched him, my wolf wanted it desperately, but Yunho wasn’t himself just yet, he didn’t look like it, “I’ve gone to this Academy for longer than you, of course I know about this place. Mingi and I come here all the time.”
I released a shuddering breath, forcing my eyes to stay on his face, anywhere but lower as I couldn’t trust myself and my wolf just yet. I really wanted to reach out and trace his firm muscles, to cradle him close to myself, to burry my face between his pecks, to lick the sweat beads that rolled down his navel, lower into his happy trail until they reached his— “You should go before Mingi returns.”
I jumped, mouth dry as I realised I was staring lower than I was supposed to, my whole chest and ears burning now, not just my cheeks, “I’m sorry.” I managed to mutter before I hurried back to the table and clumsily put on my clothes. I knew I looked like I had been mauled by how messy my hair was, my shirt untucked and one of the pantlegs rolled lower than the other, but I needed to leave before I’d do something I’d regret later. Yunho wasn’t mine, we weren’t mated, and I couldn’t do anything about it. But as I went to rush past him, he caught my wrist with frightening speed, his palm hot and large. I gulped but didn’t look at him, my eyes falling on the heap next to his clothes, very clearly Mingi’s now that he had pointed it out.
“You shouldn’t show yourself to just anyone, Y/N, it’s lowly.” The pang in my heart was more painful than anything I had experienced before. What did he mean by that? I had literally been on out a run, of course, I wasn’t showing myself to just anyone, it was only normal I was naked, or was I supposed to shift while wearing my clothes only to rip them apart? Besides, who had permitted him to say such things when he was the biggest manwhore I had known to date?! His words hadn’t just hurt me, they ignited an angry fire deep in my veins that had lay dormant for too long.
“Is it lowly shifting back into my human form after a run, Yunho? Really?” I chuckled humourlessly, my next words coming out in a snare as I looked at him with a glare, “You’re rather quick to judge me when you have no shame sleeping with half of the Academy, shouldn’t that be considered lowly?”
Before Yunho could say anything and before I could regret the words I had just spoken, I stormed off, flinching as I almost collided with a large white wolf, its head tilted in confusion as we stared at each other for a second. I gulped and averted my orchid-coloured eyes, “Hello, Mingi.”
The wolf huffed and bowed his head slightly, and despite wanting to flee, I pushed the door open for him as the wolf let out an appreciative whine, its eyes switching between Yunho and me once it was halfway inside the shed. But I didn’t wait around to hear Mingi’s questions as I rushed back to campus, checking my phone to see five missed calls from San and ten even angrier texts than the voicemails he left, clearly upplaying his sadness. I could hear Wooyoung’s witchy cackle in the background as he no doubt was playing on San’s new PlayStation. A quick text later, I let San know that I had lost track of time while I was on my run and that we’d see each other during breakfast the next morning. Sneaking around the dorms to sleep in San’s bed tonight would’ve been worth, if only my heart and mind weren’t in turmoil, aching all over again due to Yunho’s nasty and undeserved assumptions. I had no idea why he acted so differently with me, it’s like he was a completely different person in my presence, and I didn’t enjoy it. It hurt me deeply. What had I done to deserve such coldness from him?
The ride home with the Chois was filled with laughter and sharing stories, the radio lowered once San and I started telling them about the Academy and our classes. San’s family had always felt like a second family to me. They were warm and very loving people, even if I had initially struggled to warm up to them, they had never pushed or pried for any information, no matter how insignificant it was. Thus, I came to trust them rather quickly since Mrs. Choi loved baking and would often invite me over during the holidays. Besides, I’d always leave with a basketful of whichever cookies Mrs. Choi decided to bake that day, and since my mother has a sweet tooth, she was always more than eager to send me over to the Chois to help them out. San’s parents' business trip was successful and they managed to expand their branches to the North as well, which would require them frequent trips to Aurora Falls, which was the biggest human settlement in our country. It seemed that there were human investors who were eager to expand their businesses to the South, which would benefit them a lot since their franchises were mostly nonexistent around here. It was a day to celebrate, which the Chois were really good at doing. I knew they’d smuggle in some really expensive champagne tonight to the bonfire, after all, they did everything with grandeur.
My parents had been lounging around the front porch when the Chois's expensive SUV pulled up in front of our humble abode, my mother’s face had lit up like a Christmas tree as she came to welcome me home, and the Chois as well. After quick hugs and kisses, the Chois were off and I was left with my parents, who were smiling from ear to ear.
“Look at you!” My father had said as he engulfed me in a bear hug and spun me around, making me giggle into his chest, “You’re radiating, what are they feeding you at the Academy?”
“Mrs. Nam’s cooking is really delicious, but I don’t think it’s because of the food.” I giggled as my feet had finally touched the ground. My mother stood to the side, my duffle bag already in her hand as she shook her head at our antics, “I suspect it’s the clear air and the vast forest grounds.”
“You’re still running on your own?” My mother’s eyebrows had furrowed as I walked up to her, throwing an arm around her shoulders as we headed for the house. The rumble of a loud engine reached our ears as we took the steps up the porch. I knew whose car it was, it was hard to miss when nobody else’s car engine was as loud as the Song twins, “Mrs. Song told me her sons had proposed to go on runs with you, but you’ve turned them down each time. I know we’re all still adjusting to living in a pack, but having company on your runs is actually very healthy for you and your wolf, my dear.”
I wished to correct my mother that it had been Mingi who had proposed to come on runs with me, no mention of Yunho. We had crossed paths once while we were both out hunting during a full moon and because my cramps had been really bad that day, Mingi was nice enough to remain a respectable distance away and guide me for the night, keeping an eye out for other not-so-kind predators. There were months when my shifting went a little haywire during the full moon, my senses dull and my bones all miss shaped. Again, the doctors hadn’t found anything wrong with me, they suspected it was due to my early blooming, which wasn’t helping much. As we reached the front door, my father already opening it for us, the honk of a loud car made us turn back and look towards the orange Jeep, its windows rolled down, and the younger Song siblings cooped up in the backseat.
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Byun!” Mingi called from the driver’s seat, all smiles as his glasses looked to be slipping off his nose. Wooyoung was just as enthusiastic as he leaned out the window, the car going at a slow pace now that they had almost reached their house.
“See you tonight, right?!” Wooyoung shouted as he grinned widely, pointing specifically at me, “Can’t leave Sannie on his own, right?!”
“Right.” My voice didn’t have much force to it as my eyes stalled on Yunho, who was facing the windshield, his jaw set tight as he looked at Mingi and said something inaudible. I released a quiet sigh as we stepped through the doorway, my parents sharing a laugh at the siblings' antics. I tried to ignore the lump in my throat, the fire in my veins, the ache of my heart. Yunho’s hurtful words were still too fresh in my mind, the look in his eyes and the vivid image of his body a constant image in the front of my mind. It wasn’t surprising that I was still thinking about him. We had encountered each other just last night, after all, but I wished we never had. It was hard to ignore the yearning, especially when we were back at home, forced to visit the Songs weekly since our parents had grown so close with each other. I was happy for them, don’t misunderstand me, but I wished the Song parents stopped blaming my ‘loneliness’ on being an only child, thus forcing me to constantly hang out with their children. I didn’t have any issues with the five of them, per se, but I hardly found anything I had in common with them—minus Yunho, since he wouldn’t even look my way, let alone have a conversation with me.
“You should tell San to sleep over tonight, maybe his parents can stay too!” My father’s words distracted me from my thoughts as I headed for the stairs, eager to fall into my comfortable bed, no Yeri to disturb my peace this time.
“Honey, they had barely returned home, let the Chois enjoy having their son home for at least three more days.” My mother gently chastised my father as she headed up the stairs after me, my duffle bag still in her hand, “He’ll sleep over before they go back to the Academy.”
“Fine, but I found a really cool book about genealogy, I’m sure he’d love reading through it.”
“Sure, honey, sure.” My mother and I shared an amused look which made us chuckle, my father’s mumbled words blending into the background as he was headed for his study room, surely eager to get back to whatever book he was reading this time, “Get some sleep before lunch, Mama Song asked us to head over before they set the bonfire, she’s making a new mushroom stew recipe she’d like us to try.”
“Yeah, okay,” I mumbled as I fell face-first into my pillows, groaning loudly as my muscles finally eased up, my body cocooned in the safety of my own scent. Finally, a little peace of mind.
But that peace of mind didn’t last for long. The Song household was buzzing with life and laughter even before the other members of our community had started joining the bonfire. The mushroom stew was beyond delicious, and if I wasn’t too shy, I would’ve asked for a second plate but decided I could sneak in sometime during the evening and have a second plate, I knew Mrs. Song wouldn’t mind since she was generous like that. Lunch went surprisingly well, mostly with everyone talking over each other, especially Wooyoung, Yeri, and Mr. Song, but that was to be expected. The Songs were very eccentric people and their household had always been chaotic. However, what did take me by surprise was the presence of a newcomer, someone who wasn’t a werewolf. Her hair was dark and fell in long curls, her skin pale and her eyes very sharp, her lips the colour of blood and her stance very elegant. If I hadn’t known better, I would’ve thought she hated us, but anytime Mingi looked at her she’d smile at him and her heartbeat would waver whenever he laughed. It wasn’t hard to guess that she was the Petrova heir, the youngest vampire of the Bae’s. Knowing so much about them, thanks to my father, sitting at a table with her now felt surreal.
She didn’t look like she wanted to talk much, but when my father’s innocent curiosity got the best of him and he started asking questions, she seemed rather pleased that she could gloat about her family. Her tone was sharp and she spoke rather straightforwardly, yet it was somehow obvious she didn’t mean bad. She was a peculiar person and I felt immense respect for her, no real reason as to why, maybe it’s because I thought she was very cool. I wasn’t brave enough to speak to her, so, besides stolen glances and a few shared glances, no words passed between the two of us. Besides, she was an amazing distraction to preoccupy my busy mind since conveniently Yunho and I ended up sitting next to each other. His body was warm, his scent almost tangible, and with every bite I took of my stew, it felt as if Yunho’s sandalwood scent was deep in my throat, forcing me to gulp down copious amounts of water as if I was sitient all the time. Yunho sat rigidly next to me, his body mostly turned away from me and facing Dahyun, his youngest sister, who looked absent-minded as she played with her fork, occasionally staring at Mingi if he made the vampire girl laugh. She carried Mingi’s scent and a bite mark was visible on her nape, it wasn’t hard to guess what she and Mingi were. Mates.
Thankfully, after lunch was over, San shortly arrived too and I could escape from the Song family, from Yunho, walking around the back garden as we searched for timber that would be good for the bonfire. Wooyoung, of course, came to join us and Dahyun was quick to do so too, with Mingi and Yunho busy setting up the back garden as our parents all helped. The vampire girl was busy in the kitchen, apparently, she could bake really yummy muffins, so she was busy doing just that. Once everything was set and people were coming over, Wooyoung sneaked off to bring us cans of beer, San cheering as we all uncapped ours, clinking them together loudly. The cold sparkling drink burned my parched throat as I wolfed it down, making San chuckle as Wooyoung was busy checking his friend’s free hand for splinters. I said nothing as a blush covered San’s cheeks, his eyes fond, as Wooyoung fussed about his friend.
“Mom said she’d leave us a little bit of champagne,” San grinned as he switched the hand holding his can of beer, Wooyoung’s eyebrows furrowed as his fingers gently traced San’s free palm, “It’ll be in the highest cupboard.”
“Only Mingi and Yunho can reach that high, though,” Wooyoung mumbled with a pout, still holding onto San’s hand despite being done with his inspection. I chuckled as San gave Wooyoung a look, his chest almost puffing out more.
“Are you sure about that?” He raised a straight eyebrow, leaning closer to Wooyoung’s face. I watched with intrigue as Wooyoung slightly caved in on himself, gulping almost nervously. His heartbeat remained steady, though, so I couldn’t tell for sure whether San’s proximity made him nervous, “Who got that stuck ball off the basket last time, I don’t reckon it was your brothers?”
“Well,” Wooyoung huffed, averting his eyes when San only leaned closer. I almost grinned when Wooyoung’s heart very loudly skipped a beat, but his eyebrows furrowed as he swiftly straightened himself, giving San a pointed look, “You can jump high. And I suppose you have strong arms, it was sheer luck, really.”
Before the two could start bickering, I chuckled and reached a hand out towards Wooyoung, “Won’t you check my hands for blisters too?”
Wooyoung seemed a little bit too eager to scurry off the log he was sharing with San as he kneeled in front of me, taking my hand into his. I chuckled and looked at San as I took a swing of my beer, Wooyoung’s warm fingers tracing lines as he hummed under his breath, turning my palm over, “You have pretty hands, Y/N.”
“Thank you,” I said, then switched my hands as Wooyoung continued to inspect them, a flush appearing on his face when San reached out to pet his hair since it was tousled by the wind earlier. It had settled now into a pleasant evening breeze. The chatter, music, and laughter coming from around the bonfire felt nice, warm. As I gazed at the fire, I was greeted by the sight of werewolves cosying up and sharing drinks and stories. I’ve never had this in the big city, it felt really nice to be surrounded by creatures that had your back even if they didn’t know you well.
Wooyoung chuckled, his finger digging into my skin, right underneath my pinkie, “Yunho has the same exact moles here too, on the same hand as well.”
My body froze as San’s eyebrows raised, he quickly scurried off the log to join Wooyoung crouching in front of me. I tried to keep the smile on my face, but the taste in my mouth soured as I looked down at the three moles that I’ve always had on my left palm, right underneath my pinkie finger.
“Really?” San sounded surprised and excited at the same time, “Are you sure?”
“Of course,” Wooyoung scoffed as he gave San a side glance, “He’s my brother, I know him. He’s always said that they look like stars. Before our sisters were born, he’d said they represented him, Mingi, and me. Of course, the closest to the one he called himself was Mingi because they are twins and blah blah, sometimes this twin thing gets old.”
“You’re just jealous.” San teased Wooyoung as my eyes were stuck on the three moles, something in my stomach dropping. I’ve always said the three dots looked like stars and represented my family: my mom, my father, and me. We’d always be there for each other, close by, looking over one another. Wooyoung and San’s voices drowned out as they started bickering about whether Mingi and Yunho had a deeper bond than any other werewolf due to them being twins, but my mind was spinning with this new piece of information. It suddenly felt wrong having those moles there, especially since Yunho didn’t want to have to do anything with me. I gulped, retracting my hand from Wooyoung’s hold as I stood abruptly, taking the two guys off guard.
“Uhm, I’ll just see what my parents are up to if you don’t mind…” I knew my scent had soured, San’s furrowed eyebrows told me he had realised something had upset me. But I just smiled and patted Wooyoung’s head before I walked around my friends, my heart slightly racing as the chilly evening seemed to bite at my nose, making me sniff harder and harder by the time I reached my parents, who were talking to the Academy’s Principal, Mr. Kim.
“Oh, Miss Byun,” The Principal was the first one to spot me, and he smiled as my parents beckoned me even closer, “I was just complimenting you. Ever since Miss Yeri started rooming with you, her grades not only went up but she’s been better behaved too.”
“Oh, uhm, that’s great.” I tried to even out my expression, praying that my parents wouldn’t question my souring mood, “I didn’t do much, just asked her to follow some rules. She also asked if I could sometimes help her out with her homework.”
“Fascinating,” The Principal muttered as my parents looked at me proudly, making me feel a little bit shy, “I knew letting her room with Miss Son wasn’t too smart, those two gave me more headache than the ruling board does on the daily.”
The Principal’s comment had my parents laughing, the shared glance between them amused, and suddenly I realised I’d never have that. I would never have a mate that stood by my side, cosied up to me, spoke to me about whatever insanity crossed their minds, no shared understanding glances, no cheek or neck nuzzles, no unbreakable bond, nothing. My jaw tightened as the air spiked with sandalwood and vanilla, and I hoped it would pass by before the tears could spring into my eyes. But the Universe seemed to be working against me today because the Principal caught Yunho’s bicep before he could stalk off, his expression soft and his eyes questioning. He hadn’t noticed my presence yet, because I knew his round eyes would turn harsh and his pouty lips would pull into a straight line the second he noticed me. His outgrown hair was tousled by the breeze, long strands framing his face handsomely as they brushed against his nape, some strands darker than the others.
“Mr. Song, fancy seeing you.” The Principal patted Yunho’s strong back with a proud smile, “I was just telling Mr. and Mrs. Byun how your little sister has been improving both academically and behaviour-wise too.”
“Oh,” Yunho’s pale cheeks flushed with colour as he slightly bowed, I could see my parents practically fawn over him. He was handsome, too handsome, everyone around here was in love with him whether they wanted to be or not, “I know my siblings give you a lot of headaches, but if it helps, you’ll have to deal with fewer of us after this year.”
The Principal laughed as he shook his head, “Between you and me, I’d rather have you and Mingi attend the Academy for five more years than your younger siblings, although Dahyun is a sweet girl despite being odd.”
Even if the comment wasn’t well received by Yunho, his left eye twitched slightly and his smile looked a bit forced all of a sudden, he just chuckled and bowed his head again, “They’ll mature with time, Mingi and I did too.”
“Indeed, that is true.” Then the Principal was suddenly facing me, and I noticed the way Yunho’s eyes slightly widened as if he actually hadn’t noticed me standing just a few feet away, “You’d be surprised to hear that Yunho was unstoppable as a child, we had to sedate him more than once during his runs. He also struggled to shift back until he became ten, isn’t that peculiar?”
Before Yunho could interject, however, my mother spoke up to my horror, “My daughter still struggles to shift, being an early bloomer is really straining.”
“I’m not an early bloomer, though.” Yunho’s tone was a bit harsher, but I bet nobody noticed but me as his eyes bore into mine, his face void of any emotion. I sighed and looked away, trying to push the image of his exposed collarbones due to his unbuttoned shirt out of my head. His cheeks seemed unnaturally pink, he must’ve used some blush before coming down for the bonfire.
“Sometimes when mates—”
“I think we should leave the younglings alone, no?” My father cut the Principal off with a charming smile as I looked at him, slightly taken aback. Nobody knew Yunho and I were supposed to be mates, not even Yunho, I hadn’t told a soul. I doubt my father knows, he must’ve misinterpreted Yunho and my exchange as I winced and he just cleared his throat, sounding uncomfortable. Then, without wasting another second, my father was rushing us towards the bonfire, my mother laughing at something the Principal said as I turned to look at my dad. He was smiling gently and winked when he caught my stare, making me question whether he truly was oblivious to whether I had already found my mate or not. Yunho and I marched towards the bonfire wordlessly, and I flinched when I felt his warm knuckles brush against the back of my hand, but almost as if it was a fragment of my imagination, Yunho was beelining it towards a log on which a girl I didn’t know sat, next to her Yeri with a bored expression on her face.
“Yunho!” The unknown girl called out, making grabby hands at him. I watched as Yunho grinned and sat next to her, leaning into her space as the girl instantly flushed. My stomach coiled as I averted my eyes towards the fire, feeling its warmth slowly seep into my bones, but my muscles didn’t ease up, they remained tense.
“Did you miss me, baby?” I tried not to whine as my wolf told me to pounce on the girl and drag her into the forest and show her what happens to those who touch Yunho, but I would’ve looked completely insane if I had done that. Yunho wasn’t done speaking, however, and I felt eyes on me which made my skin crawl, “I got held up, but I’m all yours now.”
I tried not to feel sick as I chanced a glance towards Yunho, who was looking at me with a smirk. I could feel tears threatening to appear in my eyes, I didn’t want to look pathetic, however, Yeri seemed to save me from the shame, “Dude, did you get me a beer?”
“Of course, I did.” Yunho chuckled, finally looking away from me, “Just don’t tell mom or Wooyoung.”
“I won’t, chill out.” Yeri scoffed as she opened her can of beer, grinning to herself in triumph, “My room is yours tonight, then.”
They shared a look and I released a shaky breath as I had decided that I needed a moment away from everything. I knew everyone could smell my spiked scent and hear my heart thudding in an uneven rhythm, I didn’t want them staring at me, so I quickly hurried inside the house and headed for the kitchen hoping it was deserted. Maybe I’d find that bottle of champagne San was talking about and help myself to it, I knew nobody would mind. The kitchen was dark when I stepped through the archway, so I quickly felt around the wall for the light switch and gasped when light flooded the kitchen. When I got too into my head, I completely missed other scents or heartbeats around me, otherwise the vampire girl wouldn’t have taken me off guard. She tilted her head and raised an amused eyebrow as she nibbled on a cherry.
“Did I scare you?” She asked, her tone still cold, “I thought werewolves have heightened senses too.”
“Uh, we do.” I muttered as I walked further inside the kitchen, “I was distracted.”
“Why is that?” The girl asked, looking curious as her expression slightly shifted.
“No reason.” I lied as I opened a cupboard and grabbed a tall glass.
“Are you drinking wine?” She looked surprised as I walked to the cupboard I knew the champagne was hidden in, “Can I have some too?”
I paused and considered her question for a second, then shrugged, “Sure, but it’s champagne.”
“Good, I like that more.” She smirked as she grabbed a tall glass too, then approached me. She was cold, she lacked the warmth werewolves emanated, but her scent was oddly not exactly hers. I studied her from my peripheral as I got on my tiptoes and grabbed the bottle of champagne. I had been around the Songs for long enough to know them by scent, and she very strongly reeked of Mingi. There was no further information needed to know they really were mated if only someone failed to notice her bite mark. The vampire girl said nothing as I opened the bottle of champagne, mindful of leaving some for San and Wooyoung as I poured the bubbly drink for the vampire before for myself. I could feel her eyes on me, studying me closely, and then she hummed, leaning her hip against the counter, “I might not be a werewolf, but you absolutely stink. Don’t get me wrong, all werewolves do besides Mingi, but your scent is very bothersome right now.”
I gulped, feeling my cheeks heating up as I placed the bottle of champagne back into the cupboard. Getting told that you stink certainly wasn’t very nice, but I knew firsthand that werewolves had distinctive scents, perhaps vampires weren’t too fond of it. Not that I knew much about vampires, there were few in Colourful River and they seemed to frolic more with the humans since they were their blood bags. Still, her comment only worsened my mood as I handed her one of the glasses, trying not to grimace.
“Sorry, I’ll try to keep it down next time,” I muttered over the rim of my glass, and then I took a bigger gulp than necessary. The vampire girl watched me with a raised eyebrow as she took a small sip, savouring the sweet taste unlike me. I didn’t like the amused glint in her eyes, it felt as if she was looking down on me, but I really wasn’t up for a confrontation right now.
“As much as I would love to insult you right now,” My eyes widened as the vampire girl sighed, “Over the past year I learned that when your scent turns sour, or just becomes really unbearable to me, it means that you’re upset. So, I didn’t mean to further upset you, I’m just not very good at understanding how werewolves function.”
I chuckled under my breath as my next words escaped before I could stop myself, “Funny you say that when you’re surrounded by werewolves only right now. Why do you even hang around us if you can’t stand us?”
Despite expecting harsh words as an answer to my jab, the vampire looked dejected as she leaned back into the counter, sighing loudly as she averted her eyes, “If it wasn’t for Mingi and I being—mates, then I certainly wouldn’t be here. When I was young, I had a really bad encounter with a rogue wolf and I have hated you all ever since, but I can’t deny the pull I feel towards Mingi, it’s weird, but it’s there. And when I had tried ignoring it, it had hurt the both of us, so I’m here now, trying to still embrace the fact that now I’m part of this pack that I’ve hated my whole life and of the family that’s been getting on my nerves ever since they moved to Nocturnal Parade.”
I hummed in surprise and took another sip of my drink, now suddenly understanding why the Song twins had reacted with disdain when I had brought up the Petrova family a year ago, I assume she and Mingi weren’t together yet then.
“It must’ve been hard accepting Mingi, then.” The girl’s cold exterior slowly melted away as she looked at me with surprise. I suppose she had been judged by many for her prejudices, but didn’t everyone have some? I couldn’t completely blame her for them, “Seeing a werewolf and a vampire together isn’t uncommon, but I haven’t heard of them being mated before. Do you mind if I ask how that happened?”
The vampire chuckled as she turned her head towards the window, gazing out as she took another sip of her champagne, “We were drunk and had sex. I, apparently, bit Mingi where his scent gland is and triggered his imprinting. It feels weird to think about it, that maybe we would’ve never ended up together otherwise, but I don’t think that’s true. I think I had always liked Mingi, my hatred had just gotten in the way of me realising my true feelings for him.”
I hummed, gaining a new perspective on their relationship. I have heard bits and pieces from Yeri, even Wooyoung sometimes, but Mingi’s younger sister was mostly speaking ill of the Petrova girl. Yeri didn’t like the vampire at all and never failed to go on angry rants about how much she wanted to rip Mingi’s mate apart, but she couldn’t because she’d been accepted by the family, so the vampire girl was now untouchable. Speaking to the vampire, however, wasn’t as awful as Yeri made me think it would be. She faced me again, her head tilted as she looked at me with a curious expression on her face.
“What’s your story? I don’t think we had spoken before, right?” She asked as I shook my head, plastering on a small smile.
“We moved here a year ago, the big city just wasn’t for us anymore.” I shrugged, then traced the edge of the counter with my finger as I averted my eyes from the vampire, “Nothing is interesting about me, I think I’m just a regular, boring, werewolf. I did make a friend, though, it’s Choi San, if you know him?”
“Of course, I do,” The vampire scoffed, rolling her eyes as if hearing my best friend’s name was irritating to her, “Wooyoung never shuts up about him, if I wouldn’t have known better, I’d suspect he’s in love with San.”
That caught my attention as I perked up, subconsciously leaning closer to the vampire. It felt as if she was wearing a patch of Mingi’s familiar scent, it was almost endearing if it wouldn’t have reminded me of the fact that I’d never have this with Yunho, “Really? You think Wooyoung is in love with San?”
The girl chuckled, looking at me with a smirk, “I wouldn’t want to assume such a thing, but you must know Wooyoung is very irritating, so he only settles down when I threaten to tell San he’s always gushing about him behind his back. That must mean something, no?”
I bit my lower lip, buzzing with excitement at the prospect of Wooyoung returning San’s feelings. However, I’d have to trade forward with this information very smartly, I didn’t want to ruin something that apparently had so much potential. I only wanted to see San happy with the person he loved with his whole might.
“I hope it means something,” I muttered into my glass as I took another sip, making the vampire girl’s eyes gain a mischievous glint. I hoped she wouldn’t say anything that would set back the two boys' relationship, but maybe I had finally gained an insider who could help me give tips to San to push their relationship a step forward.
“Interesting,” She mumbled as she took another sip as well, raising an eyebrow, “What about you, though? I know you’re rooming with Yeri, for which you have my condolences, but you’re connected to this family in more ways, right?”
I felt my palms sweat all of a sudden, “What do you mean?”
“I have sharp eyes, and very sensitive hearing. What’s between you and Yun—”
“Nothing, absolutely nothing.” I would’ve looked guilty even to a newcomer by how quick I was to shut down the vampire’s question and assumption, she hadn’t even fully spelled Yunho’s name yet. I gulped, feeling my heartbeat pick up, then I averted my eyes and hoped she would just drop the subject…but she didn’t.
“It’s not my place to say what I’m about to say next, but be careful.” My eyebrows furrowed as I dared take a peek at her from between my eyelashes, “The Song twins aren’t bad creatures, they really aren’t, but Yunho is…a jackass, simply put. He’s dated Seulgi, my friend, and things were really messy between them. I hear now he’s messing around with a girl who finished the Academy last year, I just don’t want to see you end up like Seulgi. You seem like a genuine werewolf, kind-hearted too, I would hate to see Yunho destroy it all. It’s not my place at all, I know, but maybe just let it be? Maybe it’s better if you’re not meant to be, you know?”
But we are meant to be, I wanted to say it, I wanted to snap at her, but she knew better. If she could see it, a complete outsider, then who was I to correct her? She had known Yunho for longer than me, she probably didn’t have any bad intentions by warning me, but it still hurt. I gulped and downed the last of my champagne, knowing that my scent had soured once again. I came here to escape everything that was Yunho, yet, he was the subject once again. I hated it, but I couldn’t do anything about it. As long as the both of us lived in this town, Yunho would somehow always be the subject, he was too popular and well-liked by the others.
“No, you’re right, I—” I paused when I realised I sounded shaky, “I don’t even like him, don’t worry. I know the type of guy he is, I won’t mingle with him. I’m glad you found Mingi, his scent is all over you, by the way.”
The vampire blushed all of a sudden, it surprised me, but I was glad I had successfully diverted the subject from Yunho. She had a fond look on her face as she tried to save herself with a loud scoff, downing her champagne quickly, “Mingi isn’t too possessive, but since I don’t have a scent as you guys do, he’s scenting me all the time. It was annoying at the beginning, but he wouldn’t stop, so, I just had to accept the fact that everyone would know I was with him now. It’s kind of endearing, but don’t let him know, please! His ego is already through the roof.”
I chuckled, wondering what she was talking about because Mingi was one of the nicest creatures I had ever met. We weren’t very close, but he always stopped to talk to me if we crossed paths in the hallways, and during the summer break, he’d even come over sometimes with baked goods, eager to discuss whatever book he’d lately read. I liked Mingi, he was nice to me and my family, sometimes perhaps too nice. Silence settled between the vampire girl and me, so I decided it was my time to excuse myself and join San and Wooyoung in the back garden once again. Surprisingly, I felt more at ease after speaking to the Petrova girl, I had always thought she was intimidating and too cold, but she was a lot nicer than I have been told. I cleared my throat and pointed towards the archway, an awkward smile making it onto my face.
“I’ll head back outside if you don’t mind.” But as I took off, she called out for me to stop.
“Wait,” The vampire cleared her throat and looked a bit embarrassed as she dug into her pocket, her lips pursed as she avoided making eye contact, “So, uhm, Dahyun forced me today to make some shitty bracelets with her and, honestly, I can’t give this shit to any of my friends, they aren’t werewolves.”
I quirked an eyebrow as she took her hand out of her pocket, then extended it towards me without meeting my eyes. Her palm opened and a simple, but pretty, brown leather bracelet sat in it. I chuckled, reaching for it with an amused smile. The bracelet was braided and it had a cute wood wolf charm, it looked like it was howling upon closer inspection. I was just about to make a playful comment about it when I noticed a very similar bracelet peeking out from underneath the sleeve of her blouse. The only difference was that the leather was a lighter brown than mine, so, I swallowed down my comment and instead looked at her with a big smile.
“Thank you!” It oddly felt like a friendship offer too, but I didn’t want to get too ahead of myself. Maybe she just genuinely didn’t want to give it to her other friends, maybe she was embarrassed to do so, “It’s really pretty.”
“Whatever,” The vampire grumbled as she lowered her hand, fidgeting with her bracelet absentmindedly, “That little animal forced me to—not that I’m calling Dahyun an animal, or other werewolves, I—well.”
I laughed quietly as I wore the bracelet, looking at it for a longer second before I grinned at the Petrova girl, “Don’t worry, I get what you’re saying. We are animals, after all, and since you’ve already brought that up, please be a little nicer to Yeri, I can’t keep listening to her whine about you.”
“I hate that brat.” The vampire scowled, but quickly caught herself, “I mean, sure, I’ll try to be nicer…sort of.”
I chuckled and raised my hand to wriggle my wrist, the wolf charm moving around, “Friends, maybe?”
The vampire seemed to think for a second before she smiled, a real smile that reached her sharp eyes too, “Yeah, friends.”
I felt rather happy as I left the kitchen, fulfilled even, that I had managed to befriend another creature, and this was the Petrova, well now Bae, heir on top of it all. It made me feel excited as I hurried out of the house, planning to tell San and even Wooyoung, but I almost collided with two creatures once out on the porch. The girl's giggles became quiet as my wide eyes stared up into Yunho’s equally surprised ones, but then, his grip tightened around the girl’s waist and he was suddenly manoeuvring themselves around me, a dark look crossing Yunho’s features. I gulped, my heart racing as I heard the girl mutter something about me to Yunho, and then both were laughing. It was fine, I was alright. Yunho was free to do however he pleased, he didn’t owe me anything, no explanations or promises. But my wolf howled inside my mind, a harsh ache suddenly hitting my insides, freezing me into my spot for a second as I gasped for air. I wondered if this exact feeling was the same as the vampire and Mingi had experienced when they tried ignoring their bond. If yes, it made me wonder how was I strong enough to still be going and acting as if Yunho wasn’t my mate, as if his ignorance wasn’t slowly killing me on the inside. All I wanted was to crumble to the ground and let the sobs wreck my body, but instead, I tried to clear my mind and find San’s scent to cosy up with him, burry my pain deep down, and revel in the safety my best friend had always offered me.
But as I finally reached my best friend, he was sitting by the bonfire with a very drunk Wooyoung stuck to his side, arms around San’s middle as his head was pressed into San’s collarbones. We made eye contact and San’s eyes were sparkling with elation and something else as he gestured with his head subtly at Wooyoung, so I knew I couldn’t bother them. I didn’t want to ruin their moment, I could basically smell just how happy, and drunk, San was. I would’ve been a terrible friend if I had walked up to them just to mop around without telling them the real reason for my displeasure, so I decided to just head home for the night. The champagne had left my blood buzzing, and even though I wasn’t tipsy, I knew how my night would end. I’d bury myself deep underneath my pillows and blanket and cry myself to sleep, letting out my wails since nobody would be able to hear me. My parents wouldn’t return for a few more hours, so I could just wallow in misery as loudly as I wanted to. But to leave, I had to grab my jacket first, which was in Wooyoung’s room courtesy to San who had thrown our jackets somewhere on his bed.
The house was silent as I made my way back inside, the kitchen dark once again, and since I couldn’t hear a second heartbeat, I knew the vampire girl had left, probably, to find Mingi. I realised I was fiddling with the wolf charm as I made my way up the stairs, my body covered in goosebumps for no reason. I had been inside this house multiple times, I knew where everything was, but for some reason, my intuition was telling me to turn around and just go home without my jacket. My wolf was basically whimpering in my mind, trying to convince me to turn around as I stepped off the last stair, ears picking up on a faint noise. The hallway wasn’t too narrow but it was long, and Wooyoung’s room was next to the upstairs bathroom, across from Yeri’s. The scents were so mingled up here that I couldn’t tell whether anyone was upstairs, so I just hoped I didn’t run into anyone because I wasn’t capable of conversing right now. I felt spent, upset, and heartbroken at the same time. I knew this would happen, I’d get ignored by Yunho once again, but it still stung each time it happened, I thought I had gotten used to it. Maybe I was reacting this badly because he had insulted me last night as well, and now his actions from tonight were also bugging me.
The faint noises got louder the closer I got to Wooyoung’s room, and with slight terror, I realised they sounded like hushed whispers and muffled moans. Glancing towards Yeri’s room, the door had been left slightly ajar, and despite dread filling my stomach, I found myself walking towards it, eyebrows furrowed once I picked up on a foreign citrusy scent. That, however, was the least of my worries as Yunho’s intoxicating sandalwood and vanilla scent carried through the air in intense pumps, twisting something in my lower stomach, and making my mouth go dry. It was so intoxicating that I found myself creeping towards the door, my breath baited and my hands slightly trembling as my wolf whined at me to barge inside and let Yunho have us, ravish us. But the small crack left by the door being ajar was enough for me to see inside the dim room, making my heart drop in seconds. The girl Yunho had been hanging out with all night was on her knees in front of Yunho as he sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on his hands as his mouth hung open, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes squeezed shut as low moans left his swollen lips. I couldn’t pry my eyes away from Yunho’s face despite the sudden urge to cry as my wolf howled loudly, making my blood boil now that I knew for sure others could have Yunho like this. At a particularly high-pitched moan, Yunho’s eyes snapped open and found mine through the crack of the door, making me gasp loudly as I jumped back, feeling disgusted and full of rage at the same time. It wasn’t fair of Yunho to constantly push me away, whether he knew I was his mate or not, and it wasn’t fair that he could easily mess around with others while I was forced to suffer and watch him from afar. I didn’t stall any longer, I was out of the house before I could hear more of the sounds they were making, Yunho’s strong scent burning my throat even the next morning.
The Spring Break passed by in a frenzy, and I had barely gotten any rest while I was home for the week. Every invite to the Songs I had turned down, disgusted at the thought of facing Yunho after everything. I didn’t want to see him, I didn’t want to hear him, I didn’t want to smell him. I had made up my mind. If he didn’t want me, I wouldn’t want him either anymore. I have yearned enough after someone I’d never have, so, I decided what’s enough is enough. I knew the change wouldn’t happen overnight, especially when my wolf snarled at me anytime I pushed the thought of Yunho away, whining loudly whenever he came up in a conversation. My wolf wasn’t happy with my decision, but I was the one in control, and I was done being hurt all the time. I missed the serenity I once had before meeting Yunho and the rest of the Songs, but if finally living the life my parents had always wished for came with the price of finding an unrequited mate, then I could live with that for now. Perhaps if I went far enough from here then the bond would somehow finally completely break. I could only hope that was the case and I wouldn’t get somehow incurably sick, I’ve heard of it happening before, and it scared me.
Today had been a long day, I felt tired and my back muscles were aching from having been sitting all day long, my brain sore from having been paying close attention in my classes. My notebooks were filled with notes, there was not a second to rest now that we were back at the Academy. San and I had wandered on our own paths sometime during the afternoon, his classes different from mine, besides, I knew he liked working out before going for his run, where he’d most probably be joined by Wooyoung. He had texted me asking whether I wanted to join the two of them, but I had politely declined. San knew I liked being on my own, so he never pushed me if I wasn’t feeling up to it. I always enjoyed my runs more on the Academy grounds than back at home, because here the forest was large and I rarely ran into other wolves while being out there. At home, the boundaries were clearly fenced in, to keep us from wandering too far into the Haunted Woods and getting lost. Other creatures than us, more ferocious ones, lurked deep in the forest, and some of us from Nocturnal Parade had never returned once they ventured too far in.
I knew I couldn’t go back to the shed, especially not now, out of fear of running into Yunho. And as if the Universe was laughing at me today, the way my wolf started purring before the scent even hit my nose should’ve been a clear sign to turn around and go the other way towards the campus, on the backroads where not many liked walking. It was a good spot for the Fae to hide away and drink in nature’s powers, so most of us kept clear of it to offer them privacy. I knew they wouldn’t mind if I stumbled upon them, and I’d rather face their wrath than run into Yunho right now. As I rounded the corner, I stopped walking just in time to avoid crashing into Yunho’s larger body. He gasped and pressed a hand against his chest, gulping almost too loudly. I didn’t look at him as I averted my eyes, nor said anything despite my wolf trying to nudge me towards Yunho. I just tried to step around him and hurry towards the entrance. However, something very unexpected happened. Yunho’s low voice sounded unsure, almost, a little breathy as well.
“Are you headed for a run right now?” My body froze upon hearing Yunho’s question, and I tried to fight every particle of my body from stepping closer to him when his sandalwood scent called out to me. It was deeper, more earthy than ever before, and my wolf was purring so loudly it echoed in my ears as if it were real.
“Yes.” My answer was short, but before I could leave, Yunho followed up with another question.
“May I join you?” He sounded more confident this time, I could feel his eyes on me as my eyebrows furrowed.
What? I gulped, trying to keep my heartbeat even as his question echoed in my mind. Why now? Why did he want to join me on my run all of a sudden? Why was he even talking to me? Why was he acknowledging me? Without even realising it, I had started fiddling with the wolf charm of my bracelet, finding courage as I raised my head and looked into his chocolate brown eyes.
“No.” Yunho’s face became blank as he gulped again, his left eye slightly twitching, “I don’t like going on runs with others.”
Yunho was silent for another second as I raised my eyebrow at him, challengingly. What did he want? His tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he huffed, a cynical smile crossing his features, “I see.”
I hummed, fingers tightening around the charm as I was displeased with his reaction, but I didn’t say anything as I nodded once, stepping around him this time to resume my walk. But, once again, Yunho spoke up before I could leave.
“Have you done the assignment? For our Literature class.” Just what was he on? My eyebrows furrowed again as I looked at him confused, Yunho slightly turned his body to face mine since I was standing next to him.
“Yes, we were supposed to hand it in before the Spring Break.” I knew my tone was sharp as I deadpanned, but I couldn’t help myself. Yunho had never spoken to me like this before, let alone asked about a run or an assignment. If he stumbled into me on accident, he wouldn’t even apologise, so this whole interaction was bizarre, “Why? Have you not done yours?”
“I have.” Yunho’s eyes narrowed then, slowly trailing down my body until it stopped on my wrist. I shivered and hid my arm behind my back as if I had done something I wasn’t allowed to, my wolf whispered at me that I was wearing something that hadn’t always belonged to me, “Are you—did Mingi give you something of his?”
Once again, what? I huffed, closing my eyes for a second as I could feel irritation seep through my body. It wasn’t just my scent souring, Yunho’s sandalwood got replaced by the vanilla, which didn’t smell as sweet as usual, “No, why would he?”
But Yunho didn’t answer as his jaw tightened, his eyes switching between mine before they fell back down to my wrist as if he were trying to see through the sleeve of my jacket. His long hair was tousled, almost as if he had been running his fingers through it too often, and his cheeks were covered in a coral blush and littered with fake freckles. His nails were painted yellow this time and they matched the neon yellow of his bomber jacket, which seemed to hide a purple mesh shirt underneath. A blue tie hung loosely around his neck, and his jeans had daisies stamped on his thighs. He looked amazing, even if peculiar, he made my wolf purr in a dreamy way that had me move slightly towards him, hoping that he hadn’t noticed since he was still busy staring at my wrist, which I was still hiding behind my back.
“Are you lying to me right now?” Yunho’s tone had turned a tad bit aggressive, and suddenly, I found him all up in my face, closing the distance between us with an alarming speed. My heart skipped a beat and my wolf leered at Yunho’s actions, whispering sweet nothings into my ear, distracting me for a second from Yunho’s sudden, and unwarranted, fury.
“What is your problem, Yunho?” Despite craving to touch him and nuzzle into the crook of his neck, I pushed through the sudden lustful haze and made my anger apparent. That seemed to catch Yunho off guard as his expression fell a bit, his eyebrows furrowing as he gulped, opening his mouth before he closed it again, seemingly not knowing how to answer my question. I scoffed, gave him a fierce glare, and ignored my wolf’s whimpers when I stepped back. Then I turned around to storm towards the exit. Where was all that audacity coming from?!
It was a warm spring day, the sun had finally melted the last remnants of frostbite and dew, yet most students were cooped up in the Study Hall or Library, busy catching up with the projects and assignments they had procrastinated on so far. Perhaps going to the Library would’ve been a smarter choice since the cacophony of the grand room distracted me more than once from my coursework. Midterms were right around the corner and everyone was squeezing in study time even on the weekends, determined to memorise as much material as possible. Thankfully, I wasn’t behind in any of my classes but I still had to finish my Alchemy assignment, which was proving to be a headache. San was busy reading through his Anatomy notes and scribbling down even more information in his notebook as four different books were opened and strewn around him on the table. The sight made me chuckle, but I didn’t bother San as I knew he’d get anxious if he wasn’t able to finish checking all the materials he had proposed for himself to go over that day. He was quite literally a prodigy, yet he strived for even more perfection. I knew his whole future depended on his grades, but San was too smart for his own good…academically, at least.
As I jotted down another sentence about my failed experiment just from last night, Yeri’s chewing gum snapped loudly, making San flinch. He was so focused he didn’t even look up, but his eyebrows slightly furrowed. I peeked at Yeri from above my laptop and raised an eyebrow at her when I realised, she had been staring at me already. She sighed as she placed her chin in her palm, grimacing as the chewing gum had stuck to the corner of her lips. I chuckled as she quickly got rid of it, and cleared her throat.
“Do you think you’ll pass your Alchemy class this semester?” Yeri’s tone was deadpan, and it almost made me laugh. Maybe I should’ve gone to the Library where we weren’t allowed to speak much to each other, maybe then Yeri would’ve spared me from her brutally honest questions.
“I sure hope so,” I muttered as I searched for the right formula on the internet, which was much faster than flipping through old pages of books, trying to find the answer for my magick elixir.
“Will you have to retake your class if you fail?” Yeri pressed, genuinely interested all of a sudden.
“No, it would be the first time I failed this class, I’d just retake the final exam,” I explained as San hummed next to me, highlighting something with green in the book he had borrowed from the Library. I was sure he’d get a good scrutinising from the librarian for that.
“How many passes do I get before they fail me? Like the exams and shit.”
“Which class are you failing, Yeri?” San spoke up with an amused tone as he sneaked a glance at her. I chuckled as I found the formula, then copied it into my notebook before putting it into my slideshow.
“Don’t tell my brothers,” Yeri lowered her voice as she leaned over the table to be closer to San and me, “But I might be failing Literature this year.”
“Literature of all subjects?” San started laughing, prompting me to giggle as well. It was one of our easiest classes, trust Yeri to fail it. It seemed like the Songs were easily tricked by the easiest of tasks, Wooyoung was another prime example of that. He failed his Sports class last year, which should’ve physically been impossible for a werewolf…even all of the vampires had passed it.
“Stop making fun of me,” Yeri pouted as she leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest, “Not everyone likes to read—I certainly don’t.”
“Well, you should from now on, or you’ll have to retake the whole class next year.” Yeri’s eyes widened at my inoffensive threat.
“Whatever,” She grumbled under her breath as her ears perked up, eyes looking around the room. San’s body seemed to tense too for a second before he relaxed, his ears tinged slightly red, “Don’t wait for me to come back to our room tonight.”
“Where are you going?” I felt like an older sister worrying about their younger sibling as my eyebrows furrowed. Yeri just rolled her eyes with a loud huff, eyes fixed on something behind me as she started smiling.
“I’m sleeping in Seungwannie’s room tonight.” I could hear footsteps approaching us rapidly.
“What about her roommate?” I asked as a familiar citrusy scent caught my attention, I didn’t have to turn around to know who was coming.
“She’ll be fine, we like her.” I chuckled as Yeri winked, and then her eyes settled on San, or rather who stood now next to him. Before any of us could react, Wooyoung leaned down and pressed a fat kiss against San’s cheek, unleashing a heavy thundering of heartbeats. I ignored San’s heartbeats as I smiled at Wooyoung, who looked embarrassed by his actions, but he was grinning sheepishly as he lowered his head.
“Hi!” He greeted us as San finally snapped out of his frozen state, giving Wooyoung a genuinely wide smile.
“Hello, Woo,” I said as the younger pulled out a chair and sat in it, dismissing Yeri when she stuck her tongue out at her brother. Wooyoung rested his chin in his palm, head tilted as he looked at San.
“Are you still studying?” Wooyoung’s tone was impatient as San’s sigh was exasperated. I chuckled under my breath and went back to my slide show, looking over it for the nth time, “I’m so bored, San, you promised to come back to my room with me and entertain me.”
“Oh, did you now, San?” Yeri grinned mischievously as she giggled, making Wooyoung’s eyes widen as he shot her an alarmed look. I watched the exchange wordlessly as San’s ears flushed a darker shade while he tried to make his body look even smaller as his wide shoulders hunched forward, “Does that form of entertainment involve—”
“Song Yeri.” Mingi’s tone was authoritative as Yeri’s eyes widened, lips pressing into a straight line. How have I missed them approaching? Yunho was directly looking at me, his soft and chocolate brown eyes drilling into my forehead as I quickly looked away, once again busy with my PowerPoint presentation, “Leave your brother and San alone, must you always be such a menace?”
“If they are idiots…” Yeri grumbled under her breath, and I watched curiously as both San and Wooyoung looked away, blushing and their hearts skipping a beat. I suppose it won’t take them much longer to finally come to terms that they like each other, Wooyoung’s been rather reactive lately around San, it was certainly fun to watch. What wasn’t fun at all, however, was Yunho’s unrelenting stare and his scrunched nose as he sniffed at the air.
“Hello, Y/N.” I didn’t expect the vampire girl to speak to me, she even had a smile on her face as my round eyes fell on her. It was a small smile, but it was there. I watched the people around us turn around surprised as they looked between me and the Petrova girl. I smiled and waved at her, the small wolf charm swishing around on my wrist. I didn’t miss Yunho’s eyes instantly falling onto it, nor the vampire girl’s satisfied smirk when Yeri scowled at her, “Are these rascals bothering you?”
“Oh, not at all.” I chuckled, looking at San and Wooyoung as Yeri scoffed, but everyone just ignored her.
“Well, if you ever get bored of them, you can always join me and my friends.” The vampire girl’s eyes fell pointedly on Yeri and Wooyoung as Mingi’s grip tightened on her waist, “I know some creatures forget they cohabit a place with others whom they are constantly bothering and irritating.”
“Oh, shove something up your—”
“Alright!” Mingi chuckled, jumping in to de-escalate the situation, as always, “Before this turns into another argument, my lovely girlfriend and I will be on our way.”
The Petrova girl winked at Yeri as she kissed Mingi’s cheek, and then the two turned and were off to a table where three creatures sat, all smiling at them except for one. She had long black hair, bangs that fell into her eyes, and a fierce glare as she stared at Yunho, then at me once she realised, I was looking at her.
“Won’t you sit?” Wooyoung gestured towards the empty seat next to Yeri, and that seemed to snap Yunho out of whatever train of thought he seemed to be lost in. I chanced a glance at him before I went back to check for typos in my presentation, trying to ignore Yunho’s vanilla scent spiking all of a sudden, so sweet it almost made me gasp. The last time it had been that sweet was when I caught him and that girl at the bonfire enjoying each other. I gulped and willed my wolf to remain silent as suddenly it took me everything to remain seated and not throw myself at Yunho, God, I so desperately wished to touch him and inhale him whole, but once again I had to remind myself that I had made a choice. No more Yunho, no more yearning, it was over. I deserved better, I could do better than this.
“No, see you around.” Yunho’s voice was strained as he quickly walked off, sitting alone at a large and almost empty table.
“That was strange,” Wooyoung mumbled as Yeri hummed, turning around to stare at her brother with a frown.
“He’s been acting strange ever since Y/N came to town,” I froze as Yeri faced me again, lips pursed, “Not that I’m blaming you for my brother’s behaviour, I just don’t understand what’s up with him. His scent gets stronger around you and he’s always moodier and snappier after he sees you, did you do something to him?”
I scoffed, rolling my eyes too as I closed my laptop, “Right, as if your brother had given me the chance to do something to him.”
Before anyone could question me, I stood and stormed towards the large bookcases lined closely to the exit, my muscles tense. Now that I had decided that I wanted nothing more to do with Yunho, my wolf had turned even more stubborn than it had been. I wanted to consume him, I wanted him to touch me and feel me up, it felt like I couldn’t think or breathe in his presence. And when he wasn’t around, my wolf whined and cried, begging me to find him and make him want us. But my will was stronger and I was determined to stay away even if it became harder and harder daily to go against my wolf. I wondered if Yunho felt the same way, if the thoughts of me were eating him up alive, if he was desperate to have me, if his wolf whined at him just like mine did. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to ground myself into the present and push away all thoughts of the mate who didn’t want me back. I would’ve been struggling more half a year ago, but now it was second nature yearning after Yunho one second, then blocking him out the next one.
I still needed one more book for my presentation, the one that I could document myself from more in-depth as to why my experiment had failed…and I also shouldn’t forget to cut the sound for the recording since Yeri is giggling and making fun of me in the background for almost ruining my desk. My fingers traced the sturdy shelf of the bookcase as I craned my neck back, reading the titles of the books, wondering whether I was in the right section. I was tall, but these bookcases were over two meters, so I might need a ladder if I find my book and it’s way too high up on the shelf. As I scanned the next aisle, I grinned in triumph when I read the title of the book I was searching for, Do’s and Don’ts in Elixir Making, Alchemy, Level: kindergarten, by A. Turner. I chuckled under my breath at the blatant jab before I pushed myself up on my tiptoes, reaching forward and finding stability in the bookshelf when a sudden invasive warmth burned my nape, the scent of sandalwood forcing my eyes shut as I took a deep breath, my wolf purring when the sweet vanilla seemed to linger in my throat and oesophagus even after exhaling.
“Is this the one you were looking for?” Yunho’s voice was low, too close to my ear, and I couldn’t stop my heart from jolting in both fright and excitement. I whirled around, which was a mistake. There was barely any distance between our bodies as Yunho held the book in his big hand, long fingers curling around its old spine, his eyes soft, but his expression hardened. I gulped since my mouth felt dry, but the words didn’t come to me as Yunho and I stood staring at each other. His grip tightened around the book and I finally looked at it, nodding hesitantly. He hummed and handed it over, our fingers brushing in the process and making my body lurch forward. Yunho’s eyes widened, and I wondered if he had felt it too. The electricity, the low humming, the sudden tremble of my body at the fleeting touch, the depravation and desperation that was suddenly flowing through my veins, so close to claiming him as mine.
“Yes.” My voice was steady despite my hammering heart, and the sweat that coated my brows. I cradled the book against my chest as if I was trying to protect myself from Yunho, protect my heart and mind too. But Yunho didn’t look like he was about to move away, and I was too scared of making any moves, knowing that my legs would carry me straight in his arms, shamelessly at that. I couldn’t let that happen, it would’ve been humiliating. Yunho’s lips parted as his eyebrows furrowed, long strands falling into his eyes, and he swiftly ran a hand through his hair as my eyes followed the motion. I gulped, wishing to do the same, but then Yunho exhaled and I felt my body lean towards him again, vanilla so sweet my mind was clouded with want.
“Mingi’s girlfriend told me she had given you the sparse bracelet she and Dahyun had made.” I hadn’t expected that, so I was curious where Yunho was going with this, “She reeks of Mingi, so it’s no surprise your bracelet also reeks of Mingi.”
My eyebrows furrowed as I raised my hand, staring at it incredulously. Does it? I hadn’t even noticed, how come? After all, Mingi’s scent had never been as invasive and constant as Yunho’s. Bringing my wrist closer to my nose, I sniffed at it for a second, eyebrows furrowing when I noticed the faint hint of the earthy and cinnamon scent that was Mingi. It was barely even there, I wondered why Yunho was so sensitive towards it.
“Oh, well, I can faintly smell it now that you’ve pointed it out,” I muttered with a shrug as I lowered my arm, looking at Yunho with a questioning gaze. He bit his bottom lip and my eyes stayed there, wondering what the pink plush flesh would feel like underneath my teeth, whether Yunho would whine or growl if I were to sink my fangs into it and nip at the sensitive lip. But before my face could flush at the vivid image created in my mind, Yunho cleared his throat and took a small step towards me, making me press myself up against the bookcase. My body felt alive, my heart was racing, and my ears were ringing. I felt like I could do anything with Yunho around, as if I was untouchable.
“Listen,” Yunho seemed to hesitate for a second before his eyes glazed over with conviction, his scent so overbearing that for a second it was all I could focus on, and his racing heart, “I had never meant to assume things about you, nor insinuate anything, but I realise my words had come off wrong more than once. I was harsh when I didn’t mean to be, and I know you think I’m a dick. Frankly, you have all the right to think that about me, I hadn’t been the nicest to you until now.”
I wanted to ask why now, what had changed that he was finally acknowledging me, what was spurring him on to even talk to me like this, because it sounded like he was about to apologise and I hated how my heart was beating harder, making my wolf was howl in happiness, ready to accept Yunho’s apology even if he didn’t say the words. I remained silent as Yunho licked his pouty lips, and my eyes seemed to remain on them even as he continued to speak, “Do you—do you believe in soulmates?”
I couldn’t help but give Yunho an amused look, quirking an eyebrow, “We’re literally werewolves who imprint on each other and have lifelong mates, do you believe in soulmates?”
Yunho froze, a little taken aback that I had answered his question with a question, “What about mates? Do you believe in mates, then?”
It seemed like neither one of us wanted to answer questions right now, but I sighed as I gave Yunho a resigned look, “I do, I believe in mates.”
“Since when?” Yunho’s tone was turning slightly desperate as he kept pressing on, and I cleared my throat, averting my eyes for a bit.
“Since I was little, but I suppose I started firmly believing that mates do exist after I came here.” Maybe if I didn’t say it too directly, he’d still understand what I was trying to hint at.
“Yeah?” Yunho’s tone was faint, his face suddenly softening as he exhaled quietly.
“What about you? I don’t think I’ve seen you settle with anyone for a longer period since I came here.” Yunho’s jaw clenched as I looked back into his eyes, tilting my head as my eyes narrowed at him.
“The concept of mates was silly to me…” Yunho’s tone was hard as he took a step back, making my wolf whine in protest, but I remained silent and ignored the sudden coldness that plunged through my body, “Until you came to Nocturnal Parade.”
My whole body went cold upon hearing his words, and my eyes widened as Yunho’s admission echoed in my ears. Did that mean he knew we were mates? Could that mean that Yunho was aware that we were fated, but he was ignoring it on purpose? That was utterly more painful than being in a one-sided mated situation, because it meant he was purposefully rejecting me. My eyebrows furrowed as Yunho’s expression was blank once again, his eyes hardening the longer I stared at him in silence.
I felt like I couldn’t breathe, so many questions whirling in my head, making me question every little interaction that we’ve had in the past year, even more so the recent ones. Why would he ignore me? Was I not good enough? Was I not pretty to him? Was I not appealing to his wolf? Why did Yunho hate me so much that he ignored the fact that we were mates for a whole year, making it so hard for me to be in his vicinity? I blinked, suddenly aware that I had tears in my eyes, even my wolf was whining at the realisation. Yunho didn’t say anything as he watched my shocked expression morph into something of sadness mixed with anger, and then I squared my shoulders and glared at him. I didn’t say anything as I pressed the book against his chest to push him back, trying to keep it together in front of him despite wanting to scream at him, demand answers, and throw all the books from the shelves at him. Yunho looked taken off guard as I pushed him back by his chest, his gasp loud as I ripped the book away from his chest and stormed back to the table I shared with San and the Song siblings, my blood fuming and my thoughts running a mile per hour. Yunho was horrible and he didn’t deserve me, even if we were mates. As I loudly and aggressively sat back down in my chair, heads turned to look at me curiously, but nobody bothered me when San shook his head once he noticed Wooyoung open his mouth to drill me with questions.
There was one insistent pair of eyes, however, that didn’t look away even after I had given them a death glare, and it was the creature who was sitting with Mingi and the Petrova girl. Her eyes tracked Yunho as he hurriedly gathered his things from the table and left the hall, a scowl settling on her face before she was watching me again. I opened my book and opted to ignore her, I didn’t have time for all this drama, I had to finish an assignment and study for the midterms as well.
The next day wasn’t much different, except that there were barely any empty seats to find in both the Library and the Study Hall. After San and I had squeezed ourselves in between a Fae and a Druid, we spent four hours in the Library, our backs aching by the time we headed for lunch. My brain felt numb and my eyes ached from dehydration, and if I thought San would stop his revision while we enjoyed our meal, I was wrong. He was reciting a whole paragraph as he mumbled to himself over a mouthful of vegetable soup, scooping up the baby carrots into his spoon and placing them in my bowl absentmindedly. I smiled at his antics and found myself feeling fond of San and our friendship. Even though I have been here for a year and three months now, I got to experience so many new things and emotions. It was as if I was born for the first time, eager to experience our world through new lenses. If I thought back to my whole life spent in the big city, I couldn’t help but feel sad over how much I had missed out on. The community, however, in Nocturnal Parade had a way of filling in the gaps, and the absence of fond and good memories in a way that tricked my brain into believing that I was always part of this town, of this community, of this pack. It was exhilarating, and for the first time in months, I found myself craving partnership.
So, when San finally started complaining about physically being unable to revise and learn anymore, his muscles crying out for a good stretch, I proposed we go on a run together. It took San only a few seconds to realise what I saying, and then he sprung up from his seat with newfound energy, packing all of his belongings in mere minutes. I giggled as I followed suit, my backpack almost falling from my hands when San grabbed my biceps and hurled me after himself with little care that I was struggling to keep my feet from tangling together as we basically ran out of the Library. I ended up giggling as San faced me with sparkling eyes, his mouth wide but curling into a dimpled smile.
“I’ve been waiting for this day since forever!” San exclaimed as we hurried down the hallway for no reason, but San’s excitement was so palpable that I could almost touch it. It would be the second time I’d join San on his run, so I understood why this felt like a life-changing event to him. I chuckled and linked our arms together to try and slow San down, calm him down a little bit, “Which deity must I thank that you chose me as your companion for a run?”
I rolled my eyes and turned my head to watch San as I released his arm to let him hop down the stairs, “It’s warm outside and I can’t study anymore, I feel tired. I thought you also needed a second away from it all.”
“I sure do,” San muttered under his breath as he waited at the foot of the stairs for me to reach him, “All this studying just for me to not know which major I actually want, we’re four months away from graduating from the Academy, Y/N.”
I hummed and linked our arms together again as I veered us towards the backroads leading to campus, “I know, but you’ve got this San. Whether you choose Medical Engineering or Medicine and Pharmacy, you’ll do well, I just know it.”
“I want to do so much, but I feel like we have so little time,” San mumbled, his lips downturned as we left the building.
“We might not be vampires, but we certainly have more than enough time to live a lifetime full of completing our wishes and wants, don’t you think?” I tried to cheer my best friend up as I nudged his shoulder, but San just sighed long and stopped walking. His scent suddenly soured, and I frowned as he shuffled on his feet, keeping his eyes on the ground.
“I’m just…” He sighed and I hummed, spurring him on to continue, “What if Wooyoung doesn’t like me the way I like him?”
That was a tough question, I would hate myself if I answered it the wrong way and only saddened San more. I gulped and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him lightly, “San, do you not see the way Wooyoung just gravitates towards you? His eyes glimmer when he looks at you, he’s always smiling and laughing in your presence, and he’s always whiney when you don’t pay attention to him. He searches for you in every room, and he’s always talking about you, somehow roping you up into a conversation that has nothing to do with you. I know baring our feelings is scary, but what if…what if Wooyoung likes you the way you like him, and you’re just both wasting time? And if he somehow isn’t into you, it’s Wooyoung, you know nothing will change. He’ll treat you the same way, San. You might be heartbroken but life goes on, and you’ll find someone who is…not Wooyoung.”
“Wow,” San chuckled, biting his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing, “You really were doing so well until you brought up Wooyoung not being into me.”
“I’m sorry!” I exclaimed, feeling bad only for a second as San started laughing. I huffed as he threw an arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his side, a light flush settling over his cheeks. He was still smiling and his scent had evened out, so I knew he wasn’t upset anymore. Maybe my speech was good, after all, even if I ruined it by insinuating Wooyoung might not be into San.
“You’re right, Y/N,” San and I started walking again, “I won’t waste any more time. I’ll tell him before the next full moon.”
My eyes widened as I looked at San’s side profile, “That’s in five days.”
“I know.” San and I shared a look before I hummed, grabbing him around the hips to give him a reassuring squeeze. He smiled in contentment as we wobbled our way through the grass-covered path, thankful that we didn’t come across any Fae that was drinking up the warm sun rays as they lay in the grass.
And, well, that’s how I ended up on a run not just with San, but Wooyoung also. It didn’t bother me, it turned out that Wooyoung was a lot more coordinated and serious when in wolf form than he was in his human shape. His wolf wasn’t too large, but it had great stamina as it ran ahead of San and me, its fur a mixture of black and white, reminding me of his brothers, who both had beautiful fur and majestic builds. At first glance, it seemed as if Wooyoung was aimlessly leading us around the forest, but I was proven wrong when we arrived at a small waterfall, of which I had no idea it even existed. My wolf purred as it shook its fur, looking around with sharp eyes, making me chuckle inside my head when I noticed San headed towards Wooyoung, rubbing their muzzles together. My wolf howled, making me feel embarrassed when both San and Wooyoung looked my way, the amused glint in Wooyoung’s wolf eyes unmistakable even like this. When I was in my wolf form, it was hard to control its reactions, so I was forced to wallow in the embarrassment of the jealousy my wolf felt over what San and Wooyoung had. Even to my wolf, it was obvious that the two’s bond ran deep, that there was something they wouldn’t be able to deny for much longer.
As if San’s wolf had sensed my shift in mood, he approached with strong footsteps, rising a little taller than my own wolf. He was nowhere near as large as Yunho or Mingi, but the wolf was still big and menacing looking. The darkness of its eyes was intimidating to anyone who didn’t know it was San. The sourness of my scent, however, disappeared the second San affectionately brushed its body against mine, huffing under his breath as our heads bumped together in an acknowledging way. It was sweet, it tempered my wolf’s antics if only for a second as we heard the bushes rustling, the steps sounding closer and closer. My skin twitched as I bared my fangs for any unwelcome predator, but even my wolf was shocked to see a black and white wolf emerge from behind a large boulder. It was hard to think straight when your wolf was in control of your body and mind, and I had to pull every part of my mind together to stop my wolf from pouncing on Yunho the second they made eye contact. Something deep rumbled out of the black wolf’s throat as Wooyoung skipped over gleefully, its mouth opened as it made a funny sound.
Mingi imitated the sound as they bopped their noses together, a rumble leaving San’s throat as he stood next to me, protectively, as he watched Yunho’s wolf. A very quiet whine managed to somehow slip past my clenched jaw still when Yunho and Wooyoung acknowledged each other, and the second I realised my wolf would actually throw itself at Yunho, I somehow gathered enough mental strength to force myself to jump away from the group, a loud howl leaving my throat. I knew everyone was watching me, but I was panting and my wolf was purring, I knew I had to leave before I created an even bigger scene. So, when I took off, hopeful that the others would let me be, my wolf almost leered at me when Yunho’s vanilla scent permeated every part of my being, its burning gaze on my body making me choke up as I could see the big, black, wolf chase after me. Everyone else wasn’t far behind, but Yunho seemed to run faster than any of them, forcing me to push myself as my paws hit the forest ground harshly, my lungs heaving for air as we waved through the trees, racing through the forest.
Yunho’s loud puffs of air would’ve covered my skin in goosebumps, a constant reminder of just how close he was to me, to catching me. Because it felt like a chase, as if I was running away from a dangerous predator, and would end up dead, my windpipe crushed between its malicious fangs. My heart raced in my chest and my lungs burned from the lack of air, but my wolf wasn’t tired yet. In fact, it was elated that Yunho was relentlessly chasing, loud huffs and growls leaving its mouth anytime he thought he had finally caught up to us, only to realise my wolf was just tricking him and would speed up once again. My wolf was thrilled as it howled loudly, it would’ve sounded like laughter if I was in my human form, and then it took a sharp left cut as we jumped over numerous fallen logs. My skin was on fire as adrenaline coursed through my body at an alarming state, and I couldn’t remember a time when I had been so in touch with my wolf and the nature that surrounded us. I couldn’t lie, I was excited as well as I listened closely to Yunho’s heavy breaths, still hot on our trail even though he couldn’t quite catch up with us.
I couldn’t tell whether the others were still after us because Yunho’s scent was so intense that it was the only thing my wolf could smell and focus on, but I hoped the others would forgive me for my sudden departure once I had apologised to them. I just hoped San wouldn’t worry about me, but then again, it’s not like I couldn’t take care of myself, and right now it didn’t feel like I was in danger despite Yunho breathing down our neck. Before I could question where my wolf was taking us, the trees became less dense and the soil a little muddier, and I realised we were headed towards the shed. I suppose my muscles had eased up enough for me to end my run, but I wouldn’t want to come to the shed since this isn’t where I had left my clothes, I felt confusion spike through my senses, but my wolf was quick to completely push it down. My bones started aching as I gasped loudly for air, the shed now in eyesight as I realised my wolf was forcing me to shift. I didn’t want to be naked out in the wild, but I couldn’t stop the transformation if my wolf forced it upon me. I groaned when my bones snapped into place, the burgundy fur slowly disappearing as I was forced up onto my legs, my claws slowly retracting into normal nails as my jaw snapped into place, a little sore from the sudden action.
I could feel my hair brush just above my shoulders and I gasped as I tumbled forward into the shed’s door, my feet aching and numb from having pushed myself too hard in the chase. My body felt on fire as my heart raced loudly in my chest, the adrenaline making me more alert than normal as I hurried inside the shed, trying to shift back so that I wouldn’t have to walk to campus naked, but my wolf was opposed to the idea. Before I could wonder why, all my questions were answered. The shed’s door slammed shut loudly behind me and I jumped, whirling around in panic as Yunho’s tall form stood looming in the doorway. There was something different about him right now, about the air between us. It was tense, I felt like I couldn’t breathe in the dim lighting of the shed, and I gulped as I took in Yunho’s appearance. His long brown hair was all over the place, falling into his dark eyes, which lacked their warmth. They were narrowed into slits as he was panting through his mouth, his cheeks tinged a deep red, the flush continuing down to his chest. His fangs hadn’t retracted yet, though, and they were poking past his pink bottom lip. Yunho’s nose was scrunched up as he leered at me, and I gulped nervously, all of a sudden too aware of my nakedness as I tried to shield my exposed private parts with my hand and arm.
Something prompted Yunho to suddenly push forward, consequently making me backtrack until I collided with the old wooden table, making my heart race even faster as Yunho slowly stalked towards me, his eyes an intense orchid colour. I felt shy all of a sudden as if we hadn’t already seen each other naked, but my wolf purred at me and forced my hands away from my body as I felt frozen in place, big eyes looking up at Yunho once he stood too close, too easy to reach. His heart was pounding just as hard as mine as his chest fell and rose rapidly, and my eyes fluttered shut when his vanilla scent made my head swim. It felt as if I was underwater, trying to grip onto my last string of sanity as Yunho growled, hot fingers digging into my hip. My eyes flew open, widening as I looked down at Yunho’s hand holding me, leaving crescent moons as his chapped yellow nails dug into my warm skin. He stepped even closer, caging me in, and making me look up at him as I felt hazy. My wolf was whispering at me to spread my legs just a little further and let him nestle in between them. I wanted Yunho like nothing else before.
“Y/N.” Yunho’s voice was the lowest I have ever heard it be. His eyes seemed to be unfocused as he grabbed me with both hands now, slowly tracing my sides as if he were memorising my body. I had to bite my bottom lip to stop any sounds from escaping, and in a moment of weakness, I allowed my wolf to do to its liking as I raised my right hand, fingers almost hesitantly touching Yunho’s left peck. He shivered as his jaw tightened, stepping even closer until our bodies were touching. It was too much to feel all of him against my skin, his body burning mine up in a way I thought wasn’t possible. My breath stuttered in my throat when Yunho’s fingers ghosted over my breasts, mine travelling lower on his torso until they were massaging circles right above his happy trail, making him growl, “I can’t do it anymore.”
It was hard to speak, but I needed to understand what he meant. I swallowed around nothing, letting my head fall back as Yunho’s pupils dilated upon seeing my exposed neck, “What—what do you mean?”
Without realising, my hands were tracing his lower back, slipping lower and lower until they hovered right above his ass cheeks, hesitant to touch until Yunho roughly grabbed my left breast, rutting against my thigh. I keened, pressing him closer as my fingers dug into his naked flesh, my skin practically singing as he tilted my head even further back with his free hand, his index finger pressing against my bottom lip insistently. I couldn’t breathe as the wooden edge of the table dug into my back, but I didn’t care as my body experienced things it never had before. It was exhilarating, but also scary that I had given in so quickly. I knew it was mostly my wolf doing this, but I couldn’t find my grip. I actually didn’t want to, so I let my wolf take the lead for once when it came to Yunho. It’s what we’ve wanted for a year, after all, to feel him all over us, close to us, in us.
“You’re so alluring,” Yunho whispered as his head lowered, his hot lips pressing against my cheek as I flushed a darker red, “Maddening to the point I can’t sleep at night, Y/N. I want to devour you whole, take you as you are. I need you.”
I whimpered as Yunho and I made eye contact, his hand which was holding my breast now sneaking to my lower back as he made me arch into him, my lower stomach coiling at how easy it would be to just let him take whatever he needed. And I wanted it too, my wolf was desperate for it, so I leaned up until our lips were brushing together, my own orchid eyes reflected in his.
“Why now?” I whispered, watching as Yunho gulped, lips parting as if he was trying to inhale my very breath, “Why do you want me now?”
I gasped when Yunho suddenly hoisted me up, my legs crushing his hips as I latched onto him, my eyes shaking slightly as he nipped at my jawline, his fangs dangerous but not there to harm, “It’s not just now, I always want you. Even when I’m sleeping, you’re in my every dream.”
My eyes fluttered close as Yunho kissed behind my ear, making me sigh in pleasure as he trailed more kisses on my neck until he was dangerously close to my scent gland, “But you’ve always ignored me, I thought you didn’t like me.”
Yunho growled as he nipped at my skin, making me lick my lips as we came eye to eye once again. I wanted to kiss him breathless, but he was talking before I could do so, “I don’t like you, I’m obsessed with you. I want you to be mine, forever. I had known you belonged to me the second I first saw you.”
My wolf purred and I moaned as he pressed open-mouthed kisses against my neck, up to my jawline until our cheeks were pressed together, and he was nuzzling his nose into it, his sandalwood scent rubbing deeply into my skin. Our noses bumped together and my wolf was leering, so happy that we were in Yunho’s arms, so lenient to let him mark us, mate us. And just like that, my heartbeat stuttered and my eyebrows furrowed, somehow my mind clearing through the lustful fog that was clouding it, “Since the second you first saw me?”
“Yes,” Yunho muttered lowly, kissing my cheek before he looked into my eyes, “I had smelled you before I had even seen you, I thought I was going crazy, turns out I wasn’t. I had just found my mate.”
Before my wolf could let me gloss over this new piece of information, I pressed, “So you knew all this time that we were mates? That I was fated to be with you?”
“Yes, Y/N, I knew.” The grin on Yunho’s face was anything but pleasant as my heart dropped all the way to my stomach. He knew all this time and he left me in the dark to suffer alone, cry myself to sleep thinking I wasn’t good enough, that even my own mate didn’t want anything to do with me. I had thought all this time that I was too weird, too much, too shy to be fated with someone like Yunho, I had thought it was a cruel joke made by the Universe to laugh at me, I couldn’t have a peaceful and perfect life even if we left the city. I had been suffering for the past year and all this time Yunho knew, and yet, he did it on purpose. He didn’t care for me, he didn’t think for a second what this did to my mental health and image of myself. He was my mate, yet instead of protecting me, making me happy, and keeping me safe, he pushed me towards my darkest times where I felt like I wasn’t even real, that I didn’t matter to anyone, that I’d never be enough.
“Put me down.” My tone was just as shaky as my whole mental state right now, crumbling faster than my wolf could grasp the situation and try to silence me again. Yunho’s eyes widened slightly, then his eyebrows furrowed, and instead of doing what I asked, he only held me tighter, “Yunho, put me down right now.”
“Y/N, I don’t—listen, we can discuss this. I messed up, if you listen to the whole—”
“If you don’t put me down right now, Yunho, you’ll never see me again.” My wolf was whining as Yunho’s expression crumbled into hurt and panic, his chest falling and rising rapidly as I could hear his heart race for different reasons now. But I wouldn’t let this go his way, I couldn’t just gloss over this and act as if I hadn’t been miserable since the moment I met him. It hurt too much, even my wolf was finally realising what was happening, that he had actively refused his mate for whatever reason I wasn’t curious to know. And even though I could see it in Yunho’s eyes, the need to go against my demand and keep me here, very slowly, he started to move, letting one leg down at a time. My feet were cold as they touched the shed’s flooring, and I gulped as Yunho still hounded me into the table. I tried to keep the tears out of my eyes as I gulped, taking a shaky breath. Then, I pushed him back since he wasn’t moving away, and closed my eyes as I felt my bones shift around without me having to force my wolf to cooperate. So much for running with your pack.
The tables have somehow turned. It wasn’t me yearning after Yunho anymore, it was him yearning after me now. He was everywhere I went, albeit the Academy’s grounds weren’t as humongous as a town’s grounds, but he was everywhere. I couldn’t enjoy my meals anymore, I couldn’t study in the Library or the Study Hall, I couldn’t sit out in the Flower Fields on a blanket reading, and I couldn’t even go on runs at a reasonable hour because Yunho was always there. It was slightly frightening and disarming, but my wolf was elated. She was practically mewling at all times, baring her neck in Yunho’s direction anytime she could. Good thing my will was stronger than hers. It was peculiar to see how good I was at actually dismissing Yunho’s whole existence, giving him a taste of his own medicine. I didn’t find joy in ignoring him, but I was mad and hurt. I wouldn’t allow him to just crawl back into my life as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t known all this time that we were mates. Only a week had passed since our encounter on the run and the whole thing that went down in the shed, and I was positive Yunho was close to losing his mind.
I had felt like that for a good two months, but I took it a lot better than he was right now. He looked like he hadn’t slept for two days at least, with dark bags under his eyes and his hair all wavy and in a man-bun since it looked unwashed. His nails lacked their usual vibrant colour and his outfits seemed less crazy, as if he wasn’t putting much thought into them anymore, just wearing whatever was at hand. Yesterday, he had even worn one of Mingi’s black hoodies, a colour unseen on Yunho previously. It was jarring, I couldn’t lie, but I wasn’t going to give in to him just because he was moping about me keeping my distance from him. It wasn’t even that deep, I hadn’t even rejected him like he had done with me, I just needed time to sort out my feelings and thoughts, but I suppose Yunho didn’t know that and assumed things were over between us. As if there had been anything, to begin with. Yeri, who had no issues rooming with me but didn’t usually hang out much with me otherwise, was now suspiciously all up in my business every damn day, resulting in Yunho tagging along. I knew the Song siblings were close, but I hadn’t seen Yunho and Yeri spend more than one hour together at the Academy, so they weren’t slick with it when Yunho followed after Yeri, and subsequently me, all day like a kicked puppy.
But if it wasn’t Yeri, then it was Dahyun, who had never spoken to me more than five words at once, but was now eager to get to know me, complimenting me about my rusty coloured hair and forcing me to do beaded bracelets with her in the Study Hall while Yunho sat a few seats away from us, staring at me without even blinking. Their antics had gotten old and irritating quite quickly, but the last nail had been today during lunch. I sat with San and Wooyoung, who were disgustingly sweet now that they had finally sorted out their relationship. They weren’t dating, but they were certainly something more than friends, and they seemed fine with that, so, who was I to judge them? Our lunch was full of chatter as Wooyoung cackled at every small thing, animatedly retelling a time when San had tried to sneak into his room, only to slip down the roof and fall face-first into the mud. He had broken two teeth and had almost fractured his cheekbone if it wasn’t for our magical werewolf healing. My appetite had even returned as my wolf was finally done acting as if it was the end of the world, however, when Yunho’s oppressing sandalwood scent wafted through the air, it felt like my whole day was ruined.
Mingi and his girlfriend joined our table with quiet greetings as they sat, Yunho hot in tow as his eyes burned into the side of my head. I have had enough, but before I could excuse myself, Wooyoung was already talking to Yunho. The vampire girl gave me an understanding look before she sat back, pushing around the vegetables until Mingi noticed and took them from her. I watched their interactions while paying attention to Wooyoung, who had slightly settled down when San squeezed his thigh. But Yunho was still staring, breathing shallowly, his bottom lip jutting out almost pitifully. I wanted to yell at him that this was his fault and that I was sick of everything, but I kept my composure until I couldn’t anymore. A scoff made us all look up, and I realised it was the same creature from the Library, part of Petrova’s friend group.
“Look at you,” She sneered at Yunho malevolently, her lips curling into a wicked smirk, “You thought you had found another bitch just to get kicked to the curb by her, didn’t you? How pitiful.”
Before I could stop myself, I pushed my chair back and looked at the creature with a glare, “Who are you calling a bitch?”
I hadn’t intended to growl, but my wolf was just as triggered as me, and we really didn’t want to be provoked today. I wasn’t confrontational, but I was beyond stressed by the midterms, and now Yunho’s behaviour too.
Before this whole ordeal could escalate into something else, the Petrova girl scoffed, rolling her eyes, “Really, Seulgi? I thought we agreed you’d finally let it go.”
Seulgi, Yunho’s ex-girlfriend I realised, bared her fangs at the other vampire, “Just because you suck your werewolf boyfriend’s dick, you shouldn’t look down on your kin. Or did you forget who you are and where you come from?”
I hadn’t seen anyone get angry as fast as the Petrova girl, her whole face going red, but before the two vampires could turn this into something physical, Mingi stood and faced Seulgi, “I would appreciate it if you stopped harassing my girlfriend, your own friend, Seulgi. Last time I checked, you and Yunho broke up because you cheated on him. What’s your fucking problem, huh? Do you want me to rip you apart? I would love to sink my fangs into—”
“Mingi.” His girlfriend looked sick as she gripped his hand tightly, shaking her head at him. Mingi took a sharp breath and looked at her with a guilty expression before he faced Seulgi again, who looked to be fuming. I exhaled, then grabbed my backpack and tapped San’s shoulder.
“I’m not hungry anymore, see you later.” Before San could ask where I was going, I was basically running out of the canteen, desperate to get away from everyone. The other students were staring at us curiously, and I hated it. I was tired and irritated, I just wanted to be alone and away from anything that was connected to Yunho. I knew I’d have to face him and have a conversation with him sooner or later, but maybe I’d first make him suffer for his choices for another few months. Maybe until we graduate.
My footsteps echoed down the corridor as I decided to head back to my dorm and take a nap, I still had some time until my Calculus class. However, footsteps followed mine hurriedly, and judging based on the absence of an overbearing scent, I guessed it was a vampire that was trailing me. Maybe it was the Petrova girl, I actually hoped it was her since I didn’t really want to speak to anyone who couldn’t take a hint. She was rather good at reading the room, over the past week we’ve hung out more, and I got to know her a bit better. She was anything like Yeri had made her sound, and I was just glad to have a friend who was a female and my age. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt sharp nails digging through my sleeve and into my skin, making my wolf growl as I turned around with a sharp glare. It was Yunho’s ex, the black-haired girl, Seulgi.
“What do you want?” I snapped, my eyebrows furrowing when she didn’t let go of my arm. She looked me up and down with a grimace, scoffing under her breath.
“Are you Yunho’s new bitch?” My jaw tensed and my wolf growled, but Seulgi continued before I could speak, “Have you fucked already? Did he tell you that you are the love of his life only to cheat on you with a fucking dog the next day?”
So, she was associating werewolves with dogs now, huh? I couldn’t have disliked her more than I already did, but I gulped down the nasty names I could’ve called her, and opted to be the adult in this damn conversation, “Even if my answers to your questions were all yes, how is that your concern? Aren’t you just his ex?”
“I might be his ex,” Seulgi snickered, stepping closer, “But I know him better than anyone else—”
“I highly doubt that’s true since he has a twin brother, but sure, whatever you say, darling.” I cut her off, my tone turning cold as something like jealousy gripped my heart. My wolf was far from exhilarated to know that Seulgi and Yunho shared a past, but everyone had a life before they met their mates, no? I couldn’t flip out over something like this.
“Listen here, bitch,” Seulgi hissed, stepping so close I could smell her breath. It reeked of blood and menthol, “I’m just here to warn you, but since you want to get smart with me, I might as well give you a piece of my mind. You are nothing to—”
“Kang Seulgi.” Yunho’s sharp and dark tone made me shiver and Seulgi’s eyes widened. I hadn’t even heard him approach, too focused on Seulgi and my own anger. His scent was strong, the sandalwood making it hard to breathe as it spiked sourly, “Haven’t I told you countless times to leave alone anyone that comes in contact with me?”
“Are you scared I’ll let them know who you really are? This bitch isn’t even into you, I can—”
“You can’t do nothing, shut the fuck up, you know nothing.” Yunho sneered as he stopped next to me, a few good heads taller than Seulgi as he loomed over her. She didn’t look intimidated or scared as she grinned widely, almost insane looking. She tilted her head, her eyes slipping between the two of us.
“You think just because you scent this bitch others won’t touch—” I flinched when Yunho suddenly grabbed her by the throat, yanking her towards himself. Even Seulgi seemed shocked, her eyes turning wide as she gripped Yunho’s wrist in fear.
“If you call her a bitch one more time, Seulgi, I swear to fucking God, I will murder you right here and right now.” Yunho’s growl was guttural, I knew his wolf was talking rather than him, but Seulgi didn’t seem to realise that as she started shaking like a leaf. She gasped, her eyes flickering to me before she tried to smooth out her face and look friendlier.
“Is she—Yunho, it hurts.” She whined, lower lip trembling as Yunho’s nails grew sharper and dug more into her neck. I stepped up, knowing that Yunho wasn’t completely himself.
“Let her go, Yunho, you’re hurting her.” My tone was harsh, and I gripped his lower arm to squeeze it painfully. Yunho huffed and let go of Seulgi, who I grabbed before she could stumble over her own feet.
“Are you alright?” I asked quietly as she started to hyperventilate, her eyes filled with tears.
“Are you mates?” Her voice was quiet as she looked back at Yunho, leaving me speechless. I opened my mouth to deny it, but no words came out.
“Yes.” It was Yunho who answered, firm and loud, I could feel him step closer as his warmth mingled with mine. Seulgi gulped, then looked at him before at me, brushing my touch off her.
“I’m sorry.” Then she turned and hurried off before we could stop her, her sobs quite loud as they echoed down the corridors. I gulped, feeling a lump in my throat as Yunho was still behind me, hovering over me as if I would run away if he didn’t.
Even I had a breaking point, so I gave in, “What do you want—”
“Forgive me, for everything.” Yunho was speaking before I could even finish my sentence as he came around me, and gripped my cheeks, taking me off guard, “I don’t demand you do it right away, I know you must be very angry with me right now, but please, listen to me before you say anything. I didn’t believe in mates because my parents aren’t true mates. My father’s mate died when they were children and my mother denied her real mate to be with my father, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and not wait for love to find me. I—I also might’ve been selfish and a jackass for not wanting to settle down just yet, that is mainly the reason I’ve tried to ignore our bond this whole time.
“It’s so shitty of me and I’m so ashamed of myself, but I was scared that you might not want me back, that I might be in a one-sided situationship. My parents had always told us that we have the right to deny whoever the Universe destined us with and find our own person, but they were wrong, they—they don’t know what the pull of a true mate feels like. When Mingi and Petrova started going out, I was so angry, I felt so abandoned. Mingi and I had promised we would never imprint on anyone, but he broke his promise when he imprinted on Petrova. I was so dumb to be mad at him, and I was even more dumb to try and deny what we two have. I realised I was jealous of Mingi at some point because I thought I’d never have what he has, and then you showed up and I—I didn’t know what to do, how to navigate all these new emotions. I also had a girlfriend at the time and I seriously thought we’d work out, but…you were all I could think about and want. In fact, I don’t want anyone else but you, Y/N. I’m just—I’m asking you to give me a chance. Just one chance.”
I gulped, overwhelmed by Yunho’s confession and his proximity altogether as my wolf purred, prompting me to nuzzle my cheek into Yunho’s palm, inhale his scent deeply as my nose brushed against his hot wrist, “One chance?”
Yunho’s heart skipped a beat as vanilla wrapped around us, his eyes regaining that pretty spark in them, “Yes, just one chance, I beg. I’ll prove myself to you, I’ll treat you right, and I’ll love you unconditionally. I want to make up for the lost time, may I—can you let me? I’ll do whatever you ask of me.”
I licked my lips and watched as Yunho’s mouth parted, inhaling through his lips as his heart started racing. His ears were flushed and I smiled, a little amused, as I raised my left hand and cupped his cheek, making his eyes widen. But he didn’t stay frozen, he let his right hand fall from my cheek as he pressed his palm over my hand to keep it firmly pressing into his cheek, “I won’t forgive you overnight, I hope you’re aware of that. You made me really suffer, Yunho, it was so painful at some points, I thought the broken bond would kill me.”
“I’m sorry,” Yunho whispered sorrowfully as he leaned forward to press his forehead against mine, and I sighed, closing my eyes. For a second, it felt as if it were just the two of us in the world, our scents mixed and creating a safe cocoon that couldn’t be broken unless we wanted it to. I felt my heart beat in a new rhythm, one that was stronger and more frantic somehow. I realised it was Yunho’s heartbeat I was feeling, and not my own, it made me wonder whether he could feel mine too.
“I haven’t felt this complete my whole life,” Yunho whispered in a shaky tone and I gulped, angling my head so that our noses would brush together. Yunho’s sharp exhale fanned over my face and I smiled, listening to the whisper of my wolf. She was right, I finally had him, and I didn’t have to withhold anymore. Even if with baby steps, we could work this out, I could forgive him if he proves himself to be a respectable and trustworthy werewolf. So, I tilted my head away, hearing Yunho’s breath catch as if he was panicking until my lips were pressing against his pink ones. They were warm, just like I had fantasized they would be, and they tasted like strawberries. I almost giggled, but I was too focused on the feeling that spread through my body, stealing my breath away even if it was just an innocent and fleeting peck to Yunho’s lips. My body tingled, and it felt like I saw the world for the first time when my eyes fluttered open, Yunho was already staring at me deeply. His cheeks were flushed dark, his fake blush all but disappearing under his real blush, and he was smiling so widely his cheeks must’ve hurt once we pulled away. I chuckled and shook my head, gently placing my arms around his neck as he hugged me close to himself.
“This isn’t me forgiving you, by the way, my wolf is just too desperate at this point for me to fight against her,” I muttered and Yunho laughed, his eyes creasing as he threw his head back, the sound of his joy music to my ears. I couldn’t help but grin widely and tighten my arms around him, wondering how I had gotten so lucky to have him of all werewolves as my mate.
“Mine too, are you busy right now?” The mischievous glint in Yunho’s eyes told me whatever we were about to do would define how we’d move forward with our relationship.
“Not really, why?”
“Mingi won’t be back until late evening, the dorm is all mine,” Yunho whispered, biting his bottom lip as his pupils dilated, eyes slowly trailing down my body as if I was already naked.
“Good, because I forbid Yeri from bringing back boys to our dorm, I can’t go around breaking my own rule.” I wriggled my eyebrows at Yunho, making him laugh as his hands slowly slipped lower on my torso, feeling me all up. It made me feel hot all over, my wolf purring loudly as I fought the urge to tilt my head back and bare my neck at Yunho.
“Oh, the horror on her face if she’d see her brother under your sheets.” Yunho made a mocking sound as he pressed a hand against his mouth, my eyes lingered on his long fingers. I’m sure he noticed because he suddenly smirked, then swiftly pecked my lips before he detached himself from me, intertwining our fingers as he eagerly led the way towards our side of campus, “Let’s stop wasting time.”
I hummed, feeling my chest all warm from Yunho’s warmth, my cheeks flushed and my heart racing in my chest. All this time I thought my mate would never want me back, yet here we were now, headed to explore what the future held for us. My wolf and I couldn’t have been happier.
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#[🩷] mina's recs#[🐶] mina's recs#[🍒] my ari#I can't decide if Mingi or Yunho's story is better#considering Mingi's is one of my favorite fics of yours#u can't make me chose 😭#jeong yunho x reader#ateez x reader#jeong yunho#ateez
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Snuggles and Cuddles

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fluff
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Girlfriend!Reader, Boyfriend!Yunho, Mingi (Cameo)
Summary: Yunho has the best alcohol tolerance amongst his friends. However, after a night out, you didn't think that his best friend would bring him home, absolutely wasted. Seems like alcohol unlocks a whole new side of your boyfriend you didn't know existed
Word count: 3.4K
Warning(s): Alcohol consumption, drunk-ness, y/n babies Yunho and teases him but all in good fun
A/N: I started this, not really having idol Yunho in mind. But I guess with Puddeongi, it means he's an idol right? Idk, I mainly wanted Yunho and Puddeongi in this story lmao
Tonight was finally a night to relax. No late night meetings, no work assignments to complete, nothing. So you put a movie on, turned off the light and nestled a tub of ice cream in your hand, enjoying your night off to the max.
"What time in Yunho getting back?" You thought out loud, checking your phone. Before knowing you had a night off, Yunho had made plans to go out for drinks with his friends.
Of course, your ever loving, sweet boyfriend immediately wanted to cancel to spend time with you when he found out but you insisted he go.
'Don't wait up for me, lovey~ I might be back late or go crash at Mingi's. - your Yuyu'
The last text he sent you was at 9:30pm. It was approaching midnight but you were not that worried. Yunho could handle himself.
"Ah! Coming." You put your bowl down and shuffled over to the door, wondering who was ringing your doorbell so incessantly. When you opened it, you were surprised to see Mingi standing there, struggling to hold up your drunk boyfriend. Mingi's face brightened up when he saw you there.
"(y/n)! Thank god." Mingi let out a sigh of relief. You blinked, taking in the scene before you. You've never seen Yunho so intoxicated before, he usually holds his liquor well compared to his friends.
"I-Is he okay?" You were unsure of what to do. Yunho's face was so flushed and eyes were closed.
"He's fine. Just had a little bit too much to drink. I wanted to bring him back to mine but he insisted on coming back here." He sighed.
"Oh... Thanks for bringing him home, Mingi. Are you sober enough to go home on your own? You can crash here if you'd like." You offered with a soft smile.
"I'm fine. One drunk is enough to keep you busy." He chuckled, stumbling a little as Yunho swayed.
"Alright, let me know when you get back." You said. Mingi nodded and you went over to help him, softly cupping Yunho's cheeks.
"(y/n)!" Yunho suddenly exclaimed loudly, making you and Mingi jump. He opened his arms and threw them around you, causing you to almost fall over. Luckily you held the wall.
"Yah. Don't hurt her." Mingi slapped the back of Yunho's head.
"Owww, don't hit me." Yunho pouted, nuzzling his head against yours affectionately. You patted his back to comfort him. It wasn't easy to balance yourself when your giant boyfriend decided to put almost his entire weight on you.
"I've got it, Mingi. Thanks again." You giggled. Mingi nodded and patted Yunho's head.
"Don't give (y/n) a hard time, Yunho ah." Mingi chided before leaving. You closed the door with your foot and guided Yunho in. There was no choice but to put him on the couch first.
"Yunho, are you alright?" You asked. He maintained his pout and shook his head.
"What's wrong?" You went closer to him. He didn't say anything but hugged your waist, burying his face against your stomach.
"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Does your stomach not feel good?" You asked, running your fingers through his hair lovingly. His face and body was so warm compared to yours.
"My head hurts~" He whined.
"Alright, let me get you some medicine." You wanted to pull away but he only tightened his grip on you, shaking his head again.
"Silly, the medicine will make your head feel better." You chuckled.
"Noooooo~ I just want you~" He whined. You let out a soft sigh, unsure of what to do with a drunk, whiny Yunho. But he was honestly so cute. Normally, he was always such a gentle giant, a golden retriever, but he was never this needy and clingy with you. It was a whole new side of him that was so endearing.
"Yuyu, why don't we change and go to bed? We can cuddle then go to sleep." You offered. He looked up at you with excitement and nodded his head.
"Come on." You held your hand out to him, still supporting his body as you entered your shared bedroom to go to the bathroom.
"Sit here." You closed the toilet cover and let Yunho sit there while you grabbed his clothes.
"Where are you going?" Yunho asked but still stayed in his spot.
"I just went to get you some clean clothes, babe. It'll be more comfortable for you." You replied, putting the shirt and pajama pants by the sink. Yunho tilted his head.
"Arms up." You instructed. Yunho obediently raised his arms as you removed his shirt and helped him into one of his home shirts. It was hard when it came to changing his pants since his legs were so long, it was a struggle but you managed to do it.
"You're pretty." He giggled as he watched you wet a cloth with a dreamy grin on his face.
"Thanks?" You chuckled and wrung the cloth, proceeding to wipe his face gently since you didn't want to risk him showering and possibly falling or hurting himself in any way.
"I want to hold you." He said, arms reaching out for you like a sad child.
"I promise you can later, hmm?" You stroked his head. You rinsed the cloth and wiped his arms.
"This should cool you down." You carefully wiped his neck as well, which made him laugh and squirm. Yunho's laugh was always so infectious to you, the way he throws his head back to laugh.
"That tickles! And it's cold~." He giggled. You laughed along with him and grabbed his mouthwash.
"Do you think you can you rinse your mouth?" You asked since you didn't know how to help someone brush their teeth. He looked at you then the mouthwash, thinking for a while before nodding his head slowly. You had a watchful eye as he gargled the mouthwash.
"Spit." You instructed and he did. Thankfully he didn't swallow it.
"Good job, Yuyu." You reached up to pat his head. Yunho grinned bashfully at your praise and threw his arms around you.
"You smell nice~ So nice~" He buried his face against your shoulder, making you melt. You were wearing Yunho's shirt as a dress since he was so tall, like you always did. So you basically smelt like him.
"Let's get you to bed." You moved him out of the bathroom and to the bed.
"Here, I'll let you hug Puddeongi tonight." You helped him under the covers, grabbing Puddeongi and putting in into his arms.
"Hi, Puddeongi." He shyly waved to the plush as it stared back at him. He giggled and patted the plush's tummy. You had a stifle a laugh. You were usually the one to hug Puddeongi to sleep since Yunho preferred to hug you. Sometimes, he would even steal Puddeongi so you had 'no choice' but to hug him instead.
"Wait! Where are you going?!" Yunho genuinely looked like he was going to cry when he felt you pulling away from him. You stroked his hand to calm him down.
"I'm just gonna clear up, Yun. I'll be right back, I promise." You squeezed his hand.
"Promise?" Yunho pouted sadly and it did tug at your heart a little, seeing him so sad. You nodded your head.
"Okay..." He reluctantly let go of your hand, letting you go clean up. You went out to the living to wash your dirty ice cream bowl and turn off the television.
"See? I told you I'll be back, Yunho." You re-entered the room, seeing Yunho sulk, his cheek squished against Puddeongi's body. But when he heard you, he immediately perked up with a bright smile.
However, you didn't come back to bed immediately. Instead, you went to the bathroom to grab his dirty clothes that were on the ground and threw them into the laundry basket. You didn't want you or Yunho to trip while coming in. But you made sure you were in Yunho's view the entire time.
"(y/n)... Do you have a boyfriend?" Yunho asked as you moved around the room. From your position at the sink, you turned to see him sitting up, Puddeongi in his lap.
"Why is he so cute?" You mumbled to yourself, taking your phone to quickly snap a picture of him.
"I do." You nodded with a chuckle, washing your own face since you did sweat a little while helping Yunho. Yunho appreciated that you kept the door to the bathroom open so he could see you.
"Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you. You're so pretty." He replied with a serious tone.
"Yun, you are my boyfriend." You reminded.
"Oh... I am? Then I am very lucky to have you." He smiled, letting out a big sigh of relief. You laughed at him and hung the rinsed cloth up to dry then crawled into bed with him.
"Comfy?" You pulled the covers up after he laid back down, Puddeongi squished against his cheek. He nodded his head.
"Goodnight, Yun. I love you." You leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. But before you could turn around to turn off the bedside lamp, you noticed the pout and frown that was still on his face as he looked up at you.
"What's wrong? Does your head still hurt? Or your tummy?" You asked worriedly, stroking his head. Since he didn't let you get the medicine for him earlier, you didn't want him to be in pain.
"I want to hold you. Just now, you promised I could." He said with disappointment.
"I know, Yun. I'm just turning off the light and we can cuddle after." You smiled, turning off the light.
"I'm right here, okay?" You laced fingers with him. Yunho somehow managed to put Puddeongi on top of you to hug both you the plush in his arms.
"Hmm~ Hmm~" You heard Yunho making little noises.
"What's up, Yun?" You asked.
"Nothing. I'm just happy. I have you~ Puddeongi~" He said, kicking his feet with excitement. You were sure that if he was really a golden retriever, his tail would be thumping against the bed in happiness.
"Alright, happy boy. Go to sleep." You reached up to pat his head. You changed your position, letting Yunho hug your waist alongside Puddeongi, so he could lay his head on your chest to be the small spoon. His face and body were still a little warm but you liked having him close to you.
"Your heartbeat is pretty." He mumbled. Now you knew he was spewing nonsense. You giggled and stroked his head to try to lull him to sleep.
"Hang on." You moved away to check your phone, unaware that Yunho was looking over your shoulder with a frown on his face.
'Hey, sorry I forgot to shoot you a text. I guess I fell asleep on the couch the moment I got back, didn't even have time to remove my shoes. But I'm back safe. - Mingi'
"Your phone light makes my head hurt. Stop." He whined, burying his face against your back.
"It's just your best friend telling me he's home safe." You informed, sending a quick reply to Mingi to give him an update about Yunho too.
"Ugh! Why are you talking to other guys? You said I am your boyfriend!" He huffed angrily, showing his frustration. You turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. The room was dark but the light from your phone illuminated his face a little.
"Yun... He's your best friend. He brought you home safely, we should make sure he got home safe too." You spoke to him slowly. Yunho turned his nose up from you.
"You big baby." You rolled your eyes but put your phone down. You were actually a little worried that your phone hurt his head.
"Okay, you just cuddle Puddeongi tonight. Goodnight, Yun." You wished. But suddenly, Yunho glued himself to you.
"Am not a baby." He mumbled against your chest as he hugged you like before, sandwiching you between the bed and Puddeongi. You hummed to appease him.
"I love you." He murmured as he drifted off to sleep.
"Love you too." You kissed his head and joined Yunho in dreamland.
The next time you woke up, Yunho had rolled away from you, snuggling with Puddeongi. You smiled softly and brushed his fringe away from his face so it wouldn't bother him.
"Rest well." You whispered. You couldn't help it, grabbing your phone to take a picture. Seeing Yunho's face squished against Puddeongi, it was too cute not to take a pic. After that, you tucked your phone away and adjusted the blanket over him before leaving the bedroom to let him sleep more.
When Yunho reached over, he expected his hand to reach yours or at least, your body. He didn't expect the empty space.
"Baby???" He sat up, looking at the Puddeongi in his lap in confusion. Why was he hugging Puddeongi and not you? He winced as he felt the pounding in his head.
"God..." He groaned, falling forward. When he heard the door open, he sat back up immediately.
"Woah, woah. Slow down, big guy. Are you alright?" You blinked in surprise at his reaction. He seemed like he was about to leap into your arms or something.
"You were not here." He sulked.
"I know, I wanted you to sleep more. And I cooked you food, you're always hungry after a night of drinking." You replied, sitting down.
"Gosh, what happened last night...? My head hurts so bad." He groaned and fell forward, leaning his head on your shoulder. You reached up to try and massage his head, hopefully being able to alleviate some of his pain.
"You don't remember anything?" You asked. He shook his head.
"It's okay. Here, I brought you some hangover cure and ginger ale, it'll help your head and tum. You can take meds later if you need." You told him, retrieving what you brought in for him.
"Lifesaver." Yunho said, downing the hangover cure. His face scrunched up at the bitterness but he chased it with the ginger ale.
"H-How did I get home? A taxi?" He asked.
"Mingi brought you home. He said he was going to bring you back to his to crash but you insisted on being brought home." You smiled. Yunho frowned slightly, trying to remember what happened.
"I'm drawing blanks here. I guess I really overdid it last night. Thank you for taking care of me, sorry if I troubled you." He sighed.
"What are you saying? Don't apologise, it's no trouble at all. You always take care of me when I'm on my period, we take care of each other when we're sick. It's just what we do, hmm? So no need to thank me and no need to apologise." You stroked his cheek and he leaned into your touch.
"That's right." He smiled, lifting your hand to kiss the back of it.
"So you really don't get remember anything?" You checked. Yunho's eyes widened at your words, shaking his head slowly.
"I-I didn't do anything, did I? Oh my god, did I hurt you?!" Yunho's hands flew to cover his mouth as he moved back from you, as if he was really scared.
"No! No, not at all, Yun. You didn't hurt me. I trust that you would never hurt me, no matter how intoxicated." You smiled softly.
"Phew! Cause if I did, I'll never forgive myself. I'll pack up and leave now." He let out a shaky sigh of relief.
"Okay, calm down. You didn't hurt me, no need to pack up and go anywhere." You chuckled. He smiled and leaned over to give you a kiss to your forehead, he was really the sweetest.
"You were mighty adorable though. I've never seen you like that before in all our years of being together." You giggled. Yunho merely looked at you and blinked in confusion at your words. You took your phone out and showed him the pictures that you took of him with Puddeongi.
"Delete this!" He yelled, grasping the device, his ears and neck turning red in embarrassment.
"No way! You were so cute. You were all whiny and clingy, wanting to hold me the entire time, kept saying I was pretty. I even needed to remind you that my boyfriend was you." You said.
"Please, if you love me, delete this. And delete from your brain what happened last night." He begged.
"I love you and I'm keeping this. When I let you hug Puddeongi, you even went 'hi Puddeongi'." You imitated the cute wave he did.
"Please stop, I beg you." He buried his face in his hands.
"Alright, I'll stop. Let's go eat the ramen I cooked you before it gets cold and soggy." You patted his head. Yunho nodded and went to brush his teeth before coming out to the kitchen.
You won't tell him that he was jealous of you texting Mingi last night, he seemed embarrassed enough. But thinking about it again made you laugh to yourself.
"Wait, are you still laughing at me?" Yunho stopped in his tracks when he caught you laughing quietly on your own. You lied and shook your head, putting the bowl of spicy ramen in front of him then grabbing him chopsticks and a spoon.
"Mmm, that hits the spot." He sighed blissfully after taking a sip of the salty, spicy soup. Thankfully it distracted him from how you were laughing at him.
"Are you eating, baby? You can have some." Yunho held his bowl out to you.
"It's alright, I had toast and coffee earlier when I woke up." You told him with a smile, placing your hand over his.
"That was great, just what I needed. Thank you, baby." Yunho leaned over to give you a kiss. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, Yunho took the opportunity to pull you down into his lap.
"Can we spend the rest of the day in bed?" He asked, resting his cheek against your shoulder.
"Of course, you might want to shower first though. I only wiped your face, neck and arms when you came back." You informed.
"Are you telling me I smell?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Well, even with a change of clothes, you did spend the night out in a public place and you kind of smell like day-old booze." You wrinkled your nose. Yunho rolled his eyes but leaned in to nuzzle his cheek against yours lovingly. While you cleaned up and did the dishes, Yunho went to take a shower.
"Ah, that was great." Yunho sighed blissfully as he stepped out of the bathroom. You sat up on the bed, putting your phone aside.
"Come." You patted the space in front of you. Yunho happily climbed over to you, leaning down as you helped him towel dry his hair like you always do.
"You have to comb your hair. It's always so frizzy and poofy." You giggled as you grabbed his brush.
"I know, that's why I have you to do it for me." He turned around to smile at you.
"All done." You went to put the towel back in the bathroom. When you came out, you saw Yunho laying there with his arm around Puddeongi as he checked his phone.
"Look at you being best friends after I let you spend the night holding him." You teased. Yunho shot you a glare and shoved Puddeongi back into your arms.
"Come here. I would rather hug you." He opened his arms and you slotted yourself in them. Yunho always insisted that you fit so perfectly in his arms. You hugged Puddeongi tight, he smelt like a mix of you and Yunho now.
"So, why did you and the boys drink so much last night? I mean, you've never gotten so drunk before." You asked.
"Oh... I don't know, I can't remember." Yunho shook his head. You hummed. You didn't know that Yunho was lying, he knew why the boys kept pouring him drinks last night.
It had to do with the small velvet ring box that was hidden in the pocket of his blazer in the closet.
#kpop#kpop scenarios#kpop oneshot#ateez#ateez scenarios#ateez oneshot#ateez x reader#ateez imagines#ateez yunho#jeong yunho#jeong yunho scenarios#jeong yunho x reader#jeong yunho x you#yunho#yunho ateez#yunho x reader#yunho x you#yunho oneshot#jeong yunho oneshot#jeong yunho imagines
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Summary: 🍓’s anon request- '6 and 75 with bigdick! Yunho or Mingi'
6 - "Are you sure that's what you want? I could really hurt you." || 75 - "You know, you look real pretty when you cry."
Pairing: Mingi x afab!reader Genres/tropes: non-idol!AU, (newly) established relationship, smut, fluff (if you squint), drabble Word Count: 733 Warnings: big-dick!Mingi, shy(ish) Mingi, reader takes initiative, oral (m. receiving), unprotected sex, use of lube, begging, dacryphilia, cursing once or twice A/N: The storyteller appreciates your request, 🍓, but next time please refrain from giving a full plot for a drabble prompt request. Everyone is free to be more specific in one-shot requests when they’re available, but the stories using drabble prompts are often meant to inspire the storyteller to create something off of only a few lines - a challenge of sorts, I believe the humans call it. This may not be quite as you requested, as we have decided to stick to that challenge concept, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.

You've only been dating Mingi for about a month, but you've found that you've connected faster than expected, so you're determined to find out whether you're sexually compatible as well. With high spirits, you call him and boldly ask whether he'd be ready and willing to take that step forward.
Shy, the poor boy stumbles over his words before ultimately asking if he can come over to talk in person. When he arrives, you can tell he threw on whatever clothes he had on the floor, ending up in black basketball shorts and a beige t-shirt. You let him in and sit with him on your bed, facing each other as you both try to settle into relaxing positions.
"So, why do you have concerns about it? Do you just not feel ready? Or maybe you don't see me that way?" You start the conversation off with a direct question, eager to hear his answer.
"No, no!" He shakes his hands out at your suggestions, "It's nothing like that. I'm actually concerned for you. You see, I'm… Well, to put it simply, I'm quite big. Far bigger than average, so I always get worried with this stuff."
Thinking he's exaggerating, you laugh with a hand on his shoulder, "What amazing confidence you have, Mingi. You must be carrying one hell of a package to say something like that."
Seeing his ears redden as he scrambles for a response, you begin to believe him more. Straightening your posture, you offer up a solution to calm his worries.
"What if I see it and decide? Would you be okay with that?"
As he nods, you lean in and cup his face in your hands, pulling him in for a lust-fueled kiss. As you continue, your hands roam each other's bodies as the heat rises. Slowly but surely, you strip each other down to undergarments. At this point, Mingi breaks away from you and stands up to take off his underwear. As the fabric scoots down his thighs, the biggest cock you've seen stands at attention. Your mouth agape, you're too shocked to respond, confused how he even manages to hide it daily, but you find yourself excited by the thought of it inside you.
"Do you want-?"
"Let's do it."
Stunned, he confirms, "Are you sure that's what you want? I could really hurt you."
"It'd be such a pleasant pain. I want to feel it, Mingi. Please."
With your begging, the shy man can't hold himself back anymore. Before he climbs over you again, you instruct him to dig through your nightstand drawer. He pulls out a small bottle of lube, smiling since he can help you feel a bit better about taking his size. He rubs an adequate amount along his length before lining himself up with your entrance. Slowly, he pushes in, bringing tears to the corners of your eyes. The deeper he gets, the more painful the sting, but you're enjoying the sensations of him stretching you out regardless of the pain.
"Are you okay? You're tearing up."
"Mhm," you nod and grind yourself on him to urge him to move.
He catches the hint, beginning slowly and carefully watching your reactions, but you can't help your begs for more. Eventually, you beg him to destroy you, and something clicks for him. His strokes become faster and more determined, washing your body in a wave of both pain and pleasure.
"You know," he blurts between thrusts, "you look real pretty when you cry."
You didn't even realize you were crying, but you instinctively bring your hand to your face to wipe the tears, unable to verbally respond due to your moans. As you feel his thrusts become sloppy, you pull away and quickly turn around. Using both hands to stroke his oversized shaft, you suck on the tip and swirl your tongue against the underside of his tip, earning a deep guttural moan.
"Fuck, Y/N. I'm close." He curses, his face twisted in pleasure.
You hum in response, the vibrations pushing him over the edge. As the warm liquid streams into your mouth and down your throat, you swallow with him still in your mouth and watch his fists tighten around the sheets.
As you both settle, you cuddle as he calmly smooths your hair with his hands. Smiling from the soft recovery, you drift off to sleep in his embrace.
#cultofdionysusnet#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines#kpop smut#kpop requests#kpop drabbles#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines#ateez smut#ateez requests#ateez drabbles#ateez mingi#song mingi#mingi scenarios#mingi smut#mingi imagines#song mingi smut
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Pairings: Wooyoung × y/n
Genre/tags: fuck buddies
Warning: 🔞 a little fluff, smut/angst, semi public, unprotected sex, pet names
~~~ [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.6k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: reposting all my stories one by one again as I deleted my acct by mistake. All of the stories I will be posting is all mine. (All of my fanfics/oneshots are also available wattpad @/shinestar1024)
Finally it's my rest day! I am done with my laundry and sort of cleaning my whole apartment. I am so tired but sleeping or just laying around is none of my options for today.
I got a text from Wooyoung that their schedule today for practice will end earlier today so they can have time to rest. They are not rushing the practices as they have a lot of time still before the comeback. So, I decided to hurry things up for my day so I can drop by his company to visit him and see him. Even his members. I miss hanging out with them too. They are the sweetest.
Wooyoung and I haven't seen each other for a while now. We usually just chat and video call each other daily but that's not enough. We miss each other dearly. He tried sneaking out a few times. We usually meet in the park or in a parking lot somewhere but barely had an hour to ourselves. He's too busy.
Ugh. I miss my boyfriend. I miss his hugs and kisses.
"Look who's here to visit!" Mingi says outloud, almost yelling, when I entered the practice room.
I greet everyone, giving them the biggest smile.
"Long time no see!" San approaches me and gives me a hug. "What food did you bring?" His attention went from me to the food I am carrying.
"It's not much but... I brought 2 boxes of chicken and 4 orders of pizza." I point at the box Yunho is carrying behind me. "He helped me carry the food.." I add
"Yes!! Chicken!!" Yeosang cheers and takes the food from me. "Let's go to the pantry and eat!"
"Yaaah!! Give me chicken too!" Mingi runs after Yeosang and the rest follows.
"Join us if you want... or...." San looks at me and then at Wooyoung who is across the room sitting down on the floor, back on the wall, resting. "Stay here and be with him..."
"We'll just join you after." Wooyoung answers as he stands up.
"Okay then... I'll just notify everyone not to come here for awhile." San smirks and then quietly leaves the pratice room, closing the door shut.
I quietly laughed at how he walked out.
"I missed seeing those dimples..." His hand slides from behind, hugging me and holding me tight around my waist.
"I missed you too." I tilt my head on the side, looking back at him. "How are you?"
"Better, now that you're here." He lowers his head to give me a smooch on the lips. "You look so beautiful..." he whispers
"You too... well actually.." I loosen up his hands around my waist so I can twirl around and face him. "You look hot." I say, grinning
"Do I?" He smiles and tugs my loose hair behind me ear. "Thank you for visiting me during practice..."
"I know you're busy so... it's okay. Plus.. I am a fan too. I am also excited for your comeback so I understand."
"I'm so lucky..." he scrunches his nose as he lay his forehead on mine.
"By the way... Aren't we going to join them to eat? Aren't you hungry?"
"I am hungry..."
"Let's go then!"
He stops me mid-way, grabbing me by the wrist.
"I didn't meant hungry for food..." he says under his breathe.
He places the hand he took around his neck while his other hand scoops me back to his embrace.
"San locked the door... Mingi, Yeosang and Hongjoong eat quite slow... the other members will not leave then until they're done..."
"Ahm... what?"
He tilts my head back to get more access on my neck. "It means... we... have... time..." he says in between kisses. "I can't wait until they let us go home... I want you... now..."
I moan at every mark he leaves on my kiss.
"Oh y/n..." he breathes
I start to kiss him back. My hands holds onto his muscular arms for support. I feel like I'm melting in every kiss and caress he does on my body.
"Please... let me... have... you.. now..." he says while we our devouring each other.
I gave him a small nod as I try to catch my breathe.
He growls with exictement as he lifts me up. My legs wrapped around him. We continue to kiss as he walks me to the corner of the room my back is now leaning on the wall. I can see our reflection from the mirror across the room.
Oh gosh, we looked like hayennas. We are literally all over each other. And if anyone peaks through the door, they'll see us. It's making my heart pound but I'm not worried at the same time. Like I don't give a shit if they see us.
"Take your top off." He says as he puts me down.
I do what he asked me to do. Whislt I am unbuttoning my blouse, he starts to undress himself too. Starting from his hoodies to his black tank top.
He is massive. Wooyoung have been working out with San and it is showing now. He's arms are thick and his chest and shouldets are wider than before. I can barely see myself now through the mirror. He's covering me.
"God..." he snarls, "You look so perfect." His chest moving fast. "I hope san told them to just go home and leave us be. Coz, I want to enjoy this." His hands cups my laced covered breasts. "They fill up my hands.. they're beautiful." He pushes down my bra, lowers his head and starts to lick the tip sending an amount of sensation throughout my whole body.
"Aah!" Throwing my head back, covering my mouth as I moan his name at every lick. "Shit!" I gasp as he puts it in his mouth and suck. "My baby!" I cry
His free hand crawls down, rubbing and caressing my core. I should've worn an easy access dress instead of jeans but it doesn't matter. My knees are already shaking just the though of his hands on it.
"Fuck!" He grunts "I need to get in now..." he hurriedly pulls down his pants along with his boxer brief. He is hard and ready. "I want to do this slowly.... make you feel good... but I'm going to loose my mind if I don't feel yout warmth now."
"I don't care." I say as I unzip my pants, let it ripple under my fit and kick it off. "Fill me in, my baby."
He carries me up again, my core on the right spot. He gently eases his way in. Holy shit. He's so big!
I arch my back, moving my hip lightly to be in the right position. "Y-you fucking feel amazing baby!" I say
"You're so wet for me, y/n. Ugh. I'm so turned on!" He hisses.
He starts to move his hip in a slow beat first. Slow but fucking hitting the right spot. Each hump makes me gasp and cry his name.
"Go faster... now.. please...let me come.." I beg
"My pleasure..." he kisses me on the lips. Our tongue dances in each other's mouth as his thrust like there's no tomorrow
Holy hell. I will never knew that he had been dancing since this morning, practicing based on how he fucks me right now. I can't believe this man's stamina.
"W-wooyoung!" My eyes rolls as I close them, "I... ahhhhh... Yes!"
"Come for me baby. Let's me taste you after."
"Ah!!" I hold on tight on his stone shoulder as I release and let go. "Oh baby..." I can feel myself, wet and weak.
Kissing me on the cheek, "that was perfect... I love it when you scream my name."
"Woo..." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard again. Biting his lower lip when I get a chance. "Clean me up please..."
His grin grows wider. "Of course."
Spreading my legs apart, I give him access to my dripping core. His tongue glides along giving me tingling sensation throughout my body. It feels so good.
I watch myself through the mirror. Almost naked, my blouse hanging on for dear life on my shoulders and sweaty. My hands are on his head, gripping onto his hair to make myself be steady so he can clean me up in and out.
But then as I watch our reflection, I noticed something different than before. A shadow. Someone is at the door, peaking through the glass. I can't see him clearly but I could sense that he's enjoying what he sees.
Suddenly I felt naughty. I wanna show him more. So, I start to play with myself while eyeing him. I squish my boobs and play with my hard nipples. My mouth is open, moaning that my soul is almost leaving my body. Wooyoung is sensational.
"Baby!" I throw my head back, barely closing my eyes. I want to see the man's reaction. "C'mon..." I mumble under my breathe
And the man didn't disappoint. I could see him stroking himself, leaning his back on the wall outside but being careful.
"Baby..." I tap on woo. "Someone is watching.."
He stops and look at the mirror. "I see..." he stands up and kisses me on my forehead. "I think I know who is it." He snorts a smile.
"What should we do?"
"Let's show him more."
"More? Here?"
"No... stay with me at our dorm tonight. We have our own rooms now... let's just invite him over." Woo licks my ears as he whispers, "I'm sure San would love to join us."
#ateez fanfiction#ateez smut#ateez fluff#ateez imagine#ateez imagines#ateez angst#ateez x reader#wooyoung smut#wooyoung fanfic#wooyoung x reader#wooyoung x y/n#san x reader#woosan#smut#fanfic#atz x y/n#atz x reader#atz fanfic#atz wooyoung#atz smut#wooyoung x you#ateez au#ateez fanfic#ateez fic
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I have request for ateez! How would they react when they catch their s/o who had stopped smoking, smoking in a party because someone offered them a cigarette?
For the purpose of the reactions I made the members be against smoking. I hope you like it <3
I tried to make the s/o gender neutral!!
Contains angsty feelings and jealousy?

Hongjoong had been eyeing you from the other side of the room when your best friend offered you to step outside for a cigarette.
He rolled his eyes. He couldn't stand her, the minx. She always seemed to pull you into her darker world. It wasn't a secret she drank lots of alcohol, wasn't new to drugs and apparently tried to get you into smoking again.
When Hongjoong stepped outside to check up on you, he found you laughing on the couch with a cigarette in your hand. The laughter stopped quickly when you noticed him and his serious face.
"Are you joking, Y/N?"
The guilt immediately grew in your chest. You put out the cigarette immediately and took him to the side.
"I am so sorry, Hongjoong. I know that I promised not to do this again, and I am so, so sorry that I broke it," you apologized profusely.
He hugged you tight. "You can't do this again. It's bad for you. I want you to take care of yourself."

Seonghwa was your favourite clean freak, and you had kind of adored it since the moment you started going out.
However, he made you quit smoking instantly when he found out about the bad habit.
When you came home late at night after your friend's birthday party he was still waiting on the couch. Instead of being happy to see you he looked disappointed, or sad. You weren't too sure.
"What's wrong, Hwa?"
"Your friend posted a video of you smoking in their story, Y/N... I thought you were done with that."
"Oh sweetheart, I know, I'm sorry, I got so tipsy I couldn't say no, but I won't do this again. Okay?"
"Fine... brush your teeth though."

Yunho was having a good time at your friends' birthday party until he noticed you were gone. He started looking for you, and then saw you on the balcony with a cigarette.
He hesitated but made his way to the balcony, to just stand there to look at you.
You had stopped smoking 2 years ago and you were doing so well, and it broke his heart that you couldn't resist it this time.
"Y/N, are you gonna put that thing out?"
You shivered from his hard voice, the tone different than his usual. You knew you were in trouble.
"I'll put it out."

Yeosang was feeling light headed at the party, he had drank a little too much and had eaten a little too less. To make himself feel better he stepped out of the room, onto the balcony, only to meet your guilty eyes.
He was confused until he saw the cigarette in your hand.
He sighed. You fell back again into your old nasty habit. "I will quit, okay? This is the last one," you promised.
He decided he'd believe you, have faith in you. "Okay, Y/N, but you have to realize this addiction is really bad for you, I'm worried."

San didn't think it was so funny when he saw you and a beautiful, strange man having fun on the terrace. His eyes widened when he saw the cigarette in your hand, bringing it to your lips.
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Not again," he mumbled as he walked out on the terrace.
"Y/N, put that thing out and come back inside with me, please," San stated, sounding sadder than he intended.
"Sannie, I am so sorry..." you tried, but he was already back inside. You followed him and comforted him that night, telling him you'd never smoke again.

You were gossiping on the terrace with your friend, who lit your cigarette on the moment Mingi stepped out to look for you.
You wanted to hide the cigarette but it was too late. He looked at it and his eyes saddened.
"Y/N, I thought you'd quit, what happened?" Mingi asked.
"I'm so sorry, I haven't smoked it yet. I'll put it out. I'm sorry, I just had a weak moment."
"Don't do this again, okay?"

Wooyoung tried his best to make you quit smoking, as he was worried for your health.
He got you patches, took you to doctors but he always felt like it wasn't enough. And he happened to be right.
At your birthday party he saw you outside with your smoking friend, and he knew she was going to hit you up with a cigarette, so he wasn't too surprised when he saw you blowing out smoke, with a smile on your face.
He decided to wait until everyone left to discuss it with you, not wanting to make a scene.
"Y/N, What were you thinking? Smoking? Again?" Wooyoung sighed.
You felt guilty immediately. "I'm so sorry, I just could not resist it. I'm sorry, Woo, I won't do it again."

The whole evening Jongho had been eyeing you, dancing with your friend. It was a perfect night, the weather just lightly breezy, no cloud in the sky. You could count all the stars in the moonlit sky.
Except one thing didn't make it totally perfect. That bastard of your ex boyfriend was there, always trying to get you back. The naive person you were, started talking to him, causing Jongho to roll his eyes.
But when he handed you a cigarette and lit it for you, Jongho lost it, he could not bear it anymore. He grabbed the cigarette, put it out and stated, "we're gonna go home."
"No, Jongho, I'm sorry, let's stay."
"Not with him around."
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Pirates and Utopia pt.3
hey Guys sry for Not Posting anything for so Long. I Had some Trouble with school and didn't have enough time to write anything. But anyway Here is the 3rd Part of my Story. I hope you enjoy and i'll try to Post more offen now.
Summary: Another day has past and you Guys only need another day to arrive at Utopia. Everyone is getting ready to Go on the Island including (y/n) but something feels off...
Trigger warnings: flashbacks of abuse, description of torture and blood mentioned

Another day started and i Help the Other get ready to Take Off at Utopia. I feel way better now, the wounds don't Hurt anymore but my voice is still Not Back at all. Hongjoong and i talked about how He wants to get me Back to my Family after we went to Utopia. On the inside i Kinde of feel sad that i have to Go but i can't leave my Family alone.
I'm currently helping Wooyoung and Mingi to kook some snacks for the Guys. They have been working really hard since yesterday. I Help all around the ship, or Well as much as i can at least. As we Finish the Snacks i bring some to San, Yunho, Seonghwa and Yeosang, who are currently helping on deck.
"oh Guys Look who is Here!" Yunho Cheers as He spots me Walking Up to them.
"Our little flower comes to say hi?" Seonghwa sais with a Smile as He Turns around.
Seonghwa has been calling me all sords of nicknames since yesterday. The Same Thing goes for San. I nod as i Show them the plate of fruits and some Other Snacks.
"thank you so much little one. We needed that." San sais as He Takes the Plate Out of my Hands and Sets it on a barell behind him.
I Just Smile at them and keep them some company while they work.
"we are getting closer to Utopia...i can feel how the Waters change." Seonghwa sais as He Looks Out into the horizon.
We Look at Seonghwa confused, Well me at least. He can feel the Waters change? What does He mean by that? I decide Not to question it and Just keep working. Somehow i can feel a Strange Feeling in my Body as i Look Out into the horizon.
My eyes snap shut as i hear my Name called by a Strange voice. What the...?
Again...i don't understand. I Turn around to See the Guys chatting with eachother None of them really playing Attention to me, so who is calling my Name?
I gasp and Fall Back as the voice Screams.
"(y/n) are you alright?!" Yunho asks as He Sees me falling backwards.
I nod as i keep looking into the distance. What the hell is going on? What is happening? I have so many questions in my head right now. I decide to Go Back to my room and Take some Rest. Maybe i'm Just tired thats all.
I lay down and Close my eyes, trying my best to sleep. But the voice...it keeps calling my name. It feels Like it wants me to follow it's call...weird. I Fall asleep but i'm dreaming...
I See my family...my friends...but- the water...its bloody! What the hell. They are Screaming my Name! What is going on?! Now i See Humans...i can't See their faces but...it feels Like i know them.
I can hear me Screaming and crying Out for help. Everything is Red and blurry...i can hear them laughing and calling my name. They know me? How? More screams and loud punches are Heard. God what is this...why does it feels so real? Like it happend before.
I snap my eyes Open and sit Up in my bed covert in sweat and tears. What the hell? I can hear the Same voice that called my Name say Utopia.
What does that mean? Should i Tell the Guys? Who were the people in my dream?
I have so many question...and i feel Like they can't be answerd...
So...yeah this war Part 3 and i hope you enjoyed it! I'll Post paar 4 in the Next few days (hopefully). Let me know If you want to have another Story (also with one member) it would make me really happy. Thank you Guys for all the already given likes ❤️
#ateez fanfic#ateez fluff#ateez imagines#ateez x reader#ateez fic#ateez angst#san x reader#seonghwa x reader#yunho x reader#hongjoong x reader#mingi x reader#wooyoung x reader#jongho x reader#yeosang x reader
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But what villains would the ateez members make? 🤔
Would it be okay for you to just shortly give the ateez members a villain they resemble with their aura/energie?
Cause i have a ton of ideas for the villains they would make but i couldnt give it to them based on their energies since i cant read energies 😅 #tryingtojointhevillainconvo
Thank you for joining the villain discussion, we are always happy to welcome new contributors here. 😁
Honestly, I can't read energies. I can read mimics and general behaviour of people because I'm interested in psychology and I'm very good at observing humans. But energies? Not a clue. 😂
If I should tell, based on my observations, what kind of a villain the Ateez members could become under the specific circumstances pushing them to the dark side, it would be something like this:
Ateez as Villains
(Based on my observation, non-tarot)
He could start off as a hero, trying to make the world a better place but on the way he would probably have to start forcing people to be better and slowly slip into the dictator type of villain who actually wipes entire cities for the “greater good”.
Seonghwa is ever so passionate about everything he does and when he decides to do something he goes all in with it. And it would probably apply to his villain transformation as well. All of sudden something would snap in him and he would realise that morals and laws are only a concept made up by weak people. He would take a philosophical approach and maybe start a sort of guerilla war with the corrupted ones who have power in the world. At first he might seem like a hero, killing corrupted politicians off, but he would swiftly cross the line and just become bloodthirsty.
Yunho is a tough one… He’s truly more of a hero type but under specific circumstances, he could turn dark. I’m imagining something like a Batman type of story for Yunho. Yunho lost all he got, now he has nothing to lose and the only thing keeping him alive is vengeance. While trying to make the bad guys pay for their sins, he actually collects sins of his own. And before he knows it, he’s as villainous as the ones he’s hunting down. He would probably end up as a tragic villain after realising his own downfall.
Hmm… Yeosang could make for a good genius villain. The type who’s super intelligent and decides to use his genius in order to dominate the world. He’s likely to have a sense for drama, maybe using massive promoting or social media or just always wearing an eccentric outfit. Something like Dr. Doom from Fantastic 4.
San could be another tragic villain. Someone who has been bullied in the past and now decides to torment his bullies in a much worse way to punish them. Maybe starting off as a grey hero but ending up being a bully and psychopath himself with a jar full of his victims’ eyelids on his nightstand.
Oof! Mingi is a hard one for me. I can’t really imagine him as a villain to be honest. Maybe a sidekick of a villain.
Wooyoung would make a good Joker type of a villain. He’s just perfect for Joker.
Jongho… Jongho would probably start as a politician with ambitions to do good but the system would corrupt him so badly that soon he’s hiring hitmans to take care of his competitors and has his wife under surveillance and manipulates his own daughter and terrorises his son and kicks his auntie from the stairs and so on.
This is based purely on my intuition, I didn't pull cards for this one. So take it as it is and feel free to dispute. 😊
#oracle kleo#ateez#villain discussion#ateez as villains#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines#hongjoong#seonghwa#yunho#yeosang#san#wooyoung#mingi#jongho#kpop scenarios#kpop imagine
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Another Us pt. 5
Word Count- 3000+ (I'm getting more long winded the more I write, sorries)
Summary-Just a story about angst. Same angst, different...same day maybe?
Long and slow burn.
Warnings-Implied violence and potential self harm. Vulgar language, references to drinking alcohol. Implied sexual tension. Lots of ridiculous antics.
Part 6

"I'm so excited for you!" Josie squeals as she grabs your hands and hops up and down. You can't help but catch her energy and smile. "Don't get too excited, sheesh. It was a stupid drinking night, he was just being nice cause Wooyoung and San were being completely ridiculous. Really, they did it right in front of both of us." You shake your head. You were both out shopping and you'd decided to buy yourself a new outfit for your date. Luckily, Josie was always so happy to help out and hype you up.
"Oh come ON, Y/n. They did that right in front of you AND got you a date! Those two are fuckin' geniuses, I swear. They just play the silly boy con on us." She says and rolls her eyes. "I'm going to buy them both something yummy next time I see them. Sooooo tell me what he's like, is he hot?" You sigh and roll your eyes right back at her dramatically and finish picking out some clothes for your first date in....well....forever.
After the silly events of that crazy evening, you and Yeosang had just agreed to go for coffee and possibly dinner after. Nothing special, you'd both agreed, albeit shyly. He'd insisted that it wasn't just because of the dare, but even if it had been, he wasn't the type to back out after agreeing. He said at the very least, he was entertained by your company. You'd actually appreciated his honesty and despite feeling like it wasn't the most romantic way to get a date, you were looking forward to getting to know him better.
And you couldn't help feeling a little bit giddy. After all, you'd not gone on an actual "date" with a man that you'd be interested in since your last breakup and it'd be a very bad breakup.
You'd had to recover, physically, emotionally, mentally. Even if you hadn't been so fucked up over everything that had driven you to leave the scumbag, your friends wouldn't even let you out of their sight for the first few months. If you weren't working, you were being accompanied by someone else. It'd been very touch and go. You really don't remember much but a lot of emotional crap and tons of affection and over protectiveness from your closest friends.
You'd had plenty of trust issues even before that relationship, between your family, or lack of and then your teenage years being so...awkward and dramatic.
You'd always been grateful to have such warm, caring and protective friends in Josie and the guys, but after the horrors you'd endured, the amount of love for them had broken the ceiling for you. Something had cracked inside of you and you'd finally allowed all of them into a part of your heart you thought had been sealed off for good. You honestly don't know if you'd have survived without them. You literally trusted them with your life from then on.
After the initial shock and chaos had died down and you'd gotten comfortable moving back in with Mingi, San and Yunho, you'd focused very heavily on yourself. For the first time in your life, you'd decided that you truly did need help. Thank goodness for them, you think. Now....well.... let's just say you didn't trust your taste in men after your past experiences. It was easier to think this date was just a friendly one. You just couldn't help that little eagerness deep down betraying your more logical thoughts.
The guys seemed to actually like Yeosang though and they didn't seem to be worrying over it at all. What a crazy turn of events that he had to show back up right at this point in your life though. Thank goodness I'd not ever opened up about all of that to my friends, you think. It was definitely something they'd have their backs up about if they knew some of the history, even as long ago as it was and as young as you both were. They wouldn't be able to help being protective and wary about Seonghwa being around you. And for some reason, some tiny pieces of you didn't want them to get between you.
Seonghwa, you think. If only he truly were a complete douchebag like your ex. It's not that simple with him, you sigh. Can I actually become friends with someone I've decided to hate and have held resentment for, all this time? That was the million dollar question. You think back to when you hurt your hand, flexing it. It was nothing exciting, you did tend to have a clumsy streak as the guys liked to tease you about. But the sheer panic and concern on Hwa's face and how he'd been so tender with you....well....you wanted to get out some brick and mortar to repair the wall you'd erected around that part of your heart. His eyes alone had done some serious damage.
His concern and panic over such a small incident had seemed out of place. Just some glass and a few cuts. So silly and small yet, you couldn't stop thinking about the warm feeling of his concern and the tiny glimpse of the friend who'd once cared about you.
He'd not come back after they'd gone to get food. Yunho said he'd gotten an important call from his company and had to rush in. He'd sent his thanks for letting him come over and you'd not heard anything from him since. You were relieved, right? You were just two strangers hanging out amongst other people. No reason to over think it, right?
You both knew only the naïve high school kids you used to be. The selfish, stupid kids who cared far too much what others thought. He'd always cared too much about what everyone else thought. And you, well...you'd cared far too much what he thought. And at some point, that dynamic had broken everything apart.
You'd had plenty of nightmares and your self esteem issues were so tightly tangled into how you'd both been in back then. So it just all funneled right back to him and the incidents that brought about .....all the drama. It all seemed so petty now but, at the time, you felt like your life was falling apart. You definitely still had splinters buried deep, you think, sighing.
You'd not spoken or even heard word of him in years before this past month. And now here you were, pulling out a newly bought outfit, planning your makeup and hair for a date with a handsome, sweet man who seemed like a lot of fun, all while pondering a man you no longer knew.
I should be dancing around like a fool, excited to go on this date. I should be pondering what to talk to Yeosang about. I shouldn't be thinking about his face, his eyes, his hands..... You thoughts wander to Hwa's delicate, soft hands reaching for you, one hand holding your injured one against him, the other cupping your face and the depth of his eyes......
"Idiot." you mutter to yourself, plopping down on your bed. "Idiot. Why the fuck am I thinking about a stupid crush I used to have as a stupid teenager?! WHAT AM I DOING?! " You throw yourself backwards and grab a pillow, kicking your feet then letting out a frustrated scream at the ceiling.
"What the hell, Y/n?!?! Are you OK!?" You hear a voice yelling from outside your door. Closing your eyes as the door slams open you sit up and yell back - "Yeah yeah, I'm fine I'm fine, calm down, OH MY GOD SAN, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU....... NOT WEARING DEAR GOD MY EYES PLEASE PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON - YOU-YOU-" you scream at him as you throw the closest shoe you can find at his bare ass as he runs back out the door, giggling. Putting your hands in your face as the door slams, you sigh as you hear more screams of horror from the other two guys.
It was going to be a long day.
You'd both agreed over text to meet that evening after you got out of school and Yeosang finished up whatever event he was doing for his recent show. Walking into your quiet, empty flat you flop on one of the large couches. San was at the dance studio with Wooyoung, they'd likely be there practicing most of the evening.
Wooyoung had been fascinated with dance for awhile now and it had been one of the dares to have him learn a choreo from San. You think there was more to it than that, like performing something, but it was hazy. Probably something for them to both randomly do at another gathering. "Sounds easier than my dare, those jerks." But you smile, nervous and aware of the excitement too.
Feeling the vibration of your phone next to you, your stomach does a little flip with excitement, thinking it's about the date. But when you look at the number, you frown slightly. "Who is this?" you mutter before answering.
You find yourself walking into a busy dressing room, carting your makeup kit behind you. "Hello!" You call out and you see another makeup artist recognize you and yell back, "Y/n! Oh thank goodness, it's crazy, thank you so much for coming to help!" She points and you head over to set up.
Three hours or so later you're stretching and checking the time. It's still fairly early, and you've not gotten a text yet so this was probably a good thing. Keep your mind busy and breathe instead of worrying over a date that may or may not be a real date.
"Hi, let's get you......." you trail off as you look up into the face of the last person you'd expected to see here. Seonghwa.
You're thrown off completely at first, your mouth opening and closing, at a loss. "Hi, Y/n." He says, smiling at you. "What...why are...what..?" He laughs and sits down in the chair in front of you. "Why am I here, I imagine you're asking?" You nod and stare at him for a moment then find your senses.
"Sorry, I didn't expect to see you," You get out, shaking it off. "I have a photo shoot today so I'm here to get my makeup done. Surprise." He smirks at you and spins around, looking up at you through the mirror in front of you. "Well, obviously." You roll your eyes at him. "Seriously though...I suppose I never asked what you do now. The guys said you ran a company with that photographer, Hongjoong? So I just assumed you did some kind of business stuff. Oh! Are you getting like, 'CEO Park' type of shoot?" You ask, gathering your materials to start on him.
"Nope. I mean, I do help Hongjoong with the photography stuff occasionally, but actually, I have been doing things like modeling and some idol training." Your shocked look has him laughing at you. "Idol?? Really?" Wow...that was a complete 180 from the Hwa you used to know. Of course...you'd said it countless times, that you are both not the same people. Even for you, the makeup thing had happened after the fallout with him. It shouldn't be so much of a shock and yet...
His eyebrow raises at you as you start applying. "Oh, don't think I can be an idol?" You roll your eyes, laughing. "I didn't say that, I remember how good your voice was back when..." You pause and his eyes flutter down briefly then back up at you. "Well, anyhow, no I can see it. I just didn't expect it." He nods, less playful and more somber. Wow I killed the mood flat, didn't I? you think and as you continue your work, his eyes just follow you. I shouldn't have opened my stupid mouth, thanks foot.
You feel your phone vibrate and you pause, putting your finger up to let him know you'd be a moment as you answer.
"Y/n? Hi, it's Yeosang." You hear a deep voice come through your phone. Woah....his voice sounded even smoother and richer on here...wow, you think. "Hi Yeosang!" you answer, and wince. Did I sound too nervous?
"Hey, I just got out of my schedule and wanted to know if you'd like to meet at that little coffee shop downtown we'd discussed?" You smile and you turn to glance at Seonghwa, who is eyeing you. "Sorry." You mouth at him and he nods back, not taking his eyes away. You turn your back on him and continue.
'I'd love to just..I got an emergency call to come help at a gig. The location is actually very close to that coffee shop. I shouldn't be much longer. Unless of course you'd rather do it another time, I don't want to inconvenience you!" You bite your lip and squeeze your eyes shut, wincing again at the rambling coming out of your mouth.
"Oh, are you doing makeup for a photo shoot? Is it at.." he pauses and you can hear him shuffling something. "There's a place down there, I forget the name but it's right around the corner from there. Umm..Star something or other." "Yes! That's the place."
"Oh well, I'll just head down that way and give you a text when I'm near, does that sound alright with you?" he asks.
Excited, you nod then realize he can't see you. "Sure, I'll be waiting for it then! Mhm, talk soon!" You hang up and smile, turning around and sighing. Then you stop as you see Seonghwa sitting there with his arms folded.
"Sorry I uh...yeah let me get back to your makeup. Sorry, sorry." You fumble your words, rifling through your brushes and picking one out, then finding the lip shade you want. Seonghwa doesn't take his eyes off of you even as you lean close and start applying it.
"So....you're actually going on that date? From a dare?" He snorts out. "Classy." You stop again and meet his eyes. "Yes, I'm going on a date, Seonghwa. Is it that shocking to you?" You bite out, feeling angry all of a sudden at his rudeness.
Seonghwa had found himself shifting around, listening to you chat with someone on the phone. Yeosang? The guy from the other night? Wasn't that date thing a stupid childish dare? Irritated, he sighs as he listens to your call and studies your face as you turn around. Is she happy? Over a dare date? What the hell. How .... Wait, why do I care? he thinks.
"Shocking to me? I don't care what you do." he says, turning his head and folding his arms at you. Seriously, are we five? What the hell is this 180 in attitude? Is he pissed that I took a call? If he's mad that this is taking too long, you think, he's the one who keeps moving his lips so I can't finish this.
Pissed and irritable now, when not two minutes ago everything seemed totally fine, you grab his chin, jerking his face back towards yours. Glaring, you lean down very close to look him in the eyes. His eyes widen drastically at your actions and he leans back slightly. "Look, you can be a dick all you want and insult me, but I still need to finish your makeup, so how about you shut up and hold still? I'd really appreciate it if I can get this done so I can GO ON MY DATE." You hiss.
Why were you so angry? Weren't you both just having a decent discussion? You have to breathe in and out a few times, staring into his dark eyes...definitely to get your point across and not because you're drowning in them or anything. And definitely not because you're thinking of doing something more permanent with some of your tools to his face. Definitely not any of those things.
His tongue darts out nervously and he huffs through his nose. "I wasn't-" he stops and just lets his eyes drift away from your stare. "Ok." he gets out, clearing his throat and going silent.
You huff and finish his makeup without much more strong arming. Seriously, why does he still piss you off on the drop of a dime? As you finish, you turn and begin putting things away, not saying a word to him as you grab your phone. Texting Yeosang that you are almost finished and ready to meet, you turn back and run into Seonghwa's chest. He grabs your arms and holds you in place.
Looking up at him, you suddenly feel very small. Physically, his stature is still lean but he's so intimidating. You don't remember him being THIS tall. Were his shoulders always this broad? When you were young, he was tall, sure. But there's a significant difference in how he held himself now and it's....uncomfortable for you. "I wasn't trying to be insulting, Y/n. I was just asking. It's been a long day, and I ... I'm probably just hungry and tired. Please don't think I meant anything rude." he says softly...too softly. The intimacy of this has your heart thumping wildly. What the actual fu- This man is dangerous.
She's so small, Seonghwa thinks. How can she be so small...and leave me so speechless with her words and gaze? When you'd grabbed his face and forced yours close, he'd had an instantaneous reaction. An actual....physical reaction. And now, towering over you, staring down at you...and you still have that defiant glare, he's....
Clearing his throat, he starts to realize you're both in a public place and snaps himself back to reality. What the fu-
"Hey, there you are, are you ready, Seonghwa?" You hear and turn, recognizing the man standing off to the side. Hongjoong, you think. Oh yeah, breathing out, you remember he is here to work. Hongjoong is shorter than Seonghwa and almost delicate looking. Gorgeous, of course, even with a blue mullet. Which for some reason, makes you even more mad. Are you cursed with hot men around you at all times, seriously? I suppose it's not far fetched in this industry...
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm done, I'll be right there." He says, never taking his eyes off you. "Ok." Hongjoong just says, watching briefly, understanding something odd was going on before he turns and walks away.
Great, every time I think I'm an adult, this man makes me feel like a stupid angsty teenager again. "We are so not good around each other." you blurt out, then clamp your mouth shut, realizing you'd spoken out loud. He quirks an eyebrow up and one side of his mouth twitches up. "Oh? I just apologized and you're still angry huh?"
"You don't look very sorry." Oh my god, why am I picking a fight? Why am I so angry right now? Why is him being this close so uncomfortable? Your brain is a mess and the small laugh that escapes his lips with his face being this close almost has you shaking. Your eyes glance down as his tongue flicks out, licking then biting his lower lip. Dear god.
"Y/n! Hey, I decided to come get you!" You hear and all of a sudden your arms are let go. You almost stumble before you catch yourself.
"Thanks for the makeup, good job." Seonghwa is saying, his back already retreating the way Hongjoong had disappeared. You blink and then collect yourself for a moment. Sucking in a breath, you gather wits, smile and turn to meet your date.
"I'm ready, I'm going to leave my kit here with a friend and we can go. Thank you for coming all the way here, sorry it took longer than I expected. Oh man I need a coffee, are you hungry?" You find yourself rambling as you walk along. He just smiles back at you, finding you endearing.
"Well, I don't know about you but I can always eat some chicken."
"What was that about?" Hongjoong asks with an eyebrow raised. "You messing around with a makeup artist? Not like you."
Seonghwa snorts and walks in to get started. "It's not like that. She's....an old ...friend?" He says, not quite sure how to put it.
"Old friend? Sure did look friendly, then again, not really. Though, not my business, I was just curious what would keep the punctual Park Seonghwa. It's not very like you keep me waiting when it comes to work." Hongjoong says, fiddling with some last minute things before they started.
Sighing, Seonghwa stopped himself from running a hand over the makeup you'd just applied. "Sorry, won't happen again." Hongjoong just waves his hand. It really wasn't a big deal, this was all he had left for the day. "Nah just asking, you just make me curious, that's all." He smirks and Seonghwa laughs. "Nothing to be curious about, so let's get this done and go get a drink or something. It's been a long day."
"MMM! This is good!" Yeosang's eyes get big and he looks so happy and excited to be eating some simple chicken. You can't help but laugh and he smiles even bigger then covers his mouth then bursts out laughing too.
Wow, his laugh is so adorable, you think. He truly was a fun person to be around, and you're happy that you got the opportunity to go out with him. After the run in with Seonghwa earlier, you'd grasped onto the idea that you were probably actually hungry and your brain just short circuited due to lack of energy. So you'd both decided to skip coffee and go right to dinner.
You'd just randomly picked some chicken place nearby and it was a nice comfy atmosphere, nothing fancy. "So you've known everyone you live with since college huh?" He asks, taking a sip of his cola. You nod while you finish chewing, covering your mouth. "Yep! I actually met Yunho and Mingi when they decided to be super heroes and save the 'damsel in distress." You laugh, remembering.
"Really?" Yeosang asks, laughing again once you tell him the story. Wow, he was so easy to talk to and get along with. He's so sweet, you think, smiling. "Suits what I know of them, they seem the type." You smile. "They are very genuinely awesome guys. San and another guy were actually their roommates so they came with the package. Between the four of them, it's like there was no way I wasn't going to be friends with them. They've all got those personalities that just makes you want to find out what is going to happen next." He smiles and nods. "I can see that, you'll definitely never be bored."
"The other guy, Jongho, is out of the country at the moment. He's training his voice, he's a really talented singer. He's also mildly less outspoken than the others but he has his moments." You laugh.
"Speaking of voices, I also definitely have had to raise the volume of my speaking voice permanently and it's hard to get a word in when they all four get going. I'm sure you've noticed from the other night. Actually, this is the most I've heard you talk. It's nice." You say, then blush.
"It is very nice. I'm really enjoying spending time with you one on one. That being said, I'm not quite as outgoing as the others. I definitely liked sitting back and watching everyone interact. It was an....experience." He says. " 'An experience' is such a nice way of putting it." You almost snort and you laugh together. You both continue to chat and laugh, finding yourself truly enjoying the date.
By the time he was walking you back up to your apartment, your earlier run in with Seonghwa was all but forgotten. By the time you got to your door, you were feeling like today was actually quite amazing. He even walked me home, what a gentleman, you think.
"Well, thank you so much for today. Kind of silly that we had to go on a date for a dare but I enjoyed myself nonetheless." Figuring that was the end of it, you nod and smile at him.
He smiles back at you. "I had a great time as well, Y/n. I wouldn't mind going for a second date either. I'll let you decide." He says softly, leaning in and tucking your hair behind your ear and softly kissing your cheek. You freeze in place, feeling the warmth creep up your neck.
"Goodnight, Y/n." he whispers in your ear before pulling away, smiling and then walking away.
All of a sudden you realize you haven't been breathing and you suck in air all at once. "huh...huh...huuuuh." You wheeze out, after he's out of sight and sink down against the wall. Both hands coming up to your cheeks, then touching where he tucked you hair, you just breathe for a few minutes. "What?"
That's how San and Wooyoung find you about 5 minutes later, in a daze and more confused than ever.
"You guys are all insane." You say as you feel three sets of hands on you, dragging you along. "I don't want toooooo." You whine, trying to find an escape. "Oh stop, it's not even that bad. Noone cares what kind of dog you sound like howling, but you are going to sing." "More like a goat, bleating!" San giggles as he dances away from the slap you send his way.
"Oh easy for you to say, Yunho, you sound great when you sing." You pout. "Well, I mean, yeah. But we don't care. We just wanted you to meet our other roommate, Jongho. He's always hanging out in these places so we're going to go crash his room."
As you all approach the room, you're met with this angelic voice along with a beautiful melody. "Woah....wow that's...gorgeous."
You stutter out as you walk in the room and are met with yet another handsome guy singing. Mingi runs into the room, throws his arms out and belts "Into the UNKNOOOOWWWWNNNNN~~~~" and you cover your face.
"You've got to be fucking kidding my luck with you all."
#ateez au#seonghwa au#hongjoong au#yunho au#yeosang au#san au#wooyoung au#mingi au#jongho au#ateez au angst
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ- ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ᴇɪɢʜᴛ- ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]

“The stars sure look beautiful today.”
From that night on you and Seonghwa continuously exchanged shy glances, and even the simplest touch would make you blush, as you both reminisced what had happened that night. You anxiously waited for the day you would finally belong to each other, and as the night approached, the both of you started feeling butterflies all over your body.
You had decided the wedding would be small. Not because you weren't extravagant, but because none of you had friends, so it wouldn't make sense to throw a big party. Although the King, without your knowledge, had ordered the most beautiful wedding dress, and he couldn't wait for you to see it.
One day, you decided to take a peek at the ballroom, where the wedding would be taking place. You could see he tried to minimize the red and black, but it was stronger than him. It did look beautiful though... The gold chandelier lit up the sparkly room, decorated with rose petals cut in the shape of a heart, and several portraits of you and the King beside each other. You wondered when those had been painted, but you were honoured. Your heart was clenching in adoration as you noticed the contrast between the portraits all around the castle compared to those. Every painting of the King you had seen so far was of him with a stone-cold expression, but in all of these you were both smiling, laughing, or looking at each other lovingly. The King make sure to capture his favourite moments in all of these paintings, from the day you met, to the picnic in the garden.
"Thank you, Miss."
You were startled to hear a voice behind you while you peeked through the barely opened door. You jumped slightly and turned around, but calmed down once you saw it was one of the maids. She was looking at you with her big, sparkly frog eyes. At some point, it freaked you out, but after seeing them every day you got used to the frog people.
"You're welcome ma'am, but what might you be thanking me for?" You asked, quite confused.
"You've made our lives infinitely better with your presence. Our King has really changed... He said 'thank you' the other day. I have worked for him for a decade and not once had I heard those words from him. He treats us like people, not like servants. You are a blessing, Miss."
You smiled at the maid, a sad yet sympathetic smile.
"I know it's a lot to ask, but I beg of you, give him another chance. Seonghwa is but a neglected, traumatized child in an adult man's body, and I'm trying to help him become a better person."
"I cannot promise anything Miss, but if he truly shows the people mercy and compensates them for all we've been through, the people might give him another chance."
You gave her a slight nod, and thanked the maid for her honesty.
"Hey!" A voice called from up the stairs.
The maid excused herself, and you looked at the staircase, to find a distressed Seonghwa running down towards you.
"Did you see the room?" He asked arms crossed over his chest.
You stayed quiet for a second and looked away from the man who stood apprehensively in front of you.
"No?" You lied.
"Aw come on! I wanted it to be a surprise! I knew I should've covered that paintings."
The image of a sulking Seonghwa was the most adorable thing you had ever seen. You wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his chest.
"I'm sorry, but I was too curious..." You paused and looked up at the man "If it serves any consolation, I was very surprised, and I loved it."
"Really?" He happily asked, flashing you his pearly whites.
You hummed in agreement, earning a small kiss from the man.
"Well, the surprises aren't over. There's a couple more, starting with tonight's dinner."
Before you could ask what he meant, Seonghwa grabbed your hand and dragged you towards a small room in the attic. It took a while to go up all of the marble stairs, and you were out of breath once you reached the room, but it was worth it.
The King gripped the golden handle of the red, wooden door, while looking at you with a big grin. Once he pushed it open, the most beautiful sight was prepared for you. The roof of the small room had a beautiful glass skylight, and the stars looked down at you as you stepped inside. There were white rose petals scattered all over the dark wooden floor, and a small table with two chairs sat in the middle. On the wall right in front of you was a lit fireplace, and the table was set for two, with the most beautiful cutlery you had ever seen. You noticed a letter sitting on one of the dishes, that you assumed was directed at you.
"I, uh... I learned to like white roses." Seonghwa said, embarrassed.
You remember the first time you met when he freaked out over the white roses in the garden. He moved to stand behind one of the chairs, and pulled it back.
"Come, sit down."
You obliged and sat down on the chair he held out of you The male sat in front of you and motioned towards the letter.
"Tomorrow we get married, and there are many things I want to tell you, but I can't. So I wrote it down."
You grabbed the letter and opened it. The King's calligraphy was beautiful and easy to read, but it didn't surprise you: everything about him was very neat.
'Dearest Y/N,
I'm sorry you have to read this, instead of hearing me say it, but I know that if I were to tell you how I feel, half of my sentiments would be left unsaid. I have lived a short life that felt very, very long. These years have dragged on relentlessly, but ever since you arrived, time flies. I hate going to sleep and I can't wait to wake up, to be with you, to look at you, to kiss you... I have had many experiences that I thought were love, but the second I laid eyes on you, I knew all of those previous times were wrong, I finally knew what love was. And recently I've come to find that love isn't only one thing, because somehow my love for you grows in many ways every day I spend with you. You may call me crazy, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, and I will keep my promise of changing to be a better King. Even if you stop loving me, even if you leave me, I will hold up my promise as proof of my everlasting love for you. But I must confess, I've imagined us growing old together, and one day, when I pass the crown onto my future child, I hope it is your child as well.
Forever yours,
Tears streamed down your cheeks like two rivers and your bottom lip trembled as you read the letter.
"Ah, those are happy tears! Correct?"
You set down the letter and wiped away said tears with your wrists.
"Yes, yes they are. This was beautiful, Seonghwa, thank you."
"I'm afraid that's as far as the surprises go today, because when it comes to dinner," Seonghwa paused, revealing two sandwiches that would be your meal "I'm afraid it's mediocre. I tried my best but everything I made came out raw or burned, I'm afraid this is as far as my cooking abilities go."
You were surprised and very touched that he had done it all by himself, even if it were just some lousy sandwiches.
"You made dinner by yourself? Well, my good Sir, they must be delicious." You joked as you took one of them.
They weren't good, but they weren't bad either, and you appreciated the effort that had gotten into them. You imagined what kind of King Seonghwa would have been if the previous King had chosen to raise Seonghwa instead of his sister... Surely a kind, caring King that everyone looked up to, one every eligible young woman (and man) would bad their eyelashes at. It was truly a shame... But it wasn't too late for a change, you were hopeful.
You spent that night together, cuddling and telling stories while looking at the starry sky, and you eventually fell asleep on the many pillows Seonghwa had sprawled on the floor.
The next day, you woke up with a smile, remembering that your wedding was in a few hours.
You laid on top of Seonghwa and kissed him.
"Wake up sleepy head."
Seonghwa smiled, wrapped his arms around you and flipped the two of you, so you'd be under him.
"Good morning princess."
You help his face in your hands and smiled.
"After today I'll be a Queen."
"My Queen."
Your sappy moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Sir, Miss, I'm afraid we must commence dressing you for the wedding."
The King peeled himself off of you with a groan (but not before kissing you). He helped you get up, and the two of you followed the maid that took you both to your assigned fitting rooms. Seonghwa had picked his own suit, but you had no idea what he had in store for you. The second you opened the door, you were met with the most beautiful dress you had ever even imagined. It was white, with a tight corset that expanded into a glamorous princess-like puffy tulle. The tulle had many layers, and its bottom was decorated with pearls. The corset, while sleeveless and heart-shaped, had lace appliques that covered your chest and arms, and the torso was decorated with many sparky stones. The veil was equally decorated with pearls and had a tiara attached to it.
Attached to the dress there was a letter.
'They say white symbolizes faith. I have faith in you and in our marriage. Much love, Seonghwa.'
The maids helped you dress, very carefully and with care. They truly seemed to like you. One of them even fixed your hair in a pretty bun and attached the veil to it.
They had spent around an hour fixing everything, and when you were almost done, the door opened.
"The King is waiting for Miss Y/N."
And that was your queue to leave the room. You carefully walked down the stairs and made your way to the big ballroom, once the doors opened, with the announcement of your name, your eyes fell on Seonghwa, who was staring at you happily, in his new look. His hair was slicked back, no longer covering his eye, displaying it proudly, no longer ashamed of his past. His suit matched your dress: it was white and fit him neatly, and it only served as proof that Seonghwa looked good in any colour.
You noticed the crowd in the room, but you weren't too surprised. Although you had decided to hold a small wedding and not invite anyone, you two knew the people would want to see who was brave enough to marry their King, so the man opened the castle doors for anyone who wanted to witness the wedding.
To say the people were surprised to see the King smile was an understatement, but the fact was that he was smiling, and the smile grew wider for every step you took towards him.
The ceremony went beautifully. There were tears in your eyes and in Seonghwa's eyes, and as you celebrated and sealed the marriage, everyone clapped (to you and Seonghwa's surprise).
Everything went perfectly, until the toast. Seonghwa suggested a toast in your behalf after the maids handed every citizen a glass, and when you took a sip, your body felt weird, and you started shrinking, and shrinking, and shrinking until you looked like Thumbelina.
"Y-Y/N!?" Seonghwa asked frantically, as he looked at tiny you standing on the table.
"Tweedles, now!" Someone roared from the crowd.
The Tweedles grabbed you and tossed you over to the Hatter, who had been concealed in the crowd this whole time. After hearing about the wedding, the Hatter decided he would use the certain crowd and commotion to blend in and enter the castle. Without anyone noticing, Cheshire sprinkled some of Absolem's shrinking cake into your drink.
The Hatter grabbed you gently and Bayard came running in. He placed you on the dog and reached for his pocket to retrieve some cake as well.
The King, noticing what was happening before his very eyes, panicked. Tears streamed down his eyes and his bottom lip quivered.
"No! Please don't steal her away! Please!" He begged, running towards the group with one hand stretched out, hoping he could get to the dog before they left but to no avail.
The Hatter just laughed and shrunk himself, giving Bayard the signal to leave. The card knights tried to follow the dog but he was too fast, and there was no time to get the horses before losing sight of the dog. You were gone.
The King fell to his knees, and cried, as he stopped seeing you from the distance.
"Please, don't take her away from me..."
#ateez#ateez fanfic#ateez fanfiction#ateez reader insert#ateez reader insert fic#ateez wonderland#ateez alice in wonderlandd#ateez alice in wonderland#ateez smut#ateez fluff#ateez reaction#ateez reactionss#seonghwa#seonghwa ateez#ateez seonghwa#seonghwa fluff#seonghwa smut#seonghwa angst#san#choi san#san ateez#ateez san#san fluff#choi san fluff#choi san smut#san smut
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𝑀𝑦 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙 𝑃𝑡. 4 (𝐵𝑎𝑑𝑏𝑜𝑦! 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎)
Part One/ Part Two/ Part Three

Pairing: Badboy! Park Seonghwa (Ateez)/ Reader (Female)
Genre: Angst, Fluff, College AU.
Synopsis: Final part of the bad boy! Seonghwa series. Y/N finally tells Seonghwa her answer to his confession.
Seonghwa pulled away and stomped his foot on the pavement, gritting his teeth.
"Fucking hell, can't even get a break." He complained, sighing in frustration.
Seonghwa helped Y/N get down from the railing. She fanned her face as she suddenly felt hot from the compromising position she and Seonghwa were in a few seconds ago. She watched as a shorter male with ash blonde hair ran over to them, somewhat out of breath.
"Hongjoong you better have a good excuse for interrupting me." Seonghwa glared daggers at the younger male, his arms crossing over his chest as his foot tapped impatiently on the pavement.
"Well would you count Mingi getting his head stuck in a lamp shade as good enough?" Said Hongjoong mimicked Seonghwa, crossing his arms over his chest while tilting his head to the side.
"What the?! How even?! Ugh! Where is he?" Seonghwa could already feel his head pulsating with a coming migraine.
"In Yunho's room, who's probably trying to calm him down at the moment." He gestured behind him at the house.
Seonghwa inhaled and pinched the bridge of his nose. He let out an exasperated breath.
"Fine. Let's see what I can do."
Without even thinking, his hand linked with Y/N's and he began pulling her back inside the house. Hongjoong was taken aback when he saw them holding hands. He looked back and forth between them.
"I thought he said they weren't a thing?" He thought to himself but ultimately decided to let it go, chuckling secretly to himself.
They went back inside the house through the back door so they wouldn't have to pass all the wild people dancing in the living room and hallway. In the kitchen, they were greeted by a very drunk and overly emotional Yeosang, who was currently crying on Jongho's shoulder, the latter helping him stay standing as he petted his hair.
"Yeosang?" Hongjoong looked at him.
"Ok, what happened to you now?" It seemed Seonghwa would have to fix yet another problem.
He began mumbling something incoherently due to his sniffling and talking while his face was pressed on Jongho's shoulder.
"I got him don't worry. Go help out the idiot upstairs." Jongho assured them as he tried to keep Yeosang from collapsing on the floor.
Seonghwa looked back at Y/N
"You don't mind waiting here a few minutes do you?"
She smiled and reassured him she'd be fine. He let go of her hand and that's when it dawned on them both that they had been holding hands the entire time. Seonghwa stuffed his hands into his jean's pockets and walked away with his head hung low. Hongjoong who was next to him leaned in to say something to him, which resulted in him getting elbowed by the taller male as they went upstairs to fix whatever commotion was happening.
"You know, for 2 individuals who keep denying they're in a relationship, you sure act like you're in one." Jongho told her, snapping her gaze away from the staircase.
"Huh?" She looked at him, not paying attention to what he said.
Jongho snickered. "Exactly that. Lovesick puppies that can't seem to function without each other."
Yeosang whined loudly when he heard him mention the word 'love.'
"What's wrong with him anyway?" Y/N was worried for him. She leaned in and wiped some of Yeosang's tears away.
"Long story short: flip a coin, San goes home with Wooyoung for the night." Jongho explained as he rolled his eyes at the stupidity of it.
"Oh no, I'm sorry Yeosang." She brushed some of his bangs away from his face.
"Don't be, this always happens. If it had landed tails, then it'd be San crying here."
Yeosang grunted at the sound of his name and harshly dug his nails into Jongho's arm.
"Whoah ok Hyung, calm down. I get you're upset now but I'm already doing you a favor by keeping your drunk emotional ass company. No need for the agression."
Yeosang lifted his head up and groaned.
"Do me another favor and take me to nearest bathroom."
Seeing Yeosang's pale face, Jongho cringed as he lifted him up as if he weighed nothing.
"Seriously, shouldn't I be the reckless drunk getting taken care of you older guys? Why is it the other way around?"
Jongho excused himself and carried Yeosang to the bathroom as swiftly as he could before the poor boy threw up on himself or worse.
Y/N leaned back on the kitchen island. Her foot began drawing circles on the floor as she waited for Seonghwa to come back. She took the time to think about what Jongho said:
Do we act like a couple?
"No! Absolutely not! Besides, I don't even like him that way...." She thought to herself then immediately began questioning the veracity of that statement.
"Do I?"
She couldn't deny that Seonghwa was extremely attractive, especially with his leather jacket and tight jeans that hugged his thighs in the most dangerous and tempting manner. But besides his obvious beauty, he was also a very kind and genuine person. From the beginning, he stated his intentions and he was very open about what he did and didn't do. He was an open book and didn't try to conceal anything. He was also a complete gentleman towards her and was literally waiting for her to say yes.....
So what's keeping me from accepting him?
She was startled when she felt someone slide next to her, making her forget about what she was thinking.
"Hello there." An extremely attractive male with long pink hair smiled at her.
"Hi." She replied awkwardly, scooting a bit away from him.
"I'm Hyunjin. May I know your name?" He asked, his head tilting down to check her out.
"Y/N." She responded.
"Pretty name on such a pretty face." He grinned, coming closer to her.
Y/N retreated away when she felt him come closer, closer than she felt comfortable with.
"Don't be scared beautiful. I only want to talk." Hyunjin chuckled.
Y/N hardly believed that.
"Oh really? Just talk?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
Hyunjin hummed softly.
"Well unless you're up for something else. Then I'd be happy to oblige."
His hand moved to tuck her hair behind her ear.
"So what do you say? Wanna ditch this place and come home with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her.
"No-no thank you." She brushed his hand away which resulted in him gripping her wrist and pulling her against him.
"I promise you won't regret it." He smirked at her.
In a flash, Y/N watched as Hyunjin was yanked off her by none other than Seonghwa.
"She told you no Hwang Hyunjin. Can't you take a hint?"
Hyunjin scoffed as he straightened his jean jacket.
"Stay out of this Park Seonghwa. This doesn't concern you."
Their voices were raised to the point that a lot of people there were now looking over or whispering, wondering what all the commotion was about. Seonghwa chuckled sarcastically.
"Oh but you see, it does concern me cause..."
Taking 2 steps, he swiftly took Y/N's arm, pulling her close to him and wrapping an arm protectively around her.
"She's my girl." He declared.
Audible gasps were heard when he said that, a few females letting out either romantic "awwws" while others were fuming at this new information.
"Fucking knew it!" Yeosang declared, pointing a finger upwards as Jongho tried to stabilize him once again and shushing him.
Hyunjin looked surprised but then he laughed mockingly at him.
"Your girl? Do you actually mean a girl, or is she just another slut of yours that you're going to fuck and call it a night?"
Seonghwa grabbed Hyunjin by the collar and slammed him against the wall harshly, rage coursing through his veins.
"Say that again about her! I dare you to!" Seonghwa warned.
Hongjoong immediately stepped in and grabbed Seonghwa's shoulder.
"Seonghwa....this isn't the place-"
But he couldn't get his statement out because Hyunjin shoved Seonghwa off him, getting ready to fight.
"I'm not scared of you Seonghwa. So try me." Hyunjin threatened.
Y/N looked over and saw many people taking out their cameras, ready to film what was going to happen. Then she took in Hongjoong's and Jongho's worried looks. Realizing she did not want to see him get hurt, she stepped in between them, making Seonghwa look at her in confusion.
"Y/N move. I don't want you to-"
He stopped talking when she wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him tightly so he wouldn't move.
"Please don't do this. Please just don't..." She begged him.
Seonghwa opened his mouth to speak but ultimately didn't. His hands that were balled up into fists loosened themselves and moved to caress her lower back. He took a deep breath and began to calm down.
That was all he said as he unwrapped her arms from him, smiling down at her to make her stop worrying. He looked to Hyunjin one last time before threatening him:
"Don't ever let me hear you disrespecting her again or I'll bust your face open."
Seonghwa linked his hand with Y/N's and began pulling her away from there. Exiting the house, he guided her over to where he parked his car. Y/N fake pouted.
"No motorcycle tonight?" She asked in a whiny tone.
Seonghwa snorted. "If I remember correctly, you called it a 'death trap'".
"It is! But you know......makes you look even more attractive." She teased him.
Seonghwa pushed her up against the side of the car, his hands trapping her in between his body making her get flustered and look at him with widened eyes.
"Don't tease me or I won't be able to hold myself back. " He cautioned her.
He then moved her slightly away so he could open the door for her. He waited for her to get in before pacing over to the driver's side. Turning on the car, he swiftly pulled out of the driveway and started heading back to her house. They sat there quietly, unable to say anything. Seonghwa noticed how Y/N kept glancing over at him every once in a while.
"What's on your mind doll face?" He finally spoke up.
"Oh um....well that thing you said back there....at the party...." She mumbled out.
"I said a lot of things Y/N, you're going to have to be more specific." He looked at her momentarily before paying attention to the road again.
"The part where you said I was....your girl?" She said the last part very quietly.
When Seonghwa didn't respond for a while, she slumped her shoulders back, internally cursing herself for even bringing it up. She decided to just look out the window for the remainder of the ride. She didn't get it. Why was Seonghwa not answering her question? Did he not mean it? Was he going back on his word? Her mind began to swirl with all kinds of questions that she didn't notice that Seonghwa had already pulled in front of her apartment complex until he was clearing his throat.
"Hmm? Oh! Sorry. Thanks for the ride. I'll see you around."
She grabbed her purse and wanted to speed out of the car as fast as she could, but Seonghwa clutched her hand before she could move.
"Y/N wait!" He blurted out.
Taking off his seat belt, he turned to look at her.
"I didn't respond before because I wanted to talk about it calmly and with no distractions."
Y/N calmed down when he explained why he didn't immediately respond to her minutes before. Seonghwa looked down and took a deep breath before confessing:
"Y/N you know how I feel about you. From the beginning, I told you I liked you. I was attracted to you at first, but spending these two days with you, getting to know you even more..... I'm falling for you harder than I ever imagined I would..."
Gathering his courage, he looked up at her surprised face.
"I won't get my hopes up.... but it would honestly make me happy if you accepted to be my girl....make it official between us..... and actually start dating..."
He cringed at himself and the way he asked her. He for sure thought she would reject him.
Y/N's voice made him snap his head up.
"Do you mind getting out of the car?" She asked.
Her request puzzled him, but he did so nonetheless. He ran over to her side before she could even open the door, as he did it for her.
"Ok, why did you-"
He was cut off when Y/N grabbed the sides of his leather jacket and pulled his face down to hers, making him get his words caught in his throat. Y/N smirked at him.
"I thought you said you wouldn't hold yourself back if I teased you again?" She chuckled at his shocked expression.
Getting the hint, Seonghwa pulled her hands off him and held them in place.
"I'm not."
He closed the gap between them and cupped her cheeks as he kissed her tenderly, all of the feelings he had kept inside finally coming out in his kiss. Y/N pulled her hands out of his grasp and they went to the back of his head, running themselves through his hair as she kissed him back just as intensely.
Seonghwa pulled back briefly to ask.
"So....is that a yes or...?"
Y/N giggled and nodded yes before pulling him back in, this time kissing him even more passionately. Her hands moved to his arms that were clad with his leather jacket, yet she could still feel the muscles underneath the material. The thought of them exposed made her unconsciously bite down on Seonghwa's lower lip.
Moaning softly, Seonghwa pulled her off him once again.
"Ok ok, easy there kitten. If there's going to be tongue and second base involved, let me take you out on a date first." He joked, poking her nose.
"I thought you already did." She reminded him.
Seonghwa smiled. "Well then...how about a second date?"
Y/N hummed and thought about it. "Deal."
Seonghwa beamed with joy.
"Great then. I can't wait."
Y/N could feel the stares from some of her classmates, but she didn't care. Let them think and talk about whatever they wanted. She couldn't care to pay attention to them, let alone pay attention to what any of her professors were saying. All day long, she kept thinking about Seonghwa and about their date later tonight. It was the only thing keeping her from going insane during these boring Monday sessions.
As soon as the bell rang, she stuffed her books in her bag and strutted out the door. Her plan was to get home as soon as possible so she could shower and change as quickly as possible for their date. But those plans were crushed when she was met by a familiar head of black hair sitting by the benches outside. Catching sight of her, he got himself up and walked over to her, looking her up and down.
"Hello doll." Seonghwa winked at her.
"I thought you said you didn't have any classes today?" Y/N remarked.
"I didn't." Seonghwa affirmed.
"Then why are you here?" She questioned him.
Leaning in, he responded.
"Got impatient and couldn't wait to see my little kitten."
Not caring that others would see, he cupped her chin and softly kissed her. When he pulled back, he muttered a soft 'cute' at her pink cheeks. Taking off his leather jacket, he wrapped it around her.
"It's kinda chilly. Put it on."
Seonghwa held her books as she put on his clothing, chuckling when he saw it was definitely big on her. Linking their hands, he took her out into the parking lot.
"Oh my God! You seriously brought that?!" Y/N complained when she caught sight of his motorcycle.
"Get used to her babygirl, you're going to see a lot of her too." Seonghwa handed her a helmet.
Y/N huffed as she put on her helmet. "I swear to god, you like this thing more than me."
"Nope trust me, I like you a lot more. A lot." He insisted as followed suit and put on his helmet.
Seonghwa waited until Y/N firmly adjusted herself behind him, his heart jumping when she wrapped her arms around him once again.
"Tell me when it's over." Y/N shut her eyes, gripping him even tighter.
"Calm down doll, I won't let anything happen to you. After all.....
You're my girl."
#ateez#ateez seonghwa#ateez fanfic#ateez fanfiction#ateez angst#ateez fluff#ateez college au#badboy!seonghwa#park seonghwa#park seonghwa fanfic#park seonghwa fluff#park seonghwa angst#park seonghwa scenarios#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines#ateez seonghwa fanfic#ateez seonghwa fluff#ateez seonghwa scenarios#ateez seonghwa au#ateez seonghwa angst#ateez school au
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Character Analysis: Song Mingi, the ‘Wind Whisperer’
Languages: English, Japanese (Post Transformation), Korean (Modern Day), French (Modern Day), Spanish, Sign Language (ESL, JSL, KSL, LSL, LSE-Modern Day)
Crew Position: Boatswain
Powers: Aerokinesis/Air (Inherited from Japanese God, Fujin)
Compass Position + Arrowpoint Stone: South Eastern, located under his collarbone, Crystal Opal
Eye Color: Brown (Natural)/ Violet (Demonic Form)
Hair Color: Brunette (Natural)/ Crimson (Demonic Form)
Piercings: Prince Albert (Modern Day)
Likes: Praise, Successful Snatches, Orange Juice, Crafting Presents for Friends and Family, Reading Stories With the Crew
Dislikes: Bella Rose, Manipulative People, Mean-Spirited People, Being Left Alone
*The above image of Demonic Mingi is a commissioned piece from @seonghwea and is not to be taken out of this moodboard. Reposting isn’t cute, if I find this piece anywhere besides on Atlas’ blog and here in this moodboard, we WILL file a dmca. Don’t be an asshole :)
An unfortunate child, with a heart of gold. Raised amongst a poor band of thieves, but still finding a family worth more than even the finest diamonds. A child raised around the honey and warmth of a found family.
Until the day poison began to seep into his life in the form of a little girl with a wicked smile.
Not even the smiles of his precious baby sister can stave off the looming force of negativity known as Bella Rose.
Boatswain Song Mingi.
The sails fly high above the heads of the members of the formidable Utopia. Reliable, sturdy, innocent, and strong. Despite his inexperience, the crew looks towards him for guidance on affairs regarding cargo and other crew members.
A loyal and hard worker, none of the crew members are opposed to following behind their boatswain. They sing a hearty shanty together, passing barrels to and fro under his leadership.
Something about orange juice, but no one seems to mind too much, as long as their boatswain keeps that smile on his face.
Feared and respected are the brothers of the storm. The lightning, Raijin, and the wind, Fujin.
Fujin, an unruly force of nature, is often depicted with messy, wind swept curls and an intimidating snarl. Upon his back is a bag of winds, which is the source of his power. He rides upon a nimbus cloud and can devastate the lands below just as easily as he can aid humanity.
For all of the lost life that comes from typhoons, at times, the wind is on the side of Fujin’s people. Such a case would be an instance in the 1200s, when the invading Mongol fleet was devastated by a horrible wind storm. Sometimes, the helpful storm is attributed to Fujin’s divine intervention.
From a gentle summer breeze to a volatile tornado, Fujin is the god behind it all.
-Power Applications/Demon Transformation-
Upon fully using his powers, Mingi’s hair bleeds into a deep crimson color. His eyes shift into a dark violet tone and a shining, glittering cloud-like mark appears on his cheek. The mark glitters in the light, and the more Mingi uses his powers, the more you can see the hues of color within the gem swirl around within the mark.
Despite being a Boatswain, not a Navigator or Sailing Master, Mingi still uses his powers for the crew’s ocean exploration. Alongside Hongjoong pushing Utopia with strong waves, Mingi puts the wind in her sails, speeding up their journey and cutting their trips down to over half the time it would take for them to sail places.
The force of Mingi’s wind can change, from a light breeze to vicious typhoon or tornado force winds. Though he is one of the more combative of the men when it comes to using his powers, Mingi doesn’t have a particularly organized style of fighting.
What he lacks combative style, he makes up for it in sheer force and power. Mingi plays strong offensive support in group fights and will use his winds to either push or pull enemies closer to the others. Out of the eight of them, sans Hongjoong, Mingi has the farthest reach with his powers.
He is also one of the mobile members, using the force of his winds to fly through the air and close the distance on long-range enemies. His powers work better when there is some space between them, as it does take a bit for him to muster up the winds for them to be useful in attacks. If he’s interrupted when gathering the winds-specifically before a wind storm-he’ll have to start all over again, but if he manages to stop one, him summoning more or being attacked won’t detract away from the first initial storm.
Ideally, Mingi fights better with an even, level field to fight on, as too many obstacles on a battlefield will break some of the force of the winds and lessen the damage he can cause. Mingi may not be a trained fighter like Seonghwa, Jongho, or Yunho, but he knows how to use his size to his advantage, and can hold his own fairly well in a hand to hand fight.
-Character Song Breakdown-
All of the main boys have a song assigned to them in the AtT playlist to go alongside their origin chapters. Mingi’s character song is Never Be Like You by Crywolf. He also has another song that strongly relates to him so I’ll share some lyrics from the other song as well, Masochist by Matt Van.
Both songs feal with Mingi’s near suffocating anxiety and his loss of self-worth as a result of Bella Rose’s constant torment.
‘What I would do to take away this fear of being loved
Allegiance to the pain
Now I'm fucked up and I'm missing you
I swear she'll never be like you
I would give anything to change this fickle-minded heart
That loves fake shiny things
Now I'm fucked up and I'm missing you
I swear she'll never be like you’
Originally this song is intended to be for a man pleading for forgiveness from an ex-lover, but I decided to use the hurt from the lyrics to change the meaning to apply to Mingi. His fear of being loved, stemming from Bella’s verbal and emotional abuse, is something we follow throughout his time with the pirates aboard the utopia.
Mingi was raised to be a pickpocket, and that ties in for his love for ‘fake shiny things’. While with the crew and battling with himself, Mingi has to convince himself to accept the good feelings he receives from the others around him and how they’ll never be like Bella Rose. She, though deceased at the time of him joining the crew, will never be like them, either.
‘Stop looking at me with those eyes
Like I could disappear and you wouldn't care why
Now I'm fucked up and I'm missing you’
Throughout their time together, Bella Rose makes it abundantly clear she only ‘cares’ for Mingi during the times she needs or wants his aid for something. Mingi also has issues making and keeping eye contact from time to time, as a result of his trauma.
‘I'm only human. Can't you see?
I made, I made a mistake
Please just look me in my face
Tell me everything's okay
I'm only human. Can't you see?’
To wrap this up, I’ll share some lines from Masochist that share the same sentiment and message as the song we’ve just gone over.
‘As long as I'm not myself
I think I'll be safe, yeah
What am I looking for
In this state between love and war
Am I chasing a chemical
That just leaves me wanting more
And is there a difference
Between truth and happiness
If ignorance is bliss
To the emotional masochist’
‘We can go pretty far
If you wanted
'Cause I know it's not your thing
To stay in one place, yeah
I can be what you want
I can be anything
As long as I'm not in love
I think I'll be safe’
-Character Blurb-
“I can’t-”
“If you say you can’t one more time, I’ll tell Yeosang to never give you any oranges ever again.”
Mingi sat up straighter, frowning as he looked down at the paper in his hands. Seonghwa sat across from him. His long legs crossed as he watched Mingi. It was his turn to tutor the boatswain for the week and Mingi felt small under his steel gaze. With a shaky breath, he scanned the paper.
“Read it.”
“I am, I swear-”
Mingi pursed his lips, startling when Seonghwa crossed the room, leaning into his space. Mingi shied away, but Seonghwa followed, catching his chin between his fingers. He tilted his head and smiled, and Mingi felt his heart stutter.
“You can do it, and I promise it’ll be worth it when you do. Read it, please.”
Mingi blushed and smiled as Seonghwa placed an encouraging kiss to his nose before pulling him away, giving him some space.
“O-one cup…” he squinted at the page before perking. He knew that word. He’d seen it before in the galley while working with Yeosang.
“Sugar! It’s sugar!” Seonghwa smiled from beside him, carding long fingers through tousled brunette hair before nodding.
“Excellent.” He placed a rewarding kiss on his lips. “Continue.”
One by one, Mingi slowly read the list of things on the paper, each time encouraged by Seonghwa’s gentle purred praises or a small compliment in that accent they all loved so much.
Milk. Cinnamon. Nutmeg. Vanilla. Coconut.
When he finished, he tilted his head, blinking.
“Is...this a recipe?”
Seonghwa’s lips quirked before he nodded.
“It sure is, meu amado. Yeosang picked up a book on Caribbean desserts at the last port and he wanted to make you something. Toto, I believe it was?”
Mingi’s eyes lit up as he perked, looking at Seonghwa like an overgrown puppy. If he squinted, the ex prince could swear he could see a tail wagging back there. He chuckled and kissed him, nodding towards the door.
“Let’s get you something to eat to celebrate.” he hummed. Mingi nodded and took off like a shot, smiling ear to ear as he raced down to the galley, joy erupting in his chest at the scent of vanilla and coconut that flooded the inside of the ship.
He’s never felt so at home.
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( San Ending )
Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
Alas we are on the Finale of I Have A Dream!!! I honestly loved writing this story so much and I’m incredibly happy and thankful that people actually took time to read it so this final chapter goes out to everyone who has liked, shared or read in general I Have A Dream ❤️ Without further ado I hope you guys enjoy the option of choosing your own ending, I hope you guys enjoyed I Have A Dream. With much love Lizzie x 🥰❤️
Taking care of a 3 week old baby was sure a hard task, the loud wails of the little one resonating around the dimly lit apartment. Y/N was glad that Youngji decided to stay over at his friends house, or else she knew he would have a hard time falling asleep with Jongho making so much noise. It's not that Youngji minded, if anything he would be the first one up in the middle of the night feeding Jongho if Y/N was too tired, he would also help change him if Y/N was busy with something else.
Y/N was extremely grateful for her brother, Youngji always cuddling Jongho the best he could, also taking great care of Y/N when she felt like the constant hours of sleep she lost where taking a tool on her body. Youngji loved his sister very much, he also loved his nephew Jongho as well, but even he felt like he was doing so little to help her.
So he took matter into his own hands and requested help from someone he knew would never think about saying no, especially when it came to his sister and the recent family addition. San was more than willing to help Y/N around the apartment, constantly dotting over her and Jongho if they ever needed something. He didn't seem to mind either, helping Y/N with Jongho with a big smile on his face, Youngji swears he even heard San whispers Dad of the year to himself while he was carefully changing Jongho's dirty onesie.
Y/N felt like they were doing too much, the guys constantly following right behind her, eager to help and it made her feel like she was taking advantage of San's sweet nature and her brother's overprotective actions. She wanted to learn and grow as a mother by herself, but now more than ever did she miss the extra pair of hands helping lull Jongho to sleep.
The circular clock hanging over the kitchen entrance read 2:47 AM, Jongho first started crying around 12. It was nearing the third hour and Y/N had only managed to subside his desperate cries just a little. She had tried everything she could think of, he wasn't hungry as he rejected being breastfed, he also didn't need a diaper change as Y/N had checked more than 3 times.
Y/N could slowly feel herself crack as the minutes ticked by, swaying her body and humming under her breath to help Jongho sleep but he just kept on crying. " Please baby... Just go to sleep! I dont know what's wrong.." Y/N whispered to Jongho, feeling tears well up in her sunken eyes as she struggled to help her baby calm down.
The sudden knock on the door snapped her attention from her crying new born, anxiety shooting off the roof when she thinks about her brother's neighbors coming over and complaining about the noise. Walking up to the door with a crying baby in her arms, Y/N begins to give herself a little pep talk, fully preparing herself to see her brother's angry bald neighbor in his pijamas screaming at her for the noise.
Opening the door, she expected the bald neighbor to start complaining but to her surprised a panting, what appered to be a freshly showered San was hunched right in front of her at 3 in the morning. Y/N gaped at him as he quickly stood straight and walked into the apartment, closing the door behind him then turning back towards Y/N, greeting her with a sheepish smile.
" Wha.. What are you doing here..?" Y/N questions, standing there with a dumbstruck look on her face. " Youngji texted me saying that you might be having some trouble putting Jongho to sleep so I decided to come and help." San explains, as if its the most simple thing in the world for him to appear in the middle of the night, especially when he was an idol. " Why do you say that so casually?! Won't you get in trouble with the manager? What about your schedule for tomorrow! You need to go back!" She begins to panic, causing Jongho's cries to grow in volume again.
San then takes a moment to actually study Y/N closely, her pijamas wrinkled as if she got out of bed in a rush, face pale and eyes sucken with dark bags under them to show the lack of sleep she has been getting. Walking up to her, he gently takes Jongho out of Y/N's arms and then takes one of her hands, leading them towards Y/N's room where Jongho's crib is placed. Y/N can't help but gasp out in surprise, the moment Jongho was taken from her arms and placed on San's muscular ones Jongho loud cries had gone down from loud wailing to quiet whimpers.
" How did you...?" She begins to question before her voice dies off, Jongho now completely quiet as he continues to snuggle in San's arms. " I don't know how you do that." She sighs out, throwing herself on her bed and letting San deal with Jongho as he seems to be doing better than her.
" Do what? Get him to quiet down?" He questions, Y/N humming back at him in response. " I really don't know.. Maybe we formed a bond the minute he was born." He smugly says, causing Y/N to snort out in annoyence. " I'm his mother and I can't even get him to sleep, what kind of mother can't even put her baby to sleep." Y/N whispers out, face twisted in a frown when she talks about her lack of knowledge on her own flesh and blood.
San seems to notice her negative attitude towards herself, sitting himself down by Y/N's head, bringing his hand up and flicking her forehead. Y/N jumps up, bringing her hands up and wincing in pain as she begins to rub the red spot appering on her skin. " What was that for!!!" Y/N harshly whispers at him, glaring at him for his sudden action. " You don't give yourself enough credit." San tells her, Y/N saying huh in confusion.
" There's so many things that you do for this little guy. He finds so much comfort in you and you don’t seem to notice just how much you do for him. You're not a bad mother just because you can't seem to get him to sleep, it'll happen once in a while." San finishes off, patting Y/N's head as she listens to San compliment her. " How do you know what to say too! Like I swear it's like we've been together for years." Y/N whines out, causing San to blush at her words though she doesn't seem to notice as her eyes begin to drop.
" Go to sleep idiot, I can tell Jongho has been keeping you up and it's not healthy to deprive yourself of sleep." He says, getting up from the bed and pulling the covers off so that Y/N can slip in easier. " What about you? I can't just leave you to deal with Jongho all by yourself." Y/N slurs out, already feeling herself falling into a deep sleep.
" I'll wait till he's completely asleep, and then head out. Don't worry, I don't mind taking care of him at all." He says, although he doesn't think Y/N caught all of it as she seems to be out like light before he's able to finish talking. Shaking his head, he lets out a chuckle and turns his attention to Jongho currently knocked out on his chest. " You and your mommy are just alike huh? But still.. I wouldn't have it any other way." He whispers to Jongho, placing a small kiss on the baby's peach fuzz head.
Walking up to the crib next to the bed, he carefully places Jongho inside it then waits a couple minutes in case he suddenly wakes up crying. Once he knows that Jongho is not going to wake up, he walks towards Y/N and makes sure that she is comfortably tucked in. He softly tucks away some hairs behind her ear, showing her content expression, he feels his stomach burst with billions of butterflies. A loving smile appears on his face without him noticing, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead. " You are a great mother, but on the day's where everyhting doens't seem to work out.. I'll be there to pick you up." He whispers out, staring at Y/N for a couple more seconds before finally walkingout the room and towards the entrance, making usre that the door is properly locked he leaves the apartment with a happy smile on his face.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loud screaming coming from the hallway outside of San's and Yunho's room wakes him up, an annoyed expression coming upon his face when he realizes that it's Wooyoung and Mingi that are screaming their lungs out. Turning over his bed, he squints his eyes against the sunlight pouring in through the windows of his room. He can't really tell what time it is, so he decides to check his phone, the device laying on the floor next to his bed.
Grabbing the fully charged phone, he notices a message from his manager on their group chat, Hongjoong and Seonghwa having answered for the rest of the guys. No practice today, day off. Please, if you plan to go out wear face masks. Don't burn the dorm down and don't kill each other. We need everyone present for schedule. It reads, the rest of the guys apperantly already knowing from how loud they are at 8 in the morning.
Letting out a groan, San begins to wiggle himself out the bed before finally feeling his body drop on the cold wood floor. The covers that dropped on top of his body helping him feel some warmth as the bitter cold of the floor seeps into his pijama covered body. He stays on the floor for a couple minutes, listening to all the ruckus going on behind the bedroom door, occasionaly hearing Yeosang’s soft spoken voice and Seonghwa's scolding coming from further in the dorm towards the kitchen area.
Finally after what seems like an eternity, San reaches into the drawer next to his bed and begins to take out an outfit for the day, not sure if he should go for classy or more casual. He thinks about the various options he has to choose from, what's the point of dressing classy if I'm not doing anything big today. He thinks, moving aside various pairs of jeans and instead taking out a pair of joggers, along with a random t-shirt.
Standing up, he walks up Yunho's side of the room and takes his hat hanging from a hook connected to the wall. Quickly getting dressed, he walks up to the door and throws it open, standing face to face with Wooyoung and Mingi as they seem to stop their fighting. " Seonghwa-Hyung send us to wake you up but since you are already up then we should tell you that he plans on giving Yunho your breakfast if you don't hurry up." Mingi says, pushing Wooyoung's face away when the dancer begins to tickle the friendly giant.
Knowing that Seonghwa doesn't bluff, San pushes through them and runs towards the kitchen screaming Yunho's name as he sees the other giant taking small pieces from San's food. Running up to the middle island, he quickly snatches the bowl of food away from Yunho's prying hands, glaring at him when he notices that he was almost halfway done with the bowl. Grumbling under his breath, he begins to eat what is left of his food, missing the look of amusement Seonghwa is giving him, his lean but built body leaning against the kitchen countertop.
" What are you doing today?" Seonghwa asks San as he continues to wolf down his food, scrunching up his face in disgust from the way San seems to swallow his food all at once. San stays quiet for a couple seconds, giving Seonghwa's questions some thought. Where should I go today? Maybe I can go to the mall with some of the guys? But I want to see Y/N and Jongho again.. Last night was way to short, and I didn't even get to play with Jongho. San thinks to himself, so many things he could do today or how many hours of sleep he could finally get, all of them sounding amazing, but in the end it all comes down to one thing (or in his case 2 people).
" I'm gonna hang out with Y/N today." He says, struggling to get the words out with all the food stuffed inside his mouth. " Swallow your food before you choke, and didn't you see Y/N last night when we got out of pratice?" Seonghwa asks him, turning around and beginning to wash the mountain of dishes they used to make eachother breakfast that morning. Getting up from his chair, San scarffs down the last of his food before putting the plate in the sink, giving Seonghwa a sheepish smile when the older male gives him a nasty glare. " Barely, Jongho was up all night apperently and she couldn't put him to sleep, so I helped her and then a couple minutes after she fell asleep so I didn't really get to talk to her." Explains San, taking a glass cup from the cabinet over his head and filling it with the last bit of orange juice some of the guys left out.
" Poor Y/N, I can tell she's having a hard time adjusting to being a mother, but I'm glad you and Youngji are doing your best to help her." Yunho butts in, walking up to San and taking his glass from him, Seonghwa hums in agreement. " Yeah I agree with you. So If you are visiting Y/N, Don't forget to wear a face mask so people don’t recognize you and tell Y/N that we'll all visit her soon when we have another day off." Seonghwa says, taking the empty glass from Yunho and washing it before they decide to leave it there throughout the rest of the day.
Giving Seonghwa a thumbs up, San runs to his shared room and throws the door open, yelping in surprise when he notices Wooyoung chilling on his bed. " Hey Sannie! What are you doing today? I wanted to buy some new shoes but I don't want to go alone." Wooyoung says, taking one of San's plushies and hugging it close to himself as he watches San take out a pair of socks and shoving them on his feet. " Hey Woo, I actually have plans already. I'm gonna go see Y/N and Jongho since it was way too late last night and they were both tired." San tells him, walking over to his bed and grabbing his bookbag where his wallet and dorm keys are stashed away.
" That's cool, I'll probably ask Yeosang to come with me instead. Also I see you are climbing up the ladder slowly, but surely am I right." Wooyoung teases, giggling to himself as he sees the deadpan look San give him in return. " You deserve to get your phone thrown out the window for saying that." San mumbles out, busying himself with other things as he tries to ignore Wooyoung’s loud squeaky laugh.
" I'm just joking around! Plus what I said was true. I see that you are trying your hardest to get her to like you, and no offense with how much you are doing for her, it'll be pretty bogus if she doesn't choose you in the end." Wooyoung tells him, causing San to stop in his tracks and sigh out. " Whoever she chooses in the end, either way it won't stop me from loving her and doing whatever I can to get her to realize that I can treat her so much better." San finishes off, walking back to the door and exiting with a small wave directed to his loud but nonetheless amazing friend.
He hears Wooyoung yell out a goodbye, snickering to himself when he hears the oldest of the dorm scream at him to shut up. As he walks up to the main entrance he feels the piercing gaze of someone in the living room, chills crepping up his spine when the feeling of being stared at doesn't go away. Turning towards the living room entryway he scans his eyes around the area, his sharp eyes landing on Ateez's leader. The male staring at San with an unreadable expression on his face, fidgeting in his seat as if he is ready to jump off the couch any minute.
Deciding to ignore him, San walks up to the shoe rack and grabs his worn out adidas shoes, slipping them on without a hassle before grabbing his jacket and slipping it on. Digging in his pockets he takes out a black face mask and slips it on, arm reaching towards the handle before a very distraught voice screams out his name causing him to stop in his tracks. Turning around, the last thing he expects to see is a shaking Hongjoong deeply bowing his head to him, face practically almost touching the floor from how deeply he is bowing.
San stares at him in shock, turning towards the rest of the guys as they seemed to gone quiet the moment Hongjoong screamed San's name. He gives them a confused look, the guys shrugging their shoulders letting him know that they also don't know what's going on. " Uhhh... What are you doing?" Questions San, yelping out when Hongjoong suddenly stands back up rapidly. " Please take good care of them." Hongjoong's voice resonates throughout the dorm, everyone else quiet as they watch the scene in front of them.
San is about to question him, but instead gets cut off by Hongjoong's trembling voice. " Y/N and Jongho. I know my chance with Y/N ended when I decided to cheat, so I ask you to please take care of them for me. Jongho needs a good father to raise him, and Y/N needs a good man who will love her better than I could. That man is you." Hongjoong finishes off, harshly wiping away tears from his face as he holds intense eye contact with San. Walking up to him, San pulls Hongjoong in for a hug surprising not only the male currently being forced in a hug but the rest of the guys watching them from the living room and the hallway.
" Y/N already sees you as Jongho's father so don't give me all the credit. I will take good care of them, so you don't need to worry." San says, pulling away from him and patting him on the shoulder, Hongjoong giving him a small smile in thanks. Again turning around, he makes his way over to the door and opens it, yelling out a goodbye to the rest of the guys.
The walk to Youngji's apartment doesn't last that long, and before he knows it, he is standing in front of the same door he was standing in front of just last night. Knocking on it, he waits a couple minutes before the door creaks open, Y/N standing on the other side of it seemingly more awake than last night. They greet each other warmly, Y/N fully opening the door to let the idol in and then quickly closing it so that none of Youngji's neighbors come out of their apartments and try sneaking a look into her brothers.
" Where's Youngji? I noticed he wasn't here last night as well." San questions, walking up to the Jongho's cradling bouncer and picking him up, the new born snuggling onto his warm chest without a fuss. " He stayed at a friends house last night since he got out work late and he didn't want to risk waking Jongho up but as you can tell from last night, he wasn't exactly sleeping." Y/N answers back from her room, voice sounding muffled due to her room being all the way down the hall. She comes back dressed in a pair of black leggings and a loose maroon blouse, cooing to herself when she sees Jongho snuggling San's chest.
They both stand together in silence, Y/N drinking water from a glass cup while staring at San and her baby, San staring at Jongho with a loving look. Sensing her staring, San lifts up his head and stares right back at Y/N causing her to squeak in embarassment. She turns her head away, blushing bright red when she hears San let out a deep chuckle causing Jongho to wake up from his little nap. Y/N prepares herself for the loud cries of her baby to pierce the quiet setting of the apartment but instead stares in awe when she notices that he instead stares at San in wonder.
San makes faces at the baby, causing him to let out little giggles in amusement. Y/N can help but silently swoon at the sight in front of her, she can't help but think that San would make a great father someday. With that thought, her mind begins to drift to various other scenarios of which include San with his own child or better yet, Jongho calling him dad. She thinks back to that day in the hospital when Hongjoong called her out on her feelings for San, and she won't lie that what he said isn't true because it is. Ever since that day when Y/N found San on the dirt road with a sprained ankle, she began to develop feelings for the dimpled man.
All those times he would help her carry bags, bodies brushing against each other causing Y/N's heart rate to spike. She blamed it all on the pregnancy hormones but after her talk with Hongjoong she finally got some time to sit down and think, I really do like him. She is afraid though, the thought of being in a relationship scares her. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he decides to leave me for someone better? I can't even begin to imagine the pain I would feel if that were to happen again, and now I have a child. I can't be weak! I have to be strong for my baby. She thinks, turning her body away from the scene in front of her so that San won't be able to see her unhappy expression.
San seemed to sense her sudden attitude change, puts Jongho back on his bouncer then walks up to Y/N taking her soft hands in his own. " What's wrong?" He asks her, grabbing her chin and turning her face towards his so that she'll look at him instead. Knowing that she can't lie to save her life, she decided to fess up sighing out when she thinks about what he'll say to her.
" Do you... Do you think I could ever get back in a relationship with someone? Like do you think someone would be willing to date a single mother?" She questions, keeping her eyes down so that he won't see the doubt swimming in her eyes. " Who wouldn't want to be in a relationship with you? You are so amazing Y/N and you fail to see that, If someone doesn't want to be with you because you have an adorable, incredible baby then it's their loss!" San tells her, making sure to keep eye contact with her so she knows that he's telling the truth.
They stare into each others eyes for what seems like an eternity, both of them flushing in embarressment when they notice just how close their faces were. " You once told me you had a dream to have a family of your own. A loving husband and two kids that you could spoil the heck out of. Don't let that dream leave your mind just because Hongjoong cheated on you, It was his mistake not yours. Anyone would be lucky to have you.. I would be lucky to have you.." San whispers out the last bit, avoiding eye contact with Y/N as he rubs the back of his neck in nervousness.
He whips his head towards Y/N when her hears her let out a gasp, knowing that she probably heard what he said last. Y/N feels her head start to spin, body warming up when she replays San's words in her head, Don't let Hongjoong's actions affect your future Y/N! It's now or never! Y/N thinks to herself, fist curling up causing her knuckles to turn white.
" I.... I LIKE YOU SAN..." Y/N says, walking away right after so that if San rejects her she won't be able to see it. She failed to see the blush covering San's entire face, his ears and cheeks burning up from the shock and disbelief he was experiencing in that moment. He feels the way his heart is rapidly racing and he hopes that Y/N isn't able to hear how loud it is, but as he turns around he sees that she's distractic herself with Jongho, checking his diaper in case he needed to be changed even thought she had chaged him an hour ago.
He studies her for a couple seconds to see if what she said is true, and from the way she's acting extremely shy he can at least begin to think that YN might like him back. He begins to laugh quietly to himself, Y/N staring at him with wide eyes as his laughing progressively grows louder. Scurrying over to Y/N he pullls her in for a hug, Y/N having to steady herself as she's pratically lifted off the floor.
She feels San's big grin from where he shoved his face between her neck, letting out various giggles as he swings Y/N around making sure that he doesn't hurt her or Jongho by accident. " Do you mean it..?" He whispers out, placing Y/N back down on the ground and putting his hands on her waist as he waits for her to answer him. " I.. I do., I found out a couple days after I left the hospital. I was just to scared to tell you." She says, keeping eye contact with him as best as she can without getting flustered. " You don't have to be scared.. I won't ever hurt you or Jongho, I'll get the guys to beat me up if I ever do." San laughs out, reaching forwards and tucking some hairs behind Y/N's ear as he continues to gaze lovingly at her. " So does this mean you'll give me a chance..?" He continues, nervously playing with her hair as she looks between him and Jongho napping a couple feet away.
She remains quiet for a couple seconds before a smile begins to appear on her face, growing wider and wider as her grip around San grows tighter. ".. Yes.." She whispers out, bringing San in for a small kiss, pulling away when they hear Jongho begin to whine from the lack of attention. They both giggle out, San reaching down and placing another short kiss on Y/N's soft lips before pulling away and attending to his baby.
1 year and a couple months later....
San wakes to a sudden disturbance on the bed, quiet giggling following the sudden movements coming from the right side of the bed, where Y/N usually sleeps. Pulling the covers away from his face, he peeks his eyes over the side of the bed, spotting a small toddler trying to jump on the bed. Throwing the covers away from him, he quickly reaches his arms over and picks up the squealing toddler, throwing himself back into the warm bed with a giggling boy in his arms.
" Where's mommy?" San asks Jongho as he begins to tickle the squirming toddler, Jongho pointing at the hallway leading up to the main area of the apartment. Getting up from the bed, he scoops Jongho into his arms and exits the main room, making faces at Jongho as he walks towards the kitchen where Y/N is currently making breakfast. Putting Jongho down, the toddler runs up to his toys spraddled all over the living room floor. He walks up to an oblivious Y/N, swaying to a tune she's humming as she continues to cook some eggs and pancakes for breakfast.
He snakes his hands on her waist, pulling her up to his body as he gives her exposed shoulder a kiss. He feels Y/N jump and then shudder, the feeling of his lips on her exposed skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. Turning around Y/N slips her arms over his neck, hugging San close to her as he begins to pepper her face with kisses, they both turn their attention to Jongho when he screams out at them. Jongho runs up to San and begins to jump up and down, pounting his lips from the lack of attention he is getting.
Pulling away from Y/N, San leans down and picks up a whining Jongho, attacking him with kisses as well. Jongho begins to giggle again, throwing his hands up and pushing San's face away from his. " No daddy!" The toddler screams out, San's heart swelling with love when he hears Jongho call him dad. " Let's eat breakfast buddy." San tells him, walking up to the dining chair and placing Jongho in it.
He walks up to one of the cabinets and takes out two ceramic plates and a colorful plactic plate for Jongho, walking up to the stove and placing the food on the plates. He watches as Y/N fills up two glasses with orange juice, then filling Jongho's sippy cup with warm milk, the toddler greedily sipping from it. Both adults sit down to eat as well, San keeping close watch on Y/N as she begins to eat slowly. " Do you think it's a stomach bug? We did eat sushi the other day and I swear it tasted funny." San tells her, worried for his girlfriend who has been throwing up for the past week.
" Actually I know what it is." Y/N mumbles out, picking at her food as San looks at her in confusion. " Why don't you go check the drawer next to our bed. I have something for you in there." She tells him, watching as San hesitantly gets up and makes him way back to their shared bedroom. Y/N busy's herself with cleaning the food all over Jongho's face before hearing a shout come from their bedroom.
Thundering footsteps run back to the kitchen, San popping out from the corner holding 4 sticks in his hand. His face shows pure shock, mouth opening and closing like a fish, Jongho pointing at him and giggling in amusement. " Are you playing with me?!" San asks her, walking up to her and shoving the sticks on her face, she gives him a small smile and shakes her head. " I have an appointment next week to make sure, but no I'm not playing with you." Y/N tells him, taking the pregnancy tests from his hands and placing them on the kitchen counter.
" You're pregnant.." San breathes out, pulling Y/N towards him and placing one of his hands on her flat belly. Y/N nods at him, San finally letting his excitement show as he practically starts to jump around the kitchen. He hears Y/N and Jongho giggling together and he immediately turns towards the toddler and picks him up, spinning him around with him while telling him " You're gonna be a big brother Jongho! You're gonna have a brother or a sister." San excitedly tells him, Jongho cheering out even though he doesn't know what going on.
Walking up to Y/N he pulls her for a hug, Jongho stuck in the middle enjoying the hug both parents are giving him.
" Thank you.. Thank you for making me a father again, I love you." San whispers out, pulling in Y/N for a kiss placing a kiss on Jongho's head when he whines out. Y/N giggles to herself, giving Jongho a kiss as well then pulling San in for another.
" I love you.. I love our little family." She tells him, tearing up when she thinks about having another baby with San. San beams at her in return, content with life as he thinks to himself.
She had a dream to have a family of her own, A loving husband and two kids that she can spoils to no ends, and even though we are not married yet, I plan on making her mine forever soon. He thinks back to the velvet box carefully hidden under all his clothes. He can't wait to marry this girl, and live together in their own little house.
Their own little family...
#ateez#ateez angst#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#ateez reactions#kpop angst#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#ateez hongjoong#ateez seonghwa#ateez yunho#ateez yeosang#ateez san#ateez mingi#ateez wooyoung#ateez jongho#I Have A Dream
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The Art of Duelling.
Wooyoung x reader
Summery: Wooyoung struggles with casting spells, so the group and Yn teach him how to duel.
(Had to repost forbsome reason my post glitch out)
I sat in the library studying and writing down notes from the two books laying next to me, sitting infront of me was my friend Yeosang a ravenclaw student and next to him Hongjoon another ravenclaw student, the three of us studying for the upcoming O.W.L.S.
Hearing a loud commotion the three of us looked up at each other and turned to the door of the library, other students also looking over, Madam Pince sighed from where she was sitting, standing up and walking over to the door.
Noticing a squabble between two students the moment my eye locked on to Wooyoung's figure being punched in the face I rushed up running over, along with other students Yeosang and Hongjoon following me.
We stopped right next to Mingi and Yunho the two Hufflepuffs in our group of friends, Yunho shock his head as he was talking to Hongjoon, while Mingi was cheering on Wooyoung as he threw a punch at the other student.
I smacked Mingi on the arm glearing up at him, his bright smile fell as he looked down at me rubbing his arm pouting.
Madam Pince separated the two students, grabbing their collars of their uniform and walking towards Professor McGonagall office.
The student's started walking off back to what ever they were doing before, leaving a small group of students behind, Hongjoon, Yeosang, Yunho, Mingi and myself.
"So why was Wooyoung puching that kid?" Yeosang sighed rubbing his head already getting a headache.
Mingi just shrugged his shoulders not knowing but Yunho sighed gesturing us to go back in to the library, we sat back down on our table, Yunho and Mingi now joining us.
"We all know that Wooyoung isn't the best when it comes to duelling right?" He said we all nodded waiting for him to continue.
"That other student Chan, he started making fun of him for it, Woo lost it and went for him" Yunho said shrugging his shoulders picking up one of the books from the table looking through it.
Yeosang looked at me are eyes meeting both of us knowing that wasn't the whole story, we both nodded as the two of us packed up, saying goodbye to the guys we quickly left the library.
"You don't believe that's it do you, Woo must've been pushed over the edge for him to hit somone" I said as we walked down the corridors of Hogwarts arm in arm.
"Wooyoung has been acting a lot different recently, that's all I know, at Dinner tonight talk to him see if you can find out what's bothering him, yeah?" Yeosang asked me, I nodded as we made our way to my dorm.
Thanking him for walking me we waved goodbye as he walked off to look for Wooyoung, saying the password the door opened and I walked in.
Walking through the lounge I noticed Seonghwa reading on the sofa, I sat down beside him with a sigh, He quickly looked at me then put the book down facing me.
"And why are you sighing like that?, are you alright?" He asked I layed my head down on his shoulder, feeling him pat my head I told him what happen.
Seonghwa listened carefully to me nodding also getting worried about Wooyoung as well.
"I'm sure he'll tell you what's going on, if you or Yeosang doesn't know then no one knows, you'll be the first person he tells" he told me, I nodded agreeing but I feel like Wooyoung was pulling away from me and I honestly didn't know why.
I walked to the great hall for dinner Seonghwa by my side, he was telling me about one of the potions that Hongjoon got wrong earlier, laughing knowing he'll never live this down.
Getting to the table I noticed Wooyoung still wasn't here, but it was still early he could be running late, but then again he's never late when food is involved.
Sitting down I saw that Yeosang and Hongjoon was looking over at me giving me a thumbs up for courage, Yunho also nodded at me Mingi too busy eatting already but quickly smiled at me as Yunho elbowed him.
After a few minutes some more students came walking in to the hall noticing Wooyoung being one of the students.
As he was walking towards the table I saw the now big dark bruise on his cheek, a couple of student's seeing and started to whisper, Wooyoung hands turned in to fists from his anger.
Both Seonghwa and I glearing at the student's gossiping about Woo the students immediately shutting up as he sat down next to me.
Wooyoung faced the table not saying anything to either of us, looking over at Seonghwa he sighed going back to eating.
"Are you alright?" I asked but Wooyoung stayed quiet picking at the food on his plate, I grabbed Wooyoung chin gently and made him face me.
Wooyoung eyes widened in shock at the sudden contact between us but I didn't care, I was worried about him and I needed to know if he was truly alright.
Wooyoung tried to look back down but I kept my hand on him as I stroked his bruised cheek, he flinched away and I apologised quietly now letting go of his face.
"I'm here if you wanna talk, all of us are, you know that right?" I told him, he nodded slowly a very small smile as he looked back at me, but it didn't reach his eyes.
We all went back to eating now in a awkward silence, looking over at Yeosang I shock my head no, he nodded in understanding.
Yeosang POV
After dinner I quickly made my way over to Wooyoung stopping infront of him, he stopped raising an eyebrow at me.
"You mind if we talk?" I asked Wooyoung nodded as we walked out the hall together, I noticed Yn watching us with a sad look on her face as she walked off with San, Yunho and Mingi probably going back to the library to study before curfew. God knows Mingi needs it.
We endded up sitting up at the quiddich stands, the weather was alright a bit chilly but thankfully not to cold. I turned to look at Wooyoung as he was staring of out to space.
"Woo, what's gotten in to you lately, you can tell any of us right" I said Wooyoung sighed nodding his head.
"I know I've told San about it, but I have to tell the rest of you to and eventually Yn" he said I nodded giving him a reassuring smile.
"I'm in love with Yn, and since I've realised this I can't act normally anymore, and even worse Chan found out and he's been a jerk about it" he finally let out breathing a sigh of relief.
I sat there shocked not expecting him to say that, a huge smile spread across my face as I started laughing out of happiness for my friend.
"Dude tell her, like now and start dating" I told him Wooyoung shock his head panic showed on his face.
"No I'm not good enough, she's a pureblood while I'm muggleborn and I can't even Duel I have to resort into fist fighting because I'm crap with spells" Wooyoung said I nodded getting an idea.
"You know Yn doesn't care about that kind of stuff, and If it really bothers you about duelling then what if we teach you how to duel, we can practice in the forest, you me, Hongjoon, Seonghwa, Yunho, San, Mingi Jongho and Yn will help" I suggest Wooyoung sighed but nodded agreeingwith me.
The next morning I walked down to the lounge of the slytherin house seeing Wooyoung and Seonghwa talking, the moment they saw me they stopped talking.
"Morning Yn!" Wooyoung said a bright smile on his face smiling back at him eyeing Seonghwa who just smiled back, knowing that something has happened maybe Yeosang spoke to him.
"You two ready to go to breakfast?" Seonghwa asked we both nodded as we left the dorm making our way to the great hall.
"Morning guys, Wooyoung you ready for your first lesson today?" Yeosang said smiling at him, Wooyoung nodded his head looking a bit nervous.
"What lesson?" I asked looking between the two Yeosang looked at Wooyoung crossing his arms, "you didn't tell her did you" he said Wooyoung shock hos head no.
"We as in all of us are going to be teaching Wooyoung how to duel, you in?" Yeosang said I looked at Wooyoung as he looked sheepishly down at the floor.
"Of course, but why do you want to learn now?" I asked Wooyoung shrugged at me scratching the back of his neck.
"So after breakfast we've decided to meet at the forest got it" we all nodded as we left to our separate tables.
Seonghwa and Wooyoung went off to the forest first along with Hongjoon, San and Jongho, I sat still on the table Yeosang walking over from his table to sit nect to me.
"Are you alright?" Yeosang asked as I drank the last of my water, nodding I stood up ready to leave, Yeosang stood calling over Yunho and Mingi as we all left the great hall.
As we were walking through the castle grounds making are way pass the grasslands Mingi and Yunho giggling about something from behind us.
"Incarcerous" I heard quickly turning around Yeosang moved quickly as I felt my ankles lock together, falling over I looked up at Mingi and Yunho.
"Really!" I yelled, as the two laughed so much they both fell to the floor, Yeosang untied my ankles helping me up, the two stopped laughing as Mingi quickly ran past me.
"Mingi get back here!" I yelled running after him, Yeosang and Yunho running after us.
Mingi got to the rest of the guys waiting for us, he ran behind Seonghwa as I stopped still glaring at him.
"I'm sorry" Mingi said to me peaking behind Seonghwa, the rest of the guys looking between us.
"Would it make you feel better if we told you that spell was for Yeosang" Yunho said running up to us, that just made Yeosang smack Yunho on the shoulder.
"Wait this is good, Yn, Mingi duel eachother, so Wooyoung can watch" Yeosang said grabbing Mingi arm and pulling him away from Seonghwa.
"Your just saying that because you know she's going to win and both of you get revenge" Mingi pouted arms crossing.
"Precisely and it helps Wooyoung" Yeosang said everyone nodded agreeing with Yeosang, I grabbed my wand from my pocket, ready to duel.
Mingi gulped grabbing his wand the both of us facing back to back walking then turning around aiming wands at eachother.
My charm hit him first as Mingi flue across the floor landing on his back with a thud.
The group burst out laughing as Mingi slowly stood up rubbing his back he grimaces at me as I chuckled.
"Well that was fun, now let's get to the studying" Hongjoon said the group defeated at that.
"Now you've got three different types of spells sneak, aggressive and defensive got it now, sneak spells out spell defensive spells, defensive spells out spell aggressive spells, aggressive spells out spell sneak spells, right" Hongjoon told Wooyoung who looked confused.
"I think you've confused him, Hongjoon" San said laughing at Wooyoung's face while he sat down on the grass.
"I think everyone is confused from that explanation" Jongho said eyebrows knitted together, Mingi and Yunho both nodded in agreement also confused.
"Anyway I want you to name any Defensive spells go!" Hongjoon said as he turned to Wooyoung.
"Um the Wiggenweld potion-" Wooyoung started but Hongjoon quickly stopped him holding up a hand.
"Can you make that?" He asked Wooyoung thought for a second then shock his head "No" he said.
"Then forget about it, carry on" Hongjoon told him Wooyoung nodded thinking again.
"Episkey, Petrificus totalus, Bombarda, Incarcerous" he named checking them off with his finger. I sat down next to San he turned to me showing a flower crown he just made.
I laughed as he put it on his head posing and batting his eyes, Jongho rolled his eyes at San being silly, while Yunho and Mingi were throwing grass at eachother and Seonghwa trying to stop them.
"Don't forget the Meteolojinx" Yeosang told Wooyoung, San butted in "Or the Bewitched sleep spell" he said flower crown still on his head.
"Not to mention the Waddiwasi and Levicorpus spells" I piped up, Wooyoung nodded at me.
"And the Slugulus eructo spell" Mingi yelled as he picked up some more grass but getting his hand slapped by Seonghwa.
"Ew gross!, I would never use that spell on anyone" I said fake gagging, San laughed "Yeah right I'm sure you would" San said pushing me over the two of us getting in to a giggle fit, I was still laying on the floor as San layed on top of me still laughing.
Not noticing how everyone was watching us or that Wooyoung was now glearing at San.
"Tell me the sneak spells that you know" Yeosang said distracting Wooyoung for the moment.
"Um right there's, Rictusempra, Flipendo, Immobuius, Diffindo, Impedimenta, Giant dungbomb."Wooyoung once again listing off the ones he knows.
"You forgot the Melofors jinx and the Ebublio jinx" Seonghwa mention to him, Hongjoon nodded "And the Flagrante" he reminded.
"Now my favourite Aggressive spells" Jongho said grinning at us, I side eyed San as we both scooted away from him.
"Expelliarmus, Incendio, Depulso, Confringo, Stupefy, Obscuro and Relashio" Wooyoung nodded looking at everyone making sure he didn't forget any, which he did.
"The Leek jinx and the Bat bogey hex are some others" Yunho told him not paying attention still, "And Anteoculatia" Jongho said now laying on the floor staring at the sky.
"Right now try some spells on Mingi" Hongjoon said Mingi flinched while we all laughed "Not fair" Mingi whined at Hongjoon.
"I'm just joking, not really get up" Hongjoon said Mingi sighed standing up and walking infront of Wooyoung.
"Please go easy on me" Mingi pouted to Wooyoung, his high pitch laugh fild the forest as we all laughed along with him, except Mingi himself.
"Stupefy!" Wooyoung yelled poining his wand at Mingi, Mingi stood there hugging himself eyes squeezed closed ready for impact from the spell.
Mingi slowly opened one eye peeking from his hands as nothing happened, we all frowned at Wooyoung.
"I can't do it" Wooyoung said sighing falling to the floor in defeat wand laying by his side, he covered his face with his hands and the sound of crying could be heard.
I quickly ran over to him hugging him from the side, rubbing his back in comfort whispering encouragement in his ear.
Wooyoung thankfully stopped crying as he looked up at me smiling, I stocked hos hair as he leaned in to me his arms wrapping around my waist.
"You'll get there Woo, everyone has trouble with something" San said walking up to him and patting his shoulder.
"We won't stop helping you, not until you can duel with confidence" Yeosang said we all nodded at him.
"Thanks guys" he said as we all stood up heading back to school as it was near lunch.
It had been a whole month with helping Wooyoung out with duelling and he was starting to get so much better.
Hongjoong said that a couple more lesson and Woo would be ready for a real duel, if someone challenged him.
I was walking to the forest with Hongjoon, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San and Jongho, Wooyoung and Mingi were already at the forest waiting for us.
We stopped hearing someone screaming from the forest, a few seconds later and Wooyoung came sceaming out his wand in hand running towards us.
"MINGI SET THE BLOODY FOREST ON FIRE!!!!" He yelled grabbing my hand and ran off in the other direction dragging me with him.
Looking back I saw the group looking utterly confused and Hongjoon and Yeosang running to the forest, wands now in hand.
Mingi came out running a few seconds later as well as he ran up to the group.
"I DIDN'T MEAN TOO!" He yelled panicking, I dug my feet in to the ground stopping Wooyoung as he turned around looking at me.
"Yn we got to go you could get hurt, I'm not letting up get hurt on my watch" he told me painc in his eyes.
"Woo, what spell did Mingi use?" I asked putting my hand on his chest my other hand still being held by him.
"The spell was Incendio" he told me squeezing my hand, I smiled softly at him shaking my head.
"Woo that spell isn't too dangerous it doesn't hurt and it's controlled, if he said Fiendfyre then that's when you have to run" I told him my hand moving up his neck and to his cheek.
"Ooh" was all he said as a light blush appeared on his face, he looked down at me smiling embarrassed after the new information.
I could feel us getting closer are lips inches away from each other, Wooyoung other hand placed on my waist pulling me closer, if we could get any closer that is.
The moment was ruined as we were both pushed apart from Mingi as he ran passed us still screaming.
"Mingi!" Wooyoung yelled anger in his voice glearing at the fading fugue running to the school.
"Wooh, what happened here" San asked smirking between the two of us, Wooyoung rubbed his neck laughing while I rubbed my arm biting my lip.
"Nothing" we both said at the same time, I looked over at Woo and caught his eyes so I quickly looked away getting embarrassed about the situation.
"So what's the plan?" I asked looking around the group making sure not to look over at Wooyoung.
"Up to Wooyoung, the forest fire was a false alarm we can carry on with the lesson or do it tomorrow" Hongjoon said a quick glear in Mingi direction he ran off too.
"Let's do the lesson, you said so yourself that I'm close" he said getting excited, we all smiled nodding heading back to the forest.
"Actually Yn do you mind finding Mingi, just make sure his alright and not causing a disturbance for anyone" Yeosang asked me.
I stopped looking at Yeosang as the group carried on walking having not heard Yeosang.
"What why can't Yunho do it or Jongho or-" I was interrupted by Yeosang placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Your the best at calming people down, you just did it for Wooyoung" he told me I side looking down at the ground.
"Yeah but Woo is-" I stopped not knowing exactly what to say, "Wooyoung is what?" Yeosang asked a smirk raising on his face.
"Fine! I'll got find Mingi" I said slapping his hand away from my shoulder and storming off to the school.
It had been a few days now and I haven't been helping Wooyoung with his lesson, not that I didn't want to more like the rest of the guys told me not to come.
It wasn't in a bad way though but I do find it a bit lonely, now realising that beside the group I have no other friends.
I was so lost in thought that I bumped in to someone knocking me over and my books flying everywhere, I quickly grabbed my books together.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" the person spoke I looked up at the guy noticing that he was the guy that punch Wooyoung a few weeks ago.
"Uh no, it fine my fault" I said trying to get away from him, Chan stood infront on me stopped me from leaving.
"You're yn right, Wooyoung friend though I haven't seen you with him for a few day now, everything alright" he said I was just about to say something when the guys walked around the corner.
"What the hell do you want chan" Wooyoung spat walking infront of me holding up an arm like he was trying to protect me.
"Just having a little chat with yn" he said smirking at Wooyoung, Yeosang then walked up to us pushing me towards Seonghwa and San.
San put his arm around me while Seonghwa stood infront of me to keep me from seeing what was happening.
"Fine then you think you can beat me in a duel you mudblood" I heard Chan say to Wooyoung, my blood started to boil at what he call Woo.
"Oh it will be my pleasure to beat you" Wooyoung said grabbing his wand aiming it at Chan, Yeosang moved away from them standing next to Seonghwa
He quickly looked back at me to see if I was okay, I gave him a quick nood. More students gathered around them to watch.
Chan chuckled as he got out his wand, the two didn't do the traditional starns both just standing there aiming there wand at one another.
"Stupefy" Chan quickly yelled stepping one foot forward as a red light beamed out of his wand.
"Petrificus totalus" Wooyoung yelled a purple light beaming out of his wand, since Chan used an Aggressive spell Wooyoung countered it by using a Defensive spells.
The purple beam wrapped around Chan's body locking it in place as he fell to the floor, the whole hall way erupted in cheers, I clapped so proud of Wooyoung.
He turned back high fiving the guys San ran up hugging him leaving me the closest to Chan.
"Worthless, pathetic Mudblood" he said raising his wand to the back of Wooyoung while he wasn't looking, I quickly ran infront of him grabbing my wand.
"Slugulus eructo" I yelled aiming my wand at Chan, thankfully he was to slow to say anything so my spell hit him knocking him back down.
Everyone watched in disgust as Chan started throwing up slugs, he quickly ran off, probably to the hospital wing.
I turned around seeing the guys all staring at me with the biggest smiles I've ever seen on them.
"What, he was going cast a spell while Woo wasn't looking, that's not in the hand book" I told them shrugged putting my wand back in my pocket.
"I thought you said you'd never use that spell on anyone?" Jongho asked raising a brow while San nodded.
"There are some exceptions" I told them by now it was only us in the corridor, and the guys laughed their butts off.
Wooyoung suddenly ran up to me, picking me up and spinning me around as he laughed at what I did to Chan.
"Thank you yn, that was amazing" he said still laughing about the ordeal, I giggled along with him.
"I wasn't going to just stand there and let him hit you with god knows what am I" I told him, Wooyoung just smiled at me his hands still around my waist.
He lifted up his right hand and brushed a bit of hair out of my face, hand staying at my cheek.
"JUST KISS ALREADY!!!" was yelled by all seven of the guys, we both looked over to them glearing, they all laughed then ran off down the hall leaving Wooyoung and I alone.
"I can't believe them sometimes" I whispered under my breath shacking my head at the group of idiots that are known as my friends.
"Can I kiss you" Wooyoung asked me, I looked up at him shocked that he would even ask something like that, but my heart took over my brain and just nodded.
Wooyoung smiled as he leaned down slowly our lips getting closer by the second, I closed my eyes leaning up to meet his lips.
The moment our lips touched it was soft gentle, but the kiss got a lot deeper quickly almost like he was hungry for more, and I wasn't complaining.
My hands wrapped around his neck pulling him closer, his hands found there way around my waist our body's pressed up against one another.
We moved apart still being wrapped up in eachothers arms I looked up in to Wooyoung's eyes getting lost in them as he stared back.
"I love you Yn, I know I'm not good enough and that I'm mugglebord but-" I put a finger to his lips shuting him up, I didn't like him talking that way about himself.
"I love you too Woo, and I don't care if your muggleborn you've been my friend for years you know I care about personality more then anything, and you've got the best, your sweet, kind, caring, your amazing at pranks your smart and your funny, and I'm so proud of you for learning how to duel" I told him.
Wooyoung smiled again leaning his head against mine, a tear slipped down his cheek and I quickly whipped it away.
"Yn, you make me so happy, I'm going to marry you someday that's a promise" he said I laughed at that kissing his cheek.
"Wooh wooh wooh, hold up there, you two have just had your first kiss and your already talking about marriage?" San said walking up to us with the group.
"Not on my watch" Seonghwa said crossing his arms but a soft smile on his face, I hid my face in Wooyoung neck not wanting to see or hear the teasing.
"Yeah next they'll be talking about kids" Yunho said laughing, I felt my face blush at that, I looked up glearing at Yunho but thankfully Seonghwa smacked the back of his head.
"So are you two finally official?" Yeosang asked looking between us, the guys waited patiently for one of us to speak, I looked up a Woo and he quickly pecked my lips.
"We're official!" He yelled laughing squeezing me tighter to him, I chuckled along with him as the group cheered happy to see us finally together.
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