#I can't believe I'm calling myself Comabur
Okay that's it I NEED to gush about my c! Wilbur timeline under the cut because it's so canon divergent but my memories are so so vivid I gotta gush somewhere
Man I haven't had a kin with mems this vivid in a while so it feels weird but here we go!
Leading up to the war with Pogtopia, I was like most other Aliveburs, and p canon compliant. Philza was my dad, Tommy was my younger brother, and Techno was my twin but only older by like, five minutes. I don't know how he got so much more of the Piglin traits than I did(I remember having pointy ears tho) but... Fratenal twins I guess lol. We were close as kids, but kinda grew apart when we got older. He went off to do his own thing, I stuck around with Tommy. I missed Techno and Phil a lot in early DSMP days. But I had Tommy! Tubbo was sorta like a little brother but moreso in the "hey this is my little bro's best friend so he's over for dinner all the time" way than the "guess I have another sibling" way.
Don't have much to say on the L'manburg revolution or the election arc or anything, those were pretty much just lined up with canon.
Pogtopia arc though... Whew. Here we go. Tommy and I got exiled, we fled to our ravine, yadda yadda it followed canon. I'll admit, I quickly fell into my paranoia and delusions. I think I was alone with my thoughts for too long, and with everything Schlatt was doing and such a delicate balance on the people of Manburg being with us or against us, especially after Eret betrayed us in the past, I just. I couldn't trust anyone. Except maybe Tommy, he was my lifeline of sorts, and especially when he called Technoblade. Having Tommy and Techno really grounded me: helped me remember that I was fighting for the people I care about, not just some presidency.
And then. Well. Techno and I were talking about Manburg's destruction, Tommy was more against it but still wanted to help take Schlatt down and get Tubbo back. But Techno and I started preparing for the worst. That's when I met with Dream about the TNT thing.
Now Dream kinnies, ily, but you might wanna skip this paragraph because I'm gonna rant about my Dream for a lil bit. Not you, you're valid and I love you lots, but this is a rant against my Dream. He wasn't just going to give his TNT to me for nothing, he needed something in return. So we went back to a temporary base he set up and did our deal there. He made me sit down in a chair, bound my wrists and ankles, and made me watch... something. It was almost like a TV screen? I don't know what it was, but it took a hold of my consciousness. Whatever this was, it was hypnotism. I don't remember much about it, Dream tried to make sure I'd forget, but I remember Dream using hypnosis to plant this idea in my head that I was the villain of the story. That no matter what I had to destory Manburg because thats what a villain would do. I. Really hate him for that. He just used me. But what's done was done, he gave me my TNT and sent me back to Pogtopia.
You know where the story goes from there- my corruption, the war on Manburg, Schlatt's death... and me blowing it sky high. I remember Philza shielding us with his wings. I missed Philza so much. But I couldn't get over the hypnosis I was under. I was still the villain, and heroes have to slay the villains, right? Philza stabbed me, and he held me... and then he was gone.
Now uh... Hehe, serious canon divergence time...
I didn't die. I don't know how I didn't, but I didn't. I remember waking up in a cold room on a single bed, no windows. Couldn't leave because it was an iron door. My chest was bandaged up, and it ached like hell. Eventually someone came in, someone new: Ranboo. He kinda freezes and goes "Oh. You're awake. Uh." And just leaves and shuts the door behind him.
Shortly thereafter, Tubbo and Quackity came in. We started talking(as much as we could, I had trouble staying awake for long) about what happened. Big Q found me while going through the rubble, and realized I was still breathing, so they brought me to a secret room under L'manburg. I was in a coma, for at least a few weeks, I don't remember the exact time. I lost a lot of blood, I was very pale... and I think it messed with my brain. I couldn't really.... remember anything in the weeks leading up to the war: my exile, my hypnosis, my unfinished symphony, none of it. They looked... unsure of what to do with me. Tbh looking back I don't blame them, I did a LOT of crime. But they decided to keep me in this room for now. They didn't tell Tommy or Philza or any of them yet. Apparently only Tubbo Quackity and eventually Ranboo knew about me.
One day though, I was sleeping when I feel someone shake my shoulder. I wake up and I realize it's Dream. I ask what he's doing here and he goes "It's time to go, Wilbur." And I don't really know what to do, but I take his hand and start following him out of the building and back to the surface. They were setting up for Techno's execution. Dream sent Punz in to distract the Butcher Army, but I call out for Techno. His eyes lock with mine and I've never seen him look like that before. Such- genuine confusion and relief? Looking back, I can see why. He must've thought he was seeing a ghost(hehe ghostbur kinnies I love you)
The anvil drops, and Techno lives thanks to his totem, but before I can call out to him again Dream grabs me and starts running off with me. I think Techno saw us because he yelled for me and ran after us. Dream took us down a random tunnel and let Techno follow, because once they got far enough from the fray, Dream just... shoved me to Techno and walked away without saying anything else. Before we could really do much else, Quackity showed up. He was confused that Techno lived, he was mad that Dream just helped him, and he was furious that Techno had me. Techno made sure he was between Quackity and I and they both fought, Big Q losing a canon life(sorry Quackity kinnies ily!!!)
Techno then just grabbed me and ran. He lead me back to his house and we had a long, long conversation about what happened. I missed him so much.
I'm still piecing together memories post-execution, but I know I spent a lot of time with Techno after that, including when Tommy was with us.
I'd try to remember more but I just realized how long this post got OOPS anyways if u read all this thank u, I just needed to share my Comabur timeline
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