#I can seriously understand Kaiba's motivations now
fortune-maiden · 7 years
Oh no...
Duel Links is highly addicting o_o”
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YGO Protagonists
*Oldest brother... Literal dad
*Is very protective over the rest of them
*Seriously don't touch a hair on their heads because you will lose your soul.
*He totally has Kaiba on Speed dial and calls him over the dumbest things to get a rise out of him (but they are friendly?( Seto would also murder you dead if you hurt these munchkins he just won't admit it... (I will not apologise for this)
*Does not understand memes (mee mee's?) but tells dad puns for days.
*Always gives compliments and gives great life/dueling advice to the rest (puts a hand on their shoulders with that knowing and proud look).
*Will spend hours bragging about how far Judai's come, how smart and talented Yusei and Yusaku, how Yuya and Yuga created original dualing rules, how Yugi is awesome. He will tell anyone and everyone (they all secretly love it)
Yugi Mouto:
*Younger older brother? (identical twins but younger of the two)
*Super optimistic, always there to lend a hand and is very pacifistic... but will throw hands if the situation requires and without hesitation.
*Has Kaibaman in his deck to spite Kaiba (it works every time)
*Yes it can pierce a wall... It was for science.
*Usually the one to help escalate the chaos, and than pretends to have no idea why the house is upside down... And on fire... And the fire is green.
*Is the only one other than Atem to get Yusei to go to sleep.
*He loves puzzles, telling riddles and leaving little clues around the house for the others to solve (and they always get a present even if they get it wrong because they tried.)
*Doesn't see anything wrong with his fashion sense.
Judai Yuki:
*Problem child 1, needs a hug
*Memelord, will constantly troll Atem with movie references, and anything he can think of. (Yes he does quote the star wars prequels during duals.)
*Yubel makes sure he's looking after himself and has woven their way into the family. They and Astral have fun conversations. (Pharaoh the cat gets on very well with Atem... Werid.)
*Either he's happy, outgoing and herding the younger kids into various pranks. Rounding up Yuya, Yuma, Yuga and Yugi into his antics, (we don't speak of the Eggwitch incident). Sometimes he manages to drag Yusaku in to join them, giving them all a part to play and praising their efforts (they haven't been caught)
*OR he's depressed, haunted and full of guilt. He finds comfort by spending time with the others, hating being on his own. Everyone even those fairly reserved pick up on his mood and direct him to different tasks. Especially with Yuya, both of them can talk for hours about what ifs, shoulds and shouldn'ts.
*Favourite non dualing activity is helping Yusei to bake, he has burned many a cookie but he loves icing cakes.
*Very protective, will tap into the power of the Supreme King and Yubels abilities sometimes as unconsciously when one of the others are upset, or he's pushed into a corner.
Yusei Fudo:
*Oldest after the twins, literal mum
*Can't take care of himself to save his life but cares deeply for the others. Packing them lunches, helping them with school work etc.
*Takes Yusaku under his wing as soon as he sees his tech skills, both of them stay up for hours working on projects until Yugi scolds them at 4 am.
*Always half asleep, covered in oil and holding a cup of coffee (no he doesn't have a problem.) He mumbles codes and always seems to fall asleep holding a wrench.
*Usually he's accompanied by Yuga or Yusaku, either sitting and asking questions about their projects or working on a shared on/Yusaku's own stuff. He doesn't like working alone so it works out.
*Can do the "Mum look" and it has stopped the Supreme King, Dark Zexal and Zarc in their tracks.
*Card games on Motorcycles...having his bike borrowed by the little ones who want to play a card game on a bike but aren't old enough or know how to drive.
*Likes to bake, learned from Martha to give the others birthday treats and finds it fun.
*Claims he can never get sick... Liar.
Yusaku Fujiki
*Problem child 2 (all problem children need hugs and therapy, Kaiba get your wallet)
*Tried to stay closed off from the others but finds he enjoys their company and their antics.
*He has a Metapod hoodie that Yuya won at a carnival and gifted him. He wears it all the time, its cosy.
*Pretty Awkward, very cold sometimes without meaning it but somehow there all able to understand what he means without getting upset or offended.
*He spends hours working on projects with Yusei, neither talk much and it's a comfortable silence. Yuga often accompanies them, full of questions and joy and he enjoys sharing his work.
*Prefers to watch the others dual than to dual himself, absorbing the strategies and while he doesn't quite understand their motives... He finds himself smiling at Yuya's shows, wondering what he means with his smiling routine.
*Offhandedly told Kaiba that he fixed some holes in his security system. Kaiba went on a firing spree (yes with his firing people coat) and his was promptly hired. He actually enjoys it, and is now Kaiba's favourite brat.
*Also... The missing persons list is growing after Yusaku finally opened up about his past.... Werid.
Yuya Sakaki
*Problem child 3 (see above)
*Smiles go for miles
*Finds a lot of comfort from the others. The first time he let slip about Zarc, Judai was right there with his glowing green/orange eyes and they bonded instantly.
*He tries to only dual for entertainment and fun but that can't always be the case, though it really rattles him up afterwards. Do not make him mad in a dual if you value your life.
*Plays a lot with Yuma and Yuga, as the oldest of the trio he tries to set an example... He never said it was a good one....hes part of Zarc.
*He always has a game, an idea and the others will always be his faithful audience. He's made real solid dualing into an art, Atem and Judai have made his monsters real at times without the need for the tech (it was beautiful)
*Starts the appreciate Dragons Fanclub with Yusei and Kaiba.
*Yes to capes (Sorry Edna)
*Fusion dimension isn't available at the moment... Or the forceable future.
Yuma Tsukumo
*Second youngest, space boy
*Atem gives him advice and praises every one of his duals even he loses, teaching him that every one can be used as a step towards success.
*Astral befriends Yubel, and often makes remarks at the Zarc fragments, he and Yuuri get on the others nerve.
*He spends most of his time with Yuya and Yuga, either dualing, watching Yuya dualtain or pranking. He started their lengendary prank war against Judai and Yugi...(Yusei was out of the house for a week and Atem gave up). It was a battle for the ages.
*He does worry at times that he's so behind the others skill's levels but as he gets closer to them it matters less. He cheers on every one of them, bragging about how cool they are.
*He takes up other hobbies, baking, cooking, and dragging everyone into family game nights. Which all end fine and do not result in a pissed of Zarc threathing Wario before kicking his switch out of a window... Nope absolutely not.
*Has a constellation book.
*Likes using big words he doesn't know the meaning off. And than trying and failing to convince everyone he knows exactly what he just said without googling it... While Astral facepalms, definitely picked it up from Yusei.
Yuga Ohda
*Tiny baby
*Yugi picked him up once and everyone starting to sing "it's the circle of life."
*He loves watching Yusei and Yasuke work, because they answer his questions properly and look at his inventions with respect and a critical but kind eye. They slowly teach him his to improve and it shows in his work.
*All of them were interested in his Rush duals and listen to him explain, finding it interesting and another new way to play.
*Yuya teaches him how to dualtain, both of them putting on hippo-tastic shows for their friends and loved ones. Fulfilling their goals to have fun.
*He steals everyone's hoodies and jackets, doesn't care how big they are he will steal them and wear them. And look adorable despite his argument that he isn't.
*Everyone is the most protective of him as he's the youngest and while he's touched, he's super protective over them and offers himself as a cuddle buddy whenever anyone has nightmares.
And there all one big crazy family
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deejadabbles · 5 years
NSFW Alphabet headcanons: Yugi and Atem
I’ve been a big fan of the smutty alphabet headcanon list for a long time now and I miss doing headcanons for characters, so I figured, why not make them for my cardgame boys! Then I figured, why not share them! 
I wrote these with a reader-insert theme in mind, but honestly, my opinions wouldn't change dependant on a ship so if you don’t mind the wording sometimes specifying ‘you’ instead of an ambiguous S/O, you might also check these out with a ship in mind! Hope you guys like them, I did Atem first and Yugi’s are after~
Warning: this is very NSFW and I word things pretty explicitly at times...I have like, no shame...
Note: I didn’t really have a specific ‘version’ of Atem in mind when writing these (as in, if we’re talking about Pharaoh Atem, or Yami), but I make the occasional reference to modern things, so just imagine a post canon AU where he has his own body in modern times whenever I mention something like dildos. (That’s right, not even a hundred words in and I already said dildo, just so you know what you’re getting into here lol)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Honestly, I think Atem would like the aftercare almost as much as the actual sex. He sees it as a way to show his partner that he can be caring and loving and he likes being able to express himself that way. He’ll pull you close, run his fingertips lightly over your skin, and place languid kisses on the top of your head or over your face while both of you bask in the afterglow of making love.
B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners)
His own favorite body part, while it sounds kinda cheesy, are his eyes. The only people who ever commented on them, instead of his lean muscles, are his romantic partners so he thinks of his eyes as being a very intimate, romantic part of his body.
His favorite part of his partners would be their neck. He likes how erotic kissing and biting it can be, but also likes to just rest his head there. It looks nice when you put jewelry on it, it’s the place you put fragrance on, it’s just an appealing body part to him in general.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
For the most part he doesn’t like making a mess, so will prefer to cum inside of his partner or in a condom. If he’s being honest with himself, he prefers to release inside them because it gives him this very primal rush to know he’s filling them up. But he understands if his partner wants him to wear a condom and will go with their wishes.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
For some reason, I could see him having very vivid sex dreams about his crush before they got together. Like, he’d wake up and be a heated, panting, confused mess the first time it happened, but would quickly push it to the back of his mind and act like it never happened. He’s mostly in denial because he feels guilty for it, like he’s violated them somehow even though rationally he knows he can’t control what he dreams. He manages to keep his cool around them next time he talks to them. But then the dream(s) starts playing in the back of his head while they’re talking and he suddenly wants to throw himself into the shadow realm he’s so secretly embarrassed. Poor thing, someone help him.
PS if this happened while Yugi and Atem shared a body (does he dream inside the puzzle???) you bet your butt that Yugi knows about it and is chuckling in the background at his distress.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Okay so, I headcanon Atem as Demisexual, as in, he really doesn’t feel sexual attraction to someone until an emotional bond is established with them. That being said I could see him still being very curious about sexual/intimate things, especially when he was a prince and young pharaoh. Sexual exploration and sex before marriage wasn’t really taboo in ancient Egypt so there wouldn’t even be a social stigma prohibiting him from fooling around. That, along with the fact that he was young and attractive and probably had dancers, prostitutes (cos that was also something that was legit and cool in most dynasties), and servants throwing themselves at him all the time... Yeah I could see him having a sexual encounter or two to satisfy his curiosity, but, ultimately figures out that he prefers a strong, emotional bond with his lovers. Also, he’s a fast learner so don’t think lack of experience means anything *wink wink*
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Likes to pin you to the wall or headboard of the bed. Actually, he likes pinning you to pretty much any surface, as long as he can feel your body pressed against his and keeps your face in view, he’ll be pleased. He also likes any position that allows for a lot of skin on skin contact, he just loves feeling you against him.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s pretty serious. He puts a lot of effort and attention into his lovemaking and wants his partner to be completely satisfied. Good thing is that all that seriousness really just translates into passion~
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Ancient Egyptians, especially royalty, were a well-groomed lot, so he keeps things nice a tidy down there. You’d be hard pressed to see him go more than five days without shaving everything below that leather belt. Now the real question, that I want to pass on to all of you, is do YOU think the carpet match the drapes with him and Yugi??? I mean, could you imagine the color scheme of that hair down there????
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment)
Passion incarnate. As I said above he puts his all into his lovemaking and wants him and his lover to get everything they want out of the experience. Can also easily be very romantic depending on the mood/occasion but I think that usually just goes hand in hand with how passionate he is.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
Isn’t one to indulge in self-pleasure all too often. Not because he thinks there’s anything wrong with it or anything, he just doesn’t get the urge to that much. When he does rub one out it’s usually just a way to help relax after a long day.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He’s willing to try stuff you’re into for sure, but he himself would mostly be into some bondage with leather straps, sensory deprivation, and marking/love bites. He’s especially a fan of sensory deprivation, because it’s all about heightening the pleasures of touch to the highest level; and the trust it takes to let someone do that is a big turn on for him. Now, who’s getting tied up or marked with love bites? That just depends on the mood. For a guy who’s so in control and is a literal king, he doesn’t mind handing the ‘power’ over to you in the bedroom once a certain level of trust has been reached.
But there’s something else that’s been on my mind awhile...
Okay, I’m going to get real deep on you guys, so bear with me a moment. I think Atem would have a bit of a punishment kink. As in, him being punished by his lover. Hear me out! So if we’re talking about a post-canon Atem, I think he has a lot of guilt over how brutal and merciless he was at the beginning of the series, when he was first awoken from the puzzle. At worst if you go from the manga/season zero, he literally killed people, at best if you just go with the regular anime, he was willing to throw Kaiba off a castle wall without much thought. Yes, his compassion slowly came back to him, but I think he’d still have a lot of unresolved feelings, mostly guilt, surrounding that bloodsoaked period of his past. Then if we’re just talking about Pharaoh Atem, he’d not only have the general stresses of ruling a kingdom, but one of his duties is to personally sentence criminals, his own citizens, to very firm and harsh fates. So either way, I think he’d have some pent up guilt, and if he had a lover who he trusted...well...I think he’d get some deep, intense relief from letting them “punish” him. He may not even tell them exactly why he likes to be tied up and teased until he begs for forgiveness, but, deep down he’d know why and as long as his S/O is cool with it he’d have the occasional need to express that kink.
L = Location (Favourite place to do the do)
Since he likes to take his time with his partners, he’d prefer the bedroom. He’s not opposed to getting down in other places but the bedroom is where he has the most control, privacy, and comfortability.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
There are a couple of things that are surefire ways to get him hot and bothered. He likes his partner taking charge, grabbing him for a passionate kiss, or if they wrap their arms around him and start trailing their lips down his neck, that kind of thing. Also loves to see them in clothes that drape/hang off their body in a teasing way. For example, if you’re wearing a robe and it’s hanging off your shoulders, 100% expect Atem to slide up behind you and instantly start ravishing your neck and shoulders with his mouth.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would be okay with experimenting and maybe even lightly spanking his partner if they asked, but I can’t really see him being into anything that has a high chance of hurting you. He hates the idea of causing someone he loves pain to the point where he’d actually be scared of doing stuff like choking or anything too intense in the BDSM realm. He’s brutal with his enemies but that’s the very reason why he wants to draw a line where his lover is concerned.
O = Oral (Do they prefer to give or receive? Are they skilled?)
Since he’s always so focused on both him and his lover being completely satisfied, he doesn't really have a preference for giving or receiving. He gets pleasure knowing he’s giving it to you and he’s going to feel pretty loved if you go down on him. Skill comes with practice, but, as I said before, he’s a fast learner and will take all the time he needs to make sure he becomes an expert for you.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough?, Slow and sensual?, etc.)
For the most part, he’s slow and sensual. I think I’ve made that clear enough in some of the previous questions, but, just to bring it home one more time: He will play with you all night if he can, he’ll take his time and get you off multiple times if you can take it~
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
I can see him indulging in them in specific circumstances. For example: if it’s post-canon Atem (who has his own body of course) and he’s still pretty high from an intense duel, he’ll pull you into a convenient closet/secluded corner and release all that emotion on you. Really though, they aren’t that common since he’s the sensual type.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Depends on what you mean by ‘risk’. Is he willing to bang one out in a public place and risk getting caught? Probably (see above). But is he willing to do things that are risky in the sense that they’ll likely cause one of you harm? No, most likely not.  
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go, how long do they last…)
If you count oral and fingering/handjobs as a full round, he’ll likely want there to be a minimum of two rounds. If you’re one and done he won't complain, but he likes giving his lover multiple orgasms so much that I actually should have listed it under his kinks XD
T = Toy (Do they own toys?, Do they use them?, On a partner or themselves?)
Will implement blindfolds, bindings, and other aids like that, but I don’t think he’d be a big fan of toys that are phallic or that penetrate his partner. I don’t know why, but I think he’d see it as ‘his job’ to pleasure you in that particular way and prefers to use his body to get you off rather than a toy.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He kind of has a thing for making you beg for it. It’s the closest I can see to him liking anything that ‘tortures’ you. When he sees that you’re getting desperate he’ll lean in, whispering that you know how to get what you want, you just have to ask him sweetly for it~
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not particularly loud. He mostly makes grunting sounds, with the occasional throaty moan, and if you’re really really lucky, he makes the rare whimper of pleasure. Dirty talk usually depends on his mood. If he’s in a smirky, playful mood he’ll pull out some pretty teasing dirty talk, but he usually chooses action over words.
W = Wild Card (Random Headcanon)
My stuff under kinks was already too long so I’ll put this here, especially since it’s not really a ‘kink’ per se, but Atem likes sexually themes games (I know, such a shocking assumption!). You name it, adult truth or dare, strip poker- I mean strip Duel Monsters, those dice that have different acts and positions on them (he’s a particular fan of those since he’s a master at dice rolling and will use that to his advantage), if it’s out there, he’ll be down to trying it. Then again, I think the best ones are the ones he makes up himself. If you ever pout and say it's not fair because he wins everything , he'll just smirk, run his fingers along your leg, and say something about how he'll make sure there aren't any losers with those games ;)  
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Okay, unpopular opinion time! In all honesty you guys...I don’t think Atem is all that big. I think he’s just a nice, average sized guy. I know us thirsty bitches like to think he has this massive dong that’s an orgasm cure-all, but I just don’t think that’s the case! However, he’s definitely going to make sure it’s enough to get you off.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Despite stuff I’ve said above that infers he’s an insatiable beast, his sex drive actually isn’t that high. Atem has desires, don’t get me wrong, and when he makes love to you he’ll usually go all out, but it won’t be that many times a week. Twice a week would be about his average I think.
Z = ZZZ (…How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends, but it’ll usually be a bit after you fall asleep. He likes looking at you while you’re asleep in his arms, peaceful and satisfied, kissing the top of your head before closing his own eyes to drift off. He’ll only fall asleep quicker if he had a particularly stressful day and the sex was one of those nights where you two went at it for a long time and he’s exhausted afterwards~
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Precious. He’s so sweet and gentle with you, brushing the hair out of your face so he can look you over, plant a long kiss on your lips, and ask if you’re okay (if the sex was particularly intense). He’ll clean up any mess made and finally plop back on the cushions with you in his arms, sighing contently.
B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners)
His own favorite body part are his hands. He has nice slender finders and he likes the way they look when he’s moving them over his lover's body. Plus, let's just say he isn't too shabby with his hands ;D
On his partner, he likes their lips. Not an uncommon part to love, but he likes running his thumb over them before he kisses you, likes how his eyes dart down to look at them when he’s craving a kiss, things like that.  
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
While he never wants to make his partner feel degraded or used, he secretly likes getting his cum all over their body. Whether it’s on their thigh, stomach, face, whatever. He can’t even say why he likes it and if you’re someone who isn’t into that he won’t complain, but it’s something he’ll visualize sometimes when he’s having a sexy daydream.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has most definitely, 1000% fantasized about your underwear before he got to see you in them. Yugi, while ultimately a respectful gentleman, is a bit of a perv and if you were friends before dating and he was crushing on you, he probably thought about those kinds of things more often than he’d ever admit. And let’s just say he felt a bit ashamed, but he couldn’t help but to let his mind wander while he was alone at night.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
That’s kind of a hard question. I don’t see Yugi being a fan of one night stands or casual sex, but, he isn’t unwilling to go to pound town early in the relationship as long as he knows there is one. Example: Let’s say he’s on a first date with someone. If he connected deeply with them and sees a future there, he’ll definitely be down for sex on the first date. But, if the other person has more of a ‘well we might as well smash since we’ll never see each other again’ type attitude, he won’t be into the sex at all, to point where if they did end up in the bedroom, he won’t really be able to get off. TLDR: If he knows there’s a real relationship is there he’ll pull you into the bedroom as early as you want him to.
So his experience all depends on how many relationships he’s had before. Thankfully, he’s a curious mind when it comes to that stuff, so he’s read a lot about sex (like, proper reading, not just porn stuff, stuff from sex therapists and whatnot) and he’ll have at least a small idea of what he’s doing even if you’re his first.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying)
Yugi likes to experiment and try different positions to find what works best for both your body and his. He’s pretty keen on eye contact so he’ll like positions that give him that, but his ‘favorite’ would all depend on what’s most pleasurable to you since he’s a giver~
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I wouldn’t say he’s particularly serious. He respects sex but he also likes to keep things on the lighter side while still being very sensual. He’ll talk to you quite a bit during to keep the mood lighter, telling you how beautiful you are and how cute the sounds you’re making are. It’s an effort to keep both of you relaxed and in tune with each other. Altogether I’d say his mood is more “sensually playful” than anything.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He has some hair but it’s not too much of a jungle down there. He’s been mistaken as a child most of his life so I think he wouldn’t like being completely shaved, but he tries to keep things tidy. Like I said with Atem, I just can’t help but chuckle if I even try to picture that hair color scheme on pubes lmao, so I’ll leave it up to you guys if the carpet matches.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Loving, that’s the best way to describe it. He sees sex as a perfect way to increase the intimacy between him and his partner and even if you two are doing something a little kinky, he’s still very affectionate and attentive.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
Yugi rubs one out on the regular, he’s a pretty sexually inclined guy and has the need like most young men. He’s likely even done it in public places (like the school bathroom between classes) when he’s had moments of desperation.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Okay, listen, Yugi is a sweetie pie and very loving, but he’s also got a freaky side!
Like Atem, he’s into bondage but instead of leather straps I think he’d be more into the ‘Shibari’ style of bondage; silk ropes tied in intricate-looking patterns around the body. He likes the intimacy of wrapping his partner up like a present, laying the rope across their body and placing gentle, languid kisses over their skin as he goes. Plus, silk ropes are a lot more gentle than things like handcuffs, and they still retain the ‘power play’ dynamic of bondage since there’s still the illusion of you being ‘at his mercy’.
Besides that, he’s a big fan of roleplaying and costumes in general (if you surprise him by dressing up like Dark Magician Girl he will lose his shit in the best way possible). Also likes acting out scenarios where he’s the master and you’re his love slave. In general, he likes stuff that has a power play aspect. He likely prefers to be on the top/dom side of things but he isn’t opposed to playing the submissive if you want him to.
L = Location (Favourite place to do the do)
He isn’t picky. The comfort of the bed is nice, but he’ll honestly get it on anywhere in the house. An office desk, the shower, the living room floor, the kitchen counter, anywhere. He’s also down for outside locations too but only if they’re private, like a backyard with privacy fences.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
It honestly doesn’t take much to turn Yugi on, but there are a couple of things that really get his motor running. He likes being seduced and will be putty in your hands if you do something like this: Say you’re out with the gang, or at a party he had to attend as ‘king of games’, start running your hands down his arms, back, chest, or legs in a very light but teasing way that’ll be overlooked by everyone else. When he looks over at you with a questioning eyebrow quirk and you answer him with a knowing smirk or bedroom eyes- he’s already got a semi going on in those pants. Then if you keep biting your lips and throwing lustful looks at him repeatedly for the rest of the outing…*ahem* let’s just say he will be particularly ravenous when you two get home.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He isn’t into stuff that’s too degrading. I mean, he’ll tease you and be playful as hell, but he won’t do anything that’ll cause tears or even get close to that. If that’s something you’re really into, he’ll try it, but he’ll need to implement some SERIOUSLY loving aftercare in order not to feel like the worst human on the planet. Even if he knows that the tears are part of the kink (cos some people are into that) he’d still have trouble doing it.
O = Oral (Do they prefer to give or receive? Are they skilled?)
Loves both tbh. He won't deny that he likes receiving, just the sight of you blowing him makes him melt inside and he gets quite a rush from tangling his fingers in your hair. But trust me, he won’t let it go unreciprocated. In fact, unless you have him tied down, he’ll likely pounce you the moment he can think straight after you finish him and repay the favor right then. As for skill, he does his best to learn his way around your body, so give him time and he’ll be pretty good at it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough?, Slow and sensual?, etc.)
Speed depends on the mood/location you’re in, but whether it’s a two minute encounter or an hour long roleplaying session, he’ll be sensual. He’s never particularly rough but he will pin your hands down above your head and go harder if you tell him too.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s down for them if one of you just needs a quick release, but he prefers proper sex. Too many quickies and a lack of proper sex will make him feel like he’s losing intimacy with you, which is something he never wants to happen.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Down to experiment with (most) kinks and is pretty open-minded as long as you two are responsible and safe with it. He isn’t too big on risk, as in, taking the risk of getting caught by doing it in a public place and or those sort of things though.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go, how long do they last…)
Give him some rest in between and he can go for a few rounds. While he’s not quite like Atem in the sense that he likes super long sessions, he does like to go for several rounds some nights just to show you how much he loves exploring your body and satisfying you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys?, Do they use them?, On a partner or themselves?)
Yugi starts a collection of adult toys once he becomes sexually active. Vibrators, cock rings, butt plugs, the common stuff, and maybe a few uncommon things. He keeps them (and his silk ropes) in a nice black case that he calls the toy box and they get used on both of you regularly (if you're into that).
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He's a bit of a tease. I've said before that he can be a playful little thing and that includes teasing. He's a particular tease if you two play the whole “master and love slave” game, he likes hearing the words “please master” on your pretty lips *wink*
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
I’d say medium volume, he doesn’t try to be quiet and he wants you to know he’s having a good time. He’ll have his really loud moments though, usually when you’re blowing him or when you take the more dominant role and have him at your mercy. He also pulls out some pretty cheeky dirty talk, but mostly he just makes comments about how beautiful you are and how much he loves you <3
W = Wild Card (Random Headcanon)
Yugi wants one of those fancy four-poster beds just so he can use the posts/curtain rods for bondage. He just likes the idea of himself or his partner being suspended in the air and all the sex positions that open up with that...situation hehe. Oh, he’s also a fan of face sitting positions.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, pictures or words)
Again we have a nice but average sized dick. It has a slightly skinner girth but it’s on the long side of average so it has the appearance of being rather long at first glance.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
To put it simply: Horny, little, bitch. He has a pretty high sex drive and would probably have sex almost every day if you’re down for it. If you don’t have a sex drive to match, don’t worry, it isn’t deal breaker, so long as you don’t mind him ‘taking care of business’ by himself some nights when he’s really feeling the need and you’re not.  
Z = ZZZ (…How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He likes some pillow talk afterwards but will still fall asleep fairly quickly. He likes being cuddled against your chest or at least holding your hand while he falls asleep~
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh Ep 23 S3: Always Put Guns on Your Satellites
Ah, I’m finally back at my home computer after a little hiatus there. In case you are curious, I went to San Fransisco and then spent about 2 weeks trying to find a single parking spot. But, I’m back in my normal place now, where trash trucks aren’t driving around, breaking the speed barrier at 3 AM and where I don’t have to parallel park at a 45 degree incline. I got my fill of good food, chilling out, getting completely rained out by a freak storm in May, and walking about a mile vertically to go three feet horizontally, it’s time to sit back, relax, and talk about an anime that came out 20 years ago.
Y’all...what were even doing 2 weeks ago? It really does feel like three years.
If memory serves, we are currently in the midst of not one, but 3 Apocalypses. Lets just place em down in case you forgot
1.) The Millennium Item Apocalypse, where if one person gets all 7 (or was it 10?) of the items, the world freakin ends. This is briefly on hold because Bakura, our Millennium item enthusiast, hella died about 24 episodes ago and none of these people have brought it up or tried to contact any sort of governing authority even though Yugi and Tea both witnessed the murder about 7 hours ago (which, for Marik’s credit, did take place over international waters, touche). So, for now, Bakura’s spirit is kinda holed up in Pharaoh’s puzzle necklace so he’s just...chillaxing.
2.) The God Card Apocalypse, where if one person gets all 3 God Cards, the world freakin ends. Briefly on hold because everyone got stuck in a VR universe, and Marik felt like staying on the blimp instead because I dunno maybe he wanted to take a nap or something.
3.) The Matrix, where Seto’s Dad is going to launch a bunch of machines to trap the entire human race in this VR zone against their will and become a slave to the machine overlords. Somehow this is a thing that has been happening in the background this entire series but has only been revealed like...last episode.
Bro is reminding me that I forgot to mention that all these duel monsters are becoming slowly more and more real but like...eh.
There’s three concurrent Apocalypses right now. Don’t forget. There’s three of them.
Anyway, Seto Kaiba has decided it’s about time he deal with his Daddy issues/prevent the Matrix.
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While Kaiba has decided to confront his Father, the rest of the people on this show have no freakin idea what to even do so they’re just arguing with eachother in Domino square and getting no where.
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Also, I nearly forgot, Joey can’t even beat up Noah currently because Noah switched places with Mokuba, because this isn’t Yugioh unless we start switching brains like it’s as easy as turning your T-shirt inside out.
Of course, in this case, Mokuba didn’t exactly *switch* places with Noah--Moki’s brain is just...floating around this world somewhere. I don’t know if he got stuck in a Monkey or if he’s just...dead...but it just makes absolutely no sense to me how your soul can get sucked into a VR game and now lives tron-style in VR while someone else steers your body which isn’t any more connected to the machine itself, so I’ll just assume he’s dead. It’s just easier to say Moki died, it’s happened so many times to this kid at this point.
Basically, Mokuba is here, but in not-spirit. In every way but spirit.
And about those brain pods--does Yugi’s pod take up 2x the RAM because he’s got two people in that bean or has Noah seriously not noticed this like at all? because there's two dudes in one pod and Noah has just acted like that’s a completely normal thing that can happen.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, the A team has sort of all turned into the B team because only Kaiba’s can really have any active involvement at this part of the arc, so Yugi decides to take a break and enter brain fort. Which, I assume he does just whenever he’s bored. It’s just kind of weird when he decides to do this, without warning, in front of a large group of other people.
Anyway, it’s Yugi, so he somehow turns what is so clearly Kaiba’s problem into this selfish need to carry the torch by himself for no reason.
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Like, Yugi is the main character--I get that--he’s gotta be some sort of moral standard because this is a protagonist in a kid’s show, but it is such a stretch for him to still think that there’s any good left in Noah after all the events of this arc. It just comes off that every time Yugi tries to see good in Bakura, or Marik, or the Kaiba family even, he’s maybe doing it out of guilt.
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Like Yugi isn’t naive at this point - he set a guy on fire once with Russian Whiskey in a freakin burger diner, and even if you don’t consider Season Zero canon, he also set PaniK on fire and left him to die in the woods (and that nut ABSOLUTELY died), so it just doesn’t make sense to me that he’d helplessly fall victim to a thousand evil assholes who pretended to be his friend. Instead, it’s sort of like Yugi’s trying to overcompensate for the amoral weirdo residing in about 98% of his brain right now.
Overall, TL;DR, Yugi is kind of a weird guy.
Love him, but he’s sort of a walking disaster with some very selfish motivations and I forget. Not about the walking disaster part of course, that part is like clearly very obvious, especially when we find out his grand masterplan.
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Also, this happened,
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Again, I would be absolutely fine if Tristan just remained like this, talking like the librarian out of Terry Pratchett, taking Serenity to prom just like this.
Anyway, these guys had absolutely nothing to do, so the show invented something on the fly.
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If you could copy-paste any card, why not just copy-paste 24 Exodias? Like I get they don’t have God cards here but they have all the other ones, right?
Like I don’t understand the danger here, you can just keep playing cards infinitely because there’s no rules when you’re outside the game. Just keep slapping stuff on your duel disk like it’s that fanmade Yugioh game that they made for real life VR headsets. Youknow the one that was so bad that it became like a viral video, where everyone is a really low poly Yugioh character but they only have like 4 character models, and for some reason one of the four is Yugi but as a girl in a miniskirt? And they’re on the blimp for some reason, and none of them can stand up straight so they kind of duck walk everywhere? That one? The one with Joey saying “It does what it do!”
Like I feel like if even I saw that video show up on my twitter, everyone else has seen that video of just this really bad VR game and I don’t remember what it was called but feel free to google it, it’s a fun 10 minute ride.
Anyway, the mayhem of that viral video is kind of what this entire VR arc is turning into. More and more as we break reality and completely ignore the rules, to the point where now we’re just slapping whatever cards on our duel disk--cards we shouldn’t even freakin have because we identified at the beginning of this season that no one has a deck here.
But anyway, back to the only person who got out of the VR zone, lets see what Noah’s up to. Ah, the real world, where all we ever had to worry about was magic.
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This password was so obtuse even Noah, who is literally a computer, forgot it. Wow.
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So now that Noah has escaped the computer, he decides to walk down the hall to log onto yet another computer so he could use his hands instead of...however he was using computers in the digital zone.
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He could have done this from within the Orb, right? Like this part didn’t really require him stealing Mokuba’s body? We know he’s already connected to Kaiba’s network so he could become ascended and open the Door of Truth, so I’m assuming it would also have the ability to just log onto this computer in his own ship?
Noah does seem to be just winging it through this entire arc, but he could have done this sequence, and THEN stolen Moki, and THEN hightailed it out of there. It would have saved him some problems later. But wtv, lets hack a satellite, that good ol Kaiba pastime.
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Also, fun fact, Kaiba went through all that work to get rid of all the weapons and then forgot about his space stash?
Like was there just SO MANY weapons that he overlooked it, or is he just keeping this here, just to have? Just in case, youknow? Like why does Seto Kaiba have access to The Bomb? Why would we leave a horrible nuclear missile in the hands of a teenager who freaks every time he plays cards? This child who is so unstable, that he knows he was married to a paper card in a previous life but doesn’t feel like talking about it? That crazy kid?
Like usually we have a set of two keys for this type of thing and two different people turn the key at the same time, we don’t just leave them in the Seto Kaiba headquarters with the kid who turned all cards into guns. Are all of Seto’s handlers actually just spies from other countries trying to keep Seto from nuking the planet? Is that the real answer to who the hell Roland is? Is he just a nice spy that makes sure Seto plays enough cards to forget that he could blow up the world if he sneezed too much and pressed the wrong key loading up Duel Disk Myspace?
The implications.
Meanwhile, Kaiba is the only one on this show smart enough to just walk into Gozaburo’s office, where I assume this guy has just been hanging out the entire arc.
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Yep, that’s right, they’re going to do a card duel with a chess champion because this show has to shoehorn in those cards. Just one more card fight. Just cuz. Just one more completely pointless card fight between these two people, to show...that Seto can beat his Dad? Seto’s beaten his Dad like every opportunity he’s had to beat his Dad I don’t...exactly know why this was necessary. Would’ve been a much bigger emotional beat for Seto to have just walked away, but that would have also been a much different Seto than the Seto we have.
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So basically, if Seto loses, Gozaburo threatens to erase Seto’s mind entirely, which we’ve already pointed out has been so wiped at this point that it would be all of 700 KB and it would just be a single corrupted pixel picture of a dragon.
Anyways, Marik finally conquers his greatest enemy.
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Oh. OK. This is a thing he can do now. Welcome back to the show, Marik.
Anyway, Marik has decided it’s high time for him to just go flippen spaz and start breaking stuff. For no reason. I don’t think he fully comprehends that he’s underwater and should not blow up the boat.
Or maybe he FULLY comprehends that? Either answer for him would feel correct.
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Also, while I don’t cover cards here, Kaiba’s Dad has decided that the only way to beat his son was to pretend he’s Yugi Muto and reenact the pilot.
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It was weird. It was sort of like watching someone audition for a role they don’t have.
Lets go back to Noah.
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I knew this arc was going kinda long but how did they end up in freakin Guam???
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Marik, who has no concept of technology because he grew up in a tomb and is currently possessed by an ancient force of evil, is still able to recognize a good countdown clock when he sees one. Before he bashes it to pieces because of course he can.
Marik almost saved everyone else’s ass, but unfortunately doesn’t understand that the monitor is not actually attached to the workings of the computer. Much like my Mother.
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Bro brings up that this a very Metal Gear thing to only use helicopters to travel over the ocean and hot damn we got yet another Metal Gear reference in just before this arc closes. These weird war crime children.
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Ps I like that they drew in the shadow of the bangs across Moki’s eyes as if that would somehow make Moki look sinister. lol.
But, much like the Grinch, Noah’s heart grew...well, it grew.
I wouldn’t go as far to say it grew even a full size, but youknow it...kinda made a weird little fart and bloated a little bit.
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So like with Tristan turning into a monkey, it does seem a lot like Noah is just turning into Mokuba and that’s why he’s decided to save everyone. Least in my mind that’s what it looks like. Maybe if he really did take Yugi’s body, Noah would have lasted maybe 5 seconds before being doubled over with endless anxiety and guilt. Would’ve solved a lot of their problems.
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I’ve been watching a cat while commuting 4 hours a day and this is actual footage of what my charger cable looked like after the cat went Marik on me and decided the cable deserved to die at 3AM after the freakin SF garbage truck went supersonic and woke up the entire neighborhood.
(the cat is fine, btw, we went and hid all the other cords, dumbass cat)
So what does Noah do? He decides...it’s time I fessed up. And he does it in the worst way, during a time when literally everyone else in the VR world is fighting multiple card enemies/their Dad.
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Way to be, Noah, way to be. On the other side of town, Yugi was visibly sweating and had this facial of expression of like “Wow, maybe Noah is just a freakin psycopath?” Which, I dunno, kind of seems like the sort of thing we figured out 23 episodes ago, right at the same moment we met Noah.
Anyway, that’s all for this episode. Really seems like the only person who actually DID anything was Noah who just...decided to throw a bunch of missiles directly at himself because he can’t think things through. I guess Marik did some stuff too, but honestly, I have no idea if Marik thoroughly understood that he just guaranteed that he was absolutely going to be destroyed by rockets. That Loki.
Hey if Noah DOES manage to destroy everyone on this boat, he prevents 3 whole apocalypses and that would default him to hero status. He’ll kill off like 3 major villains and maybe even Shadi. And who doesn’t want Shadi to die (who I assume is already dead but wtv) I mean that’s not going to happen, but like...way to try and save the world Noah, you’re doing your best life.
Anyway, if you just got here, here’s a link to read these recaps from the very beginning, fair warning, there’s 2.5 seasons.
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tumblunni · 5 years
I dont understand why wishshipping isnt more popular, like honestly it has the most shippy moments in canon and theres even literally a scene where yugi says "joey i love you" and the anime dub cut it but the manga dub kept it and there was even an interview with the dubber talking about how the line absolutely definately was a thing that really existed in japanese and how important it was to keep it in the translation. Like in context its supposed to be a probably platonic "youre my most important person" thing but the language used is something very close to a romantic confession in japanese even if it wasnt intended to be one. And the early chapters actually had A LOT of moments of like..outright gay jokes about joey and yugi. Again, this is a series that doesnt exactly have ant positive lgbt rep and is terrible and sexist with its straight romance so its VERY unlikely they were canonically meant to be bisexual and canonically having shipping BUT there are a lot of moments that are huge shipping potential AND even literal 'lol look he gay' dialogue. Just like..in a negative 'funny' sense.
And just seriously yugi is so important to jonouchi, the anime cut down their backstory a lot but it was REALLY EMOTIONAL in the manga! Jounouchi used to be a sort of nihilistic bully who just did whatever he wanted because he needed to find some form of fun/outlet for his anger to deal with living in poverty, never seeing his sister, and his dad being an abusive parent. And him and yugi met when jou outright bullied yugi, it was so friggin uncomfortable and sad to be thrown into that as a first chapter when i was so used to him being such a supportive friend. He was just an immature bastard who made fun of the 'weird kid' and said it was because he couldnt stand looking at someone who seemed like..sensitive and honest about his feelings. It was a surprisingly complex motivation for how a not actually very bad dude would become a bully to a dude he like..actually admired and was jealous of, and he was just so wrapped up in his own pain without the words to really articulate why he felt that way. He felt like a 'real man' should be silent aboyt his feelings and never ask for help, and that friendship between men could only ever be non-emotional assholeness where you have to be the biggest jerk and do bullshit together and if you ever show a moment of weakness everyone will leave you. So we have this situation of yugi himself feeling like he's a wimp but to jou he looks like the biggest fuckin badass for being honest about his real self and being able to step outside toxic masculinity even if it means being alone. And it was just so goddamn emotional how the friendship started?? Like jounouchi was just being an immature petty sort of bully but then a more physically abusive bully comes along and attacks yugi, and jou gets attacked by the same guy in the process and theres SUCH A GOOD MOMENT!! Where jou sees yugi and is like "so youre working with this guy? So you sent him to get revenge on us right??" like he's so ready to believe that yugi is really just as bitter and petty as he is BUT also he sounds so outraged and betrayed about it, like he feels he was tricked into believing that good people actually exist. But then yugi runs forward and starts treating his wounds because of course he wasnt actually involved in it. And even more than that, he stands up to this dude who's ten times taller than him and even managed to defeat jounouchi! And he says its because jounouchi is his friend and he "wasnt bullying, he was just teaching me to be a real man". And HOLY SHIT the look on jou's face when he says that! Like he never even considered the sort of awful influence he could be causing on this poor dude's mental health by gaslighting him into thinking 'this is just how men are'. Like he'd got this image all twisted in his head of yugi being some spiteful taunting figure who's always 100% unswayable in his kindness and must only be that way because he doesnt have any real problems or something. And now he's faced with the reality that this dude's kindness is 100% real, so real that he'd risk his own safety to help someone who's been so cruel to him because he saw a spark of goodness in jounouchi's heart that jounouchi himself never saw. And the only thing that could shake that kindness was jounouchi's own words..he had to face how his 'harmless fun' was having consequences and how he came so close to crushing this dude's will and turning him into a bitter bastard just like him and it was BY BEING FRIENDS! the bullying wasnt even the worst part it was the dangling friendship over his head and promising youd care about him if he just jumped through all these hoops to become a hardenened 'real man'. Another hardened 'real man' who was really just a soft genuine man who'd been broken and learned to hide himself.
So yeah jounouchi gets a great redemption early on, and a lot of chapters dedicated to examining it in detail, showing his abusive father and the toxic friends who influenced him into being a toxic friend himself, and how some of them (tristan/honda) were also good people who were redeemable while others (the goddamn terrifying yo-yo gang guy) were straight up criminals that yugi fuckin knife fights to save him from. Theres a scene of jounouchi getting tazed and having glass thrown in his eyes and yugi + yami fuckin defeat a whole damn gang in the most badass way and then yugi embraces jou's unconcious body and he wakes up in his arms and screams his name in relief while hugging him as hard as he can with his partially paralyzed arms like HOLY SHIT TJAT WAS SO INTENSE
And seriously their friendship is already awesome cos jounouchi is a lot more openly affectionate and cuddly than most friendships between dudes in this series. (Hence the gay jokes in the manga...) But having the context of his first manga chapter makes it even sweeter because he used to be such a heavily repressed super macho man who feared even HAVING FRIENDS AT ALL despite desperately wanting them. It just feels like yugi sorta.. saved him?? Helped him recover from that and become more open with his true self. Its so nice to see him gradually becoming more adorable and cuddly as the series progresses, when the absence of that sort of stuff was his biggest problem causing his goddamn depression. And yugi even helps him reunite with his sister and be able to help her get surgery! Is it any wonder that jou is yugi's biggest cheerleader? Seriously when so much of the show seems to sideline yugi and focus on yami later on, its good to have this one dude reminding us that yugi rocks and specifically yugi's 'wimpyness' is actually a good thing nd his strongest strength and seriously!! Just!! Its so good!! Gahh, joey is a big buff scary dude who sees this sweet dude as THE BIGGEST BADASS who SAVED HIS GODDAMN LIFE and HIS MENTOR IN BECOMING SOFT ALSO! Jou has so much fuckin character development that was lost by shortening down this part of the story and only showing it in flashback form a bunch of episodes after the beginning instead of BEING the beginning yknow??
So yeah seriously this entire character arc is so good and this is why jounouchi is the best character and deserved to keep that kind of focus in the series instead of being degraded to more.of a comic relief role. And also this is why thier relationship has such a great foundation and could be even more resonant if it was romantic! Like srsly theres so many parallels here with the idea of a closeted dude that THE MANGA OUTRIGHT MAKES GAY JOKES ABOUT HIM ALREADY
Oh also the manga backstory also adds more nuance to jounouchi and kaiba's relationship because you could see it as jou becoming rivals with kaiba because he sees him as a mirror of the kind of repressed asshole he once used to be. Which is another reason why gay/bi/pan jounouchi just fuckin enhances everything about his entire plot and also the whole series ok yes.
Also i just fuckin love jounouchi please appreciate jounouchi today
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
For the yugioh ask meme - 9, 13, 18, 23, 31!
Thank you!! 9 and 13 got answered already. In my ‘ask’ tag if you’re interested  x’)
18. A random headcanon
Ah, I have so many at this point,lol. A lot of them really kind of spring up in the process of writing fic, andwhat I think makes sense and carries weight for that story so *shrugs*
There are some things I more or lessaccept as permanent facets of the characters, hmm:
Things about how Jounouchi’sgang life with Hirutani went, and how it ended. And how Jounouchi feels aboutthat, and how Honda helped and encouraged him in this huge way that Jounouchi couldn’t even acknowledge at the time and still struggles with acknowledging during canon. Experimental sexual encounter with Honda inmiddle school is also one of a few things about Jounouchi’s sexual history that’skind of permanently burned into my brain at this point as something that definitely happened.
Things about how Seto’s relationshipwith Gouzaburou went. I guess you could say I’ve crafted headcanons about how andfor what purpose Gouzaburou intended to mold Seto, and how and where heundermined his own motivations, but still ultimately succeeded. heh, I keepimagining Gouzaburou sitting on a recliner in hell, watching Seto build andopen Death-T and just shaking his head with such disdain. “What is all this? A death theme park? How is this going to monetiseproperly? How is this going to sustain Kaiba Corp? Seto. Seto. Papa taught youbetter than this~”And Seto’s just like, “fuckyou, I can build a death theme park and wear belts on my arms and piss awayyour whole estate and die penniless in a ditch if I want to – you can’t stopme.”Caught between a rock and a hard place, Seto. If you succeed at lifeand work you’ll only be doing what your abuser wants, but if you fail you’llonly be miserable. It’s your choice, with only your life on the line here :v
And, I guess Yami Malik not beinggone from Malik’s psyche post-canon is a headcanon? going from what canon’s seemingintent is in how it presents the end of Battle City, I think we’re meant to thinkthat Yami Malik is and Malik’s hateful feelings are gone(?) But I’m not surehow seriously anyone takes that? idk, I certainly don’t take it seriously.
None of these are fun headcanons,lol. idk, it can be a headcanon that Mai comes into town and treats everyone todim sum, right? Just imagine the whole gang eating dim sum. Imagine Jounouchiand Honda and Shizuka having a chopstick battle over the last shrimp dumpling.And then continuing to fight, over the gai lan this time, even though Honda doesn’t even like it.
31. Favorite duel
Isis vs Seto. It’s just… socathartic, omg. I have so many feelings about what this duel meant for both thecharacters. I like how it really ricochets through Seto’s fears and hubris anddownfall and resurrection, against Isis’s stony and completely assuredconfidence that they are utterly powerless. And how Seto ultimately believes inthe power of something more personal and connecting than just raw strength, andhow that becomes the power to decide your own destiny. It’s just- very good.
The Atem vs Seto duel from Duellist Kingdom, and the Atem vs Mai duel are second and third runners up.
23. NOTP
Ah, I still don’t really think I have any? I have prettynarrow preferences regarding a number of ships, but there’s not really anythingI think in abstract I’m really never up for seeing some portrayal of? In termsof ships I see regularly enough on trips around tumblr and fanfic land that I’mkind of full of mixed feelings on… the rest is under the cut:
I can’t say I find myself super interested in Atem/Yuugi. I don’t reallyunderstand myself, but I’ve even kind of been randomly and viscerally squicked at times byportrayals of them kissing or preforming sex acts on one another (as opposed topreforming sex acts on someone else in each other’s general vicinity, lol).Which is really bizarre, since I’m a big fan of emblematik’s fic and own agrand total of one R18 doujin about them. So, idk, there’s nothing objectionable about it in the slightest. But I seem to heavily preferAtem and Yuugi being platonic in most cases for some reason?
I’m also not really fond of the vast majority of Ryou/YamiMalik interpretations. I’m not really that fond of Yami Malik in a completelyseparate body and as a completely separate entity that’s not at all amanifestation of Malik prime’s emotional needs (or vice versa, really). I kindof consider Malik and Yami Malik a package deal, so I’m not really especiallykeen on seeing one ship dealt with in absentia of the other. And, even if I was,I kind of think Malik and Yami Bakura are better developed characters that canbe used to cover a lot of the messy Ryou ship dynamics, well, better. But- I really, reallylike (platonic or nonplatonic) angstshipping, and I do consider (platonicor nonplatonic) Ryou/Yami Malik a facet of that. A facet that can reap reallyinteresting results. And so I want to see a lot more of Ryou and the Maliks butmaybe not in the way I see the fandom usually be about them.
And, idk, it seems like I’ve had a lot of salty af feelingsabout Isis/Mai. I don’t know. I am (1) very overly invested in Mai being reallytraumatised by Yami Malik’s behaviour towards her, (2) very overly invested inMalik being held accountable as (at the very least) complicit in Yami Malik’sbehaviour, (3) very overly invested in Mai being allowed to never forgive Malikever, and (4) very overly invested in Isis and Rishid being there to supportMalik and be on his team basically regardless of how bad he’s fucked up ateverything ever. These four points feed right into so much that I love aboutBattle City and DOMA, and somewhere in them is a pretty big conflict ofinterest that kind of prevents Isis/Mai and Mai/Rishid from not being superfucked up on some level. And, idk, I don’t really see a lot of super fucked upportrayals of them? Which is fine, I guess? I think my four points up there areperhaps overly specific readings of the text? But they all kind of lead me tohaving a kneejerk reaction against the ships bc my insect brain goes: ‘this ispressuring a woman to get over her abuse and pretend it didn’t happen’. Whichis something I’m familiar as with per my personal life, which is kind ofuncomfortable. Which makes me want desperately to read a Isis/Mai fic aboutgaslighting, and them dealing with dissimilar approaches to their own abuserecovery and erroneously expecting the other to be on the same page, and eventually beingable to understand each other and knowing their relationship needs a lot of distancein places and that’s sad but it still might be something worth holding onto? SoI guess I’m back to shipping it again, except I have to write it myself orsomething, idk.(except i also understand that everyone i unabashedly ship Maiwith is a tiny baby and that has its own potential problems – just ones ihaven’t had to live with? idk, why doesn’t ygo canon have any passionate,hot-blooded adult people i want to ship Mai with? Vivian, you are my onlysalvation.)
idk, I don’t like Mokuba/Shizuka either. except it might befine if somebody convinced me Mokuba and Shizuka could connect on a meaningfullevel that wasn’t just ‘making JouKai drama happen’. and i don’t likeHonda/Shizuka either. except i do like it, because I like Honda/Otogi/Shizukatriad. except I’ve never read any Honda/Shizuka by itself that wasn’t justuncomfortably assuming that Shizuka would get with Honda and not dealing withthe fact that Honda is an entitled lying liar who should question just what it ishe feels entitled to, and why. andwhat kind of relationship he’ll be participating in, and why. smh.
And I have a hard time seeing Atem being attracted to Anzuin canon, so I’m not big on shipping them, but it wouldn’t drive me away fromsomething either? Anzu/Atem: why not? and i used to feel sort of ‘why not?’ but not super interested inAtem/Kaiba. but then I gotangry at antishippers and then I talked to rainstormcolors too much, and now Ikind of ship it. Except I still get the feeling that most people who ship itaren’t really looking for the same dynamic in it that I’m really looking for.Which is, when I think about it, the exact same problem I have with JouKai(except slightly less bad, bc JouKai is much trashier). So I’ve done a 180degree turn here from notp problems to otp problems because for me they are thesame problems. always the same problems.
ETA: Itoccurs to me I probably could have added Seto/Shizuka to this list. Myunderstanding of Seto is that he’s someone who wouldn’t be at all compassionateabout her no-money, abuse, and disability problems. And my understanding ofShizuka is that she’s someone that would take that keenly to heart in arelationship. But, oh noes, once more I have read at least one fic for thisship that I liked. And I kind of like the idea of fucked up Season Zero Seto/Shizuka a lot too ;_;
Thank you again for the ask x)
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rainstormcolors · 8 years
“Hm… I’m actually debating whether or not to make a post discussing why I’m both infatuated with the ending while also interpreting / needing to interpret it as Seto being able to return. The problem is doing so directly challenges the other interpretation, and I don’t want to be a tyrant over what people draw happiness from. I sincerely feel people have a right to take away whatever they wish from fiction. I’d like a discussion, not “””discourse””“.
Also, I give Takahashi a giant A+ for crafting such an elegantly debatable ending.”
I guess you can consider the above a sort of disclaimer. I have no intention of dictating the interpretations or emotions other fans carry, whether of the characters or the film. Everybody has reasons for why they feel as they do, and they’re absolutely entitled to those feelings. These are simply my own thoughts. I apologize if it seems dismissive. (Yes, I take this all far too seriously. What else is new?)
The end of the film can be interpreted a dozen different ways and as I’ve watched it be discussed up and down by various people, it’s apparent just how meticulously crafted the finale actually is. It was designed to stir speculation, and it’s achieved that goal beautifully. What’s aesthetic, what’s metaphorical, what’s literal?
Here’s a rundown of some basic interpretations I’ve seen (to add in what Seto’s motivation is would fracture this much further):
1)      Seto seeks one final match with Atem, and will return.
2)      Seto can move between the mortal world and Atem’s world.
3)      Seto has chosen to leave the mortal world and is now of Atem’s world.
4)      Seto seeks one final match with Atem, and traveling to this dimension will cost him his life.
It isn’t too difficult to shape the cues within the ending to fit what you want. Though I feel interpretation number four is soundly debunkable, but I’ll get to that. (There are other interpretations as well, but I’m keeping the list short for this.)
Grief is such a vulnerable, visceral, human theme. It’s certainly something personal to me. I had a bit of an epiphany not too long ago: the reason I’ve been so valiantly defending Seto’s characterization in the movie is because of my own experiences with mourning and emotional instability. Once again, it’s the role of audience projection.
And there was a part of me that had wondered just how much shipping factored into my emotions, but I realize I do not want the ending to be the third option, even if it means my ship is “nearly canon.” It feels cheap to me to reduce both the movie and the characters down to that. I understand there’s a rosy escapism to the third interpretation; the options I choose are stupidly escapist as well, more so even. But there’s more to these characters and this story than just some shipping end game.
(I had also wondered how I’d respond to Takahashi following up on the ending, but he essentially has.)
Before, I had written a post about Seto’s labyrinthine relationship with death, and there was something I failed to make clear in that post. For this movie, Seto’s arc is coming to terms with death and the bond he felt with Atem. But the reason Seto Kaiba is such a wonderfully written character is that he has many different arcs. His struggle with hatred and the ghosts of his past, his relationship with Mokuba, his rejection and begrudging acceptance of humanity (re: Mokuba, Atem, and in himself). He’s a wonderfully multi-faceted character. I have to view the movie as something encapsulating all this, a completion of Seto’s story, and thus the first or second interpretations are what fit for me.
The movie is imperfect, but I forgive those imperfections because what works for me works deeply. I’ve regurgitated this point ad nauseam: the movie respects the pain felt by both Yugi and Seto. Seto isn’t villainized for what he’s doing. There’s a poignancy to the characters’ grief and in the way their mourning is juxtaposed. Most notable is the duel between Yugi and Seto. Yugi is so patient and understanding towards Seto and it’s something I could kiss him on the cheek for. That the duel ends inconclusively also feels significant to me. I understand there are forth wall elements to consider, but within the narrative itself neither characters’ emotions have lost, and thus both are valid.
In the original run of YGO, there was something I found dissatisfying in the conclusion to Seto’s story. This man who has a profound distrust of others---he finally puts his trust in someone, and that someone immediately abandons him. How could that not be viciously detrimental? The film stares this question in the face.
Here are some crappy visuals that horribly simplify everything but I think get my point across, in regards to the emotional well-being of Yugi:
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The gap left represents Yugi’s pain, and it’s the hole we feel when we lose someone precious to us, but he’s supported and mourns in a healthy manner.
Now here’s Seto, and why I think Atem’s death hit him so hard:
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Again, this is a simplification. (For goodness sake, psychology is far more complicated than this!) But Seto never had the stability Yugi has. This isn’t to imply Atem should have been obligated to stay, but rather the pain Seto feels is something deep and sharp. It’s a tragedy without a guilty party.
If one were to ask me what I think the conclusion to Seto’s story is, I would answer this plus maybe this (note how on the surface, it seems platonic). The precedent for taking the second interpretation is of course the story of Persephone and Hades. The first interpretation plays out more properly on the level of coming to terms with death, and is perhaps more mature. With these things in mind, the finale of the movie is something cathartic. It cheapens the meaning of death but it’s an elegant wish-fulfillment, and it’s hopeful and sweet. It’s an indulgence, but it’s also a spot of happiness for a character who has bore far too much pain already. Let him have his wish. And perhaps then he can move on from the darkness in his life.
The hopeful notes of the music paired with Atem’s smile debunk the forth interpretation. Atem would not be smiling if Seto were slowly dying in front of him, end of. But what of the other three interpretations?
Is the golden dissolve of the space station aesthetic or literal? Is the dust lifting from Seto’s body aesthetic or literal? Did Seto bring the whole space station with him? Is there a time limit to his visit? Really, you can answer these questions however you please.
The movie informs us Seto has possession of the Cube, but the shot of the Cube is such that we can’t tell where it is. As I said, the ending is meticulous in its ambiguity. Where is it? You decide!
Further orchestration for maximum ambiguity: Seto doesn’t answer Mokuba. How do I take that? I characterize Seto as someone who’s rash and impulsive, because he constantly did rash and impulsive things throughout the original series. And thus I imagine his thoughts are, “I don’t know. I don’t know, but this is something I need to do.” And that’s why he can’t answer. But other fans will take something different away.
I also reference Transcend Game for my understanding of how the machine he’s inside may work. They aren’t the same pod, but there’s clearly a connection in their design. That machine bookends the story of the film, and it implies to me that the golden dissolve is metaphorical while the black dust is literal.
In the end, I can’t accept the third interpretation because this is not an improvement for Seto:
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I’d rather see something like this for him:
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I also characterize Seto as harshly asocial. It’s only my impression, but I don’t think he enjoys social interaction and so I don’t imagine him having an extensive web of friendships, but I can see him forming a few individual friendships eventually. And that’s what I hope for him, just to have support he can rely on.
There’s also this tricky question: is the ending a metaphor for suicide? In regards to the third interpretation, I think it is, but it’s a can of worms I’m not sure I want to open. Suicide is also something very personal. To bring up that it becomes a suicide metaphor also spits in the romanticism of the idea of sacrificing everything to be with the person you love and beginning anew, which might be the very reason for taking this interpretation in the first place. Given how indulgent my own interpretations are, it may be inappropriate for me to judge. Because the thing is, this interpretation might be just as cathartic for somebody else. But it just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth.
All the while, I’m aware I’m blinded by my favoritism for the character. Fans who are more indifferent to Kaiba probably have more clarity on the situation. (I’ll note I’ve seen more indifferent fans go with any one of the four interpretations.) And what about people who love the morbid and mercurial? The openness of the ending offers all sorts of possibilities for us to tinker with. In the end, this is all only fiction. This post is not so much about me judging others as it is just me putting it out there that I personally dislike the third interpretation.
I’ll conclude the post by iterating this: I sincerely believe people have a right to take away whatever they wish from fiction. Everybody has reasons for why they feel as they do. But for me, if all four interpretations are hanging there like fruit for me to pluck, why not pluck the first or second one? Particularly when the first two interpretations make more sense to me as the completion of Seto’s story.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 21: Hey, It’s a Party, Lets All Get Kidnapped!
Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve worked on these. I’m back from my cross-country travels, I’ve overcome my food poisoning because of said travels, and I did like 2 Inktobers so I’m officially allowed to quit and then never do Inktober again till the end of the month so now that’s over with, lets get back to Yugioh. Thankfully, Joey is here to recap for us what has been going on so far in the show, via a phone call to his sister where he literally started off the episode saying this line.
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It is episode 21, Joey has run out of excuses, and the crew has decided that now is the time to finally find their friend who definitely is being tailed by a murderer with psychic powers.
Because no one wants to ever call the cops on this show.
I can see why Yugi and Grandpa might not, since Pharaoh may have done some criminal nonsense before he reformed at the end of S1 (I mean Season Zero isn’t not NOT canon) and I can see why Joey might not because bro mentioned that he had some sort of dealing with the mini-Yakuza or something in Season Zero (I look forward to that). Tristan already thinks he is a cop so I can see why he doesn’t either. But maybe Tea should call the police. She doesn’t work at the must-be-18-to-work-here-so-it’s-probably-a-stripper-joint-after-10-PM burger place anymore, she’d be fine. Probably.
I mean they did illegally invade a country last season and was complicit in the removal of that country’s leader’s right golden eyeball so like...yeah...
But now that Yugi has the company of three people inside of his head and Kaiba alongside him--who is always communicating with Mokuba on his jacket walkie talkie (like he went out of his way to make a jacket that has solely one function because it clearly doesn’t keep him warm without those arms--and the function is to call up his little brother and complain about the people who are two feet away and can hear him complaining about them), but this means Yugi actually has more people in his 2-person party than the other crew of 4 people. Anyway, he’s certainly not lonely.
But first we gotta throw Tea’s phone around and have some comedy hijinks.
(read more under the cut)
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Tea x Cell Phone giving me more energy than Tea x Yugi but that’s actually true of every teenager and their intense relationship with their phone. Accurate. Hell, it’s true of me as an adult.
I also love how they throw this phone in our face just to remind us how neither Yugi has called Tea or how Tea could easily call Kaiba AKA the guy in charge who knows where everyone is, since he’s in their High School phone book, but wtv. We gotta first sort out who’s gonna pick up Serenity from the hospital although her bandages aren’t even off yet.
We’ve already clarified how dangerous this whole tourney is, and the fact that during these finals they might be ground zero for when the world might actually stop functioning entirely, maybe don’t throw your blind sister into the mix? Girl has enough problems right now. Maybe keep her in the hospital preemptively. Y’all are probably going to end up there anyway. She can book you a reservation.
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I do appreciate the Tristan stance in this shot.
Anyway, sensing that the crew might actually do something, Bakura decides to show up and make some mad insane nonsense again. Ah, our wild card, Bakura, our Charlie Kelly.
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Lol What? His big master plan is to feign an injury? (I’m assuming this is fake? But he’s also sweating a whole lot? Maybe they had a fight club behind the scenes that got edited out?) But you know, if you’re gonna try to sell a broken arm then wouldn’t you want to like...wear an sling?
Wtv, we’ve already learned from last season that literally all these people are the very worst boy scouts and would absolutely die in the woods. Apparently they would also absolutely die if they had to administer actual first aid rather than vague card magic. I was kinda thinking that Marik miiiight be a better scout from all his tomb runs, but from the looks of it he’s too busy being as incompetently evil as possible to learn how to tie a simple bandage.
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Nice that Bakura waited until the moment Tristan left to start being shady again. I guess that Bakura also remembers that one time that Tristan hulk-punched him so hard - in the shadow realm where mere mortals should not be able to even move - that God-Mode-Bakura passed out for like 45 minutes.
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I’m a little confused at how this at all works with Marik’s plan, since it’s really not that hard to abduct Grandpa, but o well, this was the plan they went with. They ARE teens after all, and teens kind of live by the mantra of “I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time.” I guess it’s less complicated than making sure he watches a haunted VCR tape.
So off Grandpa goes with Bakura, meaning Gramps is probably going to be a card or some other sort of lifeless husk in a few episodes or so. It was a good run, Gramps.
Honestly, Bakura should just heavily suggest Gramps just go back to work the counter of his Super Gonna Curse You Weasley’s Wizard Wheezly’s, you know, the shop he actually owns. That shop who’s name is canonically “Turtle Game” (good name for a card shop, really gets it across. Great business decision.) And really, it’s been 2 days since he’s stayed open past 9 AM. Does he not pay rent? He seriously might not, we do not know who’s the owner of that house/shop. For all we know it’s Yugi’s Dad who is........somewhere?......
And speaking of missing people, the two most direction-less folks in the universe decided to make this show even longer when they could have easily skipped like 8 episodes if they had just crossed the street. Instead, they’re going to backtrack back to the Shamu exhibit while somehow not overhearing Bakura screaming in his British(?) accent.
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Sometimes I’m impressed by all the well placed irony in this show. Here come the two God-characters of the A-team. One has the infinite reaches of technology, the other has the infinite reaches of dark magic. They can do anything except navigate a map and find their friends who are within I assume a 10-block radius.
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Now I know, I know, Namu’s an actual name people actually have. Much like Mary Jane. Or AceBluntz420. But forgive me, I am from California.
Also I just went down a rabbit hole of K-pop and the only song I could find that said “tree” enough times was “tree of Sephiroth” which was a pretty good banger but not what I was going for. Again, I’m stymied by my naive, elementary level K-pop education. One day I will be a master of K-pop but I am yet just a newbie with a couple of Black Pink and BTS on my Spotify.
One day I will know enough about Kpop to know which of the songs are about romance and which are about weed but alas, I just like looking at the pretty lights and the pretty colors and the fun dancing like a newborn babe.
But anyway, couldn’t help but notice - THAT’S the name he actually chose for himself, huh?
I mean I looked it up and Namu is also a Buddhism reference in Japanese and that’s probably what the show makers were going for, but safe to say, Marik is clearly not a Buddhist. He is literally in charge of a Pharaoh cult. Well, used to be. It seems like Marik’s just out to destroy his own God. He’d be the hero in really any other anime with motives like that. Hm.
Honestly, if it wasn’t for Marik wanting to vaguely rule the world I’d probably side with him completely, lets be real. Pharaoh is kind of a huge problem. And while I do like Pharaoh now, it took me kind of a while, and if Marik showed up S1 I’d be like “Yes, finally, please kill the already dead insufferable ghost.”
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So, Marik decides to become friends with Joey and Tea.
This sure was a lot of work to become friends with Joey and Tea. Did Marik not realize that if they’re also buds with a guy who is possessed by a ghost, they might have low enough standards that he doesn’t need to jump through any hoops?
Marik could have just walked up and said “hey, remember me? From class?” and these two would have been like “yeaaaah” because it’s been so long since they’ve attended that they would have had no idea that he was never enrolled.
Anyways, Pharaoh’s arrived to scream at the top of his lungs about a bomb threat at a theme park.
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Bummer that Mako Tsunami finished his act and I guess went back to his home island on the back of another whale he had parked outside the theme park.
Also it says a lot about what this town goes through that Yugi, shouting about how everyone’s going to die, doesn’t seem to perturb a single member of this audience. They’re just like “shaddup, I’m looking at the large dolphin.”
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The total amount of time that Marik could handle being friends with Tea and Joey : maybe about 30 seconds.
Which makes you wonder why he even bothered with this charade, but maybe he just wanted to get rid of Bakura because that guys kind of a mess.
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And then just when I thought it would never ever actually happen.
It happened.
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I don’t recall any era where non flip-phones had little antennae. I think this was kind of before my time. Good. Finally something on this show that I’m too young for.
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Jokes on this mook for thinking he could ever crush a Nokia with his shoe. Actually impossible. I’m sure there’s Nokias that have outlived being run over by a Jeep.
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Yo my payphones never had digital minute indicators on it. You can even read the numbers on the numpad? And there’s no gum lodged in the coin slot? This is not how I remember payphones.
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Yo second thought, maybe those are 33 seconds and not minutes? Eh, what do I know, I’m a millennial, I don’t really remember how those awful things worked. RIP payphones, you were always spooky and the worst. Like honestly if a ghost Pharaoh would live in anything, it would be a payphone. If you ever had to use a payphone with a phone card, then you’d understand that it’s more an unsolvable puzzle than any puzzle pyramid.
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And I guess that Mokuba just felt left out, so he decided to leave his brother and just wander off by himself on a rooftop where there’d be no witnesses?
Mokuba, why are you on the roof? How does everyone in Domino have roof access? And is the internet so bad in this town that you must be on a roof to get any signal?
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please admire the leg wraps on this guy’s ankles. They’re like high fantasy legwarmers.
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*why ever duel with cards when you can freakin fly*
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WOW, KIDS SHOW. That sure is dangling a small child off a helicopter!
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And like, Mokuba just hangs there for a while--no joke, he’s just hovering in the background of every shot for kicks and I’m just like...how did this kid’s show get made????? The 00′s was a different time.
This past week I’ve been watching my older brother’s 5 kids and so I’ve been watching their TV shows and youknow The Descendants 2 would have been a very different movie with edgy, rogue helicopters in it. Though I will admit Yugioh could do with a couple more dance sequences. (and Yugioh might legit have better fashion than The Descendants 2, why the hell was Cruella DeVil’s son wearing bright red baggy capri shorts to a cotillion ball? Anyway, I’m putting Descendants on my “possibly recap this later” list.)
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I get that the intern who was putting this scene together might not have known about the helicopter incident in the shot right before this when they drew in these people just on the street on their cell but mannnnnnn.
I love the implication that this happens so often to children in Domino that no one freakin cares anymore.
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Reminder that Kaiba refuses to believe in magic and has no idea wtf is going on. Like he knows there’s some yummy cards he wants--that’s it. He doesn’t think this is the end of the world, he doesn’t think anyone here is magic. He just thinks Yugi is a super weird kid from Spanish class who's voice keeps cracking and that Marik is some sort of weird mafia boss. He was not expecting this tourney to become kidnapping central and I mean no one could have predicted this next part either.
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So Marik’s plan, lets just walk through it.
These two loose to Kaiba and Yugi, then these two violently pass out, Pharaoh runs over and shakes up the fat one for a little bit, and then Kaiba and Yugi go to a theme park. These two guys intentionally lost and got beat up for no reason?
And then, he sends the same people who have Already Lost back to Yugi and Kaiba, to use a different deck than the one they used the first time?
Why not use this amazing deck they had the entire time the first time? Why are all of Marik’s plans so roundabout?
I mean I guess they had to lure these two to the roof but not really actually--once you beat Yugi in a game then boom the puzzle is yours so you don’t actually have to...whatever, they’re on a roof and and it’s edgy and it’s scenic and it’s gonna get real Jack Baur on us.
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oh man this workaround to “but they never actually go splat because they die before they hit the bottom” which is infinitely worse than actually just falling down.
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So seeing no other solution, they decide to endanger the lives of hundreds of people and play this exploding rooftop version of Yugioh.
I mean last season we sure did go through a lot of time trying to get Kaiba off a ledge of a tall building and now he’s just...back on that ledge. Well. OK then. These kids and ledges.
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Really was a line in the show that Kaiba listed the only two things these guys have done wrong and it’s like--well they used the wrong deck the first time. That was probably actually a really big thing they did wrong. Also they could have kept Pharaoh in an infinite rock-paper-scissors loop but passed up on the opportunity. TBH these guys make a lot of mistakes but we’ve been over this before, Kaiba can only remember 2 things. Weird that this has become canon, but here we are.
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I guess Kaiba suddenly remembered he had a grudge.
He forgot for a few episodes, but the grudge is back. He must have written it on the back of his hand “don’t forget you hate Yugi” and then when he went to  scratch an itch was like “OMG I can’t believe it, I forgot again!”
That bean.
Anyway, next week, on Yugioh:
Does Kaiba’s helicopters get into a helicopter fight with Marik’s helicopters and keep Mokuba dangling there the entire time? Does Joey get to throw a couple mooks over his shoulder like that time he took on 18 ruffians in a warehouse or will these ruffians be too ruffian even for Jo? Will Tea, after her hearts been consumed by darkness, and she becomes a nobody or a heartless or whatever, realize that she’s dating a dark wizard this entire time so it literally doesn’t matter?
Anyways, I mentioned K-pop so here you go, a moment of happy handsome boy Zen in this overwhelming world.
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