#I bet Tom would be in awe 🤩
@hotdismylife said: “Hiiii, i was wondering if you could do an ewan x fem!reader where reader is part of the hotd cast and everyone ships her with ewan since they are very affectionate together, besides that they complement each other very well and you can see how ewan's eyes shine every time he sees her (they have a crush on each other). Please 🥺🥺, I think you are so good in what you write 🤩.”
Of course! And thank you! 🥰 For more Ewan Mitchell/Aemond Targaryen + other HOTD characters/actors requests, submit it through my ask box 💚
On Set Husband and Wife [Ewan Mitchell x Fem!Reader]
Summary: You play the role of Adryana Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen’s twin sister and wife (also made up by me :) ). The two of you often get teased by your fellow costars, especially Tom and Phia who play your siblings, that you act like a married couple already. You and Ewan are extremely affectionate towards each other, but you just think it’s only a crush and he will never return the feelings you have for him….
You laid on the couch in your trailer with your eyes closed, taking a break from filming. You loved working on the set of House of the Dragon but the corset dresses were making it hard to breathe at times.
You played the role of Adryana Targaryen, the twin sister and wife to Aemond Targaryen (A/N: she is made up, not canon at all to ASOIF 💚). It was a break through role for you playing a fairly major character to the series along with House of the Dragon being part of a bigger franchise. You got along fairly well with all of your cast members, especially the man who played your on set husband: Ewan Mitchell.
You groaned a bit hearing a knock at your door. “Come back later!”
“Oh really? I thought you wanted a coffee.” You heard the voice through the door.
You opened your eyes when the door began to open and a wide smile came onto your lips at the sight of Ewan.
“I do want coffee.” You sat up a bit and thanked him for the cup of coffee, looking down at it with furrowed brows. You blew a bit of the steam before taking a sip, smiling over at Ewan. “Are you excited to be filming today?”
“Always,” Ewan replied, plopping on the couch next to you with his own coffee. “Especially because I get to be with my favorite girl.”
“Awe,” You whispered with a soft smile before taking another sip of your coffee.
Ewan chuckled while he pulled you close, already in his Aemond costume and makeup. He was only missing the eyepatch. “I just wonder if Tom has another bet going on today.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at that although the smile stayed on your lips. Tom often made bets to see if you and Ewan would get together by the end of the day. You found it pretty amusing.
“We will just have to wait and see,” You said with a giggle, looking back down at your coffee.
“Y/N! We need you back on set!” You heard a stagehand call while knocking on your door. “And I’m pretty sure I saw Ewan come in there too! We need him as well!”
You leaned back into Ewan a bit, groaning. “I know if we go out there together, Tom is going to say something.”
Ewan chuckled with a small smirk as he leaned down kissing the top of your head. “A little teasing is fine. Come on.”
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You had a soft smile on your lips as you watched them set up the soundstage for the throne room scene, taking your place between Ewan and Phia. You looked down as Ewan pulled you close with a small smile while you waited for the scene to finish getting set up.
“I heard you two were hiding in the trailer this morning,” Tom spoke up in a teasing tone.
You giggled and shook your head. “Ewan was only bringing me coffee.”
“Mmhmm…sure….” Tom said with a small smirk.
“Are you sure it was more than just coffee?” Phia added and giggled as your face turned red. “I think the two of you should just get together already. You would make a cute couple, you already act like one.”
“Well of course we act like one, I play his wife,” You said with a teasing tone.
Ewan chuckled and kissed the side of your head before he clasped his hands behind his back.
“Ewan and I were talking about going to the pub tonight if you ladies care to join. We could shit talk about those damn blacks,” Tom offered smiling over at you and Phia.
You smiled lightly and opened your mouth to politely decline before Phia spoke up. “We would love to!” She exclaimed holding onto your arm lightly and smiled over at you with a wink and a giggle.
You smiled and turned your head away before you got into place, clasping your hands in front of you. You had gone out a couple of times with the cast, but you couldn’t help but get butterflies in your stomach knowing Ewan was going to be there.
You stood beside Ewan, a wide smile on your lips as you took a sip of your drink. The pub was as lively as ever on a Friday night.
“I didn’t tell you that you looked lovely tonight, Y/N,” Ewan said softly in your ear so you could hear him with the music being quite loud.
You looked up at him with a soft smile. “Thank you!” You called back.
Ewan chuckled and smiled while looking over you. You were wearing a pair of jeans with a blue silk top and a black leather jacket over it. You were not blind to the looks he was giving you and it seemed as though Tom wasn’t either.
"How about you and Mitchell go around the dance floor?" Tom suddenly suggested.
"What?" You asked, looking over at the blonde.
Ewan chuckled and shook his head. He took your drink from your hands and set it down before taking your hand and leading you to the dance floor. It wasn't a slow song, but he wrapped his arms around your waist, yours going around his neck.
A wide smile came onto your lips as you looked into his blue eyes, a slight sparkle in his eyes. "You know we're going to hear about this tomorrow," You said teasingly.
"Oh, I know," Ewan replied with a smirk and a laugh. "I'm pretty sure Tom is taking a video of us," He whispered in your ear, keeping you close.
You smiled as you closed your eyes, laying your head on his shoulder. "Let him take a video. It will make this night last longer."
Ewan hummed as he kept you close, closing his eyes while he laid his head lightly on top of yours. It felt as though no one else was there but the two of you.
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You thanked Ewan for the glass of water, the two of you deciding to spend the night at your temporary flat. You wrapped a blanket around yourself, smiling when he sat next to you.
"Did you have fun tonight, love?" Ewan asked smiling as he looked over you while taking a sip of his own water.
You nodded with a small smile. "Thank you for dancing with me. I'm sure Tom is looking forward to showing me the video tomorrow," You said shaking your head.
Ewan chuckled and nodded. He looked down at his water with furrowed brows before taking a deep breath. "I've actually been meaning to ask you something, Y/N," He began, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
You tilted your head curiously, noticing how nervous he was. "You know, you can ask me anything, Ewan," You said with a soft smile.
"I know." Ewan chuckled lightly and smiled looking over at you. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out. No cast, especially no Tom, just me and you."
You stared at him before realizing what he was asking you, a smile settling on your face. "Are you asking me out on a date, Mitchell?"
"Of course, I understand if you say no, it was just...." Ewan began to stumble upon his words.
You giggled and took his hand so he could look at you, his eyes showing you how nervous he was. You leaned over and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "I would love to go on a date with you, Ewan."
You felt the butterflies in your stomach when you said yes. Being on House of the Dragon has given you so many wonderful opportunities and that included meeting someone who would start as your on-set husband but then become something more over time.
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