#I assume Yata wouldn't care about changing his last name it's the first he worries about
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Hello, Ridia! What do you think, if Yata changes his name, will his friends and family accept the change?
I’m assuming we’re talking first name here (I don’t think he has anything against his last name)? The biggest issue would probably be with his parents, I think Homra would be supportive of Yata changing the name he hates and anyway, it’s not like anyone uses that name for him except Anna and she certainly wouldn’t complain. His mom might be a little upset I think, assuming she picked that name with an actual reason in mind and I’m sure she never intended for Yata to be embarrassed about it or anything. Honestly I think that part would probably require some dialogue between them, Yata asking why she chose this name so he can make a decision with the full situation in mind, knowing that it might hurt his mom that he doesn’t like his name. If it’s something she just chose more on a whim I think she’d be less upset about him changing it but if there was real meaning there Yata should probably know that before he changes his name, so he knows how to approach things if he still wants to go through with it. I think she’d ultimately be supportive (especially if we were talking a situation like Trans!Yata too, where he’s changing his name because the girly name triggers his dysphoria) though it might take her some getting used to her son’s new name.
Fushimi I could see being a little torn on it too, just because he’s so used to calling Misaki by that name and I think it does somewhat signify a bond for him. We know Fushimi hates his own name too but he always lets Yata say it and I think it was a source of pride for him especially as a kid, that he’s the only one Misaki is close enough to that he gets to use Misaki’s first name. Post-ROK when they’re friends again I could see Yata actually talking with him about this first, like he’s been thinking about changing his name for a long time and what does Saruhiko think. Fushimi would probably be a little stubborn about it at first, like Misaki is Misaki, but once he’s sure that Yata’s still not gonna let just anyone use his new first name that calms Fushimi down, as long as he gets to keep his pride of place he doesn’t care what name Yata uses.
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